HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-03-15, Page 4- ,�:' ,� - 1, , 1. � - . " i 1-1 I - I I I . - � I ­­�-11 -1 I - �� "11- - �1 - , -T I �­ "­ -719 , -J.:-111 �` , .11, I.",, - w I I , I ,� I I I I �� . =1 __11 ., '-',,-;-1 I I . I , "' I �11 I I I , I " 11 , , I I " , I ­ -1 -I—, ,,, I , . , I . I � , ;, , , , I ­14�� � I " � 1� V I �� . 1 777 " � , � — � ---;- T -_7 ---I- ­,_­,�..­­�� - � N_ � ', �,, . , " � , I,- 1 41�,� �­7�� 1 " �, ,"�' 7 - ,,-, !, 1 1. � ;�:_ ,, � . � " �7�V, �­ :� I" I I � , I ` I I , '' . � I � I "I , ,, I , � � ,'.'.­_',, �.!�,.­�­�,'7� � I'll, . � I I -111- � I—, I 11� -1.1-1--l' 11 1W . - �_, ;!' _T 7-1:', � I � , - 1, li , �, - . , " , �, , ,,­­ ,�, � '' � ,� , . ''. I � , , 1, , , , ", . � I:, I � . 11 I , I I 11 I I I .,� l, � , " , I � i '', I I I I : I , � I , , � , I 1, .. I . I I . � I - I I � '' , � �, " I 11� I . 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'I - I ��1.1.�.''.�.�.,�.I..",�.,-.,.",-.-.",.,..''�1.11.�. ­­­ .... ­­­ ­ . _'_ � ... I, .1, -.,.,;. ----_-'.-1---__ _I7 " -, _. �:;, 1-11., ­ - " � - ­­ 1. 1-14.1-1'."; I . - '' , , '­�' " , :, "� ... . ... �"" " =., .. , Y ­ 1. , , I I ­­:,�,If,,,�, ��­­� , '­� . I I 11 -.1-11111 ... ...­­....­­.­­ -1 4'0i�iimi -01---1 -_1----..1.. - ., ,� i ,._1.1_-1T �, , i '. 11� I 1�._­ 1�­­, . 11 � ......- " I...., il 11 01-0 ,, 11 -1i. ..."I � ! m ,; " I ­_ �;ioi�".. .11111".1 ...­­ ., , '111 50 ,� I 1!,i�,;i,t '. �. . _ I . � A­.,��'.`�".!111�',,il '" - i -I . ; , � I . � i I 1�1 , -�� ,1,1"�.2'1: I -'A , I -1. . I I �. . , .. :., 1, ,I]l ­711�11`X,,�I`, I.Iio , -F V11 '77 � 1, .. , 1,'�`,; . -.11 ... '­.... ­,­ - � .. I _. - - I . .1 -111. 'il% ' it v0y,"" ,4 ,,. %* ao, I I.. I., I— � 11 � � �:.� ��� , " :71:,: . . 11 - ". , , - -, I � � � 4 ... : 1". . ;1 - ,'.. 4��,tt k. -� '1.17,�.1111­ ­� -, ­_ I —1 P, . ,g *Aj�,. ; 0,4'44 - - I'll. 1-.--,__, 11 - I I . . I Pr POPP,' �'qR . nd : � .1 'I . . I'll, I I'll -�.- - --- -- ­ � - "" , , 4" ""' I .. . I I , , 1� I , � , � .... �, 4 ofto, ,��.l ,�_-,, i 1� , � �, � �:- �, "", , ".- " � �, ,­ ` � -!� � 111110",,�,­ ­­ ­.. �`,' N��;,1:1 I... - .0.. Wouted - -, I I - ". 1. I � ''. -7,77-1-7, . I I-, I 1- s4gd- , I I., - � . we -10po , kl�' I ­�, . I . ]� 77 ,. . . '' , . � , 6 �Weelkrollit , t, of WOW *`rp. ,�.,� 4.;, � . , : i ,.am" M , ..� . , �!'­ —, % . I 1-1. -%1M . � I . �­ � I . C? * - -- I . , t I , , , , - - , � - WANTED—A OQOV GIRL FOR GANRUAL The. X1 -chi �ilo ti t ft, ew W, A -'- 0 40 la, g. Spldart�"Zurwg.- �, , - : - . 1: I � . ,, . I ulp �A , ildi 'ro, , rl;e� � , ,:.I I L 11 1. � M., , . " ., `,�,�i_'.� - , I - 7 I I I I , �, . I , t , . . 'I; -Y, I . gt I'll 111"_� ;1� ,ilk . .1 1, " . I .. , J ��Jm, ,,,':�,., - . - rOgIgp wor�, Wrilte Box 478, H4UA�Xtr 11can, 4 4 QF , � [ 0'r j? Qjr v U . * I . .1, . "' rj,;�A'�:.$o e -'Th0'.H".ggll.Bq lot In � , � I , iv, , I " ., , � I ­ �- . _0100 , ". � "I -I 1! 1: . . . . . . . . I . L :. I I ,,, .,�! I W!W11 ' , ' - L k, , ", P�., � . . . - . ' T4u%,,Ig4`ay,1A '. �4 3 P,m. . rAW �!�" l% 'k ' L . , 4 �11�,�i,��,:,,,`,�,� ,,� , __ I X h�,ld ut 0q,490 I 0 . 0 Z411 �, ,u S 1.1.111, ,, ,h. rk - .,.rd- Of T,rA,',,q za . ,� � � "'Nol�aQ _M__ if . ow, ,, , * - ve � g. .-, . t"110 , I ...... I - 14 0 1 - - .,R. 088 9 , F ", " ,�. .11 .- -0 , � .. ��,:�",,I�', , si (I � . I , d, R." . D N LJI;, , , . - rguloo, 44 � .; It .0i. T6,soa e wa , I L .11 Z , �'. - - ., - - ", - , � : � ­­ on � ,0 , - � , , , -WANTP I ELDERLY W- ' � rch 2,10t t#0,Tw]q On", " . ���,,:t;,,,, 11 , , p" ,- ... I .It , � JZ':�� .D�WILL'TAKE . �al � I . , I , , ­ ,# , �4 . '" - I , r ,,,�,;�;�,��', : I , - - . Tf4roh I'All". to *Alko,%r4�90MOIA4, tQ. 'I � I , I � . . , "I ;.. I I I , ON . oli , I . I 11 . Ili 111111111 .`� or convalsscenta -tot t,orom aud'b�ar� L' Ur":60 04'soirAciti 69 Oxiiia� . , I � . - 0. I � . , . -7 . I -Aw-,C�* wt -411. � . 0 44.0 Mrs.� Alice Pfaff.i, k . . - - � _C0 .� ... ... 11 I ­ ­ I Towii, HaIL Hensall - 11, hA . I I 'i ,­� -,,,,,� "T �,�,­_ I . . . ROL3 . � ' ' 0 ­ � - , 1�1 - I W '." POR , 10CU40M .. ��,,;�% �, ,, � - 1'. ", , a 'the pj6pefjy� ' t4 i '' . in private home. Apply to M,ft$. HA ,e %Jo �,901%41n#e, A"PL�,'u.Wt 404"F active. foi i .,,,r,,.,,, I A,- , , � . lKwInserted- At Newl, — . 488 n r cos olf Hons4LI'l �.,.<)..L. pre,bASO, I � . � thip 'v4st four '"', 4'rs., Ago . f to .set up �o�;�,_ ,."�.'!A_ssia ,,,.,.A . _ Rates: B, RUSTON. - ­ . . . I I , , L S*10� 'W�'. - ­_ '. -, on - . .. . ���: �4 ,�­�� - . , �­i!,%,��,�,�­,, . , V w * win, - !'!�, �, 1)11 � , 4i __ I Mr� -,�oot , witim , . �ra4ke tot dif- in 10hickens .I . �`T, ,, , ,,, ,. ;, , to 601109 Events- - A!* -V* W"64 ' � me f -. . etor, lipa ,( , , ,'.', ittees .&W ,,-to - a� " . I I . I ,';.;I �L"I: A�. '. �."_` " ". . . # and Found, C ........ �:::::� . . 0 V J V , 7 I.- - .- 4A, ..., 6�'ti4 '0'* " , A � . ­­. b 'proiWnted at the . .. I . � . ,.... �­_ � �`,402 . . . I FRIDAY EVENING pUrciiaged' -t4q, proip..Oyrty nQ c4i�jed tere4t prQjer, - o a .,% " Y' let week .'.... , � . , �oc , . I _t0A I : ,�;'�i�"���L".!'L��"'I"'�;,�H'I'�':", 2nd' week .............. :::.::::. . I ��A,, "'m"�,,i,�,-�,i, ! - ".1T. '. � I - I cleat -1 ' by ur:! 'A I �doidou sobw - of, ngXt 'mo ,,X� R Aletov was Ha.ve �oilr stA)e .d.- to a, ' L � ........ i�;��W.. : Lost and Found .­ "tid -M _gIr,,,C, ,p,tln . H, ,xid .L ,A ,M , , , ,,,X. .,0 , . #g � I . * I .. I I . � , Bird. week ..... ­ I . ,.!, - ­ . . rj�, - ctedl ,p1r,egIdeA M, ,0,.. J)rys,dale, - , "M 1" � 11 . M, . ve, first . - 0. ..ta . . - I #; I I , _ . 112­�­­ ,, X�� 1, March 15th ille treat the birds At the *4 sign ., . , a, ,,, . ' - I ,,, ".,.". i I- t A� , I,., ;, , . 4 , u*u1n. chm I � 1. I - I- Heimall, :, I , I � " I . y - - ' -doadlr djsease� I I � , gg,i,�?I��,'�,� ,,� - - I . ...... 4 , .- �,,oss, treAsur- � _ . � . � , �,_ , ,i4 , be goo �. B t , . ­� . ...... ­ I �, , - FAO figri,io., initizil and obbirevinua!!, counts mone w,q I . . �, ALL '�FEW , Horton,' ivhw -8 mi4- ria%TY , nd_,W _ Q _ of this _11h, �,, 4 � 11= I I I ­ -IN SZA�FORTH. A SM ,]Dancing 9 to. -2 a.m. Mrs. EmI ha '' . . 01 M - NaticW=1_Q@nt M, *brL 'MWIMPP.4 611-043ft oft - LOST ' . . - �,'!*,V',�,,�,! �, - .A f T%aww1n. �=Q L ..IL- b,b-t,il,!d Collie, black , The I 4 ..9 07 ,�." 