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The Huron Expositor, 1946-06-21, Page 7
s• 4, 44444,4,4444.044.44. ,. (-dentilDled LLf'ront. last WOOW �Nieky, as ,he led hi* down the rol When at la t a zl� t< RztAir in I btlti: with, I iii ,tailtubte,.. nometlai ,'g, that it@ 'was' ieatri "'Itis ti;4 stag-, he and if .eve been In Mexico, a � YM ye o gave up the. ,puraIlit of curiosity for do there* for reerself. Tis .'mumbled ' lire- travesty of nuke into the thieltness.,ef his, mbar ache,' thenhe c , , and e left them. e Tine girl put out her arra • like one •humb- led . by .the --ineultable, and. he swtt her out into. the ',crowd. `-"' due obeyed at ;puce,• with, thought shadpwing across his Mind that this was the second time th night he had been spoken to in manner by a strip of a girl. It brough back a picture of Patricia, standing out there „„ain,the• Siradbally road in her father's overcoat, talking of .pole- xes a u n and req esting gone or the other o'. them to prove himself a man-' AS he walked with his partner out.into the gardien, he found himself wonder- ing *hen he shored see her; and rho* long she would .11e "engaged' 'upstairs With her home-made garments; •inthat ' atony of making things- do. There were long walks under the trees in that garden,`"where a discrim- inate dotting of Chinese lanterns pointed out lonely paths and revealed seats in the bushes where it was pos- sible to'sit • with features well in sha- dow, almost 'unobserved. With an in- crest she had stirred -In him by roa- n ,of that candid criticism of his dancing, 'Charles . led his partner to one of these places of.seclusion,, lit- tie dreaming it was the unhesitating assurance of her footsteps that•lad shown him the way. He:'had watohed her face in the lights of the room, and though,there was none of that beauty he' had seen in' the' features . of Sophie Desmond, there was no little of charm and en- ough f hat ug o c anter. to: bring a welcome interest to this- •alternative,. -caring ...AS LEGAL little for dancing as he did., Her eyes were almost black, so 'deep a bite they • were,. and to a young man of •McC©NNELL •& .HAYS : his�`imPressionable nature,. with tie, • if : any, experience of women at all, he''lwas as like to be caught in a net of beauty as by the more subtle attractions this .girl held Out to him,. with the expressive vitality in .her face and that.�t}uicknes.s of tdrigue she hail: in' the velvet brogue of her velde. , You, who have guessed already'. it was none other than Patricia herself, may. • Well excuse him that under the deceptive conditions of that uneiipect- ed adventure,' he never dreamed the possibility of such a re -counter: From her father's overcoat and with.a shat, ankr her head to that gossamer gar: merit of white was too great a trans- formation for his mind to grapple with. He was"•picturing her upstairs• in that room, a vain young , monkey+ with tears of chagrin in 'her eyes and) her mouth full of pins, little. thinking sife'` erit'be'rdown midi about her own business in the dancing -room so soon,. little imagining that, with a true in Bonet, a woman. --needs little. of ex- gerierice to teach• - her what is the_, thing to do. . His mind, indeed, was running on. Patricia as they sat down in their se- cluded corner, and it was little won- der that his first ,words. were indirect- ly of her. "Have, you seen the Desmonds here tonight?" he asked her, thinking, with a smile in• his mind, how swiftly a man may drop into the social tricks and guiles when once he. is in that artificial atmosphere. She could `lit- tle guess. he thought, the curiosity that was in. his mind about them, "'I• have,” said she' at once.' "They Came the same, time as I did." ',."Ate there more than the four girls who are. here tonight?" he inquired. "`There . are. not," said he. `''Isn't. four enough, of . wild creatures the like of them?" "bo you know them well?". "I do indeed." "The eldest one—.Sophie—she's a very pretty girl, isn't she?" - "She would be if she didn't know• it," said- Patricia, tempted to 'the thrusts and making it without hesita- tion in return for. the many blows she