HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-06-28, Page 5a
Gran,(, i P44Te summer ttea on, 'prom•
listingto ',belt).* •biggest in.the pgpullatr,
liesii+ t Ut . $oi y,, -. dot otic to a gala.
*tart with,. the official .opening 'at
ILakevievq'a ino on aSatn'dWy night..
Featured. star of the opening was
.Gordon Dela,mont, whobrought his
'pax'klin;g danoe band; for the (fleet
time to Western • Ontario after com-
pleting a. top-natctl' iband assignment
ox the Lido Deck, Brant Inn, Burling-
ton. With, a one recorai 'ibebind . hinm
in Toronto. and • Burlington,, Gerdpn_
and This `'band were an instant' success
at the Casino.
A native Vaneouverite ` the . band-
leader isa friend of ether notewdr-
thy Westerners, including Mart Ken -
"my, Art Hallman and Stan Patton,
And they'll s1;ay healthy too
Blatehford'a Chick Starter
3teepir 'em healthy..-makea
' them grow aeter--erasures
vitality -'and pays me bigger
NO111= Suwagthened.With.. Pita Dins.
vita newa e greeter
' tofaitiini
seedite, ut. tes autritia n!
F_cIs TO 7d TAR°„7.:TO
We also handle the ,;following
Blatchford Feeds; Poultry Con
oentrate, ,i oultry Mash 'Pellets,
. Calf Meal and Calf Meal' Pellets,
Pig Starter, Hog Grower and. Hog
Concentrate, Dairy Concentrate,
Oil Cake Meal and Chick Starter.
Acme 170-W : .Seaforth
Do you want
• ,A -NE. HOUSE?
We can't supply you ,with a
newly -built .house, but we can
supply you .with the means of
making your old house look
• Iilse a new'onse
In next -to -no -time. your old
• lei -use cart be made to ° look
like new. See us today; ",.
Variety Store
Seaforth; Ont..
c o M p am pa p'J'
"Theri btparint•topaine.right"
Mr ei� +ant w•
it* at one
PattAn'n'�Arat > trutariter•,3d •,..
ranger, Ile is a e+oion, A a 'i+�a. :
.0444 iy, fes hl� Bailee', •Airco d the
15itelland Stint ' whin ` *OD,
1141:44X tv0/4 -Ane. work* band at the
hicago World"s Fair in, i,,,023, ` aud;
:•gain et.. the New Vero. Worid'a fir
Ix► 1$$9,
' Gordon won xratlo ei holnora ata
trumpet soloist at lire .Caaadiaa 'bia-
tional Exhibition in 1942, later 1oltred
the Britis}i Isles. and. won honors at
the Crystal Palace, Landon, Besides
-leading his own orohestl^a, lle now•
plays solo on Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation programai.`
ahiaffy Earning
Picnics at Park
Approximately eighty members qof
the Me affy family gathered. for their
ninth annual reunigsr picnic • at the
Lions Club Park, Seaforth, on Satur-
day, June 15., A program of sports
had been arranged by the committee:
Tom Bingham,. Gordon Aikens; John.
Templeman and Wes. Mahaf[y, and
was presented during the •afternoon.
,Following is a list of the, wl.nnela;
Boys and girls, 5 years. and under,
Helen Barbour, Muriel„Switzer; girls;
6 .to 8 years, Blanche Switzer. Ruth
MacLean; girls, 13 to 15 years, Gladys
Switzer-; young ladies: running •race,
Mrs. Lorne Hay, Gia. Aikens; young
men's, running race, Cli:ord Aikens,
'George Chowen; women throwing
rolling pin at dummy, Mrs. ;Emma
Parrish;, men kicking the slipper,
Harper Kraemer; women's :soap re-
lax, Margaret Templeman's team;
man with the baldest head, Frank
Harris; men's tug-of-war, .,Ross Dil-
ling's team; boys' 'or ' men's boxing
match, Cecil billing; youngest person
present, Harold Switzer; oldest per-
son present, Joseph Linton. A short
ball game completed the sport activi-
ties for the day. •
During the supper hour a business
meeting µas held. Because of the
absence . of the president„ Nelson
Mabaffy, the vide -president, Bert
Mahaff ' was .4n -charge: -The-following
officers •'were elected for the coming
year:• President, Stuart Brown; vice-
president, Cecil' DiTIing;• : s-ecretary-
treasurer, Ethel Mahaffy;, sports com-
'niittee, Mr: and Mrs. Clarence Swit-
zei•. Alvin Barbour and Harper. Krae
mer. A vote et thanks was extended
to the retiring executive.
