HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-03-01, Page 4�0 ti
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Sta ttqi� pr' to tq -Up 130'r9eq 14"4, SC40-91' 0
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V M&o�4- on ter with rp -The $04 rop A0 rot W, H !�ho Id the r n m V be'411 over,t4ing Or
efor Sit 14 'w
heq-foot on *iew; gwey-Han rful rosul, is, hlay ipader, do their &I OIL
4� ow. Masiey-Hprris
-do ChIc it
e .4 004. Comes 10 pproi b d aff,,
--pqr wee, o heto Ward
d Arria AoF" from the
�A tuottor", viy 4 &)'UI)Iic HigX-ft e,04121% 4W Mq.. "A at,
o was -As� na
imL k"O 4�enta extra, new. o W4 slfqixto this nT6W
sth n in 6� *t, pold bW e taff Itbriplilf Out
h To
W the );�eiltiolt for, t4..
in 0814 has. Oulims 'A
was �boien tgraishe4 fro.0 Harris bean Duller. with abtuchmeat::4;�A
a the
tractor mi on Wt, 2 selto of knivio; CIO At hold
Order of N14110, the oldest,W 41 g, or,. u y .0f,
Iay x4ok, now; Mosoey-Har-
d The first V 1=2'ehick'aWterv. I largv-6 we :4A ItqyAl.york Votel, 04
r in Canada
season; I electric 'bioo4er stove in perfect
rms, for Sale,
Fa devote herself -to t6achl),29"lu C44 -
Auction to
shame, 300 capacity. I. Vftnig oftarator. new
ads, landed RC St 1946.
(eliectric); wheelbarrow; seC 2,000 Ili. scales; A, W. ROMIalLe and Howard Wde.
pLEAR -ladder -. 1, set 19g- alelglid; 1 set than three---ceilturips. *go
OF. lao t NG A bera, of HeAsall Council, and- Jas..
A - One mile froin
of $.eaforth. -and one mile east. Let 7.
Stock arid Impkimcaft.-Mr. H�1614 -lack- harness I Bissell disc, A-1, QuiPoi;. sling tiefi $cho,
er for, sal Concession SA T mith.
at the IninlapWate'.0011061)
OL so ;iulpllo anor" , (Paters4n, clerk of be Village, wer0
P, has been imatrucol to of -11 by I house, him 00 ropes; )az'ohaln; fIs tile-., I famiitip
tion, On Let 12. Barfield Road South- 1% -ile* I grain. pirider. e bay. g mill; scho;Ql. �arge baA barn. brick In Stratford arei' pr (led Livery Stakllzri hi; knife, a ow 11',-1.'W .. . ...... . lim,0iso and pig vep.. Drained. Plenty of -9. e association PRIZE IwIST.
'wMitario, bred borseA. f Varna. an pitwill read. on Fridav� I act dosibletirm; barb wirv; crossewt saw same order.
water, All ip Wx-- given, lm-
�*Htors ris- )jW88Na1p, 'The
).m qharp, the fai
Poets &iw horse: I' tes, held at (3arla
Ho will be ly4. o j. W.. FREE, seaforib, change from pi school to. of. rurA Al. t
CIY4 The following. prizes
i 9"mg rising sacks; beti. Massey -Harris, walking plow "nediate kor ' jDUM AY �the best saniplee
-tf ublic School, howver, 011d nider, Jr.." and 4L 4080 made lit Wright 9te onto ISeed em
old; black inure rising 10'Yeafs *14.1 black pressure grease ga.-, thos raiqk�; bay fork.
Cly es. Percheroms, and of iscernible diftPrOACe. In the,�9011'001'§ and Tuesday. ance wlth.Jhe rules govoning-S"d
filly rising a old; bla.4 ixddimg r8109 mew, FEED AN. D GRAJX�A A
q, antity
wit 4. both hrWlPn-' SB=P-20 lflcee�- hay operstton. The w400l-Is now or Tuekersmith,.
