HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-04-12, Page 8future success and happiness. • May God bestow His richest blessings on you always. Your Community." Car Washing AND,. - Simonize . AT Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 Easter Seaforth B•ranch Canadian Legion No. 156 •—Present--- • TON•Y CRYAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA •For Your Dancing Pleasure AT CARDNO'S, HALL, SEAFORTH e. Monday, April 22nd, 1946 • Dancing froth 9 to 12.30 • ADMISSION—$1.50 Per Couple Proceedslo' entirely to furnishing of new Legion Memorial Hall. ' DRESS' OPTIONAL 4111111111•111111110MEL T Ai FINNIGAN'S 'TIS SPRING! During the Ninter. eths the_ inside. of -a .hOuse eollects- a--good-asserfin-atiof jurik. Look, yours 'over now, as this is the time for spring housecleaning. Every woman is judged by the conditions in her home. ',Alibis are such stupid things! NOW IN STOCK , Dec -ado°, Champ, Ammonia, Kle,en-zit, a dozen kinds of Paint Cleaners, Mops, Brushes, Whesks, TUrpentine, Raw. and Boiled 0,ii, Paint, Furniture Polishes, every popular Floor Wax, .Whitewash Brushes and Galvanized Pails. „ • '0 In Miss Janet Hodgert and Miss Ann Scotchmer, We ha"e two of the most efficient Clerks to step behind a counter. W. J. FINNIGAN & SON • e • •• • ' • , , • , • • '. ' ,•' ' , • , • • . • ANC TUE T 13# iESTATE l.hOPOOn,Conlent..4e-'01), 4$ 4nnOnfaced MeaT ti:e"0"k 1/4-tirR."-04,StAfl4 ALLoma OF'GE t_oot. ne34N., Younged 4,..,*ARater ef the fin.d Mrs. Aleat'Broegeoe .,132,ncelleld, to Dr. Herald; $Cott 'rbre- WN ,01611NE • fj1 cnu- lare Street re th email ca- ., • ars:4'1 ' from Sear tort• '04 lit4hwaY. 00101iO4atinent boiise an Victoria • atreet liood investment. • Pther.deajrable properties also 'Wet WATSON & 'REID • M. A. REID Proprietor PhOrte214 : Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE The Second Division Court County of Huron Office ii the 'Dominion Bank' aesforth. Office, hours; Mea- ds,: Thursday and Sattiregie, .nse , to 6 ; Saturday eveeing„7.30 t• 9 yam. ,E. C. CHAMEBERLAIN Clerk fry, son Of Mr. Albert Tretry, ardfe Landifig, the marringe tip take ;place the latter part of April; - 'Beck.—A wedding of mach local inter 9St was solemnized at. St. Andrew'a 'Manse, Moose Jaw, on 'Merck 14th, when Aletha Beck, daughe: ter of Mr. and Mrs. Neuclii-Of Newer, became the bride of Robert, A. Davis, only son of Mr. and Mrs.'D. Davis, 'Riverhurst. Rev. 0. Glover officiat- 000000000000 0, o 4' G. A. WHITNEY ° o Successor to . o 0 HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 0 Main Street • '- Seaforth 0 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 40 Adpstable hospital bed for 0 0 •, rent. 0 0 Agent 'for. Mitchell Nursery 0 • , ' Flowers. • 0 Co ' Telephone 119 0 0 Nights and Holidays 65 0 0 ' 0 40. 0 <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> „ • 000000000000 •- 0 W. J. .CLEARY Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 LICENSED EMBALMER ' 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 oCe. Night or Day Calls -335 000O00000000 ed. • Adams -, McGregor. — Egmondville United Church Manse was the scene of a pretfy wedding ort!Baturdy, April '6th, at 8 p.m., when Mona, only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs... D. F. McGregor, of Egmondville, was united in marriage to Mr. Cecil Harry Adams, of Goderich, son of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Adams, Egmondville. Rev. A W. Gardiner performed the cere- mony.. They were attended by Mr. ant Mrs. Rex McGregor: ••The bride was prettily attired in a street -length grey crepe dress and wore a shoulder corsage of American Beauty rosebuds. Mrs. Rex McGregor 'wore a rese.gown with shoulder Corsage. • Following the cereniony a reception was held at the McGregor home., Later the happy couple left on :a honeymeon_trip, the bride wearing a torquoise bine shag coat with hat to match., On their re-, tarn they will reside in 'Goderich. 