HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-03-29, Page 8ii r,. EciA'Li=E IN AL„t. LINES QF 'FOR SALE Storey game dwelling and barn tl tevr acresat land; suitable for licaliticy-.Arm, Twenty—live •acres; ;witii small cot- :'tage and barn; 33'4, 'miles from Sea - forth. on Highway. Frame cottage. on Goderich. Street East. '- 'Double apartnsent house on Victoria Street. Good inyestment. Other desirable properties also listed. • WATSON & REID. - 15.; A. -REID - Proprietor 'hone 214 - Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL—LINES OF INSURANCE The ,;Second Division Court County of 'Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing. $eaforth. Office hours: Tues- day. Thursday and Saturday. 1,80 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m to E. C. CHAMEBERLAIN"- Clerk 000000' 0 0 0 0 O 0 o G. A. WHITNEY O 0 Successor to 0. O HOLMES.&_WHITNEY 0 O Main Street - Seaforth O O AMBULANCE SERVICE' 0 O Adjustable hospital bed for 0 O rent. O 0 Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 O Flowers.. ' .. 0 4 Telephone 119 O, O ' Nights and Holidays 65 0 O - O 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400000000000 O 0 -"c' W. J. CLEARY o O Seaforth, Ont. ' ' - O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 O AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 Nigbt or Day . Calls -336 0 000000000000 000000000000 ..O J. A. BURKE o co Funeral Director 0 O DUBLIN ONT. 0 O Night or day calls; Phone 43 r 10 O O o 00000.0.0:00.0©O s CarWashng AND Simonize --A Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs REPAIRED .AND RECOVERED .- Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings and Steamer Chairs' Repaired. Stratford Upholstering Co. Stratford Telephone 579 For farther information apply at Box's Furniture Store SEAEORTH . Plastering - • Plastering of All Types Plain, farcy and colored finishes. JACK HOLLAND, PHONE 25 - SEAFORTH THE McKILLOP .MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y: MEAD OFFICE = SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Fir, ank.MVletegor, 'Clinton' - President Chris Leonhardjf Brodhagen, Vice -Pres. *erten A. • flexd Seaforth • - Manager and Secrdtary-Treaourer. DIRECTORS: 4.5 Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. .1. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, RR. il ';Seaforth: Alexander McIiwIng, H R Blyth ;,l rank Metlregor, 1/JI. '.Clinton: ugft A'te ader, R.lt 1, cfn: Willi ''x i- rchlbald R.R. afoi'tit; ebr6 � el Ali, R', t 1, a ,Oa, kit, 5,• Sea HE TOWN.:. •'Annauncerrnent.-'Fhe engegeii ent is 'announced of Rana Leone, daughter •of Mrs. Warren, Strathroy, Ont., and the late Mr. A, Warren, to Mr. James Francis, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert, Seaforth, the wedding to take place at All Saints Church, Strath- roy, the..:latter part of April. Entertain At „Euchre. — At theix. home on Coleman Street, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Townsend entertained about forty friends on Saturday eve- ning last. The 'first part of the eye- ning was a Wearever, brush display by Mrs.,., Morgan, of Clinton, after which progressive euchre Was play- ed, the winners being: Ladies' high, Mrs. Robert McMichael; mens high, Mr• P. J. Gibbings; ladies' low, Mrs. Eldon O'Brien; men's low, Mr. Cecil Oke; lucky draw, Mrs. Percy Gib- bings. 'Lunch was served by the host and hostess and Mrs. Hoggarth, after which' Mr. Ernie Crich moved a vote of thanks. to Mr. and • Mrs. Townsend for the enjoyable evening. Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary, The March meeting of the Barbara Kirk man Auxiliary .of First Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday. even- ing. The program was arranged by the Isabel. .Graham group, 'of which ,Mrs. Dale Nixon is .convener, and who presided during the devotional part of the meeting. The Scripture 'read- ing was given by Miss Jean Camp- bellu and the Glad Tidings Prayer by Miss .Maud. Laidlaw. The current ev- ents, which were so ably' written by Mrs. Neil Gillespie, were read by Miss Belle Smith. The topic on mis-' sion work in, Africa was taken by Mrs. John E. Daley. She gave a very interesting and comprehensive ac- count of the lives and work of the three great pioneer missionaries to Africa, Moffatt, Livingstone and Mac- Kay. Miss Marian -Mason's piano solo was much appreciated. Mrs. Scott Habkirk and Mrs. L. McClure receiv- ed the offering. Churches First Presbyterian Church. -10 a.m. The Sunday' School; 11 a,m., Public Worship: "The Offence of the Cross"; 7.p.m., Public Worship: "Blessed Are the Pure in Heart." Thursday • even= service in; the Sunday. school room ing at 8, "The Quiet Hour" Lenten Have you been present yet? Northside United' Church.—Rev, H. V. Workman, Minister: 10a,m,;` Sun- day School; 11 a.m., "Seeing Christ As He Is"; 7 pm;, ,"The Lord For- giveth Our Sins;" Thursday, 7.45 p.m., Prayer Service: Welcome to these services: . Anglican.—March 31st, Fourth Sun- day in- Lent, "Mothering Sunday." St. Thomas', Seaforth-10 aim.,. Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer, "Families of the Earth" 7 p.m., 'Eve- ning • Prayer, "Human .Responsibili- ty,. St. • Mary's, Dublin -2.30 •p.m., Sun- day School; 3 p.m., Church Service, "Families of the Earth." ' Wedneada.gs in Lent — 8 p.m., Service' in St. Thoxbasfi_Church.—Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, BA.,, Egmondville Societies Hold Joint Meeting. -The W.M.S: and W.A. of Egmond'ville United Church held their regular monthly meeting on. Thurs- day, March 21st, at the home of Mrs. .grew McLellan-- with lweuty-five ladies present. Mrs, Alex Boyes, president of the W.A., - opened the meeting'with Hymn 187. "Break Thou the Bread of. Life," followed by the Lord's Prayer in--unisuu. •The minutes• of .the last meeting' were read and adopted and the roll call taken 'by Mrs. Harry Chesney. The topic -was taken by Mrs. Edgar Butt, entitled "On God and God -Like Men We Build Our Trust." Mrs. Gardiner, president of the W.M.S., then took over the second halt of the meeting. Mrs.. Alez Bores and ,Mrs, lames Hay ere • ap- pointedt deiiightes- to attend t' e Pres- byterial to be held in . Win ham on April 25t11- Mrs, Gardiner then finish- ed ttib last chapter from the study book "Dr. Borrie in Angela.. West Arica." Mrs. John Watson gave a review of the work of Dr. Currie„, -of Angola, in the _last sixty years. The meeting closed with Hymn .249, "Jesus Shall Reign Wltere'er the Sun” with closing prayer offered by Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs. Hugh , Chesney con-. ducted two contests. Lunch was serv- ed by Group 3. Presbyterian W. M. S. Meets.—'The regular monthly meeting of the W. VI. -S. ofo' First Presbyterian Church• was held Tuesday "afternoon. The meeting opened by the president reading a short selection on Medita- tion, editation, then engaged in prayer. After the singing of Hymn 74, "0 God, Our Help in 'Ages Past," Mrs. J. Patter- son led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting "were .read. and an, Proved', and the treasurer.. gave her report; and Miss Graham gave the library report. The offerings for the Peace Thanksgiving and the Supply DANCING EVERY THURSDAY EVENING Cardno'sHall', Seaforth Bert Worth and His CKNX Ambassadors ADMISSION - 50 CENTS Next Dance THURSDAY, APRIL 4th Almousuminsimm • EASTER DANCE ST. ' COLUMBAN WED., APRIL 24th Blackie Denomy Orchestra Dahicing 0- i aim. ADMISSION - 50 CENTS 001 Notice isminimmir The Government' bonus of 4c. a pound will be paid on all approved lots, di; rect from the Department of Agriculture, . without the producer having to make an application.,,. All Wool shipped to Jackson's is graded in'Seaforth, and full settlement made from there. - H. M. JACKSON Phones: 3-W and 34 JUST ARRIVED . A Family -Size . .,... Snow Bird Refrigerator ---R-ead y For-Your-Home:— THE BEST MONEY INVESTMENT ANY WISE HOUSEWIFE CAN MAKE With meats and foodstuffs so valu- ab1e,.