HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-06-21, Page 214 7i • i pito; idled at Seafort , Ontario, ev "hursday afternoon by McLear] •ub cri tion rates,'' in s P1.50 aear year advance; foreign $2.00 a year. Single copies, 4 cents each Advertising rates on application. Authorized as Second ,Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. SEAFORTH, Friday, June 21, 1946. No Damage Done The severe electrical storm which swept over Western. Ontario on Sun - clay afternoon was very partial to us in this central'region. Damage, how- ever, was very heavy in the southern district about Blenheim, where a thousand acres of Onions are said to have been washed out, and other flood damage was suffered: In the north about Midland excessive rains and high Water from the lakes also did considerable damage. • But while we had a heavy rain of some duration and lightning was severe at times, no damage from either resulted. In fact, Sunday's rain, and that of Monday, will be of inestimable value to the growing crops' which already -are far advanc- ed and give every promise of an un- usually heavy yield. In fact, it.lis many years since we have had such favorable weather. It is trueli tat summer seemed reluct- ant - ant to come, and even yet there is lot-tco much evidence ofit, but there has been plenty of moisture and no frost to cause any material damage. If weather for the hay and:harvest is as favorable as that for spring work and seeding, there is not much more that we could expect or even ask for—farm help alone excepted, • it Should Be fiettled We have ,noticed that a proposal has been made in different parts of the Dominion that''a referendum should be submitted to the people on the contentious question of daylight - saving. We would say that the suggestion is a good one, because the subject is one 'that generates more heat than a political election, and we believe the sensible thing to do "'would be to give the electors an opportunity say, to , express, at least, a- provincial wide opinion on the matter. There -is noquestion-of doubt but - what a large, proportion of :people in the towns and cities obtain a great deal of pleasure from the extra hour of daylight that fast time affords. If. people' are garden minded, it gives them a long evening to work in their gardens,, and it greatly encourages an added . participation in sports. To all such daylight saving is a real boon. However, there are others in 'these. cities and towns who are just as vig- orously opposed. Chiefly among these are the mothers of families; who can not get their children to bed while the sup is still ' • shining, and consequently cannot get there up an hour earlier in the morning. There , are- men, too, ' who are engaged in milk and other deliveries, who far -from approve of the scheme. In the farming=' districts there is but one opinion, and that is solidly against daylight saving time. And with ample ' reason. The ° farmer is " forced to work by the sun, not by the clock. Turning the clock on an hour will not dry upthe-dew an hour earl- ier. Neither will it enable him to expedite his harvest work by quit- ting an hour earlier in the evening, while there is still an hour or two of daylight still available. Of cause no . 'one can ' force' the farmer to quit unless he wants to, but no farmer can force the hired help to, take advantage of all the- e'vening daylight unless he wants to either. 1 Coil e' rent l.. it S nut t y ;<t is a question that permits of no compromise, .because persuasion is of no avail. The ma- Pritrintist rule. It would be a case, b0' .. I such aelUestion ever came be- eclots .off .tile. '- ! ... nnnner being till had .th a' a elje8.Or..