a yeairs old. -andstraw;'20Q bushejs mixed grain; 200 en Mr.. Ut 2md 3rd 4th
M. R.
April' I' bushel& eats, Early. Carter. suitable for seed.. ents it AS
y, Sales,
right t� non -
.1 bus. Fall Wheat
k ter, Owes bred to lavilk ijp young HOUSEECOLD EFFECTS--Kitche and Fomd' Cath�hc stud
4091ml 4;AA'r and Que-i Ast
pure hired LhicesUr ram TTLE has sold his farm to Kr. Fred Chap
'to them In fact, f, P 1 bus. Early Oats 41,25 2.7 2.25 1.5*
Durham_ cowo, ioiWilInd TedS, five w"cal"'e" bee. heater; box stove, Cupboards; sealers; ROW -.,always open lf Blyth, a returned veteran, 2. so
at foot.. othen thi Of "Re; 3 good Durham chairs -. .2 be&;. Daisy churn; coal oil stow. TR PROW 46 -tlft I bus. Late Oats 3.26 76 2.25 L
siah cat. 'Answers to "Fluff." Any ne
-8 DU pupils ow attending st entfiely 1 buis. Huliess Oats ... 2.25 1.75
heifers due Brat Part of Ma�f� athiolICS., two 'Rarly,-6-rowod 9.25 2.75 2,25 IM.
`%am calves 3-buirrier; bench; extimajion table; 1 couch. re Whose home was aImp
one year ol&. staoris and hei I - Durham cider barrelis. and other articles too� nuiner- knowing the whereabouts of this cat. Wease 44 ard.-:40man
J stgemi rid PXLONE 257; Sea&rth. 4081-1 testant.'- At one time I bWi. Field, Peas' 2.26 1.75 1.66
heife o in the stroyed by,fire rd sVILLAGE OF, 2 years us bp mention.,' FAAX-100-acra farm; good
due tit. IR= 8.25 2.75 .60 IM'
I ork at. , brick house .and new 1ipi barn,; Hydro; 'cry the, number of OU-404thOlilbs and Melvin, Moir, Of� Hep, I bus. Field Beans
ld.rida&," March AIC, at I ; set of backhand good v*tO iupiply. Forty'rods from Village !,list Ed. Pink I bus. Soya Beans
Set of breeching 2.25 li.7� i.so.
modern Them- collar"- of Varna; Paved road. The Proprietor' is otiCeS .';.C1 bus, Timothy Seed.. 2.251 L 1.50
4l'' Offer harness and a �-runmber `of horse Ball couAdl" were In Oa
40 tg. Pens, feed- lxl� TS-Deeri Terms qattels--:6ash. -st gradiliate'. t* "a"4001i week attending the Good R AS As Seed 2.25 4.75
.20,1 ag binder; set Of 4-oer,-- 1.50
rinlug�'�. _
-Harris drill 'with ferti- we
tiou harrows; Massey 95= 4i'v, on ;om, day of sale; reserve, bid. veetCloverSeed 24A 1.00
roov Pressure
Hydro. later 13 run; T Massey-Hrris fertilizer. drill ding to Mother
syi :,throughout buQiing. JOHN H�MTMA$, Prolmietor; E. P. Chea- FOR QUICK.. EFFICIENT RADIO AND a"Or sciciation for the municipality, held bi Alfalfa Sood... -2.25 1.75 1.0
.0 new: cthicken shelters. per lipau scuffler and, pulled, y, Clerk; He. J4 n. Auctioneer.- WALKER ELEC- who taught in Dublin, from 1925 to, ... 2.25 1.75 1.60
Also I ck,�o apliance' repairs; ca4l at the Royal, ?�?.Tk n Monday and
So days, , Reserve bf4.: - 'A_ bus. Alsi4e Seed
cent down, balarsveln now; I iiihe harrow; lialig. plow; power TRIC. Phone �5.ZealestlL' 4080-2 1929, then came, -back five years ago bushel . flobatoes, any
Piroprio6is Harold
C- LEARING AUCTION -SALE OF 100 early variety ....... 2.25 1.75 1.50
cutting box; -pea harvester; set of.' , seep bol Tuesday,
-2 Alejow; farm wagon; how rack,� gravel box7 SPECT. to be principal, 'was a Protestant 'iii6ng those attending the fu 1.
Jac".. Auction"ger'- 4079 Implements, Feed and QPECIALOIL CHANGED AND IN
Acres. Lan�l. Stock, � 11 litly becan�e, a Lutheran A- nera1 bus... Potatoes, general!