-y_ou cannot_ afford to. let .it spoil, so Phone 34-616, Clinton; reverse charge d .JONATHAN HUGILL AGENT P.S.—Also a modern used. Electric Washing Maclaine for sale. �4t FINNIGAN'S NOW IN STOCK ! Seed Potatoes, 100 bags Katandins on 'display now. New shipment of Brooms, Old and New Cheese, Fancy Lettuce.," Pineapples, Oranges, •'Lemons, - Carrots, Grape Fruits... -' This week the Ile de,France, cutting her way through the chOppY North' Atlanie, brought home Grant MacKay, the last of four Finni- gan's to See action in active theatree of war. Some weeks ago we - *rote of tent; ftotr wlta-t the fellows tell us coming out of Europe, wk� ha. -e Ubd)i to be thankful for.. ^4" ri r. . i NIDA f SON i-oodMer Wanted Apply EXCELLENCE- Fleur 'Mills, . Ltd. SEAFORTH Fund wane taken up. A letter from Miss Pelton was read' regardingthe broadcasts :for the Advance project. Then another topic was discussed; that of a visiting dray for 'the shut-ins to be ,nerd in June. Mrs% N. Gillespie gave some interesting current events. One was that the first Hebrew Bible was •being. printed. Mrs. J. Beattie opened the devotional part of the meeting by ' short selection, "In. Christ There is No East `"or• -West," then Hymn 295 was sung, "The Church's One Foundation Was Jesus Christ Her Lord." Miss Gillespie gave a .Bible' reading on Acts 2:36-47, after which Mrs. McMillan offered. prayer. .After the singing of Hymn 227, "Crown Him With Many Crowns" ,Mrs. C. Brodie took 'the topic, "The Native Church in Africa," telling of the extent of Christianity .in that country, end of the many churches there, but' there was a lack of native trained leaders. Miss Simpson gave the Glad Tidings Prayer and the meeting closed with Hymn 322, "Jesus Where'er Thy People Meet," and prayer by Mrs. Beattie. Mae Lane Auxiliary -Meets. The Mae Lane Auxiliary of ,Northside United - church inet on Tuesday eve-„ ping, March 26th. Mrs. • Ross. Sav- auge, first vice-president, opened the .meeting by reading a poem, "World Day of Prayer." "What a Fellowship" was sung and Mrs. E. H. Close led in prayer. Mrs. Beverley Christie, the' president, then took charge. The min- utes of the February meeting were. read by the secretary, Mrs. George Johnston. Mrs. Workman 'briefly .out- lined the, purpose of "The 'Crus'ade for Christ and .His Kingdom," Mrs. Lil- lian Barbex,,Captain of Circle 3, then conducted, the remainder of the°meet- ing. "Sweet Hour of Prayer" was sung, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Miss Ethel Beattie. read the Scripture, John 14, after which Miss Thelma Elgte'read an article, "Builders Together- With God,' and was very inspiring..A beautifully ren- dered solo, "Hold Thou My Hand," was sung, by Mrs. James Stewart, ac- companied by Miss Winnie Savange. The topic was ably taken by- Mrs. Gardiner from the study book on Africa: Diseuilsions were based on primitive coxi'ddtions in Angola sixty years ago, and were compared with the Christian way of life. now -under the following ,headings:, (1) 'Religion, (2.) .Education,. (3) Homes, and (4) Medicine. 'The Meeting closed by singing "All. the Way My Saviour Leads Me," andby-repeating the Miz- pah benediction. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. Frank Arnold, of Hamilton, a well. known. Seaforth Old Boy, was a -guest at tfie Noire of Mr,--dffd Mrs. R. B. Holmes last week. • Mrs: "•D. H. Wilson has returned from Detroit, where she spent ' the past two weeks. - • Mr, and Mrs. J. Clifford Bell and daughters, Misses - Margaret and Patricia, of St. Mary's',were-guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P..