000 00000.000 0' J. .A.. BURKE, 0 O Funeral Director • 0 O. DUBLIN • ;„ ONT. 0 0 Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 sC> 000000,00000? Chesterfields an Occasional Chairs REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Mao Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swingsand Steamer, Chairs Repaired. Stratford Upholstering Co. • .' - Stratford - Telephone 579- • r For F.urther infOrniation 'apply at • Box's Furnitiite- Store • SEAFORTH Churches First Presbyterian Church. -10 a.m. The Sunday'School; 11 a,:na., Public Worship: !This is the King"; 7 P.m., Public Worehip:. "Blesded Are . the Persecuted," last in the -series on the Beatitudes. Thursday •evenirig at 8. "The Quiet Hour." Thia is the last of. bur Lenten Service's. Mrs. E. A. Mc- Master will sing. Have you been pre- sent yel:7 Holy Week Services: Each evening next week at eight. • Northside United Church.—Rev; H. V. Workman, Minister:. 10 a,m., Sun - 'day, School; 11 a.m., "The Triumphal Ride Into Jerusalem"; 7 p.m., "The Divinity and Grace of Christ." 'Thurs- day. 7.45 p.m., Prayer Service. • We Welcome every worshipper. • Vs.ng I ican.—April 14th. Palm Sun- day : St. Thomas': Seep:Alla-10 ant. Sunday School;, • 11 a.m.. Morning Prayer, "True or False?"; 7 p.m., -,Eve- ning, Prayer, "Watehing Qne- Hour." . • St. Marrs', .11:v01in-4.30 p.m., .San - day School; 3 p.m., Church, Service. "True or False?" • Holy' Week—April 15th to 19th in- clusive, 8. p.m. each evening. ,Ser- vices 111 Seaforth churches. • Good Friday (Anglicala)•10.30 ,St. Thomas', Seaforth; 3 'p.m.. St. Mary's, Dublin.—Reetor, Rev. C. F. L. Gilber• •t. B.A. • The Late .res.• William Strong.— Mrs: William .Strong; Well known and highly respected resident bf the Sea-, forth vicinity. passed quietly away at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Archie Somerville. McKillop, on Friday morn- ing. April 5th. in'her76th year. She had been id failing health for some time. The former Jane Scholdice was born in Tuckeremith, the elder daugh- ter of the late.,Leoreard Sholdice, She was married in December, '1903. to the late William Strong. who prede- C.eased her in A.p.41_,-1.92.6;„ She was. a. devoted wife and mother. Sines, the death of;ber husband,. she ha--made home Fest of the fime with her da.agliter. • Mrs. • Archie Somerville. She a life-long member 6f •St. Thonias' Church. Seaforth. Surviving, irer-'ere , three eltihteert and. •• reve grandchildren; two daughters. (Anne) Mrs. Carson Allen, of Guelph: ((2dra) Mrs. Archie Somerville, of McKillop: one see, Leonard.- in Tfickersmith; three granddaughters. Joan, Lois Ann and ,Jane Somerville, and two grand- sons, Billy•Strong and Billy Allen. Two brothers, Wi1liam. of -Seaforth. arid John, of Tuckersmith. also sur- vive. ' One .sidter, Susan, predeceased her .in'Milich.1916.1 The funeral ser- vice was held on Monday, April fith, from the home', of her son-in-law, Archie •Somerville, Lot 33. t on. 13, McKillop, and was largely atfended. Rev. C. F. LI Gilbert, Rector of St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth, conducted the services. and Mi SS Lois Whitney 'sang a solo, "Tire -Lint is'.My Shep- herd." The. flower -bearers were Nasi Shannon, Walter • Sonaerville, John Dennison, Edward Miller, Boyd Dris- coll earl -Ross DriscoIJ. ,The pall- bearerawere Arthur Wallace, William Leyburn,• Robert Archibald, Robert iTYnciall,. Harold Rice and Oldfield. The floral tributes Were numerous and beautiful. Interment was in Maitlaadbank cemetery. