The Huron Expositor, 1946-03-08, Page 8U ?r; NOE ENTS NEWS . O I ESTATE ., LI4EIN'A1Ti^ 1-INE6 OF N•80lANCE FOR SA.L.E Ir1ek' 'd'welllin'g with all modern eon- lgiapienpes, iricl0ding hart. Water heat - and .>Ait •blither•- „;' 3j idtgrey frame dwelling and barn 04 two acres of land; auitable for ,Va4utry farm. Twenty-five acres, with small cot- tnge and •barn; 3 'i miles tram Sea - forth, en' -Highway. - EaFrame cottage on Goderich Street Double.apartnaent house on Victoria Street. Good investment, 'Other desirable properties also hated, WATSON & REID M. A. REI•O Proprietor rhone 214 : • Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE i The Second` Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours : Tues- day, T urrdaY and. SartuTdgY, 1.30 Pan- to 5 p. m ; Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p•nt•• E. C. CH'AMEBERLAIN - Clerk o aoo0o00000O o G. A., WHITNEY 0 O Successor to - 0 O HCLMES & WHITNEY 0 O Main Strebt - Seaforth 0 '0 ' AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 O Adjustable hospital bed for 0 q rent. 0 O Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 .0 Flowers. 0 O Telephone 119 0 0 Nights and Holidays 65 0 O 0 O.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O W. J. CLEARY . O Seaforth, Ont. 0 O LICENSED EMBALMER 0 O AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls -335 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 4°• ' J. A. BURKE ..o O Funeral Director 0 O DUBLIN ONT. -. 0 O Night or day Calls; Phone 43 r 10 0 •O - 0 000000000000 Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs " Tuesday Night Club I3t"e'ets. Thei Tuesday Night—Club- of >;'irat -Presby- terian Church met Tuesday- evening and owing to the rainy) weather a small but interested attendance was• present. In the absence of the pre9i- dertt, Rev. R. H. Williams presided and Mr. Clare Reith gave a splendid paper ort "The Doukabors," giving their history from the year 1889 when they arrived in the Western Prov- inces from Ge:raiany, up until 'the pre- sent time, Business items, were dis- cussed and Rev. Williams gave an interesting talk on "The Bible and Its Inspiration." Mr. Charles . Cunning- ham read the 23rd Psalm and Mr. W. J. -Thompson led in prayer. The Meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings and. Steamer Chairs Repaired. - Stratford, Upholstering Co. Stratford Telephone, 579 - FOt further information .apply at wt.'s Furniture Store SEAFORTH ' T1H MCKILLOP MUTUAL' FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. !-LEAD OFFICE —' SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Frank McGregor, Clinton - President Chris Leonhardt,Brodhagen, Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth •- Manager and Secretary -Treasurer, ' • DIRECTORS: Chris. Leonhardt, Brodlhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex . Broadfoot, R.R. 3, Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, R.R. 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R.R. ,-'-Clinton,;SHugh Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; . WiIliam R. Archibald,. R.R. 4, Seaforth; George Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; John L. ,Malone, R.R. 5, Sea- forth- AGENTS: Fihlay McKercher, R.R. 1, Dubin; V. Pepper, Bruceteld; J. E. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. 