HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-04-05, Page 8kfk �{ A I� «• .iNE$•. ] E. , • Vx.AMlit,.4:valtt4ge, alimea Street. Ail ;Qrla co ` 01 let tee..- Early posses- 0R't -*'V'e Imes', with email cotes. 4di`"barn•; 3:% eitl7es from Sea- n Highway ei cottage oU Qoderich Street Tloubleea,partment houac.:on'Victoria IS'tl'eet Goad investment.' :other desirable properties also listed. 'WATSON & REID Proprietor • • Seaforth M. A. REID' Phone 214 `- SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE The Second ' Division Court County of Huron -Office in the Dominiofl Bank Build- ing, Seaforth.:, Office hours: Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to9p.m.. E. C. CHAMEBERLA;'N - Clerk OrK „ MOWN An bunoeanent. Mr. and Mrs, A. W. M re annourrec the ,engagement of th it youngest daughter, Yvonne T.. r .xa e t4 Mr. Eenneth _George q . , ;Powe1L, elder son of me. and Mrs. ndvi'lle the Powell, .. of mo den 1 Fag $a Marriage to take place this month. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 '0 0 0 G. A. WHITNEY O O Successor to 0 -0 HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 0 Main Street, Seaforth i O O AMBULANCE SERVICE "O O Adjustable hospital bed for O .0 rent. O O Agent for Mitchell Nursery O .p . Flowers. 0 0 ' Telephone 119 0 O Nights and Holidays 65 0 .0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tuesday Night Club (Meets,"— The .Tuesday Night Club met Tuesday ev- ening for a social' meeting under the � 'C,anvenerehip of 'Mrs. Scott Habkirk. Mr. Phil Presaat, the president, was in the chair and• read tl e'-Beripture lesson. Mr. Walker Hart sang two solos, and .Four of the members gave the story of four hymn writers. A dainty 1'unc7i of sandwiches, cake -,and tea was served. Girls' Auxiliary Holds „Meeting. - The Girls' Auxiliary of St. Thomas' Church held their regular .meeting in the Parish. Hall on Tuesday. Owing to the absence of the president, Lil- lian Southgate. Audrey McGavin con- ducted the meeting. The, meeting op- ened with_the hymn, "Youth of the World Arise,", followed by' the mem- bers' prayer and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The Scripture les- son was taken from ' St: Luke 17:11- 19. ' The minutes were read and adopted, followed by the roll call 'and treasurer's report. The, offering was received and dedicated. Mrs. Gilbert conducted the study period taken from the book, ,"The Bible- and...the Church For the Girls' Auxiliary." The meeting closed with benediction. 00000'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 W. J. CLEARY ' O 0 Seaforth, Ont. O "0 LICENSED EMBALMER O 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 . Night Or Day Caths -335 0 00.0000000000 OG 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 - 0 0 J. A. BURKE ' 0 Funeral Director 0 O DUBLIN. ONT. • 0 O Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'0 0 0 -Chesterfieldsand OccasonalChairs REPAIRED AND ' RECOVERED , ' -/4iso-Auto-Seats-and-184aka-,-V era ndah Swings and Steamer Chairs Repaired. Stratford Upholstering "'Co. Stratford Telephone 579 . - ` ' For Cher information apply at Box's Furniture Store SEAFORTH •r: • . ltet4• p'�bad4 , ... ,..... _ . �0 the c+t#. te"' !� er o ]tu• 11. eiw?Zei`•el t •'; t4d, it Mie• : RP- 4o Farniers' 14 pinned on t p bade- Tire . eistor'e qe e4. the *004wit# the, phare .%or ` the 4naliefp diranue Alppeal 44- d' the benedictio4t, , Shurla':i-n Fertilizer SEE OR CALL GEORGE KRUSE MANAGER OF Huron Farm Feeds Ltd. Phone 664 r 34;. Seaferth For Immediate Delivery. Ladies' Aid Meets. -Mrs. 3H. R. Scott, president of the Ladies' Aid, of First Presbyterian 'Church, presided over an interesting meeting on Tues- day afternoon when there was a good attendance. In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. John MacTavish. Miss Belle Campbell read the minutes and also the treasurer's report. The vis- iting committee reported eight 'calls made. Mrs. R, B. Holmes will'aet ink that capacity forthe month of April.l,. Mrs. E. A: McMaster sang too lovely. solos. "Trees" and "The World is Waiting For the .Sunrise." Miss Jes- sie Gillespie gave a splendid talk on, "The Peoples of Palestine," which was. much enjoyed by all. Hymn 199 was :ung and the National Anthem closed a profitable meeting. - THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Frank McGregor; Clinton - President Chris Leonhardt, Brodhagen, Vice -Pres. 