1 , with white Steve - Dundas Orchestra ill at -the home of her olaughter and �r. , bove, We, ". 4&�eth6r with �, iii, am _'�,/. Th. cent.7,:,.. .1 .1 ", ' . . � to . Be. Niiim,be.. Huron Exp�r, fair 0 , 4 OFT IT NOW -AT - 81 "'l.", . 1, ,a -y, 1---tc* , - - . ,,, W � . ATRICY, Phone � r. W. A. Davi 4( I,' W jl,�­ it , "A 4 gti,ng Conunf,t_ . . Ru"� . " forth -were .�. I 111. ,�­ ,;,�., the week in which the, ad was ran. . . i , lt�:�, ', - markingeL,Pleasi notify M P 9 4 'm Qeo, Hess, A R addQ.;jal'ije '� el, ISSION - .50, CtNTS son-in-law,. ,Mr. and Mrs. A. Row- ,,, 0 4'. ,',� , r Weak, Will be4.jhsrgQa. it *41% in , bove ass we � pot "Id by the 6641 x 41, Sea . I, I 4083xI ADM . ' . �Zl =,� ' I " Lunph 'served by ,$Op, Club cliffe, Is Improi-in _-ajqp�y' . appointed no%, ... . I �­ f . I - 9 - te�e,,to set � p . cqW . - Drug Store . ,4'_;1,1,1 Ins � - _p . mittees, . .. 0111-1 . I , =dit.=M4t.c=1-14ic&tiQ1%. I I . .. Mrs. R. TI, Middleton.. left on Sun, . .. ' . � 1:1" 11"u" r -C . - I I . . .. "..., �­ . .1 I . Arnold "Circle, Tb Hold Tea Middiet�n's � - I �� -_ . 114#11-tPIM, I ?,'whoro she Will '6WAd I 11, ��(, - Z!�,�t, - . , I � I . . I I . . 1. I I 'r . I . ­ day for De6ol' Hensall : Phojie 20 , 11111'�'.­ ��! " 1. The r.egular meetini; of.-fhe nold , . 'I, I I - . � At .. . . ' Ij, " I .1 .. ' - Sales . - Persofialls I . I a weO,, ,the guetst;Qf Mr. and Mrs. 'v I . . I .� I . ,,, !�,u� I Baby Chicks . , Aucdon I .1. -1 . 401rele" E. eiftig Auxiliary of Carrael - � I ­­. . . . . . . 14;;�,:�*. � � . I . � - ___ __ George Middleton. 1.4, , , . - ... I . 0 ". ,;, uTrER i BUTTER I libTTER I - MAKE "Sattiro " .'k -. '' - , - —� _ Ay. in, Stratford* I :Presbyterian Church was ,held at the ­ -;.11 4 . � 1­1,;� . -UCTIGN ' B The 'ui&ni ,irienda qf,� r, - 0. ­ L. I � " L " . � . SAX,Z AT XMST FARM i�i , - . .11 L I WAW MARCIA ciiilcKs-OR-LATER ON T A . . ; your owM. 14c a -pound. Send one dollar Xrs.,Jul�l , � " %_ - I you'll likely - of Kipveu� on Saturday, Mi.rolh, 80th, of ,QS Malcolm is spending .0, bome 6f 'Mrs. bliarles FOrriek with a . . . " � .. 71 .,-. . zv Whenever you wiLut them. ey order for pairtioulars and ingredients I Jinks� Who L has I.been'ifi at'llis ljoine good, attendance ,present. The meet- ference tor th 10m. Xyle , 0 ; ` � i�� 1. - &Ljit Hillside, CMcks. We're agents for these well-bred Dwham Cattle. ca of 15 I umon . I . I . e allocation. j : L 1' lck,4. can qjApte ,prices. - cows - 30 � IMM&LUERT � for 7 Pounds delicious, nutritious butter, test- few days'*Itli, her cousins, Mr. and , for I -,� . I , the past"week, will be pleaged' - -or concerning the goota of ""!:� Una ch . you t2kXe Your and other cattle. ed and proven for. HOWEY , �Q In o ened, with Mrs. Melvin V0117 �T' , !. "Approved" 6hicks,' JAAR07rand DIL JA J` years. Address Mrs. Ross 'Murdiei, Seafor�lll I I ,,, .� 9 p ead a lett I . order, save your , time bDM; Harold Jackson. ' OPWP i ... . learn Is'improving. - . I L ,' to wor- knit goods r0a I . ��: I I I AU=U= =1 PRODUCTS, 144 Caihallifib' South, Hamilton, . presiding. 4A&!ziy,.ing the qaU oluired from Oe Migsign , 0 . ­ L 5, , -1 Ont. . 4O,83x4 Mrs. H. Arnold,*h6 uAderwent 'an 0. 310 1 I.. I .breeders PuRoram tested. Wide choice 1;reeds, Mr. at; I movedi bi. *Violet me- . - 11 , 11:fuli list in , next -wee .1 4083-1 . d Mrs. Herb.. Britton spent " I . .ship 84d then 11:�mti N ivas, Circle. it Was I I- drosses. ,CHA& W. LEONH.4",T. Box 1. . , k's paper.' � .. __ �. I 4, Wednesday evening ' with Mr. and operation. last .week at Vittoria H08- sung. Unit Irorre§t react the Scripture Clyniont, seconded by 'jKLargaret SheP� - 0 .. . . . ... _ . KitclielL.-_ � . . I , I UCTION I OF mailed pas d Lpltin, sealed envelope Mrs. Kinglpy Salton and were treated pital, London, for removal a, from the fourth.chapter of Acts, fol- hard, that ,In future the auxiliarYl I � 1. W4 WHITE LEG- X . )�68 , Baynel'a , I ' , . I � .7", 171AY-01J) AN]) STARTE so , 3 miles west,sif- Varna and 8, miles with #rice, list. . Z, 25C - 24 sAmples ' turkey di' ract, is imp 1 , I +�,barn pulleto for altipmetit April, Mii�,und $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NbV-RUBBZR ,to a liner, . rov ng nicely. , ­ , -74t, , X -lowed by pray'g,r by'Violot,Hyde. Dur- meetings be held,on the last Monday 0 1 ay, April list Ev- . .rp sponsoring"aa 'ing the business period plans were of each month, rather t4an on ths 11,��'. , 4'arte. stock ,blopil-tested and banded under - I eldl. an Man& CO.. Box 91;�Hamllton, Ont. Mr. -and Mrs. George Robinson en . ..... ThP._�L..0-L. 73S a - L � .. " , FARM.. :11thi. 'Will be sold as proptiehor is. giving I . - Town Anished for the Irish tea, 'which is to second'Monday. The �Mffmb - - , , _; OA�$: policy. G W.IER'S POULTRY DAVID H. Me- L . 11`1.:�_ � : 4082-9 tertained this Club on Tuesday night old-time dance in the Hensall . . ers, are 1,L, � , _. _ '082xA . ' � . . 1111ah M.. Plique 617 r $1. . 4 up farruinc. Terms -Cash. � . I Hall on FridaY-, March l5th. Steve be held on Saturday afternoon, March I � , 09 . . . urged. to aite�ud the W.M.S. birthday .1 "'. - I. .1 I NAUGHTON, Pr9prietair.* Harold Jackson. me was repoited 'hestra will furnish 16th, '-4t, - -1 '14 .. . I . Auction�4i. ' 'Wat&h for full list in next w4mkli SPIRNL4A FOUNDATION GARMEN"I'S FOR slid a good,.A_ . . 'Dundas, and his ore 9 p.m., In ther'schloolroom of eArty, to be held in. the church F" �. . ��­_ . health and style ' Individually designed. Mi:. And Mrs. Harold Thiel, of Ful- the music., The Ladies' Five Hundred the church. 'Mrs* Roy MacLaren � pre- day afternoon, March ,hen ., ­ issue. -1 4083-1 ;2nd, ,vi ' .. . � ... . . . . . Auction, Salos .. � - , - - . � - MRS. 111ELEN, IL s6drr, High Street, Sea- . spent Sunday with, Mr. and Clil'b will -have a boot I It -in the. hall, sented the to Ae� on � "The Native Afri7 -Courtice, returned., ,missionary, - - _,, 1! I . I . L ION RAT OF FARM ;3TOCK AND forth. I 4o§Qx52 larta,la, I . . .1 . . Mfg$ � . .�.. — . IrT . " I 'e i . LEARING AUCTION SALE OF ,F AUC the gy ,st .. . nplementa_�A Lot 5. Concession 10, Col, - Mrs. Fergus Lannin...'