HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-03-22, Page 4.......... JOL eispftfally vQ V�W_qp. woo i
J$p, ApAinea 9M *M4 to the" *bo *eut
Acki'"A* _azkq� "d�ta isIl who so kindl
An P.Wir 1044 f X, 004 it,
.............. inso lovive trieus ry of VAII R ',�L
#Z.S rain ....... e3 who
R=awaY suddealY Xnch 18
ceut P%4. but n*V, foxcotten.-I 'WOW, , Ntlngawia, 6
to a Am. N=4ber� clo- lbe. Horan XXP*t=, ered tw. Wife Grtrde,
POO, weak-'-willi be 0harxd it a4 in abave Q 44DSW
in wl ight In the weOW lc4 llie ad *A* Tua, oan t M --DO NOT FEED BOAUDERS
alesAuctio Sales
aur hem', carefWly'evll.d. H -..,h
SAY OF, $.HM A= BLACK-, prices at all Imes. GEORGE
SAY OF CXrT-TB Abm A UCTIQN X;k, sotilt., ist g. d Jackon has IVAT"I� IF ll. phone lie. 4 - v.ics s ivi�t Of Kippe= 14 Durbiibu been instructed to sell j .0 b, ublic Auction on 4015%12
rp rrvzbei. from time, of sale tuatil Wdesdy. March 27th, 33 ft. ig. from 3, �o 7 years old (This is by 40. ft. Cs,. Church b�sL t Tc same urbaln- onm and in the bek tune the buildwo known �Black
-16 iDdrisam hederis and a- innit p - will be --Io t Noicil���
Term. 11121*2032 h -f- - and Steers cash -'day Of balance in ;;O days, or 4,� Ye= Old. This stock was all bred bejore the building is remj,�jed, MRS.
.Po _Lq GECL�
X*Pe-W hqzd a[M MAP1e- THERON BETTI.,ES. Sec.-Treas_ Harald rders With R. PECK- P40ne
vine JE� 261Z`441� All these c=- Jacksou� Auctsoneer. 40h,_1 21. Seafoth dis- 4084xi
from T A""`0"'SALE-XR-'HAROL" JACKSON - ------ 7- 1,
4r 7 :10-A crop tractor (gC1jd), start, has been -austrocted to reR by P'ublic aue- Power take�off. John Deere bay bail aC Baby Chiek� T4 1:!t !4 alth Cance. lod, used one season; 2 mowers. 1 riding plow West of 7-d A number Pf 'ather Zzacks. Tersoa-.Cash, 031 Out Une an Wednesday. April 3rd. Farm- SPRING'S JUST ROUND THE CORNER.
CAJLBMT JARROTT and DIL JA Stok- FARM--Con*ipting of 50 ca -lit off smard with your
JARROrT. R:rdPXWtors; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. or less, of secoaX., bwh. ci0-._YOu,iI nty-and good oie&-,t*
mixed .ad. beita. part black =!� Cal- �!Ve:l markets. We`re�agets
satisfy egg a
SALE. P.APM STOCK AND Townsb�pj adjoiing Sky Harbor Air -Approved" breed -
for Hinsiciii Chi A on the Narth� :14- mile- west of Dual ers pullornim.1 Ae OP- stv& Wide breeds.
limplor,�nts-. on Mot t;, 'Copcmoon to, ' Col- -3, piless from Qoderich, will be- Sam Subject ay f rm es, Lers QUOV 7ou-Prices, take y
bo,=,e6 onemge north of' 'Carlow And me to reserve bid. Tereus' Imon d 0 order. CHAS. W. LEONHARDT. Box 1, M
Wile west. ot, Manday �b, at 1 p.m_: aFartY h, d of Mi;ch, 2,5 cattl and 35 So' CIY Z teand 5 and 6 years bags -seed ptato Cattle have fimst g CATTLE�-20 " Rol- spray for warble fly. consisting Of t. old. weighin 3200 13 t -y -r-54 faaZ b.M 18 01's AND %STARTT;D WHITE LEG-
& -in eov;�%. =wtly,' fres ld Ht,s�ard ., 4': 11, May and
stee'rs and heifers -. 10 one -year-old is,teers and ie- *K- fresh; 2 He� beders_ 3 Petts'for shipment Aprd
'years J- Stock blood-te-ed and banded under cahes; 7 sows. IMPLMENTS- due i�, September: 1 blue cow, 7 O.B.S. policy. GLAZMR-S POULTRY FARM.
John. Deere tractor, on rublit,r, Ilke ld. due in May; I black cow, 4 years old. t Clinton. Phone 617 r 31.
ntw; �150 scufflugo attachment; John Deere' due in March; 1 rean cow, I years old, fresh
combine, 6-;[oot, 9 -farrow trac, 2 months; 1, Jersey cqw'S yearr old. due in
new; �fu=w. tractor plow, new, t= March * 2 bl- r and s Years . id. dise plaw, imew; ensilage utter. 1_0 Nxilking; -I' black heifer. 3 years,,'old. fresh. rake; 7 fobt Tenders Wanted
inch; new side deUvery L The haln consists of'reds, to# with white Care power lift disic (new); marivir. spread heads and �-. 2 years old,, year er: hay loader; S,WtiOn International sPing beef and calvis. Fifteen Tamworth sows,1
tooth barraws gas' engine, I;C- ho bred; I Yqr# sow- The. balance chunits 'and 's WILL BE REcE`vED FbR 'rim
Power (new) OMAR BROM1 weaners. Terius--cash. ALVIN PiocToR, TENDER
Auctioneer. wirinz and fli-tu
Proprietor. =1d J. -1:12a. Proprietor: E. P. Chesney. Clerk; Harjd- r
1: of S. S. No. 7.