'Merton A- 'Reid, Seaforth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. DIRECTORS : Chris. Le'enhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Tsewartha, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, R.R. 3, Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, RUi.. 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R.R. 5, '-Clinton; Hugh Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; William R. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth; George Leitch, RR. 1, Clinton; John L. Malone, R.R. 5, Sea - forth. ' AGENTS: }{inlay McK4rcher, R.R. 1, Dubin; E. Pepper,Bracefield ; J. E. Prueter, Brodhagen • George A. Watt; Blyth. eereti Sales Books - are the best Counter Cheek Books made ,in Canada. They cost no afire . than ordinary - ks ,td always give satisfaction We are agents and Will be pleased to;quote yd t on any sOie fit itant r fegr, irk Pdnle! First.. First Presbyterian Church. -10 a.m. The •Sunday...Sehool; 11 a.m. and '7' :Public Worship. Thursday eve- ning at 8, "The Quiet Hour" Lenten service in the Sunday Sdiool room. Have you been present yet? McKillop Pastoral Charge. -Minis- ter, Rev. W. J: Patton. B.A. . Change of hours of service. Commencing Sun- day, April 7th, services will be held as. follows: Duff's Church, ;10 'a.m.; Bethel Church, 11.30 • a.m.; Caen Church, '2.30 .p.m, Northside. U,n'ited Church. -Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister:' 10 a,m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., The Lord's Day in Our Land, a visitor from "The Lord's Day -Alliance"; 7 -p.m., ,Salva- tion To the Uttermost." Thursday, p.m., " Prayer Service. Welcome to these serviees. Anglican. -April 7th, Fifth Sunday in Lent (Passion Sunday): 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Holy Com- munion and sermon; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer and sermon, St. Mary's,' Dublin -2,30. p.m.. Sun- day School; 3 . p.m., Church_ Service with sermon. Wednesday in Lent -8 p.m., Service in St. Thomas'. Church. -Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A. St. Thomas' W. A. Meets. -The reg- ular monthly meeting,.of St. Thomas' W.A. was held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday of this week. 'Nineteen -mem- bers with one new member. Mrs.. Sc.otchmer, and one visitor answered the roll call. Mrs, Gilbert, the presi- dent, opened the meeting with the W.A. hymn,•"The.,Love of Christ Con- straineth," followed . by the Litany the members' prayer ,and' the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Scarlett 'read the Scripture passage from St. Luke 7, from verse 11. The business of each• committee was . dealt with and the offertory than received anddedi- cated with the' General Thanksgiving. Prayer. The W.A. Annual was an- nounced for 'May 1st -and 2nd, to be held in London. Rev. Mr. Gilbert paid an encouraging visit to the branch and. ,spoke of the possibility for or- ganizing a "Little Helpers" Branch for children from baptism to seven years. Of . interest to all present was the presentation of a life membership to Mrs. W. E. Southgate. Mrs. Gilbert read the service of admission; Mrs. Canadian Legion STAG EUCHRE will be held in I.O.O.F. HALL Seaforth - on FRIDAY, APRIL , 5th at 8.30 p.m. 0 Proceeds to go for' furnishing . new ' Mem- orial 'Hal1. EVERYONE WELCOME Northside Giiroup Meet8.