HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-06-21, Page 81 'h. ,. AOQI..D.ENT 1U.GI,EURV .ANI?,: P t 91i% X1� lapanies erhe,.,.give � IXFa y With seridee 774,' l �r ?1 N"ra,' 'm 7.'1'l xb,', „r'IttE 1lQ T,1; Ni3F *1'0' 00 gladly. given. ' FOR SALE sptteeo.; ; dwelling with all modern Convesilentiea, on Jarvis Street. Early !Pesegeion, Other desirable p'roper- tiets a1eo..lioted. WATSON & R.EID M: A. REM). - Proprietor I;nsiiirance Si Real Estate Phone ;214 Seaforth Tit.. Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- Seaforth. (Mee home: Tues- day. Thursday and Saturday. 1.80 p.m. t 1 5 pi.; Saturday eveninBt: 7.80 p.m. E:O. CHAMBERLAIN. - Clerk forged; ' MatePACK►>;; Qnteria, 'Be ardaY, June'. h. Aa1 dayy and eve - Ai . *AOC., S1tl., d ci . >freworks. The lbiggesit -a.4d; beat' musical show in. Canada, Held in beautiful natural' Waterloo Park.. Daylight Saving TiMe•—„.01clv4, Tile economy .Irl t'+afntfng is obtained by using the lit paint procurable, that U PAINTS life deafer whose name k be. low will help you select the sight paint — Roway's: C. W, IRONSIDE Variety, Store Seaforth, Ont. A.RA'MSAY & SON C 0 PA P A NY0. "The right/lain: to Faint right" Announcement#. — B:ev. and Mrs. W, J. Patton; announce the engagement of their only daughter, 'Esther, tb Mr. Keith Hodgins, son of • Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Idodgins,, of,- Ottawa.'- The marriage will" take place on' Saturday afternoon, June 29, at 4 o'clock, in Cavan United Church. Announcement. --14 he engagement is announced of Hannah Mae lipdgson, daughter of Mrs. Fred Huisser and the late Waiter Hodgson, Seaforth, to Mr. Wilbert Russell Hodgert, son of Mrs. Thomas Hodgert and the late Thomas Hodgere Tuckersmith, the marriage ,to take place the latter pale of June. Mission Band Meets.'—The Goforth Mission' Band of First Presbyterian Church held its regular meeting in the schoolroom of the church Tues- day, opening by standing and repeat- ing the pledge to Empire and to Church. This was followed by ."God Say.e the King." • Mrs. Wilson t,os11,. over the business. it was moved by Sheila McFadden that we have a'pic- nic on the church lawn on June 28. This was seconded by Bruce McFad- den. There was one Chinese birthday for Doris Puiiman. Twenty-four an- swered •the roll call and the offering was received, followed, by the, offer- atory prayer. Joan Hunter to k the chair for the devotional prgram, which opened by singing Hymn 719, verses 1 and 2. Doris Stevens read the Scripture, Matthew 5:1-16. Sen- tence prayers were given by Sheila McFadden and Ruth Thiel. Mrs. C. E. Smith told a very interesting story. The meeting closed by singing Hymn 721 and the benediction. • a reed/ �y:� . "An AfricanGirlCpGir'Ql Tepallsf,n/4f 'iter 1 hoods' and 1 T•`�F :\4, L0N(094 gave • a reading an "Tit i;< is the Time.” 'circle 2 had Charge o,11 this part of the meeting with Mrs. Cuthill as cap- tain, The Seripture reading by Mrs. Harburn was followed by prayer. A -hymn was sung, "From Ocean Unto Ocean," and Mrs. Cuthill, Alt's. Pol- lard, Mrs.Porteous and Mrs. Lawson gave reading of missionaries through- out Canada. The collection was tak- en by Mrs. Harburn, followed by the hymn, "Our Loved Dominion Bless." The meeting closed by repeating the •Mizpah benediction. • Rush Your Order FOR THAT NEW MACK TRUCK For Delivery in June Also for immettlate delivery, two new Clean -Easy. Milkers. Can be in- stalled and milking n yourxn in' 20 minutes. N Also two Good Pianos, just what you monied for that child of yours. PHONE 616 r 34, CLINTON Or See JONATHAN HUGILL AT ONCE! Chuches Northside United Church; Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a.m., Sun- day School; ., 11 a.it1., "Crumbs From the Rich Man's Table"; 7 p.m., "An Intale To Match the Output.' Wel- come,.these services. First P?tyrian Church.