HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-05-03, Page 41
d Ads. W erted At New tow Cash Rates:
li arltpd > t and'Oattd.. Comting Events, Etc. --Per wast$l2A
rat week ...,.. 1, Cent
f 2nd week - ' %,, Cent
3rd, onset .,• . •' a° *> inaerti n •;;• % Dent
MJntapum e1 'first o • 26 cent*
eh fgure, liaitia and abbreviation manta ie One seerd,
', t T'hanlcar Ia t 04113 a �loticee--1 ,cent r word„ Minimum. 50 'cents per week.
r tel m1iyr be d,.i cctedl tp: a Box Number. cid The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra
ce;p64..$ per Week will be charged if ads in above class aro not paid by the
iday night . n the week in which the. ad was inn. •
Bis tti,7fieryia>i*es and Death inserted gree at share.
lF}lrt�Qgr1...Sarss, Notices to Creditors,'` Etc. -Rate$ a' spedkeeioa,
Holli. Wanted
houae work. Apply to Box 480, HURON
.Eyi•Rt)SITOOR, - 4090.2
"" `•at once. Must be capable of , writing
shentband. Apply to Box 4$3, HURON EX -
1 OSTOR. 4090-1
butter -making. Apply SEAFORTU
CRE,,AMERY LTD. •4090-tf
Fellow tar work around the farm. Things
ban& to work with. Apply at once to
For apartment Box 484, HURON EX-
POSITOR. 4090-1
For Sale
range, "Prnncess," ivory enamel finish,
'nearly new. Apply, Street, to MRS. RAYMOND
TOWNSEND, ;>✓Ifleman t, Seaforth.
Apply to Box 4.82, HURON EXPOSITOR.
case, drop -head White sewing machine,
golf clubs, tennis racquets, lunch kit with
service bottle and other articles. PHONE 33,
Seaforth. ., 4090-1
freshly dug and cleaned, ,82.00 per hun-
dred. Also a few hundred raspberry canes
still available... Call 664 r 15, Seaforth.
_ 4089-2
Rockwood insulation applied to walls and
ceilings of your home will sane, fuel' with
snore year-round comfort Fire' proof, Work
done anywhere. Our equipment is in the
district now. For free estimate and terms
Phone .41, EXPOSITOR, or' write ROWLAND
C. DAY, 5 Thornton Ave,. London.
• Township of Tuckersmith
cii will: •hold their regular meeting on
Saturday. May 4, 19.6, at- 7.30 Standard
'Time,, in the Town Hall, Seaforth.'
7,1 hid on the roads -in the Township of.
Stanley is strictly forbidden. Anyone doing
eo wiII be prosecuted.
By order.
Fred Watson Clerk.
' • equipment' to thoroughly recondition your
washer, ironing machine, and vacnum' clean-
er. Have; yours' checked now.- AH 'work fully
guaranteed. F. SKELTON, Beatty Washer
Service. Phone' Sills' Hardware, Seaforth ;
Hawkfn3'•••.11a'C(1_ware, Clinton.
Farms . For Sale
of Seaforth,,..,and One mile"east. Lot 7.
Concession 8, Tuckersmith. ' One mile from
school- Large bank barn, brick house, hen
house and 'pin pen.- Drained. Plenty of
water. -All in grass. Possession given im-
mediately. Apply to .J.. W. FREE, Seaforth.
health and style. •I.ndividuaily designed.
HRS. HELEN X. SCOTT, High Street, ,Sea-,
forth. , - 4060x53
mailed- postpaid to plain, sealed envelope:
with price list. 6 samples 25c ; 24 samples
31,00. Mail -Order Dept. T-13, NOV-RUBBER
CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont.'
night's sleep 'without •ooughing, choking.
Mr. Wm. Pearson, Seaforth, gays: "I -'ani so
thankful to you for your asthma remedy that
I' would like all people who suffer • -from'
asthma to know 'what d-id•,for me. I suf-
fered for years from chokng,• difficult breath-
ing and' distress of asthma and. no remedy
helped me. to any extent, but your remedy
torched the spot- at once and gave me not
only quick tenet,. but I am Trow free from
all symptoms. A. few Month's treatment did
'tit:" For free appointment, write "F. L.