• t atillza n ,, :fir 1 e, o k h n. ga- it the tae' out, geed nrlany Canadians i'ea1 ze, if, unforest is ely, all. ;do ndt, that, there -,son ;. me re z axe juste elle hu- man elel(iht' in the' supply, of food to European " .countries. There is the political element as' well, because Wvhat we are doing and will , do for Europe in the immediate future, may easily determine the kind -of govern- ment Europe may have for a century or so at least. We are proud of our democratic government. And well we might be. We have, lived happily and prosper-. ed mightily under it. But in Europe the experience' of what we call demo- bratic government has not been a happy one, and the heart-rending trials the people in Europe are un- dergoing today are pointing to a gloomy prospect indeed. If the people of Europe see in what Canada and the . United States call - . democracy a ' kind of government that overfeeds ' its own people "arid starves its neighbors ,•' which is un- willing to sacrifice to save others, there there is little prospect of making any friends on that continent. And Can- • ada badly needs friends over there. On this theme, a writer in the New Republic, an alithoritive American magazine recently said : "American food consumption per person is now 14 per cent. greater than .it was 'before the war., If we doubled our overseas shipments, and thus ,saved _countless lives, it would still befive per cent. greater. Is it strange that the United States, .•once the shining ,focus of a stricken earth's reviving hope, is ,rapidly -be- coming the most hated nation in the . world . We ar e betraying the future. We are handing back the victory to. the dead man, Hitler, just as he pre- dicted. Only the least that -we could possibly have done, Have we •been willing to do. Unscathed within our own territory, our cities and coun- tryside unharmed by the ravages of war, in gratitude to those who bore the brunt of the struggle . 'we 'lave flung the . crumbs from our table. We' have allowed the little -minded, shrunken -hearted men . among I. our leaders to. have their way. The leth- argy of the gluttonous has'stupefied us, while in the ,halls of government, perfidy :grows .rampant and. con- science sleeps. Shall we be surprised if we learnthat the entire earth has come to hate and resent abundant, selfish, unrationed America?" There is much in that, we would say, that applies equally well to Canada. • It Helps -Canada Too The Finance Department at . Ot- tawa has announced that Canada's financial help to Great Britain, in- cluding the recent $1,125,000,000, now totals $4,950,000,000. It is a callosal sum for a nation with the population of Canada. But no one ,should complain, nor should .. some assume, as too many people -in some parts of Canada are doing, that this vast sum' aids Britain only. It has already helped Canada im- mensely and materially. And that is so •because the greater part of that money was spent in Canada: Cana- dian farmers got immense "sums of it -for their cattle and hogs, and for their wheat, their butter and their cheese. Canadian producers and manufac- turers got other sums for the goods they produced and manufactured, which Britain bought only because these loans gave her the.credit. And .. likewise it went to . thousands upon thousands .of Canadian wage earners ..- who were given employment through British purchases, and it went to Canadian railroads and steamships, and other transportation companies. Britain is not bleeding Canada as many would have it. Canada is help- ing Britain in her hour of need, but let it not be forgotten that in -doing- so, she is equally helping herself. ter k s toaf tpdem d tra Thej: ' 1p fifty and, twilnt^>tt..yeara ago. • ii ti Better Off 'on the Farm? (St. Marys Journal) We heard yesterday -about a well -to -de elderly farmer, who has been working hard to hold his well -stocked two hundred acres for his two boys who -had been interested in farming before going; overseas. On their return, the: brothers said no, they were taking Jobs in Windsor. Regretfully, thin old gentleman • has sold the home place. We Wonder how much better at these lads will be after they have pard high rent, income tax'and au.. mer ons.