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL. OtTICERS: Flrank McGregor, Clinton - President ,Chris Leouhardt, Brodhagen, Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. DIRECTORS.: FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y, HEAD OFFICE --„SEAFORTH, ONT. Chris. Letelha'rdt, Brodiaagen; • E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex Broadfopt, B.M. 3, Seaforth; . Alexander MeEwing, LEL. 1, Blyth; 'Frank McGregor, R.R. 5, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, 'R.R., 1, Walton; =Item R. Archibald, R.R. 4,''Seaforthe• George Leitch, R.R. 1, MIAMI; John L. Malone, Ra. 5, Sea - forth. .AGENTS: hicKercher, R.R. 1, Dub:in; E. Pepper, Brucefield; 3. E. Prueter, prodhagen; George A. Watt Blyth. eerie -Sales Boo6 are the best Counter • Check - Biioks -made in Canada. They cost o more than Ordinar Woks and always give satisfaction. , We are agent and wlltbe plaseci to quote yOu on arty style or u,antity rewired. Oita Orfillter Clod /Tolle tott ()Atari° . -- For -7 ur-gain ertiiizer • SEE OR CALL GEORGE KRUSE MANAGER OF • Huron Farm Feeds Ltd. - Phone 664 r 33, Seaforth . • • For Immediate, Delivery. :EIXPOSITOR, • Mbek44'• 4•Olicivre4:i4t1 gYAnn '10 how we eanbe witnesses in, a rural oonainUARY, arid how we as women can shere in visitation evangelism; also; the benefits many who are shut- ins• derive from church' serviceewhieh are broadcast by radio. The Easter thankoffering was. dedicated: A duet, Nailed 'Po the Cross," by Apse.. Geo. Dundas alio Mrs. Stanley Haien, was enjoyed. Mrs. Earl Mills led in pray- er. A little token of appreciation was given to Mrs. Leeming. The following address was read by Ms. George. Dundas.: "Dear Mrs. Leeming: We, your friends and neighbors, realizing that you are about to leave this commun- itY, would like to convey tp you this word. It is with mingled feelings that we anticipate your departure. We are happy to know that you are going to Seaforth, where you will make many friends, where your responsibilities will be Less arduous and from which place, we hope, you may often come back for a visit. We are •sorry, hew- ever,to see you go. You have been a wonderful• neighbOrto this com- munity, a loyal and generoPst,support- er of the church and its organizations. Every worthy Cause hasyou , found willing to lend a helping:I hand, By your gracious, attitude no less than by your generous spirit. you have en- deared, yourself to ever i one of us. The W.A. and W.M.S. wil suffer the loss of your genial presence, will miss the encouragement and inspiration your presence has always meant, and last but by no means least, we, shall 0,114 4.11 reVe gag the general. thaP,W giving. prayer; in noise . The. Scrip- ture reedingalrom theAn!te,‘.11re,read by Tennie:Denpis. peht Wee., reecr .1 by We. Pottegei a4 Byron 11$ 1 wee atIng,7 DeViethee reed, "ipv,angelien .threb." Mrs. WO -14P loeemirig ga,V44be 'Scriptiire reading and, meditatighorn.,t1104' ter Berrien -4 .Worshi'0A •NPVir .and Living Way:* The theme for' the • Easter Meeting' waa• l'El'shall be my witneaSea,#"•‘, and•wW0qr.,JP.reserited by Mrs Willis DuttaliV; 4144kijfig Vital LOCAL BRIEFS ses. • Mrp. John Laing, who spent the winter with 'her daughter,, Mrs. Wil- liam Aberhart and Dr. Aberhart, London, has returned. to her honie here. • • Mrs. Traviss., of- Listowel, visited her sister, Mrs. K. M.•CampbeIl, and Mr. Campbell. •• Captaba-Ronald MacKay, who has been stationed in Vancouver for the past year, has returned to his home here. • Sgt: Lloyd Hoggarth, R.C.A.F., Rorke -lige, spent the week -end at his home' in town. • Mr. Russell A. Walter, of Dundas, was' a week -end guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willis. Mrs. Walter and daugh- ter, Catherine„ who spent the past week here, returned witie-hime-- .• LAC. Thomas. Cluff, of Angus, spent th'e week -end with his father, Mr.: A. F. Cluff. Mr. Tudor •Howard, of Buffalo, visited friends n town last week. • Mrs. K. M. MeLean,returned home from Ottawa ee 'Sunday last "after spending the past two .moriths with her daughter, .Mrs. J. H. Grant,. and Capt. Grant: 0.