had_neve'r revenged herself upon. Charles, Broiled in the darkness, re- ceiving that sudden . insight into Soph!e's character whichn.despite his admiration and against his"rob- bed him of some of the glamour his Imagination had already Clothed her in,. What is more, as, though a clear-, er vision in that ''moment had come to hire, he realized the little stab of jealousy in her confidence about Pa= tribia. What was ' there about' the child for Sophie, with her fascinations to bp 'jealous of?, He pursued,'his in- quiries with all the eager interest of one following a trail. Here was . the same thrill of romance stirring' in' 'his. :pulses„ the same :impulse for discov- ery and adventure as had dragged' him from his office • stool so many years before, "How about the, youngest,' Pa- tricia?" he asked then. "This is her first dance, isn't 'it?" "'How did you know that?" , "Her sister Sophie told me so. The poor child, apparently, is upstairs, wrestling with a frock she made her- i self, afraid,, to come downstairs and, show it." t "Did Sophie tell ye that?" A quicker ear than his would have e detected •the sharp note in her voice. His were better tuned to wartchea^ by t night, when the splashing of the wa- t ter against the sides of a ship but t added to the somewhat somnolent h Monotony .et silence. Sophie was his t informant, he admitted, and, 1 fiiI nothing of that moment from Which s her whole manner changed. . "Are ye dancing with .Sophie'?" she t asked. Next dance,'' said he ' 1 . Site no4di hot head end. aslted hid Tr ; .iz clde„ts ;of that evening on t S ,,nnil : ` t ac`ilaa sad d r g road, an how he had ma. u ,the nggttainta ibi.. of: the entire ' Des mond- laniilyr • -.in the space of a a strange five minutes. • s- . "She stood out there in the road,' said he, now speaking of Patrici again,' "and I'm hinged if she • didn t ng make Me 'shoot that horse? when th boy, Who , met have ,three : or fou fire years ahead 'of 'her, ,was :all for say ing its life:" at "What"'a' fo61 ye were to be,'liste Such to a • little girl," said she, "has n t more arose to her than. to. be, fretti her heart out oyer an old, rag she'd be wearin' at'a -dance!" And whe he saw it or not, there was ri keeping the wink of ,laughter out pf her eyes as she spoke.• •' -Fo a• while le lie eat s thereo wondering der 3 iII was 'he 'a fool or not, 'and coming the conclusion — as there is lith doubt she: meant him to—that per- haps, after all, Sophie, with her de- scription of that mouthful of pins, had grossly misrej*esented Patricia., "I don't know that -1 was;" said he at last, and in almost a childlike sim- plicity. ",the gave me the impression that she knew what she was talking about a good deal more, than. the .boy did. I dorz't think I was 'such a fool, after all. I could see she knew something about horses by the Way she handled the beast. And by Jove! she's got' a tongue' in her head." "She has that," said Patricia. "I wouldn't care to fa)). foul of, it," said he. • "Ye -would not," she replied. Helooked out into the darkness to- wards -the lights of the house, won- dering, and aloud, if it were time for the next dance..' ""There's of time," saidShe; plenty "and if it's Sophie ye're wanting, shtire,`shie'it watt••'for ye -all-right:-'Tis- a 'great catch ye are 'tonight with a horse was droppin' under ye .on the road, and ye shootin' it with .a pistol ye had in yeer pocket. There's plenty - of time, and if 'tis interested,.. in Pa- tricia ye .are, ye can, stop and talk to me:' • "What made y'bu think I was interest- ed in her?" he asked, for suddenly it• had come to his' realization that 'he. was.. The recounting' of that incident on the Stradbally road had made the vivid personality of her stand out in a fresh light. The' realization that it was nothing more than jealously+ 'in! Sophie's remarks about her sister had f quickened his thoughts .of 'Patricia and. .ekcited his curiosity to see her when at length she did come•, downstairs. "What made you think I was inter- ested•?'