HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-04-26, Page 8y. 7.. 777172 1,71, .7'177.1 •1.,i,•••••4 . • AL:‘'IL.trip) OF ' $9''',4941..E • with ornall cot - 11.1k miles trom Sea- ***,_ 4 4i4orosot 4ouse on Victoria loyeatment. 4.111'4We properties al** listed. '''.11FATSON '8z REID • 44. omo Proprietor pe 214 Seaforth d441.1 SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE The' Second Division Court County of Huron , Office hi the Dominiun Bank Build- ing. Seaforth. Office hours: diui. Thursday and Saturday. 1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m..; Saturday evening, 7.89 to 9 p.m. E. C. CHAMEBERLAIN - Clerk „ Seri4ey 3 ' p in„, Sunday ScheOi; 7 ueime 717.i7S71.irliCrugi."71,6"."71.WN *$alvatiow Me-eqng- Law °t hapPr 'staging. Nverybody •HqId East' ThailltefferitIff-,". weleclx4e. Ritchie was the mast .speater, at. the '---Aaillicarn-SnutleY, April 28th (Day - ase' thank -offering of the 'Senior 1-tRht. Saving 'rime): St Thomas', A.nxiliary at* WoMen'e Migelonary, Seffferth-10, fiel:!;.Slinele,y School; 11 SocietY held iu .t!irst- Presbyterian a^ale Morning Prayer anti,Seraucia. enure)) on Tuesday". April 23rdc.., . Mrs. Marie, Dlabliza-2,30 paxe, Sun--_ Ritchie is a gifted speaker and gave day School; 3, pan., Ohurch Service a realistic conception of the egoey, and Sermoh-e-Rector, Rev. C. P. L. those who leGilbert, B.A. ovd Jeans suffered after His gruel ion. the dar es ay world has known. The the contrast when on Easter morn it was known that Christ had risen, and was the Living Christ. Then she proclaimed Christ% -firstCommand after His re- surtectien; f.'Go, tell." Mrs. Robert Rberhart presided. Prayer was given by 1Viiss Lena Graham; Bible reading, Mre. Charles Aberha-rt; solo, Mrs. J. E. Daley.,, -The. offering, $70.70, was received by 1VIrs. T. S. Smith and Mrs. Harry Stewart. Mrs. R. H„Wil- hams offered the dedicatory prayer. A vote of thanks to Mrs. Ritchie was moved by Mrs. Keith McLean and seconded by Mrs. Williana Drover, (teddes was pianist. 0 0 0 0 0 000000 -0 o. 0 ° •G. A. W1HTNEY 0 o Successor to o O HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 O Main Street - Seaforth 0 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 -0 renL . 0 0 Agent for Mitchell Nursery C. 0 Flowers. 0 0 'Telephone 119 0 0 , Nights and Holidays 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 .0 o00000000.00 • ° W. • J. CLEARY ° Seaforth, Ont. O LICENSED EMBALMER 0 O AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 Night or Day Calls -335 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 <> 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 o O. J. A. BURKE 0 0 Funeral Director 0 0 DUBLIN : ONT. 0 Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 0 0 00 <> <> 0 0 <> <> k t d the OccasionalChairs • REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Also ,Auto Seats and Backs, Vera ah Swings 'and Steamer Chairs Repaired. Stratford Upholstering CO. Stratford Telephone 579 For further information apply at Box's Furniture Store SEAFORTH Body & Fender Repairs AT Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 Churches. Northside United Church. -Rev. H. V. Workman,„Minlipter: 10 a,m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., "Christian Char- acter, A Living Thing"; 7 p.m., "Christian, fellowship." Sunday, 2 p.m., Communicants' class begins. At Northside United Church on Easter' Sunday at the learning ser- vice, two infants, David Albert, child, of. Mr. and Mrs: A. S. Kinnear, of St. Catharines, and Lynda Catherine, ehild of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Butt of (own, were baptized by the minister,. Rev. H. V. Workman. Huron Presbytery of the United Church. of Canada and Huron Pres- byterial of the W,M.S.