HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-06-07, Page 49i Ads Will Be InsOted At. New Low Cash Rates: Wanted, Lost end Feendt. Cgtninr Eventae ilta.-.I'er word let wee i) , ..• .......... 1 Cent 2nd w e r•• ., Cent tad week d� r Minimen of rge, first hLsertion 25 Cents Hach Osumi i7tittal and Obreviatien ceunis es one word. pyx1b,eek4e: in Meeiseb a otleea--4 pent per word. melee m. 50 cents pea' week. n i al*1' be Ptrected to a• Box Number c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. eenu adcntlonal per Week will be charged if ads in above class are not paid by the Jjtitre/ay nght je- peatba pas ted free e� barge. run. ro Merry, t' eco tic% Sa43s, N'otlesa 41! Greditora, Etc. -Rates es on application. Personals Help Wanted qo irLL,A. FOUNDATION GARMENTS FOR health and style. Indijy dually designed VMS.' HELEN K. SCOTT, High StreetQ&0 fort25 h. D9b1'T SUblkliet WdTI1 YOUR FEET OR athlete's foot, burning. itching feet, corns. eeeflouseo, chilblains, poison ivy or itch, ing skin. Use PEIVULAC, the amazing new speedy 'remedy. At your druggists. 409420 HYGIENIC 'SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 swamies 25e; 24 samples $1.00.- Mail -Order Dept T-73, NOV-,RUBBER 00.. ,. Box 91, Ha®rlion, Ont. 4092-8 A-$''iHMA SUFFERERS - ENJOY GOOD " night's sleep without coughing. choking. Mr. Wm. Pearson, Seaforth, says : "I am ao thankful to you for your asthma remedy that I would like all people who suffer from asthma to know what it did for me. I suf- fered for years from choking. difficult .breath- ing and distress of asthria and no remedy helped 'me to any extent, but your remedy' touched the spot at once and gave me not only quick relief, but I sm now free from all symptoms. A few month's .treatment did it," For free appointment; write F. L. HOWEY, 144 Catherine Street South, Harnil-. ton. 4093x4 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS HAVING ANY CLAIMS against the estate of JOHN TAYLOR MARTIN, late of the Township of Tucker - smith, in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, Gentleman; who died on or about the 20th day of April, A.D. 1945, are, required to send same to the undersigned Solicitor for the Executrices on or before the 22nd .day of June. A.D. 1946, otherwise ;their claims will be disallowed. DATED at Hamilton' this Slat day of May, A.D.' 1946. .... THERESA C_HERRIER, 37 James Str 9.; Hamilton, Ont.. Solicitor for the Executrices, 4095-3 KNOWN AA/ANTED --MAN, WELL."" IN W town, to work with salesman, Apply to Box 492, EXPOSITOR_ 4095x1 Baby Chicks 1 HI1ILSIDE CHICKS -DEPENDABLE, FAST growing.. Crossbreds, heavy breeds, broil- er chicks, or pullets, (some started) available now. With food shortages in many lines, keep your production up. Agent, CHAS. W. LEONHARDT, Box 1. M4tchen- Saler4r-•LADY'$ Beafe0K S Ef at, enema new; size 98.. Box PA ITOR, 409¢x1 , 4095-1. Coming Events NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN WILLIAM ORTWEIN, Deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING OLAIMS AGAINST the Estate, of John William Ortwein. late of •the Village of Hensall, -in the County of Huron, gentleman, who died on or about the lith day of 141st', A.D. 1946, are required to . file particulars • of the same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor; of Exeter, Ontario, ,by the 22nd day of June, A.D. 1946, after' which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice; kens been received. - • -DATED the 4th day of' June, 1946. ELMER' D. BELL, Solicitor for the Executors. 4095-3 NOTICE TO . CREDITORS In the Estate of DANIEL ,FREDERICK • McGREGOR. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the ,Estate of Daniel Frederick McGregor, tate of 'the Township of .Tuckersmith, de- ceased who died on or about the 26th., day of December; 1945, are 'hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the. 27th day of June, 1946, full particulate of :their claims: Immediately after the. said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will' be distributetL.amongst the 'parties entitled there- to, hiving regaid only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have, notice, • to the exclusion ,of all others, and the under- signed will not be •liable to any person of Whole, claim the undersigned shall 'not then have notice far the. ,asses. 'so distributed or any part thereof. . DATED , at Seaforth this 4th day of June, 1946.' • EDWIN P. CHESNEY, Executor By his solicitor, s ALVIN W. SILLERY. Seaforth, Ontario LOGON FEDERATION 02 AGRICULTURE Community Picnic. Monk -ton Park, Friday, June 14th. Guest speaker, Han, T. L. Ken- nedy. Dancing at night. Mitchell. teen-age orchestra. See bills. 4.093.3 Auction Sales. SALE --A YQI.JNG 1•REett Ai1LKnsIG oat for sale, las owner r - Ap•l Box 493, EXPOSITOR OX'FICE. 4996-1 AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND - Household Effects, at thehome of the late°George Bell, Railroad Street, Sesforth, on Saturday, June 8th, at 1.30 p.m.: Property - Five -room frame 'house on Railroad Street, Hydro, town water. basement. Immediate possession. (Reserved bid). Property will be offered at 3 p.m- Three-piece living room suite; 8 -piece dining room suite; 1 cabinet radio; 1 parlor table; 1 end table; 2 day beds ; 2 bedroom suites ; 1 Quebec heater ; 1 kitchen range; 1 electric hot plate; 2 kit- chen tables t 6 kitchen chairs ; 8 -day clock ; 1 hand washer ; oongoleum rugs ; tools ; dish- es ; .etc., -other articles.. Terms -Chattels, Cash. Property, 10 per cent down, balance in 30 days. ESTATE OF..'" THE LATE GEORGE BELL; Harold Jackson, 'Auction- eer ; E...P- Chesney. Clerk, 4095-1 4095-3, Notices F1 OR SALE -TWO liiOME-MADE SCREEN doose, 6/10" x 2'9". In .good shape. PHONE -1137. Seaforth. 4095.1 FOR SALE -ONE MAXWELL HAY LOAD - or with truck. and one 7 -foot Massey Harris binder. Both in good condition. Ap- ply to EDMUND H. GODKIN, or phone 848 r 31, S9aforth- 4095x1. F0$' SAIF 9 -PIECE MODERN WALNUT dining room suite, as good as new. Ap- ply to MRS- ALEX LILLICO, Egmondvidle. 4095x1 Lost and Found ' p(DLJND-BROWN CLOTH WINDBREAK- er on' Dodds' 11111, McKillop, on Sunday, May 26. Owner may 'have same by proving property and paying charges. STEWART DOLMAGE. Phone 844 r 2; Seaforth. 4095x1 Wanted 1 -ate cte•rg0 fl1'odk, if Beneeil, were' United in mar111i a 1 P11' edeld Vu* e C '>ireh cal, fury, Pie 1, with. l&ev. ,ilii son, ats er of the QburC Iefflciatiug. MWalter Mel3eatilplayed the .trl music and Mee Wilma Jean Hamllten, of 'Cro ar y,' sang "I'll Walk Beside You". nett* the signing of the register. The • ride, leven in marriage by her father, was ovely in e flopr-length gd`ivn of ivory satin brocade with sweetheart necks line and tong fitted sleeves -tapering to a point at the. hand. The tong waist had a full skirt which fell in a soft train, The three-quarter length veil was attached to a Queen Anne headdress of the same material as the bridal gown, her only ornament being a pearl' necklace and ear- rings. Her bridal, bouquet was Bet- ter etter Times roses and 'bouvardia. Miss Grace Brock, of London, sister of the groom, was maid of honor, wear- ing a floor -length gown of Saxe blue chiffon with long bishop sleeves. The full skirt fell in a . slight train from a fitted basque waist. Her headdress was a calot cap of saxe 'blue mohair straw with shoulder -length veil of the same shade. She carr'''ied a Colonial bouquet of pink carnations and maid- en hair 'fern, tigd :with pink ribbon. Miss Marion Hill, of :Brucefield, the bridesmaid,.Wore a pink taffeta gown, floor -length, with full over -skirt of white net, short puff sleeves and yoke on dress were also of white net, and she wore elbow 'length gloves. Her headdress was a..Juliet cap style. if pink taffeta With `shoulder -length veil of pink net. She carried a Colonial bouquet of white carnations and maid- en hair fern