•Bell on Friday. • Mr. and Mrs.,.,,Frank Cudmore and Miss' Nancy, ofToronto, were guests of Mrs, J. F. Reid over the. week -end. . • Miss Jessie Gillespie has return- ed from Aypnton where she sent the.. past nine weeks." • • Mis�9 Ann Simpson, • who has :spent' sotne time in London, has re- -turned to her home here. • Mrs. Roland Stewart, of Toronto, 'spent'the weekend at her home here. • Mr. David Clark, of the Rehabili- tation School in London,. spent the .week -end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, .t. C. Greig. • Mr. John Frost, of Dundas, a former well known Seaforth boy, Was in town on Monday calling on friends. • Mrs. Lindsay, of Strathroy, is Farmer's Attention Anthracite 'Pea" Coal FOR RANGES or BROODER STOVES Car now rolling, on track in a few days. Order now. Get it direct from. car. "Hamco".. NUT COKE now in stock Splendid Fuel J. H. SCOTT PHONE 336 FARMERs:. —For— Shur-gain' Fertili2er SEE OR CALL G>♦ ORGE KRUSE MAfilAQER OF adroit Farm Feeds Limited Phone 664 ;i• I., Seaforth For • Itinitteili4te Delivery visiting' her 'brother, a 1VTr, Thorns$ staples , • U, Nen P44111,laexsL4ntenda. plov- inR' `to Mho lesidene,e pn Ann Street, wijmr 'has been, occupied .by Ma'. Chester McNay. -. '" Mre W Ek Tc•eralalr�e and' Mins plizabetheSMith are • spending a few,'I 'days in Toron'te -,' , • "Mr, • and Mrs. Thomas Oliver spent the week -end in Niagara Falls, Mrs. Hay, a sister-in-law of Mrs. Oliver, returned with them andspent a few days. • Mrs. Ada, Reid and 'Miss Mary.,, Galbraith received; word on Friday afternoon of the .passing of their brother-in:law, Mit, John Geminhardt, of Douglas, Wyoming, a . former Pay - field resident. His death occurred that morning. • 'Mrs. Harold: Willard and Mrs. Cline Flynn, of London, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins. " • Mr. 'and Mrs. Edgar Lawson and Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Anderson and son, William, of Auburn, Were -guests of Mr. and• Mrs. John Finlayson on Sunday. _ • Miss Emsna 'Dinsmore, of Zurich, and- Mr. and Mrs: Douglas Knowles, of Exeter, were week -end guests of Mrs.. J. J. Sclater: • Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Pipe, of Haileybury, visited Mr Pipes sister, Mrs. Pearl Shaw, for a few days last week.' . it4', • Mr. Ross ' McNab, who rebently returned from overseas, has' accepted a 'position on the Evening Review' at Niagara Falls. • Miss Adelaide Jackson, of Toron- to, was a guest of Mrs. E, A. McMas- ter last week. •• Mr: Stewart Geddes, of the Lon- don Life Assurance Co., spent the, week -end with this •parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Geddes., • Flt. -Lieut, Friel 'Stewart, of To- ronto, spent theweek-end with his mother, Mrs. Charles Stewart. • Mr. Thomas Staples, who spent the past two months in Flo,ence with his sister, Mrs. Lindsay, has t eturn- ed to town., • Mrs. Frank Storey is in Midland. visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bryson 'M•cQusirrer." • Miss Joan McMaster, of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, ;spent the week -end at the home of her par- ei ts, D"r. and Mrs, E. A. McMaster. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. McIntosh of Ingersoll, were calling on friends in town on Thursday. • Mrs. R. H. Sproat was a week -end 'guest in Toronto of Mrs. Geo. Hills. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller, of Los Angeles, were guests last "week of Mrs. Miller's • sister, Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain, and Mr. Chamberlain. EWA E FOR- SALE Six -room Frame House. Hydro. Town water, and cellar. .Situated en Coleman Street. House, with barn. Situated on Main Street Stiff tb. 50 Acre Farm, Township Tucker - smith. Good brick house; bank barn; poultry house and driving shed. 'Im- mediate possession. 