-TrIMP 4 of N'ortilisitt}}...t United Chinch. Meld their luontiil ; meeting ,at the home of Mrs F. Storey. The • president, Mrd. G- :" .. Whitney opened the meeting with' Hynni 681. Business was then' dismissed, after which the collection was taken, followed 'by Hymn 101. --'Mics. E. B: Goudie, .;devo- tional convener, then took charge of the meeting. Mrs. J. A. Westcott led in prayer and Mrs. Morilson read the. Scripture. ,A, very interesting topic was, given by``Mrs. Goudie, "Look To Europe," folTovzed by a poem by Mrs. G. Turnbull ;and one by Mrs. GI Mill- son. The' meeting was then brought to a close with the mizpah :benedic- tion, after, .which Mrs. J. Currie' had ae interesting contest, followed by a delicious \}inch. Next month's meet- ing will be held at the'.)iome, .of Mrs. G. 'Millson. SX and 3X SHINGLES Electric Fencers Fence Wire Cedar and Steel ...Fence Posts Steffi._ - Grass Seed Seed Corn Garden Seeds - Fertilizer Ceresan CO-OP'FEEDS Chickstarter Pigstarter Growmash Hog Grower L.aymash • Sow Ration. Hetch mash Dairy Ration WESTERN GRAIN AND CHOP Finns' Minerals and Tonics Reduced Iron,: Rex Wheat Germ Oil Universal Milkers and Parts SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE PHONE 9 a 'y•AXeanar 4.+0a�a�� wtQ etsu :' •deteeer, t4$i`i1red til alifia , ab,4axdAtli ss 'i'4iaeretati1a , qtr `Wcd net lay, X176,rch 27th, ti}td 'was lost 5u .I.o$oxt ort; Frrdr)y; , Malgebe 29th;' Mi 4at>tls served a' a para nlroyaea;t.. with tlae kt and. ret41710. tq, Canada; •140' fall„ ''A,. w731* ome •boiirte ^dtiiiter W#13 served at the, borne o ] ens Mr,a d., rs.�r est A a & .ma r when tukey graced the table.. The good wishes of the community go. with 'this young couple. LOCAL BRIEFS , • , Miss Marian Belch spent the week -end' in Toronto. e Mr. Donald Scott, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott. • Mrs. Frank Devereaux has re-, tu=rned from Toronto where'she spent a pleasant week. • Mr. Walter McMillan, of the Uni- versity of Toronto, spent...the week- end with his mother, Mrs. John Mc- Millan, in Hullett. • Miss. Mary McIver or Toronto. spent the. week -end at ,the home of her parents,, Mr. and :Mrs. Peter Mc- Iver. • • Mr. E. A. Gee, of Lindsay. and Mr. and Mrs. Graham, of, Toronto, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar, On Sunday p„,prn ing Mrs. Graham sang a solo in First •Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Gee, who .has spent the past two weeks here, returned home with them. •c -Mr., and Mrs. IHarold' Barry and daughter,' Elizabeth Anne, of Strat- ford, spent -the week -end with Mrs. G. Turnbull. • Miss 'Marjorie Bickell and Miss Rhia Hills; of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Geo. Hills in Egmondville. • Mr. and Mrs. ,Don Wolfe • and family, of Stratford, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Margaret Hart and Mr 'Walker Hart. ' • • Mrs. William Dougall, of Hensall, is a guest at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. '1‘1.•13.. Rennie, and Mr. Ren- nie: .. • 'Mr. J. Miles McMillan, of,• ;St. Michael's College, Toronto, and lir.. J. Neville McMillan, of the University of Wes,tern Ontario, spent the Week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McMillali. • 'Mr. and Mrs. .Oliver Robb and daughter, Peggy; of Detroit, 'were' Week -end guests of Mrs. H. R. Scott. • Miss Ruby Sanderson, of. Strat- ford, and Mr. Leslie Burnett, of • Lis- towel; were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kerl'1Vf. Campbell. . ' - • Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wright, of Hamilton, spefit the week -end with :Mr. and -'r -s. W: -A.--Wright:-- • Mr. Ross Rennie, whose position took him to the Southern States for• the winter, has returned to his duties in Toronto. He spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie: • Mrs. W. D. Carson, Miss Elsie Ritchie and Miss Christina 'Knudsen, of Toronto, were week -end guests of „ ev and -Mrs. David-R4tehie, Gode rich St. West. • • Mr.' Mel." Newman, M.L.A.,' and Mrs..' Newman, of Rainy River Dis- trict, spent the week -end 'with rela- tives, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Chesney, in Tuckersmith. . • •• Sgt. Frank Golding, who has been stationed at _Vancouver,, B.C., spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Golding, before leaving for Ottawa: • Mrs. .,. A:• Walters and daugh- ter, Catherine. of Dundas, are visit- ing