HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-04-19, Page 4• "Ft . e NewC Rates: ldµ', Falc, Wafted, .1t, 90 ,� FoOnii. Coml:.g Ever►.ts, Etc., -Ret„ word: Q ,se. y,.. week • coo L. • 8p WRe15 a ...... 4a Cent Svr vrtek r,5 Cent `i`+flnia>Q charge, first insertion; - f1,a Cents Femcb f"" ke iiitisi and abbreviation ,counts as one word, A; " oT 'I'Itlsgits,, DA M'fe{narla a Notices—1 cent psi ward 3linimwn, 50 seats pe+ week ;4pgUhl,. Cl , WV- ,be d-4rected""tp a Box Number, a /o The Hur+otl Expeeitor, for 10 eetrts extra I 'Mtn 'cegts additional per week will be charged if ads in alloys class are sot paid by the ,4tardpy night. in the week in which the ad was run. Blrkbs',"mai=tag85'a'nd Deaths inserted free of phare. '14itet'iort Bsle'a, Notices to 'Creditors. Etc. -.Rates on applicatiuu. Wanted For Sale �%' .-2, OR 4 -ROOM ' APARTME;"IT " by young couple. Apply,to JACK SMALLDON, Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. 4088x1 Lost and Found T.OST-.A' POLICE -COLLIE DOG, WITH M^� brown and black markings, answering to the name' of "Bruno,": Old and child's com- panion. Please notify HAROLD SHERA, • Seaforth, Ont., or call 664 r 15- 4088x1 Machinery ' "-HOVELS, DRAGLINES,* DIESEL TRAC- tore, .Duel engines, Diesel generator sets,' 'graders.. rock' crushers. sand gravel equip- ment, lumbermen equipment We quote prices delivered your station. Send for Bulletins. LEVENTHAL & ' CO., Machinery Dealers, Winnipeg. 4087-3 Poultry POULTRY—DO NOT FEED:,.' HOARDERS. Have your hens carefully culled. High- est market prices at all times. GEORGE WALKER. Hensall- Phone 119. i, 4075x12 Baby Chicks .IL' E CHICKS AVAILABLE FOR April -May. "Approved", breeders pultorum tested, You may prefer later chicks. out on range, well on in growth before the hot sum- mer. We can quote prices and take your order. CHAS. LEONHARDT, .Box 1. Mit- chell. 4033-1 --Help Want IATANTED—BOY$ FROM 15 TO 18 YEARS TY of age. Experience not necessary. Apply fn.,. .,u RICHMOND HOSIERY, Clinton, Ont. mr 4057-2 zu ' 7ANTED—A GOOD' GIRL FOR GENERAL vY house work. Write Box 478, HURON EXPQSITOR. 4083-tf Notices SPRING CHECK,-UP—WE HAVE THE equipment to thoroughly recondition your' ', washer. ironing machine and vacuum' clean- er. Have yours checked now. All work fully guaranteed. F. SKELTON, Beatty Washer Service, Phone 'Sills" Hardware., Seaforth; 1'3,awkias' Hardware. Clinton. 4057x4 NOTICE Township of Tuekersmith. AMEETING OP THE RATEPAYERS OF: School Sections 1., 2, 3, 9 and 10 will be No. '2 . Sdhool on'•Friday, April 26th, at 8 p.nt. to decide on • the question of the said sections forming a School Area: All ratepayers in these .sections •are asked to at- tend. E. P. CHESN'EY, Clerk. • 4088-2 Farms For Sale 'FARM FOR SALE—FIVE MILES SOUTH of Seaforth, and one mile east, Loi 7. Concession 8: Tnckeismith. One mile fro, it school.. Large bank, barn. brick house; hen house and. pig pen. Drained. Plenty of water. All in grass. Possession gicen im- mediately: Apply to J. W. ,FREE, Seaforth. 4080-tf Personals QPI ELL •FOUNDATION GARMEN'T'S FOR health and style. Individually designed. MRS. HELEN K. SCOTT, High. Street Sea - forth. 4060x52 prYGIENIC .SUPPLIES tRtJBBER GOODS, mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 sample: 2.3c : 24 samples SLOB. Mail -Order Dept T-73, NOV-RUBBER CO.. Boz 91, Hamilton, Ont. 4082-8 ASTHMA ""SUFFERERS — EN 01; GOOD night's sleep without o'urning.' choking Mr. Wm. Pearson, SeafOrth, says: ."I am so thankful to you for your asthma remedy that I would like all people , who suffer from asthma to know what it did for Tile. I suf- fered•for years from choking. difficult breath- ing- and distress of .asthma and no rernedy helped. me to any extent, but your rerrledy touched the' spot at once and gave me not only quick relief. but I am now free from all symptoms. A few month's treatment did it" For free appointment, w,r,te F: HOWEY, 144' Catherine Street South. Hamil- ton- .' 