Jackson. Auctioneer. 4084-2 Hibbert. Plans may seen at East Half
Lot 26. Concession 12, Hibbert
VLEAMG AUCTION SALE OF FXRV U IM- Tenders wi)l be received up until April ist,
StOe4 IT0Pk-1ueMtS and Household Effects. A CT`ON -SALE OF FARM sTOcK. Plemenli�. and Household E:ffeC6t.._Mr. Har- 21, Concession 13..Ihillet� Towusijp� 2 old Jackson has been lost to i EARL DICK. Secretary-Tresaurer,
at rMeted b miles South of Myth, and a mile and 'one- public auction at Stanley TOV hip, On W t
w es out.
quarter e2sz of _No. 4 Irighway, on Thursday. Part�Lot 14, R-R.N., IA miles west of Varm March 28fh. commencing at 12.SO O'clock on Friday, Aorill Sth, at 12.30 o*elpck sharp-. 4082,xa
7100n; as fallows. HOIRSES---Grey xel&ng, 6 H4:)RSES--1 f6!tTn' CATTLF--" COW 7 Years
earsold; 2 bey jeldings, 3 years old; 3 -year- old. due to I* _ Apra 16tb: I cow- 5 years -old driver. CA1'11,F--DUrha= a-. 7- years old. due Aprili 14th; I �-w 4 years old. old. due Nov. 1rt:,Durh,a.m cow, no, im caif; ing: I thoroughbred Jersey, due th Sr -,ben ersonals
ife to
2. yearling srftm ; 2 earling he, rs: 2 t time oli SHMEp-jo, ewes., due ealves,- calf 5 months old; 22 9�� grass )a]:mb in ApriL. IXPLEMEN-rS-Massey_Har_ RU`17TER! BUTTERI-MAKE,
steers from 1000 6 1200 ll�. t&IJ Shorthurn,sl, ris binder, G-fL;'Deeriu9,mqw;er, 6ft.: Deer- Your own, 14C "a poun& Send' one dollar
double barrikss: set �ingje inir' �amp rake, 9�ft_; Massey-Har--ts spfing money order for particulars aud ingredients.
..he nUlube,- f harsk-. POUL� tooth cultivator: I single furrow sulky riding poubds- delicious, in.tritions butter. test-
60 3-,eariing Whji,4��,Leghon hem,: I -,,j -section proven for
TRY ZT and Years. Addre
P407- V -,set 4 harrows with 3 and 4. Sarred RIpcit lXPLEMENTS-- V6 -ne PRODUCTS. .144 Cathigin
L-H.C-, T n ; seighs; UZXY; straw cut-, 4083x4
10-90; I.H.C. -furmw traztov plow; ferr,.32zer tar_� grain Crusher'. wagon;'waron bOX6: Stn, YGrENTIC SUPPLIFS (R
as haY fannihg' mill: H
SPI'lag bca: : 16 -ft- . t rack' -
tooth cult�val�r: farm 'truck .3 H.P, -agon; Oliver manure prezder. nearly new: , gas engine. Istone: knife mailed Postpaid in plain. sealed envelope
r;)eos�r; iron kettle; shi, gTass seedcr: hav with price list- 6 -vIe5 25c: 24 sampi,ss
oer. fo-k;. sling'ropes. #-.p ope--. 4I-00. Mail -Order Dept T-73; NOV-RUBRER
Harris s,*.:- r;a . Ke: mp haY fork rope' -Ankor-Holt cream separator, CO.. Box 91, Hamilton,, Ont.
new Power she 082-8
--f' -ar,Y ep clippen: I biiider- nc bAy nick 16.foOt single scuffier; rraim baxs: sacks: lo"ing
'th roling rac' . Massey-Harr6 �,r cWns: whiffletrees:, neckyokes: T *f,, team SPMLLA FOU`MA7TON'GARXENTS FOR
" U' . r health and �tlp_ Individually desigmed.
v3ljr , , "ection 3-svetierri bar s ; barness I set of breeching: A � qast z�. of `$�: 1 s et n ;
Masey-Ha7lis 14�pla�e, olumber-and Pla ks saooj� bay. HOUSEZROLD MRS. TZLEN X_ SCOTT, High Street, Sea-
sleilrhs ; wagan and box leu"� No. oller: F FF1T_CT1�-Xarv-e1 Quebec m3we witb,warm- forth- 406.0-x52
Plow, 6=file� ; fiinping min; Portland cu,- ing closet; Daisy hurn. rocking chairs:
-ired ' -;ee -folding rs Zer: steel cc,uc: leaf table; chest of drawe SUPTERERS'- ENJOY GOOD
scales As`rHMA
2 28-fpor extensios Md., No. !6 bendtoilet-sets. ulght's --Jeep witiiaot� coughing, choking.
