HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-03-29, Page 4•St.
, Ads Will Be inieiteii-At New Low eadi Rates:
to, 444 and Efflintl, Coming Wants; lEtae-Peglittisrd:
. , Itils 'Week ,-. ......... .....`°.)....t.• . •• .1 -..Cent
• 2acl week .. '
. "sro,..i.. 8r4 week " "'' 4 '''''"t
' Mininouno-charge. aaaa i..wert4.**".." -Cent
.,. 0; ,40040, InEakb figipe, ilattial and alobrevia,tion-eennta aa26,ngere
.!?2,..ei,::*!m,,, -he,. directed°run to a gict,iatiCraulacrencti Pel,ik woe) Mama, 80 ceats pew k
04707;47r111,101, Per week will be eltai•gi4130 :4713Y:nabirr a...4°4 for 10 Cents' extra. ,r.
, ..,,4_,,,,,.._,, ...._4a 2..1 tile weey in which the aer swat run. v ---- axe 11°b Paid by t:11
allv,94 n 0141€0.; Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on ssepPlicition. ' '
.r.!,,!1 ai...447x*,.se-6 ,n4 Deaths inserted free of charg-
.7, 1 Auction Sales Auction Sales
• A Sollow 8,4.4 .0F uellszEtoLD EF-
feets.-Mr.; Harold Jackson has been in-
' etructed by the, undersigned to pell by pablic
auctiOnoo Ifiredriesday, April 10, 1946, at 1:30
11,r0.: One dining room suite in full; 1 arm
chair (good); rocking chairs ; 1 couch and
day bed combined; 1 library table; 1 hall
Melt; Davis aesving machine (good); 1 chest
of .drawers; 2 wooden beds; 1 hed sPrisogs;
1 Amer spring mattress; stew; 2 bedroom
drqaers;; ; new bed with new springa and
ma rees; 1 mattress cove.r1 curtain; 1 kit-.
clien cupboard.; 1 kitchen table and chairs
2 clocks (pneof them 8 -day) ; 1 electric floor
IantP; 1 ebactric table lamp; a number of
. tables: 1 rug 0/x91; washing machine
•'•" and wringer; wash tub and beaches; 1
ben heater. Clare Jewel. new, large size; 1
step ladder; garden tools; lawn mower, good;
t•tT. electric toaster and iron: 2 coal oil lamps;
aluminurd tea kettle; some house plants, ferns
sad begonias; dishes; cooking utensils, and
• a• number of artieles too numerous to Men-
' ;idea Terme-Cash. MRS. A. D. ARM-
• STRONG, ProPrietress, Goderioh St., Seaforth;
' Harold Jacleson, Auctioneer. • 4085x2
)),c,,, •
Implements. -Mr. Harold °Jacicson has
- 'bean instructed to sell by public auction in
McKillop Township,. Tot 13. Concession 12, on.
Monday., April 'at 1 o'olock sharp:
HORSES -1 mare rising 8 yearn; 1 mare
rising '9; .1 colt tieing 4•, 1 horse rising 5.
CAT'TLE--1 cow calved, s-6 years old: 1 cow
. due in April, 6 years old; 1 roan cow calved.
8. years old; 1 cow due in fall, 5 Years old:
1 cow 6 Years okl; 1 cow 7 years old, both
due in April; 3 heife.rs 1'/, ear old; 3 steers
rising two 1 steer rising two; 2 heifers ris-
ing two; 6 calves rising one; 1 fall calf ; 2
s calves 6 weeks ‚old; 1 Durham bull 1:7f.), years.
PIGS -2 'young SOW3 due in April. IMPLE-
MENTS -1 Massey -Harris binder 6 -foot 'cut;
Massey-Ilarris cultivator; 1 disc: 1 12 -hoe
•' 4 -section diamond barrows : 1 Oliver
Tiding plow; 1 hay rake: inower 514 -ft. out:
flay loader: scuffler: 2 wagons; hay •rack with
shift:, 1 buggy.: cutter ; grindstone: stone-.
boat: wagon box; stock reek • pig
manure .spreader; flat rack: 1 packer inew):
t gang plow; set of sleighs: fanning mill with
screens 1C1inton): 1 set scalds 2,000 lbs.; 1
beam scales ; binder tongues. 14 -feet: 1 oak
• tongue 35 c4dar posts : S corner posts: 1
26s.foot ladder': 2 ladder pales, ripped.: forks;
chains:. some plank ; white ash' lumber for
gates, .14 feet; block and tackle; whiffietrees ;
donbletrees ; neckyoke ; 24 grain bags; sacks;
shovels ; cream' separator, and numerous other
articles. HARNESS -1 set breeching harness
1 setleackband' harness : 1 Set .Sinale, harness
.4 collars .blonke s' ;e: .1 harm:ass repair.
bench. POULTRY EQ P ra age
shelters, new ; 1 • fattening orate. GRAIN -
171 bus he's feed ba r ley : 200 buhels tern
atra-kt-i -400 bushels aniterl- ;r-iiai-n; 65 bahel.:.