'are the ` best ' Counter Check Books made in Canada -'`,`,hey cost no More than, 'ordinary bks' and always give satisfaction, ' y W eras and to quote tyle or t Pdht r Flet Wright - Melrose,—, -In 'Knox Preisby terian Church, Waterloo, March 2nd, Mrs. Margaret H- Melrose, of Hamil- ton, became the bride of ifr, Bruce Campbell Wright, of Seaforth, in a doublering ceremony. The' bride is the only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs- George E. Hanley, of •Stratford, and the groom is the only son of Mr' and Mrs W. A. Wright,' of Seaforth. The Reverend John V. Mills, B.A., Waterloos -officiated. The bride, who was. unattended,.. looked charming in a French blue suit trininied with grey fox, grey hat with matching veil, and corsage of American Beauty rose buds. A reception, was held at the Old --Mill, ,Kitchener. Later the cou- ple left on- a wedding trip to New York. On 'their return thep will re- side in Hamilton. The bridegroom was a Flying Officer in the R.C.A.F., and was in that service for fou1'years. ITOR Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V: -Workman, Minister: • 10 a.m., Sun- day School;, 11 a.m., "The Sacrament of the L,ord's Supper 7 p.m., 'eThe Inwardness Of ' the Christian' Re= ligion." Thursday, 8 p.m.., Pre -Com- munion Service. We welcome every worshipper. Anglican,—Marchi 10th: First Sun= day in Lent: St: Thomas', Seaforth- 10 .a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Holy Communion, "Lenten Opportunities"; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer, "The Great Example." -St: Mary's, Dublin -3 p.m., Holy Communion: `.`The Great. Example."— Rector, Rev. C. F. L: Gilb'ert,,B.A.. First Presbyterian, Church. -10 a.m. The Sunday School; 1.1 a.m., Morn- ing. Worship: "The Christian Doc- trine of Sin"; - .7 p.m.. Evening -Wor ship: '.`Blessed ,Are the Meek." Thurs- day evening at 8: The -Quiet Hour—A series of six Lenten services `to be held in the Sunday School room. '" The women of the congregation are` reminded' of the World's Day .of Prayer service to be held in North.. side•,tlnited Church on Friday'. March -sth, at 3 p.m- ` Goforth Mission Band Meets.—The Goforth Mission Band of First Pres- byterian Church held • their ' regular meeting in the schoolroom of the -church. The meeting was opened by standing and repeating the Pledge to the Empire and- Yp the Church. This was followed by "God Save the King." The"iziiriutes of the last meeting were read and approved., Thirty-two an- swered the roll call. Mrs. D. IL Wil- son took over the business.. There were twerChiriese birthdays, Joan. Char- ters and Jean Nixon. The offering was received, followed by the 'offera- tory prayer_- Mary 'Copland took the chair for the devotional program, which opened by singing Hymn 212; verses 1-2. Karen Kidd gave a reci- tation and Doris ' Steyens read the -Scripture, lst kings 8:22-3Q. Sentence prayers were given by Margaret' Hem- berger and Marilyn Kling. Mrs. C. E. Smith told a very interesting story:- The meeting closed by singing Hymn, 781, first verse; followed by' the -bene- diction... Presbyterian. Ladies' Aid Meets'.— The March meeting -of the Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday, March 5th, in the basement of the church with •a splen- did attendance. Mrs. H. R. Scott pre- sided, and Mrs. Geddes -was pianist. The meeting opened by • stinging a hymn, followed with prayer by the president: -_ The secretary,' 'Mrs. J. MacTavish, read the minutes of the last meeting, and Miss Belle Camp- bell gave the financial report. Sev- eral items of tipsiness were then, brought before the meeting, after which,Mrs. J. A. Munn, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. J. E. Keating, sang a solo, which was much -'enjoy- e4 'by all. A hymn and' the National Anthem were then sung and the meeting closed with prayet by Mrs. James Kerr, The ilocial' committee served refreshments and,I a 'pleasant hour was spent by all priesent. Carashing - -AND Simonize, "a .T Seaforth Motors PHONE • 141 • when health permitted. She was a life member of the Woman's Mission- ary Society of that church. She also took part in the activities of Brunner Women's' Institute. Surviving besides her husband are five sons • and three daughters: Gordon, London;' Albert, Seaforth; Wesley, on the -homestead; Emerson, Brunner; 'Maurice, London; (Alice) Mrs. N. Bancroft, Newton ; (Cora). Mrs. K. J. Curtis and Miss' Helen Whitney, 9 Caledonia Street, Stratford. One brother, George Dob- son, 59 MCNab• St., Stratford, and Death of Mrs. T. 