HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-06-28, Page 6!, 4 ,r•
" ••••. ,•••••
rigaminning essay in the
nsored by the Iinfon.
nf Agriculture in eoli-
th its annual phi day.
fitnice Dilling, Kippen)
ur,oe the Indian s paddle dipped
Aaharaplain to the Huron lands,
1i4Sels bring their wheaten loads
the people of far distrant
• Pandin" —Anon.
e',nanie •Iluren was derived from
.,,O.;•'!Freneh word Hure. It was ap-
70404 by the French. to the Indian
tribes occupying that part of the'
eteraintry in Upper Canada which bes
• carte known as Huronia: Lake Hur
en took its name from them tient the
Cennty,,,, whose....westere bowfin' it
tor*s, Was named after the leke.
Huron County was part of the Hur-
on ;Tract, a block of land containing
• about one million actes which was
purbhe,sed fram the Crown in, 1828
for..87e per acre. It was bought by
• the Canada Company, a group of Eng:
lisb, capitalists. John Galt was the
'Originator of this county, in which
Many titled gentlemen. were iniluen•
Dr. Chase's Ointment
for Cho fin Skin Irritations, Eczema
• '
tial shareholders: In 180 the Comity,
of Huron pame into being, although..
fur about nine years it was knOwn as
the District of Huronand contained
parts of Perth and Middlesex. Godee
rten, the heaclomirtere: of the Canada
Company, was and still is, the Coune
ty Town.
*Many of the officials of the coat -
any gave their names to the town-
ships of the new county, such as Hay,
Hulittt, Stante3n: Stephen,
Isuckersthith and Usberne. Wawan-
th. however, is an Indian name. In
1835 the population of Huron was
only 1,016, but by 1871 it haditiereas-
ee to 66,166, much more than the
40,824 of today. '
Two men who were prominent in
rue early history os Huron County
were Dr. William. (Tiger) Dunlop,
wiedge -home was in Goderich, and
Col. Anthony• Van Egmond, -who built
his home overkioking the Bayfield
River in. Egmondville, which village
was named in his honour. Dr. Dun
lop was a very picturesque figure. His
nickname came from a narrow escape
he had: while in India When he •Saved
his life by dashing the ',.coittents of
his snuff box into the face of a tiger.
In 1828 the first road was cut
through the forest connecting Gode-,
• rich with Toronto via Guelph. This•
'was called the Huron Road and was
built under the direction of Col. Van
,Egniond. At one time he kept twenty-
tour-ncrse teams on that road bring-
ing immigrants who bought the land
at $1.50 to $2.5() per acre. The .next
road ran from Goderich to London and
was called the London Road. About
3852 Brucefield was settled and roads
were cut from there to Hayfield. the
estate of. a 'Belgian noblerhan, and
• Seaforth and 'northern points. A
lake -shore road j.oiried Goderich to
Grand Bend. Alt these roads had toll
gates. A stretch of original corduroy
road being lifted near :Dashwood
shows that they built well. Our fine
highways of today follow these
routes. The three railroads built
from 1852 to 1872 are still in opera-
tion; although bus service, trucks and
004t01'40`0,a0:1),aile, 4ut.407000,,Act
ber -941044,,
44.4. irei)ert-
aut ithateehoele and. thlAreheg. were
leiRgat,Mati built before there were
Tr% giOr'Or 9r" gOnOgattan,'440
141% • 4.4 was tr4e.
of Vander -
f�ur rttqr .-Today 144
.ktiktusGeodelift. .01intok Sea-
• • em4ave firat-class
Institutes 'mut, under •the
new 004991 area plan, are absorbing
the mailer bin* , and continuation
schoote eine-AU Onset to give greater
aervice.. Their -graduates Wife won
bonour and fame, in many different
lines. Mention must be 'Made here
of the !Mous Clinton Radio 'School
with pupils from every country .in the
• The current history of Huron is well
known and shows the people must
have inheritedernany of the excellent
qualities of their ancestors who .were
mainly English, Scotch and Irish.
Huronites 'should „be forever grateful
to those gallant pitaneers, of whom an
.early •poet, probably Galt or Dunlop,
wrote 'these sympathetic lines: -
"From the lone shielding inethe,liaisty
Mountains divide us and the waste of
seas, e.
Yet still the blood is strong, the heart
is Highland
And' we in dreams behold the'Hibrides
Fair these broad meads—these hoary
wooda.'"are, grapd.