-.eity eieases. trews) • will be charter for thele, but -,It takes a Welt -balanced Iran to use his Sp'ara'ti'tle tvieely.; They sa3* drat the farmer. basonly a._.fe* 'dollars left after he has .paid: his 'expeni [ses, ow Many, city folk have any cash at. all after their year"o s'tr'uggie with the budget? k From, The HuronExpositor ' July 1, 1921 Eighty-two pupils were writing on the Entrant* • examinations at the Seaforth Collegiate' Institute this Week. . ' ' -o • '. • Mr,, and Mrs. `George Stogdill left on Thursday for their new home is Toronto.. Messrs W. Aberhart, Billy Greig, Frank and -',Harold Coates, Donald Kerslake, Charles Stogdi11 and Ed- ward and. Fred Archibald are camp- ing at Bayfield. Miss Beatrice Larkin has accepted a position ,„in St. Ladies' College, Prince Albert, Sask., She is a gradu- ate of 'McGill University. Mr. and .Mrs. Hugh McLaughlin, of Bruhrefeld,. were at Cromarty attend- ing anniversary services on Sunday. Mr. Dan' Cronin, of St. Columban, has been very busy :putting in a cement walk around his new home and fixing the lawn. Misses Evelyn and Mildred Me - Grath - and Joseph Melad§, of St. 'Columba -a, • have just completed theirMiddle School examinations.MeK• Miss .• n alea of G t is who a guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Chesney in Tuckersmith, sang very •acceptably in First Presbyterian Church on Sun- day llast. Miss Camilla Prendergast, of Chi- cago, is visitingat the home of her sister, Mrs. Thomas O'Loughlin, in Egmondville. Miss Grace Weir, of North Carolina is spending her holidays with her mother, Mrs. George Weir. The bowlers held a Scotch dqubles tournament on Wednesday afternoon and evening when 16 rinks competed for honors. The winners of the first -prize, silver berry spoons, were John Beattie and Andrew Scott, and the second prize, four baskets of cherries, was won by Charles Barber and Wm. Wilson. - t Mr. James Rivers brought into The Expositor office this week a sample of timothy; that measured 5'• feet 3 inches in length. Thiswas grown in town at hishome on North M ai and the whole plot is as good as the sample: Among those taking honors at Sea- forth Public School examinations were: -Room III—Mary Jackson, Car- man Ferguson, Elroy Brownlee, Gor- don Rolph, Andrew McLean; Bertha Grieve, Gerald Snowden, Jack Frost, Jeanette Archibald, Jean Cluff, J. Ross Walker, MO= III—Mildred Turnbull, ill, Margaret Welt, Margaret Armstrong and Arthur Edmunds, equal, Laura Mole.. Room IV= Bessie Marriott, Nettie Aberhart, Doreen Farquhar, Ruby Storey, 'Florence Spain, Leslie Bateman, George Parke, Ena 'Holmes. Room V—Borden Monier, Charlie Dickson, Elinor Burrows, Harry Mc- Michael, , Mabel. Bateinan, Margaret Cardno, Neison Cardno, Bertha .Huis- ser.. Room • VI—Margaret Drover, Muriel Beapss, Helen Ament, Evelyn Golding, Mary. Reid, Elizabeth Rolph, Helen McMichael, George Crich, Madeline Hotham,` Mary Kling, Mar- garet McKellar. From The Huron Expositor June 19,E 1896 Mr. R. C. Chesright, of the Colleg- iate Institute, has been appointed an, associate examiner in connection with the high schools and °university eit- aminations. Mr. H. M. Hirtzel, formerly of' -the Bank or -Commerce staff here, is re- newing old acquaintances. in town. He is, the. gliest of ,141'r T:. F...R....Case _.. Mt. Thomas Wilson, son of Mr. D. D. Wilson, of Seaforth, has success- fully and creditably passed his junior examination at Chicago Dental Col- lege, taking an average percentage in all subjects of 91. Mr. Neil Brown, of Tuckerstpith, near the Red Tavern, met with a pains ful accident on. •Saturday last. He was up in the mow of the barn when he slipped, falling to the floor, a dis- tance of eight or nine feet alighting on his right thigh, and the bone of which was broken at the socket, The garden party held on the .lawn of Mr. George Murdie in McKillop, on Wednesday evening was a most de- cided success an every respect. Mr. William Cameron, of 'the 'Mill -Road, has shown ns some stalks of •barley that were four feet eight inches high. Mr.' William Somerville, of town, has been appointed agent of the "Im- •periai' Fire Insurance Co. He will make an excellent agent. Mr. James McNarmara rode to Lon - den on Tuesday on his wheel to see the fun there on• election day. Mr. Andrew McCaa, of Toronto, came up last week and will be the guest of his brothers, Messrs. William and -Alex McCaa, for a time. While driving in Usborne Township near Quinton's swamp, Messrs. James Grieve and Frank Wood, of Exeter, noticed what they Supposed was a :;black dog crossing a field, but on get- ting close to the.,anima1.discovered! it was a huge bear.