'J. Whitney.—Mrs. Thomas J. Whitney, Mornington town- ship, died Sunday night last at her daughter's home., in Stratford. firs. Whitney had been suffering froth a heart ailment for some time. The former Hannah Elizabeth Dobson, she was born in Eima township on November 23, 18-74, a daughter of the late John •Dobson and Elizabeth Lang- ford Dobson. On February 10, -1897, site° w'as r5tarried at her hence, third line' of Mornington, to Thomas 5. Whitney. -They "made their home in Moriifington township acrd hag resid- ed- there ever sitree, Mils. 'Whitney was a member of St Paiil's United Oh treli, Mi,'lferton, arid taelt°" aii rte - &ire - mart in the work at the elitrreli YOUNG CONSTRUCTION C. L. YOUNG, Prop. All Kinds of Concrete Work , Phone 90 r 2 - Hensall CROMARTY, ONT. 5X and 3X }SHINGLES Electric Fencers Fence Wire - Cedar and Steel Fence Posts - Gates Grass Seed - Seed Corn Garden Seeds - Fertilizer Ceresan CO-OP FEEDS Chipkstarter Pigstarter Growmash Hog Grower L.aymash Sow Ration Hatchmash - Dairy Ration WESTERN GRAIN AND CHOP Finns' Minerals and Tonics Reduced Iron, ,Rex Wheat Germ Oil Universal Milkers and Parts SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE PHONE, 9 Body & Fender. Repairs AT Seaforth Motors PHONE 141. • Plastering Plastering of All Types Plain, fancy and colored finishes. JACK HOLLAND PHONE 25 SEAFORTH FOR 'SALE ' .r Six -room Frame House. Hydro. Town water, and cellar. Situated on Coleman Street. House, with barn. Situated on Main Street -South. ' 50 -Acre Farm, Township Tucker - smith. Good brick house; bank barn; poultry house and driving shed. Im mediate possession.' 78-ACre Farm, Township , Tucker - smith. Frame house, bank barn,.driv- ing shed, hog pen. Good , bu$h with spring therein. lisp have listed farms in McKillop. E. C.. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE • Seaforth, Ont, ,Phones: '334 Office Res. 220 • t ►lee %�te7rs, 11 's. 'W. W `1.14404 Mesa, A t o , l; -.Mrs. ,T. 1VIc$ri to aA.d Jilitllefrew d, Tti> auto. ` also survive. ` ".there are 12 g 'a Ildrdldten. One brother, Mattliew , J. Dobson, of Peffers, rvprOdeoeased, her. The body r•esterf at the family )tome, lot 10. roar► cession 1, 'Moreillgtdn, where funeral services Were - held' on Thursday af- ternoon 'at ;130, , with Rev. Williaru Huuddlegtone, Milverton, officiating. Burial Wave made at Oreen'cvood ceree- t'ery, :Mili*ertt,n. LOCAL BRIEFS • • Mr. • Fr: W. ` Edge, of 'Toronto; spent the Week -end with his sister, Miss Josephine Edge. - • Mr. Harold Jackson was in To- ronto last. week. •• Mr. Ken Keating lies received his 'discharge tram the R. O. A. F.,' and is now visiting et Ilia, home' here. • Mrs. Helen K. Scott was in Win_g- ham on.$unday. - • 11Ir. .William bam.pbell, of the I -Royal' Apartments, has gore to Tren- ton to return , to his boat, ' "The Bay - fax."' •' • Mise Jean McDonald,: of Strat- ford, and Mr. Ronald Eley,. of Toren- to, were week -end guests of 'Mr, and Mrs. Ralph McFadden. , • Miss Helen' Smith, nursein-train- ing at St. Joseph's Hospital, London; spent the week -end with he;,parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. • Mrs, Mae Dorrance is: in Oshawa visiting .her daughter, Mrs. M. H. 