Mr. and. Mrs. J. E. Willis. • Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown and Jim, of Owen Sound, visited,'with friends and. relatives, lei towover the week -end. • Mrs. Clayton J. Dennis, Carol Anne,. and Dianne, arrived in Seaforth last week from Iceland, to join her husband. TheY will make their home in town. • Leslie Habkirk, son. of Mr. and Mrs Scott Habkirk, is in Scott Mem- orial Ho:spitai, where he underwent' an appendix operation. • Miss Dorothy Smith, of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, spent• the week -end 'at her home here. . • Miss Marion McGavin, nurse -in - training at Stratford . General Hospi- tal, spent the week -epi with her par- ents; Mr, and Mrs. George 'McGavin. o Cpl. Harry Earle has received his release from the R.C.A,F. after four years of service. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore 'and daughter have returned -to Newfound- land. Misses Phyllis and Laura and Donald Hatcher, who spent some time here, returned with them. • Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Stewart and daughter,' of Toronto, were week -end guests of "Mr. and 'Mrs. -Harry Stew- art. • Mrs. George Hills has returned from Toronto. Easter Seaforth Branch Canadian Legiorn No: 156 ' Presents TONY CRYAN AND:• =-EIS ORCHESTRA For Your - Dancing Pleasure AT CARDNO'S. -ALL, SEAFORTH Monday, April 22nd, 1946 ADMISSION—$1.50 Per Couple 'Proceeds to go entirely tb finishing of new Legion Merttarial Hall. ' DROS'QP4IONAL CLINTON The Wesley -Willis ,Auxiliary held their regular monthly ,meeting on. Tuesday evening in the ,church par-. lor, Miss Rudd took charge in the' nb.sence of the president. Mrs. • Ship-, ley gave • a very interesting talk' on the study book on Africa, and .Miss Rudd gave an account,of'Dr•. Currie's life. 'There was a discussion. in which a number took part. The meeting closed with a hymn and benediction. The W.M.S. held'their Easter thank offering meeting Wednesday evening, which was well attended. Mrs. I•Tear'n,' the president', had charge. 'Miss Sybil Caurtice, a returned missionary front Africa, delivered a splendid address on her work` there. • Mrs., McGill read the. Scripture lesson and Miss Brig- ham led in prayer, .At the close a social hour was •spent when a cup of tea was served. - The Presbyterian W.M.S. held . their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. V. Streets with the president, Mrs. G. Roberton, in the chair. The topic was by Mrs. Jam.ee,M.akine, who spoke on "Early 'Messengers to Afri, ca," and Mrs. Snider on "David Liv-' ingstone," and Mrs. Shaddick who gave the life of Alexander MacKay. Miss Shaw and Mrs. Lane conducted the worship period. 'Mrs. Shaddick as: sisted the hostess in serving a dainty lunch. Miss Helen Grealis, after a pleas ant visit with London friends,has re-" turned. Mr. Wallace McDonald has return- ed to Toronto after a pleasant visit with his parents, 'Mr., and Mrs: .Ron - aid McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Cox, of Barrie, and Mr. and Mrs. Pearce, of Collingwood, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Tomlin- son over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. W. Perdue had as their guests over the week -end, Mr. and Mrs. Jdh.n Perdue, of Galt, and Mrs. S. Tatercznski 'and small daugh- ter, of Bay' City, Michigan. . CONSTANCE - • WINTHROP .. .Mission Band Meets ' The Helping Hand Mission Band met in the school room of the ,church on Saturday, March 30th, at 2 p.m. The president, Leslie 'McSpadden, pre;. sided: • The meeting opened with the calle,to worship, followed" by Hymn 103. '1, Rosa Axtmann read the Scrip- ture, John 9:1-11, after which Mac Montgomery led in prayer. Hymn 105 was sung, after which ail repeated the Mission Band Purpose. `'-The roll call was answered by a book) in the Bible, showing 28 members.. The study was taken by Mrs. James Mc011rre. The offering • Was received and dedi- cated. Hymn 252 was sung and busi- ness _was_ akin by Mrs,„„Jas. Hogg. Hymn '480 was sung, followed by the Lord's Prayer and the National An- them. A work period