1.200 lbs, Calos; M.Critalck-Deeiring cream Furniture -W. E. Najrn. auctioneer, will sell ed in BeAW irhrs, $1.26. who subseque crop. 2.25 1,75 1.60-
'0' geph agi from a dis- 'S
separato�r. new; all enamel Locomotve wash' by publiti auction on Lot 6.. Cor�cessiOlu 2, A. SILLS & SONS HA=kApply OF niniste'r. When he number -of non- of the, late Jo XA pecial Prize. bushel
ith gas motor. like., in . is . w. A Tuckersmith. one mile east of Hensall, on 4080x.2 student was &eater than it tance wer
SALE OF FARM STOCK, IM. 'mg mackthe w Catholic,, e'the Breen. family, of De- Corn on Cob ... ... 3.00 LOD L"
S' antity of mixed hay. Terms— Cpsh.. Tuesday, March''fith, 1946, oom%memVn0%4Jg t creditable showing
AM, QwINT Dios
S 'ETC- -,Mr. Harold Jckw�u -opirietor -. X t P. Chesn clergymen from two Protest- itr0it, and, Mr. and 'Mrs. 1. D. Reid Badge
LOUIS TAYLOR. Pit ey, 12.80 o'clock sharp OUR HOME WITH w of Grain amd Sweevatake
hm been iWtru�tiid.to sell by public auction � the �oklo*ing: FLEl`o'C,�!"=w.` 0 and Miss 'Minnie Reld,'of London.
Clerk; Harold 4acksors, Anedoncler. -Bay mare, 7 yeimrold, weight 1800 Ili&.; done d�� inations came regularly to
Let 13; " COnces6i W -j, Stanley Township, insulaion. Work ant Om
en bay trelding, 10 years Did. CATTLEShOrt- anywhere. For 6ib timates. phone HUR" the. - school to giv6 religious instrUc-
Parr "ne'e.qj:itues'sSath of 'Varna, on Men- CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM horn ebw due at titne of sale; Shorthorn cow ON EXPOSITOR orewrite ROWLAND 'C .1
day. March lith, at 12AOL p.m. sharp, the Stock and Implements, -on Monday, March d44 in way; Shorthorn cow due,in June L; far- DAY. 5 Thornto A., London. Returns From Overseas RULES AND REGULATIONS.
following: HORSE5-Bay horse, 9 year. old; 4th. At 12.3o p.m.. at Lot 14. Concession. 9, row cow n 4 fat steers;' 1,106 lbs. each; 5 4074x$ The greatest enrolment the School
bora!i, years. *ld-cbrxiwn horse, 7 Hullett Township, 3 3hil- east Of No. 4 steers, 2 1 years Did; 3 heifers. C ye4m old; 2
wnyears oldq��.wm horse. 5,years old: brown Highway, 3 -miles morthwest of Kinburn: Ili..; 9- calves. 7 months old- has had was 75; 'with that -many Stu- Pte. Homer Tinney, of Hay Tow I. -All seeds entered for Competition must
at calves. 500
horse, rising 3 years old. . CATTLE-BlUe cow- HORSES -1 sorrel gelding. Belgian, 10 years HOGS-S,w. bred; 8 pigs 'two moulths'old. dents, the School's facilities were us- shi', arrived home over th�e' week -end have been grown �by the exhibitor within one
due May 9th; brindle cow due fia August. old; -1 general purpose.�grey gelding, 10 years FOWL -50 White Leghorn . pullets; 60 Hybrid For Sale ed t6'their capacity. Last year there p Year pr�vious- to the Exhibition, except wheat.
following two years' service, *.Over- have been t,
Hereford o6w due February ?3rd. red heifer. oats and barle
in July; old, CATTLF,�4'cheice Young Durham c0- puuefa. BAY' AND bRAIN-?5 tons f mix- were 55 students,'and the year before I y classes. which may
fresh a mouth; Hereford -cow dut due to freshen from the 5th of April to 25th ed hay; r06 bushels mixed grain, 200 bushels seas. He arrived A the "Queen EUZ� grown in 1945 -
Ayrshire cow, bred January lilt; red cow due AprU.,- roams aiii�t red. 6 Durham stee�s mi - Alaska oats. fit for seed. IMPLEMENTS- To I Y TO WEAN. . 70. 2-Competit-ra must J�eeomc members of
in May; Te� iow. bred December Ist: 9 FOR SALE -10 PIGS. REA taff.',,abeth,` being iattached t6 the Irish the Society by paying to the Treasurer there- I
calves, coming one. Fear old; 1 young call; ing 2 years old, 800 lbs. ; 4 Durhant heifers M se�,-H i- binder, 74obt cut� tractor ROUGH. Phone 665 Four teachers form the As rris JAMES LAND,$ I, Regiment., Pte. Tinney spent one and of, bither previous to or at the time of iii�k-
rising 2 years aid; 6 Durham' steer calves hitch; McCormid;-Deering insower, 5 -foot cii 3�0 4080-Z Mother Francis. Clare, the princilSia ing entries, the sum of $1.06 each.