Sewing machine, Aladdin lamp: box stove;
2 five -gallon coal' oil Cans. Terms -Cash, as
farrn g sold, WILLIAM 'LEEM1NG. Pro-
prietor: Edwin P. 'Clies`ney,- ; Harold
Jackson, Auctioneer, 4981-9
has been instructed to sell by public atm-
- tion ,art Lots. 24 and 22, 4th Concession 'erode-
. rich Tariship, 4• miles west of, lionnesville;
on Cut Line, on Wednesday, April 3rd,. Farm
, • and Farm Stock: FARM -Consisting of 50
Hares. more or le,, ot second growth bush,
mixed' wood, being part block .letter • A, Col-
. borne Township. adjoining Sky Harbor Air
Pert, on theNorth, I-4 mile west of Dunlop,
a .miles from Goderich, will be sold subject
' to reserve bieL Terms made known day; of
' sale:, Forty head of cattle and 35; pigs, 50
bags, aeed potatoes. Cattle have .had first
.spray for Warble fly; Cattle consisting of 1
. roan bull. 1-8 months old; 2 Hereford cows, 4
years old. fresh.; 2 Hereford 'heifers, 3 years
tokl. due in 'September; 1 blue tow.
, eld; due in, 'May; 1 black cow, 4 year old.
—,dire -4r -March -c°4 -roan .eow-r-i-years-old;--fresh
• • 2 months; 1 Jersey. cow 5 yearsrold,......due in
March: 2 black cows. 7 and 8 .yeare"old.
milking; 1 black 'heifer, 3 years old, fresh.
The balance consia•M of reds, reds with white
heads 'and, roans, 2 years old, year olds. baby
beef anti calves. .Fifteen Tamacorth sows.
bred; 1 York sow. The balance chunks and
• weaners. Terms -Cash. ALVIN PROCTOR.
Proprietor: E. P. Chesney; Clerk Harold
Jackson, Auotioneer, 4084-2
Iinplernents .=';31 r. Harold Jackson has
.beeh instructed to sell. by public auction at
Lt 3.Concession 6, Hallett Township, 4even
mites northwest of Seaforth, 1- mile east of
Kinburn, on Thursday, Aprij 4th, at 1 -jam..
.sharp. the following: CATTLE -1 black cow
7 years old, just bred and milking good: 1
Ayrshire cow 3 years old. calved 3 months:
I Ay•---isre cov.-.3 years ohrr-r-A-yialirres
2,4 years' old. due in May: 1 Ayrshire cow 4
:years old, due in May: 1 Ayrshire cow 3
years old, bred January. llth Jersey heifer
2 years .old, bred January Ith a; Durham bull
• 15 months old, eligible for • registration; 3
JcIereford steers' arciund 1100 lbs.: 3 Hereford
steers around 1000 lbs. ;t:.3 Hereford heifers
. rctind 1000 lbs. ; 2 Hereford heifers 1 year
,iold: 2 Hereford steers 1 year k!;o2 calves.
months ell; 4 yoppg calves. PIGS --10
, suckers i Sow just. bred: a feW chunks.
HENS -185 hens 'one year old. Sti.ssex and
Hampshire Hybrids. laving ' good. IMPLE‘'
141EaNTS-1 Cocksiiiitt NO... 5 manure spread-
er: 1 McCormick -Deering hay loader t good aa
mew) :. 1 Massey -Harris 11 -hoe fertilizer seed'
drill; 1 McCormick -Deering cultivator :, 1
Massey -Harris binder 6 -ft.. cut. in good* condi-
, tion Quebec Sulky riding walking
plow. Fleury No. 21; 1 Massey -Harris scuf-
fler; 3 -section harrows : I wagon; 1 ciatter;
, 1 sliding rack (newt ; ltdt sleighs with, flat
rack: 1 • gravel box: 1 steel roller; 1 stone
boat: j wheelbarrow hay fork: 203 feet
rope., inearly newl : quantity of lumber: 6
..cedar posts; 1 barley fork 2 pitch ferks ; 1
ettallEge fork: 1 shovel; 1 ditching, spade and
• numerous other article; 2 fattening crate; •
2 nig troughs: wire. Stretcher :.crosacut saw:
" trip rope and pulleys: Massey-flarris mower
• • 5-11,. 'cut: 10 -ft. 'rake: 1 sugar kettle; 2.00
feet snow fence (nearly new). HARNESS --
1 set double harness' (good as new); horse
collars; 1 pair horse blankets. HAY AND
GRAIN -12 tons (more Jor less) mixed hay --
125 bushels fall wheat: 300 buithels Erban
oafs (fit for seed), with some barley. Terms
as falai is sold. HARRY DURNIN.
;Proprietor ; Harold Jackson. Auctioneer.
• 4081-2
"s' Farm Stock and Implernents.Mr. Harald
Jackson has been instructed to sell by public
auction on Mill Road, Tuckersmith Township.
2 miles east ,cif Brucefield, and 4 miles west
of Seaforth, on Tueaday, April 2nd, at I
o'clock sharp: 1IORSES-1 brown • mare 8
yeara old:1 roan mare 12 years old; 1 Clyde
colt'rising 2 years old; l' general 'purpose colt
" rising 2 years old. CATTLE -6 registered
fresh Derharn cows ranging from 3 • th ,
years, with calves at foot; 6 , grade Durhain
cows ranging from 3 to 8 years old, due in
'..Afi-li and May: 1 roan grade bull 1 year old.