78 -Acre Farm, Township Tucker - smith. Frame house, bank. barn, driv- ing shed..' hog pen. Good • bush with Spring therein.. Alec have listed farms -in McKillop. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Seaforth, Ont. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 NQW SHOWING—Thursday, Friday, Saturday - PEGGY RYAN JON HALL • " MEN IN HER DIARY". A romantic drama packed with excitement. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WVEDNESUAY ALEXANDER KNOX - " WILSON " IN TECHNICOLOR Owing to the length of this picture, there will be ONE ,SHOW each night at 8 p.m. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, :SATURDAY — TWO FEATURES JEAN... HEATHER - JOHN QUIGLEY " THE NATIONAL BARN DANCE " ALSO— :• YVONNE 'DE CARLO - ROD CAMERON " FRONTIER GAL " COM I NG— :' 'OUSE ON 92nd STREET" The Memorial Ideal ' A Monument built of 'enduring granite or marble, symbolic in design and reverent in pur- pose, resting in surroundings of peace . and beauty, a tribute of respect and honour to the dead, a constant source of inspiration to the living. - T. PRYDE ;Si. SON Memorial Craftsmen - EXETER SEAFORTH . CLINTON You are invited to consult us -regarding• your memorial requirements.' SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS ARE OPEN EACH TUESDAY See Dr. Harburn for appointment at other times, or Phone .41J, Exeter. Don'tDiScard your old Chesterfield UNTIL YOU.•.KNOW WE CAN'T HELP YOU ! PHONE 248 FIRST for estimates on price and cover No obligation. Splendid Variety - Two Weeks' Service ALL WORK GUARANTEED DICK The Upholsterer THE NEW VQ.R.P.: NOW ON DISPLA • Here isthe most beautiful Ford ever built—with more advancements than many' pre-war yearly models. There's a new ride, improved economy in . oil and •gasoline, longer ' life ... and massive, rich . new styling. We cordially .invite you to come'in and see the smart new 1946 Ford. FORD, MONARCH DEALER, SEAFORTH e. We Specialize in the Cold Wave Also Z.ortos '& Jamal Machinless PERMANENTS Supreme Beauty ' • ,Individual Hair -Styling ` - • , Most Modern Methods - • Expert Operators All go to achieve. the ulti- • I mate in Hairdress Perfec- „, 4, . �/ tion. Our Permanent Waves , ' leave your hair in a beauti- ful and healthy ' condition. ;4.----, , Priced from $3.50 to $10.00 ,, j Special' $3.50 For. School " �/ ���'''�"�°�' ' �.� . . Children for $2.50 „% , f -•' SUTHERLAND BEAUTY SHOP PHONE 152 �4t FINNIGAN'S NOW IN STOCK ! Seed Potatoes, 100 bags Katandins on 'display now. New shipment of Brooms, Old and New Cheese, Fancy Lettuce.," Pineapples, Oranges, •'Lemons, - Carrots, Grape Fruits... -' This week the Ile de,France, cutting her way through the chOppY North' Atlanie, brought home Grant MacKay, the last of four Finni- gan's to See action in active theatree of war. Some weeks ago we - *rote of tent; ftotr wlta-t the fellows tell us coming out of Europe, wk� ha. -e Ubd)i to be thankful for.. ^4" ri r. . i NIDA f SON i-oodMer Wanted Apply EXCELLENCE- Fleur 'Mills, . Ltd. SEAFORTH Fund wane taken up. A letter from Miss Pelton was read' regardingthe broadcasts :for the Advance project. Then another topic was discussed; that of a visiting dray for 'the shut-ins to be ,nerd in June. Mrs% N. Gillespie gave some interesting current events. One was that the first Hebrew Bible was •being. printed. Mrs. J. Beattie opened the devotional part of the meeting by ' short selection, "In. Christ There is No East `"or• -West," then Hymn 295 was sung, "The Church's One Foundation Was Jesus Christ Her Lord." Miss Gillespie gave a .Bible' reading on Acts 2:36-47, after which Mrs. McMillan offered. prayer. .After the singing of Hymn 227, "Crown Him With Many Crowns" ,Mrs. C. Brodie took 'the topic, "The Native Church in Africa," telling of the extent of Christianity .in that country, end of the many churches there, but' there was a lack of native trained