- They watched Bruin cross the fields and then disappear in the woods. - A large barn raising took place 011 the premises of Mr. James Ethering- ton, Usborne Township,, last week. After the work Was compteted.a pleas- ant time was spent. The citizens of Canada did. a splen- did day's work for=themseives and their country on. Tilesday last when the Laurier Government was carried. A. Targe .crowd of . people came to town to hear the results of the„ elec- tions' n.ud Cardifen Hair 'Was• well fin- ed' with expectant and interested per - eons, among *hent were a *limber of ladles. Mr. , wiilia.Yn Soniervililt;; the i i` agent. for the Great; ttirtiitveetei•n Telegraph Company, c1+e tlld;-:i tiirns accurately atrd” lxilliitilti' +': , The Con- servatives and their friends, at least a number of gleno, Congregated in the Town Hall where • ,alley were kept in- formed by Mr, ;rt„ ttbeDo ialy C.P R.. agent. The Majtirfty for Mr. John McMillan was eight, . thin. :Chris,. `wiker; of. Crediton, traveller for •alto MCCorifick M nil= factoring Co;z tcfridetivilPeillt' Sunday nudter the parental feint The Simpson farm' is the envy of erYotte, well a.1'moat eve ry'0 ,. x a on the ''Concession. Tommy is a return, ed soldier and his bride was: for some rears an employee of a firm of dors fists in a big city. They moved out of the city ani took over the old Pet- ersen place last fall. .- Miliy immediately went to 'work on. the grounds. Going to town you would notice her fisting and fussing around the floweribeds and trimming at the trees and shrubs that. have been more or less running wild fora the past five years. The station -agent reported at the grist mill with a, shake of his head that they were getting all kinds oil plants and shrubs shipped in. Joe Gant just shook his head and laid, "They won't last long if they spend their time gardening. A ,farm is for farming and not grow- ing flowers on." Joe's front -yard has been distinguished for years as hav- ing the best annual crop of burdocks and sow -thistles of any place in the township. You should have seen that ,,front - yard early this spring. There were tulips by the hundreds. People used tojust drive by on this road to get a look at them., They certainly look- ed good. The local newspaper had a picture of the front lawn in it, and somebody -told me that a big garden- ing magazine had a 'picture of Milly .anc1 the whole Place as a front cover. T went :over last night to. see about oharpeH ng t1 e. xnower-knife.. Tommy alas a per sharpener. 'Melly asked me to take a look at the garden. Welt, air, I've never Stepped into . a place like it. It seems to me they must have had, about every possible kind offlower ,in that garden ... big red• peonies and white -ones' . and strange colored iris flowers 'ands pan- sies that looked like little fairies peeking up:. We sat down is a •sovt of arbor and the smell of the roses was really sontething.- It was -warm and . pleas- ant and I must confess I hated to leave the place. Melly was quit proud of it. Tommy carne'al'ong and slumped down in a- seat. He looked„ tired out from working. - "'Phil," he said, "I've never been much of a man for flowers. When I was . a •boy at home on the farm we never paid much , attention to such things. I've discovered one thing, however. When Saturday, night comes along and it's a pleasant night, I'd a darn sight 'rather. sit down here than I' would, d oto town.., I think' the Simpson's have some- thing there. I know one thing they've caused trouble for a lot of us. men- folks. "Our wives are. •beginning to say: "Well, if the Simpson can. have a nice place like they have, why can't we 'too?" JEST .A SMILE OR. TWO The big boss had related his cus- tomary, funny story at the daily con- ference. The assembled staff respond- ed heartily with the usual laughterwith one exception: Miss Strumfnagle, the secretary, revealed a bored and pained expression. "Had you heard the storybefore?" asked the surprised tycoon. "No, sir," replied Miss S., "I don't have toau h I atyour jokes g o es any more. I'm leaving Friday, or had your for- gotten ?" e They were listening to° records. "Have you anything — ah — more classical?" asked the visitor. "You bet •we like classical music," cried the host. "Mary, where did you put that symphony record 1 bought three years ago?" Because he need sixpence, Mr..Hen- peck daringly opened his wage packet and;then went to the cashier. The cashier counted the cash and notes, then replied, impatiently: "It's quite Correct. I suppose you have for- gotten you got a ten shillings increase last August." - Mr... Henpeck. shrank .into his _collar, still further- and said faintly: "My' Wife nv eer-told me!" Wife--__ Why,.do you --keep lending Money tothat new friend of yours?" Husband: "Oh, you mean Snickle.