'Mc-' Kenzie, and Mr- McKenzie. • • Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Scalisi; Misses Jean and Rose Scalisi and Mr. S„• Scalisi, of Woodstock, spent Sun- day with Mrs. Scalisi's .parents, Mr, Wand Mrs. Thomas Phillips.. • Mrs. H. E. Smith is visiting rel- atives and. friends in Milverton this week. • Miss Beatrice Lane, nurse -in - training at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, spent the week -end with her •par- ents; Mr. and 'Mrs. Vincent Lane, in McKillop. - • Mr. Les, Hogg, of Preston, visit- ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hogg, over • the week -end. • Mayor John J. Cluff, Clerk D. H. Wilsdn, Ken Campbell and Andrew Calder were in Toronto this week at- tending the O:M.E.A. Convention. • Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Rtebsrds, of Stratford, visited her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. • Miss Jessie Grainger, -'of Clinton, was a guest,at the home of, Mr, and Mrs., W. A. Wright. • r, 'and .Mrs. Wolfe and, family, of Stratford, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Margaret Hap. and Mr. Walker Hart. Rev- James Ritchie and Mrs. Rit- chie have taken up residence in Mrs. J:• G. Grieve's residence on Goderich- Street West. •• Mr, ,Neville McMillan,- of the Uni- versity; of Western Ontario, spent the week -end, at i e• home here. • Mr. Henle Ford, of Indiana, ,spent the week -end at. the home . of -Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. .• Mias Marjory Bickell, of Toron- to, spent the week -end at the home of°'her aunt, Miss Libby Freeman. • .Mr. Miles McMillan, son of Mr. 'and Mrs. J. M. McMillan, has been elected chief editor of the St Mich- ael's:College paper, • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Knowles, of Exeter, spent the weekend with Mrs.• John J. Sclater. '"" • Dr. Everatt Rivers.. Mrs. Rivers and son, of Detroit, spent the week- end at the home of his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. James Rivers. • Miss Lillian Faulkner spent the week -end in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. W: J. Faulkner. • Miss” Bessie Carnochan, of Lon- don, spent the week -end at the home of her father, Mr. -Sam Carnochan, and.her aunt, Miss Agnes Carnochan, • Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoggart, Ivan and Ross and Mrs. Annie Brown, of Clinton, spent Sunday at the home of ; Mr.' and Mrs-.. Raymond -Townsend, • Mr. J, E., Keating and. son, Ken- nett/v.-are .in Windsor this week visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. D, L. Hoover. • Mrs. Myrtle Carnochan, of Dear- born, Mich„ spent the .past• week end at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coleman's home visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos. Coleman, who has been 4uite ill the -past month. • Miss Lorna Bilis, of Toronto, formerly of . Seaforth, was successful in securing a Gold Medal for public spedking•in Toronto on Monday eve - WE RECENTLY HAVE INS'TAALLED A REGENT BATTERY VITALIZER • Battries Charged in Less Than a , .Dour without the necessity of removing the battery from your car. J. F. Daly Ford -' Monarch, Dealer' SEAFORTH �Jri R�_le. ping last. • Mr•, and Mrs, i;. C. Boswellwere in Toronto last week attending the Dew,-Brb'ok'- ileple wedding„ • ' Mr.Haugh I Welsh, or Kirkland Lake, well known Seaforth Old Bogy, is visiting, friends .in town tuts week. •, Mr. W. R. Smith;• who has spent the -past two and, a half years in the ,R.C.A.F., has reeeiyed hi y,,tleCe , • Mr. aMrs, • Charles A. Barber have return d;�fioam an. extended mo- tor tri.p'�te exalf and Mexico. • Miss Fergus Bell, of the Univers- ity of Western Ontario, London, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Earl Dell: • Mrs. O. Boutord, of Stratford„ visited her sister, ,Mrs. Gordon Muir, and Mr. Muir, ,over the- week -end. •, Mr. Joseph Mareneilf, -Of Sault Ste. Marie, was here.this week, and Mrs. Martinelli and "'little daughter, :Margaret, returned with him. • Mr. and Mrs. J. Willocks and daughters, Janet and Margaret, of Ripley, were week=end guests of Mrs. A. D, Armstrong; ' - ' • Mrs. Louis iiildebr•and'Spent the 'week=end with •her.'