1 roar registered 'bull calf 9 months old : 1
Ted bull calf 6 months old. ellgihle for regis-
tration ; 3 other Durham calve ; 3 red reg-
Etered heifers rising 2 years old:, 1 Durham
h'eifers 2 years old : 2 fat steers. 1150 lbs.
each; 1 grass steer 2 years old: 1 red regis,-
leered Durham hull 3 years old, PIGS - 8
York pigs 135 11:c.: 8 York pis p sveeks old:
1 aow, IMPLEMENTS -1 D'eering binder. 7-
cf,i.„: I Deering mower 6 -ft. (like new): 1
Deering hay loader (steel 'frame): 1 sulky
. ''oriike : 1 Massey -Harris drill. 13 disc, with
fertilator : 1 McCormick -Deering stiff tooth
tractor cultivator, 8't -ft. (new) : McCormick
manure spreader: 1 grain grinder and 60 feet
belt, 7 inch (new); 4 -section , harrows: steel
ironer: 6 -section harrow bar: fanning mill:
atone haat; wheelbarrow; 1 steel wheel truck
wagnit: new hay rack, 14 -ft. •. cutter; {Mogi:
1 Wagon box and stock rack; 1 set of new
el000.eieiSha and flat reek; sling' chair and
hallrork( 1 Cream separator: chop boxes:
grail bass: 100 -gallon oil drum with purory;
•S -I
=tet of light barnese: I set of 1 .iron pump. end Piping; host
Of1 ' het articles' too titum
derOus to ention.
JeCltbing harness; member of horse cellars.
-200.1m8he1a mixed grain; 10 'tone of
' ise,Y:j.ffieel. glikages exfs, eau easily
-"p-yed. FARM -400 lacres on' Paved (Mill)
.trisiifr.' bilek lieu*, batik- hil* OW' oenient
- 614 idled rd#014kit ;wilted '' Ittiniiii; ,-Hidro
• kont dhlindifiga. Taar.ma: * Chattel-
sidasIAR avrataGairr; dnoniiiitoid E.-10. dice-
d-, OodoWii...ffsailia inteddi a *sdpit
Oie:lti',OVA'I ' itithriV /deka**, Aimee/Teo%
, . 4014
dad d '
•." of Bea) Estate, Implements, Flax Mas
chinery; Lumber. Timbers, Paled •Straw, Ete-:
Mr, Fermi W. Wright bas been iustructed to
sell by public auction at the Flat Mill prem-
is.es. two blocks south of the Post Office in
the Village of Henstall. on Saturday; April
6th, 1946„ sale starts at 1.30 P.M.: EF#A-L
ESTA,TE-4% story frame house. 6 rooms,
located on Mill St. in the Village of Hen -
• on Gilchrist Survey, Lot No. 18- There
Is also a long frame shed on the property
suitable for housing fowittet Swine. or can
jse used aa a woodshed. The house is in a
fair state of _repair and quite roomy, and
-must be seenl= to be appreciated, TRACTOR
-Hart-Parr iiraetar, 12-24 rating, 1932 model,
in good running order. 'TRUCK-Chevrblet
Truck, Model. "T,". year 1920; delivery body
with bench seats, 2 spare -tires Atm front
Whe.e1S...tilad, 1 spare tire for the rear.,. wheels,
extra tire rims, 2 .35'5 tire chains and 2
s33x4 tire chains. ESLPLEMENTS-1 Clinton
fanning mill with set of siesta; 1 Massey -
Harris broadcast sower „fgood as new); 1
Deering team scaler. ComPlete with set of
discs, shields and scuffling feet; 1 Beatty hay
Car fcir steel track; about 240 feet of pre-war
hay fork rope, practically new. FLAX MA-
CHINERY -1 flat seed reel for cleaning flax
sedd; 1 McGormick-Tombiall flat puller with
ChShinan 4 li.P. gas: 'engine mounted on the
rear, engine and binderlike new, little uSed ;
2 flax whippers; 1 bailing press: scotching
Plii-fitCs, knives, drums.. ete ; 1 steel line shaft
24 feet long; 5 O.R.0) 18-20 hangera ; a
quantity of heating pipes with pressure
valve; a quantity of rubber and caritas' 'belt-
ing 6 and 7 inches wide; 6. bundles of bale
;tine ; 1 fibre money 1740; 1 wood split pul-
ley 24x10%; 1 wood split pulley, 20x11; 1
wood -split pulley 22x9; 1 wood split pulley
1 set of begings 'for a line shaft. STRAW
AND PEED -A quantity of cranberry feed
beans; about 5 tons Of baled bean straw,. .
'bright and clean; about ton of old hay
baled. . suitable for bedding. TOBACCO -
About y. ten of baled 1928 crop tobaCco.
;CEDAR POSTS -A quantity of cedar posts.
8 and 9 feet long. BUILDING, TIMBERS -
2 rock elm hewn timbers new), 36 feet long.
.11(1x1.0; 4 timbers aloe; 24 feet long. LUM-
BER, PLANK -An sorted lot of lumber,
plank, joist, seanEing, etc. This lamber has
qtlways been kept in the dry and therefore
should be well seasoned. This stock of :lum-
ber is principally male up of rock elm, hem-
lock, pine, spruce, etc. HOUSEHOLD EF-
FECTS -A quantity of good lighting fixtures
h'ch Would probably be suffieient to equip
a moderately sized home; 3 rugs; Doherty
high overi range. equipped .for both a hot wa-
-ter heating aystsra et use as 3 reservoir at-
tached to stove; 1. bed pan; 1 Piono adjust-
abie atool; 1 oil inatee; tl davenport; 2 sets
of curtain stretchers ; croquet set: 3 odd
chairs . • horse sign 1 table angLather_artte.1.