- by! Well, dear, he showed extreme confidence in me when the clouds were dark and threatening:" Wife (icily) : "Yes, yes, go on!" Husband: "He lent me an umbrel- la:" Huron Federation Of.: Agriculture --Farm News •Varied Outlook For Fruit Crop • Itis' still too early in the season; states the Dominion Bureau of Statis- tics fruit and„•vegetable crop report of June 1, to".predict the out -turn of .the 1946 fruit crops, but in general prospects are somewhat brighter than last year. - In the Maritime Provinces the orch- ards had not bloomed as at June 1 but with favourable weather during the remainder of. the season, the crop shoWd be about normal. . Orchards in Quebec show the result of the unfavourable 1945 season, and production, while larger than in 1945, will. be much below normal. In Ontario, orchards have recovered considerably from the severe damage eaused `by frost and scab` -is tire --145 season. The 1946 erop is expected to be about average, while an above- average peach crop is looked for. The -prospects for the plum and prune crop are' still in iioubt but pears and cherries will'not be as good as 'the bloom indicated because of late frost 'damage. •Strawberry production will be heavier' than • last season, the in- crease ranging from gave to ten per cent in Western 'Ontario to 20 per cent in Eastern Ontario, Raspberries are about 'the same as last year.. ' In Manitoba, the fruit crops, were seriously reduced by late frosts which affected the tree fruits particularly In British Columbia, the prospects for all crops are bitight: Peaches and apricots are partictil'arly -promising. humidifying cabinet has • great prac- ti ,al value It_ _will _ maintain ^' the gitality' in eggs and will. pay many times its original cost in( creased prices due to better grade eggs. -T-he- ,i,Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, will be glad to give full information about it. Oilcake Demand The tremendous expansion • in 'the production of oilcake and oilcake meal which occurred during the war years as a result of the wartime expansion of Canada's live stock numbers has continued up to the end of 1995. Al- though supplies of those by-products of the oilseed crushing industry have 9 -finer -eased smith -tile-ex-passion-o€- t}re Canadian crushing capacity, •the de- mand still remains far in excess of supply and even now the products are, in . many instances, practically unobtainable, No Immediate End To Food .Shortage JF Useful Egg Cooler and Humidifier Experimental work has shown defin- itely that to maintain the quality of eggs they must 'be kept in an atmos- phere that is both cool and moist -65 degrees "Fahrenheit temperature and above 75 per cent humidity.. A well ventilated cellar serves the purpose excellently; but where a cellar is not available the same results may be obtained by the use of an egg cab- inet—an egg cooler and humidifier in one — such as has been evolved .through the co-operative work of the Poultry Division and the Agricultural Engineering Section, Field Husbandry -Division, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Full plans and specifications of the cabinet may be obtained by writing to the Farm, - The size of the cabinet may be in- 'reased according to individual re- quirements. It is divided into three compartments. The top compartment or,shelf may, be used for 'e ipty cas- es so that they will be cooled before. filling. The bottom shelf will hold the wire baskets full of eggs as. they' are brought from the poultry house and cooled before packing and the middle shelf. will serve as packing, and for the eggs •packed Tor, ship- eet: The sides, top and bottom of the cabinet are built of •tongued and grooved lumber; also the front which Is made in the forni of a hinge. door. The back is covered with.a bur- lap curtain which is continually 'kept, moist , by having one end hanging froth a tank of Water on top oft e cabinet and ;the b : loin: n , •, ' e Oft o 0• curtain l taoosely falling into the leets] tank on the' floor ,for • drainage, in, view of the enormous ontort of • eggs by the Canadian tib'ultr ' industry and the higher prices' for. tirade' A eggs, this egg cooling' arid • Heavy exhort requirements' for wheat are , anticipated through 1947, states th,e Monthly Review ` of the Wheat Situation. .Exportable surplus- es of wheat dwindled steadily during the -month of May as thesprincipal ex- porting countries continue their' ef- forts to meet the urgent -req`uirements ,ofdeficit areas. There is increasing' evzde•nce that the world" food,. shortage will not end with the harvesting of the 1946 crops. While relatively faw- orable crop reports have been receiv- ed from many of the famine -stricken. countries, - it is obvio>}s that produc- tion will attain pre-war levels in few, if any, of these areas. War has tak- en too great a toll of manpower, and has brought ahout Such serious short- ages of farm machinery, fertilizer and draught power that complete agricul- tural recovery is''bound to be a slow and laborious procedure,-,,..., Realization of this is reflected in long-range agricultural programs and policies now being developed by most of the government's concerned. The general trend of policy, says the Re- view,- is in the, direction of encourag- ing production -of more cereals and less live stock, based ;on -the premise that more people can be fed ,directly with grain than if the grain is first converted into, live stock. . . Clover Hay Good For Poultry Feed Part of the nutrients and part of the cost of feeding poultry may be met by using clover hay, according to poultry authorities of the Dominien Department of Agriculture. Hay, like grass, is a good conditioner and helps - keep poultry in_..P.0.0, health-w.an.• pi1image. toaise, •tough; over -matur- ed hay is of no use for poultry. They canntereat' much fibre. To be suitable for poultry clover hay must be Out early and specially prepared. The - hay should be cut -when buds appear and beforebloe- • Pea; In Blpssom . Mr. John GasFlio,, 'of town, had a Patch of >arden i;ea'a in full blooiqu last week, which is quite early, 'b11t the early --spring. weather with au oo- cnsignal sprinlre of ..rain •they have come"alone nice Hi wever, the,' soil and location are very- favorable for early gardening. We are advisee] that the strawberry season le about here also. Mrs. Clara Decker had 'a nice Picking early in the week which is an early variety. Growers areexpidCting a good crop. ---Zurich Herald. era Graduates At Stratford ' In the. list . tip- nurses graduating .from the Stratford General, Hospital last week 'were the games of Elizabeth Ruth Moore and Margaret Jean H. Hill, Goderich. Miss Moore is the daughter.' of Mr. and Mrs. Elfred Moore, ...Benmiller, and Miss Hill the daughter • of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hill, of Listowel, formerly of Colborne township. Miss Hill was the winner of the prize given by the Perth Coun- ty • edicai Society h M ety for the highest marks in orthopedic surgery,-Gode rich Signal -Star. Wins Scholarship in Nursing Miss Eva Meikle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Meikle, of London,. and granddaughter of -Mr. and Mrs. A: D. McLean, of town, has concluded her course asa nurse -in -training atr the Hospital for 'Sick Children, To- ronto, and, is the :winner of a scholar- ship for high standing in the practice of nursing. Mr. and Mrs. McLean: were at Toronto for the graduation exercises on Wednesday. — Goderich Signal -Star. Disposes of Interest in Clinton Paper Richmond S. Atkey .has purchased! the interest in' the Clinton News -Ile-, cord owned by Herman L. Tomlinson,: and the partnership previously exist- ing has been dissolved as of June 1, 194E Mr. Atkey has been 'editor and business manager and -Mr. -Tomlinson has b een giant