(cows� in cAtfki4 -a *;,ereford bull). PIGS- I year old; 2.Durham. heifer' calves. - r 16,, Seaforth. .-No premiums shall be awarded an
pigs. 15a Cockshutt spreader; culta packer; hay ted
Sol Of 1 year la� I Durham bull rising three' der; steel hay rake; spring tooth Cultivator; s a graduate in langu
VIAV-10-11 F d 10f �op oxious is . sture.
4.. IMPLE- Deering binder,�, utt fertilizer drill. 13 -disc, new; University, with a mas: he -receiv d shrapnel wounds in his inion'of the judge are of fl� n'
due April 21at; ages and history a half y4qms in Italy, and
I A =
N%6 etrunks of Pigs, 75 Van years old. hibits that contain weed seed, which in the
-!-?I�drum steel roller-, I Massey 7-fet cat; I Deering mower. 6400t cut; 1, Harris seed drill. 13-dise- 4 -section diam- oats, gr6wh 'from ��jigtered seed, econ
Puller: I Deering 6 -foot McCormik-Deering hay hy and history hip. A few months ago he was mar- 4. --No exhibitor shall receive more thain
aculfler end bean' ulky rake; I new ftYi harrows; scuffier; *ut-throw disc-, lotf' generation. Appl�y to JOHN SHEA,' Jr ter's degree in philoslop er
mower; 1 Fr6ai &'Wood binder, 7-fdat- cut; 'soader -, � Deering Trianure spreader, like -new ; grain grinder: Masiey-Harris corn cultivator, Phone 64-23, Dublinj 40al-�2 from -the University of Toronto. H -ried to an English bride. who will sail oo! prize ' in any class.
13-hoe'drill wLth Yelloiv fertilator� i Massey - of 3 -sec- vivall i P w AND post -gr . work Was done at the for Canada in April. samples must his correctly labelled
-Harris 13-ru n drill: 2 set- set of scales; new k ing le ; aduate
and - 5 STEERS Pte. Tinney is with the name of the vsriety-
Interntional cultivator witly narrow tobth cultivator.; 1 CATTLE FOR SALE
tion harrows; 1 spring wagon; hay rack; gravel box; set of sleighs'.
ide eeth, i all heifers. 500 to .700 lile., Durham 'and School of Graduate tudies in Toron- 6�ln case of dispute.'a statutory declare-
-steel; I Frost W6od culti Bisisel disc harrow: 1 scuffl�r.i I land roller; flat-7ack; rubber tired buggy: cutter; root the son of Mr. MattheNv Tinney, of
-foot du HerefIbrils. . Will sell to make you money. tion that the above niles have been Cmpiled
vator; 1 Cockshutt spreader: 1 8 nXP a ridilig plow; 2 walking Plows; :3100P pulper � 2 hog cratea;'Steel drums ; Oak. bar- . to, at the School of Mediaeval Stu
ES Micha;el's, College, and
ralse- I Massey side delivery Take-, I Massey sleigU, farm wagon; bay rack,, 6�4-inch Ves- I reis; hay fork, ear, rope and pulleys; sling Apply to ERN T TOWNSHEND, R. R. No- At Hay Township. �vith. may be'requirea from each or stny.ex-
i4s5if 6 - % Bayfield. or phone Clinton,900 r 21.
&my I Oliver riding plow; I Cockshutf. dies at St. Hbitor of seed.
ot grinder; turnip drill-. 1. hand cider rnM; ropes; wire stretcher; work bench; vire;, fa',', 4048-tf Ontario College of Education., She Greene Remin ton .1tibris for Prizes
V-furirow plow; I set 4 -section- harrowi i set of double harness ; I cream separator ; ning mill; quantity of lumber: 12 cords the g 7: -All. exhibits for campe*
harrow. Poles 16-f0ot flat rack', 1 set of whiffitrees; neckyokes; -forks; shovels;' stione boat; bag also _p qrtiAgkte must be dblNered at the Tov-n Hall, Hensiall
I 124mh hard' maple -wood; _KQyjpgiaI -i-r-rubber-li-red wagon: I -And host of other articles, --Cainiel--Presbytedau anse, Hen- not lateii than 1
FOWS.9LE- BY TEN he vemoved until the close of the Fair at
--sp P epiles; asp, Pair -amid-
sloop sleigh3 Quan truck; 70 ails, c teAcher.