. Major R. W. Rusch, C.P.Q., of Tittro, can Church." The singing of Hymn will be speaker. Varlouv,_ ., . . I ". .1 . . . STEIMA SUFFERERS -ENJOY GOOD the'LorNs Px*yer in Uni p . C Stock and Machinery hay 'and grain. to, borne. one Mile Wirth of Carlow and one A The Women's Association. met at N.S., and Harold Di�on� of London, No. 549 and . . I- grou s were listed. The hlghligbt Of ! n hip of mile west ark Monday, 4airch 25th, at I 0.m.- nighVs sleqp without courbing;,­ehoking. I . . 0 in d�;sion 1. Tomps . 032 : V . _' 1; Lot 25. co� _ Mr. Win- Pears6n, Seafarth, says: "I am so I'th6 home of -Mrs. Harold Wilson on. Ont., -ealledat. the home',of Jas. Pat- .9011, closed. the ineeting.' A dainty the 'evening wav the topic, based I 1. �"� . f way between Mil -and' --bliatchvil. Cly am 6 and 6 Years . . �, , . War h ;chair .'Dublin, HORSE&� te I . .. .NO. 8 Highway, on Tuesday, March old; weighing - sloo lbs. cATTLE__2o Hat- thankful -to you for y6iir,asthmu remedy that Wednesday with: thirteen members er.50n. on Sunday last. I luneh was then ,spi,'ved by the hos- the third chapter of'the study boot, . 114 7. I. Oil V. ROBINSON, Proprietor: stein cows. -mostly fresh; 13 two-year-old I would like all people who suffer from I - . togs., � . I entitled "Sword and. TroweLl, -in ' , golth. HERBERT A. E. Robins R.IL ,3, strogs and heifers; 10 one -year-old steers and iisthma to know what it did for me.. T suf- i andf� visitorgleing- present.'Th,� ladies M�s. Co0ad HvIsser, of Heillsall, -� . . I ­ . 3r.' H. Ahrens and ­ , "" . .. in ,w 0 1 .. I . -on'week . heifers; 12 calves; 7 sows. � 'IKPLEMENJS�� fered for years from choking, difficult breath- 3@ taken to., Clinton Public Hospital Evening 'Auxiliary Meets which Miss Michle, 'the speakef,' 6111t I I . .Mi nexlt , .John Deere tractor. Model B. ,on . rubb - like ' f � usthma and no remedy quilted a .quilt during the afterno( , - , i - hositeilq lined most. interestinoy the further ' * . . tchell; AqotioneeM Sao list - . . I in the Interests of her health. ,. Mrs. Morley �Sauuders was I . � ... 1 4088-1 _Tr. ing and distress - 0 1 . . � �1' . . I. .11 ­�. Me.*; also sedfillint attaIdimint; John D�ere helped me ,to any ext�snt, but your remedy after which,the hostess served a de- - at her home Tuesday eveninik, March Igissionkry developments:-Pronlotedl by 'A . I . - __ plow, touched -the spot at once and gave me not , I - 11 .,Appointed High School Inspector I xt meeting takes7place 110 , OF HOUSEHOLD EF- combine. no .tractor licious lunch. 12th,, for the March meeting of thQ Currie.'The no .. I.. . AUCTION SALE 3 -furrow tractor plow, uL-w; 4-furro- only quick relief, but I am f ree T am . . Go Evening-.-Auxiller . Miss Ermi Kipfer at the )ionic of Mrs..J. Flynn,'on April', . XX fedts.-Mr. H-arold J.'abkaon has been in- new; now . udon 'Wright, soib of ,Mr. and ,. . . disc Wow, new; ensilage cutter, 12- pto . Ajew month's treatment did . - y I by public auction on the I r.1vtor - has . structed to sell in h * new side 'deUvery rake; ­14bot J. I. ftkl_,�-F.r refree appointment; write P., L. Mrs. Jumps Wright,.' of 'Kippen, was co-hostess.'Mrs. Byran Kyle was 29t4, with Mrs. J. Corbett acting as A � I . � . ,-.. tir,emises above W. G. Willis' Shoe Stor 11 c (new), HOWEY,* 144 Catherine Str#clt South, Hamil- I . been appointed Inspector of nigh, in, the chair. The meeting L opened co -hostess. The devotional, "Easter," ' � Main Street n Case'power lift dist , 'manure spread. ,ton. 1- - - . . '4080x$ ' . � .: Sea.forth, on Satuiday, Me ' i --EF I 1 "21 . . . 1. C . Schools, 0 with the theme gong 4nd hymn, "Low will be taken by Miss Violet McClYr k . 23rd, at 8 P.m., a -full line of boctieho a er: hay loader-, 3 -section International spring BRIU 1, IELD and, made his 'first visit t d . - - ' 'L - . . dish -, tooth. harrows (new),. gas engine. 1U1 horse ' in the Gr, R 1 �ts consisting,'of bed. bed ,clothes, - ------ fi.J� — . Seaforth, Clinton, Exeter and Hensall AV .1 I � . - Terms- power (new). Termsm,Cpsh. OMAR BROOKS, � . .� e..,He Lay ': Minutes, were mo;it;. roll' call, "An Easter Bible -� fe ' . Mrs. H.,F."Berry and' Mrs. A. Pat- last,week. .He',wasa foval"er-student 'and roll call ansWered with and study hy-Miss Gladys Luk- . '. I I- . ata%'ie�, dressers and garden toods. p, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. I L, . . I I ,read a verse, . Cash. JOSg,P ` 40837? . . erson -spent ,last Wednesday In L011- at Seafort�i Collegiate and. was teach-, - Y deed. The devotional exercis- er.'The social committee Will be Mrs. ' ,ff,,24ARSH, Propirietor: E ,,, I . I , Clerk; klaroi& Jackson, Abetionelirt . For' Sale . � I R41 . . I I Cthesney, . - .. I don. , I I I .. . : ...9 nsisting of S I 4 L . . 4083xl ing in a CQlldgiate, In— Niagara �Wls. cl�§.i.00 cripture lbsson;.Luke Flyn, Mrs. Corbett, Mrs. G. Broderick � I , � . . . LZAIMSIG AUCnON SALE OF FARM, OR' SALE-USE�D BOY'S BIC Mr. and Mrs. Fil. - Munn And Mr. and wb6n he joined, the Navy; going - ',v raes t5 tG"'' S7, and . YCLE, IN . ­ I 031�, 10,. e ' '' ' an apPropri- and "'Mrs. .L. Chapman. The, closing . -eturiiedL RING AU.CTI . ,to Ox Mrs, E. fthilbe, of Zurich, were 1111- erseas ap Lieutenant. ' He i - ate paped on -Kindness-, wem pres- hyriin, "You May Hare the Joy Bells," & L �. . ON SALE OF FARM, C Farm Stock asid implements, on Friday, F I" I , , , - : CLEA ' March 22nd, at 12 o'clock sharp.. Lots 29 and good'oondition. $25.00. Apply B . S , 1. ' � . . Tractor, ParmAtoCk and Implements- On 30,, 3 -rd 0oncessioia. Stanley Towriihis): 242.1',1 liensall. . 40813-1 day visitqrs at the home of. Mr. and about a 'year 'ago to' Hamilton. 14W. ented'by- Mi" Margaret' Glenn. Col- anit,--the Mizp h benediction-wer6191- . ' C I 411ley 5 ... 4. , . I I . , .. . Lot 10, .Opcessiou 10, Sta Townshil', HOkSES-1, Clyde gelding: risin . - . 6 1 . a . 