• HOWEY, 144 Catherine Street `South, Hamil
ton. - . . 4089x4
;Cards of . Thanks
son and Mrs. Harold Smaildon desire to
express their sincere appreciation of the .many
kindnesses extended to them in their recent
,cad bereavement; also to •thank' Mr, -James
'T. Scott, Mr. Earl Van•Eahnnd and Rev, A.
W. Gardiner. 4090-1
In Memoriam
dear .fether and grandfather. Sirhon
Sararas, who passed away May 4.19:14,
Tv;o yearn toles dear Dad was called
' To his eternal rest:"
Grove where the angels ging CP, sweet,
And taken when God knew' hest.
We 'miss him here so very much, ,
His presence oft seems nigh :
Hut we all hop! in 'Heaven to meet.
Where 'no oris raja good-bye, •
—Lovingly remembered by Son. Earl, Doro-
thy and Gran.denn David,'
;mei father; Simrttt Secures. who
rpaseed away two years ago. May .4. 1944,
Two years' have passed since. that sad day,
rGod call the orae we 'levee awes,:
' rorget h l.410 We ri; dr IVrll• '
For in, cj r'' l'ie'nrt4'lie' et'lt atilt:
The blot' Was "res F. the .shock severe:
We' Iit614 'tho h't""'the end was so near:
Outs- 'While who have lost carr tell
"'The p'atn, of 'parting without farewell.
rachet dap' WeWO*10 Meet hint. • '
«m ie , .we know not twli�erl,
'ilbm' std We- piece uncia yetis grave
. wk end ,
ysli#k. tbir�by don ash •leetlt 'beneath.
iu�.^Y��1' fie watt s 3 . t'
ttdig mibgerl teed' aria wt 'renustabered
Vlti#a, £taiilily •hltd 'tftedlde'fiild e1i. '
For Sale : or Rent
s.ill; three blocks (south of Poet Office.
Apply MRS. D. A. CANTELON, Hensall,
Ont. 40894
Baby Chicks
breeders pullorum tested. Plenty avail-
able for May delivery, wide choice, but we
suggest you order soon.- Let us, quote you
Prices. Off to a good start on free range,
little bother, . Agent, CHAS. LEQNHARDT,
Box 1, Mitchell- - 40901
hatch off May 16th, but we can still'•sup-
ply a limited number of day-old chicks pre-
ceding that date. We also have for -sale
choke 10=weeks-old Barred Rocks. White .16 047,
horns, X Barred Rock Pullets, besides a few
chicks one and two. weeks of 'age. SUNNY -
forth. Phone 666 r 3. 4090-2
Auction Sales
ishings, on Wednesday. May 15th, ' at It
p.m., in the Village of Brucefield: One Mas-
terpiece range nue (good) •, Coleman, gas. stove
(like new); 1 kitchen table; 6 kit9hen chairs;
1 sewing machine; 1 kitchen cupboard: rock-
ing chairs: number small tables ; ,mirrors:
electric iron (pew); coal oil :lamps; 1 . player
organ; extension table; 2 couches: sideboard:
6 dining chairs ; number other chairs ; 'num-
ber of electric lamps; smoker stand; '3 bed-
room suites ; 1 spring -filled mattress (new) ;
springs and mattresses; chest of drawers
quilt boxes ; pillows ; 3 linoleum rugs 13P a
15',. 9' a 12', 9' x 12P; 1 congoleum 10'
x 12.1; number of scatter mats: Pictures.;
rumber of pairs of curtains; garden 'tools:
lawn mower; fruit cars: quantity of dishes;
kitchen utensils; wash tub and stand; boiler;
other articles, too numerous to mention.
Terms—Cash. THOMAS WHEELER, Pro-
prietor; E. P. Chesney, CIerk; Harold Jack-
son Auctioneer. 4090,2
ELLI'OTT-In Clinton Public Hospital.'
April'- 21st, to Mr,. and Mrs. Melvin Elliott
Inee Margaret Lamont), of Zurich. On t.,
LANNIN -In 'Scott Memorial Hospital, 'on
April 27th, to Mr and Mrs. Fergus Lanni a:
Dublin, a son. •
POWELL --In Scott Memorial Hospital. . on
April 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Powell;
Seaiorth, a daughter. '
.BENNEV EIS—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on
May ,1st, to Mr. and Mrs. William Benne-
-weis, R.R. 2, Walton. a daughter.