3089x4 Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF IiOUSE- h}old Effeefx. on Saturday. A:rii 27th. at 1.30 p.m., in the 'Village of Hensall. the Estate of the late Wijii.rm Stoneman: Quer. bec cook stove: Quebec hearer : kitchen cab•= Mee; 1itchen table; 'enamel top pantry table: • 6 kitchen chairs; 1 electric refrigerator (Frig- idaire) : 2 -blamer hot plate with heavy wir- ing: 2 brovly meta., beds, springs and mat- trescses ; 2 dressers acrd stands ; number of trunks and quilt boxes: 1 day bed; office desk • 2 reed rockets: card table; 1 electric radio; 1 sideboard; number.small tables and rockers ; 1 electric heater 'and fan : mirrors : curtains: electric lamp; folding • ironing • board ; dishes: kitchen utensils ; .garden took lawn mower: quantity wood and coal : step ladder; 2.48 -gallon drums. Terms — Cash. RAROT.D JACKSON, Auctioneer ; E. P. Ches- ney.., Clerk. 4o8S-2 CLEA.R.tJ G AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock. Implements and Household Effects on Wednesday. May rat,. at 1 p.m.,. on the 7th Concession of 3fcKiltop Township, 3"µ` miles north of Seaforth and r„ mile east : - CATTLE --2 cows, freshened: 1 Holstein, 1 Part Holstein : 1 . Holstein cow to freshen in August; 3 calve;.. one week old. IMPLE- ,MENTS--Massey-Harris binder -6-ft. cut: 13- ' iioe seed. nil! ,Deering. ; 1 cultivator: 1 walk- , int Vizi* :""1 dump rake : 1 set harrows : • 1 . er : I rid- ing' roller: I hay loader: 1 mow m-,: plox; 1 rubber -tired buggy • 1 -fanning PI; r ebgeibarrOw: 2 galvanized trousrbs:, cement -troughs: 1 'cream separator: 1 em- 't'y : 1 vise: I work' bench: 2 blocks and tackles: neekyokoc_..-uyd,: vcht ietr•ees : 1 hay hark and rope: reach luniber (white ash) :.1 barret: 4 horse collars: I set double harness teeariy new) : 2 Miller's "Ideal'- hot water iacnbators. 400 -egg size. with patent turning trate: 2. Obathnrn incubators, 140 -egg site; 1 Chatham chuck brooder, 100 chicks. FUR13I- Y[1RE-1 round table; 3 kitchen tables : - 2 sanalI tab%s: Mori* chair: 3 double beds. spisngs : 4 wasT stands : 3 dressers ; 1 child's B bed; 1 ehgle bed: 1 cupboard: 1'divrn: 2 'rJoObit ; 3 rocking ehairxr : 1 settee . 1 hr -m-. chair': 1 glass cupbtoard.;,,.1 ssdebbard: 1 kit-. ehett enpbaaril.: 2 lklieri•Trt hanging lamps; '1 liangixig Ianip ,_ seeverai' small tennis: 4 dining' J mm cbaii`a 2.kitchen chairs; 1 R.C,A, Vic- bar battkz3' iadki ., r,eversa 30 'dozen egg orates al hit decking ,'listens' crocks; sealers: istakenn b tercet , ,ilk palls4 disb- a inert Agfa tiosimne and.. o, J d1' ort ,amplest tib Men.: net, Cleiitg Htlrotd.i i, ; i • .403102 L SALH•=3 ACRES ON MARKET ST.. with good colony house and three -roomed cottage, unfinished. Apply 1070 Richmond St, London, Oat 408271 For Rent 100 -ACRE GRASS FARM TO RENT, LOT 30, Concession 7; also a barn for sale. 56x36. Apply to MRS. ALFRED BROWN. R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 664 r 11. 4088x1 FOR RENT --75 ACRES PASTURE LAND, or will take in cattle to pasture. Apply W. J. DAVIDSON, Hillagreen- Phone Hen- sall 100 r 22.' 4087-8 FOR RENT—HOUSE FOR RENT, EIGHT rooms. 'gird clarage; two. miles from lien - sail. Apply to ,KEN MacLEAN, -Kippen. R. R. 2. .Phone 92 r I3, Hensall. 4088-1 . In Memoriam MARTIN—IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR dear brother, John T. Martin, who pass- ed away April 20, 1945. • Gone .!s the. face we loved so dear, Silent the voice we loved to hear: Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach. Sweet to remember him who once was here, 1 And who, though absent, is just as dear. —Sadly missed by Sisters, Mary, Minnie and Alice.' 