De L" -al 'cream - separator i: crates: butter ladle : Dom k Win. P"rson. Saf .. th..sys- "I am so
chickeh &h4l. dish btdre=d im r.
colorF, i--ause, g chain: ion upright like..new: kitchen i;hankful to you for Your asO-- remedy that
fencer; dombletrees 'Yoke�
ectric and neck fi�imber of seal -5 small sPinaing whe-L.- I would like all � People who iuffer from
water -trough; emery stone Terms-Casb. GALBRAITH. --Pre PrieT a4throh to know what'it did for me. I suf-
I-oot Pulver X16miob blower pipe. 14 ft: tor'. E. P. Chesney, Clerk; Harold6�jatkSon_ fered for years from choking,. diffictijit brel4th.
a 6 sud* no,
hay fork, bay fork rope, 195 feet: ciu, at Ty Aurtioneen 40-34-2 ins+ and distress of' asthin remedy
broader. �oal; .Portable' silo; 2 bags of a" I t helped nie to any extent, but..; your remedy
ensilage fork. -and other articles SALE OF. STOCK A2ND touched he spa, 'and
ocenaaM H Y _,N -b
GRAIN, 40 too num-r- AucT`O once gave me not
A implements.-mn Jackson . has only cluick relief. but I am now free from
bsbeds Urbaxi a1z, fit for red; 300 bushels been -instructed -to ,ql by Public au�rtion' at all symptoms. A few month's treptrapt dd,
mixed grain - 20 gi�1&54 basis,; .50 L -t 3, Concession 6. HvIlett Township: seven it." For Pree ap write
Pointment. F. I -
Of bay. HOUSEHOUD EFFECTS.qIMA2 miles northwest of-Seaforth, 3- -mile east f, NOWEY, 144, Ga erine Stre;st South, Hamil-
tables Eall-leaf eat gri i;� � I - extension rier -
I- Xlnburm.oln Thursday, April ith.' at 1' p -m.. ton. 408oxg
bed sharp; the fallowi CATTLE_i black Daisy churn-, -2, wigttrej§ss, s -
'cniture: kitchen =n years chair$:' =u bi�d and milking good �_ucb; linolonin Victrola- sealers, and other Ayrshire yearr olL caled 3 ;;�;ti.; articles too numerous to .=tiom I Ayrshire aw 3 -Years ld; I Ayrshire heifer Notice lo Credi o be 4- the fiar�h -is al& 'Terms 2L. in Way. I Air�We -w*4 fors posed of as - years old. 'due DUNGAN McCALLUM Pro- years aid, due in Way; I Ayrshire, 3 31� e6r; ka.roid Auctioneer.... ea-_ old I Jersey beffer NOTICE TO CREDITORS
1.5 months aid, eligible, -S HAvi, for LL PERSON zo ciArMS AGAINST
CLEARING AeCTION SAME OF FARM, Hereford steers around 1100 Ths.: 3 'Hereford A
*42M, #teers VOund 1000.1lis.; 3 Hereford heifem
am gra: Fri th�' Estate of- John T. Stephenson. Jgk*
Mlarch-722ud. at 12 o'clock sharp, Lots 29 giudl� around 'TOM 4bs.: 2 Het-eford 1, year ,,!.the Township of Stanley, in the .County Of
Cqpcessim Stanley Township: old. 2 Herofrd steers I ron. Farynir. , decased, who died� on or
9. Year Wd; 2 calves. about the 29th day -of October, 2945. are here-
ii50$ES --- 4 Cly,de'gelding rising.6 Years old, 5 months old, 4 cal i PIGS --to
1700- rs6: young by notified to send in. to the undersigned on
ji�rawn gelding jig.ing. 9 years old, SUCY 1 sow just bred. Mw chunks. or before ZMW; I registered Clyde inare 7 Year. old-, IIMS-185 hens one year old. Sussex adday of April. 1946,. fall
Particular, their claims, I Clyde geldinz risin& 8 years old; I Clyde Tryig goaiL IMPLE_ mjaaur# or" ed; filly- risiiiw -1 15� 113acksbutt NO. 5 - . &
'IT, 'Oa CA=Y--9 Durham aws. some er; I McCarmick-Deerming hey lud, (good am date. the assets of the said estate will be
"fiesh, othesis due in March and A4,ril. Z hew): I 31assopqLarris 11 -hoe fertilizr eed -buted
di5tri amongst the Parties entitled tber..
due to. having regard only to claims of which
uide Poll Augur cows in March. and ArIll McCorMick-Deering cultivator; I ,
th- underigmed sliall th
April; 3. registered P.U.d Angus cow. 4 Massey-Aarris bind- 6 -ft, cut in good codi- en have notice, to the
Years old. due n April and May, i registered ZiOu; I Quebec sulky riding I exclusion of all others. and the undersigned
.. Polled . Angus 'bull rising 2 Years old. raised Pl--. Fleury 21; 1 Mt;sse7-Harris scuf- -ill not be liable..�o any person. of wiwse
by F. i, '. claim the undersigned shial- not then ..have
nd der. 3-4�ettioia harrows- 1 i i�n-. I cutter* 8andolier of Anaka regii;N-red Polled I -sliding rack (new,i: I rat,fleigh& with notice for -the assets so dl9tsibuyd or any
.-Angur Ic calf 4r 'he rack; rrVej4--b0.. I-- .te-e rdifer parti tl treaL ' f DATED at , Sea&Ab� this 18th day �bf
Augur cwves, rising I year old: 2 Young bast; I V126kbarro;v: hay fork feet '
Calves- PIGS -1 York s0W;"5 York 'pigs 7 ksearly . ne--y - - 'r 31arch. 1948, quantity of By their solocitors, weks W. cedar posts-, I barley fork-, 2 -pitch i*rk6.;.1 4 tractor, rubber, starter ;andhgbta in ex- ensilage fork; MCGONNELL & HAYS, '12 I shovel: I ditching spade and Sea-Tai-th, Ontario, Alent condition; 3-forrow'-Vieury pla-1, 3- nurnerpus other articles; 2 fattening crater;
Solicitors for the Epecutor. fieCtiOn sPrM9 tooth drags - I Bissel tractor 2 vig troughs-. -ire stretcher; crosscut -saw: dirc' - MasseT-Harris binder, 7 -ft.; _Massery- rip. TOpe, Ap4 . pu eV gisse-R rT-' is . niower prehder -,' Masrey-Harris 541- cut� 10�ft. rake,-' 1 sugar ketle; 200 NOTIE� TO C
-or- bhXler. f t 6316;� fence- imearly new). A ,ESS REDITORS
31asseY-Harril; hay loader; international side I �set double harness 4good as hwse IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES" RL�R!j.