•.,,,T-TriEs..e Won rea1 cataie, traetor and scuf-
er. Terms: Chattels. cash. Tarms on real
estate made known on day of sa e.
tu.s Percy W. Wright Auctioneer,
• 4081-2
" SraChinery. on Saturday, March 30th.. at
1 p.m., 40 rods west of Kippen, 14 Durham,
' Cows, due to freshen from time of sale until
;Nay, ranging from 3 to 7 years old (This is
a. choice lot of Durham cows and in the best
of conditron); 16 Durham 'heifers and stee%'s
1 year old: 12 Durham 'heifers and steerS
rising two years old- This stock was all bred
to Or sired by the Pimpernel ,herd sire,' Maple-
Etoae Signet v=261320=. All theae sat -
tie have been 'tested for T.13. aud Bang's dis-
ease, and are free (rcen infeetion. MACHIN-
ERY -Oliver 70 row, crop tractor (good), start-
er, lights, power t:ake-off ; John Deere hay bail-
er, used one season:" 2 mowers; 1 riding Taloa,-
and a number -of Other articles. Terrns-Casast
JARROTT,..Propriethrs; E. P. Chesary, Clerk:
Harokt .Jackson, Auctiors,ssr- • ,
z4'" ersonab
Anwpigt.1 Ptrillf).41. BO VOW! - hfAigE
aws, 14c .s, Pote4..,,5end OAP dollar
Menai order for pertigglare "dad hisred ents
for 7 pounds delicious, untritiona butter, test-
ed and proven for YeaM.: Address ISOWSY
PRQDVCTS. 144 Catharine South, Hamilton.
, 4083x4
' mailed peetriaid la plain, pealed enyeloPe
with price list. 6 samples 26c; 24 samples
$1.00. mail -Order Dept. T-73, Nov -RUBBER
CO., Box si, Banditim, Ont.
• •
, 4082-8
health and style, individually deals -!led,
KIM HELEN K. SCOTT, High Street Sea -
forth. — 4060x6g,
4-3`A STHMA stIFFEnEas - ENJOY 000D
night's sleep without coughing. choking.
Mr. Wm. Pearson, Seam -tin saYs: "1 am so
thankful U. YoU,for your asthma remedy that
I would like all people who suffer from
asthma tc) krow What it 414 fox'. me. I suf-
fered for years from choking, difficult breath-
ing and distress of Austluna and no remedy
helped Inc to any exteirt, but your remeelY
touched the spot at °nee and gave me not
only quick relief. but I am now free from
all symptoms.A few month's treatment did
it," For free appointment. write F. L.
HOWEY, 144 Catherine Street South, Hamil-
ton. •4080x8
POTtiolli4r-al„Idi NOT' igEil ROAR'
Hare gOnn, 4¢49 earenally 0,1110.,
'est Market pri,es at all ttimeli. gig)
IVALKEA, HeMsall. Flame 49..
MONTGOIVIERY-In Clinton Public Hospital,
on Wednesday, March 20th, to Mr, and
Mria. W. G. MoritgOariery (pee Alberta Rich -
Mond). of Seaforth, the gift of a dough-
"BLAKE--fal •Scott. Memorial Hospital, on
idurch 20.st, 'to Mr.,' and Min. George_ Blake,
Brussela, age.
DOLMAGE-In Seott ,Memorial Hospital, on
March 21st to Mr. dinl MM. Harvey Dol -
mage, McKillop, a daughter:
RICHARDSON,-In Scott Memorial Hospital,
on IVfarch 24th, to Mr. and Mrs: Gordon
Riahardsou, 'ruciteminith, a sort.
CARTER -In Scott Memorial Hospital. on
March 26th, fo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carter,
^ Seaforth, a daughter -Emily Nadeoe..
BMNINEWEIS-in, Scott Memorial Hospital.
an March 270, to Mr, and Mrs. Edwin
Berinewei§. Seaforth, a daughter.
NOAKES-At *le General Hospital, Hamil-
ton. on Friday, Maroh 22nd, to Pte. and
Mrs. Ken Noakes, a• daughter.' A grahd-
daughter -for Iidr. and Mrs. A Noakes, of
For Sale
cow, due to freshen soon; 1 Jersey bull.
Both are eligible for registration, Apply to
HARRY W. HART, Seaforth, or phone 224W.
pox sALE--„-six.pmcn MAPLE DIN-
' nette set, in good condition. Reasonable.
Apply -tto-R... A. ORR, Shoe & Harneas Re-
pair Shop, Hensel], Ont. 4085-1
Inc to freshen April 1st: 20 pigs, six
weeks old; also some chunks. A, C. LEVEY
& SON, east farm south of Egmandville.
-L tor cultivator stiff tooth, in good condi-
tion. Apply to EDWIN DICK, R. R. No. 1,
Cromarty. 4085-2
-plait SALE -1 BARN, 301 by 72?, SUIT-
' able for straw barn and pig pen, or for
driving shed and hen house. Apply CLIF-
FORD -YOUNG, Cromarty. Phone 90* r 2.
Hen.sall. 4082-4
condition. Reasonable. 11, WATSON,
Sperling St., Seaforth, • 4085x1
" oats. Government tested, ,No. 1 seed, free
from weeds. ApPly to CHARLES BOYD,
RR. 2, 'Walton. Phone 831 r 13, Seafortb,
inet battery radio. In first-class shape.,
Apply to JOHN BROADFOOT, Bruce -field, or
phone 658 r 81, Seaforth. 4085x1
drill, in good shape. with grass seed at-
tachment. GORDON HOGG.ARTH, R.R.- 3.