-10,a.m., The Sunday Sv*ool; 11 a.m., Public Worship: The. Mi -deter has a special message, for all-nierdher.s and adher- ents. All are urged to be present; 7 p.m., Public. Worsliip; .The Minister will preach. Sunday, June 30 — The Sacrament of Baptism will be admin- istered at• the morning service, The Salvation Army. — Major. L. Webster will conduct her "farewell services on Sunday, June 23, and in- vites all friends to attend. Sunday morning, 11 •a.m., Holiness Meeting; Sunday afternoon, 3 . p.m., Sunday School; Sunday night, 7 p.m., Salva- tion Meeting. All services public, and all' •people welcome. Anglican. -Sunday, June 23:. St. Thomas', Seaforth 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a,m., Morning Prayer; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. St. Mary's, Dublin -9.30 a.m., Morn- ing Prayer.—The Rector, Rev. C." F. L. Gilbert, B.A., at all services. Thursday, June 25-8 p.m., Confirm- ation Service: The Most Reverend C. A. Seager, D,D.; Archbishop of Huron. ,r GOODYEAR LIFEGUARDS For Complete .Details See iginienirirlE AR -DEALER pies in Morri6.—After an illness of several "montJis, the death occurred on Sunday, June 16, of Mrs. .Mary Phelan, Sr., of Morris Township. A lite -long resident of that township, Mrs. Phelan died at the home of her son, James, concession 9, in her 83rd Year. A devout Roman Catholic, Mrs. United Church. W. M. S. Meets.— The Woman's Missionary meeting of PoltIiside"'Uri%te`d—Oilur Thursday; June June 13. ' The president, Mrs. R. Lawson, opened the meeting with the ,hymn, "Conde Unto Me, Ye. Weary," followed with prayer. The minutes of the May meeting' were read by Mrs. Porteous and the busi- ness .discussion was taken tin by Mrs. R. Lawson, Mrs. Cuthill was ap- pointed .to choose a Christmas gift for a child, to' •be ,sent to Africa. The treasurer's report was read by Miss' A. Ferguson. Mrs. J, Finlayson gave TAXI SERVICE JACK CLEARY SEAFORTH Phones: Day 267 'Night 335. FOR SALE • FRAME HOUSE -Centre Street; modern, Garage. FRAME HOUSE—Winthrop: One acre land. FRAME HOUSE—Coleman Street. FRAME HOUSE—Stuccoed, with Barn. Main Street. 78 -ACRE FARM — Tuckersmith Township. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 220 Res, 334 in FRANK*, WS VA:PANT STORE • AussioN BAN/3 TABLE SAn W.A. OF DUF!SpoP'SsaCHredUR'byCH, McKillop 1 LAWN ROLLING ACCOUNTS DUE Lawn Rolling Accounts• are due and must be paid by July 1st. Accounts are payable to Bev. Christie, Treasurer, and may' • be paid at Chris - tie's Botcher Shop. • SEAFORTH, BOWLING_ CLUB *Anti was .a member of the League of the Sacred. Heart, the Altar, $o- cletY, of the Bropogation,of the Faith and the 'Catholic Women's League. Widow of William Phelan, she is sur- vived - by' three sons, Rev. Father Phelan, of 'London; Rev. Louis Phel- an, St. Augustine, and Thomas, of Saginaw, Midi.; also two daughters, Mrs. Wm. Lane, Dublin, and Sister St. Leonard, of St. Joseph's Order, now stationed at Seaforth. Two bro- thers, John Ryan, of Louden, and Patrick 'Ryan, of" Godet'ieh, and a sis- ter, Mrs. •,'M., Cleary, -,Seaforth, also survive. The funeral •• was held on Wednesday with Solemn High Mass being sung in St. Michael's Church, Blyth. Rev. W. J. Phelan was cele- brant of the funeralmass, assisted by his brother, Rev. Louis Phelan. ..WANTED TO my WALNUT Best .ePrices Paid For. Either Standing Trees or Logs. Pannill Veneer C. PHON E 4-4754 or write 42 EDWARD STREET . Kitchener, Ont. 94s° 1 191. 