•dattghters, Mrs. Vincent 'Maurgskt and Mrs Vincent Knightly,, in. Kitebeiter, • 1% Iso :Margaret dale' atteii4d the WrightfMeirose Wedding in Waterloo ( last Saturday.' • rp!: '.04VIA; D,014 aid 'al a:', Alex 1.4iiver7 were In Galt ,thia. woelh,.: tl gye$ts of Mr. and Mrs, Gorden' Little ' • Mr, and Mrs JaXues Parry wei^e• ca>Ied to Lond+n qn TuesilaY . even- ingeowing to the seriene illness of their son,: Gereld, who Is in •We ttni. titer gtiSpital. • Miss' Edith Wallace, of Oakville., spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. W. G: Wallace, in Tuckersmith. • Mr,: and Mrs, David Pappie, who recently sold their •farnt on the Mill Road, have mowed tothe residence on North' ;Bain Street which they re- cently purchased from the Barron Estate. • Mrs. D. H. -Wilson is in Detroit visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Henderson. CROMARTY Personals: Miss Marjorie, Parker has taken a position in London; Mr. and Mrs. John 'Wilton, Mrs. Robert- son and John Robertson with Mr. and' Mrs. Charlie Mills, St: 'Marys; Miss,. Betty McKellar is .taping a .nursing, course' in Windsor; Mies' Margaret Scott, Ottawa;. with her mother, Mrs.. Grace Scott; Ross Houghton in Lon - doe, where he expects to get, his dis- charge froth the Artily: . ZION • Mr- And Mrs. Bill ,Durst are vend* ing a few' days . with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Aikens: Mr. Fergus Lannin spent' Friday in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Park and family visited with Mr. and, Mrs. Alb. Roney on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Smith and son Bruce,;, returned home on Monday • aft:ter ',spending a few • days • with Mr and 'Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Mr: and Mrs. • Harvey , Hyde .and family visited with, Mrs. Alexia Mai- colre on Sunday. -' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hannon had as their guests on Sunday, Mrs.' Wm. Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jeffery and' Spencer, Mr,, and Mrs. Norman Bushfield, Mr. and Mrs.` Angus Earl, •Mr, and Mrs. Earl ,Barker and Mr. Roy Hannon. KIPPEN Miss Marjorie paters, who spent some time with Mrs.' L Jarrott, re- turned to her home last week. Mr: Glenn . Somers,. of Seaforth, vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butt. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar• Smith, of Guelph, visited recently with the Mat- ter's parents; Mr, and Mrs. John Jar- rett,' Mr. and Mrs. , W. •Hornet' visited on Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs, Squire Herdman, of Centralia. Mrs: Harold Jones, who' has spent some time with her sister and bro- ther-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Westlake, of Bayfield; -returned' to her home on Saturday. Mr. Arnold Gackstetter is in Lon- don this week for his discharge from the Arnry. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family spent a day recently in ion, don. Themany friends of Mrs, "Alex Mc- Murtrie will Abe pleased to learn that •she was able.to return to her, home here from Clinton hospital on Sun- day. Mission .. Band Meets The Gauld Mission Band of St.'An- drew's United 'Church met on Sunday last during the church service with twenty-two members present. The meeting opened -with the call to wor- ship, by the leader and Hymn No. 388. The Scripture' lesson, Psalm 67, was given by Edna Broadfoot, The story on "Angola" was told byMrs. A.. Gackstetter, • assisted by . Mrs. W. Alexander.. The. Meeting closed with prayer by' Mona Caldwell.. • WALTON Friends of William J. Davidson, of Hudson 'Bay, Jct., Sask., formerly of the 12th concession, McKillop Town- ship',are sorry to hear that his young-- est oungest son, William Kenneth-. Davidson, shad been killed instantly while work- ing in a local saw mill. Besides his father, Kenneth