The Huron Expositor, 1946-04-12, Page 5-'k
Th . Week At",eS.Abele) oaforth High Soh '
WeIL -hi! Flow are tillage going
t=his week? Freezing , in. this .lovely
spring' weather.? • e•
Well, at last the rdst of. the school
is going. to have the last. laugh on
Fifth Form, starting Friday. Yes, we
will be writing ,:put eta ns ,next week,
and while we laughed .at you kids who
were so wer ted over your exams; you
.in , now look 'at us -,our fames Ism;
and drawn-out, dark oircles Minder our
half -opened 'bleary eyes, and our..gait
slow and unsteady. But jut think,
kids, you'll have: all your .marks back
by Easter, and think of, the Easter
holiday your going, to have worrying
about your marks while we can go -
tripping off.. somewhere with no ,exam
marks to worry us, (but we'll probab-
- ly be doing •a lot of- wondering), You
do wish. us luck; 'though; don't you,
* 4F i1F• •
• The F'i'fth Form. desk'draw.ere are a
sight!. Every time .-Eleanor Weaver
' wants Wa book, 'she, has "to look . under
Body & Fender
Seaforth Motors
PHONE 141 -
Lawns Rolled'
If you wish, to have•
your lawn .rolled, please
get in touch with
Phone 58 ''
e When the roller ie in your
neighborhood, if not ,in
arranged for, please contact
the driver, •as the roller wilP
not return. 'to that section.
,• •
5X and .3 X 1INGLES
Electric Fencers , Fence
Wire - Cedar and Steel
4Fence Posts -.'Gates
Grass Seed • - • Seed Corn
Garden' Seeds - Fertilizer
Ceresan ''
Chickstarter Pigstarfer
Growmash• Hog Grower
Laymash • Sow Ration
Hatchmash Dairy Ration
Finns' Minerals and Tonics
Reduced Iron•,' Rex Wheat Germ Oil
Universal Milkers" anc;_•l:'arts
And they'll stay heaithytoo•m.
Blt4tehford's Cjhlek Starter
,'keeps tern healthy*1110kee:
them grow faster -assures
vitality --and pays me bigger
NOW- Strengthened with Vita -?line
The new supplement for greater vitamin
and mineral contend-groator nutrition[
L.Sfa c or
We also tihattdle the following
Blatchford . Feeds: Poultry Con
•centrate, Poultry Mash Pellets,
Cal Meal and Calf Meal Pellets,
Pig Starter, Hog Grower and Hog
Concentrate, Dairy Concentrate,
011 Cake Meal.. and Chick Starter.
•Pko i ii* W ' 1 °'Seafo
e ..e.,, .
Piles of loose-leaf papers; Kleenex
•blotobed- with ink, even • an enit'lity
Kleenex box, and-+gtoekings of every
kind. But Lenore EH 1010- andDoris Ferguson's dekkoa e chuck full
of hooka, so full and he vy that •the
other day the bottom of the drawer
gave way and out bounded the books
to the floor.. Maybe someday' well
get' around to cleaning out those
desks, so thet we'll be able to And
what we're' looking for. •
Nice weather now ,means more drill,
and drill means the coming inspec•
tion which is ::to be May 2nd. Evep
though we are good (hniinm!), we
still kneed lots -more practice, and 1
suppose -We'll be drilling during all tine
spare periods' we can .get. Drilling is
tortire to the S.H.S. students, but.
that's life, so I guess .we'll just have
to grin and bear it.' -' ' - ' .a
Hey, you Ride!. H,ow's' your liter-
ary program coming along? Don't `for-
get that each form is responsible for
their .part ie the program and niake
if good: •Thisis• the 'first . of• these
entertainments we've had this year,
and we don't awant it to be a flop, so
how about it, kids! When you're ask-
ed to do something, 'don't,, say No!