Dublin; Phone 11 r 14, Dublin,
• 40851
-1701)-0--p-e-irn-ll-El---e-trCT;; .1 good work mare.
1100-1600 pounds : 1 1oherry red) Durham
bull 13 months old: 1 two -wheeled hard rub-
ber tired trailer with good stvek rack ; 1 low
steel -tired wagon: Apply T. W. McMILLANi•
Phone 844 -r 21, Seaforth. 4085x2
' freshen soon. Apply to JAS. T. SCOTT.
Seaforth, or phone 886 r 33:
• • 40851
' ley. 'Apply to D. J. O'REILLY, R.R. 6.
Seaforth, or phone 64 r 16, 'Dublin.
'•-•' 60, 1942 model, einnolete • with pickup.
straw spreader, bean and clover sieves. Very
v. -00d condition. ALFRED ROPP, 11, R. 2,
Zurich, Ont. 4084-2
Notice To Creditors
plernenis and Household Effects. --Mr. Har-
old. Jackson has been instructed to sell by
public auction at Stanley Township, on West
Part Lot 14, B.R.N.. 11/4 miles west of Verna
on Friday. April '5th, at 12.30 o'clock sharp:'
2{ORSES-1 team. CATTLE -1 cow 7 years
old, due to freshen April 16th; 1 cow 5 years
old. due April 14th; 1 cow 4 years old, milk-
ing: 1 thoroughbred Jersey. due ta.? freshen
at time of sale. SHEEP -10 ewes, due to
lamb in April. 1MPLEMENTS--Massey-Har-
ris binder, 6 -ft.; Deering mower, 6 -ft; Deer-
ing dump rake, 9:11...• Massey -Harris spring
tooth cultivator; 1 sing.le; furrow sulky riding
Plow: 1 set 4 -section harrows with 3 and 4 -
section drawbars: I Massey -Harris 13 -run disc
seed. drill; Sleighs; buggy cutter;.straw cut-
ter: grain crusher: wagon :„wagon box; stone
16 -ft. floe hay rack; fanning mill;
scales 3 gas engirea g 6;
sharpener; iron kettle: grass seeder.; hay
foik : sling ropes; sling Chain: trip rope:
hay fork rope:. Ankor-Holt cremn separator.
600 lbs. capacity; power sheep clippers : 1
single scuffler ; grain bags: sacks ; logging
chains ;, whiffietrees neckyokes : 1 set team
harness; 1 set of hreee.hing ; .a civantity of
lumber and planks : some. hay. HOUSEHOLD
EFFECTS -Marvel 'Quebec range with warm-
ing' closet; Daisy churls : rocking chairs;
couch; folding leaf table:. chest of -drawers;
beds string -4 and mattresses: toilet sets ;
diahes ; crates: butter bowl and ladle; Domin-
ten upright mato, like new: kitchen . chairs:
number of sealers; 1 small spinning wheel.
Terms -Cash. D. A. GALBRAITH, Proprie-
tor; E., P. Chesney, Clerk; Harold Jackson.
Auctioneer. 4084-2
r .
Help Wanted
"-" by widow; good home. State wages.
.Apply to Box 478, HURON EXPOSITOR.
Ji; famzcilityatel,:oryr reenzral,ffilhooftrts..enriss
i 'Th,07.11Z,
if satisfactory. Apply MRS. GORDON
MARSHALL, Clinton: , 4085x1
- • Lost and Found
LOST , - patiLUANT cup. FINDER
• please leave at EXPOSITOR OFFICE.
Reward. 4085-1'
" house work. Write Box 478, HURON
EXPOSITOR. •4083-tf
roNCRierr.„ STABLES. -R. GREENE, Pro-
orietor. Cromarty. Phone 90 'r 2, Hen-
son. 4ffl15-1
Baby Chicks
commend ' you let to know soon what
you'll be needing this month or next. Buying
now, you need healtha,.vigorous, that growing
chicks. That's Hillside! Various breeds,
crosses. "Approved" chicks. breeders -pullorum
tested. CHAS. W. LEONITARDT, Mot 1.
bora pullet' for Ailment April, May al
Jame. Stokc-iikod-teated and banded unde
Clinton. Phone_ 617 r at , . 4082x4
Farms For Sale
•L of Sesforth, and lone mile (mtg.. Lot 7,
ConcosiOn - 'Pticktiatillth. Otie mile from
schepot ltAttte hank bfln hrOtk house, ben
tense add Dig nen. DrableiL Plenty, of
water. All din grass. Peemeirefon sleet dna
'mediates. Aiddr to Z. W. PM, eat
4t , 1."
FEENEY-In St. -Joseph's Hospital, London,
on Sunday, March 24th, Wiliiam J. Feeney.
of Dublin, in his 52nd year.
• '
mILLER-,th loving meanOry of a :dear
"`"," father, William H. Miller, who Passed
away Mareh 24, 1942.
You're not-forgiotten, Father dear,
Nor ever shall you be;
As long as life and memory last,
We shall remember thee.
--Lovingly remembered and sadly, missed
by daughter Gladys and son-in-iaW Jack and
G randchildrem,
TAYLOR -In loving memory of a dear son.
and brother,. ParatrooPer. Melvin Taylor,
who was 'killed in action in Germany, Marcia
24. 1945. .
One sad and,lonely year bas passed,
Since our great sorrow fell:
The shock that we received that day,
We still rumen -the -1' well. •
How his life was shed, we know not,
What his last 'ord or thought,
Only that he did his duty -
Died as. he bravelY fought
--Ever rrentembered by his Mother and
Father, Brothers and sisters.