4088x1 Cards of Thanks M. AND MRS- ELDQN K1.RR WISH TO 111 thank the friends and neighbors for the many lovely gifts they received; also to thank the Women's Institute and W.A. of Duff's Church, ,M'cKillop, Mrs, Annie Watson and members of the leo Surrender Club. Births FREE --In Stratfoord .General Hospital,, on April 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Ffee, 111 Nile St., Stratford, a son — Geo.rge Wesley - McCOWAN—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 12th.. to Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Mr - Cowan, Brucefield„ a daughter. THOMPSON—In Scott ]Memorial Hospital, en April 12th, to Mr: and Mrs. Kenneth Thomp- son. McKillop, a daughter. Deaths • HARTMAN—In Seaforth, on April 17th, Caroline,Strub, beloved wife of John Hart- man. in her 78th year. CONSTANCE The Easter meeting of the W;M.S. was held in •the schoolroom of it(ie, church. on Thursday; April 11, with .Mrs. E. Adams in the chair. The theme was, "Ye Are My' Witnesses.".. The call to worship was, "Jesus stand among us in Thy risen tower; fay - the, thentime of worship be a hallowed. hour" Mrs. Adams gave a ' short mes7 sage on Easter, after which Hymn 205 was sung. , Mrs, Robt' Rogerson and Mrs. E. Adams offered prayer, The study book was given by Mrs, Jas. H'ugill on "Currie of Angola." Mrs. Chas, Dexter took charge of the .pro- gram and the delegates to the Huron PresbyteriJJ in Winghnm were Mrs. E. Adams, Mr.s, Chas, Dexter and Mrs. Geo. Adxlison. Hymn 183 was sung and the Scripture lesson was 'taken by Mrs. Frank Riley. Mrs, Orville Dale gave a reading. "Without the Resurrection," and . M.1._ Clarence Montgomery offered prayer. Mrs. W. Britton gave a,.reading, "It Cannot Be Done."- Mrs. Peter -Lindsay gave an interesting Easter message on "The Risen Lord, the Resurrection Of Christ:" -Mrs. Creo. Addison favore,l with an instrumental :'The hymn. i "Christ the Lord is Risen 'Today" wvaa i sung •and Mrs. Dexter • closed • the c meeting with the benediction, Mfr.. -Donald Stephenson: of the'!. ni- i Yelt'Sit 4t '4l94lint ailAj.a ;, alt spen+lzng a woe • at hie b.on e. here. . Don,ski's Adams, teacher on the st ff ofa tije. + ii0o ,W4 publicsating, W}l1; •g! to Tqroute neip,t week to at - t004 she Qat its Education Assooia_ tioti--ll-ing held, there. :..z Foll,wing the W.A. meeting in Con- atanc United Church on Thursday. APril 11th, Mrs. Orville Dale was pre- sented with an ,electric table lamp. .Mrs.''Earl Lawson read, the address anti Mrs. Frank Riley made the pres- entation. The following is the ad- dress: "Dear, Mrs. Dale: We, the members of "the Woman's Association of Constance United Church, were very sorry to hear of your intention of moving from our midst. From a child you have been one of us, as you were nearly always at Sunday School and church, and in so doing you s,et an example to others. We will miss you as you always made it a point When you came to the monthly meet- ings, to bring your neighbors. You were always willing to help by giying readings or any way possible. The /asst year you served as Secretary of the Woman's Association. We feel we cannot let you depart without showing you in some tangible 'way our feelings and would like you to accept this gift. May God's richest i iessings go with you, and ,when 'Yee- look at this gift you will remember your Con- stance friends. Signed on behalf of the members an Woman's Association. Mrs. Dale, made a suitable reply. 'thanking the ladies for their gift: Mrs. Durnin, who• was unable to be present, .a,nd who is also leaving the community; was presented with an electric table lamp. The following is the address: "Dear Mrs. Durnin:We, the members of the W.A., have taken- this opportunity to show you in some real way our regret at your leaving the community. In the ten years you have been here you have endeared yourself to us, We will miss your help in the V.A. %.A. and also in the choir.' Will you please accept this gift as a slight token of esteem "in which you are held. We hope you will not forget your Constance .friends and may avail yourself of the pleasure of coming to visit your friends here." Miss Downey, teacher in S.S. No. 3, Hulletty will spend the Easter holi- days with her parents in Tiverton, to rho la SPeMa,'i , aa'ler services, will `ke Ob* served 1ny=' he, three local oharch;es on Sunday, April 21st,- 'Ap :OP:late suis- is will be rendered by,,the choirs, Miss -,Both Murdoch, R.N., of Ham- Ilton, left' Tuesday for New York, to speed Baster with her sister, Miss June 'Murdol t, A fareweit party for Mr. and Mrs. W. J. -Dignan, residents of Hay for nearly- fort'Tyears, and' who. are .