tied with pink ribbon. Carlyle Cornish, brother of the bride, was groomsman, and the ushers were Lloyd Brock. of Hensall. brother of the 'groom, and Cyril Cornish, uncle of the bride. The reception was held in the church school room. Mrs. Corn- ish. received the guests,. wearing- a turquoise two -.piece crepe dress with white accessories. Mrs. Brock wore bluebell Bemberg printed silk with matching accessories, and both wore corsages of 'pink carnations. For trav- elling the bride donned a diressmaker suit of Colpnial blue herringbone wool with navy :accessories and corsage of pink and white carnations. A Rus- sian squirrel neckpiece, the gift of the groom, completed eller costume. After a brief honeymoon to Toronto, Kingston and Ottawa, the bridal cou- ple • will reside, in Hensall. Guests were. .present from London, Zurich, Heilsall. Stratford, Mitchell, Seaforth and Sundridge. ' WANTED -FOUR INSIDE DOOR FRAMES. State Dice, price and condition. Apply to Box 494, EXPOSITOR. - . 4095x2 WANTED AT 'ONCE -GOOD USED CAR; must be in good shape. Prefer 1936 or 1937 Chev.' Apply BOX 531, Seaforth, 4995x1 KEYS - GAUNT ,- CULBERT SHORTHORN Sale -4 Males, 43 Females; at Elrnandorph Stock Farm, three .miles from Varna, Ont., Wednesday, June 12, 1946, at 1.30 o'clock: Some thirty feehales will carry the service of sons, grandsons and great-grandsons of Colyine Royal Barrage Imp.• They are Klay- mor Indemnity, Klaymor Gem and Elman- dorp.h Gem. These cattle are a choice lot selected from the herds of W. A. Culbert & Sons, Dungannon; Andrew C. Gaunt, Luck - now, and C. H. Keys & Sons, Varna. Herd fully accredited and vaccinated against Bang':, diabase. Anetioneers : Duncan Brown and. Robert.' T: 'Amos; Ring -men: W.'•M. O'Neil and' Harold Jackson. For catalogue and details write CLIFFORD H. KEYS & SONS, Varna, Ont. Phone 96 r 4, Hensall. Wm. Johnston, of the Shorthorn World will be present. 4095x1 OLD CANADIAN AND -FOREIGN COINS` bought and sold. 'Appointments between 6-8 p.rn.. second floor Royal Apartments. R. E. GUTH, • Seaforth. 4094x3 MEETING OF -HURON COUNTY COUNCIL • ►IsffL NEXT MhETING OF THE HURON County Council .will be held in the Coun- cil Chambers, - Court House. ,Gederieh•, -'corn- mencink. Tuesday. June 18th. at 2 p.m. All accounts, not -res of depu'tationi and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later .than Saturday, June 15th. N.' W. MILLER, county Clerk, Goderich. 29.41-2 Farms For Sale • FARM' FOR SALE --FIVE MITES SOUTH of Seaforth, . and one mile east, Lot 7. Concession 8, Tnckersinith. One mile from school. Large bank barn: brick house, hen house and pig pen. Drained. Plenty of water. All in grass. Possession given im- mediately. Apply to J, W. FREE, Seaforth. 4080-tf Teachers Wanted WANTED -PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR S.S. No. 7, McKillop- Duties to com- mence September •aro- School, on highway and three miles from station. Apply, stat- ing qualifications and salary, to ALEX DEN - NIS. Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. 2, Walton. 4094-2 WANTED -A MAN'S BICYCLE, IN .GOOD condition, at once. Apply to DAVE NET7.KE. 4095-1 "WANTED -4 CLEAN FEATHER 1lED PIL- " lows, preferably down. Apply at THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 4094-2 TEACHER WANTED - PROTEETANT 1 teacher for S.S. No. 2, McKillop Town- ship. 'School redecorated recently and is fully 'equipped .with Hydro and radio. Duties to commence September term. If making per- . eons' application, which is preferable,' apply in evening between 7 and 8, starting qualifica- tions; and salary expected, to JOSEPH T. Ht1GILL, Secretary -Treasurer, B.R. No. 2. Seaforth. 4094 tf "fi1LEECE-LINE YOUR HOME - BLOWN, Rockwood insulation applied to walls and derliega of your home will save fuel with more year-round comfort. - Fire proof. Work done anywhere. Our equipment is in the district., now. For free estimate^ anis terms Phone 41. EXPOSITOR, or write ROWLAND C. DAY, 5 Thornton .Ave., London. , ' 4090x8 BY-LAMr N0. 