• Deaths
KRUSE—In Eta'mondvifle; on Saturday, 1�P1•i1
27th, Richard John Kruse, in his 78th year.,
JAcesukT—In London, on Friday, April 2,6th,
Hannah Harlton, beloved widow of the late
John D. 'Jackson, in her 82nd year. -
Fourteen returned veterans of S.S'.
No. 2; Hay, werehonored by citizens
of the community at a recent gather-
ing and• each eX-serviceman.' was rias-
seated, a gift. Frank •Wildfang acted.
as master of ceremonies, and the ads
dress was delivered by • Homer Rus=
sell. The presentations were' made -by
Percy Campbell and Wm. Geddes. N.
S., Statilake expressed the apprecia-
tion -of the veterans. 'The veterans
included: G. J. Breber, i. G. Cam=
bell, G. L. Cambell, H. M. 'Cambell;•
'W. -(C... Dunsford, W. E. Grob, E. J.
Greb, A. R. Gould; D. L. Gould, R. E.
Keys: C. R. Knight, A.' W. Rowe, N.
S. Stanlake and H. L. Finney.
Fraser - Decker
A lovely wedding, was solemnized
at James Street. United Church -Exe-
ter. Saturday, April 27. at' high noon.
when Vera Catherine, youngest daugh-
ter of Mrs. -Clara, Decker and. the -late
John Decker. of Zurich, was united in
marriage to Wilbert Allan Fraser, on-
ly son .of Mr. and Vies. William Fras-
er; Exeter: Rev. A.' B. 'I•rwin, of Exe-
ter, assisted by Rev, E. Heimricb, of
Zurich, performed the ceremony, The
church was decorated with white,
baskets of .ferns,. carnations and snap-
dragons in pa's -tel shades,.and candel-
bra with whtte tapers. White satin
ribbon and sweet peas Marked .the
pews reserved for the guests, The
• bridal party entered tlle`church to the
-strains of Lohengrin's Bridal Match
with- Mr. Lawrence Wein at the 'con-
sole -''Given in marriage by her bro-
ther-in-law, Mr. Earl Thiel, of Zurich.
the briite-'te'a,s"'lovely in a floor -length
gown off white faconne crepe over
'white • satifi with. fitted bodice sweet-
heart' neckline and lily -point sleeves.
Her veil'w,as of fine' embroidered net
With scalloped edge which fell in folds
over her gown to form . 2t train, and
was held in place with tiny white and
blue flowers. She wore a necklace of
pearls, gift of the groom, and carried
a white. Bible with streamers of for-
get -me -pots and 'baby's breath, At-
tending the bride was Miss Margaret
Henry, ofBrucefield, as maid, of-hon-
f hon••or, wearing a floor -length gown of
daffodil yellow with matching mitts
and finger-tip veil 'qf yellow net. She
carried a nosegay of lavender and
purple sweet peaa-and yellow striped
carnations and buddelia with laven-
der streamers and matching. flowers
fo:r headdress. Bridesmaids were Miss
Betty Witmer, of Detroit, and Miss
Norma Steinbach, of Exeter,'nieces of
the bride. They wore blue and pink
gowns, respectively, with matching
mitts and finger-tip veil of net: Miss'
Witmer carried a nosegay of pink
sweet peas, deep pink 'carnations and
buddelia with. streamer's of pink and
matching, flowers. for -headdress, Miss
Steinback carried. a nosegay of blue
sweet" peas, pale pink Carnations and
buddieia" with blue. streamers and
matching flowers for headdress. As
flower girl, Carole Thiel, of Zurieb,
niece of the bride, was dressed in an
aquamarine gown with snatching mitts
and veil of net. Her nosegay was .of
two shades of pink sweet peas with
pink streamers and ,matching flowers
for headdress. The gowns. of the
bride's •attitndants ' were of the. same
material and' fashioned on the same
iines' as that of the bride. "Mr. Car-
?itiy 0an17., E'k'eterk 0.04 as groomsw
Om and the t'ishef h were Mr. Allan'
-Westcort, •k leets r, and •1Vl'r. Kari Deaf'
e 'Z1 r1Pr = )erasing .tbej 1;< S?lll► r 2f' ' 9,
r ulster° 3lisa Ruth lit w> ,• et on1do11,.
tang '40 Perfect 140 " 'Mies *ONTO
chase a NUte, green golvit and corsage
off Yellow striped earna'ti,on13 with pink
sweet peas. .