Masse -is zer Palf horse bankets A x Ar;D A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST
zake (ne-) , y -Har fer,iii drill. 13 c.
dse; InternAtidual bean scuffl�rr and puller; V17&_112 froore or less) mixed ba� the Estate of James Burns. late of the
3 sulky T`ake: I SA-61-h2n;aws, 4-&etion: -I- 123 bushels, fall wheat. 900 busheis Erban 'Thwii4fill) of Hil-bert, in the Caunty of Perth.
lwalki- Plo 31s"eY-Aarris grain drill; 08's '(fit far�seed), with Lomejmrlay. Terins, Far.6 ed who -,died on or about the
,-Harris bean stuffier nd pullei I 9 -ft. �Cash., as rm is id. I Ry DURN17%. 2,
fa s6 tAR 19415, are hereby noti-
CURB, Pa'*&, I t04ucb grgtin, crusher and r, :,,Priebpr'; Harold Jack,6r. Auti. fied to send ir to the undersigned an or be-
b6t; I Maple Leaf gripiler-, I cutting, box_ 4i�' 2 fore vh4� 13th day of ApriL' 1946; full. ,,r_6'
blower; I rubber tired wagon with ood tires . -ulars ?f ,ic .9 of th r new grevel'bot; I steel tired wagon (new) CLEARING AUCTIbii SALE OF FARY. IminediateLY after the said last Mentioned I get of farm sleighs (fiat Tck,. raZm Stuck 6 and ImVlemelfts,Mr. 'Herold the assets of the said estate wilt, be
fanning Mal; 9,900 -pound icates -. bay rack. Jacksoif has begoi,.injitmeted to sell by pubpL, distributed'arrion'gst the entitled there -
I having regard ofily� to clAims Of which
X-Cor-diek-Deering cream separator =ction on Mill Road, Tuckerumith Towts,hili, * �-
Whifiletr and' 2 miles east art Brocefietil and 4 'the
ees miles WeFt !If- undersigned shall n hatice, to
SoA'of ptlier articles, , 4ualkUtY -of'Mixed of * Seafdrtb, on Tue6day, April 2nd. at I Wtelus!OW of afl otberii-.� iind the under-
HARWASS--1 set of 9*;id-,breechinx .'cl.k sharp: IEDRSES-I brown liable to* Vil, Person. of,
bay' NIS: 4 iong' collairs. FARM -200 i�,iirs old -� I mare 8 vued will not be
acre roap'mare,12 years oil: I%Cjyde v4bcs� Oahu the undersigned ?hall not thin
farm efflo- I2x20. bank barn, dr== colt rising 2 years old: .1 general purocs,� dolt ha�e nbtic?e for the assets so distributed or,
Lag bar]P', 2store7 house. Hydra th rising 2 years old_ CATrLE , __6
, re,rister,d Lr.r part thereof. buildin=g, bathroom' good water supply:'15 fresh Durham covs raniging from a to 7. VATED lit SWorth, �this. leth day of
acres f hardwood bush, .5.5 W� es plowed, 7 Years. -with Calves at foot, IQ 96iade Durham March, 19-1,6. acres of wheat, I. P25Lre and bay. cows ranging from 3 to 8"Yeans old. due in `13� their Solicitom. (,I,- to school aild. 3 miles Irani Clintn. April and Y '. 1 roan grade bull 1 year oj,d
ema-Chattels, Cash. 'Farm -Made known I roan registered b ca, SeafOrth', Ontario,. 'red balir Caif aday of Sale- Reimirve bid. ' WILUAM Ma-, nu. 1d,,eligible far Ypgir- Solicitors for 0e, AdrAinistnator.
EWEN Proprietor; I,. P, Cpesney. Clerk: tration,; 3 other Durham calves, 2 red rex- 4084-3
Harold Jackson. uctioneer. 4082-2 kUTed heifers rising 2. years old: 2 K-ifers 2 Years old: 2 fat steers 11.50 rk,atma NOTICE' TO CREDITORZ
_,d. UCTION SALE OF FA93e STOCTI, IM_ each : I ram a 2 Years old .- I red regis. IN THE ESTATE'Oli JOSEPH ALS RT t-,44.�Durhain Year. -old. PIGS - 8 RAGAN. pleMetits and Household Fornit4re-Mr. u
York IftrOld Jaidison, has been instructed, to sell by pigs 1;85 Ths 78 York Piss 9 Wee4S 'old: L PIrRS011TS HAVING,CLAr-SIS AGAXNST
public SUCtiOn On 14t 30, 0Y]oCeagiOri 11, M� I raw. 136i�T-Sl Deering binder. I- 'A, the Estate Of Joseph Albert Hagan. late' llWdn�;day, March ft-: I Deiring inower 6-fL (like new); I of the ViUage,,of �Hensalj, irk the 'County Of
27th' at-' P -m- D-eAng bay loader (steel frame): I 'sulky Huron, Retired Fa�mer. deceased. who died isbarli"the followhig-1, HOP-SEsi. grey team
of,iftres, 12 and 14; good � work horse.