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gropp and Mrs. Gordon Mohr and family, of Mayer - ton; were week -end pests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. . • Miss Sean Wright' is in Hamilton , • this, week, • S/L. A. Y. McLean, of the East ern .• Command Headquarters •Staff, Halifax, who recently received his, discharge,. returned •borne on Tues- day.. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Davidson and. daughter, of Hanailton, were visitors •in town on Thursday. • „kr..James. Southgate, of the Uni- versity of Western,. Ontario, and Sgt: W. E. Southgate; of London, spent Sunday at the home Of their parents, • Mr.. and •Mrs. E: 'Southgate. ' • Miss Jessie Grainger, of Cluatcm,,. we'd a guest on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.. A.' Wright, • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. 'Willis moved on Monday' to their apartments over the, Willis shoe store. •• Sgt, S. F. • Grainger '.and Mrs, Grainger have returned from Jamaica, B.W.I., and are spending a few weeks at the 'home of the latter's.' pareats, Mr. and Mrs, 'Wm, •Ament. • • Messrs, Kenneth and Joseph Mur- ray •are visiting •in Chicago. mr. and Mrs. Herman Lindsay and Sheila, • of• Toronto,.,are guests this week o1 Mrs. J. B. Tompson. • • Mrs. Keith Sharpe and son, Bob- by. who spent the cast two months in IVIessbank. Sa'sle, have returned to tow. • Miss. 'INiargaret' Smith ana Miss Sandra McKellar, •of Toronto, were week -end gueSts "of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Strath. . • • Mrs. Perrhtt. and son, Robert, of Torpnto, were week -end euests. at the mine of her • prieents: Mr. and. Mrs, W. Golding "-^ • • -Miss Lois Finnigan, of .Stratford; spent. the week -end at. the home of her parent's, Mr, aid Mrs. Frank Fin- nigan. • • • . • • 0. Mr. and Mrs. :Orval. Weston, Lieut. and Mrs, Jack Weston, 'and. Lieut. and Mrs. Kenneth Weston, .all of Detroit., spent' the week -end With • Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carnodhan and Miss Verna Graves. . • 'Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sproat, of North: Bay, were week -end .guests . of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Sproat and Mrs. 'Jaroes Sproat. , • Mr. and Mrs. H. R: Spence and Mr, Harry Grainger were in ListoWel on Tuesday attending the funeral of Mr. Grainger's sister, ' Miss ' Mari Grainger. •• . -• • Died in Toronto.—The many friend. of Rev. Capt. E. W. Edwards, former pastor of Northside United Church" were sorry to learn of his death Toronto on Sunday. Active in the ministry of the Methodist and later the !United Church for' dearly forty years.. •Rev, Edwin Wesley Edwards; M.C., ?Q, died Sunday at ,the Toronto - General Hospital after a'prolonged tll nerve During the First Great War he went overseas With the Slat Batta- lion from St, Thomas, won his cap- taincy in thP field and served as a combatant officer, being awarded the Military Cross. He returned to Can- ada with the 21st Battaliota of, Kingk, ston, Since 'his retirement from the ministry in 19,37, he had resided in, Torento. Born at Strathalien, lie gra- duated trona Victoria! College in 1899, was ordained in the Methodist Church, LOndon. Ctinferenc'e, and serv- ed pastorates at Rutherford, TiVerton, Thedford, Springfield, Highgate and Seaforth. Later with the United Church .he served at Listowel, Lem. - don and Tavistock., Mr. Edwards had held office in the Lmidon COnference and for "a, number of years grved on. 'the board of AIma •College. He was a Member of Springfield Lodge, AA & and Xew Seach United. 011111.4.h, Surviving are„hie wife, ,Eleinor Sher herd Edwards, of 40,13enlateond Ave.. and two sone, Dr, MdlOards,M10: We a tdiVards,bofoV6ititit0e. ' • ; McKILLOP . , • 2 1946 "' 11146', Y,(1•X provCd' Y4tirselt, to. eeI 1,4 t ,, yen helA.4114 '11°14' ; )1, Peft reaPflet. a eq.teeel... .parpOer; another entalal014y Will ,richer. We 144.41 rINA9P4b#,V.