0 *, ,44nbco'i.0ac 14 ,4 9,4 ir. robart pt€114001d9.f:ria�, 11iPM- n lu stQlpx of Jonesville,, ;'t44/14440.111,,V eXkl)„ afid i~ ter int law, MFs, ,Join. /144 n,, +zf Aetrpit«m+ A nieee is Nirs i F SpR tsd.. herntQfl Hell, ,'S.eaferth 'yrs Ma b,ieson lS asi! born 'eb, 2, 18 7; Iii 4eafertb. Ai'teri she Was graduated AVM .StrailitOlp' Opt., business celleg„0",H a 4e tampt,,, tcoznmerc at sub Bets in & Cot1Q>4e•iii; •the• Dakotas. She was married Sept: 14, 1897, in Sarnia to Mr. 1Viathiesen• They went to Sigel township where they lived until they moved to Aar" bor Beach in. 1920. Since Mr. Mathie- lion'sdeath; Feb. 10, 1925, Mrs. Math-, ieson lived with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kleinknepht. She was a member of the 'Presbyterian. Church and its lad- ies' auxiliary and a former member of the Grange, Pinkney - MacDougall —A marriage was solemnized in First United Church, 'Ottawa, recently, when Rev. Harold S. Clugston united in marriage' Lillian Isabel, only daughter of Mr. and 1VIrs. John A. MacDougall, Argyle Shore,. P.E.I-, and. Mr. Glen Richard Pinkney, son of Ml's. J. H. Pipkney, 265 Cobourg St., Stratford, and the late Mr. Pinkney. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Mr.. James MacDougall, wore a gown of ivory brocaded satin, with a sweet-' heart neckline, tight boo 'ice, and long sleeves tapering to points over her hands. The lull skirt formed a slight train, and• her floor -length •veil was draped from a high coronet of- tee same material, adorned wlta whit: velvet bows. She .carried. a bridal bouquet of American Beauty roses: white sweet peas and maiden hair fern. Her only ornament was a string of pearls, the gift of the bridegroom. The bride was attended by Miss Letha MacPhail, Niagara Falls, and Mr. Lorne Pinkney, Toronto, • was best man. The ushers were Mr. Roy Faw- throp, Cornwall, and Mr. Floyd Pink- ney, Toronto. Following a .reception .Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney left to spend their honeymoon in New York, For travelling the. bride' chose a 'powder blue wool suit with matching. velvet flowered hat and white accessories, Her corsage 'bouquet was°of red roses, They will take up residence in Des- eronto. Mr. Pinkney has just recently .returned •from, overseas. • Green From Deparhnent Store Men's Summer Tweed Suits In Light Grey and Grey Blue. Sizes •34 to 37 SPECIAL gm Men's and Youths' Fine Suits • Sizes 34 to 44.' Wool, Worsted, Botany and Fine Serge 13,95 to 23.95 Men's Tropical Pants - In Green, Blue and Brown SPECIAL 5.50 Men's Whipcord Jackets . In Green and Brown. - SPECIAL 4,50 Misses' Print Dresses- -- All colors. Sizes 7 to 14 SPECIAL '93c Ladies' Silk Nightgowns Peach only - ... , SPECIAL Log Ladies' Two-piece Bathing Suits ' Figured Plain 349 and 4.69 Ladies' Rayon Panties Whits • and Peach SPECIAL 45c Children's Training Panties Elastic : lops SPECIAL 29c raIies c' Top and begs SPECIAL 26c Death of 'John Bennett.—A life-long resident of this district passed away in Scott Memorial Hospital on Thurs- day, June 13, in . the person of Mr. John Bennett. He suffered a fractur-. .Pd, hip on:'June 4, from which he nev- er rallied. Born in Tuckersmith he ' was in his 90th year. -.The 'late Mr. Bennett farmed for a number of years near Walton' and also on the Huron Road• West. He. married' Isabella Ramsay, wife predeceased him ten years ago. • Re : then sold his farm and had livedth his • son, Foster. The funeral was'leid from his son's. resi- dence on'. Siturday afterno: Rev. -H. V. Workmen conducted .tiS, servic- es, and interment was • mads n Malt - landbank cemetery. , The pallbearers were W. C. 