HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-06-21, Page 47Y?,Fri' 1 vl wilt Be lase New .Low • Cash Rates: al i,Found, Conduit Fi x44141 P�'te.,,.*liree word; .. , 1 Cent a week , ard oweelt Pep • Each agate„: initial and abbreviation, count* i a ohne word. cexgia Minimuoa charge, lust, insertion 25 Cents o an sltn Memoriang4 I1oticce-.,3 see per week- p • May directed to a Box Nu nber, ejQ ,r4. Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Too Csos.sdditicnal per ggek 1 . be etasge4 if ads sn above ohne aro not paid by the BLturtjaY night hi -the ween in which the ad was run. irths..,Maxrjages and Deaths inserted free of charge. • .Auction, Sales. Notices to Creditors. Btc.- 7Rates on application. Notice To Creditors - Coming .-Events NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN BENNETT A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of John Bennett, late of the Town of Seaforth. Retired "Farmer, deceased, who died on or about""the 13th day of June, 1946, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of July, 1946, full particulars of 'their claims. Immediately after the said last 'Mentioned date, the ,assets, of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only .to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice; to the exclusion of all others, antit: the undersigned' will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof.. DATED at Seaforth' this 18th day of June, 1946. ALVIN W. SILLEII'Y, Barrister. Etc., ' Seaforth, , Ontario. 4097-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS „In the Estate of PETER McCANN, ALL PERSONS,.HAYING CLAIMS AGAINST the ikte'of Peter McCann, late of the 'flown of Seaforth, deceased, who died on or about the 6th February. 1945, are hereby noti- fied to send in to, the undersigned on or before the 9th day of July, 1946, full par- ticulars..of their claims. I•nunediately after the said last mentioned date, the assete of the said estate will be dis,r triliuted amongst the parties entitled thereto, having. , regard only to claims of which the undersigned shah then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned 'shall• not then have, notice for the 'assets so distributed or any part thereof. ,, . �l DATED at Seaforth, Ont, this 19th day of June. 1946: ALVIN' W. SILLERY, •Barrister, Etc., ° - Seaforth, Ont. - 4097-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ANDREW ARCHIBALD A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Andrew Archibald, -late of "the Town of Seaforth,. deceased, who died on or about the 1st November; 1942, are hereby • notified --to send in :to the undersigned en or before the 2nd day of July, 1946, full par- ticulars of their claims.• Immediately after the said last, mentioned ,date, the assets of.. the said •°estate •'will be dis- tribiited amongst the. parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person.•of whose claim, the 'undersigned shall not then have notice for 'the assets so distributed or any . . part thereof. DATED at. Seaforth. Ont.. this llth day of . June, 1946. ALVIN W. SILLER' Seaforth, Ontario. 4096-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES SHOLDICE ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST ' the Estate of James Sholdice, date of the Town, of Seaforth, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 18th April, 19.16, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned en or before the 7th day of July, 1946. full ,articulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date. the assets of the said estate will be dis- tr;hr:ted amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only, to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of ;all others, and the nndersigned will not be liable, to ,any person of whose elairs the undersigned shal•1' not then have Mice for the asses so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth this 10th day of June, 1946. ' ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario. 4096-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARY ROWLAND ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS ;AGAINST the Estate of Mary Rowland,, late of the Village of Walton, Married Woman, deeeas� ed. who died on or about she 98th February, 1946, are hereby notified to send iri to the undersigned on or before the• -1st' day of July, 1946, full 'particulate df -their eTdiims, a -Immediately after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said estate will be dis- tribut .amongst theparties entitled thereto. having regard' only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice,to the exclusion' of all others, and the undersigned will not be Liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have ▪ notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. -DATED at Seaforth, this' 7th day ofJune, -...1946. ' ' ALVIN W. SILLERY, . Barrister, Etc., Seaforth, Ontario. 