, A. letter was received by the secre-
tary, Hazel billing, from, Mrs. Edith
Hodgons . and son, Edwin, of Saska-
toon, Seek., expressing their beet
Wishes for a successful 1946 reunrsn.
' Members .of the--Mahaffy • family -
were present from . Cromarty, •M.t-
ehell, Staffs, St, Marys, Kippen, Lon-
don, Brucefield, • Bayffleld, St. Pauls,
Dublin, Detroit and Munro.
(Continued from Page 1) . •
ed over by the latter., It o.pened with
a chorus by the children, "The Strife
is O'er,” This was -followed by a
Scripture reading and .prayer by Mr.
Ferguson: Mr.. Brook then made an
explanatory statement about the Roll
of Honour which was unveiled by War
Veterans Thomas Slierritt and Stew-
art Pepper, .who also read the names:
Orville Buchan_ Cecil Dilling, John
McLaren, James Park,,,.,4rthur Parker,
Gordon Parker, Wilbur Parker; Thos.
Sherritt, Stewart Smillie, William
Wilkinson, Thomas Wilkinson, James
Murray, Robert Murray, John 'Clark,
Wilmer Dalrymple; Elton Fairbairn,
Preston Lemon, Stewart Pepper, Mur-
ray'-Traqu .ir, Donald Walker, Donald
A responsive service of dedication,
beautiful in its simplicity, was con-
cluded with prayer 'by Mr, Ferguson.
Mr. Brook delivered a most appropri-
ate address, after which the ceremony.
closed with the singing of the Nations.
s.1 Anthem and the benediction.
A -.social hour followed ' while the
ladies. of the section served a de-,
licious and bounteous lunch. It. was
regretted two.' names Were .not'receiv-
ed in time, these••, Of Nursing , Sister
Mary Buchanan and Mr. Willard Buch-
anan, These will be a'aded immedi-
ately. The names were beautifully in-
seribed in Old English script by Miss
Margaret Sangster; of Hensall.
Those in' charge -Of arrangements
for this affair wish to thank each and
everyone. who so capably and willing-
ly helped to -make it a•success.
"This Canada of Ours," stressing par-
ticularly the .wonderful opportunities,
afforded here for our , young people.
Given ,in characteristic manner; it
was enthusiastically received byethe
large audience.
The remainder of the program. was
as follows: Vocal duet, Mr. W. A.
e invite farmers to discuss
. with us their financial requirements.
Your particular case may call for
a loan with special terms and
arrangements, Many requirements
Can be met by Farm Improvement
Loads..Ask us for the details.
s AtCliti`H B1IANOHI
�Sk4i1^10 , oti>� eel
0#0i.Mr Will l ei "v4&al 0,9 %,
it Tbonlo 00.1tttr AAO saga; I\lliege
Margaret�n Pougell, vocal e,910, I Mr;
Benson $t04,40 .0,111 ' aw Ogee, Miss.
'ogee Broderioki reading, Miss Mat-
tie Ellie. Meg;. ,$'mitt, Mra, Brode
:i*c*, . tiers Veber, Miss Doug_ali and
Mew StQuennar#,' acted as acconnparllsta;.
ThollPtveiling. and dedication ser-
vice,•prepare by. Rev. R. A. Broolt
-•ild lea,P. Fergirson, Was pxesad-
miss Margalxet 'Volume; of Kung;
atop, ie the guest, of her sister-in-law,
Mrs, David Valume. Mr, and Mrs.
•Gallaher and babe, of Kingston, also
spent the week -end, with .Mrs. Volume.
Mr. Jamep Rebinaon has disposed'
•of itis grodejry and restaurant business
to Mr. Maynard ,Corrie, of Stratford.
Mr. Corrie is a veteran of this war,
having served in the R.C.A.F., and
previous to enlistment had a fruit and
vegetable market in Stratford.
Funeral of Joseph W. Campbell
The funeral of the late Joseph -'Wil--'
son Campbell was held on Saturday
June 22; at a p.m.' from Duff's. United
Church, Walton, with • Rev. R. G:
• Hazlewood officiating, During' the.
service Mips Lois 'Whitney, of Sea -
forth, sang "Jesus is. Tenderly Call-
ing:" The pallbearers were Messrs.