Know what, kids? I've found one
boy who likes Frank Sinetr •and has
Bin Butchard ever gone up in my
estimation! One period he was try-
ing „on hiie cadet tie, and instead''of
'tleieg it properly, he tied it in a bow
and tilted his head t� mi€uick the
•famous Sinatra pose. Of course he
attracted everyone's • attentiti'n, ' but
then doesn't `Frankie always attract
attention? (No 'creek, ' either)! '
. You've heard of ab-slhtt-minded pro-
fessors. Well, it's too bad there isn't
suck an expression for absent-minded
students. becatise in the •S•.H.S. it's
always the students. who is abient;
•minded, Don Munn 'was the thought-
less a'ne this week. Int order' to go
from the. French. room toSthe Math
room, which is actually about ten
steps, he walked up the far., stairs;•
across She upstairs hall and down
the other stairs. ."Spike," why make
work for yourself, • especially in
* t {{,
Last Friday . mor'ning'•in...assembl•y
Intermediate Certificates were. press.
enfed . to Jeanne McMaster, Gordon
Wilson, Bill Munn, •Don Hillis, Joe
Laudenbach,• 'Mary Margaret"` Cleary,.
Jean Mills, Archie Hubert, Allan
Pretty, • Helen Currie and Peggy Wil-
lis. Congratulations, kids! 'I hope
you'll.' be re.ceit•ing, your Graduation
Diplomas in another couple of years.
..If, when •the four, o'clock bell rings;.
every Form • goes as wild as Fifth
'Form •does, the' school must be one
hilarious nierry-go-round•"-of laughing
kids. Foy, in Fifth, it -takes Lenore
Habkirk and Doris Ferguson to cause
that' exciting laughter. One after four
they had a little wrestling match,.and
in spite of .the onlookers shouting,
'"Put her down, Lenore!" it turned"
out with Doris putting Lenore plump
on' the floor. And once there, poor
Lenore had to stay for a few min-.
utes, -holding .her bruised ribs, That's
the second time you've banged poor
Lenore, Doris, Go easy on, her; she's
got a tough week next week and she
needs every breath and bit of strength
she can obtain.
4Z *
Gum -chewers„ will get caught every
time! When Caught chewing gum, - you
get a haifheur detention after four.
The other day.- Leolla rater;ens • was
caught chewing 'gum and "L. S.-4
o'clock was put on the board (their
gentle. reminder), So ,•wehel; ,she 're -
a zeii it Leona••iii�a rcherl upto the
basket to deposit her gtun. Then' Hel--
en Mclla ain traike•d up to the basket
ko' •deli iii• hers. The teacher, quite
surprised, put another, "4 o'clock';., ori.
'the board and then up walked Norma
Leeming, with her gum. This wag
really something to' have ,-two girls,
not even noticed, get rid .ot' their gum
of their,.,pwn accord, Too'bad there
v:asn;t. Some one• with the initials
`-`M. F. T." so that the teacher could
have added it to .the preceeding "L.
5:" to •make it "L,S:M.F.T,"
Question of the Week
Who. When asked to explain what
"hops" was, asked ,11 he was to de -
'scribe the' Luse . of it in' alcohol?
• Song of the- Week
"I Wanna Go Home'' -and he ac-
tually 'started for home at 10.18, think-
ieg it was twelve o'clock.
Town Council
(Continued Irma Page 1)
on North. Maid Street,. in• front of the
c f i.
Flatburn. Some residence o D
repair work would- also- be necessary
tc bring other sidewalk.s up to stand-
ard. I...
The street committee was authoriz-
ed to place signs with street names
streets some of the principal ,t eats in
tb mei'
Own. the re.verse side of •the Sallie to
be used as stop signs on street's en-
tering, 3ita4n Street o]• the highway.
The commfrtee . is asking .residents
who find it necessary to remove old
or• dead trees on, the street' line, to
plant young trees; in every case, to
replace them. •
` Keating • Reid: That the council en-
dorse the lettee•of the Town of Gode-
rjch re harbor improvements and that
telegram •be fo=rwarded to W, H. Gold-
ing, M.P., asking him for his support.
Parke - Daly: That the Mayor be
authorized to declare daylight saving
adopted if a petition is ,presenting re-
questing same, period to be April 28th
to Sept. 29th. '
'Daly - Reid: That Elmer Rivers, be
granted. permit to erect 'house on part
Lots 6 And 7, Z. Sperling Survey;
North ,Main ,,,,St., approximate• cost to
be, -12,000, as per application and. tri
accisrdanee with by-law, •
Hudget '*lilts That John Elgie
be, grant@d 1ereilit .to ()tettera s ,'
bis terapeltyrr llOilltei'' ei iarkb411i' t�
" e Covert lent hof $
of ;.fie a pound will, be paid
On all 'approved lots, ' di-
rect from the:Department
of 'Agriculture; wit out
the producer having to
make an application.