4096-3 NOTICE TO CREDiTOR ALL PERSONS HAVING ANY CLAIMS against the •estate, of JOHN TAYLOR MARTIN. late of the Township of Tucker - smith, in 'the County of Huron. and Province of Ontario, Gentleman, who died on or about the 20th day of April, A.D. 1945. are required to send game to the undersigned Solicitor for the. Executrices on or before . the 22nd day of June, A.D. 1946, ,otherwise their claims will be disallowed. DATED at Hamilton this 31st dao, Cof May, A.D. 1946 THERESA CHER/0ER, 37 James St. S-, . Hamilton, Ont.. Solicitor for the Executrices. 4095-3 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS In 'the Estate of JOHN WILLIAM ORTWEIN, Deceased. A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST, the Estate of John William Ortwein. late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, gentleman. who died on or about the 20th day of May, A.D. 1946. are required to file particulars of the same with Elmer D. Beit. Solicitor, Of Exeter, Ontario, by the 22nd day of June, A.D. 1946, after which date the e.State will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DATED the 4th day of June, 1946. ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for the Executers. • . 4095-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the .'E,gtate of DANIEL FREDERiCK M'oGREGOR. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the. 'state 'of Daniel Frederick McGregor, late of • the Township of Tuckereanith, de - Ceased, who died :on or about the 26th day of December, 1945. are hereby • notrfied to send in to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of June, 1946, furl particulars of their claims tmmed ately after the said last mentioned., date,. 4110.aka to o 'th +sa.d es e f ld tate 17 be" distthbated " rigsfi the unties entitled t"heae•, to xravide trd only to claims of which the undetsigtleil 'sitall then have notice, to Odie exe1Uaion of all " (them, and the under- fltgted will not be liable to any 'pef'son oP whose tfafil the undersigned shell not then ••i tetiC - tieF for, eke assets distributed or, iy groat tlieeof. %:..Illi $D, tre Setiiotttli 'tbia 4th day of Susie; i Ali l kir fi> 1+iilY, likeenter • 40954 lath. n GRAND OPENING - CRYSTAL ,PALACE Ball Room; Fair Grounds. Mitchell, ,Fri- dg+y, June 28th. Dance to Lionel Thornton and his' Casa Royal Orchestra. Ontario's fore- most dance band. Admission 75c. 4097-2 Baby Chicks HILLSIDE °HICKS, JUNE DELIVERY. Started. and dayolds. Heavy breeds - Barred Rocks, Light Sussex,. and crossbreds: Contact us for prices.: Agent, CHAS. W. LEONHARDT, Box 1, Mitchell - 4097 -1 For Rent FOR RENT le ACRES GOOD PASTURE for orderly cattle, or may be cut for hay. Apply to ort. JAMES BELL. Phone S5 ra 5, Hensall. • 4097-2 'Lost and Found LOST -BETWEEN SEAFORTE CREAlj4- ery and St. dames' Cemetery, on June 11, a man's brown leather ,jacket- Finder please leave at Box 496, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. Reward 4097-1 Teachers Wanted TEACHER WANTED - PROTE sTANT teacher for S.S. No. 2, McKillop Town- ship. School redecorated recently' and is fully equipped with Hydro and radio. Duties to commence.. September term. If making per- sonal' application, which is preferable, apply in evening between 7 and 8, stating qualifica- tions and salary expected, to JOSEPH T. HUGILL, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. No. 2, Seaforth. 