-raet on Thurs- day of this week. at Winehara. The Salvation' Army. -Special ser- vices conducted by Lt. Colonel trsaki, Divisional Commander. of London and Windsor: Sunday, 11 a.rn., Holiness • 1 Woolt.�tice rimimmais • The Government bonus of 4c a pound will be paid on all approVed lots, di- rect from the Department, of Agricttlture, without the producer having to • make an application. Ah. Wool shipped to Jackson's is graded in Seaforth, and full settlement'made from there. • IL M. JACKSON Phones: 3-W and 3-J TIME, TABLE CHANGES EFFECTIVE , Sunday, April 28, 1946 and other specific dates. Full information from Agents. Canadian National Railways Barbara Kirkman Thankoffering Meeting. -The Barbara Kirkman Aux - Waxy of First Presbyterian 'ch.urch held their Easter thankoffering Meet- ing on Tuesday night.- In the absence of thApresident, Mrs. W. A. Wright the chair was taken by Mrs. Reg. Kers- take, convener of the grOuP that had 'charge of the plogram. Mrs. G, D. Ferguson'. read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. F. S. Brugger the GladVidings prayer. Current events were given by Mrs. R. H. Williams and Mrs. J. A. Munn sang a solo- The guest spe.ak er was Mrs. Ferguson, of Hensall. Her topic was "New Canadians." She gave interesting stories Of European chiLl, dren with whom she had come in con- tact , with in the West. Mrs -'Fergu- son ,spoke so kindly of these people who hadadapted themselves so read- ily, to the ways of their new home, of their ability and perseverance in gain- ingan education to fit them for their lite work. Many have attained with posjtions in „Canada in every walk of life. Mrs. Ferguson asked, from those who. are of Anglo-Saxon origin; a bet- ter understanding of these newcom- ers and a kindly welcome that they may indeed feel that Canada. is really their home. The offering was taken by Mrs. Scott and Mrs. J. A. Mac- Donald and amounted' to $49.70, Mrs: John Thompson moved a vote of. thanks to Mrs. Ferguson that, was sec- onded by Miss S. 1. McLean. Salt ! SA ! 14..4444.44.4444.4 -THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. We have been advised by Goderich Salt WOrks that salt is likely to be scarce in the near future, so par- ties needing salt, please phone your ordersand we will do the best we can for you. WM. M. SPROAT • MEAD SEAFORTH, ONT. onact.rts: Frank McGregor,,Clinton - President ,ChrIS teonherdt; Brodhagen, Vice -Pres. sfeliteip. A. Reid, Seaforth - Manager .and SetietariTasurer. t DIRECTORS: eenbardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Vrewartha, Clinton; Alex Breadfoot, MIL 3, Seti,fotthe Aleitander MoBwing, 11. 1.j.Illyth Frank lidepiregor, ILR- . Clinton; Itttglt‘Aloijeotictpri a.n. • aitiOtt; flat tOrt tttb Atat. 14COutotti:40 '416)))0.