` A11 Wool' shipped to Ja=ckson's
is graded in ,Seafortil, end full
aettlerhent made from these.
Phones: 3-W and 3-J
Phone 162 -, Seaforth
C, L. ;YOUNG, Prop.
All Kinds of Concrete
Work' -
Phone 90 r 2. - .Hensali
i "•
4 .
FRAME 'HOUSE-Cenlre Street;
modern. Garage.
FRAME • HOUSE -Winthrop. One
acre land.
'FRAME HOUSE -Coleman Street,
' FRAME HOUSE -Stuccoed, with
barn.' Main Street. •
78 -ACRE FARM - Tuckersmtth'
Township, -
Phones: Office 220 "Res. 334
Jarvis Streets, approxiwate cost to be
$200, -•as per • application, according to
by-law_ • ,
Parke - Hudson: That L. Graves be
granted permitto. erect .Private gar-
age on easterly half • of Lot 13, Gode-
rich St.,• according to by-law..
Hubert - Keating: That Dr.+. FHar--
bury., V.S., be granted a . permit to
erect brick veneer•• cottage and gar
age on Lots. 12 and 13. Coleman iter
vey, ' at an estimated cost of $3,500,
as per application, according to by-
law, ' •-
Daly Sills: , That John Qummings
be .appointed building inspector• and
that• he be granted half the fees. • •
Report of finance committee, is as
follows: 'S. Kerr: wages, $29.50; D.
H. Wilson, $79.08; H. K. Scott, $32.50;
Jrt• -Currie, $95; J. Cummings, $95; T.
Storey, $70; •3. A. • Wilson, pension,
$20;r Jos; Burns, $25; J. Heffernan,
wages, $13.50; M. Ryan, $29.54; A.
Boy -es, $21; A. Bayes, wages, $3;. W.
G. Wlllis7 $23; British America Assu•r-
anc'ee Co., $8;50; Municipal World Ltd.
$9; ,W.:R.._Smit1L.$4.88; Box Fern-i.tu-re--
Store. 126.25; C,N.R., $12.09; ' Bell
Telephone Co., $4.80; post office -'box
tent, $5.00,
(Continued ..from Page
Street lighting
Roads ... ... r"
Board of Health i
Relief ,•••• ,
Hospitalization . ,.
Schools i,Public)
Schools• (Separate)
Recreation and community
set•vicaa,.. `•
Debenture debt" charges ••
County rates
Other expenditure:
• Telephone " • $ 5,783.59
Ration"•Board, ..: 60.60
Grants ' .... , 185.00
Sheep '& pahltry
killed • 08.60
Sundry • . • •...•... 50.6.49
Total „Expenditure •
• 217.33
$ 59,082.13
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Capital Section• •
Assets -
Road . machinere, . •
Office furniture
nisi al drains at deben-
t re v .luea •
Tile drains at debenture
value •
Debentures not matured:
Municipal •drainage
Tile drainage
Capital surplus '
$ 5,055.34
$ 3,839.77
- 575.00
$17,.'94 , 0
:- latatel7ient tYf 04It ent SurpINs
1, as* rxst ; axk';> 11145.. •$1;4,794 6
*x!lel}s pi* inesnia9,•oyer
x,poutt)'t't1N10 r an so
PAL' as at not ep,, 145. $17 54 56
Statement of iAnrr Me.i fid Expendituese
1945 tax roll • $ 46,275 til'
Penalties and int an arrears 215,06
Prov. subsidy en asset!; went 2,860,,74
Prov. road subsidy', X945 :. 7,542.27
Sundry road inGfiDle .4F . , . 1,485.48
Liquor Control 1loaird,'auth-
ority fees - 92.9.8
Railway tar s :< 176.20
Telephone accts. eO,1leeted
. -by other niunnicipalities• 2,182,60
Municipal Savings Account352.12
Bond interest and premium
on disposal. ,.. 284.12
Interest on drain balances.. -74.17
Sundry income • 10,44
• ' $ 61,541.26
Expenditure .,
County rates ..., .
