HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-06-21, Page 61!
tfY Difffcint Problem
",clGomlpnen,ta are still coining in from
Parts,>of Canada respecting the at -
"i, ude of the organized churches to -
'ails the admittedly'difficult prrob-
' qtn, of, the tnanefacture and sale of
.00•pxicetipg liquors. The three larg-
.at religious groups,, the Roman Oath-
ollee, the Anglican and the Unit-
ed Glairahes . have all . expressed . con-'
14 A -MMIC
ARo 6PCCovto
■.k. Veer Neon
At Giese Sweet '
..... RATES .. .
stalk $1.50-$3.50
Double $250-$7.00
Write for Folder
We Advise Early Reservation
r . A: M- PONIED. Prwlisat
c@rtt, ' inql t #lip>}taal u?,eetitrfs and
1n Qntai1,0 boot.' 41109`an; and TTnxt;
ed Churets meetings: opposed the OBe.
fining itf. e !alai' it ,bars In the vb larg.
4est eines,<:previded for in resent leg-
islation .or, the Pew •gpvernment. The
Anglican meeting, recognizing sotne-
thiitg or the difficulties encountered
by the government repelled a motion
of direct censure against Drew. The
".)Tooted Gh, reh was more critical.
In Sasha hewan the United Church
Conference ,Wes bitterly outspoken
and particularly against what it claim
ed was the habit of the Douglas gov--
,ernment of speaking with two,ton'gues
on the liquor question.
' "We view with the greatest concern
the use of terms which are designed
to lull the public into "a false sense
of confidence, while the government
continues to .pursue a policy diametri-
cally apposed to its own protestations
Under the present administra-
tion, government control has been Us-
ed to promote the same business to
an extent beyond anything known be-
fore . . ." - .
"We are :profoundly shocked by the
incongru=ity of the public utterances
of: the government . . .
Let Canadians Decide
. How can Canada's happiness and.
prosperity be achieved most, quickly?
at policy should be pursued by our
far hers and workers to bring their
'standard of living up to the highest
possible point? The Winnipeg Free
Press thinks that, greatest progress
con{ bemade, not by each„group strug-
gling to take from theother.. grqups
"part of their present share of the
present national income, but .by all
Canadians co-operating to increase the
size of the income while working to-
ward the highest possible national in-
come which can be obtained from
greater production. The editor thinks
that: "The redistribution of -the total
wealth on a fairer basis is a highly
desirable objective in any Society and,
under our present taxation laws we
have gone a long way in, this direc-
tion. It is equally, important or more
so, to make sure ,that there is plenty
of wealth to distribute.”
The Left and the Right
The Ottawa Journal calls attention
to an extension of the current com-
munist-C.C.F. controversy, 'this" time
involving the..._.Saska'tchewan.. govern-._
"The `Adult 'Education' ' branch of
that government has commissioned a
Winnipegger, Dyson Carter, to write
a book on "Atomic Future," and ar-
range .for distribution of 7,500 copies
printed at public expense. Crititisin
developed when the well known com-
munist political line appeared in the
forward of the booklet in these. words:
"Thosewho possess great wealth to-
xe 'ole.; tYiorl ltti bput OW'
atg3nt4 ;4434) --'lull alt ..P �,.
MeV and ahie, acteusattan chat,
those who oppose Soviet .Russia's1 se
cialtam say: "Now that we ,hay, a a:
super -weapon why net us,e it to make,.
war en the. Soviets."
, • The secret Was out when Dyson
Carter's letter to Tina Buck, commun.,
ist leader,• appeared in the lett wing.
magazine, 'INew Masses" "For my
part I shall do everything possible to
'explain to •my thousands -'.of C.C.F.
friends what real socialism means for
Canada ... for roe, Tim, 'Membership
in the Party is the highest of hon-
ours," Mr. Carter wrote. '
Premier Douglas' defended the ac
tion "of the "Adult Education" branch
and said: "Nowhere in this work
does Mr. Carter deal with politics or
with any particular form of, society."
Echoes From Parliament
Mr. Coldwell (C.C.F. Leader in dis-
cussion on Mr. Howe's government
bill expanding the. National Research
Council):.I know my Progressive:
Conservative friends dislike .the idea
of many other things that eine being
done for the benefit of the ordinary
man .and woman of Canada.
Mr. Jackman (P. -Con.): Not so;
Mr. ColdIt certainly well rtainl is so.
Mr. Stirling '(P. -Con.),: Not at all.
Mr. Coldwell: Iam t'r'ying to think.
in terms of 1946, not in terms of 1846
or thereabouts. It seems to me 'that
this is a bill which should command
the support of the House. -
Mr.' Green (P. -Con.): It got ' the
support of the House today.