M-MeY-H9rris.drilL 13 disc. with an or-9bout the l8th day of- February. 191.6,
CATTLZ--_� Dorhaun� cows. freshened since f6rtiIat9r: I MCCOMick-Deerinv stiff tooth are hereby notified tc Send in tc7 the urfder.
Neiv, Year's, with calves by side; I DurhrA tr-tdr cultivator, 8% ft. (new) : McC6rinick �1'gned on or before thii 13th day of Ap�il.
co- due March 3rd Durham caw doc, manure a - rinder 46,
preader. I'grain a and 96 feet .194 full partj�ulars ot'6eir belt 7 inch (new): 4 -section ha I
MarelCH'th: I Durham cow due Match 19th; 'aiVs: stee 1-diately after the said last ienticined
fler: 6 -section harrow bar; fan nir mill: date. the assets -of
a Durhi1-;'c&iv due April 11-th, I Durham the said estate will be
heel tru distributed amongst the, parties entitled there-
stre boat: wheelbarrow: I steel
c&w due Way 7th; 5 Spring alves. PIGS7
kf isbout 100 lb.s.; I thorghbred -1
Yorx new hay rack, 26 -ft: cotter; l3ugZY: to. haviftV regard only to -claims of which
York pigs, 7' *eeks ld w: time of I wagon box and.stock' T4qk: I i�et-of new the undersigned shall then have notiM to
'k, the under -
slop sleighs and
Aftle, IX all other&, and e
set sinkl� harness: I flat r1rc - sting chain 'and the exclusion of
get domble'harneiRsv- I set Of backband harness: bay fork: I cioesim separator, chop bol*si: signed will not be liable jo any person of
''I pair of harse bjshkLfA.;: LM. of � Train basia loo -gallon, Oil drum with pon p: %hoxe claim the lindersigrid4_Ahall not then 1 M296437 -Harris, bb?Jer, 7 -ft; 1, momer; I gas barrels: I iron, pump sod piping: hot have notice for tW' assets go &6tributed or
Masser -Harris, bag rake; 1. bay leader; I hay of other articles too umer*jis to mention. any part thereof. I -Aid =11ti-ator .1 se�,of out- HARNESS -1 act of JigM hrne* -. I set of 'DATED At Seaforth, this 18th day of _.g"d I set of
in -throw* isc breeching blLftess; %=her of horse calls, Arch, 1946, C7iXATN-�00,busbeh mixed irsin; to tom of By their Solicit
1 manure spreader,, I ' 6rg, Xed ractor vlow; I riding plow, I in bay" _1 Pted afaae, 9xlS. can ily UcCOWNELL & HAYS I -Walking' PLOW'; " ScUfffer; 2 wagoirs; he M&vfd FARM -100 Acres on paved f3jill) Seaforth, Ontario foad. b ek 'boukfk bank barn, new oorrient
'fShning,mill: I Ve" creant ri Solicitors for the ExeCutor. tot'. almort root pwoet.: I cat., rop4r stabling. . running water supply: Hydto and T. PU crate � I wav�en wire. bol Chatteb- 40844 aft0libet, 2 aAIX tongues; 1 gravel b*X; 11 f day of SA14. NOTICE TO CRE T&RI ARTHUR' WWRITIFIP,roorlelor: I, fEDMON 99 of STOOP - I 'eM4Y 4tonboat - P. Cbes- THE ESTATE'op TER er
I wheelbr- 195 -Old Anctione .
46MO iftru Pit, Poirilsbu tractor LL PERSONS HAVINGLA
4084-2 A the Estate of � Terera Rednwud,' late of hous10%11. A-I� e ris. A -I condition; *roodcr ;6ve 1:4t r; the Villaste of Dublih, in the County of Perth,
chicken. feeders'. Widow, deceased, who died On Or about the
2 Sap paus'� 16 Collie dd�r, 8 thontbs aM, also. th day of March, 8
Sa11 1946, re Ifere6y notified
9 t1buil. Of. HOUSEHOLD th bond in to th# uirdmi%Med at or bObre
enastiel, trituned *Ah
E gg,til ire, "il
8 M,4? 13th ary of April. 11)46,, full particulars
t "W -, 'i
-100 ON .3rd of thioir laims.
fftah6diately after & said Tai inenti6tied 0
totil oi 8-buraft Corze"I1.11 'WICRIOP; 1714 Ini 409 from
I Daisy Seafortb� All in gr.asr; well drained a
malad d,tc.
Ibilhililtso, iffok itad habise Vd% histid and saft water In house, also diotr5,hp - - svpor4
the, assets f the said estate will be -v
Oetpartios,entitled there -
Y to Claims 6f e,lher lhlbt She& Plents, of water. Hydro dvir, the ='Ie obvit then have notice, to ft good, th abbq� AW!v ?w 3M. . _.1:7 all *thM, and the 1 *ft046 'dill I.