4094-tf Notices FI.EI,'CE-LINE YOUR HOME - BLOWN Rockwood insulation applied to walls and ceilings of your home will save fuel with more year-round comfort. Fire proof. Work done -anywhere • 'Our equipment is 'ill' the district• now. For free estimate and terms y Phone 41, EXPOSITOR, or write ROWLAND Births C. DAY,' 5' Thornton Ave., London, 4090x8 Resp Wan G 'Ax, GOPR VO4" SMALL HOTEL; average 35- persons ver meal: Also,. wo' Pan for laundry ruorA, for July and Augu,ytr 0go4 w,sses. Write P.P $OX 50, Grand 'Beed. Ont. • 4097'1. %'ANTS0- VESE,S' ASSISTANTS, AGE 17 or over, at least one year High School reg0lred, to be given one year . course, For further partdculars apply Ito Secretary. SCOTT' MEMO RxAL HOSPITAL. Seaforth, Oat: , 4097-2 For Sale FOR S A I.F. LATH, BRICKS,. - QUARTER, round g& few 10 -foot joists and timbers.. W. .. n. wr. Phone $18-W, 'Seaforth. 4097x1' Thou SALE -GREY FLANNEL SUMMER suit. $COINS CLEANING & PRESS- ING. Phone 242, Seaforth. 40974 FOIL SALE -CREAM COLORED PRAM, IN good condition; excellent tires. PHONE 131.J. Rei stili. 4097-1 POR SALB--,BUCK RAKE, BUILT ON 1928 Buick Master, ready for the field. .H. H. EINEM, Hensall. Phone 14-J. 4097x1 ,FOR SALE -ONE 514 -FOOT MOWER, IN erfect working p krng condition. See J. EARLE SPROAT, R.R. 3, Kippen. 4097x1 PR1VATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture. at the home of Mrs. George Weir. Ann Street, on Friday, Saturday and Mon- day afternoons. from 2 to 6 pm. For fur- ther information PHONE 223, Seaforth. 4097-1 Personals QPIRELLA POUNDATION GARMENTS FOR health and style. Individually designed. MRS. HELEN K. SCOTT, High Street, Sea - forth. 4060x25 DON'T SUFFER WITH YOUR FEET "OR athlete's foot. burning, itching feet, eorns, callouses, chilblains. poison ivy or itch- ing skin. Use PEMILAC, the amazing new speedy remedy. At your druggists. 4094x9 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 91.00. ,Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. 4092-8 Cards of Thanks THE FAMILY OF THE LATE JOHN BEN - nett wish to express their sincere apprec- iation for the many kindnesses and sympathy extended to them during their recent be- reavement, and to thank "those who sent flowers and .loaned cars. 4097x1. THE MCMILLAN FAMILY WISH TO TAKE this opportunity of thanking neighbors and all who helped during the recent build- ing construction. 4097x1 TENDERS WANTED STANLEY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA'I_ KELLAR-In Scott Memorial •Hospital,, on June 16, to Mr. and ,Mrs. -Elmer Kellar, Dashwood, twin daughters. is asking for tenders for caretaking; in School Sections No. 1, No. '10,, No. 14 and No. ' 7. Duties to be: Light fires when needed; 'do sweeping and dusting: scrub school twice a year ; care of toilets ; clean windows and lights once a year; cut grass twice a year; do minor repairs. Lowest tenders not neces- sarily accepted, For further particulars a -- Ply to GEORGE L. REID, Sect-Treas., Varna, Ont. 4097-2 DRAINAGE 'TENDERS Township of. McKillip TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 2.262 lineal feet of 12 -inch Mile, on Dris- coll Dram, will he received by the undersign ed until Tuesday, July 2nd, when tenders „will - be opened at 4.30 p.m., A.S.T.. at Carnegie Library Hall; Seaforth. Tenders tod-'Srate."'.whether clay. or •cement tile are to be used. .A 10 per cent. marked cheque of the con- tract price to accompany tender. Satisfac' tory bonds to :be furnished. Lowest or.. any 'tender nota -,necessarily ac- cepted. Plans and specifications 'mos': be seen at my office, J. M. ECKERT, Clerk, R.R. 1, Seaforth, Ont. 4097-2 Farms For Sale - FARM' FOR SALE-r'ivk. MILES SOUTH of Seaforth, and one mile east, Lot 7, Concession 8. Tuckersmith. One mile from • school. Large bank barn, . brick house, hen house, and pig pen,_, Drained.; _„Pl�ersmty of water. All in grass.' Possession given im- mediately. Apply to J. W. FREE. Seaforth. 4080-tt Auction Sales "AUCTION SALE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS and Household Effects of the late John T. Stephenson, Lot 18, Concession •11, Stanley Township, 2?=. miles` west of Varna and 11H, miles south, on Goshen Line. Friday, -June 21st, at 1 p.m.: IMPLEMENTS-Masaey- Harris' binder; Deering mower: steel roller (good) : 13 -disc International fertilizer drill, in good shape; ,weigh scales • Clinton fanning mill: disc harrow: bag trunk: iron sugar ket- tle. 32 -foot extension ladder. HOUSEHOLD -1 kitchen cupboard, good : 1 corner cup; board: 1 other cupboard: 1 Knechtel kitchen cabinet,. good 1 kitehen table; 1 drop' leaf table; 3 small tables; 1 parlor table (an- tique) ; 2 beds ; 1 bed with springs ; 1 rope, bed : 2 • wash stands t 1 bureau ; 2 trunks ; 14 chairs ; . 