Mr. :Coldwell: It got the support
of . the Houge, • but it" wee grudging
support according to the discussion
that has gone on. As far as controls
are concerned, it seems to me that
the proper way in which to- handle
this is the way in which we now han-
dle crown companiesalready in exist-
ence, such as the Canadian National
Railways, Trans -Canada Air Lines and
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation:
The matter could be handled through
committees. I do not say that •the
organizations to which I have refer-
red are perfect. but—
An hon. Member: Far from it.
Mr. Coldwell: Far from it, if you
believe that.
An hon. Member: I do believe it.
Mr. Coldwell; If, you do believe it,
all right. What I am saying is that
this parliament has an opportunity,
through appropriate -committees, if it
desires to use it. .
Has Arm Broken
Mrs. Harold Wild had the misfor-
isfortune to trip on the grass on Friday
evening last, breaking her arm. She
was taken to Wingham General Hos-
pital where: it was X-rayed and --placed:.
in a cast.—Wingham Advance -Times.
our U;S: visitors tive5
`0ptano shows /we jtI6'
Visitors from the. States bought over 70,000 angling licences in>just one
season! These guests he1p bring us .prosperity ... it's up to us to do
all we can to make their visits pleasant!
WHAT CAN 1 DO? The answer is plenty! Here are some of the things any-
one can do. The suggestions cotne from a well-known Ontario hotelman:
1. Know the places of interest and
- beauty spots in your district and
tell people about them.
2. When you write your friends in
the States tell them about the
places they would enjoy visiting.
3. Try to make any visitor glad
he came to Canada.
4. Take tine .to give requested
'information fully and graciously:
5. In business dealings, remember
Canada's i`eputation for courtesy
and fairness depends on you.
6. To Sum it all up, follow the
"Golden Rule.
IT'S EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS :.. .e,.o 4?e%ot;ea.sx.
It -works both ways!
They treat us royally,
when we visit them
we can't do less.
than return the com-
91fd nG„ra,'rl
Worth'his weight in gold! This diagram shows how Aliment. Reinember,
'Phe Province of Ontario everyone benefits from the that it 'costs money
profits to almost the same - Ontario tourist income.
extent from tourist busi- Every dollar is shared this to take a holiday .. .
nese as it does from the way . 1. Hotels; 2,;, so let's see they get a
gold mining industry. It's Stores; 3. Restaurants; goocl.return for every
up to each of us to see' 4. Tares, etc:;" -5 Amuse-
thatit_goes Vowing. • . rrnents;' 6. - Oar - . penny they spend,
W0ite ,esurtOTcINie�(//
Tone in "Cheerio Hol'liti y4' ORB,
tra,�tl p NY r Ti,vr, Fn, getd'.,Sot:
l CK }^ , fl '.DrUmmDnd
#! wedllinE ,:pf interest izl this yioiu-
ity tools ,,lace; recently) in 1 -sigh Park
Aven4nee "'United ,Qhurch, Toronto, when
the 'Rev + ' H. Names united in
maa`riage,I~'ty,hel .Marion Asinath
youngest daulgltter of Mr. T. E., Dram
mond and ^ttbb' late ZVIis, Drummond,
(formerlyr" Of :: Reuss)», and Angus,
son of Mr. and 'Mrs. E. McEerren, To-
ronto. The; bride looked charming in,
a street -length-. dress of ....navy blue
crepe with navy and white accessor-
ies. She,„carried a nosegay of red
Doses. Her ester, Miss Dorothy
Drumn}ond, was bridesmaid, wearing
a printed silk jersey and carrying a
nosegayr of .pink roses: Donald Mc-
Kerron was best man. Following the
ceremony, a, reception was held at the.
home of the groom's parents. The
groom's mother received in a. printed
silk dress, assisted by tale bride's= sis-
ter, Mrs. O: V. MacKenzie, of Guelph,
in a navy crepe°dress. The bride and
groom Ieft on a short honeymoon,
the bride travelling in a powder blue
suit with white accessories. On their
return •Mr. and Mrs. lylcKerron will
reside et 12 Desmond Ave., Toronto.
Biyth Lions Club presented their
minstrel show to a full house in the
Town Hall, Hensel', on Friday even-
ing, June?, sponsored ,by South Hur-
on Agrietfitural Society. Mr. Bert
Gray; was interlocutor; accompanists
were. kiss Elizabeth Mills and Miss
Alice Rogerson; and end -men' were
George McNall, Harvey McCallum,
Stanley, Oheilew, Ken Whitmpre, Jack
Hardisty and Frank Hollyman. There
were 38 in, the cast. The ,Siivef Lin-
ing quartette was composed of Wal-
ter Butte), James Lowrie, Harry Lear
and 'Glenn Kechnie, and the Dusky
Clouds quartette by Ireine Wallace,
Stanley • Sbthorpe, Maitland Henry
and Frank Hollyman.' The singing
LIJEcanJCgin AMR 40,/
9 i*i 94 bre, with a�ttT!#uI
o a1i; ;*as, il�t�,lelMedt Wltb
blao laced, d1,rz�tc0,$" ')1. !Q'o4a r diets
trios 4)1.(1LSoles.' 'TheE 440'44; cliColl'a*
tfoiis lees#vee *any{ leis 14.4 6.0.0*.