LONG -In loving memory of a dear Mother,
Mrs. Violet Long, who passed away three
yea' ago, .March 31, 1943.
With a silent tear and a breaking heart,
We stood that day and watched you depart:
Our happy life had come to an end,
Our beloved IVIother and our dearevt friend.
The dearest Mother this World could hold,
The. cheeriest 6mite and a heart of gold;
Those who„ knew her all will know,
How much ,We ' lost three year's ago.
How sweet the spot where she is. laid,
:11anV a visit in silence is •paid
---Ttr-hrr-a -flower •irr -rernernimance-of-t ,
You are not forgotten, Mother, and never
will be. . •
-Sadly Missedand 'fondly •remembered by
her daughters • Jean. '1Viaremerite and son -in -
'law, Alvin.
Mrs. Herb: Britton visited her,
mothor. Mrs. H. Workman. in Hen -
td( recently:
Mr., and Mrs. Ted Fuller and fam-
ily, ,of Sebrin.gville, and Mrs. Bob
Fullar, of Windsor, visited With Mr,
and ,Mrs:••• Dalton 'Malcolm on Sun-
laird, J. Balfour and Dalton'spent
Sunday with Mr. and ,Mrs. George
" the Estate of John T. Stephenson, late
of the Township of Stanley, in the County of
Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or
about the 29th day of October, 1945, are here-
by notified M send in to the undersigned on
or beforu the 13th day of , April. 1946, full
Particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last mentioned
date, the assets of the said estate will be
distributed amongst the parties entitled there-
to, having regard only to claims of which
the undersigned'shall then have notice, te the
exclusion of all others, arid the undersigned
will not be liable to any person of whose
claim the undersigned shall not ,then have
notice for the 'assets 'so distributed or any
part thereof, '" •
---DATED--sst--Seaft,r-th,,ia..-18.th. day. ,.. of
Alarch, 1946.
By their solocitors,
Seaforth, Ontario, „
Solicitors for the Executor.
. 4084-5
" the Estate of 'James Burns, late of the
Township of Hil-bert, in the County of Perth.
Farmer, deceased, who, died on or about the
27t11 day of December.' 1945, arehereby noti-
fied to send in to the „undersigned eh or be-
fore the 13111 day .of April, 1946, fell. Par-
ticulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last mentioned
.date. the assets of the said estate will 1 be
disaributedamongst the parties entitled there -
having regard cmly -to claims of . which
the undersigned shall then have notice, to
the exclusion of all others, and the under-
signed will not be liable to any .person of
whose Hahn the undersigned shall not then.
hase matice for the assets So . distributed or
or part thereof.
DATED at Seaforth. this 181-.1 day of
March, 1946.
By their Solicitors,
Seaforth, Ontario. °
Solicitors for the Administrator.
• ,
the Estate of Joseph Albert Hagan. late
of the Village of Hensall, in the County of
Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died
on or about the 18th day of February. 1946.
are hereby notified to send in to the under-
••'gned on or before the 1311 day of April,
1946, fell particulars of their claims.
• Immediately after the said last mentioned
date, the assets of the said estate will be
distributed amongst the parties entitled there-
to. having regard only to claims of which
the undersigned shall then have notice; to
the exclusion of all others, _and the ,under -
'signed will not be liable,atoany person of
whose claim the 'undersigned shall not then
have notice for the "assets ao distributed or
any part thereof.
DATED ...mkt; -Seafor.th, this 18th day of
March. 1946: •
13y th..etT-cri-cieclot°NrsE.
mNed & HAYS.
Seaford. Ontario.
Solicitors for the Executor
the • Estate of Teresa Redmond. late of
the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth,
Widow, deceased, who died on or about the
llth day or March, 1946, ere, hereby notified
to send i'n to the undersigned,on or before
the 13111 day of April, 1946, full particulars
of theft claims.
Immediately after the ,aaid last tnentioned
date, the assets of the said estate vrill be
distributed amongst the parties entitled there-
to, hgving regard only to claims of which
the undersigned's shall then have notice, to
the exclusion oft .all others, -and the under-
signed will not be liable to Gni Person of
whose -eiaim the undersigned shall not then
have' notice for the assets SO IDliStrittilted Ot
any Dint thereof.
DATED ,at Seaforth, this 18th day of
Maret, 1ii48, " .
Solttorth, "Ohtaeo,' •
• Solicitors Tor the Executors.
"HILLS ---
Mr. Gordon Love and Miss, Ellen
Love spent a very enjoyable week -end,
in Toronto.
Quite a numberafrom this vicinity
attended the Ian:Leval of the late John.
Love at Grand Bend on Tuesday lasd
Quite a number of the farmers' are
on the laud and with continued nice
Weather seeding will soon -be in fill]
oPeration. •
Smokehouse Burned
While. smoking the, summer's 'sup -
pd of meSt• -last week, the smoke-
house of Mr. William Reichert got
on-dre arid Tad" gaided Considerable
headway when. 3;10IiCed. Neighbors.
Fere called and kept the fire from
spreading to other buildings close by
,and the Zurich fire brigade was sum-
monsed and extinguished the; blaze.
The building being a frame Structure
was burned and • a considerable
amount of meat and) summer sausage
• was ruined. which means quite a loss
di a farnier during the sinnther
months. , 4
Kinsman - Gray
St. Jarnea-'
,. United, Church, Ottawa,
was the sed'Ue of .a pretty double, ring
ceremony on Tuesday. March 5th,
when Dana Joyce Lord, elder daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. ,Dan Kinsman,
Macrorte, Sask., became the bride of
William Norris Cray, onlg son.of Mr.
and Mrs. William Gray, of Toronto.