11; 1945 Township of Tuckersmith A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE .FOR A --'CURFEW IN THE TOWNSHIP Ot•' • TtICKERSMITH., 1 T13FREAS, NUMEROUS COMPLAINTS T V ha'9 been received by the Council of the Township of Tuckersmith in regard 'to chil- dren being on. the streets of the, Villous of Egmondville, after nine &crock. in the even- ings contrary to the R.S.O. 1927, Chp. 279, See. 15. ° AND WHEREA•S„ cons iderahle vandalism and damage have been caused by the said Children ; 'ANT) WHEREAS. the Connell of the said Township of Tpckersmith is of -the opinion that action should he taken to 'correct this oititation.' THEREFORE, be it enacted, and it is here- by enacted: - 'THA!!" all ohildren, • 16 years of age and tinder, must be off the streets by the he/Ur of nine o'clock in the afternoon from April lst'to October 1st, and by the hour of eight ri'cloek• in the afternoon from October rat• to April -1St, unless acenmpanied by a parent or gaardlan or an adult appointed by the parent dr guardian to accomph'ny such child. ' Read a 'first time this 3rd day of Noreen• ber, 1945. Unita a second time this 8rd day. of No- aLmbet+1946 Head, A 'third time and dsa'11y passed; aign- cid Ai►d aesl4il elm N art dxir a Normi'ber, .1848. 1, 1,;i•• • a• Jit ,109,312 Or 4808.4 STANLEY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA requires two teachers -for School Section No. 7 (Parr Line) and ,No. 14 (Kippen). These schools have Hydro and other con- veniences, and are on good roads. Applicants 'please state qualifications and salary expect- ed, also name of last Inspector. GEORGE L. REID, Secretary -Treasurer, Varna. 4094-2 • IXTANTED-ICE BOXES, IN GOOD CON- dition. Apply to GORDON -HORNER. Phone 622 r 83, Clinton. 40944x2 For Rent WANTED - PROTESTANT TEACHER wanted' for S.Sr ' No. 9, Tuckersuiith_ State qualifications' and salary. Duties to commence September 8, '1946. Apply 'to WILMER BROADFOOT, Secretary-Treasnrer, R.R. No, 3, Eippen, Ont. 4094-3 PROTESTANT TEACHER WANTED FOR S.S. No, 3, Tuekerarnith. Duties to com- mence September 3,1946. Experience desired. State qualifications and salary expected, Per- sonal .application preferred. Apply to GEO. McCARTNEY, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. 1, Brucefield. 4093-tf Tenders Wanted CABINS FOR RENT, GRAND BEND, ONT. Number of "Hill -side' cabins. Accom- modation for' four. Five-mingte walk to beach, Modern furnishings, including bathroom facilities. Apply to GORDON HORNER, Varna, Ont. 4094x2 In Memoriam BOLTON -IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR dear mother, Elizabeth Ann Hackwell, who departed this life June 8, 1945. June brings sad, memories Of a loved one laid to rest;' .Shewill always be 'remembered. By those who lobed her best. I always think of you, dear: No eye; may see me weep, But many silent' tears are shed. When others are asleep. .-Sadly missed by the Family. . • 4095x1 'IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR SON AND brother, Rfm, Robert, P. Papple, of Queen's Own Rifles, killed .in action in Frhnce June 6, 1944. Those whom we love go out of sight, But never out of mind; They are ,cherished in the hearts Of those they leave behind. Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his" days, Sincere and true in heart and mind, Beautiful memories he left behind. -Lovingly remembered by Dad, Mother, Sisters and Brothers. ,, 4095-1 TENDERS WANTED Seaforth Agricultural Society TENDERS WANTED FOR SPRAYING OR brush painting of buildings at the Sea - forth Agricultural Grounds- All materials, supplied- Tenders m'hat be in the hands of the Secretary, CLARE1 CE,9TROTT, by June 15th. 4095-2 SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE undersigned and endorsed "Tender for 'Repairs to North Pier, Grand Bond, Ont.",. will be received until' 3.00 'p.nm, (Eastern daylight' saving title), Wedt)esdaY, June 19. 