Public School Sections
Separate School Seetions..
Continuation. School ' '
Mun. drain debentures
Tile drain. debentures. •
Highway maintenance
Collections on -roll, for drains
Telephone acpounts collect-
ed c)n roll and ,by other
• municipalities
Salaries and allowances
Council fees and indemnities
Stationery and Printing • . .
Hospitalization :....
Board of health
Audit ses
Sundry - grants
Sheep killed •by dogs
Interest and exchange
Sundry expenditures
Election -
Refunds schools
'• 437.86
Excess of income over
$ 58,728.96
Expenditure $ 2,812.30.
Women's Institute
(Continued from- Page 1)
Mrs. Brown and. the National Anthem
closed the meeting.
Following • is the slate of officers
for .1946-47: Honorary president, Mrs.
Wilfred •Coleman; president: • Mrs.
Paul Doig;,1st vice-president, Mrs, E.
B. Goudie; 2nd vice-president, .Mrs.
John Hillebrecht; secretary -treasurer,
Mrs. Leslie McClure; district director,
Mrs. Andrew Crozier; ,deputy district
director; Mrs. Jack .McLeean; pianist,
MIl•s.` Ehler Cameron; assistant pian-
ist, Mrs. Raymond 'Nott; fruit and
card convener:; Mrs. Jack McLean
program convener, Mrs's --:T. F. Scott;
auditor, ;Mrs. J=ames McIntosh.
Standing Committees - Agriculture
and, Canadian. Industries, Mrs. Cecil
Oke; Citizenship, Mrs. Wilfred•'Cole
'man;' Historical Research, Mrs. Alex
'Boyce; Social Welfare; Mrs. Dale Nix-
on;• Publicity, • -Mrs. lteymond Nott;
Community Activities, Mrs. Alex Pep -
,per; .Home Economics Mrs. Dave Me-
Leae;• : Health, , Mrs J; ' liillebrecht7;
Work Meeting, Mrs., 3T Sham Oldfteid.
Returned, Man Welcomed
A welcome -home party was.•held in
the Township Hail, Staffa; for James
Young, recently returned from over-
seas, by a group of friends and neigh:
hors in •Hib'ber•t. Dancing was enjoy-
njoyed.' A - presentation, ofe a table. lamp.
arid" do flee table 'was made to Mr..
and- Mrs.... Young, eceompanied by an
address, read by Earl Dick. Mrs. Wm.
Cole. oi} behalf of Kippen East Was
men's Institute,. presented,..Mr. Young
with e handsome • signet ring. James
is one of twenty-two bays who receiv-
ed overseas' boxes diir ng the' war
sent 'by'Kippen East•-'W.I: Up to date
eighteen, returned personnel- .• have
been presented 'with 'signet' rings by
this 'orgfi'nizatipn. test wishes, of the
community follow Mr. and Mrs, Jas.
Young as they make' their.n;ew home
on the Stewart farm, east : of •Kippen.
$ 5,055.34
Revenue Section
Balar ce in bank $ 1,684.41
,Domihion 'oft Canada Bonds'-
due 1963 anal 1966 7,000.00
Unpaid taxes and penalties:
1045 2,440.54
1944 and prior 1,164.53
Accounts Receivable:
Balance 1945 road subsidy 5,075.02
Bal. due Mun. Drains161.06
Telephone rates receivable 12,00
$ 17,543.56
Current Surplus : $ 17,543.56
Municipal tfratnage Savings' --
Accounts $ 6,434.81
Mutt, Savings Fund assets11,510.59
$ 17,944:90
1 iabilft ` re Mina. Drains;..f 6,434.31:
Miss Lois Rogers, Stratford, spent
Sunday with Mr: and. Mrs. Elmer
Kleinfeldt: '
"Mr: and Mrs. Ross :4urdie, •a.nd Miss
Margaret Smart, of Sdaforth, visited
on Sunday with Mr, .and Mrs. James
Malcolm: -
We are sorry to report that Master
Wayne Pepper, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Pepper, has been confined to
the Stratford General Hospital . for
the past week with pneumonia. • We
all wish him a speedy. reeovet'y.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Roney and
son visited in Clinton on Sunday with
her sister, Mrs. Reg. Cudmore and
Mrs. Cudmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm spent
d and Mrs. Geo, Glbb
Sunday with e ,
, '
We are sorry to report
t that Gladys
daughter of Mr
Robinson,nson, da gime M •. t and c s
George Robinson, and Margaret Brit-
ton, daughter of Mr, and Mrs•. Herb.