- TOP ,pften: thinic of YOU'. and. Teller.0.- yO" YY.414..':r91*".'..beat getagPWA.p.4 iitayfta cOntiaped. God's richest blessings rest Upon. yon. OW•belialf ef the W.A. and ef. the Bethel Congregation, ask you to accept thislittle re•„ ro.e.Pabrancti..." • T-• • * • e• Mrs. Leonard; ,Leeming made-- the: presentation. Althaugh taken by sur- prise, 1VIrs. Leeming thanked the lad- ies of the. W.A.' encriir.M.S1 u a fit- ting manner. Hymn 236 was sung and the' meeting was op.en for business. The minutes of the last nieeti.ng were •read and adopted and the ,roll call answered by the reef:Ober& Mr., B. Mills is to be the delegate Joethe Presbyterial in, 'Wingliion." The May meeting is to be at the home'of Mrs. George Dundas, the members to, save coppers and bring them to the May meeting.. 'The hymn, "Lord, 'Dismiss' Us With Thy Biessing,".was sung and, the meeting .closed .prayer..py Ethel Dennis. -Luneh ,was served and a seeial time spent. 1--• ,missionar*. Societies Meet The April meeting bfr the Bethel W. A. and W.M.S. was held at the home of, Mrs. Stanley Hillen on April 4th. The•xneeting ;opened with the call to „astorship; hymn 205, • "Julie Stand DANC1N SATURDAY, APR. 13 Cardno's Hall . Music by Teen-Agers - • ADMLSSION - 35 CENTS' JITNEY DANCE •'SATURDAY, APR. 13 • I.O.O.F. HALL SEAFORTH Music by Moonlight Serenaders •tidies 1 LOOK SMART FOR EASTER ! • Phone your Appointment Early. • Permanent Wave Prices ranging from fl 13.56 • Try the New. Ray Machineless Permanent GRACE'S -Beauty Salon PHONE 16 arlittifin Legion. •STAG EUCHRE ' will be held in I.O.O.F. HALL Seaforth FRIDAY, APRIL 12th • at 8.15 p.m.. Proceeds to go for, furnishing new Mem- orial Hall. • EvpIrromg WELCOME 'McKillop Residents Honored • A very pleasant evening was spent iu Winthrop Hall in 'honor of Mr. and Mrs. Errol Habkirk and Margaret, who haie since left for their new home. In t. Marys. The first part of the_evening was spent in progressive euchre.- Lunch was then served. Mr. and Mrs. Habkirk and Margaret were called to the platform and the follow-. ing address was read by Mr. Patton: "Dear Mr. and Mrs, • Habkirk and Margaret: Having learned with re- gret that • you ---are about to depart Prom our midst, we, your friends and neighbors, .havegatherethere for the purpose of spending a social evening with you., and also to show in a tang- ible way that we have appreciated your willingness to help in every gobd work ,in the community.. :We trust that this occasion will imprint on your -.Minds the fact that "there are no friends like' the old 'friends:" And now to touch on the. lighter side: We all come here tonight, • To bring you these little gifts, To brighten ;up your life; ' When evening conies and work is done May these gifts • hblii remind you, Of all the people back4•at home, That you have left behind you: . We are,„pleased tp know that you: are not making .your , home at any great distance from us, and will be very .glad to .Welcome you all back any time you have the orilacirtunity. We trust that in your new home there may be many pleases in store for you all and be assured that the good wishes of your many friends of Win- throp go 'with you... We ask you, Liz- zie and:Errol, to .accept these gifts, and, you, Margaret, this table lamp, 'not. so much for their value, but for the feelings that go with them. May God's richest blessing rest upon you all. Signedon behalf of your friends and neighbors of Winthrop." .Mr. and Mrs. Habkirk were Pres-. .entet With a floor lampa bed lamp and electric toaster. Mr. Habkirk made a suitable reply, thanking 'the people for their gifts,'The rest of the evening was spent in dancing. Mn and. Mrs. Archie Campbell spent the week -end with Mrs. James Camp bell. Mrs.' Margaret Horne and Donald and Miss Isabel Currie spent the week end in St. Catharines -.and Niagara Falls. Miss4ean- ravlor oLSeaflo the week -end with her grandliarenta, Mr. and M,rs, John MeClure; •- Spr. K. Davidson; ric.E., of rp perw ash , visitedwithhsmuiL over -the Week. --end: Jadkie McSpadden, of London, is visiting with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Zack McSpadden. • • "Mr. Tom Cunningham, • who` has spent , the • pat few' mouths at the Winthrop chopping .mill, Lias returned to Wiarton. • • • IN/Iiss-Elizabeth EroadfoOt, R.N.. of ••Island, and 'Mrs. Elmer ToWnsead 'and Erma Mae, of Tucker - smith, spent Monday with their aunt, Mrs. John, McClure, ' Mr. Harry Eddicot spent Sunday in floe viltage.' • , Returns From •Overseas Gnr.. W. A. McClure returned home from overseas' an Monday, He was .met --in London by Mr. and 1VIrs,-Gar:- net Taylor; Clarence and Billy; Mr. James 'McClure, Glen, Don,. Rosa •and Ruth' McClure. A family gathering was held at the home of'•Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. Gnr. McClure had been overseas since July,, 1943, with the .99th Battalion from Wingliam, and served in France, Holland, Bel- gium and Germany, Hp Was wounded on D -Day, but was back with his regi- ment early jnJuly. He Was married on March 15th to Miss Isabel Roselle, of Glasgow. Mrs, McCittre expects to 'come to Canada soon. Mr. and Mrs. Sard. McSpadden. and Dennis, of Bnrgeilsville, visited With Air, and , Mrs. Zack McSpadden and • other... friends • Address and Presentation' On Friday evening March 29th, a large ntinaber of neighlkirs and friends gathered in Winthrop hall to honor Miss Isabel Bettles,..who has recently returned frpm overseas where ' she spent a year in her profession as a nurse. A few hours were, spent in dancing to music supplied by Messrs: R. Cit Dodds and 'James Neilanii. Rev. W. .r. Patton was then asked to` be- chairman„over a slaprt• program which was presented by the school childreil. Miss Berries was:called to the front when Rev. Patton read a fine address and Miss Irene Montgomery present- ed ''Misa • Betties with a Verse ; Of money,. to Which -she-replied gra;ce, iously. Fb11owlng.4s tire -address: "Isabel:. We, your friends and neighbo'rs, Who stayed at home while you went over there In' do your part, have filet here tonight to honor:you in a email way. ' We,:las a coniraun- ity,• 'are proud of you Isabel. Beteg the' only gl'rl from our midst to ,take • Such an active part if the- war for. • pearae and freedote, you 'deserve .spe- bial credit. A iiiirse's *mit is a tteble. ark, War is xiot a NVninan's work' Mit the -fart played by ottr bur'elug, sitterduttfik Ole ttrusgtt Wittig. a' NQwKR/Oing-Wrintts., PK) 12, 13.. C,RAIN • "STATE' FAIR in Technicolor ,\The musical version of •Phil Stong'snovel, Ailed with romance! • MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, BETT;TGRABLE •• • a JOHN PAYNE "THE DOLLY SISTERS " • in Technicolor ' • business brimming over with life, Vitiate . and laughter. ' The saga of show NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY CHARLES dOBURN ••JOAN EIENNETT • " COLONk14 EFFINGHAWS-RAID " - ,A comedy drama peeked with entertainment. • COMING -2 . "FALLEN ANGEL" 17, AMNOMMIMMIIMMMNMMMEMMMIIPF glorious page in our history. The following verse of John Finley's seem to fittingly, describe the courage and faithfulness of a nursing sister: go wherever men may dare, I go wherever woman's care 4 1 And „love can live, . Wherever strength ana skill.. can • ...Sure -ease to human suffering. Or solace give!" "Truly theirs was a noble work. The experiences gained during your du- ties as a nursing sister will tre *of' great value in future life.. Some of us tnevY -the thrill and knowledge gain- ed from your trip across to England and back. This small gift of money, Which Irene presents on behalf of the community of friends and neighbors, conveys our feeling of Pride in your work and the part you too. It ex- tends everyone's best Wishes for your • A • • • • • , OTICE-- We are ready to Vulcanize Tires and do all Tire • Repairs for your car or truck. • GUARANTEED VULCANIZING . We, handle Goodrich TirA and Tubeg and some automobile accessorie% Our Store Is on Main Street,'next to The Huron Expositor Office, Seaforth. You can't miss the B. F. Goodrich Signs ! KELLAND'S Tire and Battery Service Main St„ Seaforth : Phone 248 0n't Discard your old Chesterfield UNTIL YOU KNOW WE CAN'T HELP YOU !' 