11 I I es north of Zurich,- or 6 mil��s, west of ' - '--'-'-'-' M i -.s. G. Swa4. many ,friends will be pleased to li6ar lection was t�tken and business dis- 10,wed by .a social hour, Mrs. Saun- '. , �� '' . . .1 I mil Marth 22rid, 1946, com- 1700; 1 brown, gelding rising .9 years old, FOR SALE --9 enoicz c4i�E Pups, Miss Jessie Grainger, ` of Clinton, of' -s�, 0. . . : Brucefield, on Friday, '1800; I registered Clyde mare 7 years old; six weeks old; mother' -is excellent heeler. , . L his promotion. . cussed. Miss B ' arbara Michie. read, a del Miss II, Kipf6r; Miss Gladys fr,� I k. sharp: HORSES- I Glyde g#lding rising -3 years bid; 1,Clyde Apply to GLENN PRYCE. Phone 840 ir 25, visited Mrs. J. Grainger O,U Friday. . . I . I raencii�g at 1-00,.O'cloc I . , - i bay mare 6 years did: I grey mai7e 12 yp letter from the Presbyterial Secretary Luker, Miss Margaret Gleen, Mrs, H. '� , " " . ,ars gelding rising' 2 years old; I filly rising 1 Seaforth. . . � I 4083-1 Miss Mae Mitchell, ,v�ho has spent mission Circle To Hold Bazaa�; of. Evening Auxiliaries. Miss Violet McLarnon and Mrs. Kyle moved a I I �, -1�� . old. CATTLE -Polled Angus bull rising 3 1 ' . The Mission Circle hel( . �,;.L. . years old: Hereford, cow due at time qf sale: year old. CATTLE -9 Durham cows, some -----_-� ----------------- �_, , the last two -monthd with 1, tli�ir meet, I , . . P.; -black cow.- fresh with calf at foot:., -black, � fresh, others due in March -and April; 3 1-_ANDER FOR SALF-OR EXCHANGE FOR Mrs. H. Ing at the� home of Mrs. E. Normin- McClyiucin-t_ read. i letter having re-, vote qf thanks to the hostess-' . . . . grade Poll Angus cows 4ueAh March and' " "goose. MISS- ANNA BOWLAND, Pho e -,.Ao her, -home . . . I . . ,I.i . d 'i Juno: part Jersey cow, April; 3 registered Polled Angus cows 4 12 r 4, Seaforth. � . 408p . I ton on Monday evening, last, with the L � cow; black cc%%' ue, in . . . . . - . L. ;oll - , f res, h, with calf at foot; black cow due early . . ' -.1. ' I I P"alrymple, has returned � in Toront& .. ?"I . in April; black heifer rising 2 Years old: 4 years old. due in April and -May; 1 registered -`�_ . --- I hostess, Marie Boyd, singing .... "Day. is �- - . . . 01 ��, . Polled Angus bull rising 2 years old, raiped . Miss Ellen Scott, (if London,,,&pent D ing in; the West" .The Bible les- I I . .t� . blaickLheifer., rising I year old; 2 Fall calves. FOR SALE --QUANTITY 'OF TIMOTHY I I . by F. G, Todd & 'Son, Eric& of Anoka and ed graded. $8.50La bushel. the week -end with relatives, here. ,. . y I . . I * You might he the next . ." .. .. AY AND GRAIN -0, jr 10 tons of, mixed se , GovernmentO son was read by ElatiW,Boer, follow. . . 1. . I p ' Bandolier of Aw;ka breed: I registered Polled LEW BOLTON, R. R. ' Mi, . � I . victim of fire-7fire that can � �, . 1hay: .,06 bushels of mixed',�:.,rain; ii+ ton of . . oil calf'i-year old in June-, 13 Pol�ed . . No. 'I, Dublin. . s, WilliAm. Smith. of 'Exeter. vis- ell-- with the singing of "Jesus .Shall . . . L . d6stroy your home, � - .1 I 'feed.bean�,, ew� IMPLE2,MN"I'S. =-Q-liver Angus b . 4082-1 ited, her, sister, Mrs. A. 'Holiner, on . � . I I " �.. quickly- � : I Z1. . I . . . Standard Tractor. York pig 'F -8 -FURROW CASE TRA I ' 'e 11he Sun." P,aye, L . . youe business, your propeity.. I � starter,' lights -AnO Angus ,ml,#A%,-:xid. I year old:, 9 ,.young --- � . i � .It has calves. PIGS -1 Vb)r'k sow; 5 7 ... SAJ, CTOR Thuir�day.,' Rell g' , I t . power take -off. No. W, on rubber. with .... cab, wee -Internationil aw. pi w three years -Did. Apply to MELVIN , ...,' rea=eEl'e'aif6r;�Venner. The roll . . I your whoM hie.'s ,Work. Let . . I :,i1----:.-.,-_,.. . - two lje�: 3�furro.w � Oliv ' er rter and lights. in ex- GLANVI'LLE. Phone 73 r 25, Hensall. . Mr. and Mrs. H. F-I�Beryy. visited ered by an important I I 11 . ..., . Pilot -Insurpnee ept the ..... . now. has built up .pu furrow 'S a Ili Stratford on Sunday. - . � --- ;i - . . I "t ks old. rMPLEMENTS FOR "51 new rear tire,:, practicalb- as 9004 a:, 4 fractor, rubber,'sta call' act I .' parrow bottoin, and practically as collent ion(kon: 34 Fleury plow; - . 40$3-1 ' f -let of�ris'lla.. The minutes were . . risk -ready and quick. to 043K I L �­ , . , pl6w, has . �tov di*(!' oeetion spring tooth dhigs; 1 Bissel tractor __ - _Nlisses'- Mary McC,Vlly, and I Hazel, d, a . no adopted.' It was moved'by . any,just claim. The cost is ' " . I .1 , McCarmick-D - - t . . . . ear"fr"'OL"a Y_ ,. good ii� new: I I . ri h 1. , � 7A as d QR -SALE -- McCORMICK - DEtRING Dilling'Spent a coup.le of da�"s in Lon- rea I . � new: :1_ge�tioaA spring tootl ... ,sey- disc; Massey -Harris bin er. 7 -ft'. Masse F Mrs. Hess to have a verse in the Bibb� very 16w. , . . hi ' Harris manure spreader; Massey-Harrls . . '. . I �ey _d; c zer.doill; ultivator, -in good shape. Phor�e -ecent y. . . r . . . Harris � Nl,,, -Harris �13 is fertili is horse c 0 q . . . ,no,er. 6 -ft.; Massey-Harin corn. binder, don i I I , 7-foat cut 11a."e-y-Marris binder: Ide Dublin, 46 k 10. JOSEPH KALE, R. R. h, with the word 'Lovf' in it. It Was' �. . I ­.. . t � �� I' .: I ) , . aleGiant MaAsey-Harris hay loader; International side Seaforth. - "' 4083xl .Mr. John Hohner spent a few .days docided that.. the p' � Ve,write, Pilot Ingurance , ! �;� 6 -foot �ut,mower: International,side d livery I � _. . I i-ake, (new); Ma,�sey-Harrls fertilizer drill. 13 � I recently Ili London, . 11 . prson holding the . . t �,q .. rake: John Deere manure �spreader: Beei ing dis&�� International; bean sauffier and puller: I � . meeting supply some recreation. Ar- � .. to cover selected risks in I * �1. . hay loader;. 6 -section hairo�vs: rubber tired ' �'FOR SAL'E-LP.DY*S- NAVY WOOLLEN The many friends of Mrs. 'A.. Cald- .. L . Automobile, Fire, Periond I I sulky rake; 1 -set of' harrows, .1-saction; I emeut6 were made for 4 b�a a , . _ J 1, . - .1 . waron with 32&6 -inch truck tires � iti-fwt fiat , . dressmaker ,suit. ,size '34. or 36. almost' �Jlig , za r. L I . . . � . b6x: set walkiiiR plow; 1. Massey-HA:rris grain- dril�_ . I be. sorry to k o* that she " . Prope Flimter, Burglary, .� ,. f . '.. .1 .. . . ba� rack. nsw': walron b3x; gravel - I Massey -Harris bean scuffier 4nd p . � . . new;-'iilso- navy and %�hite flowered raycii i�%,ell wi - I , . -n, . i I ... The topic was i-ead by'Bernice Jinks, . : I L' . rty ., . I . � of , . -Harris sleighs; is at I . I I 'LLA ylame, walking' plow; t -o -piece* cl�,ess� same size, Apply to Box fell , and - brok'e her arm, and Plate Glass Pub. . . "�... . . or, Bissett, 9-inoh roller calls 'Papkcir; I 20 -inch 'grain eru�her and 47(;, HUROK EXPOSITOR. . 4q$Sxl Q1. We 11, which everyone enjoyed very much. . ' L . . ,., . hors, scuffler: grind belt; I Maple Leaf gririder;-A cutting bow.. . I present in Clinton hosp . lie Liabi . ..