Pieev B. R. Shati(kick expressed;' 11113
tJiank$ to ,'tile cast. fox 'tie ane pre140 -
tat on of -'their minstrel ;a ieti '
_00 11(
A.nniversaty services will De 'held
in. Cromarty Presbyteriltlt 'Church on,
,Sunday, June,30, with services .in the
morning at 11 o'clock and in the eve-
ning at 7.30 o'clock, Standard' Time.
Rev. J. M. Ritchie, M.A., of Westboro,
Ont„ son of Rev. David Ritchie, a
former pastor of the congregation,
willbe the, guest speaker. There will
be special mitsic,at both services.
Around 40 bar energy lessens. 'But, ex-
perience has taught us to do our work with less
effort:. The years ahead should yield the
greatest accomplishments, the most enjoyment
and happiness.. They can, too, if we avoid the
kidney.. andbladder disorders such as Back;.
ache, Headache* Rheumatic Pains, Lassitude,
Loss of Sleep and Energy which so often attack
those around 40. For,over half a century •
Dodd's Kidney )rills have been helping men
and women to keep kidneys and bladder in
good order. If you are nearing 40, or put it,
for the sake-of,your health and a happier
future use Dodd's Kidney 'Pills .today! 125
''An impressive ceremony: took place,
at. St. Patrick's Church, Dtublin,. on•-
• Sunday afternoon, when the parishes
of District Centre No. 5 of the Holy
Name Rally` assembled- to celebrate
the -25th `'annual rally and parade of
the Holy ,Name Society, under the
auspices of the Diocesan Union„ The
parishes of Seaforth, St. Columban,-
Logan and Dublin were represented,
led' by the respective presidents car-
rying • their distinctive banner$, and
marched in. the parade to the church.
The service consisted of reciting
the, Litany of the Holy Name of
Jesus, singing the hymn, "Come Holy
:Ghost," the sermon. by Rev., Father
MacDonald, C.S.S.R., London; renew-
al of the Holy Name Pledge; Benedic-
tion of the Blessed Sacrament, con:
clud.ed by the hymn, "Holy God, We
Praise Thy Name."
Administers Confirmation
The Sacrament of Confirmation was
administered at St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin, on Mondays evening by Most
Rev. J. T. Kidd, Bishop' of London.
Thirty-six children • and three -:adults;
were. confirmed' and His Excellency,
Bishop Kidd gave an inspiring ' ad-
dress featuring the seven gifts of the
Holy Ghost:, Wisdom, Understanding,
Counsel, •Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety
and the Fear of the Lord. Other
clergy in the Sanctuary were: Very
Rev. J. C. Kelly, London; Chancellor
of the Diocese; Rev. F. J. O'Drowski,
Sr, coin :alba n; Rev., S... J. MacDonald,
Clinton; R.ev'.. E. E. Veitenheimer,a
Logan. Following is the list' of. can-
didates'"confirmed: Rose Givlin, Ur-
ula Givlin, Lena Givlin, ,.Dorothy Dil-
lon„ Mary Morrisson,'Jeanette Jordan,
Alice Ryan,, Louise Feeney, Helen
• Horan. Joan Evans, Martha Bruxer,
Alice Feeney, Rita Eckert, Dorothy
Ann Costello, Joseph Costello, Bern -
! The motnr�
Not jast a new.
,Exttra.protq, on,
from blowouts. `
For long mileage'
Miff ; safe stops.:.
lifo finer lire 'hilt !'
Complete Tire Service
-ard Costello, Clarence Cronin, Lorne
Cronin, Bobbie Cronin; Keith Kelly,
Jack Kelly, Paul Kramers, Ronald I
Butters, Allan Butters, Joseph Mc -1
Laughlin, Edwin O'Iiearn, ,•Joseph
Woods, Stephen Horan, Fergus Burns;
Jerome Murray, Cyril Murray, Fran-
cis Flanagan, Leonard Feeney, Pat
Flannery, Jack Ryan, Jerry Eckert,
Mrs. Leonard Nagle, Mrs Earl Nagle
' and Kenneth McPherson. •
Minister: "I hope you profited by,
my sermon' this morning, MacTavish."
Mac: 'Oh, no, sir.. On Sundays .I
forget business and go to church with
no thought of 'gain."
that's• all we ask%
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Cornpare its sodas► e0 st iouhe
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You've never seen anything like it because there's . never been any.
thing like it! AU you've .ever hoped for in any high-test gasoline ' PLUS
a unique new smoothness--ik -uniformity of high knockiest: pace
- is1 all o ►lindereilull-moot--eucelled-by any- othar-gasoline- at-aay-prinel
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