followed. Gnr. W. A. McClure, of the 99th Battery, who has been overseas for nearly three years, will arrive at his home in Winthrop this week -end. He is scheduled to 'return on the Ile de France. Arthur went to France on D -Day -a-rid-was-vocrnded-the'-same day. ' The Farm Forum of the 8th and 9th met at. the hoine .of,„Mr,_and. Mrs. William Dolmage on Monday••even- ing. After the discussion; Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Sanderson were presented with pictures prior to their departure for their new home near Blyth; The addree'9 was r.nad_.i1y,' drs P. Conilbily and the present .'tidnL 1nade hy Mrs. Harvey Taylor, ) irehre and croklifole were enjoyed, followed by a pot -luck supper. ° The weeklireviou@mm'IVIr. ^and Mrs. P. Connolly. t:ere, presented with, blanket§ by the sante group. The ad dress was read by 14rs. Harvey 't` - for slits Mrs. WilliStn Dolrrrage made the preseritation. - .'he pupils of :4. No. 3 atteuded- the pletitt'eehu trittg . at Londeebere Tu ITall• Ott et flit. •ai terrtee n, which Were Sponsored b tits I''ederation of IttriglYitt rel DANCING EVERY THURSDAY EVENING Cardno's Hall, Seaforth Bert Worth and His CKNX' Ambassadors ADMISSION - 50 CENTS Next Dance THURSDAY, APRIL 11th NOTICE 1• will be .issuing Radio Licenses for 1946 -as' usual. They will also be issued for me at Frank Kling's Electric Store and at G. b. Ferguson's Hardware Store for the convehience 'of radio owners that I had been un- able to call on. JOHN: H. E'ARL•E Radio Supervisor and, Issuer of Radio Licenses. Constituency of Huron -Perth Wool Notice The Government bonus o.f. 4c a pound -will be paid on all approved 1,ts, 017 rest from the Department of ' Agriculture, without the. pr,odiricer having to make an application. All Wool shipped to Tackson's is graded in ^Seaforth, and, flan settlement iiaadb frons them, 1.1 1'hottea' 3,8V nihil a. SHOWIN ,Tburs; Fit,- Sat, A ri x,:5, TWO FEATU ES.— JEAN HENATHER ROBERT ill Actil.41( " ALSO— ” THE IN 4TIONAL', BARN DANCE' ! ' YVON.NE'.D . QkRiLt3 ROD DAMERON "FRONTIER GAL" - ; t (in Technicolor) A awash -buckling saga of the West, filled with action, humor, 'intrigue and rginance. MONDAY; TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY WILLIAM EYTHE LLOYD NOLAN "THE HOUSE' ON 92nd STREET" story emphasizing the safeguarding' of a secret process bear- ing on the atomic bomb. "" NEXT THURSDAY,' FRIDAY, SATURDAY JEANNE CRAIN DANA ANDREWS "STATE FAIR: ,> .,. - lin Technicolor) A ,musical version of Phil Stong's novel. Coming "THE DOLLY SISTERS" Ma e WHYIE!S Your Centre for the- Lenten Season. A complete frigidaire'system for frozen fish has been installed. We are now prepared to meet your requirements during the year. ENSURES PERFECT CONDITION TO OUR CUSTOMERS This unit is _entirely separate from all meats. THE FOLLOWING';,VARIETIES ARE NOW 'AVAILABLE: Red Sal -mon Steaks - -Pink Salmon Steaks Fresh Frozen Whitefish Fresh Frozen Lake Trout Smoked . Haddock Fillets Fresh Fillets of -Cod, Haddock, Salmon, Sole - BROILERS ARE NOW AVAILABLE Average weights -2 to 3 pounds. - Whyte's Butcher ho - p Sp'en'ce's Produce WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY -• HAVE SOLD THEIR EGG AND POULTRY BUSINESS And takeg this opportunity of expressing •' • --their- hanks -and -spore atio r -•for -the bus -r- — ness given to them -by their many patrons. The new firm, SEAFORTH PRODUCE LIMITED, Theaded by W. L Whyte, will carryon in the same locations and the same types of business, and we are sure that you will receive ,prompt and courteous service at all times from the new firm. - MR. BERT SPENCE IS STAYING ON WITH THE NEW COMPANY AS MANAGER • Cemetery Memorials Now is the season ,to consider the erection of .your family memorial. You are invited to consult us when every consideration will be given to individual requirements. ' SEAFORTH-SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appointment at any other time, or Phone 41-3, Exeter, T. PRYEE & SON Memorial Craftsmen EXETER S'EAFORTH.. CLINTON - Don't Discard your old es .,,.rf i . _ - to ed W 1 .. UNTIL YOU KNOW WE CAN'T HELP YOU PHONE 248 FIRST for estimates on price and cover NQ obligation. ' Splendid Variety two Weeks' ..Service - A:LLrWORK 'GUARANTEED DICK The Upholsterer J A .NES HAIR FOR . EASTER FEATHER EDGE CUT It is the most popular' Permanent we have ever done You can brush it -then comb it, and each curl' falls naturally into place.. We • have Permanents priced at $3.50 - $10.00. : Cold Wave $10:00 Zotos Jamal, \taper, Marcel DO . - e tt' - ' .