1946; for repairs to the North Pier at Grand Bend, Huron County, Ont. Plans, fm'm `'of contract and specification can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, at the office of the, District Engineer, Dominion Public Building. 'London, Ont., and at the Post Office at Grand Bend, Ont,l Tenders wild not be considered unless• made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance With conditions set forth therein. Each tender must be accompanied by a oertified cheque on a chartered laa-nk, in Canada. payable to the order pf the Honour- able the Minister. of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of .the Canadian Natiolral Railway Company and its constituent companies, unconditionally guaranteed as to princrpa`! 'and interest by the Dominion Of Canada, Or the nfor4mentioned bands and a •centified cheque if required' to make up ,an odd 'Mount, NOTE: The Department will supply' blue- prints and specification. of the work on deposit of a sum of 820.00. bn• the form of a certified bank 'cheque ' payable to the order of the Minister of rPnbire• Works.: The deposit will be released on -the retain of the blue -prints and speci6catiop within 'a'• montlt,leem the date ofw, eceptiof 01 tenders. If ' returned within that period the deposit '1Ws b0 for- feited.cgr • '8L' SOMZ'CR'VTLLR. �'�1�'. Werke, ;,secr°etary. • be elet:Wet of Inutile Werke, tSiEe+wrii. Mei* 27. 1048. 4095 - id it •,i 2 Births FOR ' "FEATHER - TOUCH" SHAVES ErPkif HOLLOW GROUND NIIIIMARMA RAZOR BLADES MIDDLETON'S DRUGS Stationery - Wallpaper' The Rexall Store PHONE 20 HENISALL The funeral was. held on Saturday morning at St,' Columban Church, and was attended by a large group of rela- ,tives and friends. Rev. F. J. O'Drow- ski sang 'Requiem High Mass and Mrs. Vincent Lane presided at the or- gan. Numerous floral and spiritual offerings, were received. The 'pall- bearers 'vS'ere Joseph McQuaid, Joseph Roach, Joseph Matthews;, John L. Coyne, Owen Hart and John McIvor. Interment. took place in St. ,Columban cemetery,.Rev• Father O'Drowski of- ficiating at the graveside obsequies. Among those attending the funeral from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moylan and daughter, of Wa- terloo; Mr. and .Mrs. Pope and Mrs. Joseph Lesiski, Kitchener; Mr, and Mrs, Sylvester McConnell and Earl O'Halloran, Toronto; Mrs. Edward McGrath, Ilderton; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- mund O'Hearn, Mrs. Raymond John- son, ,Ml`s, Charles Glazier and Misses Mary and Agnes O'Sullivan, London; Mrs. ' Cecil Ray and Patrick • O'Sulli- van, Toronto, • Hold Shower For Bride -Elect IsMRR-Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kerr, of Monte•' Vie, are very happy to announce the ar- rival of their daughter, Linda Alice Eliza- beth, born at Montville, Saturday, May 81,, 1946. A - granddaughter. for Mr. and Mrs - W. A. Kerr, of Montville, and great- granddaughter for Mrs. J. L. Kerr, of Sea. forth. , Deaths - LARKIN-In Windsor, on Saturday. June 1, Margaret Forsythe, beloved wife of the late Rev. F. H,; Larkin, D.D. BELL -In Seaforth. on Saturday, June L George Bell. in his' 79th year. GILLESPIE-In Seaforth, on Sunday .me 2, Neil McKellar Gillespie. in his 82r.! ;-rear. SANDFORD-In Seaforth, on edne0day. ,June' 5, Eliza Daclev, belo.•e%i w of Rich- ard H. Sandford, in her 78thy''ar, TUCKERSMITH Mrs. Fred Pepper, of the Huron Road, will, entertain the Tuckersmith Ladies` Club at her home on Wednes- day, June 12. The 'roil call will be a question box and the social com- mittee will be in charge of the pro- gram. A pot -luck supper will be served. • BAYFIELD' Misses. Eileen, Jean and Loreen Jor- dan entertained at their, home at . a miscellaneous shower, honoring• their sister, • Mis's Mary' Jordan, whose mart riage is -'an event' Of this week. About seventy-five'' ladies, including relatives and neighbors, were present to honor