The bride's mother, Mrs, Decker,
and the groom's ,another, Mrs. Fraser,
received at the former's home in Zur-
ich. The former was attired in a
gown of navy blue with ,corsage of
red carnations and white snap-
dragons. The latter wore navy •blue
figured costume and corsage of two
shades of snapdragons. The wedding
luncheon was served to eighty guests
at the Dominion House Hotel, Zurich.
Assisting in Serving were Mrs. Victor
Dinnin, Mrs. Wm. Chambers, Miss
Ardys Mc 'alts, •Miss Margaret Rader,
Miss' Mae Smith and Miss Florence
Steinback. The table decorations were
carried out in a color scheme of pink
and whitewith lighted tapers in sil-
ver holders an both sides of 'a fo,ur-
tiered wedding Dake. Mrs. B. Barham
of Norwich, and Mrs., (Dr.) Anderson
poured tea. For travelling the bride
chose a smar yaquamist frock with
black gabardine ~pin stripe topcoat and
grey ac'cessories., Her corsage was ox-
blood- carnations,, baby's breath and
white sweet peas. The happy young
couple, amid showers of confetti, le
for New York and other points, where
they will spend their honeymoon. On.
their• return they will reside in Exe-
ter. The best wishes of theirmany
friends are extended to this popular
young couple. Guests were present
from Detroit, Part Huron, Toronto,
Norwich, London, Zurich, Wheatley,
Exeter; Brucefield, Hensall. and Dash-
The May meeting" Of the W.A, will
be, held in the • 'schoolroom of the
church on Tuesday. May 7th. at 2.30
pan. The roll call' is to be •rThoughts
For Mother's Day." This is annual
visiting day. Alt ladies of the com-
munity are cordially invited to' be
present. There , 'will be a good pro-
gram and lunch.
Friends are sorry to learn that Mrs.
Clarence Montgomery underwent an
operation in Clinton Hospital on Mon-
day but hope she may soon be her-
self. again,'' 1Girs. Dawes, of London, is
staying with the children.'
• Miss Joyce Buchanan visited for a
week i,}1 Toronto during the holidays.
Mr, Dan71#uchanan spent the week-
end' .with friends in Toronto. Joyce
returned home with him.
ThaSe visiting at the home 1Wr.
and Mrs.' Wm. Britton over the holi-
day were: Mrs..Reekie and'Children:
Patsy and Peggy-, of London; ,Mr, and
Mrs. Archie Hoggarth, and Jane, of
'Wallaceburg; Ray, . Arva and Doug-
las Britton, Clinton. Mr. Reekie and
Mr. Lightfoot came for' Mis. Reekie
•and children on Sunday.
•Death. of Mrs. John D. Jackson
The death occurred. in Parkwood
Hospital,,' London, on Friday,' April
26th, of a widely known and esteem:
ed resident of this t�t nship ip ,the
person of -Iannah Harlton, widow of
the late Jbhn D. Jackson. Mrs. Jack-
son hdd been in failing health for
some time and at Christmas suffered
a stroke from the effects, of which'she
never rallied„ B'o'Yk in Parkhill 32
years ago, Mrs. Jackson residied in
that vicinity until the death of her
husband in 1918, when the family
moved 'to Tuckerbmith, residing on
the farm now owned by •her son, Mr.
Stanley Jackson. Including -the home
pbahe;-Mrs. Jackson and family own-
edand operated 500 acres in the town-
ship. Mrs. 'Jackson was a member of
Egmondville united Church and
woman of hospitable and generous'
gisposition and one who possessed .un -
•'usual business, and executive ability.
She leaves to mourn • her loss, two
sons, Mr. Stanley Jackson,. on the 5th
concession, and Mr. Harold Jackson,
on the Huron .Highways' just' east of
Seafo'rth, and Mrs. ,Harold Smalldon,.
of Monkton,' Two sons, Kenneth and
Arthur, predeceased her .in 1943. She
is also survived by one sister, Mrs.