�i ,. . '60 . . . — L .. pe e Up, 0 Men . lily .. I 11 ,!� � , , beariftsr with b,.w&er,; 6 -inch drive beli. blower.; I rubber tired wagon with izood tires; ­ '-7-- - . I The closing hyini, '�Ris. 21L,d otbIr - _ ., . FOR $ALE­� ELECTRIC RANGE (me. ,she will soon'be'lionie. . I L .f,ogt long. pracl�=Iily new:. 3 -inch 50 -foot ' . Of.,god," was followed by,the,Mizpah - . . t"', . , 'bag I, new, gravel box; I steel tired wagon (new): ' I . I . -1 I I 4, . btit; 8.w -lb.' capacity scales; ladder: , 01 ry, make), for sale. cheap. Can be I . general. i . . L. . . rtru. - : rge --gal, 1, set of farm &1eighs (flat rackl�' 1 cutter; ., ia . ntest, was enjoyed. , , . � insurance. I . ; r.... . ek wheelharrow: Is steel tank: 5 � �en ny time at the. house. W. H. ELLIOrr'L — I ,I k%.:__se fanning mill; 2,000-pGund scales, hay * rack. 11 . . . I cawL -, slin,,, ropes. �e. tbreeching harness : I 11, .. 4083kl . Mr. and Mrs. Laird, Mickle, Chaile8 .1 . � L � L . . ,at of single 16 -foot; McCormick -Deering ,ftrearn seParatoF. L . I I - " ' L L I i Set of spreader rings, new 5 ' I .WINTHROP L� � .�, edn , . . . , 2 -wheel farm- truck; rip with rao�or; forks, shovels, whiffietrees and r OR SALF-GALORE BARLEY, GOVERN- - . . . 1. - .. and ' Bobby spent lastt ... W gsdaV, in. - _­­_ ; .... I - .. I � I ; I barn,ess: cutter; a 'host of btlior articles. Quantiti of mixed F - . I . London, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Goo. - I . saw electric fencer. d numerau' oth�r hay. . HARNS'SS-1 set of good breechin,q nient Grade No. 1. 41.4.5 iwr bushel, .. The Red Cross will meet Ila. the, I . I I . . . . . I I � . girticles. ,.REAL E*,TATV_12l00 acres. 'more or harness' 4 long straw. collars, FARM -`200 Sacks free. A. B. BELL.,Nippon. ­ .. �4.1­ . Mickle and family. . . . . . . . . . ... i .' . '' I 1, . � less. There ii'a frame'liouse 'with -PhRlt ,acre fa�m, silo l2x30,; bank barn, drive sheA, . I . . - I . 408lx4 school room of the church on' Toes- -Miss Mary'Hagan;,,of London, was I I , ,� . ... shingle� - has-, kitchen, - woodshed, dri�e -bed,. ,hay barn; 2 -storey house. Hydra throughout ___, I - . I . day. March'19th. .- .. � I � ­ a Week-edd guest with her sister; Miss . I . E.,C. CHAMBER -LAIN 'Seatorth, I � % :, I I " bank buildings, bathroom, good water supply; 15 OR SALE­M�CLARY ESCORT RANGE, I . I I " ga raw. -. barn 46x60 'feet`t straw shed. The. Helping Hand'M.,isslou. Bat& of D�lly-­Hagati_ nol'brotlier, Mr. Firank , .. � . ' 7 , I . I . I 60xS6 feet. plant, of Water, &Iso.sort Water: of hardwood bush. 55 acres plowed, 7 Flivith high shelf and reservoir- -good as - , a . I . ­ ... . Representing I, , . I ­. . . . I , . � � . is well fenced and well dratped. Very close acres Cavan- Church will meet in the school Hagan, of Zurich. . . . , - . , � !-'.-T4 aciFiS,of fall wheat; acres of wheat. balance in pasture and hay. now. JAMES SRORTREED, R.. it. No. 2. , ;; L - R-. * I . . . . .. . , . .�. . .� .'. , , Close to schdol and'S miles from Clinton. Brussels. Plwhe 27 r 6. . 4082x2 room of the chur _____ - - I , : I to church and 8A , - . ch 6a Saturday. -, Mr. .G. Parke, Seaforth; Miss J. _ . L g2 acres of fall -plowing done. aft,d balance is - . f .11 " ,. . I I . .. . I y4oam. -Eydro at Terma-Chattels, Cash. Farm,�Mide known . � maecli 16th, I ... . . . Alda .Bolton, Toronto;,...Mr. and, Mrs. . . '.. I . seeded down. .is- good cla day of sale.. Reserve bid- WILMAM SALE -t BARN, .30P by 72f. SWT� ' . I � I r. and � ; . .. I ,­ Md- FOR M '' - .Mps. Sam McSpaddefi and Go�don Clemas, Marilyn and' Gordon, ! PILOT INSURANCECOMPANY � . I L . the.road- Young Orchard Of four dozentrees,, EWEN,' Proprietor' E. P. Chesney, Clerk: able-4or straw7 barn �nd pim pen, or f6r i I ,;, � '. . have been, hearing.' Terms on Real Estate- Xiveold Jackson Auctioneer.' , , 4.082-2 -driving shed and hen house: 1,double, garage, DelInis'.. of ,blirgessvil4e, � spent , the Londoii Eind Mr., -and. -Mrs. T. Harry - - I I . . . . . I I I � !, , iq per eent'OriL dJy of Sale and balance in aO . . L L I ­­ . - 181 by 28?, nevily built of used. material, I *' . I . .. . .. . !_ days. Will -be goad subi�ct to a reserved' bid - U ­.. NO- week -end witfi, relatives here. - . 0 . , I .. I .. - - . . . . I ­:_ . I � I . I . I ; 1 . . . � ­ - . . t, .... . 'L No 3=erve; every--a-rticle- will be sold 'to th� A CMON SAM""OF..FARM STOCK, IM I wood roof and new 6verhead door, 6 lights , Mr., ab7d' Mrs�.; Bol ___ - ....­ 41, 1 " " , ,., , plements, Etc.-Ttfi% Harold Jmkson� has' 2 colony bouses, one 101 by 12R. rolled brick .ger an'd ,,children., . . . . - . . I I . . . . I I . 3 L ­ tbighest bidder'. 'Terms _ Cash: �G'EORGE 'been instructed to sell by pubWe auction on covered, ceda,r r-obf: the other one lof by, 14f, of. Walton. visited . Mr. and Mrs.. Thos. I 'L I . I . 1. .. ERSON. Proprie ' Robinson. . . �. tor': Rich. L... I . . . , ... - AND . Lot S. Concession 2, Hullett.. 3% miles west No. 2 shingle- covered' and No. 1 cedar roof. pr , . " . % ,0 0 , " I ,,,:� Clerk; Arthur Weber. Auctioneer. . yce, � . , . , .. ,,I . � . .4083-1 of Seafarth, on No- 8 lr*hw�y, 1% miles Apply CLIFFORD YOUNG, Crainarty. Phone . . I I I - .1 � - ...7 .0 . � � . 1. .-I . . . . . , - I 1�. , 11.1 ______ � _____ . north, the third lor v;est� ,on Tiiesday, Mafch .90 r 2, Hensall. - . 4082-4 - -_ . . , .. - .� ' 19tK. at I o'clock sharp: HORSES - Bay. — I I . -_ . . - - - - ., . . .. ., k UCTION SALE OF- FARM STGC.k: IM6 . I I . - � �, � . , -a ' -a gelding .rising 5,;L brawn - gelding. rising 5 ,,, CAW FOR -SALE-65 STEERS AND TUCKERSMITH. :.. . � . . -_; -- - I I -1 , 016ments and Household Furniture. Mr. , - , I - era. 500 to 700 Ila.. D.urha& an& I I , general purpose inalro! rising 6 CAME- . � Harold Jackson-4� been instructed to sell by Durham cow due time� of sale; Durham cow Rerefords. 'Will sell to make .- 10000 ^ - . . I ., d . jmbli.c auction on L�t 30, Concession ll,. MC- due in May; P�Glled Durham covF due in April; ,Apply to ERNEST TOWNSIEMM. it. R_ii;: � Ladies' Club Meets .. .. . . .. . . . I P I, I ., Killop. on � Wednesday, March 27th,' at' " P'm' DuAiain pow bred'Jan. alst, .Polled Durham 2, Bayfield, or phone Clinton 900 r 2L .. 