George Fox, David Sholdice, George
Love, Jr., Andrew 'Coutts, Douglas
Ennis and W. C. Bennett. The flower
bearers were Jack and James Mc -
Ewing, Watson and Leslie Reid, Ed-
ward, Charles and Kenneth Young,
Thomas. Lloyd, Bert Pepper,' Kenneth
Rogers' and Graham 'Sholdice. Inter-
ment was made.. in Maitle,ndbank
cemetery. - '
Mark 25.th • Anniversary
A delightful affair .was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Schil-
-be; -Kippen,-- on Saturday, June 22,
when members of their family, rela-
tives and neighbors numbering forty
gathered at their home .to celebrafe
with• them •theie twenty-fifth wedding
anniversary. The event was a com-
plete The
to Mr. and 'Mrs. Schil
be. The house decorations were in
pink and white streaniees, the 'table
being centered ,with 'a wedding cake.
Mr. and. Mrs. Sehilbe were remember-,
ed with gifts of silver from the mem-
bers of their family, and earde, flow-
ers and money from relatives and
neighbors. 'Many • 'messages of'.con-
gratulations and telephone' calls were
received during the ,day. Members of
the family and relatives were pres-
ent from Exeter, London, Zurich,
Dashwood acrd Varna.
Mr, and Mrs, ''Murray Atkinson, of
Hamilton;- spent the week -ego with
Rev. G. F. N, Atkinson.
Miss Elizabeth- Scott is spending a
time at herold home.
Mrs. Mary 'McKenzie is visiting„her
daughter, Mrs. A. Moore. . &„
Miss Ina Scott is visiting relativies
in the village.
,'Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock
in Hensall.
Neat Sunday, June 30, Rev. Mr. At-
kinson will preach his farewell ser-
Mrs: C. Dutot and Pte. L. Dutot,
whe recently returned from overseas.
spat:the. week-end-•winceM•r-1-atnd-M-rsr
A. Dutot.
Mr'i.... J. Grainger spent •aeday re-
cently with Mrs. Roes at Auburn.
Miss G. -Marks: is spending* a few
days, at Arthur McQueen's.
Mrs: L. McAsh spent a few days
in London:
Mrs. Moir is visiting Mrs. J. Moody.'
Sunday, June ' 30. is •the Sunday
School anniversary. There will be
special music in the morning by the
children's choir.. ” '
On July 2 there will be a concert
in -the church shed by the CKNX
Ranch Boys , from Wingham.
, Over forty ladies were present at
a combine meeting of the W.A. and
W.M.S., held at the home of Mrs. Ed.
Johns, Exeter. Mrs. George Davis was
the' leader in charge. The meeting
opened by singing the 'hymn, "What
a Friend We Have in Jesus," and all
repeated the Lord's' Prayet. Mrs.
Phil Hein read the Scripture lesson;
MrseNewton Clarke read a poem, and
Mrs. H. Ford gave a reading- Con-
siderable business was dealt with by
the presidents. It was decided to sell
sandwiches at the ,,.CItNX concert in
the church shed on July 2. Rirth. Skin-
ner, president of the Red. Cros9, made
arrangements for the collection .of
used clothing. A lovely lunch of ice
cream and cake was ••served by the
group under Leader Ars. C. Brock to
the ladies and children.
Mrs. Dodsworth arid Mrs. Robinson,
of London, spent Monday with the
former's mother, Mrs. 49. Smith.
Master Nelson -Ball, of Clinton, is
visiting his grandmother, Mrs. 'Kas-
Mrs. Walper• and children, •of Exe-
ter, spent Sunday With her parents,
Mr. and Mr's. E. Chiller. •
Mr. and Mrs. A. Austin, of Lotadetl-
boi'o, accompanied by his son and
daughter, spent Suhday with the for-
mer's mother and Russell"
Mr. _William, Robinson, of Fuilarton,
Cal., visited last week with his els-
ter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. M,: Elliott and
Mrs. Stelek 'has returned after
spending some time with friends. in
" !Mr, and Mrs. John Il`: Harnwell,
former residents of Varna, Celebrat-
ed their fiftieth wedding anniversary
'qule'tiy ate their • home lie C14sderioh.
lire. M. Reid Mid ilk's;•, 'Diluter, els-
ters of ,Mr's. .Barnwell, and Mr,, O.
Ohuter and Mr, (George Clarkewere
in :atte'r-6'1'0e. •Vir. l~Iarnw;nll, Wight
school int •Var'na at the time of his
•T ?f V f4 'N} -e Kt
St J4baitl .. rclr aattendeil:
the joinW,4,,ot ;
t�xqu4Cts'u' •�rn} e o4.•,kyiptF; /:`, jay*e 1
anti tt, yQlr�]'?SA, a�M FQ. o c}oll '
ai St, 'aiiros. ,,;Ka'e 4 • 4lendid reppt'x:.