'PHONE 248 FIRST for estimat6s on trice and cover No obligation. Splendid Variety Two Weeks' Service 'ALL WORK GUA.RANTSED ' CIC heUpholsterer • • • • A 1 . H . ,.., .. 1. FOR EASTER FEATHER- EDGE CUT It is the most popular Permanent • we have ever done You can brush it---tben coi'nb it, and each curl falls naturally into place. We have ,Permanents priced at ' , , $3.50 - $10.00 ' " ' Cold Wave $10:00 . Zotos-• Jamal . Vaper Marcel . Maohinlees • , . Ask for our Cold•Wave Shampoo. It keeps your cold wave in has- , trous curIs. • 1 PHONE 152• . , r UTHERLAND BEAUTY' ., ' • . , •- , _)/ )10., _.-: ''''v• ;#,.. ieliL/ , . ` , \ . . , . ,,, • . , . SHOP 'McKillop Residents Honored • A very pleasant evening was spent iu Winthrop Hall in 'honor of Mr. and Mrs. Errol Habkirk and Margaret, who haie since left for their new home. In t. Marys. The first part of the_evening was spent in progressive euchre.- Lunch was then served. Mr. and Mrs. Habkirk and Margaret were called to the platform and the follow-. ing address was read by Mr. Patton: "Dear Mr. and Mrs, • Habkirk and Margaret: Having learned with re- gret that • you ---are about to depart Prom our midst, we, your friends and neighbors, .havegatherethere for the purpose of spending a social evening with you., and also to show in a tang- ible way that we have appreciated your willingness to help in every gobd work ,in the community.. :We trust that this occasion will imprint on your -.Minds the fact that "there are no friends like' the old 'friends:" And now to touch on the. lighter side: We all come here tonight, • To bring you these little gifts, To brighten ;up your life; ' When evening conies and work is done May these gifts • hblii remind you, Of all the people back4•at home, That you have left behind you: . We are,„pleased tp know that you: are not making .your , home at any great distance from us, and will be very .glad to .Welcome you all back any time you have the orilacirtunity. We trust that in your new home there may be many pleases in store for you all and be assured that the good wishes of your many friends of Win- throp go 'with you... We ask you, Liz- zie and:Errol, to .accept these gifts, and, you, Margaret, this table lamp, 'not. so much for their value, but for the feelings that go with them. May God's richest blessing rest upon you all. Signedon behalf of your friends and neighbors of Winthrop." .Mr. and Mrs. Habkirk were Pres-. .entet With a floor lampa bed lamp and electric toaster. Mr. Habkirk made a suitable reply, thanking 'the people for their gifts,'The rest of the evening was spent in dancing. Mn and. Mrs. Archie Campbell spent the week -end with Mrs. James Camp bell. Mrs.' Margaret Horne and Donald and Miss Isabel Currie spent the week end in St. Catharines -.and Niagara Falls. Miss4ean- ravlor oLSeaflo the week -end with her grandliarenta, Mr. and M,rs, John MeClure; •- Spr. K. Davidson; ric.E., of rp perw ash , visitedwithhsmuiL over -the Week. --end: Jadkie McSpadden, of London, is visiting with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Zack McSpadden. • • "Mr. Tom Cunningham, • who` has spent , the • pat few' mouths at the Winthrop chopping .mill, Lias returned to Wiarton. • • • IN/Iiss-Elizabeth EroadfoOt, R.N.. of ••Island, and 'Mrs. Elmer ToWnsead 'and Erma Mae, of Tucker - smith, spent Monday with their aunt, Mrs. John, McClure, ' Mr. Harry Eddicot spent Sunday in floe viltage.' • , Returns