.', he ' repeated. • shure, .L, dunno. Didn't I say• she was a queer little cat?" "Is she pretty?" he inquired. "She's what ye'll flnd:_her;" said Pa- tricia, ,speaking, and in all un- consciousness, a truer criticism of those deep blue eyes and that odd ):length ".of upper Iip. than she could have given. of herself in a whole year of cortsidered thought. • The charm of Patricia, indeed,, lay no little in the minds of those who' found it. John Desmond, even in his 3^outh, had 'been no engaging mean to look' at, yet women had 'fallen vic- tims to the charm of 'him wherever he hail gone.' Patricia had taken all that and more as her dowry, and when Mrs. Slattery bad cried out in her ecstasy what a beautiful nun she would make, it was because in her doting eyes the child had all the beau- ty. that a woman needs. "It's up to me, then," said Charles, with a laugh—"it's up to me to find her pretty.' "'Ti not much good for ye if ,ye 'do," said Patricia, and with a' smack of her tongue as though she •relished] the . saying of it. "'Twill be little good to,y-e, for she's goin' into a con- vent when, she's eighteen by the clock." ,Charles looked down at her sitting there beside him,' and his mouth was., agape in his surprise. That child,' who .had stood out there in • all her defiance, with character snapping is every word she spgke--that child go- ing to'secl'ude herself in a convent! His interest had been aroused before, now it leapt in his .heart, and sped tingling, in' some sense of 'antagon- ism, through' every drop of blood in his veins. VI THE MOUNTAIN SWIRL' On their return to the house; she left' him to• make the discovery for himself that he had missed his dance with Sophie.,A highly incensed young woman regarded him with accusing nes 'as she swept by on the arm of a more. fortunate substitute. There was no temporizing. about Sophie, as he had been given to suppose. The mom- ent bo saw her, dancing there, he knew the enormity of what he had done, and felt fair more 'apprehensive of those glances she shot at him than of any shower of "bullets or the swift malevolence of steel. At the drat opportunity ;he found her when that dance was over, mak- ng his apologies with hot cheeks and a 'stammering . tongue, The • excuse hat the garden was too far from the house. to hear the music of that tritrg band, hired out of Dungarvan —for God knows, it is more upon in- s •ruments pf brass they are accus- oreed to•play with, any effect. In that own—had little, if any, weight with er. Be should not have been out in he garden at' all with such solemn engagettrent 1a!lirig "-iter . and--- r -so_ bort a time: . ".end oextainly not," said,she in a crescendo, "wasting yeer free with a child like • that." He had an excuse for this, such as t wan worth. He do fared he 'did aiot r-oty 4he. Child from Adam. "I don't care," said she, "if ye did 'e .know her fronts live, and _'tis (e • iiiidelvitttnd whir ye woifldb't th the cheek of her "there on tare ad, telliti' ye to kill yeer horse $iUd, inethr�* after saying, it was an right." Y,Pitfileliti" I1 .rlttitfelEBil•„.” ,• the tila►e� 'and�ibxtrtiglit 4Chax'ies''back 'to the, dancing-roopn, "Is .'there anybody ye want to be in, troduced'to?" sald he. "Shure, they'd alt . dance witb. ye if•„they could. ” Is there ,anybody at all?"' "He:vasa- ;look ing round„the room for his own part- ner part ner as he „talked,and neither knew h r what was he was saying. nor who Ids partner might be,. "Shure', I71 shout out yeer' name,” be Went on THE DANCE AT .STRADBALLY That nimbleness of feet which will save man' aan ani awkwar co r, m nder tiergoes but a short way h rt -towards making a: dancer of. hips. •Charles Stu- .ttrt was quick and dainty enough -.on Itis .feet when sterner .occasions de- manded, it, but in. the service of a gentle art they were • no more than impediments to' tri$ progress.. He' knew he was no dancer, and yet it came to him with • no little surprise when .his partner exclaimed: - "Ob, what's, the good -of pretendin' ye can dance 'when ve can't? Shure; let's go and; sit down." with a. preoccupied.laugh, "and I'll 6ntrpduce ye to the Iot, then ye, cm' pick and choose as -ye like" a "For cod's sake don't do that!" ex- claimed -Charles, 'with the..blood hot to hie face at the thought"bf.it, and as much in self-defence as anything else, he requested-, introduction to a girl• standing ' alone by the ' furthest window in the room. - "I dunno who she is, mind ye," said, re; wl bUnat - t' 9iIbrtl t skin a , he walks #.d as Ile:'eoeled 1; Jaffar cheeks in the t sola of that 'gar.