Britton are under the doctor's. care.
'Mr. and Mrs.,.Nelson Lockeey and
family, London, and 'Mr. Henry Rob-,
inson, Bella and Willie 'spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson. .
Make It a point,to,see these
newest . arrivals in flattering
gaster dresses , Yott'p O
for 'the smart style treatments
that Meek these dresses as a
"must's for your Easter ward-
Plain and floral ' crepes, spun,,
Jerseys, chanibrays . and new ,
• celanese fabrics • in plain, dot,
stripe and figured.' and paisley'
designs. -
Colors,. include Rose, Blue,
Grey,- Turquoise, Lime, Gold,
Cerise, Yellow, Green, Navy
and Black.
6 95165°
Following is the address:• .'"Wheri r.n
the course of esents neighbors such.
as you 'have announced their. inten-
tion pf Moving from a community,'
those remaining. behind feel a• sense
of loss and' realize that a gap is
about to appear in the circle of
friendship. It is, with mingled feel-
ings we anticipate your _departure.
Durrpff.,your residence. here 'you have
more. than 'fulfilled your duties as citi-
zens, particularly You will be missed
in Bethel Church. for each of you
have taken en exceptionally
ant part in the varioua..activities and
organizations. of• the. church. Such
faithfulness and good citizenship can -
.not be repaid' in a national' way. We
aha# remember --yeti as - having' our
highest 'respect and:. esteemliay you.
enjoy ,many -"years of .happiness and
good health in your new home, and
may God's richest - blessing rest ;on
you both. We ask you: Margaret and.
Will, to accept these gifts as. d.`smali
token or'th.e good wishes of the neigh-.
hors, 'We hq e to see you in our
midst quite fi'tquently. Signed on be-
hafl" of- the neighbors and friends:
George Dundas, Eel, .Davidson." •
Hono,reci: Before Departure
An enjoyable evening•was spent at
the home. of . Mr. and Mrs. William
Leeming on Wednesday, prior to their
departure for their new home le -Sea -
forth. There were about one hundred
; resent. and sixteen"tab,,es •of progres-'
rive lost heir were played. Mrs.
Thomas Storey won ladies' first prize
and Duncan L. McNicholl won men's
first, while the low prizes went to'
Lorraine Smlth•, and John McGavin,
Mr: and Mrs. Leeming were asked to
come forward and .Miss tEbel Bennis
read .an adderss and Messrs. George
Dundas and Ed. Davidson Presented
thetii With a Iovely Iailey wind blaster,
as a memento from' the neighbors.
Mr. "and ' 112rs. Leeming both eicitiress-
ed their° ,,. appreeiatiebk Lunch ;was
served hid ' a social r g Stip ,•
Miss Verde Beachler is at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. Swartzentruber of
Zurich at present.
-Mrs. 'R. Gingerich ,is improving af-
ter . her recent illness. Her • Many`
friends wish her a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jeffrey and.
!'amity, of Goderich, • visited Mr. and
Mrs.. Leon Jeffrey. recently, and also,
attended the funeral of Mrs. Jeffrey's
father, the late William Ducltarme-.
Mrs. Napoleon Ducharme and chil-
dren, of London, are spending a week
with relatives in. this vicinity, "
__�Lany .attended the funeral of..,the
late R. Denomme on Tuesday- at -Drys=
dale from this vicinity.
Quite a number took in the min-
strel show in Zurich Town Hall, spon-
sored by the --Lions Clilb of that town,
and report a splendid show, full of
life and laughter. -
Blake Church is planning ; on its
75th anniversary in the near future.
Further announcements Will be made:
:rhe W.M.S. met Thursday at the
borne of Mrs. James McBride for the
Faster meeting. -
Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Molyneaux have
r'e'ceived '0or•d• that their • son. Sgt.
J6lrh Molyneaux, will arrive home in
a few days after .t.wo..aud a half years
service oy.1rseae, •
-Mrs. Louise Flanagan has arrived
home , after spending . the winter
mon-ths in Toronto. She' was , accom-
paned by Fier son. Philip, who visited
friends and relatives for a few days
before' returning. to Toronto, .