But we are eelles from our father's
Pa.10 0
?WE I 02•ACC:
"Oa* •wutes frim the *
reale ...dila emaditkai;
lcaa$..at ha.dorha
.heumatc disturbed red,: D.dd's
coidebicai 0.110 asI 9#04001:
dials wkicli aCidirie4117.
and *eat regahr-06m0 IOW
Crit Iciija4 Pith tads*, 13$,"
A pleasant. afternoon was! spent at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton
Levy; of the Kippen Road, on Wed-
nesday, June 12, whep some -thirty
friends and neighbors gathered to
present their daughter with some
gifts prior to her marriage. Atter
games and contests were enjoyed;
Margaret was asked to take a cnair
in the centre of a large circleof
friends. Mrs, Cecil Oke rend the fol-
lowing address': Dear Margaret:
On some day soon, we understand,
You'll hear the wedding bell,
So we, your friends and neighbors,
Have come to wish you 'well.
You've turned a page rin Life's big book,'
We 'wish you joy. indeed;
The best of health and happiness
Is what we hope you'll read. •
And if at times scene things:go wrong,
You can be then assured
That joy tastes sweeter after pain,
Because yau 'have eedured.
Teisten, GirLs
Listen, and I'll tell you a secret, dears,
On a subject I've carefully studied for
Deeply engrossing for tongue and for
The fashion and failings and foibles
of' men:
They hate to be fussed, and they love
to be fed; '
The'Vhate to be driven, but all can
And iflyou are careful, far-seeing and
You first can suggest what they will
• later advise.
Now out of their. wisdom they'll coun-
sel apace,
i'rt's'Ir':::;;; • er
Foie kw, acme" 24774'd
FOR &warm Awooness Pooreg
of FOR FASTER Plat -0P
FOR gerreR mama,
Every gallon of Supertest gasoline is double-checked at the
_refinery and again in the laboratory for those qualities which
• mean livelier life and better all -'round performance for your car.
Super :Duty motOr oil is double-checked, too every drop
packed with -protection for all moving parts pf your car. It
is the ideal lubricant to go with Supertest gasoline for a
greater measure of trouble-free 4rhring., .1
raw? eordowoltir
Bu k4Va Just' ' •
/Mar face, •
ITO4 aen What4 44041-.4*,
whatever 04 earp,
• got their.NelAPI, WAY; . .
11-YetWii tilftleaLitaleging ,they halie
They Aro .Idnafiant And 44190 an
But useful eoMnallicets, WhateverUf
trRublOOPMe thinge, •
Be tender end tactful and mUsIng, and
do. whatever YOU like to us,
with Men.
—Eleanor Marsh
gm. Fred Fenner.* Baron Road, en-
tertained ithe • Thckersinith Ladiee'
Club at her home on Wedhesday, June
12, There were 11..mernbers, Ore visi-
tors and live children present. The
meeting opened WI Singing the
ing ode, followed by the Lord's titay-
er, after which "The Old Grey Mare"
was sung.' Lois °rich-aed as Seem:.
Lary and read the •minutes of the last
Meeting. The roll call wee answered
by a question box. A picnic was sug-
gested, and was left In charge of the
social committee.. "Juanante" was
then sung. Mrs. E. Crich conducted
a eotiple of contests. Therewas a
• demonstration pn proper table setting
and good and bad manners. The meet-
ing closed by all repeating the Home-
• makers' Prayer. A eocial time -,wae
spent together,..followed by a pot -luck
Five acres with buildings on. High-
way No. 8, °wiled by John V. Flynn,
have been sold. to Herbert Smale, of
Staffa, with Ammediate possession.
Mrs. William Lane attended the
funeral ot her mother, Mrs. Mary
Phelan, at Blyth.
Mr. _ and •Mrs. William Curtin and
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Horan attended
the funeral ot Mrs, Edward Horan in
Stratford on Wednesday.
This community was' visited by a
very fine' shower on Sunday last,
which was a great benefit to the gar-
den's and -Crop's' at large. Rain was
very much needed and the growth 0
Quite naticeable,especially in ' the
gardens. •
Mr. James Seett, is at present not
quite so well as a few weeks
We hone fora speedy' 'change ,for the
A• few of the citizens attended the
enniversary serviCes at Thames Road
oe Sabbath last.
The Cromarty quartette went 'to
Constance on Sunday last to take
part 'in the sPecial 'services. .We are
proud of our quartette 'and We know
thatthe people of Constance were not
disappointed when . they heard them
,'The Ladles' Aid has taken it upon
themselves to renovate theeinterior of
'the basement of the cbutele.withea-
ePat of paint; which was much need-
ed, 'and which looks very much: bet-
ter. They intend sometime in the
near future to hang out their -"shin-
gle." It is certainly a great improve-
ment and a great 'credit to their ef-
forts as amateur8..
W. M. S. Meets -„
Mrs. George Wheatley presided at
the June meeting of the W.M.S. of
Duits Church, when they entertained
the Baby Band at the Manse on
Thursday afternoon. The meeting op-
ened by 'singing Hymn 609, followed
by the Scripture lesson taken by Mrs.