'Bennett, Roy Bennett, John Powell, James Carter, James Souter and George Ramsey. The spr- at offerings were' beautiful, 'showing the esteem in which he was held. Those sending .flowers were: A pil- low by Family; sprays, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett; Mr. and Mrs._•Roy Ben- nett, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart raphries and-$° by, Jack Bennett, Mr. and . Mrs. Rus- sell Barrows, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watson, Mr: and Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. -Davidson, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. J. Humphries and family, Dr. and Mrs. Ross 'Howson, Crich- Staff, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. Tim , Eaton, 'Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mc- Cowan, Rebekah Lodge.. Friends at- tending were from London,, Wingham, Lucknow, Walton, Hamilton and Clin- ton. Left to mourn the loss of a lov- ing father are two sons, 'Foster, of Seaforth, William, of Walton, and a daughter, (Mabel) Mrs. O. J. H'abkirk of Wingham. One daughter, . Minnie,. predeceased him 15 years ago. One brother, Tlionias Bennett; ,of Clinton, also survives. • Death of Mrs, James. Mathieson, Mrs. Elizabeth: Livingston Mathieson,' 89, widow of , James, Nbathieson, died Sunday •night, June 10, in the home of her daughter, Mrs". Chas. Kleinknecht, Detroit. `"Mrs..Mathieson'was injured in a fall nine weeks ago and pneu- monia developed as a result of her injuries. She' teas : in lthe Harbor Beach Hospital Seven weeks and re- turned to her daughter's home two weeks ago Funeral services 'were held the following Wednesday in the Kleinknecht home. Rev. Louis H. Knight, 'pastor of the . Presbyterian "Church officiated. Burial was in Sar- nia. Mrs. Mathieson is, survived by her daughter; three grandchildr,en, Mrs. Warren Wilson, Caro; Pvt. Bruce • leinknecht, with the Army Air Force at Scott Field; Ill., and Miss 1. Mold Trousseau Tea. —Mrs. P. B. Moffat entertained at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Mips Helen Moffat, 'R.N., on Wednesday last, when about one^ hundred. were pres- ent. The guests were feceived 4'y Mrs. Moffat, bbrs. H. Wilbee and Miss Moffat, with Miss Janie, Moffat and' Miss Ruth Wilbee at the door diking the afternoon' and evening, Mrs. Ar- thur Coidwell , and Mrs. Wm,-S.inclair poured tea in.the afternoon and Mrs. Walter Moffat and Mrs. Leslie Cox - hi the evening. Those serving in ,the dining room, were Miss Annette Sin- clair, Miss Doris McMillan, Mrs'. ,Har-. ry Dinnin and . M,iss Margaret Bond. Displaying .the gifts in the afternoon were Mrs. Roy Brock; Miss Marion Hill and 'Miss Joyce^ Wilbee, and in the evening Miss Hazel Moore, Miss Kay Robertson and Miss Lois McGav- in, of' London. • LOCAL BRIEFS . : - • Miss Marion Lawson and Miss Hazel Laing, of Waterloo, spent the week -end at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson, Huron Highway West. • 'Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Free left'on Sunday for Timmins, where they will attend the' wedding of Mr. Free's niece, Miss Helen Thompson. • Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Robb and .daughter, of Detroit, spent the week- end at the home of Mrs. H. R. Scott. Mrs, Scott and Miss Belle Smith re- turned with them for a week's- holi day. ' . • Mr. Arnold Turnbull, who spent the past two months with his mother, Mrs. G. T. Turnbull, left" on Sunday 'for 'New York; from _where he will sail for Englan • Miss Jpail ;d,CMaster, is visiting friends in -London, J • Mr. and Mrs. David Ritchie