Of ..a rtual w „Awe ' � d 3u Lopdo i
Afteer •1y,,hi4h• lunch lvd4t ,Warred by ilia;
XadiQe of 1 'ieity 1laruirolr at the homes
fif Mrs:,
ConstanceCorg1nt114i'' will hold .a
Opine in Liana )Park;, Seaforth, on
Friday- afternoon,; June . 28. Everyone.
we1cotne.w . ,
The annual tbankoffering meeting
of the W.M.S. was held' in the• sehopl
room of the church. op"'hursday, June
2Q., with a good attendance. Londes-
boro and Burns' societies. were guests
at dais meeting Mre. $, $. Stephen -
'son and Mrs, 'Chas. 1Dexter were at
the door to, welcome them. Mrs. E.
Adams took charge of the meeting.
Following, silent prayez' the Apostles'
Creed was read in unison. The hynsu,
"Unto the Hills" was sung with prayer
Eby Mrs. Wm. Britton, Mts. A. D. Pen-
naan and Mre. E.' A,dards. Mrs. P:
Lindsay welcomed the ggests to the.
meeting; Mrs. Earl Lawson read the
Scripture lesson, and a; quartette was.
sung by Betty Addison, Geo. Mcfl
wain, Fred Buchanan. and Mary Addi-
son,. accompanied by their, •teachei,
Miss Downey. The hymn, ":pine Give
Thee But Thine Own,:' was sung by
Mrs, B. B. Stephenson, , and Mrs, Gee.
'MeIlwain took up the collection. Miss
Doreen" Armstrong,; of Lpndesboro,
sang "What Will*You Do With Jesus"
and -'-Miss Phyllis Shepherd, Burns,
played an instrumental, Mrs. W. Brit-
ton, Mrs. B. B. Stephenson, Mrs. G.
McIiwaiz and ,,Mrs. Leo Stephenson..
sac "I i1m Listening:" 'Mrs
g tenf
ng: . Harald
Snell, of Auburn, was the•guest speak-
er and brought a very interesting
message on "Thanksgiving and Our
Responsibilities," and said that more
things are wrought by prayer than
this world dreams of. *Mrs. Britton:
thanked the ladies for their splendid:
attendance and read a' poem. The
meeting was closed with prayer • by
Mrs. Snell. Lunch was served, after
which 'Miss Young, of Londesboro,
gave a few well-chosen words, ex-
pressing her appreciation *of 'the fine
afternoon spent as one great family.
Mrs.,,#(elland McVittie, replied.
Mrs. Jack Ferguson, • of Goderieh,
spent a few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Jowett.
. Miss Barbara Morley, of Pleasant
Ridge, Mich., is the guest of her
aunts, the Misses Morley.
• Mr. and Mrs.. James' R. Forbes, ,of
Waterford, are spending a few days
at the Albion Hotel. •
'L/Cpl. Lloyd Westlake, who return-
ed to Canada from overseas on the
Ile de France, 'we say "Welcome
;home!". •Lioyd••is. the last of the boy
• from this community to. return. He
..enlisted January -2, 1942, ' in London
with the R.C.A.M.C:, and went Lover-,
seas in May of that year. He was
with the Eighth Army in Italy, later
transferring to the. Provost Corps,
serving in . France; Belgipm, °Holland:
and Germany.
Mrs. A. Evans, of East Tawas,
Mich., end, Miss Rubie Mackenzie, of
Grand Rapids, Mich., came"• -on Mon-
day to,.visit Mrs. and M :MacKen-
Mr. John -,S•tfrling anct tw-'o grand-
children, Donald and Josephine, of
Pickford, Mich., returned home on
Monday after upending the past ten
days With the Misses M. and J. Stir-
Mrs. Jim Scott, of Toronto. is the
guest of her mother, Mrs. R. H. F.
Gairdner, and had 'as her guest' Mrs.
Sidney, Katz, of Toronto, over the
week -end.' • .
• Mr. Hugh MacKay and •Mr: Don R.
Hammill 'spent a few days in Detroit
last week, '
On Thursday evening last a • com-
munity party was held in the Town.
Hail'in honor of Mr. John Bates, prin-
cipal of Bayfield public school. The
party was sponsored by "the .pupils
and 'ex -pupils whom Mr. Bates had
taught during the past foie years he
bad spent in Bayfield. The evening
was spent in dancing, and just before
lunch was served Mr. Bates• was call-
ed to the,piatform and presented•w"li
a travelling bag, 'Miss Melvina, .Stur-
g'eon read the address and Miss Aud-
rey Sturgeon made the presentation.
