HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-06-14, Page 6,
' 400 111110 Ny0,1t, VAtier, cOvor,',
tabla. pee oTOdgeS w Wqx
,pep prease, Witha warm, 00, '0:94flq.g.!
crunibse 'p.trOali. In an jai;
i,110P,OOK ..tCt S41,011,PV: ,3*V
tity s reduced.
• 9^ XeeP eggs, fx'8011 by storing it
°poi dark place away from aromatic
kreductS. Store e,gg yolks in a glass
of water and pow* them for sand-
wich filling_
• * *
The Suggestion Woe
Mrs. 0. C. says: Use a potato to
clean a grater which hasbeen left
with lemon or other dried food on it.
Mrs. C. T. says: Spinach and oth-
er greens need no other water for
cooking than that which clings to the
leaves. Keep pans covered so that
the steam cooks vegetably; cook on-
ly until tender and drain immediate-
Mrs. S. J. says:
toast cubed makes
for sour.
Mrs. S. M. says: Orange bread
made with oranges which have been
cut and seededi, and put through the
food chopper whole makes a reedst,
tasty loaf.
• ,.....4;a:*01111111,....'''
:,•,,OeS not spark you
.4•'0 00 go. Engines have
'repaired. If the hu -
da. pot functiod; we
, People have to eat.
millions of People in
917 ,;„ dacy.w.ho are without nec•
fa, their bodies. There
mo, delapidated aiachines—they
,1,thrcAlghout the world who
o gaunt, so sober, even weird.
Phone 141 : ,Seaforth
There are children_ whose expressions
are Pitiful, they do not s.mile or
chuckle. It's a horrible .thought to
realise that twenty million children
in Europe are developing anaemia,
tuberculosis and other diseases:
True, more food is likely to become
available at harvest time, but that's
a long, long time to go hungry.
Meanwhile, the emergency must be
met. Action is required—voluntary
action in our own homes and shops.
The 'individual response will pile up.
an Sthpressive reault. Foodstuffs will
becorne automatically available if
Canadians will 'share their daily food
requirements necessary for existence.
Bulk shipments will.go forward with
'efficiency and speed—compared to
individual bundles and shop parcels.
To the questien",___!Vhat can you
and I' do to help?" the answere is:
hare and play fair."
' 1. Eat less of certain fciods: wheat,
meat, edible fats and oils, eggs and
cheese. We have an adequate sup-
ply of perishables to substitute for
We foods wanted so badly in Eur-
ope today.
2 Preient waste. Plan 'shopping
carefully so that there will be no
mouldy crusts or bene -hard cheese.
Provide proper storage facilities.
'3..Plant a vegetable garden. We
should, all be proud to see what Cana-
dian min can produce.
* * *
Savings , )•
Prtialltavings add up. For instance,
one ,t,lice of bread saved each day by
each Canadian household would total
117,000 leaves of bread.
1 Serve milk and fruit desserts in
place of those made of flour
2. Make single crust pies. Use
fewer cakes.
3. Put vegetable toppings on, meat
pies. Forget abont dumplings and
Yorkshire puddings.' Saute foods in-
stead of dredging them with flour.
4. Freslien-stale rolls' and !muffins
by heating In top -of double 'boiler
or in a moistened paper bag in oven.'
'ITse what you .have on hand before'
buying more.
5. Keep bread wrapped and in a
ventilated box or, covered crock. The
rhfrigerator keeps bread fresh long-
. 6. Use tested recipes. accurate
measurements, and Careful cooking to
avoid wasting precious ingredients.
Don't cook for six -when there are
only four to • feed. If you have left-
overs make them interesting and be
sure they are used up.
7. 'Send • unused meat ration Coup -
pons. to Ration Liaison Officers. Use
moderate cooking temperature to pre-
vent shrinkage of meat. Cover cook-
ed meats ,to keep pieces from, dry-
ing out., A sharp carving knife means
more servings. .
8. Keep cheese wrapped .tightly in
a cloth Moistened with vinegar and
Leftover French
a, tasty topping
In The Garden
It is never too late, at least until
late 'June in most parts of Canada,
to start a garden. With favorable
Weather or the use of a hose there is
plenty- of growth still ahead. Using
well. -started plants set out.now there
should' b.e plenty of bloom with
flowers-' and, of course, vegetable
planting should still be going on. In
some areas, indeed, it is hardly too
soon to set ont, such things .as petun-
ias, zinnias, sweet -scented stocks,
Cosmos and other annual flower
which:have been started in a .green
house, -cold frame or window box.