Joseph Hickey. of Parkhill, and four
brothers:. Messrs, .Thomas Hariton,
of Saskatchewan: Herbert Harlton, of
Dashwood: Eli;ah Harlton: of .Gran-
ton, and Gershin • Hariton, ' of . St.
Maris: The funeral, which was very -
largely attended, was held from her
late home On Sunday afternoon at 2
p.m., when the service Was donslucted
by her pastor, .Rev. A. W. Gardiner.
During the service .„VIT., Jas. T. •Scott,
accompanied by • Mr. Earl Van Eg-
`molld, '.sang ''Beyond the Sunset," In-
terment was made in the family plot
in "Parkhill . cemetery, the ',Pallbearers
being Messrs. liven Forsyth, Charles
Eyre, 14. M. Chesney, Hugh McMillan,
Sr., John T, Elgie and E. P. Chesney.'
(Continued -from Page 1)
Bobby, of Detroit, spent the week -end
with Mrs. L. Simpson.
Members of the Senior Women's In-
stitute are asked to meet at the Town
Hall Wednesday night, May 8th, to
arrange transportation to .the farm
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. S'hirraY,
where the 'May meeting will be held:
Those having ears are asked::to 'have
them at the hall from 7.30' to 8.
Mr. Norman Sinclair, BA., son of
Rev, and Mrs,' A: 5linclair, of 'Blyth,
has been engaged- as teacher in 'the
department of classics in Wa'lkerville
Collegiate Institute in Windsor. His
•forrder teachers and friends in Hen-
sall will be pleased to learn of his
appointl1ient. His father, Rev. A. Sin-
clair, Was former minister of Hensall
United Church for 15 years.
Mr, and 'Ma's, M; G Drysdale -were-
in Toropto this week on business on
Wednesday. and Thursday.
A reorganization• meeting of the
Hensall Chamber of Commerce was
held -in the Town Hall, Flensall, Tues-
day evening, with Mr. R. H."M1ddlIe-
ton acting as dhatrman. Many im-
provements to the benefit of the town
and park were 'discussed, including a
hard, spitball diamond at the park.
Mr. Webber, 9f Kitefiener, president,
.of the Chamber of Commerce in that
city, 'was present and was a'cconn'patt-
led, by Mr. Sharp. Both addresseet the
,gath'ring Ori the organization of the
Clialliber. of Commerce and stressed
the' good work it IS d'oi'ng for the cam
ln• rnemoryy'' garden a monument`^
is the ageless way to perpetuate
our love and those golden,memo'r,'�
res of :happy times tog;ethel`,,
May we, show you our stock
and tell you more about them? -
Memorial Craftsmen
Seaforth 'Showrooms open Tuesdays.
lee'Dr. Harburnjor appointment any other
time,; or Phene 41.1, Exeter:
m�lnityc..' Tlie report on finance was
presented by I1ir. W. B. Cross, treas-
uerer, w;ho ata,ted that there are 48_
paid-up ,members to date. '
A delightful party was held at the
home of Miss Greta Lammie Friday
afternoon last in honor of her music
pupils who also entertained with a
musical program, consisting, of the
following numbers: Guitar selections,
Margaret Westlake;' violin numbers,
Gerald Smith; piano selections con-
tributed by Marilyn. Mousseau, Wayne
Welsh, .Peggy, Rowcliffe, Hazel 'Smith,
Elaine Beer, Jean McAllister, Bernice
Jinks and Eleanor Cook, • Dorothy'• Mc-
Naughton conducted a. hummingbird.
contest, prize winners being Marilyn
Mousseau, Hazel Srpith and 'Peggy
• Rowcliffe. •
Mt. and Mrs. William' V. Dinnin,
Hensall, wish. to announce the en-
gagement of 'their daughter, Laura
Cri ace,' to Robert Hamilton,' son of
Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Barr, Strat-
ford, .the wedding to take place 'in
Hensall United Church at ' 7 o'clock
on the evening of ,May 4th.
Mi's. James W. Bell, who has been
spending the past five months at Oak-
land, California, left"foia 1igj 'home in
Hensall` on Thurs'dag, May 2nd."
Ken Noakes,,of Hamilton, is- spend
ing a few days with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Noakes.