3:burner coal oil stove, Perfection ; coal 011 heater : lamps ; gybed., warmer, -antique; 2 rocking chairs ; 3 quilt' boxes ; linoleum 14'. x . 7V and 14' x 315.E ; 1 toilet set; lamps ; robe; rug ; tub; . boiler ; (clothes horse; sealers ; dishes : etc.: other . articles. Terms -Cash. CHARLES STEPHENSON, Executor.; E. P. Chesney, Clerk : Harold" Jackson, Auctioneer. 4096-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR COAL ANL) COKE • Federal Buildings --Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Coal," will he received until a p.m. (E.D.S.r.),"Friday, June 28, 1946, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with spedifica(;ions and conditions attached ' cap be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and. the Supervising Areiri- tect 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders ahoald be made on the forms.. sup- plied by the Deyartment and in accordance with departmrentai specifications and Condi-, tions attached 'thereto. Coal dealers' license numbers roust be given when tendering. The Department reserves the right M de- mond from• any successful' tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered -bank -iri--Gondar--made- payable --to the --order• of the Honourable the Minister., of Public' 'Works, equal to10 d' eremit oSChe amount of the e r orAlegi-vet.; ;Ronda of the Domdnion of. �Can'ada or of the Canadian National Railway Company'. and its con- stituent con:Monies ,unconditionally guaranteed as to prineipat and 3ntet+0t by the "Dominion Of Granada, or the •aforeriientioned bands -and - a certified cbcgire..if required to make up' an odd amount Stich feeurity will eerve'as a guarantee for the Proper fulfilment of fere contract Ry order. J M SOMttfVZ'tLL' y r , Ser r~etery 15epttitieent 06da1; ;Trtrt6 • 3 40962 Deaths MULCAHY-In Seaforth, on Monday, June 17, Aliee Mulcahy. HORAN-In the Stratford General , hospital, on Sunday, June 17, Elizabeth Agnes Downey, beloved wife of Edward Horan, formerly of Beechwood, in her, 72nd year. BENNETT-In Seaforth, on Thursday, June 13, John Bennett, in his 9001' year. • HENDERSO1-In London. on Thursday,' June 13th, James B. Henderson, in his 74th ' year. - • CAMPBELL -In Seaforth, on Wednesday, June 1'9," Joseph Wilson Campbell;' in his 45th year. ' WINTHROP- Mr. arid Mrs. J. R. Adams and Carol Anne of Hamilton, spent.Friday with Mr' "and Mrs. John McClure- and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Zantzi, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hawley, of Sea - forth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley, Mr, W. O. Hodge and- and Mrs.' William Hodge, of St. Ca'ihari'nes, Mr. Jack Hodge, of Paris, rand Mr.' and Mrs. Norman Morey and family, 'ot Mitchell,' ..spent Sunday with Mrs. Margaret' Horne and Mr. E. Haase. Mrs. Garnet'' Taylor, Dorothea and Elizabeth, of Staffa, were, the guests of Mr: and -,-Mrs. John. McClure, WALTON Death of J. W. Campbell- The very sudden death of Joseph Wilson Campbell occurred in Scott :Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Wed- nesday, June 19, in his -45th year. H -e had been in failing health for three months- The deceased was married in 1922 to Miss Muriel Younge, ,;of: Londesboro, Mr.. Campbell is surviv- ed by his wife, two brothers, Jack Campbell, Westlock,. Alta:; Ernest,.5f Carrot River, Sask., and four sisters, Miss,,Tennie Campbell, of Edmoliton.. Mrs. Covey, Edmonton; Mrs. Suther- land,, of Breton, and Mrs. Alex Mc - Ewan, of Hariock. Mr, Campbell was -a faithful member of Walton United Church, The funeral .will take place from his late ,residence, lot 28, con. xl1111C41�, to Churg cin'; S•aturdOr at , Rea R a azleWood 91.1te o:tifl 4,14i te>tmea vri; • e'BIRO* in lig,a,104lifl Pink aaniflte S---' S f tliO ► lex' treating kir dOlilAoii»`i" alll0l5eu dinner at - `Q pff Sh4P 0;' .rondoa> Qn, t 17.0.1(' e ea !ser vi 6-914 table Ilnatlons, were In pinIt. and white, wit vases of awe ,peas and centred with.,a 'lovely' wedding cake,, the .glvCtl. o thsi. fialaily;,•',4ttending the dinner � e.e �r„anal M. Spencer.a and Mr.] and ,Mrs. 