Among the vegetables in this same
category will be cabbage, tomatqes,
head lettuce. peppers, etc. In seeds
it is not d bit too early for the Main
crop 01 'turnips, and there is still
melons, cucumWrs, squash, etc.
,.Growth will be hurried along with
a little extra wafer during dry wea-
ther, with fertilizer applied carefully
and, above all, with .vigorous cultiva-
tion to keel) down weeds and pulver-
lid the soil.
Be Prepared
Experts advise being on a close
look -out for damage( by insects or
diseaseS. 11, one is not watchful much
of, the 'garden. will be wiped' eiit be=
fore: defensive forces can be mobiliz-
ed.' It is a good plan. to have a spray-
er anehray on hand. The hest pro-
tection of all, of course, a healthy
garden, one planted' from good seed.
and well cultivated and growing.
Weeds not only are an eyesore but
they harbor insects and diseases.. For
most bugs, a good commercial spray
or dust, easily applied with a cheap
sprayer outfit br shaken on from a
parous bag, will soon bring things
under control. The important thing,.
agree those who know.. is to get the
Counter measures started at the first
sign of' trouble.• • .
Showy Flowers •
A really ,dazzling showing can be
made with a •few annual flowers and
with very little effort. Cosmos, giant
marigolds, zinnias, .pettiniaa, port-
ulaca, nicotine, a,lyssuni, are easily
grdwn almost anywhere in 'Canada.
pome of the larger flowers like cos-
mos and marigolds and nicotine can
actually lIe..-alSed in the place of
shrubs. At this late 'date it advis-
able to use started -plants which will
blot= in a few weeks. These are
transplanted, to permanent quarters
when they 'are well established with
several sets of leaves. For 'husky
growth, tall cosmos, gladiolus, dah-
lias, giant marigolds and zinnias
should have about two feet each way.
Petunias, nasturtiums, medium mari-
golds, need about a foot apart for
best results — smaller things like
alyssum require ,six inches each way.
Additions to
Rural Hydro Service
Your Commission desires to bring to the attention of
Ontario farmers who have applied for Hydro service, a condi-
tion which is now seriously slowing up the building of rural
Essential materials and equipment are in extremely short
supply, and the prospects of obtaining additiostal quantities in
the immediate future are very tneagre. Strikes invarious basic
industries, and the extraordinary national demand are holding
back the supply of all 'equipment needed.
While the Commission will exert every effort to obtain
material and equipment for rural line construction, it can
complete this year only a small part of the full program which
it had planned. Consequently, many applications Already
approved will not, of neces§ity, be :cAlii:Oleted this year.
Your Commission will endeavour to serve all applicants
in order of receipt of applications, giving preference to a1;
farm and similarly essential applications over those for other
types of set -vice.
These facts are presented for your information, and with
the expectation.that they Will enable you to bear more patiently
with a situation beyond the control of your Commission.
Sok* Time Mail*
r 1111trit
At CoV•g• Stns.
• • RATES • • .
• Singh 41.5043•50
Doubt* $2.50- $7.00
Write for Folder -
We Advil' Early Reservation
" A. M. rovau, rmadimni
1 1
.1.1437,Q00 DQ -ZEN E66S
Are a Lof Of Eggs;
But that is the number of eggs produced in
Canada during the w'ar years.
The farmers of Canada have set a goal a
even greater production for peace -time.
We know they will reach it.
PHONE 170-W.
r •
Ever g Gallon Double Checked /1/
FOR 'who °crow R.4777iw
Wrok swam; AI'IAV liNeeR
• W FOR FAsrek P/Cg-tiP
Yes,. Supertest gasoline 'is a quality product khat helps give
your cart added pep and power... and Super Duty motor oil is
double checked too—every drop packed with protection—the
ideal lubricant to go with Supertest gasoline for smooth, trouble-
free driving.
cad 4~delocePeovezreofr
ote, mine ZYtade,
t1 iigiw (Niro tm,69,0,
4.• 1/44,44ksi,40'