**It‘ th-iScval", ,„ j'AtOtio 014 Phone 665 r 2 : Seaforth "wisawsweneade.e.eseaveiiii. TAXI SERVICE Phone 162 -• Seaforth C. LEMON siMPUIMMIllaillt.111MbAMMINIZW YOUNGCONSTRUCTION C. L. YOUNG, Prop. All Kinds of Contrete Work Phone 90 r 2 - Hensel! CROMARTY, ONT. Car Washing AND Simonize • AT • Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 • sell ergneoffi-:.of Torenta,"We:e day vieltorftPeir Isee ARO) and,,,With, *and remotion, " ' an4. Mrs. Warren Amentarks$ *nub', of Olt, spent the,aPaster holifilays with. Mr. and Atm, • Mr. Chairlee MetealUild, of Trene ton, spent t�' vireele-Mad With Mrs, IVIcDenald and daughter, Mary; at The Commercial. tQruon • Miss Jean. Clifton, Of Toronto, is • Mr. ▪ Neil Sinale and Mr. and Mrs, act gupostpeartguthih.o.me of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomas:, ot Detroit, apenA •the week -end With • Mr. and, Mrs- • , Mr. and *a. Leo Hagan, of North Frank Smale. Bay, spent a few days with his father, • Mr, R. Coleman was In Toroato Mr. James lIegan. last week attending the funeral of • Mr. and Mrs, Ian Nesbitt, of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Pearson. . Guelph, spent .-the Easter week -end at • Mies Agnes O'Neill, of Port Hope, the home of iMr. and Mrs. James T. was a week -end guest Of. Mrs. Frank Scott at Roxboro. Devereaux. • Miss Helen McDougall, who.spent • Mrs. K. E. Doherty, of Toronto, the winterhonee4ere. lifDetroit, has returned to was a guest of her parents., Mr. and her Mrs. Herald Lawrenee, in McKillop. • Many friends will regret -to learn • Mr. Fred Corby, who spent the of the sudden passing of Mrs. Stanley 'past few weeks, with his son and Wright, of Toronto, a sister, of Mrs. daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Amos Corby, has returned to his home in R. M. Jones, Qoderich St. West. Mi':'hnd Mrs. K. W. Coolley and Thorndale. Mr. and Mrs.. Larry Brown, of Owen • Mr. John, Drover, of the O.A.C., Sound, visited 'over the Easter holt- Guelph, spent Easter with his par - day with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dennis. ents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Drover, in • Mr. E. Tiargeon and, Mies M. Lloyd spent the week -end in Montreal. • Mrs. Lloyd- Hoggarth, was in Lon- don this week attending the Bell Telephone "conference being held in Hotel London. • Mr. and Mrs George Finlay and gop„ 'of. • 4treltor.k''''.*-00r "044mA. yispng Oi14y, 4.4 Istro,, On PArriqt,: Migsjazex4040; apept.- the:Vaster' ' 01443.% 14% PfiretitS, aii#1.14, -**0134 man,- in Pickers** ' .; • ' -Mt. and .Mtg1:1** IA* aAil; ,:ter, ,Pot credit, and azoi Donald Gordon;lit Toroato, wero,Das, ter guests ef Mr. and! Mrs. T. A. G. LOCAL BRIEFS • • Mis.s Marion Belch is spending the Easter holidays at her home in • Messrs. Howard and Leslie Kerr and Master Ian Kerr, of Toronto, were Easter guests of Mrs. James Kerr. '•• Miss Rena Fennell 'spent -the Easter holiday with friends in Tor- onto. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Plultney, of foronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cudmore this, week. - • Mr. Ken Keating, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hoover, of Wind- sor, were Easter guests of Mr, and; Mts. J. E. Keating. Ay Mr Gerald Stewart, of Toronto, spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. • ' • • Miss Florence Laidlaw, of Toron- to. is 'spending the Easter ,holidays With her sisters, Misses Maude and Olive Laidlaw. ' • Mrs. NV: W.,Meredith, of Wallace - burg, was 'an Easter guest of Mrs. J. F. Reid. • Mr. E. J, Devereux and Miss Alipe, Devereauk,. of Toronto. and Mr. and Ms. Francis Devereaux:4f ,Port Hope, Were Easter guests of Mrs. F. Devereaux. • • • Miss Mary Neville. Mr. Eugene Neville, of Sarnia; and Mr, J. M. Mc- Millan,' of St. Michael's College, To ronto, Spent Easter with Mr!: -and Mrs. J. M. <MaMillan. • Miss, Helen, Smith and Miss Ad- rian Moss. of St: Joseph's Hospital, London, were guests at