AL= "9,1 fgt"jil, .d liable to any Person of bd-
dffirift 0air ttndeti�iitried -9hA #11
II ot
SALP-EM 3nLES SOUTH b. or Ift- or 9�� *" t2ge itme. eut, Lot - 1, ago .1,4,rt therof, on P
i mile, froW VA da Soafottli, this lath 9.7 01 I'Aj a
A .1940. MCO 11 & '40 Q0 - F X" the
60 W"IT EL L AND. Rim, SAM
th, OF AJAX'
boide 662 k Z. E. 113.
U aL,1N4-- `1,01t SU, -THE BUILDING
known as'" Walker Hotel barn, Bruc�-
Apply to EDO A AIJ",
Brucefield. Puq* 659 r 14. Seafar� 40"XI
---------- 3 qpm OATS., $1.00
h MURDOCH. Brucerield.
see.d. Gov $3 a LEW BO 2. I DiSL6 48" -
COMB -FOR SALE-ALLIS-CRM Im Go. 1942 juj�� complete I *ii* #raw spreadipr. bean. and alover slem, ALFRED ROrPl...'9. IR4' 2. DUAL PUR�-Om sHOwrHO ina servioeable aged buli bred ers'and
Young cv-s. Herd full5* aecreditedaudl blabd
tested. A1,17 Q"-.,PEPPEpr PhoAe.,,��6 S :' eaf,orth. 4-i ,Z84
ent Grade No. 1. $1.45 Per bushel
Sacks frea- A. B� BELL, Kippen- 7A --I BARN� so by T_
able for straw bgirn and pig Pm or for
driving abed -and,ben house; I double 18? by 2V n6wly -huht of used - mater -W," Ika.
I wm;d , i;�f anit'new'overhead'door,, 6 lights-,
2 colony houses, one 10, by 12.,, rolled brick
covered. ced2rr j -00f; the other one I0,P by 14,P,
No. 2 sh4rtgle cavered and No. I cedar =4_
Apply CLIFFORD YOUNG, Cromarty, honle'
90 r 2. Hensall, 40824
PffiVATE. SALE OF FARM MACEMiERY- TO be. sold privately at the home of
Arthur Anderson. f14
miles west.of Kippen-
One MeCormickZ�jjg binder, 7-foat - cu�
either'borses or tractor: I 'Mas%ey-Harr�s' seed
drill. 13 -hoe, with fertilizer attichinext.- I
6 -foot McCormick momer: I spring tooth'In
terriational cultivator with 7-incK points- i
Ma-"eY-Harris, bean, cp1tiviithr -and new puller
atta�hed: 1 9-foOt Paiikex: I XcCd��ick dump
rake; I farm wagon rack, new-,
I new wagon with 2-yardtgravel box; I rub -
c MX WO ImernationeJ engine; I walking plow, Term-
-Cash. 4082X2
Dirihs, and Kenneth S. Menus,
.4-'32 Sherbourne St,' tbronto. are happy to ann-wrice the arrival of their son, Donald
Frederick. at Mayfair Hospital, Toronto, on
Suarday. March 9iL .., '
BOSHART-In Stratford -General Hospital, on
NI - arch 16th, t,4 Mr. and Mrs. Enos Basliart.
Seaforth. a danghter. BLAC�'-In Welle�ley Hospital, Toronto. on
Mare -h 12th. to 'Mr. and Mrs. George S,
I�lack% , 85 eech Ave.. a ran -Douglas
Stewsm TRAQUAIR��Tp Clinr'oii P'u'blia Hospital on
'."FrWAY. Mach 15tb. To MrQand rs. �atk
Traqu4ir (,nee 'Helen McQueen), of Hensall.
a d2nirbier=Ruth Ann. STE I NBACH-14ri �Sc�t` Memorial Hospital. On
,.YoToh 12th, t6r-'Wr. and Mrs. Win. Stein-
bAch. S42ro"rih, -4b,,Tughter. DOI�14,11-4n emorial Hospital on 'March 19tp,. -t� and )dr,#. Gerald Dotrr,
Dublim� .:f' "tigft& BAKER -In , Sc6t6k- Memorial. Hospital_ on,
March I&th...ta d Alex Baker,
-xitphell, a* -4 ECKERT-r-n-'s Elospi I on'
March l9th, Ao rndMr;.,, GTIftent, Cuthair McKillov. a daughter.- I ' HJQKS-BorM TO Slit and Mrs. Venneth P.
Hicks, of Parkhill,. Ont.,' at St Josepy.
Ho�pftal. L,ond6n. on Wednesday, March
20th, a daughtei...', HUDSON -Mr. �'4r. ' d -Nf='. Casey Hudson� of
Godericb. are ver� hiLppy to announce the
arrival of their rwin dgughtexii -at the Gen -
Hospital Goderiob;-. Tuesday. March George Hudson, 'Hen-
gall..'are the proud ttandparents.
Deaths W4'IGH7r-lfi See '.Wednesday,:March'
Wright. infant ran. of
Mr. and yrs!. Arthur Wright,' in his .18th day... HENSALL'... (Continu6d from Pag�ei 1)
an.ce C6130mittee, Following is the slate of officers: President,:.Rev R .