left on Tuesday for -Kincardine, where 'they will spend the summer at their cottage. • Miss' Minnie Habkirk, of Gode- rich, was a week -end visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. Harold Dale, and Mr. Dale. • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright were in Toronto this week attending the wedding of Miss Irene Kent. (ADDITIONAL LOCAL ON PAGE 5) WH;RE�fMOflV 1 In memory's garden a monument Is the ageless Way -to perpetuate our love and those golden memor- ies of happy those -together. May .we -glow you our stock and tell you •more' about them? T. PRY +E : . SON Memolta4 Cr`aft`srnen SEAFORTH ,E CE+ER T CLINTON Soaifarth shovv,t'natas"a pen !l ifeedaYa. See Dr. Barbara '.to* *Oekttotmieidi nit19' °tiler' dirk, Or 1JI10,3)e ORTH LOOKING INTO ... Investigate our modern facilities for servicing cars and trucks, promptly and ef€icientl y.—_We..are__stafted- and equipped to provide RELIABLE SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS We have special tools and equipment, eitpetrt trained technicians " and factory - approved parts. Save time, trouble, money by seeing u$ first! -SEAFORTH ..MOTORS'. Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Sales; and Service PHONE 141 • - SEAF,ORTH i� irscta aturday with GREG MCCLURE ' and LINDA DARNELL -• This 8ilpi IA ala .arresting. tals,{i?i'°a rj,7,00,tec';a Clifftk tU,tl)Q. top. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY " SHE . WOULDN'T SAY YES " with- ROSALIND RUSSEL and LEE BOWMAN A fast-moving Comedy —:Full of complications and laughter, NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY • " BECAUSEOF BIM" with . • F'RANCHOT TONE • CHARLES LAUGHTON and DEANNA DURBAN Deanna sings—"Tosti's, Good-bye", "Lover", "Danny Boy" COMdNG— "THE STORK CLUB" - with BETTY H1JTrON 1 FINNIGAN'S THE SCOURAGE OF OUR NATION This week Mr. E. P. Chesney brought to this store a collection box in connection with the "ContJ•ol Cancer Drive." , , One in eight Canadians will die of cancer! E. P. and other busy men are giving their time to aid in this drive. GIVE YOUR MONEY! CANCER NEVER WAITS! - CALLING THE HOUSEWIFE Every week while they last, we will have Strawberries. We sug- gest' you phone your orders early in the week. It means Better 'Ser- vice, Better Quality Merchandise.' FINNIGAN'S The' place to buy your Fruits, Cured Meats, ' • Vegetables'' and Pastries. - - W J. FINNIGAN & SON THE NEED FOR. YOUR SPARE CLOTHING Is DESPERATE! Vi 020 elMf HEIP Sid ess and- cold hang like-a-threatenrag ;cloud -above. the, ......_ helpless millions over whose homes the rage of war has passed. Lack of clothing is one of the causes. You can help. Dig through your closets—dig out spare clothes—old shoes—bedding. Wrap your bundle in paper—tie it securely—tie boots and shoes in. pairs. Take 'your contribution to your nearest Post Office or .. Collection Depot. NATIONAL CLOTH ING .COLLECTION for Overseas Relief cc -.5g JUNE 17 to 29 This advertisement is contributed by Public • ijfilityConnnission Collection in Seaforth ' ' WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 26th Rural donors give your parcel to rural mail courier Lakeview Casino --Grand Bend SUMMER OPENING SATUIDAY,JUNE22d i Dancing Nightly Until Labor Day The Newest. Orchestra—With sensational success in opening Brant Inn's Sky Club Record-breaking Crowds! .. STAR TRUMPETER WITH THREE OF RADIO'S BIGGEST SHOWS! Gordon Delamont and his Orchestra HIS SUCCESS. IS THE TALK OF THE TOWN !, Dont' Miss This Opening! 4,, THE. VARIETY .ENTERTAINERS . . SUNDAY CONCE E 23 - 9P.11/1., ,-,2A Great Slow ! 1��IIHNI 'LUT DANCE, JUNE Oth.,..." • • .11 r 117