'Walter. Spencer, I.enebil ; Miss Mavis 'Spencer, Toronto; Mrs. J. R..MeDdnald, Henshil; Mr. and Mrs: W. J. Statham, London, and M1'. Robertn..Horney end daughter, Mary, of London. Mr. and Mrs. ,Spencer hairs ''"been residents of Hensall for the past 18 years and previous to com- ing to Hensall" resided in Exeter, where their •marriage was solemnized 'by Rev: Godwin, Minister of Main St. Residents of Hensall and district are asked to leave used clothing .for • tele National Clothing Collection for overseas relief, at the Town Hall, Hensall. Please leave serviceable used clothing, old blankets or foot- wear in wearable condition: The drive Will eontinue'until June 29. Death of Mrs. A. Johnson Mrs. Adeline .Johnson, well-known Herman resident, died at her home in Hensall Wednesday morningin her 71st year, following a week's illness. A resident of• the village for the past 10 years; she was highly respected and widely known. She was the for- mer Adeline Lindenfield• and was born in Hay. A member of the Unit- ed Church, she was also a 'faithful worker in the Red Cross work room for many years during the war, and was a devoted mother to her family. Surviving are six sons: Melvyn, of Windsor; Clarence . and Elgin, Lon- don; Gordon, Spokane, Wash., and Allan and Jerry, Hensall; four daugh- ters: Mts. William Cook, London; Mrs. Gordon Parker,. Exeter; Mrs. George Ingram and Mrs. Alex,... Mc- Murtrie, Hensall; four brothers, Ed- ward Lindenfield, Exeter; Israel, Lon- don; William, Montana, and Walter, Stirling, and one sister, Mrs. Schoch, Sebringville. A private funeral will be held on Saturday at 3 p.m. with Rev. R. A. Brook officiating. Interment will be made in Hensall Union Cemetery. iOrintinned from t'afge+ X Chiselitu11.# 'Church .Has Picnic The la'vel , farm home of Mr. and. Mrs. Alfred ia••oss formed th'pi' setting for a 'deU 11tful social -evening held on Friday : night under tht# sponsor- ship of the Chiselhurst United '01,11404 Women's Association.` 'During • the fore part of the evening the men. .par- ticipated' in a ball game on the . ,spa- cious grounds, while the 'little ,tots en- loyed. races and other sports. Fol-' low`i'ng this, the crowd (over 125) as- sembled' in the home and Rev, Brook ably and ..efficiently acted as chair- man, expressing thanks to the host' and hostess' for their kind hospitality. The program included community singing, conducted by Rev. Brook, with Gladys Luker at the piano;; vocal trio, "The Church in the Wildwood," Alfred, June and Faye Ross, junior members s of the household, accompan- ied' by their mother, Mrs. Ross; reci- tatidn, little Marlene Cooper; -vocal solos with guitar accompaniment, Audrey' Walsh, "Irish Lullaby" and "Beautiful Dreamer"; chairman's ad- dress; piano solos, 'Gladys Luker; vo- cal solos, Miss Jennie- Jolly, "J'ust. AWeaTyin' For You" and "My Task," G. Luker, accompanist. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin received a ,pleasant surprise when they were Balled for- ward , and•,.pr'eseuted with. a bouquet in. honor of their thirtieth wedding anniversary; vocal duet„,Rev. Brook and Jennie Jolly, "In the Garden," ac- companied by G. Luker; "Happy' Birthday" was then sung in honor of Alfred Ross, young son of the host. and hostess, who observed his eleventh .birthday; solo, Rev. Brook, "Ivory Palaces," accompanied by G. Luker. Mrs. Coleman then extended a vote of ;thanks to those who had supplied the entertainment and to all who had made possible this success- ful- affair. A delicious lunch was served by the ladies of the W.A. at the close. The proceeds will be used for church improvements, The Clinton Legion Band will pre- sent a concert in the bandstand in Hensall on Sunday evening at 8.30. There will be a silver collection, Dr. Jas. S. Tapp, formerly of Hen= sail, who has been with the National Research Council, Ottawa,• has been appointed assistant- director at the Pulymer•Corporation Synthetic Rub- ber plant in Sarnia. Mr, and Mrs. John Bolton attended the Federation of Agricultural field day at Clinton on Wednesday , with some of their former friends from the Usborne boundary. It being the 40th anniversary of their wedding, on re- turning home found their home illum- inated and some of their relatives pre- sent to surprise then. They were ple- sented with a bouquet of 'roses and gifts of ;linen. A delicious 'luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Bolton ex- pressed then" sincere thanks in a fit- ting manner. Miss Eleanor Cook was hostess at her horde„ on Monday evening, June 17, for '=the-•-J'ulie• meeting of the Mis, sion" Circle. 