A.. Brook; Ist rice-presiden, Rev. P.,
Fergusop; 2nd %U-pre�iiderilt, ' "
0., Goodl�n: F�tret�try, Miss M ' Ellis; ,Br6ther Dies in Saskatp'hewan . 74r.'Charles 'o'Brien, of Hensall,"re-
ceired--word bf the death of his ro-
ther, EdWa-fd 4eorge O'Brien_ 'who
died- in St: Jos eph'� "Hospital, Estevan,
lgas4c.. following: a paralytic stroke. He was. a Son of the �ate. Mr. and
Mrs. Gepree O'Brien, formerly of� Hay
Township. going West ' *with his Pat-
ents at. the, age of 18, and bad resid-
ed in Saskatchowan. and Alberta. Servite Personne I Entertained The serN:ice..pert6:ane1 of the. mi�in
cipalitv.of the Township, of H14bert,
were enEertained'at a social gathering
n the TownsItIp Halt, Staffa, last Fri-
day 4vening, Marc� 15th. An e5timat:
ed cto*wd of 50r) Was present. Paeli
of the personnel, sIxty in number, were Presented with signet rilngs, the
t�.esqeritatjon 4being made oseph Atkinson. Spealiers included.
lev. RisdDn, of StafrA; arden Tiler, if PUllartori. who is arden for the 301111tY of Perth, alld .Major Allen, of
3taffa. -Mellibisfi; -bf th� coultelY and
'lerk T. D. Wren attended th6 eviant.
dusic furnishPd bY Harbur-fi's orch�
s6i was enjoyed and 1,11140h. was
erved. Sgt,. Russell A. Hedden, son'of"Mr§.'
atherine Hedden. of Hensall, arrived
h' Catilit"a 011) Sundai Olt tba.-Ile de
rance after thr�e years' serv;166 OV- rseas,.as a despatch rider with the :C.E. Sgt, Redden received injuries
Ome Months 490 When the Mot0i,
ycle he was ri4in'g shb� - into all rmy truck, -For WDT. Months he
asr eelillned to a hospil a Eng- . tal ji �
and, Ile arrived in St. Catharines on
'uesAay*,And expects to be 'III Heli- all -wit-hin the next few. dityii; Mrs. Stewart cQjjeT,. Oi iisborne,' a t Present a patient. ,
* Scott Mem- r1al " Hospital, Sedforth, inffering
fth flu. .. - 11� -Ai_-and, m, W484am-41ena., I , 1PPen, who are leajklug thl� 0onth
or Graild, Bend to -take ub fesIdence,
ere Pleasantly surprif5ed P�lday 6v
ing IaM, Whell. a rr -1
ersonal rrjencti M-et-at.,thelk opw
nd presen te4'-jb4ffi w1j-h-"a 16v.e�Alk
016 lamp, MISS � MArgAtet Yofftgoij wA$ toon.
oeale read W e S wit naSmil- Od by the ItAl OU'Dw. The 3aisr elp. aI
140. gave events. ovLmig, Xa, taa� of Torovio, spent, the The offerixw ww*eu taken up. The beth 'are . s. jwva 4t roll 4aU *',A 3 .1% W be Xrs- A, W. Wer"#.- It answered otted! VW 111paith.,* iMrs" Fabjr cided- to Send a F with the..'we V!04014,,�pray And - -'Itft 6011�, �aOq 40-resAp q u. Upr J. C. Beli,:apxenliber'Qf� mo totitute,
4pendjn',§ 40k �R LaVrAoor and th aarkin; been' est who Is.ill it Victoria time w04 the formeVe tarup� Mr. Which was.mu," enjo.yeo y every- iton...:%ris. A. R. Okii *PP0112ted I#. 4S 4
A.Mrs. -P, ft*er. left -Mist we.ek fOr 'a 41so sho,wed-eo _b 7. a Ourreat oy 14's
Tue.. J.jQk after anlie. 9P WX&W
L,qkdqn.. vii�jtgre, thq, wM, Uke, up reel. of. the 1A414WO Tor]L. - The r red by No. H. W. 011 ws reviem
demee. called, wiW 02 piesent. "I Hear Thy Greta Lammip favored. *44 -a 00a TITO W -M -S. Of the United Chach Welcome Voice" wi;�% sung ai�d theiW, Miss G. Luker ace6itivalwing at III hold tileir, annual bbthd1aV PaXt.y the - plAnio. . F;ach membim (a aolped to
W1 meeting cloie4' h.of. thqi Ailro on W.- 1. Heam-lisfOrnativ Addv4s�\ bring & 611990st][911 for tb(� 1194"t pro-- Frl4y afternoon, Manh at 3 Mrs. W. 0. OQo-dwln was h9stess. at. grain" At -the annual meetillij t6. -be
ss 'her boupp_N,
be Mj y-. qvenilig, -March held n A9riL lIrlit- T J' Oberritt, �3yblj Courtice, of Clinton, mils0onaky 13th, for. WW"Mardh in,*ting of the Mrs. W. 0. 'Goodwin ana i6si'awye from japan- MISS, COUrtice bim.spent. Hensan WomeWs, Institute. rs. R. Luker were appointed the lioultuating
some time jn.g coneeptratlQu -he' 104647 A Pro*,ra (amp- oxie Waa vq44o#ess, and the presi- commIttee, 'to b4bg in t �M is also being arr,aged, �dent, $IT& E. A. `MunW was -In the. slae of officeinii. Mrs. A. W�'Sbfrm.y 'The many friends fm�.`Tkomas chair. The guest speaker, Mrs. `P_ Me-' lihomed the vt� of'thanio. The annuall Hudson will regret to leam s�ffere;;i Kerchi� or-Seaforth, presented -an tu meeting will. be held at ho*e of a heart attack last week and Is e0lir terestin fined . to bfsome� 4 informative address .9:h Mr�. T. J. SheMtt an Wiadnesday,