the- home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith last week. • Mrs..Ernest Crowe and son are spending the Easter hOfidays in.. Co- botirg. • Mr. and Mrs, G. R. Henderson, of Detroit, are guests of their daughter, Mrs. D. H. Wilson. and Mr. Wilson. • Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Clark and son, Of Woodstock. spent the week- end 'with the Misses Seip. • Mr. and .Mrs. James Henderson, who have' been living in .Godericil where Mr. Henderson was engaged with the Imperial Oil Co., will again occupy their home on North Main St , recently vacated byMr. and Mrs. 3. E. Willis. , • Miss Alice Dougall and Mr. Ross Rennie, of -Toronto. were Easter visi- • tors. with Mr. and Mrs, M. R Rennie. , Mr and- Mrs. J. E. Keating were in Toronto on Monday attending the funeral of the late Norris Helm, who Passed away on Sunday. . • Mi'. Ronald McDonald, of London, is spending the week -end in town. -• Miss Margaret Bell, of St. Marys, is a gn,e,$,t„„of„,:b.er grandparents, 'Mf and 111.. J. P. Bell. • Master MervineTebbutt, of Lon- don, is spending the Easter holidays with his grandparents,•;l1r. and Mrs: Oscar Tebbutt. • Miss Gvien Winterbourne and Miss Janette Pethick, of Toronto, are guests, at the home of. Mrs. F.. S. Brugger. • mr. and Mrs, T. L. Gillespie, -of Toronto. spent the week -end at the home of . his parents; Mr. and „Mrs. -Nell • Miss Betty Anderson,' of Hamil- ton.' spent the. ,week -end with her grandmother. Mrs. Robert Bell. • • Miss Gladys Shannon, of 'Long Beach, Calif., visited Miss Margaret Dunn recently,. • Mr. and- Mrs. J. K. B.- Brown and Stephen. pf Tdronto; Mr. Nelson Govenlock, Lois and Joan, of Wa- terford, and Mr. Lester Govenlock and two daughterS, Barbara and Audrey, of•Tormito, spent Easter at the hope of, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock. • 1VIfss Bella Watson,- of Galt, visit- ed her mother. Mini. Annie Watson, at the home of Mr, George Hogg in Me- • Miss E,rnestine White, RN:, 'O'f rol onto. spent Easter -with her mother. Mrs. Margaret hite. • mr, Jack Dorrance, of St, Cath- arines, and Mts. M. H. McKenzie, of Oshawa, s.pent the week-endat the home ot their mothers Mrs. Mae Dor- rant,e, • Mr. and -Mrs. Norman Millar and son. Bobby, of Hamilton, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith thin week. • kiss Marjorie- -Bickel) -and IVIIe Rhia Hill,' of Toronte, are 'their homes here. ' • Miss, Jean Turner, of Toronto, spent the week -end at her horne:' en George St. . • Miss Annie' Brbdie, of Toronto, Wg1/1...nn Easter- guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Brodie. • Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Reid and son, Ronald., of Ohnalltoxi, and ll1ss Ruth .Reid, of Torentamwere Week -end keleake it" Mr. AL A, teld. 5X and 3X SHINGLES Electric Fencers - Fence Wire Cedar' and Steel Fence Posts - Gates Grass Seed - Seed Corn Garden Seeds - Fertilizer Ceresan . , - CO - OP FEEDS, Chickatarter Pigetarter GrOtormol_M. Hog GroWer LaYrilash , Sow Ration Hatch:01Mb Mir)/ Ration , , 1 WESTERN DRAIN AND CHOP in !!;t4iil0 a Is .and Tonics Rediteed; iredii- 'Rex mnieat Germ Oil • Vnitiorski Milkers and Parts , glee -Beagle Galeve, of Chatham, • BEAUTY BEGINS HERE! PERMANENTS • Cold Waves • $11 Other McKillop. •• Mr. Ernest Clarke, of -Trinity College, Toronto, is spending the „Eas- ter holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. 