- den, came, with i e . •tit •(or adveis- tui e, upon a• plad to e evaa In the Score she ,had made a&siust hii'.tap In the time that th1'ee dance's none to hai'e gone .byi she 'as to be there at that .garden eat' : to .,meet, Irina again, .pnolltabered with no further contracts: until :then, She went •8trai, t. way to the place and sat down, deter, ;wined that no ,other couple eho44 forestall them, L What inipres g n such " a clandes- tine 'assignatiol},:,aa,0 malt give too h those having ,_lit thee.. mind .the; ,pro- de, Per conduct :in. a baII-room, "there no purpoae,,,and. certainly no time,; to consider here. country dance. in ' Ireland, is no formal matter, with pry prieties to he a'bseried Driving as a , many as thirty mi1.Q,§{ ,to a dance in that outside car,, those girls of John e t Desmond had ,oftert;,dtept the few. .'re-' r j maining hours ,of tb@ night in some barn, 'attached to the;,house and wrap- ped in horse blankets, till they set n' back on: the jouzrney;hoshe next day. °` It was nothing, with those sudden n' and ephemeral a'tteetanents that w. gra like mushrooms in a° ball -room, for a - t girl to dance ten times in an evening Qr with t e m h i1 ..who t a Was o her r liking. ' 5'or the-'beneft of a Watchful mother's eYes at home—for Who thought of g chaperones?, --she might fr1.i upher to programme with Countless' names, and e make 'her engagements with them too. But for five or six,dances In sficees- sion you in1ght-11nd: her in, some•. se- cluded norner, deaf to the sounds of Mika.. following waltz or the lancers coming after. , "If 1 securethe place;" Charles had said, '"Will you be here?" E And though she had demurrbd--for what woman's 'consent is worth the while if given /freely? --at last she and gave her promise to tome back again. There he sat, theinnin that corner whilst one...couple after another .glow- ered "at him asthey passed by; .there he sat, listening to the distant thiirlip of feet on the bare Iloor and the' -feint strains of that string, band, until oth- er sounds less loud, yet further -reach- ing in the anticipation of hie mind, came to his hearing. He sat upright. There was no mistaking it; the tap- pingofhigh heelson h e gravel path. His heart was hammering underneath that borrowed shirt"as it load- never'• beat in ail the wildest moments of his life in Mexico. 'Across his mind it flashed then as a', stray thought will —Is there ever such a thrilling, ad- venture in life as when the hunter's 'horn, first sounds through the heart of a man, and out of the tangle of the days a woman starts and lifts in him the eager cry; of pursuit? In such; a mind, though never ex- pressed in words- in. that speeding thought, he sat Iistening; till her White frock, came out of the shadows and he was standing to' his ,feet, knowing she was. . there. "I've kept the seat," said he awk- wardly. saw ye sittin'' here two dances Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. • Patrick D. McConnell. - H. Glenn Hays 'SEAPORTS, ONT. Tetephone.. 174..' A. W. SILLEBY Barrister, Solicitor, .Eta' - SEAr--ORTH - ONTARIO • . Phone 173, , S,gaforth, MEDICAL SEAF`4RTH CLINIC DR. E. A. MCMASTER, M.B. - Physician DR. P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Office hours daily, except Wednes- day: 1.30-5 p.m„ 7-9 p.m. • Appointments for consultation may be made in advance. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon IN DR. R H. ROSS' •OFFICE Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-J Seaforth MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., LCD. Physician and aurgeon.. Successor 'to Dr. W. d. Sproat Phone 9,0-W - Seaforth DR.' F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto, - ' - Late assistant New York Opthe:- mei and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- pital,•'London, Eng. At COMMERCIAL HOTEL, SEAPORTS,. THIRD WED- NESDAt' in each month, from 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. also at. Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday of' each . 'month. 53 Waterloo Street 'South, Stratford. JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon' Phone 110 Hensel " 4068x52 DR. F. H. SCHERK Physician and Surgeon Phone 56 Hensall 'AU'CTIONEERS HAROLD JACKSON Specialist in• Farm and Household Sales. " Licensed in Huron and Perth Coun- ties. Prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. Per information, etc., write pr phone ,HAROLD J4CICSOI, 14 -on 661, Sea - forth; R.R. 4, Seaforth. W. 13. O'NEIL, DENFIELD, ONT. Licensed Auctioneer Pure bred ea1esatleo' farm stock and implements. - 6 per ,den , charge. Satisfaction •guaraixteed. Por sale dates, ; Phone 28-7, Granton; at my expense.. PSR .: C WRIGHT Licensed; AucIleneeif‘' ilfoussebold fttt , 6t6c1[, itMpleriteats land p re Cbz' & s$lea.. ediai training sad mstpertinti e i*bi 'iibf to • niter yott esies service •that 4tl reit ,O lair eat ens Oatiaf ctoi''y. ' Phone 06 > • what it Wag he waisted to' knoW"nof ?atritia. "She's'.a wild yotfng dot;' She sail e , "t7id ye. even. speak to Ilei' at 12" 'With no attempt at ooncealsttent re � r 1u F lm c l • � tali"., t ' '45t Milli;' e ez'aiio Pogo') (Continue onQe ,farmers . cut ,the' hay in the, i7i11i'iifig .lint it up in small aeha;; op01x UP the nett xnorttiitg, a7ali th erneon''site' ,tri the hay. ther use.,.tripods,''.find :the eetr !°labour ,'entailed is 1.11stifled, by" the, special quality of rhay obtuifled, 'er ..poultryp an tree i0xAtl.$l anti!' :leaves should be retained ariCep,aree:a . fibre kept to e; minimus i. T ay' tli,'4xs. ' mattered, o ay' ',be fed in; ' buff' ; ehopw ped', or Sr ounsl;'-fe'eding in built .!toeing the: . simplest"- and least eXpensive Method. back," she replied, and eat herself down. Whether she meant that to dis:non- cert him or not, it did. He took the ;other corner of the' seat,, and,. for a While, said nothing; merely • watehing. her; while words made tumbling pyre, Miele in his brain and never. reached the apeg,•of the Most. camtrion form of sense. . Instinctively, • he- made comparisons. with these features of hers and that Undeniable e a,ut be .y of her -sister So- phie, when, ,against all apparent .,rea- son, Sophie came forth the loser .ev- ery time. Sophie's hair had 'an un- certain tone, of 'brown,. while here was a raven.black;• her lips were made for quickly forgotten kisses, hers were lips that would never forget; her eyes were swift for the admiring glance here were, eyes that looked straight and far whether they were conscious or not' of the distance in which they saw. It was character, and at every turn, that won the verdict in her fav- our ,from his thoughts,.. For the'first time in hie: lifehg knew then why men of the foulest breed,_ would drop --their voices to a reverent.. -nobs when they spoke of a woman keeping some hearthstone fon them across the wide acres of the, seas. Such a woman Charles felt this child would grow to be, and leapt from on impression of her. to • an- other; as a, man. takes the stepping boulders across a mountain swirl. It needed, f Iseto s p only for the whole of his • nature to be immersed. Yet from one toanother, he sprang, laugh - iris in lits Heart, keen -in tire` joy' of the excitement it was, and never stop- ping in the balance to think of the• depth of the torrent at his feet. "Did • ye have: yeer dance win Sophie?" she asked presently, for sil- ence was not a thing she would toi- erate for' long. "No," said he, and smilers with his reply; "I missed it. We sat out here two dances last time. Her dance was dance was nearly finished when ' I got into the room." • ` ';'She liked ye for, that," paid Pa- tricia.. - { "Yes—and you told me she wouldn't mind." „ (Continued Next Week) Tar litorruss' more *04 Pne 14rs bra a eWgzea�at araoppd t !mama inaome for every c 4uadraur- Ix' Is'rto every Canadian's interest•to°pro. teat this business„ to treat our visitors with , every courtesy, make then want to ,come .again sled 'again. WWe will thus be lh