The Rev. Richmond Craig officiated,
The teidewho was atteeded by Mr..
„Helen Baille5. wore a grey -blue wool
gabardine suit with dolman sleeves
and, three-quarter length jacket and
grey accessories. Her corsage was
yellow roses. The bridesmiaid. was
dressed in gr'F.i9: crepe and 'wore a dor-
sage of roses. The groom was at-
tended by Mr. Peter Charas.' A re-
ception followed at -the Chateau Laur-
ier. Tel ezrams cif congratulations
Were received, one from the groom's
parents: who are holidaying in„,FlOri-
da, ,T,he happy couple will spend
their honeymoon at the Chateau Fron-
fenac, Quebec -City, and will reside in
' Sunday, Visitors: Mrs. Mabel Wis.-
son and Miss Hazel Wi'Ason, of Strad
fordsaille: Mrs. Ray Moore and fam-
ily of Benmiller: Mr. and Mr. Clar-
ence Brown, of St. Thoinas, at the
home .of Mr. and .Mrs. ,Harold Soep-
er; Mr. and Mrs. Laythern and fam-
ily and .Miss Beatty, of Lond.en, irith
Mrs. L. Beatty and daughter, Edith.
Mr, and Mrs, Hardld Elliott and
Mrs. Mossop moved frOm Windsor
last week and, are busy getting estab-
lished on their farm west of the vil-
lage. Though no strangers, we are
glad to welcome them to the vicinity.
The worthy assessor, Mr.Hanley,
is very buy these dais arid notes
Many changes being Made in his roll
Owing 'to ,the fat that_ so many homes
have changed ban& in the last few
4*4 144401'70011
were in tendon OA week viiiiiting
Jatherjy,41lke§ genderson, whg, iS
111 tritiricteria Hospital.
'Mr. Oscar WW1 Was in Lenclion,
last week.
Mr. 'dolma Gillies spent a few days
at his home, aiitt Mrs. Gillies accom-
panied bita 4to Owen $ound,
- Mr. and Mrs. George Mothers', of
Toronto, Were guests o MT. and Mrs.
Arthur Henderson.
;Sm. R. K. Davidson, of dpperwash,
spent the week -end at his home -here.
Mr. midi Mrs. R. Maddess, of 'Mil-
vertonepent the week -end with Mr.
and, Mrs. R. Id, Davidson. ,
The W.M.S: and W.A. of Coven
Church, Winthrop, will hold_ their
Easter thankoffering on Wednesday,
April 3rd, at the horns of Mrs. Robert
McFarlane. Circle No. 3 will be in
lirto 0* o by 449 109.00 rra r in
111118011. POU44 ROI MO i4,d' 213r I?"
tare front, EPhesialia 610-18i. ff 11
No. 70 rIfl ,alulg iillid• dile • UPI 11
tfiair preeided ter the reina nder ef
ts1:01.6an%erVatiqlo*24.1414 lif.4)11AS.ii5tOerdr,Qt'14
Wild Trisha Retie" and "Mexically
Rose," deddialPadded by Irene Keane.
d'inYstcu*.paerB.ritQahasl, .dDFdar;neY4t then gave
Kennedy then favored with "vocal
solos, "Where the Rider Shannon
Flows" and "An Irish Lullaby," being
aceempanied ,by Mrs. Chas. Forrest,
Mrs. Ferguaon gave o very interest-
ing 'talk on the life of Robert 3..4ew:18
Stevenson and bis wife, • Hymn No,
494 and 'benediction by Mr. Ferguson
closed the meeting. ;Contests, games
andlunch were enjoyed. .
Mrs. Cliff Beynon and , children,
Margaret and Gwen, of Ingersoll,
spent the week -end with relatives. in
Zurich, and ;also with Mr. and Mrs.
N. E. Cook. Mrs. Beynon is the for-
mer Helen McMurchie.
.. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bonthron
are spending a few days this week
in Toronto.
..Dr. B. Allison and Mrs. Allison, of
Kenora. Sask., were recent guests
with Mr. •and Mrs. James W: Bon-
Mrs." L. Simpson, who has been
spending the winter months in
Pheonix, Arizona, has returned home.
Presentation TO Bride -Elect
• A • presentation fel- Mies Ellen
Freittlinwod-Hensall, on the staff of
the Bank of Montreal, Hensall, a
bride -elect of April, Was heldat the
home of Mrs. Roy MacLaren on Mon-
day evening. The ,home decorations
were in pink and white. A mock wed-
ding was featured and, was the high-
light of the evening. Contests were
enjoyed, and -the guest 'of honor was
made the presentation of a pair of
Wabassa 9heets ancepillow slips from
the Girls' Dance Cluband a table
lamp from a number of girl friends.
Luncheon was served.
Minister Suffers Mishap ,
Rev. -Ha. Hinton, popular minister
of St. Andrew's United Church, Kid -
pen, some free weeks ago while walk-
ing to the village, had the misfortune
to give his leg a ti,vist while walking
over a hilt of snow covered, with ice.