A community picnic wader the aus-
pices of the Staffa Women's Institute
was held Saturday afternoon' at the
Lions Park; Seaforth. About 75 were
.present and during the afternoon
softball games, races and contests
were enjoyed. A. bountiful" atIpper
was served.
Personals: Mr• and Mrs. John
O'Brien, Souris, Manetoba, with his
nephew, Walter .O'Brien,' and Mrs.
O'Brien; this is Mr. O'Brien's first
trip east in 39 year; Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Lawson and' daughter, San-
dra, Buffalo, N,Y., with Mr. and Mrs.
Waiter O'Brien; MVir. and Mrs. • Wilbur
Miller have returned from a trip to
Detroit; Mrs. A. H, •Macdonald, Owen
Sound, with her son. Burton and Mrs.
Mrs. Berton 'Maalouaid received
word that • her 'brother. LAC. Jack
Pierce, had landed in. Canada after
Serving with the R.C.A.F. overseas for
the past two years.
Mrs. Robert Lavery is a patient in
St. Joseph's Hospital, Landon.
Beach glamour, snug comfort- ._
able fit, plus, swimming ease, are
all packer into these Rose Marie
Reid newest swim- suits.
All sizes.
4 98,. 95. ..
Other Lines from $2.50
ray Gingham Plaids and Checks, plain
shade Chambrays;' candy stripe washables,
and. flower "'prints in crisp, cool, washable
dresses for summer wear, reduced 'for'quiek
selling from higher priced ranges of this
season's best sellers, ' ' for a holiday special'.
Sizes 11 to 50 in the lot.
Our Store will be closed Monday, July 1st, for the Public Holiday, as
well as Wednesday afternoon, July 3rd. '
• Ont.
Robert 'Coleman, it has been learn-
ed, fell and fractured his collar bone
at the home of .his son 'in the W -est,
where he is spending the summer.,
'The following•from this vicinity at-
tended a shower Friday evening for
-Mies Isabelle Gray, Millbank, former-
ly of Staffa: Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
Reid, Harvey and Miss, Vera Ham-
bly; Mr. and . Mrs. H. Leslie, Mrs.
alter O'Brien, , Mr. and Mrs. Frans
Bruce, Mrs. David Bruce, Mr. ai.d
Mrs. Alvin Barbour and Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Kemp.
Word has been received that -Mrs.
•Raymond Miller has sailed for Can-
ada and will arrive about June 29.
Riley Glanville
Hensall United Church Manse was
the scene of a •pretty wedding Thurs-
day, .June 2.0, at 3 p.m., when Rev. R.
A. Brook united in marriage Elaine
E. • Glani-iile, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilburt Glanville, of Staffa, and
William Windfield Riley, of Staffa,
son of Mr, and Mrs. William Riley;
of Blyth. For her wedding the at-
tractive bride' chose a street -length
dress of dusk rose sheer,:fashioned
with a sweetheart neckline. Pink
carnations formed her bridal bouquet.
The bride was attended by Mrs. 'Roy
Shale, of Hensall, wearing a fusia
two-piece wool suit with matching
hat, and wearing a corsage of roses.
,,,.The wedding dinner was served to
twenty-five guests at the home of .the
bride's parents in Staffs, the house
decorations being in pink and white,
while the bride's table was centered
with a , four•tter wedding take. Fol.
Clear Your Conscience
a.nd \ our Closets!
Tam A.O.• DoNntiiinimilr '!`HEt'I tlitON EXPOOrrpit
lowing• a wedding trip through the
States, Mr. and Mrs. Riley will live
on the zroom'S farm near Cromarty,
A surprise party was held on Mon-
day evening at the home of Mrs. O.
W. Reed in ,honor of .l .re.. Risdon.
About twenty-five women were pres-
ent. Mrs. Henry- Harburn • sang • a
solo and community singing was ea,
joyed, followed by an impromptu pro-
gram. Mrs. Risdon was presented'
with a table lamp, and an address
was read by Mrs. W. O'Brien. address*
leaves soon with her husband,
Rev. Mr. Risdon, after• having lived
here for three years. Lunch' wan
Don't Discard Your. OId
PHONE 2'48. -FIRST for estimates on
price' and cover. No obligation,
Splendid Variety; Two Weeks,' Service
DICK --- the Upholsterer
Bookkeeping Systems and Service
Bernard A. Galbraith
Established 1942
52 -Alpert St., Phones -2427-W
Ree. -2427-J
Stratford, Ont.
A NI M ,A:LS 'D'1112IND.
quickly roved In Clean Sanitary Cliche, Phalle eeilect,
1I9 MIT CH t,L,