•tak- ing_up residence ip Hensall on'Mon- day next. Wes held at the .home ok Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Luker; .when neighbors' and friends- gathered t.4 honor them„ 'en Wednesday of last week •and to present them with 'two handsome .occasional chairs, The •-ad- -dress was mead by Mr. H. W. }Torten, Of Hensall, and the presentation made by iVlr. and . Mrs. Luker. A socia: :eve-, ning was spent in playing cards and various games. Luncheon was Serv- ed. The following is the address,; "To Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Dignan: Dear Friends: We, a few of your friends --.&nd neighbgrs, are gathered here to- night to spend a few hours with you prior to y,qur leaving to take up resi- dence. in Hensall. We sincerely ho.pe the days ahead will bring you much comfort .and happiness. As a. token of our appreciation of your, good qualities and many kindnesses, we wish you••to'accept these gifts, hoping you will enjoy a measure of comfort• from them in your leisure hours. Wishing you many years of happiness in the future. Fromlyonr Friends and Neighbors." The Hensall Chamber of Com will hold a meeting in the co chambers at . the• Town Hall on -day:. evening, April, 30th, at' 8 p. in. from ,•Toronto Will be ent and an invitation is extend all, the young people 'from the v aild community .tin attend this meet- ing. The. Chamber -Of • Commerce organized in the interest of commun- ity welfare. .Mrs. E. Geiger left on Thursday Toronto; where she will spend weeks with her son. and d.aug.h law, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Geiger, family. Miss Eleanor Fisher, of Iturst, and formerly of Hansa been spending the past week w sister and brother-in-law, M Mrs. Walter Moffatt, of Bru Eleanor also called on a nu' her friends in the village, wh pleased to see her -again. • The April meeting of Hens ter Union of the Woman's C Temperance Union was held • HENSALL '(Continued from Page ,1) ,At the ,Stanley township council meeting, held in the township hall. it was'decided to purchase 4,000. feet of sllow fence and 280 steel posts be purchased from the Lundy ,Fence Co.. :ti d that' the township purchase a '4- w heel drive five -toil 'truck. • At St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hen - sell, 00 Sunday, April 7th..the' infant daughter of Mr. . and Mrs. Edward Chappell, received the . rites of bap- tism.'~ Rev, A. M. Hunt was.in charge., • • 'Dies in Lucknow Funeral services for the late Charles.._Sliaddick, who died suddenly at his home in Lucknow on Sunday, April 14h. with a heart seizure, were held from his late residence in Luck- now.on Tuesday, April 16th, at 2 p.m,, with burial in Lucknow cemetery.,' In his 42nd year, Mr. Shaddick was sec - titan foreman of the C.N.R. at Luck - now and was working on Saturday. Before taking up residence in, that- place he lined in Hyde Park,' Clinton alid Kincardine. 