= r _) -y _ -' /j'. I'� �r ._r,r Maohinless Ask for our Cold Wave Shampoo. It keeps your crold wave in lux- tions curls. 1 PHONE 152 • SUTHERLAND BEAUTY �i \ //j��///, 0/ lir i �j j�/; /. / 0 ,:/a"!i(;°y,�� SHOP a 'y•AXeanar 4.+0a�a�� wtQ etsu :' •deteeer, t4$i`i1red til alifia , ab,4axdAtli ss 'i'4iaeretati1a , qtr `Wcd net lay, X176,rch 27th, ti}td 'was lost 5u .I.o$oxt ort; Frrdr)y; , Malgebe 29th;' Mi 4at>tls served a' a para nlroyaea;t.. with tlae kt and. ret41710. tq, Canada; •140' fall„ ''A,. w731* ome •boiirte ^dtiiiter W#13 served at the, borne o ] ens Mr,a d., rs.�r est A a & .ma r when tukey graced the table.. The good wishes of the community go. with 'this young couple. LOCAL BRIEFS , • , Miss Marian Belch spent the week -end' in Toronto. e Mr. Donald Scott, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott. • Mrs. Frank Devereaux has re-, tu=rned from Toronto where'she spent a pleasant week. • Mr. Walter McMillan, of the Uni- versity of Toronto, spent...the week- end with his mother, Mrs. John Mc- Millan, in Hullett. • Miss. Mary McIver or Toronto. spent the. week -end at ,the home of her parents,, Mr. and :Mrs. Peter Mc- Iver. • • Mr. E. A. Gee, of Lindsay. and Mr. and Mrs. Graham, of, Toronto, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar, On Sunday p„,prn ing Mrs. Graham sang a solo in First •Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Gee, who .has spent the past two weeks here, returned home with them. •c -Mr., and Mrs. IHarold' Barry and daughter,' Elizabeth Anne, of Strat- ford, spent -the week -end with Mrs. G. Turnbull. • Miss 'Marjorie Bickell and Miss Rhia Hills; of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Geo. Hills in Egmondville. • Mr. and Mrs. ,Don Wolfe • and family, of Stratford, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Margaret Hart and Mr 'Walker Hart. ' • • Mrs. William Dougall, of Hensall, is a guest at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. '1‘1.•13.. Rennie, and Mr. Ren- nie: .. • 'Mr. J. Miles McMillan, of,• ;St. Michael's College, Toronto, and lir.. J. Neville McMillan, of the University of Wes,tern Ontario, spent the Week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McMillali. • 'Mr. and Mrs. .Oliver Robb and daughter, Peggy; of Detroit, 'were' Week -end guests of Mrs. H. R. Scott. • Miss Ruby Sanderson, of. Strat- ford, and Mr. Leslie Burnett, of • Lis- towel; were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kerl'1Vf. Campbell. . ' - • Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wright, of Hamilton, spefit the week -end with :Mr. and -'r -s. W: -A.--Wright:-- • Mr. Ross Rennie, whose position took him to the Southern States for• the winter, has returned to his duties in Toronto. He spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie: • Mrs. W. D. Carson, Miss Elsie Ritchie and Miss Christina 'Knudsen, of Toronto, were week -end guests of „ ev and -Mrs. David-R4tehie, Gode rich St. West. • • Mr.' Mel." Newman, M.L.A.,' and Mrs..' Newman, of Rainy River Dis- trict, spent the week -end 'with rela- tives, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Chesney, in Tuckersmith. . • •• Sgt. Frank Golding, who has been stationed at _Vancouver,, B.C., spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Golding, before leaving for Ottawa: • Mrs. .,. A:• Walters and daugh- ter, Catherine. of Dundas, are visit- ing Mr. and. Mrs. J. E. Willis. • Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown and Jim, of Owen Sound, visited,'with friends and. relatives, lei towover the week -end. • Mrs. Clayton J. Dennis, Carol Anne,. and Dianne, arrived in Seaforth last week from Iceland, to join her husband. TheY will make their home in town. • Leslie Habkirk, son. of Mr. and Mrs Scott Habkirk, is in Scott Mem- orial Ho:spitai, where he underwent' an appendix operation. • Miss Dorothy Smith, of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, spent• the week -end 'at her home here. . • Miss Marion McGavin, nurse -in - training at Stratford . General Hospi- tal, spent the week -epi with her par- ents; Mr, and Mrs. George 'McGavin. o Cpl. Harry Earle has received his release from the R.C.A,F. after four years of service. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore 'and daughter have returned -to Newfound- land. Misses Phyllis and Laura and Donald Hatcher, who spent some time here, returned with them. • Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Stewart and daughter,' of Toronto, were week -end guests of "Mr. and 'Mrs. -Harry Stew- art. • Mrs. George Hills has returned from Toronto. Easter Seaforth Branch Canadian Legiorn No: 156 ' Presents TONY CRYAN AND:• =-EIS ORCHESTRA For Your - Dancing Pleasure AT CARDNO'S. -ALL, SEAFORTH Monday, April 22nd, 1946 ADMISSION—$1.50 Per Couple 'Proceeds to go entirely tb finishing of new Legion Merttarial Hall. ' DROS'QP4IONAL CLINTON The Wesley -Willis ,Auxiliary held their regular monthly ,meeting on. Tuesday evening in the ,church par-. lor, Miss Rudd took charge in the' nb.sence of the president. Mrs. • Ship-, ley gave • a very interesting talk' on the study book on Africa, and .Miss Rudd gave an account,of'Dr•. Currie's life. 'There was a discussion. in which a number took part. The meeting closed with a hymn and benediction. The W.M.S. held'their Easter thank offering meeting Wednesday evening, which was well attended. Mrs. I•Tear'n,' the president', had charge. 'Miss Sybil Caurtice, a returned missionary front Africa, delivered a splendid address on her work` there. • Mrs., McGill read the. Scripture lesson and Miss Brig- ham led in prayer, .At the close a social hour was •spent when a cup of tea was served. - The Presbyterian W.M.S. held . their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. V. Streets with the president, Mrs. G. Roberton, in the chair. The topic was by Mrs. Jam.ee,M.akine, who spoke on "Early 'Messengers to Afri, ca," and Mrs. Snider on "David Liv-' ingstone," and Mrs. Shaddick who gave the life of Alexander MacKay. Miss Shaw and Mrs. Lane conducted the worship period. 'Mrs. Shaddick as: sisted the hostess in serving a dainty lunch. Miss Helen Grealis, after a pleas ant visit with London friends,has re-" turned. Mr. Wallace McDonald has return- ed to Toronto after a pleasant visit with his parents, 'Mr., and Mrs: .Ron - aid McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Cox, of Barrie, and Mr. and Mrs. Pearce, of Collingwood, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Tomlin- son over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. W. Perdue had as their guests over the week -end, Mr. and Mrs. Jdh.n Perdue, of Galt, and Mrs. S. Tatercznski 'and small daugh- ter, of Bay' City, Michigan. . CONSTANCE - • WINTHROP .. .Mission Band Meets ' The Helping Hand Mission Band met in the school room of the ,church on Saturday, March 30th, at 2 p.m. The president, Leslie 'McSpadden, pre;. sided: • The meeting opened with the calle,to worship, followed" by Hymn 103. '1, Rosa Axtmann read the Scrip- ture, John 9:1-11, after which Mac Montgomery led in prayer. Hymn 105 was sung, after which ail repeated the Mission Band Purpose. `'-The roll call was answered by a book) in the Bible, showing 28 members.. The study was taken by Mrs. James Mc011rre. The offering • Was received and dedi- cated. Hymn 252 was sung and busi- ness _was_ akin by Mrs,„„Jas. Hogg. Hymn '480 was sung, followed by the Lord's Prayer and the National An- them. A work period followed. Gnr. W. A. McClure, of the 99th Battery, who has been overseas for nearly three years, will arrive at his home in Winthrop this week -end. He is scheduled to 'return on the Ile de