'Clarke.' • Mr. and Mrs.. Roland Stewart, of Toronto, s.pent the Easter holidays with ,her parents, Rev. and, Mrs. H. V. Workman. • Mr. and Mrs. Clendon Christie, of Kitchener, spent the week -end at the hoine of her -parents, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Webster. .• Miss Margaret Grieve, of Oak- ville, is spending the Easter holidays •at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jas, L. Grieve. • Mrs. Mary Hildebrand Spent the Permanents.. to' week -end in Zurich:, , • . SUTHERLAND • Mr. and Mrs. P. P. White, .of BEAUTY SHOP Brantford, spent Easter at the home, of Mrs. Margaret Cleary. • at...Mrs, Mason and children, of Acton, spent' Easter with her mother,' Cemetery Memorials are more than sym- bols of life that is gone. They are the symbols of laves and memories, ideals and faiths that live forever. It is fitting that such a symbol should have the beauty and pernuinence found in • Granite Memorials. May we tell you more about them? • , T. PRYDE & SON • - Memorial Craftsmen SEAFORTH " EXETER CLINTON Seaforth Showrooms open Tuesdays. See Dr. Harburn for appointment any other times, or Phone 41,i. Exeter. ' FARMERS '' ett4i0EitAlltitg RHONA 1117;'•01111141•••.!,4',111,, '••11.4•4,:111NA 441:.i. 4'11;144;41-4,, • spent the week -end at the luirde of -Oar.atitir:411".:. and Mre..1liornaii, GricV,s,',htFgrivondville. ittid Aft. Pitile. COliCrete Construction OF ALL. KINDS, JACK HOLLAND PHONE25 1 SEAFORTH ANTE n.• •0 Rubbers e Shaders • Final Finishers" Apply to CANADIAN WOODEN AIRCRAFT . Limited STRATFORD, ONT. URSDAY, FitiDAY,.. SATURDAY - DOUBLE FEATURE RADIO STARS ON PARADE , with N,?-16antiA-NGPORD 140.AL.0., BROWN FRA NIS °MAN ALIVE 7 with PA* O'BRIEN . .' ELLEN DREW' ADOLPHE MEN -MU Fun and; slapstick dished out by whirlwind comedy. 'ALAN CARNEY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY • • "SHAD -Y LADY" with CHARLES pOBU Rig GINNY SIMMS ROBERT PAIGE Entertainnaent that ,bis- Chuckles:. and Sullies in profusion, NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " THE SPANISH.. MAIN" with, PAUL HENREID' MAUREEN O'HARA An adventure tale done with sweeping strokes. . COMING: Double Feature . "BABES ON SWING -STREET" and "THAT NIGHT WITH YOU" ..411111111111MEMMIMMEIUMEW MTS. Susan Munroe... • Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Bedour and son, Leonard, of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs: Victor Overholt- and son, Garry, of. Zurich, -spent Easter with Mrs. T. Maloney. • Master Teddy Farrell, of Wood- stock, is visiting at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Whitney. -• • Mr. and Mrs'. Henry' Enzensber-, ger and family, who have spent the .past year in Orchard Heights, State of Washington; are spending some time with her parents,. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Sills. • Miss Kathleen Asman, of Toron., to, is a guest of Miss Ella Eider this week. • Mrs. F. Dungey has returned af- ter a week's visit in London. • • Miss Jessie Gillespie 'returned to Toronto With Mr. and Mrs.- Thomas Gillespie and will remain for a few days. • • Mrs. D. Carson, of Toronto, was an Easter guest at the home of -her parents, Rev. and: , Mrs. David Ritehie. • Mr. and Mrs. James Gillespie, of Toronto, spent the Easter holidays with 'Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie. •--Miss Mary Hallowell, df. Guelph, is an Easter guest of -Mr. and Mrs. George D. Ferguson. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur,Wilcox and Catherine, of 's London, were Easter guests of ;qr., and MrS. F. W. Wigg. • Miss Martha Allen, of Leaming- ton, is a guest of Rev. and Mrs. R. H. 