'He was born in Hut - lett, and is survived by his widow, the former Clara .Potter, of Stanley .Township; one daughter, Bernice; his father, Mr. Thomas Shaddick, Hen- sall; two brothers, Warden R. E. Sraddick, Hensall; Albert, Clinton; and a sister, Mrs. Harold Scruton (Elva); of Port Dover. The sympathy, of the community- is extended' to his widow and daughter, his father, bro- thers and sister. Mrs. Gus Voth and daughter, Gwen, of Detroit. are spending the summer months . with her mother, Mrs. L. SimpapU• Donald Hedden. of Clinton;' spent Sunday with his grandmother, Mrs. C. M.'Hedden. ' Mr, and Mrs. R. McKenzie and fam- ly, of Clinton, are taking up residence n Hensail. Mr. McKenzie having pur- based a lot next to Gordon Schwalm's and has bought a' house n Cromarty and is having it moved EASTER PECI e LS Green front Store OPPOSITE POST OFFICE BOYS' 'TWEED PANTS CHILDREN'S PULLOVERS' MEN'S WHIPCORD JACKETS $1.09 a $2,59 d. $1.98 $4,50 MEN'S SERGE PANTS (Blue and Brown) .. $7,50 10 MEN'S TWEED SUITS Regular $1.5.95. Special BOYS' SUMMER BREECHES- Marked down to clear (We feature a full line of ..Men's Cloth- ing, including Suits, without priorities) $8,95 $1,58 LADIES' SILK PANTIES'—Special to clear at. 40c. CHILDREN'S PLAID"DRESSES—. q Sizes 3-12. Special $1,09 • TRAINING PANTIES, 2, 4, 6—Special 25c WASH CLOTHS -LADIES' COTTON PYJAMA 15c $1.95 • Commerce used Tues - m. An pres. @d to village has mmun- for a few ter -in - and Graven - I.1, has with her Mr. and cefield, mbar of o Were Hensall-Exe- ter in the school room of the United Church an Thursday afternoon, April 16th, at 3 p.m, Mrs. C. L. ,links was in the chair for the devotional period. Following the opening hymn, Mrs. R. A- ilrodk read the- , Bible lesson and the devo- tional. The Easter message of "Joy, Peace Midi Ha ,e. To- he Wwxid'" was lai'"eti Mr : B gsiger. A aeas99 ;dt prayers were ogered •and ppenlis.. read, -The .1/resident :presided for the buainess portion,.t?lal�s were 'wade for tWannual convention •to .be held In Malin':' Street United'i.Churoll, Exe- ter, early 'in, May,and the organiza- 'tion'hopes' to be le to h;i.Vili"hs ,their guest speaker, Mrs. Bet#, • Nepali, travelling secretary of the W.4,T.tt. in;..Onttrriq. Dinner will be served at the eoneention. Committees appoint- ed are ad 4follotivs: Lunch, Miss Con- sitt and Mrs, J. Smillie, Hensall; Mrs. W. Cook and Mrs. W, •0...Pearce, Exe- yter;; program, Mrs. M. lBedden and Mrs, G. Hess, Miller - Clarke .Of interest to, Windsor and Hensall residents wag the marriage in Cen- te'nary United Church, Hamilton,. on March 30th, at high noon, of Miss Effie Clarke, daughter of the late Gib- son MacNeil,; of ,Singapore S'.S. and Greenoo�t' Scotland, to Mr. W. Ross Miller, of Toronto, formerly of Wind- sor. indsor. The Rev. Neiman Rawson, offici- ated at the ceremony, and the bride-' groom's nephew andbis wife, Mr. and 'Mrs. T.;11 Sherritt, of Hamilton, were the attendants.' Miss Marie Millets -Of, Pitt St. West, Windsor, the bridegroom's sister, was in Hamiltoln -far- the cerefnony. The bride served with the Medical Corps in the Navy for 'over three years, and was in first aid work in Windsor. The groom just re- turned from overseas in: December, having served with the Royal Cana- dian Air Force for three and a half years. The -groom is a native of Hen- sel], a' son of the late Mr. and Mrs.' J. W Miller. Mrs., Hugh ,McMurtrie and Mrs. F. Farquhar, 1 'ensall, were in the vicin • ity of Mitchell on Saturday attending the reunion of their family at the lovely farm home of their sister, Misn Edna Cochrane, R.N:, of Riverdale Hospital, . Toronto. Those attending from a distance were Mrs. R. S. Hop- kins, •Mrs. Dorothy, Porter,. and- Mr. William Cochrane, of Chicago; Miss Edna Cochrane, Mr. Jas. Cochrane, Mrs. L. S. Eiler, Mr. Donald Eiler, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Osypchuk; Toron- to; Mt. and Mrs. R. T. Dick and fam- ily, Stanley To'tvnship; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cochrane and. Mr. Allan Cecil_ cane, 'of Brucefield. A bountiful din- ner was seri'ed at 6,30 from 'a candle- lit table. The flowers were a gift from Mr. Jas. Cochrane, being beau- tiful white Phlox and red•carnations. The event was very much enjoyed -by the family. The only