quiarter steel itired waken; gravel box:' root tiy f househ(fid effects. Terms-Ca&h' I DER a school musi
er; sugar kettle- De Laval cream separator'. ed
pulper; I ,et outthxow dises; I 2,000 -pound FAIRSPHEWICE, Proprietor; Har- d pan and ONE.HtJNDRED ACRE FARM, SUITABLE Mother Herman, who conducts the Sall, was. the -scene of a lovely w
WILL5:4" colony bouse, IKS - 3 shelters ; fee be classified as Into
scales; 1 Ank->r-Eloh, cream separator, nearly old jackso� Auctioneer. 4080-1 f&htains; 2,50 34�oh tile; set of team bar- fctr �rasa. There are some poplar and choral singing classes,, is also Wali- ding Saturday hen Rev. 'P. A. Fer- S.-Erban nts must
H.P. motor; this lq.Xkd, -also Plenty of witer. Lot fled as a specWlst in music. Mother guson dificiated for the marriage o f eats.
now, with.PulleY for set of,single harness; collars; blankets-. elm on Township.,
fanning mill with lots, of sieves and pulley C�,FARn,�G AT SALE. ON SATUR- r'ob�; 300 feet of snow fence; iron posts;. 40 25, Concession 8,' Hay
emery ,stand- with 2 stones; 'I tender. Herman received her, B.A. degree at Ann Loreen, daughter or Mrs Rem -
for motor; day. March �nd, at I p.m., at 6neeszion feet of �ineh galvanized pipe;. emery atone of tender must, be included 'with
ues of una&epted tenders will he re- Ontario, G. W. ARMSTRONG President
emen - te. -er knives; 1 walkin:z T. -buggy pole*. 2 frolit wheels for W-30 tractor'; All ' heq -
plow; m wheelbar- �, South Half Lot 20, London. -Road S4 Vey- c the -University of Western ington and the 'ate Robeft
4 �olls of Portable silo; 1 5 Tjles south of -Seaforth and I mile est forks; -hoes; shovels; 4tc.. FURNITURE— turned. and is now working extra�murally to- :W. R. DOUGALL Secretary,
'�edar 1--dder: I w ton� of Blenheim, and, Ross Wesley
row -, I Pig Crat': I 2Z -foo mare. Washiiig machine and horse, g The highest or any tender'not necessarily w
t of. Red T .. rn: HORSES -1 aged as engine. ench
steel br6el; .2 wooden barrels-, 1 electric e. 16th a)�d a master's degree in Fr
C4%TTLE-1 roan cow due time of studio couch: rug: 2 extension tables-, chairs --accepted. All tenders must be in by
fencer: hay fork; sling -chain with btip rope: red cow due March; 1 red cow due in -June. bedroom suite,i living room of March. from the.jUniversity .6f Montreal. She Greene, eldest son 'at, Mr. and Mrs..
kettle, 35 -Tallon: lAock and tackle �vith
china cabinet;
I iron POULTRY -1 table; radio complete wi�l;
PIGS -j6 pi batteries -, sealers CHARLES. -A ROBINSON, �has, aso done summer school work in Wesley Greene� of Herisall. For her the questions, "How the deli'nquent
r-tes 1 single scuffier; 3. baga 20 hens, 2 chicken rates. GRAIN-' crocks -. dishes; lamps,. and several small art- R. R. 3,, Mitchell. Ont -
2,12 -6 fertilizer: 1 potato sprayer: -1 brood r hels mixed i, 3 `F�ench at Trois Pistoles, Que. wedding,the bride chose abrown tall- y should be treated" and also,;
11 iiles. THE FARM -Consisting of 100 ures. 4080- outh
ani bushel tunothi seed;' 150 bus
stove and ptpes; �chick'feeders grain; quantity mixed hay. IMPLEMENTS more or less, being Lot a, Concession 14, - -- Mother.. Bernice and Mother Ger- 6�ed suit with lime green blouse, top 1!'�How the raise of 18 cents to the
HARJTE$S-2 sets of breeching 'harness; _1'rM4�0ormick-De6ring mower, 5 -ft. cut: I Tuckerstuith; 10 acres good bush, balance, in
ard, the 'other -two members of the cc)
1 set collar tops. GRAIN 1 wagon and rack; I set lier.ne grass' abundaiic& f water; good shade, bank at and -hat in. lime green, with cor- strikers. would 'affect the farmers.-
�qod horse 6ollar, h sleighs i' Personals 'staff, hpld certificates as Ontari
ZL400 bus�heLs -of =Lved feed and Erban '6ats. walking Plow; sp�ing tooth'661tivisitor � 2 -fur- o see -
fit 2or seed.' FEEb�Four feet of ensilage: row riding blow'. 1.set 44ectio barn S8x60; cement lock house. Terms- sage of sweet peas and carnations- During the evening there was a pres-
is harrows 1. Made known day f sale* On Cihattels-Casb. school teacher, and are study-.