1. I � I . � . I . I I - I . I I . I � . I , sharp, the following-. HORSES -1 grey team cow freshened 3 months; cow bred November. . 4049-Af The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club held � I . I I � 4 .. f I ' I .1. or max,es, 12 and 14;' 1 *ood work. horse. 2sib: Her�eford cow bred December 10th; Dur-, I � , I— .1 ... ­ — their , regular - morithly meeting on � - 1. . I '. � I I . - .. � . . .- - . I.. . . � _CATTLE -a Durham cows. 'freshened since ,,am co* freshened - 3 rhouths . Hereford bull PRrVATE SALE OF FARM MACHMRY- ' . .. . at th 4 � I . I .. I . . I New Year's.. with calves. by -,side; -1 Durham 15 months al4l, eligible for registration: I 'T at the Wednesday, M,Areb 6th, e h me . I ... L' . I Durham, c�>w Aue � - a be sold privately . home ''of, ' I . 1�' , I . L -ow, due March 3rd -, veal. calf weighing around 200 lbs.; �'ealves Arthur Anderson, 11-t- miles w�est of Kippen! of the pregident,_Xrs. William Pevr -," , .. . . . . . . . I & .. . ,_ . March lith: I`.Durbiam cow due Ma:rch 19th, 3 months old; I calf 5 months 61d.; 3 last One McCormick -Deering binder. 7 -foot out, 0t- There were t,venty, members, ` ,' ' I . . I . . . � I - _ a ,Durham, c9w due April' Ilth: 1 Durham spAng calves: I yearling steer. HOGS --Sow �ifher horses Or tractor; I Massey -Harris seed t6_: I .... ., L. cow due..May7th; 5' Spring calves. PIGS -4 with 8 pigs ready to wean; saw with 8 pigs drill, M -hoe,' With, fertilizer attachm�nt; 1, five visltor�_ajad . n, children present. .., . . ''. I I.. .... .11, . - "L.: I � . I - , 3 weeks old;. 2 sows due in middle of April: 6 -foot McC4rmick .mower. I �.,Pr'"g tooth In- Tbe:meeting opened by'singing i . he % . . . I J� � . - I % �__: , . ; 1hunks, about 100 !`W.; I thorou!�,hbred Yors , . . Sow "' 11 'York pjgs,�7 wee" old ar't1mg Of 11 chunks dround 90 1b.. POULTRY - 75 , . � 0 � . I ! I . I .. I . , ternational cultivator .with 7 -inch points;'i L _ .. .... 1_1. . . . I ... - I .'', I . sale. 51PLEMENTS-1 set *invle harness *,.I White Leghorn pulletd. POULTRY EQUIPr Mas ey�Harris bean eultivstor and new pulle!6 -opening'ode,, followed by the � 01WE . . I . I . I . �: set double harness.' ­I set of backband harness ...... . 1; .. I . 1. � .... ­.­ . 'i i . 1 MENT - Coiony:- hou:se 10xl2 i large coal atiaNed; I 8 -foot packer; I MeCormick dump . I I . . I 1; . . I I �pair of ,horse blankets t number of, collars; brooder above; feeders, hoppers and founts ; rake: I farm waxen with floating rack,- new.. Pra'yer.' "Long, tong Ago" wAs then . . I � . . . . . .. I . I - I . . . i Massey -,Harris binder. ';-ft; I mower: 1 3 shelters; good white Collie dos� 2 years old. I ne wagon with 2 -yard gravel .box; I 'rub, sung ''with 'pigniet, I . L , I __ I I . � � . .. .��asa -Harris bay rake; 1 hay loader; I hay lMpJLpj,fM,T .the ,Mrs. Edwin ., .. - I . ey _S_ I w I .. . . . � � 7_fbot Deering -bW44r:­6-f0Ot ber tire bugiry; I cutter --i !six horsepower :the I .. , I . , . 11 . - . I . rack. I seed drill' I eulti,�ator; I set Of out- Deering mower; 12 -foot horse ralce; 11 -hoe International engine� I walking plow., Term" Johns, .at' the plarlb. Owing to , .. .. .. I . I . I .. ,. throw disc; I set of in4hrow dj;ic; 1. set of McCormick -Deering - fertilizer disc drill; Mas- ,Cash. . . . I 4082x2 absence of the secretary,. Mrs. Jack . - a . . . . I , � I � . tharrows, 4-�sections; I manure spreader; I rrid cultivator; Massey -Harris disc; I . . 'L . . . . . � . . . �j I ' - L % &actor plow; I riding plow: I 2 -furrow plow: - sey-Ha (nearly new) -, steel - wheel I ---.--- . ____ Tuimer read the Minulies ,of the last - . . I . 1. . , , . , , Cockebutt 'disc .. . . .. . . , I walking plow; I scufflerr,�2 wagons;. I wag I an, (new) ` rubber tired wilgon: hay rack; . ' . .. . ,. ' � other reports -were giv- . L I � �., . , I . 1. b%my:1 fanning mill; I Vega cream sePara- one-half si2�;e in . Massey-Harri's ma�ure - .p4eeting, a,nd . I .1% ­ , I tor. almost new: 1 root Pulper; I ,car, rope spreader Inearly new) -.'double sleigh (-new)* I , Cards Of: Thanks. I en.''"t1ii "r'611"call was answered by .1 . . �.. .. 1. .:., .. .1 . I I .1 I .; - . t I I . nd pulleYs: I pig crate: L 1 woven wire ' I - , .... . I - . - I I I ft light sleigh; 2"dets scaler 2,000 lbs.: Portland . ..." "Your favorite magazine." All Red � ., I . - : I ': I :, str6teher; 2 ash tongues: 'I gravel boX; I cutter: piano box cutter (new) : rubber tired HE FAMILY OF tHE LATE JtRS. L W.M. Cross L . . �' , I . . I/ . - k ­ ". - . . 11 wal ng sewing mild knitting were hand- .1 ;,`,.',.*,'.-`��,',.,.. . . I m . set of Alaop sleighs: I cutter; 1 stoneboa�', buxgy: ki plow (nearly- new); scuffl�vr: T Westcott desire to:empre4- their a 1 �51'K*;.� ..., . . . I . . I � porecia- i1."1?...�f'1`1?5 . I I I I I I some papts for Fordson tractor: 1' wheelbar- pig crate; windinill. 20-M tower'- turnip drill ' . " i;�'..'5*.��' I . I . . . row. I hay knife; 1 colony bOuse, lox.12, A-1 ' tion for the many expressions 1, in ind it was decided to give a .. I.., ..,.�� ."i , ... �,,.;;:'.%,:% `%":. I I I (nearly new); Clinton fanning mill . and a . of sympathy JQ � :::�` .kl�:;i.,Z;:�.`$$A. / I . , . . ..., I . � .. I . ? � 1. 1. I xtended,to them, during thei'rL recent bereaye­ --lioney donation to the Red Cros. . 11;�X.I'!:;%4"'.�!.� L' .1 I . .. P. randition; 2 rain shelters, A-1 condition: screens: 2 hay, forks. roves and 41ino: road Ynent, also to thank the neighbors and TrienM s. .. -,;,,�z,. - " . . . �,��."-.�l.,�.�;,;!,,"-.'I�:.:;,..;.:�.,t!,O:,;;,!:.,..".:, � . I - ��_ -A � I . - ,J,_ . ',brooder at9ve with. hDover: chicken feeders; cart; 20 sap pails and pan; 2 Atoue, boats: and t];iose who loaned . ,"The BIpe Bells . of . -Scotland" wag �:::::.. I I � . .. I . ­ . * .. ,�ll."",�llf",,.."".*.""...,.."."���,;.,..I 1'.�_11,,�, - - 1�y I -,b - 8 ftioijtNq old, also cars. . . ��-.."�llf-�,.�I.".�*�.."�l.".",.�,�,;*.P,f�.��,�l,'� � . 2 sap isrs. I Gallia dog, grain bigs; sacks; *biffletrees; ntsekyokes; 9' . . . . . . . . �, t t�ki:;��,::: % *' , %: �::;��-�$�. 1 t - L - , __ - I , 20 tow of timothy bay. HOUSEHOLD 12 Be Usival . I I sung, arid the meeting closed With the - .;,�o ". - I .0 � . . % , I , pumps abd water --hroughs ; 'No. -I:$-.1:: : ..., 11 . - . , . � I . . .....'51 ,P I I __ 1.