France. Arthur went to France on D -Day -a-rid-was-vocrnded-the'-same day. ' The Farm Forum of the 8th and 9th met at. the hoine .of,„Mr,_and. Mrs. William Dolmage on Monday••even- ing. After the discussion; Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Sanderson were presented with pictures prior to their departure for their new home near Blyth; The addree'9 was r.nad_.i1y,' drs P. Conilbily and the present .'tidnL 1nade hy Mrs. Harvey Taylor, ) irehre and croklifole were enjoyed, followed by a pot -luck supper. ° The weeklireviou@mm'IVIr. ^and Mrs. P. Connolly. t:ere, presented with, blanket§ by the sante group. The ad dress was read by 14rs. Harvey 't` - for slits Mrs. WilliStn Dolrrrage made the preseritation. - .'he pupils of :4. No. 3 atteuded- the pletitt'eehu trittg . at Londeebere Tu ITall• Ott et flit. •ai terrtee n, which Were Sponsored b tits I''ederation of IttriglYitt rel DANCING EVERY THURSDAY EVENING Cardno's Hall, Seaforth Bert Worth and His CKNX' Ambassadors ADMISSION - 50 CENTS Next Dance THURSDAY, APRIL 11th NOTICE 1• will be .issuing Radio Licenses for 1946 -as' usual. They will also be issued for me at Frank Kling's Electric Store and at G. b. Ferguson's Hardware Store for the convehience 'of radio owners that I had been un- able to call on. JOHN: H. E'ARL•E Radio Supervisor and, Issuer of Radio Licenses. Constituency of Huron -Perth Wool Notice The Government bonus o.f. 4c a pound -will be paid on all approved 1,ts, 017 rest from the Department of ' Agriculture, without the. pr,odiricer having to make an application. All Wool shipped to Tackson's is graded in ^Seaforth, and, flan settlement iiaadb frons them, 1.1 1'hottea' 3,8V nihil a. SHOWIN ,Tburs; Fit,- Sat, A ri x,:5, TWO FEATU ES.— JEAN HENATHER ROBERT ill Actil.41( " ALSO— ” THE IN 4TIONAL', BARN DANCE' ! ' YVON.NE'.D . QkRiLt3 ROD DAMERON "FRONTIER GAL" - ; t (in Technicolor) A awash -buckling saga of the West, filled with action, humor, 'intrigue and rginance. MONDAY; TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY WILLIAM EYTHE LLOYD NOLAN "THE HOUSE' ON 92nd STREET" story emphasizing the safeguarding' of a secret process bear- ing on the atomic bomb. "" NEXT THURSDAY,' FRIDAY, SATURDAY JEANNE CRAIN DANA ANDREWS "STATE FAIR: ,> .,. - lin Technicolor) A ,musical version of Phil Stong's novel. Coming "THE DOLLY SISTERS" Ma e WHYIE!S Your Centre for the- Lenten Season. A complete frigidaire'system for frozen fish has been installed. We are now prepared to meet your requirements during the year. ENSURES PERFECT CONDITION TO OUR CUSTOMERS This unit is _entirely separate from all meats. THE FOLLOWING';,VARIETIES ARE NOW 'AVAILABLE: Red Sal -mon Steaks - -Pink Salmon Steaks Fresh Frozen Whitefish Fresh Frozen Lake Trout Smoked . Haddock Fillets Fresh Fillets of -Cod, Haddock, Salmon, Sole - BROILERS ARE NOW AVAILABLE Average weights -2 to 3 pounds. - Whyte's Butcher ho - p Sp'en'ce's Produce WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY -• HAVE SOLD THEIR EGG AND POULTRY BUSINESS And takeg this opportunity of expressing •' • --their- hanks -and -spore atio r -•for -the bus -r- — ness given to them -by their many patrons. The new firm, SEAFORTH PRODUCE LIMITED, Theaded by W. L Whyte, will carryon in the same locations and the same types of business, and we are sure that you will receive ,prompt and courteous service at all times from the new firm. - MR. BERT SPENCE IS STAYING ON WITH THE NEW COMPANY AS MANAGER • Cemetery Memorials Now is the season ,to consider the erection of .your family memorial. You are invited to consult us when every consideration will be given to individual requirements. ' SEAFORTH-SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appointment at any other time, or Phone 41-3, Exeter, T. PRYEE & SON Memorial Craftsmen EXETER S'EAFORTH.. CLINTON - Don't Discard your old es .,,.rf i . _ - to ed W 1 .. UNTIL YOU KNOW WE CAN'T HELP YOU PHONE 248 FIRST for estimates on price and cover NQ obligation. ' Splendid Variety two Weeks' ..Service - A:LLrWORK 'GUARANTEED DICK The Upholsterer