the -bride-to-be, who was 'presented with numerous 'beautiful gifts,, includ- ing 'wool blankets, silver, china, lin- ens and money': The guest of honor expressed her,appreciation to each in .dividual donor. Several games, of •'bingo, 'under the direction of Miss 'Katharine Jordan, were played. Dain- ty refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Joseph Jordan, assisted by, her daughters. ' Personals: Thomas McIver, Os- goode Hall, Torcihto, with his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. William Mclvor; 'Mr. and Mrse,siliobert McCormick and two sons, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Krauskopf; Mr. and Mrs. J. Blood and, Miss Alice ,McAleer, -Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. i atrick- Ryan; Frank Kee - gee, Bayfield;, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mclvor; Mrs and Mrs. Jack Klein, De-, troit, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kale; Miss , Eileen Evans, student nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is va- cationing with her mother, Mrs. Kath- erine atherine Evans; Mrs. Harry I. Dingeman and son, Paul, Det'rdit;' with her par-, ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McConnell; Mrs. Katherine Byrne has returned home after spending two months with her daughters in Detroit; Miss Geraldine Dillon, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dillon; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strubb and daughter, Margaret, Mr. _M_ •m•. -R -ay- St;John; -Charles;- Pat rick' and Donald McDaid, all of Kit- chener. and Mrs•: Julia Flanagan, of Seaforth.. with Mr. and ,Mrs William' Flanagan; ,Mrs :and -Mrs. Louis Kraus - kW. Detroit, with Mr: "and Mrs: Jas. Krauskopf: Frank -Evans,, Windsor, with his mother, Mrs. Katharine Ev-. ans; Mr. and .Mrs, Thomas Feeney and daughter,' Betty, London, with Mr, and Mrs.' Patrick Feeney; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forster in Wroxeter; Dr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton, Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. William Stapleton; Mrs. Frank Berns and son, Joseph, Miss Kathleen Burns and 'Miss Joan Burdette in Sarnia. Mis's Catherine Coyne has returned home after spending several months in, Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea: forth. Mr. and Mrs. William Flanagan and family attended the Flanagan -Carty weddinr, in Kinkora on Saturday. Forty Hours' Devotion ' Services were held id St. Patrick's Church this week. A Redemptorist Father from London conducted the services and was assisted by the pastors of the neighboring parishes. Large . congre- gations attended both morning and evening ,services. - Mrs. 11. V. Martin and son, Bud Brown, of Detroit. spent the week -end at their cottage. Miss Rbena Hovey, of London, is, the guest of her brother, Mr. E. Hovey and Mrs. Hovey. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Murray, of Detroit, spent the? week -end with Mrs. A. Murray. CONSTANCE. The many friends of Mrs. Robert Rogerson and Mrs. "George Addison will regret to learn that they are en the sick list and will wish them a rapid recovery. The members of the W.A..and W. M. S. of Constance United Church. attended the opening meeting and bazaar at Winthrop on Wednesday, Miss Alice Dallimore," of Toronto, IP a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dunce,: McCallum. DUBLIN A life-long resident of this district, Mrs. Margaret O'Sullivan,. died at her. home in St. Calumban on Thursday following a lingering illness. She was a netive of Hibbert Township, daugh- ter of the late William Hastitigs'and Margaret Dillon, and was en ,tier 78th year. She was 'married in 1907 to Peter O'Sullisan, o -f McKillop Town- ship, and lived on a farm there ntil about nine years ago when they re- tired' to St. Columban. `flee. husband predeceased her eight years ago. She was a faithful member of St. Colum - ban Church and of the Catholic Wo - .men's League. She is survived by one dau liter : (Mary), MPs. Joseph MoyfIasi•, Waterloo,' one 1'gralidehlld, And one brother, .John •'Hastings',• St. •Coltutiban. • • • BRUCEFIELD 4 ' KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. 