��; 1. � I - . . - - . . mined Ith . `� "'i . . . ,"...5.1 - , . . I . 1". FURNITURE -1 cream enamel, tri w creani separator: lawn mower; Deering bin- Holnema"rs' Pii3�er. Fo lowing the . - .,,:.'��.'.$'� * ` _f;.$;., I "Q�ae� , . 1�1111 - . . . almost new � I . . I . I 0 .11. . . I . .1 * .­­ . Vack. Bridgewall range, der tongue; 'new 12 -foot iron gate, never . -I&Memorialn .� I , :::::::::::: I'll, , . . , . . . . bee beater; I Perfection coal ,oil 3-borner ug,gd � 15 bripebea XXXXX red cedar shingles - . ., . . I ... I � I . __� .. 9r, �_ . I � . � tlo�'*L 'g . . . E tove; 1 laerge oven: I small. over.: 1 Daisy nifirdtow other articles. WOOD -16 cords 'IN EVER LOVING MBMOR as given by Mrs. Morgan. The . . � . , :L,4 churn. -'J buttet!bowl: I child's Usk' and dry 'soft wood; elm plark. -GRAIN - 100 CUD'.MORE- . ' ' . . . . . 1 1� . . .,..,- . f �, , " - chair: , 'I � bedr1ooTh suite: L. friattress: I iron , 4�. eLq Aj , bushel wheatt,qoio . of out father R61and'Cudinore, who Pais--. hostess -and Group 3 serve#,, , a' delic- I . . I � ,., b ax oats;* " a . . ­ I ... I � I * � ''A'' - - leather lbs. in ed g a ; quantity of hay. ad away in Hens 1928. ions supper. The ,.4 pril .meeting will � - - . I � . I �1�1 ...... I—- ix rass eed �11 on k�rck 16, .1 I . .. . .11 bed � 2 �wardrobe,, 2 rocking chairs; 1 - 'k * , . ­ .. % . . roc�fr�r chair: lin6letim. 4x.5 yards. in sroo4 HARNESS -Set ba�ckbsnd h set sin- --SONS AND DAUGHTERS .1 . ­ .. W'.'.' . . . � . .� I - I . - arness; - I I .. ... ­-`­ . be Ili cliaxge of Grb . � � . I 11 . . � v .1 isibh�Aable; I roiind din gle hatuess;,5 horse iollars -. 2 horse blat�kets. . . up 4, with Group I . ....... �­­- I �i . shape; I - 14=e eXteT . , . I I . ;,, , I ing tab!2 China cabinet, dininsr chairs -, 2 HOUSE,IAOLD EFFECTS - F%xtla� Oval L . I -'�- 1. providing the I program. I 11 . . . I .: . I 0 �,;, i washirts Z I B*el carpet sweeper; 1. Cole- Tange_'(nearly neW): Apex gasoline was -her: . � . d. . I . � 1. .L . . I I I . ­ I I .1 _11 I . . . . . . .. j . wan lamp; I Coleman iron: I Coleman IaM- painted bureau, corgolleum rug 9xl2,, con- 1, , . Births I... . . .1. - ,...s L . -, . . .1 . � . I.. . . I I I I ", ' 7' . � . I tarnt I hanging lamp: olf liunp-; I toilet goletim rug­9jil5; tapestr I ' I - -1. . � . . � . Or_ . .��..�. � &&. sealers and dishes; I kitchen cabinet,, I mattress - ,y rug 9xI2,; 54-indh - . - ; . .. .- I I . I I I I . .. I I . I , ".1, I . � A-laddin hanging lamp (nearly WRIOAT-In Scott 'Memorial Hospital, Sen- . � ' L . . . 0 4'...., I . LLL". . articles" t66 num- ne;vv) - I forth. on Mr. and Mrs. W, . . . . crokinol,6 board. and other XAddiri table lamp; fruit cupboard,: March. 3rd. to HENSALL . I i. .. . . erotis' to mention. . Termg-Piish. ERROL. 5 -gall" coal oil can; 1 --gallon! gas can, etc. Arthur Wright, a son.- Harold Wayne. I . ,,,, . I ... I" . . � IffAiRNMR, Proprietor; E. P. Cbeenel, Clerk: Terms --Cash. ORVILLE DALE, Proprietor; STEINBACH-In Scott Memorial 11640ital, on Chicken time Is.,Cod Liver oll'time. I Wh el n one more . is a., u6Wd! ­­- . . .;;-,. I . . . I . Hafrold-Jackson, Auetioneer. 4093-2 E. V. 'Chesney, ClerA ; Harold Jackson. Auc- March 12th, to -ME"ind Mrs. William Stein- r I . . I . ' ., . .- - "ie�Nl -- ' - 4682-2 bach, R.R. S. SeSfOTth, a daugliter. I Feed . your -new chickens good' Cod . . 1. . 1. . - ,� ? . I 0. ,; �. -AUCTION SALE OF _. ,tion � - " . .1 . .1 14; , IRGU - -Liver 611 tests L, Whiin the family comes,home, or fetends are ceitight'in-town Without hold � ­ CLEARING' .FL ,T)N�-�In St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon 141ver'. Off, Our, Cod .,� I . ---"— N :.. I — , don, a Wednesday. Marth 6tb, to M 9016ON't(imin A Units -and 500 Vita. . . ture, Electric Equipment, Livestock and 3 r. and I- , , , 11 . 34sehinery� first farm east of Auburn. Con- ., . Mr.s. Wilmer Ferguson, of Elginfield, imee - this I I... 7 ,, 4ccommodation, you con alwayt make roc�m for one more I � - �, , 'i� �asion'l. Bast Wawancsh�. 6n Monday, March . Notices Jean Schilbe of Kipper), a, son -Donald min. -D Units,lier gram. Get good ...- � . . 6 � if Doo 'will sleeo on , , , �.­ . V . L, I .- ., '" ' . '. . I .. . � 1. 18th, _,eomimencirw 1 pan.: 04ie bedr w-!'- Warren. . Cod 'Li�er Oil at MiddletoWs *Drug .1 . .. ,the c,hester0eld. But, 96metimidi Ikere simply is no room'for one mare. I _ suite -.' I vanity dresser; I dresser: 2 stands *. CA,SH FOR COTTAdE ON LAKE,HURON, I , ., I � , . . . ­ . , , . — Store ensall. : - . -1. T � . . . ,!!. L �. � , - It sat diael springs. I letther..eauch 1. I cbester- or building suitable for 'rebuilding. Bo.x . - - G-Meady for your new chickens. , .. � . . . 11 I I . I ­ e . I . I field' tabie (newl: I wall mirrOT: I oak aX, 477, HURON,EXPOSITOR. .. I - - To'ke the h o-ne -that is -not adeqtiate'ly vvir'dd', for instance. Thalnewsanj�vi I I 1� ,,a'- '.. . tension table; 6_1enther seated oak dininsr I � I � .4,083-1 1 ,Deaths Cl dfsinfectant your colony . " 1. I Ch 11 .. .: Tom chairs; I wi-itlng,de.A:'I kitchen table; . I I ___ I I . . I 11 . I- I I house thoroughly. Get Pgrmanganate I I grill,,May be one appliance to6 many for the ciritilili fo C06y. The 'neivr,kiichen - 0 1 - �� R I 45�te irlass kitchen cupboa lRr�e I � --- ­ 11 I . .-WESTCOTT- -In London, on Sunday, March F`ilmfgatiop and Black Disinfectant , .. I .. ,%:. I . kitchen cupboard, made like a built-in, .. lOtb, Annie Capp, wlJow of th4.1ste Win . inix6r.may be.out ofluckfor a. conveniebt. wall 0'utletto opeickte from;, Whtq.6#0 i .. , I ,.. rug Poukry- ; Wash at " n ' Hq,li- , ­ I � , , .'' cupbonird: 1 canwolewri %, 3 yards by 4 I . Westcott, in her 8.3th, year, .: 4iddleto 's Di,ug Store, _ 13'ut thaf froxerl400d cabinet inay be a bigger probl,jim thbn finding a , . 1 .$p . i i... , . . yards, real g*od: linoleum. just like new 14 1. � . sall. A Clean colony, house saves y?u no ; - � in juWli L.. ­ . I you can I I ; "I - '. , ff- 2. in. by 14 ft. 8 in.: congoleu ke pOU-LTRX_DO 'NOT FWD BOARDERS. .many dollars in poultry losses.' � buy. The wdif"outl6f. in the chosen corner M*ay he already i . I L'� .�er - . mew. 3 yards by 4 �ards 31 in.-.. I I play pen, Have your henjO e�irefally culled. High- 4. � . I I � f'overloaded" because I 0 . " * , 1- I . 