Mrs. • A. W. • Shirray will .be hostess
for the May meeting of the Sesioi-
Women"s; 'Institute on Wednesday,
May 8th:' Co -hostess with Mrs: S•hir•-
ray will be Mrs. F. Wright. Roll call
will be "My. responsibility to the com-
munity in which I live," and the mot-
to, , "Sueces•s is but doing your best
to the best of your ability," to , be
-taken -by Mrs. R. Elgie, The guest
Speaker' will be Rev.. P. A. Ferguson.
Demonstration on sowing will be in
charge of Mrs. Stewart Bell: The so-
cial commdttee„ is Mrs., A.. E. Munn;:
Mrs. J: McEwan, Mrs R. 'Elgie, Mrs
Sal iter and -r8 .x''x WriSht,
Miss l?q`nala h 4P,wah was• a;
eu Suoday Kqq her 4 4144 uncle,•
and Mfitat..:' Yfan NfePF n', rod Sarnia,
, Mige:� (atiter'ine,; l tva e hm40flta? .;
is. spenang. the Easter 'rilolidaYa. With,
her .cousin Miss. Judith, Shad'di;.eit:
Mrs. W B. 'Cress,' ofi %l[eaiaali,. an
companttd iby her daughter;•Mls`a �Gtoi-
0? . G'TAer, N,k of •-W.'ea't1P?i te. ' , lb
•�iital, T,orldod, Rift .t�tia. Weelr...:Tor . ra
InOnt'b.".a vacation through '1ii�+erstern
Canada -to Kamloops, B.C..,
' Evening Auxiliary Meets
Liars, J. Flynn was hostess at 'her ..
home Monday evening, April 29th, for
the April meeting of the Evening
Auxiliary.: -:Mrs. -J. 'Corbett was co -
hostess, and Mrs. Byran. Kyle presid-
ed. There was a splendid attendance
of 18 members present to. enjoy a
most interesting meeting. The -theme
song opened the meeting; followed
with singing "Jesus, Keep Me Near
the Cross." Minutes were 'read and
the roll call answered with an Eas-
ter Bible verse. Devotional exercises
were- presented by Miss Violet Me-'
Clymont, and an appropriate Baster
message and prayer- were given. The
study book, chapter 4 of "Currie of
Chissamba, was taken by Mist•
Gladys Luker. A number of articles
of sewing • and . knitting • were given to
-members to make up for the bazaar
't'o be held,in the fall. .The May meet-
ing will be held at the home of Mrs.
Howard Hyde, with Mrs. Kyle as co-
hpstess. The devotional,. "Patriotism"
will be taken by Mrs. 'C. Passmore;
roll call, "A Canadian Patriot"; ' stu-
dy, chapter 5 of the study book to be
given by Mrs. Hedden. The social
cdhamittee. will be Mrs. Hyde, Mrs.
Kyle, Mrs. G. Cowan and .Mrs. M.
Buchanan. Mrs. Kyle moved a vote
of thanks to Mrs.. Flynn. The hymn,
"Softly and Tenderly", and the Miz-
pah benediction closedt the meeting.
Luncheon was served e byMrs.-Flynn,
n yn,
Mrs. Corbett, Mrs, G. Broderick and
Mrs. L. Chapman. The luncheon, a"
most delicious one, was topped off
with chocolate cake and cookies serv-
ed by the hostels.. -
The Young 'People's- Society of the
United,.. Church inet in the church
schoolroom Monday eventing last and
had as their ,guests the,Young Peo-
ple's Executive of HuroPresbytery,
who furnished the program. With a
sing -,song. led by Benson. Sutter, of
Clinton, the meeting opened. A soft
prelude was played by Florence Aik-
en, followed. by a minute• of silent
prayer and hymn., The Scripture. read-
ing, Matthew 6:5-15, was read by
Margaret McEwan. Ruth Hess led in
prayer. A prologue was • read by
Elwen Merur, •• and the topic, "Mis-
sions," was.. presented by Benson Sut-
ter, after which Miss RuthHess,
president of the Hells:all society, took
charge. -.Minutes were read and adopt-.