member not pre- sent was Mrs. R. ,A. Miller, of Seat- tle, Washington, Miss Helen Boyle, R.N., of Toronto,• was a week -end guest with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle and family. Miss Agnes Cochrane, sof•• Clinton, n'as a week -end guest with Mr. and • Mrs. J. W:-Bonthron, . ,lilt A. wort as 170090ti3.410;• lotted... � it da>#i5 , e " t ]ts.'j',..QutAr� MoRtre 1, ' The Yt1)k 1' Qi 1e's. Socie.,ty 4i the United Ali; rah will'»►o9t 19hc ttte obureh school coo •-on 'Mo days evening, Ain 29th, and gill bavc, ati their guests the Young Pe les Executive, .of Huron, Presbytery, vlhp will furnish the 'iiro7 Frani. Mr. mrd Vickie was in Chatham recently on business. The many friends of Mr. Charles Wow. will regret to learn is seriously i11 at his home with a heart Condi- tion. Menders of `'his family from St. Catharines, London, Godericll, Bruce_ field' and Seaforth have visited him. R REPAIR$ QNB A14014M MOPAgent for Addison Marconi !Radios, Norge. k'1tg'idairee, trio Washtpg M'aihiltea and. Oil w HURON RADIO 'SERVICE Phone 101' ' , • • Hensall Do&t Discardyouroid Chesterfield. UNTIL YOU' KNOW WE CAN'T KELP YOU ! PHONE 248 -FIRST for'estimates on price and cover No obligation. Splendid Variety Two Weeks' Service ALL WORK GUARANTEED DICK 'TheU -Pioolsterer . is Notice to theCitizens of Seaforth All owners and °tenantsof property in Seaforth are hereby ordered to have their .premises put in proper and sanitary condition by the removal or disposal' of ash heaps, manure piles, -garbage and waste of all 'kinds, that may prove objectionable or unsanitary, by May 15th next. 4t After that ,date any premises not in proper condition may, by order of the Local Board of Health, be put in proper condition at .the expenses of the owner or tenant, and, where necessary, the expepse incurred be collected as. by statute provided. (Signed) THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH - +w:�y NO ONE tipped him off to new synthetic yarns which would endanger his markets. Now, new ways and new materials are passing him by: , 11YLON produced by chemistry from coal, air and water after tenyears' patient research : `c : is an example. This wonderful new yarn is already flowing into the Manufacture of glamorous hosiery and will soon he used in foundation garments, lingerie, and many other textiles, thus creating new Canadian jobs and new -standards of beauty and servifx' SERVING.• CANACIANS TN1O0611 "CNEMISTET -1• 1' 1 Fish by the gee .: ; seeing through a tree . : and oil- re-sistant rubber. • . ",Do you know that fish is the only main food supply which .-man has so far done nothing to_Cyitivate? He _grows_ his' grains in fields, his fruit in orchards, his meat in,cattie, swine, sheep. Now, however, with the , aid of the chemist, our sup-, plies of fish are to be-in- creased. e-in-creased. Fertilizer spread on the surface of fishing waters, • stimulates growth of the basic fish food (plankton ), , so that fish grow and multi- ply much faster. Fish" yields in ''farm fish ponds have jumped 400%l with this treatment. Can you see through' a tree? Someone might say, "yes, by X-ray", but that's not the answer. Chemistry, almost bymagic, can do itby trans- forming Canadian wood pulp into 'liquid cellulose anal then into transparent "Cellophane" with which so many of your purchases are protected on their way to lou. "Cellophane" cellulose _Om is made by C -I -L at Shawinigan Falls, Quebec. 1 — Rubber is a grand iaatdrihi �--ia t1reright place! But some of the uses to which it has been put were just a bit top much for its constitu- tion: Wheel exposed to sun- light, oil, gasoline or them...,.: Ws, natural rubber quickly deteriorates,. Arid 'that is where 'i pltene 'synthetic rubber comes in, It tun take most of the abuse that gets natural rubber down: &r �� fothese n s seriSsng "Lookiisg Abesdi , GL -Li P.O. Bar to, M.nrreiI,