'crib: rockin'it and, high chair: I baby car- eat market prices at all times. GEOltdr, L ) of improper di'�tribution of atitlefs per circuit. . ..­ I _- . ., P -' I do]] bifxgy and bed: I clothes. wri I I . I .11 ��. . . 'L riage., "g- WALKER, Herself. Phone 119. . . I . . (Continued from Page 1) . I I . I . 1. . . : I DaisY civort: a . I . L . . I . . I . . . . i !:;`., . , er, I wood heater (n*w4 40?5xl2, ZION . *1 W. :M. S.To 14old-Birthday Party *11 . . I . I I .il .1 and sealers., I . __ __ I . - . 11, ". .. 4argoe quarrety of stovepiPen '�-- . . . . . . The annual birtbday'varty of the * " . .11,whein you build or Vemodel, be'sure ii�qtlyo.ur home is adequately Wire& Be . ,,�, mew car. visor: 1 �,live%tock tattooinx oudit: I . Mrs, GeOrg�. Jarmouth, iind son vis- . . I I , . . 4 �_ fl.al : , I ; ad - - Church, will be I ' 'r. , , � . i4 ivest�rmk inaeola4hx'butfit I '8 -foot step I - . . Jted her pa;:9*1s, Mr. and �,Vrs, Frank W.M.S. ,of thf, Ugited . -suroi that it is rRadylo receivd the new electrical appliances that you I A M ��, Farm For Sale ' I I � der- I 26 -foot eitensioln ladder: I blacksnake . . . hel din the schoolroom of' the churdh " . will be witnting ,;; I Alcnnit�- 7erk airn bag , rn t-6 I . . .., I 'grass -s qeedtr, I se nd see that I f �'. !':.�.. . ,whip, "'res' � I . Moore, for a 'few dayslast, weelL on Friday :itfernoon, Marcli 22dol, at .. I to,bdil from, f i e firne., Employ a reliable Pledrical contrador,'91 - I i�l . - , �,,: . truck: .to., �trater trough * ---'--. - .--.-. SOUTH : -Mr. and Mrs, Fergim Lantlin were 9 p.m, The guest speaker for the Af- . . .E,�'� . per; T�� R I C it ,:'% . L' . ,f. Seafarth. -and - one.-PVle east. Lot 7. � 6M , " . ,4 , �. 2 1312 H.P` gas engine: I..root Pul LF_FM MILES I there are L plenfj_�f o6flets in' every. r6onr, Ond "' irctoi S enough 16 sefiio'd a �, . �". � � . . ": , . vange shelters � 2 -hen crates; I brooder stove 'in Stratford on Satu;rday. 11 t�kiloon will be Miss ,Sybil COU�tice. . � I . . 1, I �, ,,",� ,,and ,cafiiopy. straw fork. fairks, loirging., chain, Can ?" jon a. Tuakeirst*ith. One mile from tidequafely. � I . . I � , ,�,", . shovels : I ,set, double harnesm � I wheWbar- a=r La*e bank. barn. brick house.' hen Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Roney visited on 01 Clinton, a returned missionary . . I . . I __ �� . n, . . 4 . I i C�ij . house and- vie ren. 'Drained. Plenty, of SmndRS+ *1 It 41T, and Mrs. Ge6rg,e f:�,In JaP0,11, who' Ills SIX-Vt somcitime. '' row, I 'k,,.11­hbrse General Electric victor: I JOZ .P 'L 1 3 iiii graaa�..Passa5j�, given * �. .�Ir , I'M_ L ­ ,� .,"�L _" L, rse WAestinghouse eleotric'motor; I In- wal,01r. Ali I ri I � � ��z . ., i. � . 2.1�110 . a concentr4ton ca,mp, The� society, ,- I Your Hydro supplies, powler at rates that are among the 10west in the wbirld. I e . I .. 11 - .,/ Pirriell, 'AtWood.i. . . . , 1, � I tornittional electric cream separatbri I elec-, medift+41Y. Apply to 3, W. I" , Sinforth. M". . . D La riAg 'Miss � . . . . . . . . ..'�,'­ dTie -Woods gridder. I c e Val milk-, . 4080-tf Mr; an'd Mrs. Glenn Pepper , and rt*as very fortunate in. secu . if you ar� to havefull advonfage of its'conveni#6ie, YOur hogne must be-adoquately ' , � F" .�.4.­,L, I I I . kl­ . - aa�i,; weighing 5 : .1 I , . I � I 1. '1� 1! � � itur maebinei I set "'.1es 9 ., -, " .... .. . .1 tbilrtlege tp 6me and,.be th.,Ar,pperak- I _ . 1. , I " _7 , ,. I dnes- . - wired. . _ . - W, Xi i. fAmily were in Clinton on We er, afid It wilt bib t6 eVeijryoli�% ,'ad- I ... I . I , , I � , �., �11 '�'*��. pig. ,crMtti � It. - 61tortrW -fevi a; I XeCO tk- . I II . , �, _�-,­ . , I ­ I . . , 1 �, ,�'V, 'r... 106�jng vadwof, 6-fout cut; I-Irdbiflar; quan- . kld'k, her aufit, Mrs. Potter, ', hAving 'vanta#e to come out and hear her. I , L - : f 1, I I - LI' ,,, I I I V._qutftft �f gram- I,Wft ' - ' Tenders Wanted . . � . 1. .11 . IT "'.. tity Of timca9l h* . ' I _- , 46d in'Chtfou Hospital on Tuesday. I ­ I . I i , ­, I . 16hiji-I I cbfh �Wler: I single riAing pfo,w -, I I. " � A special program Is being arranged. ' .1 ...... if you ow improving or huildipg a horne, ask. ' " I . 1, I .,.,... 1, # ,L r 1. . ,­. Z W , god, number, . '' . . .1', I 1 71� . tUltivAttit; � ra, cedag,* '& Messrs. Morley and,.Pergus Lafinin Lea . ./ your ffydfo for fhe bobldtlt,' L , __ I 1-1 . I ,,, � , TENDPGRS WANTED ving For Scotland I . . * - I ,df tfinolks'L .I , , J I I 'L . 46j�,� jk9'lilJ,,-A� il, I Herdotd I I ,, �� I , . L. 'it 'J FOR. TRb spent Friday In Tavis,tock. A -delightful eVedfttg'��ras sDent'at . I "A&Oate Wirbig fcw the Posf war Plectric H=nes, c,f Canc,da. . . "I -, - I 15 i, , 8 ,mbuths .1 . . I , I 111 .41 L "', . �,W,& . at, Irl 'L# s, � Diltmon 48 Vmt �m � . . � .. , , TE"MV . I ... � I ; � I I , �00� a mo6ls 44 .1-11 I " . Witinor and fi:kturft ,of S. S. 14,6� 7, Mks. Geoge Moore underwdut an the home of Mr. and Mr4'. W1% SMA10, I ..- . I I I " I , 1. I " � i"�Wl' r Irp S = � . I -e, I .... I 1. 4' V I .1W � 01) ratfo 11 8 t'ra"t or . 1. . I . I . . . � � I _. .."... ... -1� . �, 1 614, ' K* ,dbw aft lubtert Plam may be 00an .At Eist R&If e , 111 f d General- 1108- :., � .11 . . I. iw , . _�! . . I - I L' I I L -4 - *26if"', �2 . on Friday evening, March ,St'4, wbell .1 I I . ... - . W� L � j 1$�, " �Nej n 12' . . ­­�­­­­ , . , r 1, 4 . .. , ., I 1. 1! I 19117i 5' .. L olp �t "' 'it, .Tu!g. ' Tsh&ri *ill be, rftdvbd fiv uhttl April let. Vital on Friday f6r/appetiddeitts. Her 24 relatives gathered to.hti�6r:Ronald . & --- ' -- ___!_______�"� _,._____.,,,. 9 *Ati 1�14.1 11 0110k)i W, 68 in TA* go, "Coneowlio . HlbberL I 4 __ �_._-3, __l , " ___�---- �. - ..��,'_�._�,.__ . . . . t � , ,,I . 0. yis.swl� -.y '.1­1110ts I ff ...... I . &O t 0 'of Mis� P0*0 ,Ste' ' 11 - k ' - . - Stephan, son phak. - a! � '. I 11 il; ',7 L "W be , b 044, - , - ' � , - 21" tri6ndg., Wish ; hei a dpae,dy re- THE HYDRO - ELECTRIC POWER. .COMMISSION OF ONTARIO ' . I ;� 1, U, , 'LL' � t5tint & I XAAZ lj� ' IF ' n.; r , �, , 11 _41C ftfA'** f0i"vir Of HOnSall-, And to prea hi , Ith � . , , . , * , 12 , , , , , �v. , ""F�'� L I 1�, 7 I . I . 'A � " IIII-"12 �` , L I 11 I�L` " '�-. I - 0 1 k -, 1!1� -1., �__ s' t o , . Ex ,�.. W, of� , I I 'f. t c 1 , , I � ! 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