leaves three sisters at home, one in Winnipeg, and two brothers . and a sister in Flin Fion, Manitoba',' who share in the sympathy of this community. He was' a nephew of Mrs. William Johnston,. of Blyth, and Walter Davidson, of Walton. ' Faithful Mail Carriers The community of Walton and sur- rounding country is well served by four rtiral mail carriers: eW. !R. Shol- dice, Andrew" Couttes, John Marshall' and,, William Thamer. Both veterans of World War 1, Mr. Sholdice and Mr.' Couttes has served the- cpmnkuhity for 23 yeare, Although ,most of the road travelled ori all four routes are unplowed in winter, the citizens of fhb vlcinitf have ''rarely' failed to re- ceive their mail. Mr. Thanrer, the youngest and_lewest of tire carriers, has used- three- means to ensure ,ade- quate delivery- During the preseift winter he has used his autoniobite, his tractor and his faithful :gfey, horse. Of all'three dtiring the winter months the tractor has been need the Moet. Mr. Thamer finals riding .the tractor somewhat cool btrt in most cases' handier and speedier. Oniy twice this winter -has the *mall for this i8inite route not reached i'ts des- tination. )Route N. 2, the largest route, car ried by Mr, Co'bttes, is ee.afilles long. ''i£teen of\the 0 ot1ie are over' tilt' - 1: OW SHO MNG- Thursday, Friday,,Saturday FRED Manila y_FMAY LYNN BARI • " CAPTAIN EDDIE'" • A likagnificent, romantic drama 'in the age of Speed. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY PHILIP DORN HELMUT DANTINE " ESCAPE IN THE . DESERT " A thrilling spy-meller dealing with escaped Nazi prisoners in the' Arizona., Desert - NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY PEGGY ANN GARNER ALLY"•N. JOSLYN JUNIOR . MISS " ,SPARKLING COMEDY, PACKED WIT$ LAUGHS ! COMING— "MILDRED PIERCE" plowed township roads. Despite the heavy blizzards this winter, Mr. Cout- tes has turned,,back only twice. On both occasions the roads were impass- able and visibility was nil. Mr, Scholdice's route is the short- est; yet much of it is over roads which are frequently travelled. Like the previous mentioned carriers, Mr. Sholdice has only failed to deliver the mail twice during the 1945-46 winter -season. . Mr. Marshall. carrier of route 3; al- so has had much experience. Prior to delivering route three he carried route 4. Mr. Marshall is now sub- stituting for Mr. Joseph 'Carter, who- had hohad carried the mail for 22 years but at present is employed at Seaforth. Mr: Marshall's route is entirely- on plowed roads, but when storms strike. this fact often makes matters worse. , Mr. Marshall has had to drive the horse only ,ten times this- winter, LIONS ORATORICAL CON!EEST Zone 3 SEAfORTHCQLLEGlATE AUDITORIUM - Friday, March 5th,. at 8.15 P.M. PROGRAM OF MOVING PICTURES and MUJSIC in addition to the contesting speakers Everyone cordially invited. ADMISSION FREE your Centre for the Lenten Feasrn Announcing the installation of a . Complete Frididaire System for Frozen Fish. Fish will, be available throughout the year: ENSURES' PERFECT CONDITION. -TO OUR CUSTOMERS The unit is entirely separate from all meats. THE FOLLOWING VARIETIES • ARE NOW AVAILABLE: • Red Salmon Steaks • Pink Salmon Steaks • • Fresh Fillets of Cod,, Haddock, Salmon' and Sole • Smoked Haddock. Fillets . Whyt&s, Butcher Shop SEAFORTH ODYAD FENDER REPAIRS With the return of Gordon Hildebrand from,; overseas, our Body and Paint Shop is ready- -to give you Prompt and Efficient Service. FORD - MONARCH -DEALER Seaforth'-- . . AUDITS IIIJVESTIGATIONB TAX CONSULTANT Bookkeeping'Systems and Service Bernard A. Galbraith ACCOUNTANT — AUDITOR Established 1942 52 Albert St., Stratford, Ont, Phones• -2427-W Res'. --2427-J ,,,'SDEAD or DISABLED Quiclly, removed in Clean Sanitary trucks. Phone collect. 219 MITCHELL Vitiliiiiin Shiba Sciiis Liniited