George, Campbell. Prayer was offers
ed by Mrs. George Wheatley. The roll
call was responded to by "My favor-
ite hymn." Readings were given by
Mrs, Gotdon.Papple, Mrp. R.M. Scott
and Mrs. Eldon Kerr. Mrs. Patton
and. Mr. Joseph.. Patton sang a duet,
which , was' Very much enjoyed. The
guest ,,speaker, Mrs. Keitli Webster,
Presbyterial Secretary of the Baby
Etand, was then introduced by Mrs.
Hillebrecht. She told the children a
very interesting story, afterwards dis-
tributing "Stories Per the Little Folk"
to the cnildree. Birthday greetings
and Baby Band diplomas were also
presented to members .of the . Baby
Band: Mrs, C. Henderson moved a
hearty vote of thanks -to-Mrs. Web-
ster for her inspiring meigage. A
welcome song wasthen sung by mem-
bers'. of the MissionBand. Hymn 623
was sung and Mrs. Patton led in
prayer. Lunch was served at the
close of the meeting.
Mr4, W‘ Rew, waynp
ItTO VW, ge In, 'Sarnia,
in Ott' and 7:4140,r this week,
Mr._ feadfoet; of Tueltaramith,
apent Week -end 'W$th • Hr.. 9,10
*re, Harold Connell. •
Irtey; Holmes. Hector,. of' at,
loAhtt'a' 4-ugi4eall,. Chllreh, given' an
address manaliere Of the
en ,Sunday, June 30, at 7.4.,
10, And We. Stockton, of '.0range,
chelifernia, are guests at the of
Mr. and M.
Mrs. Wtn, of--lappeh.; andelit-
dangliter, Elalee, CeMnanY with
Mr. Cole Called Tuesday on the lat-
ter's Mig. Beatty and Miss' Mos-
Mies Florence Smith, after a fort-
night vacation, has taken a position
Mr. and. Winthrop.Mrs: ilforrh3on and little
Ohildi of Kitchener, accompanied by
the fOrmer's • mothere Mrs Le ;Morri-
awn-elan of .1Citelbener, were ifeek-end
guests 'at the home of Mr, Tittitt Mrs.
M. Elliott
' Mr. and Mrs, Harold Weston and
family, of Detroit, are spending their
xacation with friends in •the Village.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toms, ,of De-
troit, are the guests of the former's
mother, Mrs. E. Toms. "
Mrs. J. Sturgeon, Sr., and Mrs..' J.
Sturgeon, Jr., and son, Binnie, left on
Friday last to visit friends in Port
.Mr. and 'Mrs. Gerald Crane and
babe, of Detroit, are the guests of
the former's aunt, Miss Elizabeth,
Mr. Keith feeonard, of Toronto,
.spent the week -end with Mrs. E.
'Rev, Mr. Stotesbury was at. Cam-
lachie over the week -end .where he
took charge of the anniversary ser-
vices at his' son's -charge. there, his
son, Mr. Douglas StotesburY, taking
the services in Hayfield.
Mra, N. W. Woods and Mr. Ewing
Buchan spent the week -end. In Dunn-
Messrs, Bob Hallowell and Bob Gib,.
son, of Guelph, are at the Hallowell
cottage. •
Mr. and .Mrs. Edward Weston, of
Goderich, 'have' taken rooms at • Mrs,
E. l'oms for the summer.
The National Clothing Drive will be
held in Varna and eommtlirity on
June 24 and 25. Callectors,have been
appointed, so have.. your bUndles
ready; then on Wednesday, June 2i,
the ladies are melted to come to the
• -•;r,•• utraird• +dr 'pack. -
•Mr. George "Johnston and, Mr. ,fl.,
M.' Peek Made a trip'",14.„PoCt Eight
en Ptiday leet. .
„Megan, tt. Stephen:eon, George
Held anitT Poak vrott to GadtPli
ono .fity pmelitly. 'and rietted the
Mr. and Mrs. Soper and family: of
Strafferdyille, were • week -end guests
at the him* Of:Mr Old *6*-vUaroi
Soper; , "
/Ate and- llfre.„. rt A.Uatin suit
family. of Londeabero, event OUndaY
with the fOrinWa.t Metter,
• Mr, W. eouitice iso4.‘fgaged fttr
the bitta*er with Mr. Lee ideConne.t.
Mrs. M. ...Reid,: M. Vinitor, Hrit
pelbi,as 'Hoseop and Ws. M. G.
'Heattk,:af Off W.A. •of St. John's
• Church, atraiRhni the' annual avrIngt,
meeting 'of the Huron Deattenr._,h010
Trivitt iMentorlat Church, Exeter,
• on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grieve, of Sea -
forth', were renewing acquaintances
in the village a Sunday. 1
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Our lakes this summer are
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Ontario profits- alinost Every tourist dollar is
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