ulding 'n goodwill end NW' ding floor the future of; ;this • great Canadian industry. v3. � IY E 1 ;11:;! f it a CANADIAN TRAVEL BUREAU';. Methods of Treattrsent of Poison ivy In choosing the locale for a holiday camp er a picnic or a ,temporary resting place in a' day's outing, the precaution • should be taken to make sure that no poison ivy is around. This, unpleasant weed can grow any- where but • is rarely met with on cultivated ground. It may- be found in dense.. patches about a foot high, oras .a small clump, or as a climbing plant twining around trees or crawl- ing -along fences. The leaves are in groups ,of three, glossy green, and in the fall assume"' autumnal colours. In June h•fl e•o wars a ear. fi e re t PP h a Y small, greenish, and hidden by* 'the leaves. in winter they take the form of hard,.•round ,whitish berries. HovsT- ever; -n'o •matter 'what time: of .then ..yea;,. the plant is, poisonous in every part —leaves, stent and. roots which are permeated by an oil. • On breakage cit, any part ,of the plant, the `oil is/re- leased and contact' is made.., The initial stage of poisoning ,is a .mild-itohing sensation, followed, •by_ the develppment'of"•blisters which be- come painftit.otizing sores.' Poisoning may also -result through anything that has,'.touehed the ivy -clothing, kit, shoe laces, tools, picnic baskets, or even . a pet dog or cat. Many treat- ments have been 'propose'd and used, but when • possible the immediate scrubbing of the contacted part with stronglaundry .soap `will effect a euro if the "soap has'been used . iefo.)•e•. t' Oil has penetrated the skin, A. co mon treatment is; daubing .;,the ni., ed parts with a three per cent sol, tion of iodine. ' Once 'blisters nhaY been former, all rubbing should b avoided. ' If the attack is severe, en -7.11 should ' be consulted.. Care 's URI "b taken to' localize infection ; b ajtd, ing round the d edgeso or by using' compresses 'seals a two per cent solution. of ,. inium acetate or' any other cong'1sub- stance tike soda or 'b 1' y. acid pow der. No application could be made when the sores .e oozinguse bac a they may seal, over and aggravate. conditions; ,A" n Tight. Supply Millfeeds• .•..... Production of m'ilifeeda in Oaaad& for the first eightnibriths of the current 'rep year '(1945.46). amounted' to 585,483 tone,, which was' :about 36,- 227 tons above the eight-month 'total of 194445. Of the 1945-46 eight-month total production, snore thepi:,;95 per cent was retained;.in, Canada,;for do- mestic consumption. Despite ..tete - maintenance'- of high levels of prodpe-"' tion, states the 'Canadian Coarser 'Grains • Monthly Review; the supplies of miiifeeds remain extremely tight, with the demand exceeding the slip- ply , ,..�,.mina •, ,�,. s'�, .+'i''a '.'?� ' S {tr ktk;.. �.. ,�..tr s� .�oi}^.v§:'.�>i TIIE PROVINCE OF PR031TSE... ONTARIO'S rich, mining country is, still a hard and crucnceful---land.' 'Copper Cliff and'. Sudbury, Porcupine and Kirkland Lake still entice the courageous:, Whoever is 'anybody! tri Ontarao' mining , has' ,been around hef'e ... in this northern re- gion of mineral resources beyond calculation ... after gold, nickel, copper; the platinum metals and silver. T day, new -sub- stances are constantly being discovered ... camps and towns with mineral • ending names are springing up ... nothing that is of use to mitts Will t stay hidden dden longer, than he takes to come for it. It bushed by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONI"AXI.IO) r ii .h A COHIVEIt IN GOLD In 1945, the province of Ontario recorded 15,225 gold -mining claims. In the pre- vious year 925,000,000—salaries and wages. —went to the 10,000 people eiigaped in the province's gold -mining industry. and 930,000,000 in nickel -copper, Dug the • : war the mines of the Sudbury basin :,.... supplied the United Nations with all the L • ' nickel and platintun metals „: :<I required, for victory, yield. , Mg 1,800,OOU,d00 pnut►ds of ' t • , aicke1,2,000006.060jiyoutitttra. ofcopper, la,'J OO(100 outrees ..-beilvcr.. mitt .T►�O r ut �1 ounce s of i;lai+ nint ,ti>tteti • srra44.1,4*16i4444,1+ra{4.704tii4. Vii►;. 9;