leaders. Miss Simpson gave the Glad Tidings Prayer and the meeting closed with Hymn 322, "Jesus Where'er Thy People Meet," and prayer by Mrs. Beattie. Mae Lane Auxiliary -Meets. The Mae Lane Auxiliary of ,Northside United - church inet on Tuesday eve-„ ping, March 26th. Mrs. • Ross. Sav- auge, first vice-president, opened the .meeting by reading a poem, "World Day of Prayer." "What a Fellowship" was sung and Mrs. E. H. Close led in prayer. Mrs. Beverley Christie, the' president, then took charge. The min- utes of the February meeting were. read by the secretary, Mrs. George Johnston. Mrs. Workman 'briefly .out- lined the, purpose of "The 'Crus'ade for Christ and .His Kingdom," Mrs. Lil- lian Barbex,,Captain of Circle 3, then conducted, the remainder of the°meet- ing. "Sweet Hour of Prayer" was sung, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Miss Ethel Beattie. read the Scripture, John 14, after which Miss Thelma Elgte'read an article, "Builders Together- With God,' and was very inspiring..A beautifully ren- dered solo, "Hold Thou My Hand," was sung, by Mrs. James Stewart, ac- companied by Miss Winnie Savange. The topic was ably taken by- Mrs. Gardiner from the study book on Africa: Diseuilsions were based on primitive coxi'ddtions in Angola sixty years ago, and were compared with the Christian way of life. now -under the following ,headings:, (1) 'Religion, (2.) .Education,. (3) Homes, and (4) Medicine. 'The Meeting closed by singing "All. the Way My Saviour Leads Me," andby-repeating the Miz- pah benediction. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. Frank Arnold, of Hamilton, a well. known. Seaforth Old Boy, was a -guest at tfie Noire of Mr,--dffd Mrs. R. B. Holmes last week. • Mrs: "•D. H. Wilson has returned from Detroit, where she spent ' the past two weeks. - • Mr, and Mrs. J. Clifford Bell and daughters, Misses - Margaret and Patricia, of St. Mary's',were-guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P..•Bell on Friday. • Mr. and Mrs.,.,,Frank Cudmore and Miss' Nancy, ofToronto, were guests of Mrs, J. F. Reid over the. week -end. . • Miss Jessie Gillespie has return- ed from Aypnton where she sent the.. past nine weeks." • • Mis�9 Ann Simpson, • who has :spent' sotne time in London, has re- -turned to her home here. • Mrs. Roland Stewart, of Toronto, 'spent'the weekend at her home here. • Mr. David Clark, of the Rehabili- tation School in London,. spent the .week -end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, .t. C. Greig. • Mr. John Frost, of Dundas, a former well known Seaforth boy, Was in town on Monday calling on friends. • Mrs. Lindsay, of Strathroy, is Farmer's Attention Anthracite 'Pea" Coal FOR RANGES or BROODER STOVES Car now rolling, on track in a few days. Order now. Get it direct from. car. "Hamco".. NUT COKE now in stock Splendid Fuel J. H. SCOTT PHONE 336 FARMERs:. —For— Shur-gain' Fertili2er SEE OR CALL G>♦ ORGE KRUSE MAfilAQER OF adroit Farm Feeds Limited Phone 664 ;i• I., Seaforth For • Itinitteili4te Delivery visiting' her 'brother, a 1VTr, Thorns$ staples , • U, Nen P44111,laexsL4ntenda. plov- inR' `to Mho lesidene,e pn Ann Street, wijmr 'has been, occupied .by Ma'. Chester McNay. -. '" Mre W Ek Tc•eralalr�e and' Mins plizabetheSMith are • spending a few,'I 'days in Toron'te -,' , • "Mr, • and Mrs. Thomas Oliver spent the week -end in Niagara Falls, Mrs. Hay, a sister-in-law of Mrs. Oliver, returned with them andspent a few days. • Mrs. Ada, Reid and 'Miss Mary.,, Galbraith received; word on Friday afternoon of the .passing of their brother-in:law, Mit, John Geminhardt, of Douglas, Wyoming, a . former Pay - field resident. His death occurred that morning. • 'Mrs. Harold: Willard and Mrs. Cline Flynn, of London, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins. " • Mr. 