'Edgar Smith, of Guelph, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Mrs. (Rev.) Richardson, of Blen- heim, who has been visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. William Sinclair, has return- ed to her home. • Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Beattie and Karon, of Wingham, spent the week- end with , relatives here.' . • A number from here attended the 75th anniversary of Blake United Church- be Sunday. Miss Beatrice Cooper spent Sunday vr,ith her sister, Mrs. Stuart Baird,. in Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Anderson and family visited friends in Sarnia on Sunday. - The Y.P.U. of St. Andrew's United Church are holding their annualan- niversary on Sunday, June 16. The guest speaker will be the Rev. R. A. Brook, of Hensall. ,Mrs, W. Horsey, of Exeter, is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and Mrs. W. Horley spent Tuesday in, Stratford. ' Mrs. Allan Johnson attended the funeral' of her sister-in-law, Mrs. R. C. McLean, at Waubaushene on Thursday last. .. Death of Mrs. Robert C; McLean The death occurred at Waubau- sibeaeT•-OTrt•., on Monday, -"'May -27T01 - Mrs. R. C. McLean, widow of the late Robert C. McLean; formerly of Kip - pen. Mrs. McLean. had been in ill health for • several months, but her passing came"as a shock to her many friend's here. She was the former Mary Ernestine Sellers, 'daughter of •Mrs. J. Sellers and the late Mr. Sel- lers, of Bluevale. Twenty-one years `ago she was united in, marliege with her late husband, Robert, �C. McLean, who was. accidentally killd when hit by a car one year .,ago. May 30, at Port McNichol, Previous to her ill- ness she, was on the staff of Midland Collegiate. She is • survived by two sons, James ands Donald, attending University at Toronto; her• mother, Mrs. J. Sellers, of Bluevale, and one brother, Walter Selre"r"s, also of Blue- vale. A private funeral service was held at her home on Thursday, Mese 30, followed by a -public' --'service the Waubaushene Memorial Church, conducted by her, pastor; Rev. Mr. Bayes, also the Rebekah Lodge of which she Wes a member took part in the service. Interment was made in Midland cemetery. Those attend- ing the funeral from a distance were: Mrs. J. B. McLean and Miss Marion McLean; of Exeter; Mrs'.. Allan John- son, Kippen; Clarence McLean, Lon- don; Fern McLean, Toronto; Mrs. Fowler, of Eurora; Vies. J. Sellers, Mr. Walter Sellers, Mrs. Elmore Sel- lers and. Susan, of 'Bluevale; Miss Lillian Garniss, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Black, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Sir.icker, Hamilton. - Mrs.. Austin Zapte and little son spent the. week -end .with friends in the village, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith and Eleanor, of Bluevale, spent Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs. H. F. Berry.., Mrs. Alex Paterson spent a few. days last week in Toronto. i Mr. and Mrs. D. Ward, of Clinton, spent the week -end with Mr.'and Mrs. G. Swan, Mr, and Mrs. William Scott are visiting friends In Hamilton. Miss Norma Collins, of London, and Mr. James, Proudfoot visited Mrs. M. McKensie. • Mr. and Mrs. John Cairns and Mr. and Mrs. William Nesbitt spent Sun- day with Mrs. Dow, Of St. Marys. Mr." and Mrs. O. Blanchard spent Monday in London. .Messrs,. John 'Cairns and W. Elliott d.ttended the fair in Stratford on Tttes- day. Brock - Cornish Against a floral background of doa- ble white '.ilacs; :pink tulips and hem- lock, Anna Mande Cornihh, only daughter of Mr and Mtn: 3. K. Cern— feh, of Brucelle1d' 1 and l oy a d Roy --hems Brook, son of Mrs. O. Vitt*.Ole , HENS_ALL (Continued from Page 