Ryan Bros,• have • moved to their
new farm home in 'tbgan Tovt'nsbip,
which they recently purchased from
,Iphn O'Rourke. -
Vincent Dillon is progressing fav-
orably in Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, after an attack of pneu-
m'onia. ' -
1: Miss Marie_ Hicknell /and Phyllis
li'f(tters visited relatives in Seaforth.
Mrs. Michael Murray Visited in To-
ronto. .
More than one, passing motet -Lae
seeing the airman weathervane on the
f Smith's o 'Frank ' r nk S ith's s
ervtce station
at Dublin's niain intersection,. has
stopped and tried to buy a duplicate.
Mr. _5mith's answer is that he
tied it for fun, and because whittling
is a hobby. He is not interested in
whittling if it is going to become a
matter of business. Like many other
samples of his skill with a jack-knife
the airman Was made from a piece of
dr'i'ftwood picked up at the lake shore.
A box containing valuable papers.
iifelen about -three w=eeks ago from
Wi1'liant Stapleton, Dublin. was re-
covered at Wailenatein Fr'id'ay, Pro-
vincial Constable J. M. Douglas re-
ported last Saturday. The, bb*" was
one of two Taken by thieves . who
broke Into Mr. Stapleton's store and
smashed the safe, escaping with
cheques, bank notes, four Victory
bonds, 150 in $1 and $2 Canadian bilis
and a quantity of American money.
The box recovered Friday contained
only papers which' were not negotiable
and were of value only ,o...the owner.
Provincial Constable Douglas report-
ed, The box, a wooden drawer from
,the safe, had evidently been: thrpwn.
i:/to the river -from- a "bridge at Wal-
le'nstein+ which le located on No. 86
highway.; eight miles *eat of Elmira::
It 'was found washed up 'art the bank
by a. Wallenstein •distrtat. youth. ,
Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lewis, of Toron-
to, .were guests of Mrs: N, W:' Wl ods
over: the week -end, Mrs. Lewis' re-
maining for two •weeks.
• Mr. Keith' Gemein'hardt, who receiv-
ers Ws discharge from the Army Test
-:eek in Toronto, is visiting his
mother, Mrs, Mary Gemeinhardt, .
Mr. end Mrs, Robert Middleton, of
spent S'un'day with Mrs. N:
W, Woods.
Mr, and Mrs. ,lack ,Stewart, of Ham-
ilton,--•..s.pesit the week -end at their
hone in the village. • •
Ors. D. A. Volume, `who spent the
winter months in Woodstock, return-
ed to the village on Tuesday and will
spend the summer here.
Mr. and MTs. Alfred Sootchnfer and
son, Stephen, of Hamilton, spent _Pie
week -end with the former's 'parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scotchmer, •Sr.
Messrs. George Sell, and Charlie
sailingo the
Gue.t Who are
"Quedoc" this 'season, left Gode-
rieh on Sunday afternoon,
'Mr- "Clayton Guest and daughter;.
Miss Nora •Guest, „of London, werer
'week -end guests 0? Mr, and Mrs; Mal-
colm To'm's.,. 0,n their return on Sun--
umday they were accompanied by Mrs.
'Guest, who spent the past week here.
' Mrs. L. G. Bassett and her father,
Me. Murdoch Rose, ,who spent the pa, t -
four months in Weodstoc (, returned
to their home here last week.'
Rev. John Graham and, Rev. S.
Geoghegan, of Wpodstock; were here
for a few days this week in the inter
est of the new .Anglican summer camp
being built southof the village.••
1. your car..
2. ' Order our . special
TUNE-UP. :`•
.3: And you'll get
Engine Smoothness
Increased Power
Quieter Running
Improved Economy
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Sales
and Service '
Phone '141, - Seaforth
Bookkeeping Systems and Service ' •
BernardA. Galbraith
Established 1942
S2 Albert St.,
, Stratford, Ont.
Phones -2427-W
Res. --2427-J
Quickly removed
dean Seel'tatfy truekti. 'hoiie collect, ,Y
19 MTI'CI3bl .. '
i nt Stout -SOUS rS .ttIi t d-