:ed and a business session held. A re-
creation period. "was. ',,led by Benson
Sutter, after which .light refi:•eshment5"
were served,. The Mi,zpah benediction
cleseii the meeting, followed with'th'e
"Grip of Friendship."
Mrs. Dingwall. of .Streetsville, 'has
returned home afterspending a de-
lightful vacation ' here ' with • Mr. and• 1
}'a go.: Afggowit ,ani1 Mr, Mxs,.
{I. Ftal}icl�: her an'any 4tii' T•om':
•tivtsa aid Wendt* a in this
Moss li H�nsA d,nd c. hildireii,
Arlene,. Ger4.14.• 404 Pa . "OP blast,
;fold, 0lle'ht tl?te Easter iibiidajrs, with
the farmer's moth ', Mrs. Schwalm,
• 1'�lnnpultcament•
11tz,..rn - emir: a. W .E• Hemphill
an&aounce the engagement of. ---their
daughter, Mary Isobel, to Mr. Eugene
Arthur Weitendorp, son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. Westendorp., of Toronto, the
marriage to take '•p1'hce at Hensall:
Milted Oburoli, .May 18th.
The marriage o!' Pte. Bruce. Baker,
son of Mr. and' Mrs; Robert Baker,
Zurich, and Bridget McQueen, •daugh-
ter of. Robert McQueen and the late
Mrs. Me$ueen, of -Stirling, Scotland;
has been announced. Their marriage
was. solemnized in Scotland. The bride
served in• the Royal Air Force, while.
the groom is still serving. overseas.
M. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, , Bill,
Betty, Charles and Bob spent last
Friday at Ridgetown. and Rondeau
Park, visiting the forger's parents,
Mr. and.Mrs. Geo. T. 14lickle,
The- LO.O-F. Will observe their
127th anniversary and will attend
divine wer'ship at the United' Church
on • Sunday evening, May 5th, at 7.30
p.m. Rev. 4. A. Brook will deliver
the sermon• All brethren are invited
to at
Ronald Smith, who was admitted to
St., Joseph's Hospital, London; some'
weeks -ago" suffering a fractured skull, •
We can , supply yrilu With n 'Hearts`
Easy Portable or. F pe'line Outfit,
and we guarantee a; ie bruise ample
to handle, and the upkeep WM than
any' aachine on the market, •
See Q.118 sverki8ig ism. our own barn,,
Orders taken now will be available
at -once.
has improved enough to return to his
home in Hensall.
Mrs. Miller Hartwick and daughter,
Margaret, of Kincardine,spent a ,few
days last, week with the former's
grandmother, Mrs.' Wm. Consitt.
Elsie and George Smith, children of
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith, of Hen-
iensall, had their tonsils removed' at
Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on.
Miss Jean Murray and 'Mr. and Mrs.
A. G. of Toronto, are spend..
ing the summer months at their sum-
mer home here.
• • Smootb Power
e Quite Running.
Let Us
Fuel Savings
• Efficient Operation
• Longer Engine. Life
•' Sparkling Performance
There's no other service operation that pays, so great a dividend
at so small a cost. • In fact, a tune-up often pays for, itself in,,fuel •
• and oil ;savings.
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Sales and =Service
PHONE 141 -
" ONTARIO, in a geographical sense only, may be said
to be sharply divided ... a natural division into north country
' and south country that emphasises the province's variety of
climate -of industry—of character. Northward, Ontario extends
to 'the semi-arcticion. of Hudson ,Bre r
g a y ...Southward, to the
semi-tr plc f - belt of the • Niagara . Peninsula :.. "The
Garden of Canada" :'.. a blossom land overflowing with nature's•
gifts, where 'peaches, plains, pears, grapes. and cherries come
richly in their seasons. Fruit farming is but one of the untold
opportunities offered by the four hundred thousand square miles,
and more4 that are Ontario ... a veritable empire of resources.
90% of the acreage devoted to the eulti•
•vation of •
PLUMSawl CHERRIES • - ': -
in'the Province of Ontario Centres in t e „
rich Niagara district which produces 91 f :
of the plrovince's total yield. , ;
I• When the Outstrip fruit :
._ eelt.e(- two million- each
trees,' see ' inallen grape :•.
vines -and hundreds of thou-
sands 8f other fruit trees :
bear their abundance, armies :
of workire are on hand to :
gather it..