1) Announcement Mrs. William Hyde, Hensall, wishes to atlnounce the marriage of her daughter, Eleanor L Bell, Reg.N., on June 1, to Mr, F. Edward Barrett, of Now 'York City, only son of Mr. and Mrs, Prank Barrett, Rock Hill. Word was received in Hensall. of the death of Mrs. Mary E'lizabeth'E. McLean, widow 'ofobert McLean, and only daughter of Mrs. Sellers and the late J. J. Sellers, of Morris Town- ship, who died at her home in Wau- baushene -on Tuesday, May 28, after a long illness, in .her 44th year. She Was on the teaching staff at Wauhau- Miene for some years. A year ago her husband was killed 'by a, ear While walking on the highway near Victotia I#arhtiut, and was, a former well 1010Wit' ipitea' reaideiit. Surtiving' Horse's and Cattle RIDAY Admission 25c Fair will be • opened by JUNE 7th Cars '25e T. L Kennedy on.. T _d Y Ontario Minister of Agriculture - IN THE EVENING • Minstrel Show ' Presented by Blyth Lions_ Club • ' omission 50c Children under 12, 35c are two sons, James and Donald, Stu- and was well known in the village. dents at Torop,to University. Mr. David Kyle was taken .to Vic- toria Hospital, London, Friday Morn- ing last and that evening underwent an emergency appendix operation. Dave is doing nicely. Mr.' Harold Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. 13e11, of Hay, was taken to. Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Friday for 'an appendix operation. Billy Fink, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fink underwent an opera- tion Hospital,London in St. Joseph's on' Saturday last for appendicitis. • Lois Henderson, Betty Moir, Orrion Stephan and Elaine Beer,students at the puhlic.school, will sing at the an- nual garden party -at Kir'kton on•July 17th. " A reception for Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Little, the former Jean Long, and a recent. 'bridal •couple, will be held in the Town Hall, Hensall, Thursday eve- ning, June 6, with music by Murdoeh's orchestra. Death of Andrew Llove Residents of Hensall and d.istrint were shocked to learn of the, sudden passing of one of Hensall's highly respected citizens in. the 'person of Mr. Andrew Love, who died at his home Monday afternoon, June 3, very .suddenly, in his 92nd year., Mr. Love was up town on Saturday s, couple of times and always called for his mail -everyeday; undo -Was a very -familiar figure on the streets of the' village He was born in Paris, Ont., and came to Stanley 'Township when a youth. and farmed there, successfully until he retired to take up,- residence in Hensall twenty-four years . ago. ' Be was a member of Carmel Presbyter - en Church. For many years he at- . tended the Love .reunion, an annual event, and was the oldest member of the . clan present. Mrs. Love prede- ceased him five years ago. Survive' ink are three sons: • William, Lon.- ',hon; Gordon, Hillsgreen.;•...Hugh, Hen- sall; two daughters, Mrs..Lorne'Luk- er and Mrs. 'Clifford Moir, Hensall- one brother, , William Love, . Hensall, and, one sister, Mrs. P. 'Fisher. Grav- 'enhurst. Private funeral. services were held from, the fatally residence on Wednesday' at 2.30 p.m., Rev. P. Ferguson 'officiating. Burial was .ifs Baird's cemetery. Miss Lois Whitney,' of, Seaforth,was a guest 'on Sunday last With Mr., and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin. and 'Mary. Miss G. Brock, of London, spent a week's holidays at .her 'home here. Mr.' and Mrs. Russell Kyle, of Jor- dan, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Kyle. Mr. Fred Brock spent a few days visiting his friends in Hensall. Knitted garments for children are still very -urgently needed by the Red Cross,: and . there is wool for sweaters and so.X_.for boys,—age four -'years; which can be had at the Library any Tuesday afternoon.or evening. SCOTT HAB.KIRK'S SEAFORTH, ONT. PHONE 226W ' Complete Tire Service OMMION IRO L There's No Broi tze; E DFTE icye0B:D t vow /AIM fret!) blOwouts. •