manager. The latter will remain with the firm for being and will continue in his pied ut- capacity during that period. Messrs. Atkey and and Tomlinson purchased the NeweRecord business September 17, 1945, ' and during the past' nine months have endeavoured to; publish a high calibre weekly newspaper and conduct a high class -job. printing busi ness. There will be no change in poi icy under the new arrangement,— Clinton News -Record. • Appointed To County Nursing Staff Huron County Council's Health and• Hospitals •Committee ;net in County Nurses' Headquarters, Clinton, • on Saturday, and appointed Miss Mar- garet Roberts, Reg.N„ to the County Health Nursing staff, her duties to - commence' August 1,. The staff now has •been completed. A Stratford” girl, Miss R.oberts,,Matriculated from Stratford Collegiate Institute and at- tended tratford Normal. She gradu- aed fr Toronto General Hospital Scli000fo Tfz.Nu Nurses, securing her Reg. Ne and . subsequently received her Public Health Nursing certificate from University of Toronto. Recently she has been a Member of Hamilton Pub - lice Health Nursing staff. --- Clinton News -Record, Real Estate Transfer The residence of thea late Williams Fisher, corner` of James and Albert Streets, has been purchased by Mr. C. N. Farrow, of Beamsville. Mr. Far- row is the distributor for the McColl :Frontenac products, "taking the place of Mr. Everett Hoist. He and his :amilywilt fisc moving to -- We welcome them to:our midst.=Exe- ter Times -Advocate. Successful Candidates Exeter -Students at Western Uni- versity have been successful in pass- ing their examinations. Donald • Tra- qualr tiassed his exams in second year -Honor Economics; Norman Hannigan, his first year,. in Chemistry; Marion Cowan and Laurene • Zurbrigg their first year B.Sc. Nursing. Mr. and Mrs.. J, H. 'Jones and. Miss Laurene Zur- .brigg were at St. Thomas Tuesday. afternoon . attending the graduation exercises at Alma College, Mi.ss Gwen- neth Jones being one of'the graduates. Ted . Buswell has successfully ,com- pletedhis. first year in Electrical En- gineering at the University of Toron- to and is employed for the summer by the H,E.P.C. of Ontario at the High Tension • Transformer • Station in London.—Exeter Times -Advocate. ' Recent Bride' Honored Thirty-five neighbors' and `friends spent a delightful .;evening last week when they gathered at the home of Mrs. D: A. Murray, Minnie' Street, to shower Mrs. J. A. VanCamp, formerly Phyllis McClure with many beautiful gifts and a lovely corsage. The rooms 'were decorated in pink and white with garden flowers arranged • throughout. ' Refreshments were served by the hos- tess and assisting `Were Mrs. T; Eng- lis'h, Mrs: George R Scott; Mrs. H. Green, Mrs. M. MacLennan and Mrs. ti William Brooks.—Wingham Advance- Times - Wins Nursing Award Friends of Miss Anna • Wolfle, of Tavistock, who b,ttended Mitchell high school for a year, will be pleased to know that she won a prize . for the highest marks obtained in the junior year for nurses -in -training at Strat- ford General Hospital. It was pres- ented during the graduation `exercises Iast week.—Mitchell Advocate •4 Observes 95th Birthday deMtof r Mary Edighoffer, 'beloved rest Fullerton village, celebrated] her 95th birthday on 1''"riday', "June 14; at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Yule. Mrs. Edighoffer has Made her hoine with her daughter- for tke past 'ten years. Prior to reeving o Pullarton she reacted in Blake and - was a iife•long resident of that vil- ge. Mrs. Edighoffer's memory takes some 'show, two or three weeks be- , fo•refore normal cutting time. The la procedure,_ is ---cut in the morning and leave in: eiwath. • ninth . three-quarteirs . bring. In and e' pi~'ead'over di+ hay in trhe m o to. t e e pth One, foot; e sib* When' drybuteducehanddf4i to athinini i (because the leairea ten It kali oiti;:w , d , Olt (Continued Ott Dago' 7) er back to .the . days as a girl and nothing pleas es her mote o but the .old- ' •, 171Lf iusband; the late -Adam Edighoffer.. . pasae d! avv'a.. y 34years ago. o tlri9 anion there were boric tend' ildrefiy.,set en stili living, -•-- li it i ells- avoeate. . .. _........