'and Mrs. Edgar Lawson and Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Anderson and son, William, of Auburn, Were -guests of Mr. and• Mrs. John Finlayson on Sunday. _ • Miss Emsna 'Dinsmore, of Zurich, and- Mr. and Mrs: Douglas Knowles, of Exeter, were week -end guests of Mrs.. J. J. Sclater: • Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Pipe, of Haileybury, visited Mr Pipes sister, Mrs. Pearl Shaw, for a few days last week.' . it4', • Mr. Ross ' McNab, who rebently returned from overseas, has' accepted a 'position on the Evening Review' at Niagara Falls. • Miss Adelaide Jackson, of Toron- to, was a guest of Mrs. E, A. McMas- ter last week. •• Mr: Stewart Geddes, of the Lon- don Life Assurance Co., spent the, week -end with this •parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Geddes., • Flt. -Lieut, Friel 'Stewart, of To- ronto, spent theweek-end with his mother, Mrs. Charles Stewart. • Mr. Thomas Staples, who spent the past two months in Flo,ence with his sister, Mrs. Lindsay, has t eturn- ed to town., • Mrs. Frank Storey is in Midland. visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bryson 'M•cQusirrer." • Miss Joan McMaster, of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, ;spent the week -end at the home of her par- ei ts, D"r. and Mrs, E. A. McMaster. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. McIntosh of Ingersoll, were calling on friends in town on Thursday. • Mrs. R. H. Sproat was a week -end 'guest in Toronto of Mrs. Geo. Hills. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller, of Los Angeles, were guests last "week of Mrs. Miller's • sister, Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain, and Mr. Chamberlain. EWA E FOR- SALE Six -room Frame House. Hydro. Town water, and cellar. .Situated en Coleman Street. House, with barn. Situated on Main Street Stiff tb. 50 Acre Farm, Township Tucker - smith. Good brick house; bank barn; poultry house and driving shed. 'Im- mediate possession. 78 -Acre Farm, Township Tucker - smith. Frame house, bank. barn, driv- ing shed..' hog pen. Good • bush with Spring therein.. Alec have listed farms -in McKillop. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Seaforth, Ont. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 NQW SHOWING—Thursday, Friday, Saturday - PEGGY RYAN JON HALL • " MEN IN HER DIARY". A romantic drama packed with excitement. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WVEDNESUAY ALEXANDER KNOX - " WILSON " IN TECHNICOLOR Owing to the length of this picture, there will be ONE ,SHOW each night at 8 p.m. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, :SATURDAY — TWO FEATURES JEAN... HEATHER - JOHN QUIGLEY " THE NATIONAL BARN DANCE " ALSO— :• YVONNE 'DE CARLO - ROD CAMERON " FRONTIER GAL " COM I NG— :' 'OUSE ON 92nd STREET" The Memorial Ideal ' A Monument built of 'enduring granite or marble, symbolic in design and reverent in pur- pose, resting in surroundings of peace . and beauty, a tribute of respect and honour to the dead, a constant source of inspiration to the living. - T. PRYDE ;Si. SON Memorial Craftsmen - EXETER SEAFORTH . CLINTON You are invited to consult us -regarding• your memorial requirements.' SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS ARE OPEN EACH TUESDAY See Dr. Harburn for appointment at other times, or Phone .41J, Exeter. Don'tDiScard your old Chesterfield UNTIL YOU.•.KNOW WE CAN'T HELP YOU ! PHONE 248 FIRST for estimates on price and cover No obligation. Splendid Variety - Two Weeks' Service ALL WORK GUARANTEED DICK The Upholsterer THE NEW VQ.R.P.: NOW ON DISPLA • Here isthe most beautiful Ford ever built—with more advancements than many' pre-war yearly models. There's a new ride, improved economy in . oil and •gasoline, longer ' life ... and massive, rich . new styling. We cordially .invite you to come'in and see the smart new 1946 Ford. FORD, MONARCH DEALER, SEAFORTH e.