'The meeting came to or, der with the singing of "Faith. Of Our Fathers." The Scripture lesson was -read by Miss Doris Buchanan, follow- ed with the'i"ihylmn, "Come, Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love" and pray- er by Miss'Mari,e Boyd. Business was discussed and, plansmade for a• pic- nic `to be 'held' at Turnbull's Grove on Wednesday, June 26. Minutes were read arid adopted and collection tak- en., The story was read by Miss Ber- nice Jinks and Miss Doris Buchanan. "Unto the Hills" was the closing hymn, after whicn a recreational per- iod was enjoyed.. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, Lois, Jack, Jean and Sylvia spent the week e,n4 with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.' Leonard' Noakes and family have rented the dwelling re- cently vacated •by Mrs:-G7M7-'J'le'dden and expect to Move shortly. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Neil and Ronald of 'London, spent the 'week -end. with Mrs. Neil's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pfaff. At the' recent anniversary, held at St, Paul's Anglican : Church, Mrs. R. Dalrymple rendered a lovely solo, "111 - to the -Heart. of the Wildwood," which was much enjoyed. Mr. and. Mrs. Reg. Tebbutt and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs: Earl McPalls .and family, of London, spent 'Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. John Pfaff ' and Mrs. C. Ba'h-er, Mark 40th Wedding Anniversary' '- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer, prom- inent and widely known known Hen sail residents, observed their fortieth wedding anniversary on Wednesday, June 19, and were at home to their, many relative, friends and neighbors' during theclay, who called to offer, felicitations. Members of their fam- "It is not what we gain, -but what we give That nieasui`es the worth' of the life we live." Canada1s Cancer Victims Total 1,000 Every Month YOUR CONTRIBUTION ,AND CO-OPERATION CAN. CUT THIS 'FIGURE 65 PER CENT And humarily speaking, that is big interest! YOUR (BOX) IS AT ANY OF THE ' FOLLOWING -BUSINESS PLACES: Scott Habkirk's S vice Station Whyte'e Produce Tasty Grill F. S. Savauge Beattie ;Oros.' er• Keating's Drug Store Seaforth Creamery Routledge's Grocery Cleary's Grocery Sproat's Grocery Dbminign Sank Commerce Bank' Provincial Bank Ken Sennett, Walton Finnijan's, .Egtpond- mondvllle - LIONS BRITIS ' WAR VICTIMS COMMITTEE: " iv'e' To Conquer Cancer" A meeting affecting Public .'ehQ01 Rafe agars • of the Township of McKillop, ,will 'heY ;, he d1d: at WINTHROP 'HAS TUESDAY, JUNE 25th, at 9 o'clock P M ., DSS T, Public ' School Inspector J. H. K,in. head: Will address and discuss with you 'the formation of Public School Area. i J. M. ECKERT, Clerk,-" Township of McKillop. • TENDERS Public Utility Commission S'EAFORTII .. I Tenders asked for construction of Pumpl►ouse, foundations, etc., .cmplete. Plans and specifications to be seen at the Com- mission's Office, Town Hall, Seaforth.- TENDERS TO BE IN BY JUNE 24, 1946. Lowest or any other tender not necessarily accepted ' D. H. WILSON, . Secretary -Treasurer. Still the need cries out. Still homes and villages lie shattered in the 'after- math of war. Without adequate clothing how can they face the task of re -building how •face the winter? For the sake of the world's future, we must continue to help them. Blankets and sheets for - the hospitals ... underwear andshoes sturdy work clothing'... warm garments'for"folk of all ages °:.. all of these are needed. Many are lying unused in your closets. Dig them out today ::-. bundle them up and take them to the nearest Post Office or National Clothing Collection depot. - - WHAT YOU CAN DU 1. Get together all the clothing you can spare. Wrap in paper; tie securely; tieboots and shoes in pairs. You. can include a short personal • mes- sage with your contribution. ' 2.,.ill�ce it to your nearest post office or collection depot. NATIONAL CLO -THING COLLECTION for Overseas Relief JL/NE Ilto2 -' 'THIS :�1':;'; ADVErtTiS[IMEN q. , TH C y ON,: , CO> • CTiON' IN SEAT+ WTh' 'VVEDNESD Rural donors give, your parcel to #:r