From •Overseas Gnr.. W. A. McClure returned home from overseas' an Monday, He was .met --in London by Mr. and 1VIrs,-Gar:- net Taylor; Clarence and Billy; Mr. James 'McClure, Glen, Don,. Rosa •and Ruth' McClure. A family gathering was held at the home of'•Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. Gnr. McClure had been overseas since July,, 1943, with the .99th Battalion from Wingliam, and served in France, Holland, Bel- gium and Germany, Hp Was wounded on D -Day, but was back with his regi- ment early jnJuly. He Was married on March 15th to Miss Isabel Roselle, of Glasgow. Mrs, McCittre expects to 'come to Canada soon. Mr. and Mrs. Sard. McSpadden. and Dennis, of Bnrgeilsville, visited With Air, and , Mrs. Zack McSpadden and • other... friends • Address and Presentation' On Friday evening March 29th, a large ntinaber of neighlkirs and friends gathered in Winthrop hall to honor Miss Isabel Bettles,..who has recently returned frpm overseas where ' she spent a year in her profession as a nurse. A few hours were, spent in dancing to music supplied by Messrs: R. Cit Dodds and 'James Neilanii. Rev. W. .r. Patton was then asked to` be- chairman„over a slaprt• program which was presented by the school childreil. Miss Berries was:called to the front when Rev. Patton read a fine address and Miss Irene Montgomery present- ed ''Misa • Betties with a Verse ; Of money,. to Which -she-replied gra;ce, iously. Fb11owlng.4s tire -address: "Isabel:. We, your friends and neighbo'rs, Who stayed at home while you went over there In' do your part, have filet here tonight to honor:you in a email way. ' We,:las a coniraun- ity,• 'are proud of you Isabel. Beteg the' only gl'rl from our midst to ,take • Such an active part if the- war for. • pearae and freedote, you 'deserve .spe- bial credit. A iiiirse's *mit is a tteble. ark, War is xiot a NVninan's work' Mit the -fart played by ottr bur'elug, sitterduttfik Ole ttrusgtt Wittig. a' NQwKR/Oing-Wrintts., PK) 12, 13.. C,RAIN • "STATE' FAIR in Technicolor ,\The musical version of •Phil Stong'snovel, Ailed with romance! • MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, BETT;TGRABLE •• • a JOHN PAYNE "THE DOLLY SISTERS " • in Technicolor ' • business brimming over with life, Vitiate . and laughter. ' The saga of show NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY CHARLES dOBURN ••JOAN EIENNETT • " COLONk14 EFFINGHAWS-RAID " - ,A comedy drama peeked with entertainment. • COMING -2 . "FALLEN ANGEL" 17, AMNOMMIMMIIMMMNMMMEMMMIIPF glorious page in our history. The following verse of John Finley's seem to fittingly, describe the courage and faithfulness of a nursing sister: go wherever men may dare, I go wherever woman's care 4 1 And „love can live, . Wherever strength ana skill.. can • ...Sure -ease to human suffering. Or solace give!" "Truly theirs was a noble work. The experiences gained during your du- ties as a nursing sister will tre *of' great value in future life.. Some of us tnevY -the thrill and knowledge gain- ed from your trip across to England and back. This small gift of money, Which Irene presents on behalf of the community of friends and neighbors, conveys our feeling of Pride in your work and the part you too. It ex- tends everyone's best Wishes for your • A • • • • • , OTICE-- We are ready to Vulcanize Tires and do all Tire • Repairs for your car or truck. • GUARANTEED VULCANIZING . We, handle Goodrich TirA and Tubeg and some automobile accessorie% Our Store Is on Main Street,'next to The Huron Expositor Office, Seaforth. You can't miss the B. F. Goodrich Signs ! KELLAND'S Tire and Battery Service Main St„ Seaforth : Phone 248 0n't Discard your old Chesterfield UNTIL YOU KNOW WE CAN'T HELP YOU !' 'PHONE 248 FIRST for estimat6s on trice and cover No obligation. Splendid Variety Two Weeks' Service 'ALL WORK GUA.RANTSED ' CIC heUpholsterer • • • • A 1