"Home Fjocinonlim, in, which si April 10th. Co-hostess.is Ars, A- W. Mrs- Morley Saunders spent a few stressed the value of vitamins And KF_rslake. Roll calfwil� be tho pay- d:qs reciently in Detioit. minerals in our foods. She also spoke ment of fees and the motto, "Mike �Bruce,'-Boa; Son of aev. A� D.-�Boa Off careful- cooking and, ttressed the your life like a grand"Piano, upright JIid �-'tbt, '116a, .Of gTand- Ticeessity of eating,whole grain cer- square and grand, will be g1veA by r anil Mrs. George Smale. eal and wheat germ. Much infDrinar Mrs. R. J. 'Cameron. Luncheon was. of'Hehiiiall_ speaking on the subjOet, tion. was gleanp4 ".W�ikiug ,For Peace,!' -'*o _a from the speaker's s.erved. u. the W&sa talk. The'roll call was respoTided by' Mr. Bert Hqrt6n-j hasi
Junior Boys' oratory champi WWI) my -favorite pastime. The -mottd,.... __purchas d, the barbering business of ensall, and w1l1 contest at Forest. A 15,yipar-old Grade Diet Dr. Quiet, Dr. Merrifnan are the Iront Mr�'Wooff, 10 student in. the Forest EigIL Splim), BW Physicians*, was'ably taken by take y6r,oa Monady. March 25t]L -he also gwe an�' improlriptu tal-k 'on ..B. Cross.. Mrs. R. El'gie read Mr. and*Mrs. Moro - are' getting nice- -,Gardening�" He� was, . preiented with an, interesting article on "Potatoes,"' ly settled 'In the roomit they rented a si[lver medal. the origin and- legend conicerrt�nv; fr9V Mr. and Mrs. W. R_ Dotcl;aIll. - TbP anm�'al 1110,etiii of Huron and them. The paper was prepared 'by' (Continued,on Page 5) Plerth. Bean Grow'Csrs' Atsociation *as held in', the Town Ha, guflich. On Thursday. 'Word. has bpen received Faixikir -drive dea" th . of the::;,' th of Mr. Ar ur, Forbes, cam leis CRY esldeuviii'in� Toronto A' ,who died �at W 'i peog c get
. on Sunday', -March 17UL The-laie, Mr. low rates from Forbes wa% ell known- in Seaforth, to* being.born there, and attended public But farmers do and' high -schools- Surviving 4 5tre - a drive - one uum- v1dow and two daughters. He,was a sured accident L*phew-of he late Mrs. Petia.r Moir, could wipe out of Hensall., your home or y4�mw
-Rounie Roweliffe, 10 -year-old s on of ngs. Buj the Mt: anii,' M-rs: Elgin Rowuliffe, is a IF protection of
Patient at Victoria Hospital, London, t -'Automobile haying undergone an emergency Open sur n f -v n I ation for appendicitis. Dr. M. G.7-Fletz cher; of Exeter, was the attendigg Ph3,sici,an- Ronnie. is reported to be. C WII M. S. eets E. C11"BERLAIN, Seafo.rh The monthly Inee-ting of the tFnited* Church W.M.S. wEgf i,w the base- Representing ment of the chfireli, on Thursday, March 14th, at 3 p.m. The meeting opened with the President. Mrs. Cress, iii the chair. 14Mn 120, "Stand, U�,' Stand U� ' For Jesus-! %followe�d by all T� ILI Ll repeating the . Lord�s Prayer. The We write insurance tq cover selected. risks in Automobile, Fire, Persona_ Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. R.. Property Floater, Bur . a other generall Jnsur;�u� A j Brook, Ezekiel 2:17-21, a jUry, Plate Glass, nd nd 'St. ln�the. coming summer we may e r4 11mdreds. of visitors frilm the -,States. For'many of �hem a good time means 10td Oflbkure for hikes-vi,sits to hj,%t6rjG_.,8jteS SC6 ' nic beatity spOtS. Let9g give them a, rezilly friendly welcome and &1p io.make their �tjy as memorable as it can bet. len�! Here'are'some The answer is p Of th6 things anyone can do.;',rfU str9gestions'come from a-wellknown 4Dntario hot;61man: I- ]Know th8 places of interest ltud bea spots in Your district Uty tell pdople about them. 2..When You write Your friends in the, States teU them about the pla6es they would enjoy viiiting. 3. TiY to' h3ake any visit6r glad he CaMe to'Capada. 4. Take time to give requested infor4 -fully and griiciousiy. ination 5. In business &-afings, remember ow reputation for court;AE�sy alid faij&gS depends On you. .... . . . . . . . . 6-- TO sum it all' uP foUow the . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Golden. Aw ----------- --- . . . . . . . . . . -B USINISS. TS EVERYBODYS a 4 It works b6th'�iayigr 6 They treat us .royaRy 5 I. wben We visicthem'. . Worth Ida'i I might in goldl. we Can't do lew thtim re. 7Wis di -V -m how. how-' turn the Compilment. Ile Province of Ontario Ontario's toUriat income IteMember, 1ptdfits to alm6sti, the belftefitit everyone. g,�ery that it' coilta - same extobt from tourist dollaiiashaxedthiswai . 1fineY-tO take a holida' I 4 busWess as it does from L. Hotels; 2. Stor��: y the gold taining industry. 3. Restaurants; 4. Taxes' so let's see they pt It. is up to each of us to etc.;, 5. Ainusenrents! ot -96P 0 . 960# return for very geethatit ongidViing. fir,Gardgea, Penny they spend... .(awe mv .64 ON V0116". 6 WIN