X-rays at that time did not reveal
anything serious, and during the five
Weeks Mr. Hinton went around on
crutches and suffereemuch pain. Fur-
ther- X-rays were Laken at Victoria
Hospital, London, On • Friday last,
which revealed .a fractured bone in
his _leg, which was placed in a cast
..a.nd will _shade_ to .renlaills-i-a-411e ,-e-a,t-
for "-erght weeks. MT. HintOri is at his
home in Kippen, and Rev. Down, of,
Exeter, will relieve in the pulpit.
Much sympathy is expressed for Rev.
Mr. Hint6n.
The Late Mrs: Wm. Love
Mrs. William Love, well known
Hensall resident, died at Victoria
(dcintinited from Page 1) , .
iii Hensall, suffering with scarlet
Mrs. Gordon SchadaLna, ,of Hens.all,
pleasantly entertained her neighbors
to a tea at her home Thursday after-
noon in honor of the •78th birthday
of Ildre. Agnes Lamm' ie, :Oven known
resident of Hensall. The event was
much enjoyed.
Mr, Fred Beer, of Hensall, recently
•discharged from the Army, is under-
going treatment at Westminster Hos-
pital, London.
Pupils of Mr. Judd,'s room of Hen-
son public school, enjoyed a theatre
party at Levett's,,Theatre, Exeter, ,on,
Friday evening, Making the trip there
and -back in Lloyd Noakes' bus. Mr.
Judd is • principal of the 'school, and
Mr. G. Cowan, assistant teacher of the
eel:Animation school accompanied them.
The six -weeks -old intant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter McNaughton, of Hen-
sel!, who underwent an .operation at
Clinton Public Hospital, is improving
• Neighbora .and friends of Mr. and
Mrs. R. I/ Bell, of Tuckersmith, who
:eside a mile east of Herisalld and
who recently di-sposed of their farm,
were honored at a presentation for
them at, their. home Friday. evening.
Progressive euchre was featured with
10 tables, in play. Mr. and Mrs: Bell
were presented with an end table and
table lamp, Wilbert Eliding doing the
Twenty-six pounds et delicious_
orrrealnaded.-37--We-re recently for-
warded to the patients at Westmin-
ster Hospital, 'London. The candy
was made from the remaining sugar
which the Hensall Women's Institute
had left over. The candy was made
at the home of dirs. Fred.Beer, con-
vener of the overseas boxes, .Assist-
ing were Mrs. Jaz: A. Paterson, Mrs.
Jas. Sangster, Miss Florence Welsh
and Mrs..A. Noakes. With, most of
ths local personnel returned, home,, it
was decided to convert, thesugar in-
to candy for the patients at Westmin-
ster Hospital, London. '
Young People Meet
The Young People's Society of Car-
mel Presbyterian Church met Mon-
day evening for their regular meeting.
With Peggie McGregor presiding, the
meeting opened by singing Hymn No.
Agent' for, Addie,011:- MarcOiii"
' Radies„ Norge Odigidairea, Elec-
tric. Wasbing lltrichines and 00
Phone 101 Hensall
Hospital, London, on Tuesday. Pam,
Love had 'teen in poet' health tor •
some time, but was taken to the hos-
pital on Monday in the hopes that it
would be beneficial to her health. The
former Martha Forrest, she -was born
in Hay Township, and prim' to living
ia• Stanley Township following her
marriage, had taken up residence in
Hensall some years ago. She was
member of Henson United Church.
Surviving are her husband; three
sons, Russell, Owen Sound; -- Rev.
Keith Love, Blenheim, and Stewart,
at home, and two daughters, Lettie,
on the teaching staff at Toronto, andI
Grace, London. Miss Edith Forrest
and Mr. dohs Forrest, of Hensel), are
sister and brother. 'Private funeral
services were held front the family -
residence on Thursday, at 2 P.m.,
conducted by her minister, Rev; R.
A. Brook. Internient. was made in .
Baird's cemetery.
Misa Mary Buchanan, superintend-
ent of the Genefal Hospital, Niagara -
Falls, Went the week -end with her .
mother„, -Mrs. A. Buchanan, and other
5'Xl and 3X SHINGLES
Electric Fencers - Fence
Wire Cedar and Steel
Fence Posts.- Gates' -
Grass Seed - Seed Corn
Garden Seeds-- Fertilizer
Chickstarter Pigstarter
Growmatsh ' Hog Grower
Laymash Sow Ration
Hatchmash _
Finns' Minerals and Tonics
Reduced Iron, Rex Wheat Germ Oil
Universal Milkers and Parts
Bookkeeping Systems and Service
Bernard A. Galbraith ,
Established 1942
" 52 Albert St.,
Stratford, Ont,
Phones -2427-W
Res. -2427-J
Boy sir
am I glad*
I saw my
Bank Manager!*
j_'.._, .
'Betty and I were worried ::: we were
urged to invest our savings, including my
service gratunies; in what we thought
might be a good business proposilioni
My bank manager showed me why it
wasn't so good maybe saved us from
losing all we haver!
if , you are an ex -serviceman, getting re-established in
civilian life you will find your local Bank Manager a useful
man to consult.
. '
He :is familiar with local business conditions and oppor-
tunities; he is glad to give helpfal information to any veteran
who comes to See him.;
He knows the hopes and fears, joys and worries of small
business men,, wage-earners and salaried workers, because he
has been talking to them over many years—considering their
problems, lending them money, rendering them service in
many ways. He'll be glad to do the same for you.
Why not talk to hiin at the first opportunity? Veterans all
over Canada are saying: "Boy—am 1 ;lad 1 saw my 13aak
This .Advertit•m•at tis *do as • ir 4,41 *$y Veer
A I „