'Williams at the. Manse. :0 --Mrs. E. A. McMaster, Caren Kidd and Paul McMaster were visitors. in Sareia, this week. • • Mr. and Mrs. James R. Scott, of Toronto, are guests of Mrs, H. R. Scott, • Mrs. T. G. Scott received word this week, of the death of her bro- ther-in-law, Mr. Frank Smythe,... of Vancouver, B.C., husband of ,the late Maud Thompson, who passed away recently. Mr! Smythe was a veteran of the First World War, being a mem- ber of the Seaforth Highlanders .of Vancouver, .and was buried with „full military honors. • Misses Barbara and Ann Chris- topher, or London, are Spending the Easter holidays at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mrand Mrs. Gordon Dick. • • • Miss' 'Helen McKercher. of Cay- uga,' spent Easter with 'her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Finlay .McKercher. • Miss Rose Dorsey, is .air Easter guest at the home of her brother and' sister, Mr. P. J. Dorsey and Miss Min- nie Dorsey. • Mr. and Mrs. J. Nivins and Miss 'Carol Ann Sanderson, of Goderich, Spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Muir. • • 'Mr. and IVIrs. Hugh McLaughlin Spent a' week in Toronto and Hamil- ton. • Mr. and • Mrs., Earl Webster, of Ajax, ' were week -end guests ,of •Mrs. T. J. Webster, (ADDITIONAL LOCAL' ON PAGE -5). Ademmeaummilsommom • DANCING Cardno's Hall THURSDAY, MAY 2nd Bert Worth and his New 9 -Piece • CK N X Ambassadors. ADMISSION - 50 CENTS MAY DAY ‘DANCE Oddlellows' Hall- SEAFORTH WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 MURDOCH'S ORCHESTRA. Dancing 9,30 - 110 ADMISSION - 50 CENTS. , 'Sponsored by Seaforth- Womelei. IttStitute .fl -t, FINNIGAN'S WHAT'S IN A.NAME? . Recently while in London calling on • the Wholesales, we were shown a list of atcmints, a -preferred 'list, dating back to 1931. There back through the years appeared the name FINNIGAN. As We turned page after Page, we thought..of the men and. wornen of this country who made this confidence possible°. . Another Wholesaler' told.us during the First -War heehad shiPpeti a car load of sugar to W. J. Finnigan, knowing this record alone was the security. You ask us what's in a name? We believe everything. ARRIVED • THIS- • WEEK Haliowi .Dates (ask for your , pound); Fancy Sodas; Fancy Biscuits; Pineapple; Oranges, all -sizes; Choice Lettuce, 'Celery, Bananas, Lemons, New Carrots, Grapefruits, 'Life is No short to reap the harvest, we eat Only sow." . Sweet Pickles. W..1.: FINNIGAN &SON... , IT'S COMING ! THE BIG DANCE of the SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY For Young and Old AT ,CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH FRWAY, MAY 10th, 1946 Featuring the New and Old Timdance music of Murdoch's Orchestra. Proceeds to go entirely for improving and repainting Fair Grua:els. ADMISSION 50c $1.75 $3.00 05-INs ana.r• bat> reOevied .60119 :to slail 131'4a14 tel"1° smoother, eon:toot favor, toile :fresher. 10.0 a ae- lightfol ele4119„q7 alla a eraooAthose for ro.alse.4. R. R. McKINDSEY, Phm.B. 6 • HOUSECLEANING'? - Now Is the time to have your Furnace thoroughly Cleaned for next Winter ! A REAL FUEL -SAVER! Coal may again be in short supply. Up-to-date ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANING Prompt Service FRANK IcLING AUDITS INVESTIGATIONS TAX CONSULTANT .EloOkkeeping Systems and Service Bernard A. Galbraith • ACCOUNTANT - AUDITOR 'E010,3113/led 1943 it Albert Bel,: , tifkatteirdi 'Oft • 3'd • • 1,144,4,1411)14 •• • .nee24041