TS FOR dar rs Clifford Young attended her 6is- ertatibn of a beautiful gold Signet
several tons of mixed hay. LUMIIERL:ii�ian- stock rack. I"Deering dump rake: buggy� Positively no reserve. Everything ffered will :QPIRET-'LA FOUNDATION GARMEN tramurally for university de-
ing eX
tit, -of, pinnk . inch (hrimber And white ash,cuttsir; I set,breeching heam-s-, I set single be IdId to the highest bidder. R� D. BELL, 00 health and style. Individually do
I - 9RALix signed. ter, wearing a dovetone wool dres s ring to Mr. Percy Sal",,who has sold
rtiougues. quantity of cedar vosls.� I set .5 feet K., SCOTT, igh StreeC 8ea.' with silver studded tri hisi farm And iptends leaving the,com-
hay ca�; 12 Proprietor; W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer., RS. HELEN
rope; set scales-, turnip slicer; cutting in and corsage
ARTICLE -LoFging hains, small chaims box; forth. 4060x�52 Mother Francis Clare, before com-
48� ng
&9r,Ks slid shovels L,nuinber of good sacks and 2.006 lb.. scales: I De Laval cream separator
ing back to Dublin to take charge of of pink sweet peAs. and carn*tions. muniity 'in the near fUtur FollOwi
ubout lo good - grain 'bi whiffietrees ; (600 lbs.) ; wheelbarrow. Cyclone, grass seed- EJOY img. t . he school, 'C'ifford Young 'attended. the groo . is the addres ea . r Pere
n k, stove':. I ei - - - - was Dean and other In : - Haying
er. hand corn planter: S canvas for Mas Farm Produce night's sleep without' coughing, thk 'y
Mr. Wm. Pearson, Seaforth, says: "I am so -Superior of Br
&axwo];. electric washing machine- Terms sey-Harris shovels hains. etc- escia Hall, at the tui- Later a -n�ception was held at the, at last become, ddnvinced that you are
E. quantity of- _1aimber.' HOtJSiilOLD EFFECTS FEE Y a -n Ontario.
Cash. -7HIAROtl). Propli
kison, Auc �1 Globe.,cook stove; I heater Baled Beari Straw -A diimif,6a quantity of I ould like all people who suffer from holne of Mr�, and Mrs. Clifford Young. leaving our' neighberhood, 'we
p. Cheiiney, Clerk: Harold Jac I "coal ou _D FLAX $WF . FEED 3EANS AND thankful -to you. fo� Your asthma remed th t' versity 'of Westei
4081-2 a.�ied on In 'four
heater, 8 chairs; 2 kitchen tables. 1 eight-day e, Teaching. is c
Apply at the Flax Mill Premis- asthma to know what it did for r -s. Remington,, motOer, of the -pride,- -to Wish Y ;A,�Vl
each. for sale. I suf -lit All gathered now 01i eits
clock-, 2,couches; I flour bin;'l. oak exten- Hensall. OWENI GEIGER ESTATE; Ira fered for years from choking, diffic.1 br�;th- J'arge�
-�ell -.classro.oxs,. _and a, gei
;of isthima iiind---irid romaY assisted -Mrs. Want you to - know that
cb-irs r -king -a I Young--in--irkelving the future-.
caeing ence laboratory.- For- Music classes,
sideboard, Doherty organ' 4081-1 he . 1ped me to Any exterit, but your I wearing a dress, of peace blue we shall miss you. For you have been
chains remedy guests
um -, 2 beds. springs and That- use is made of the convent, parlor.
AUCn-0N SALE OF FARM STOCK' 1M- radio: "mole touched the sPot at once and gave "),me not
Ivinentis. Etc. -'Ar. Harold "Jackson 'has 'tresses"' 1 dresser and misirror; Alladin lamp; only quick relief. 'but I dra 'now free from ."It's hard to, know'what's best for' crepe and corsage of'pink sweet peas. most generous with your friendshipi
all symptoms. A few issionth's treatment did y
been histructed to 6,eli y public auction on Z as"nds; copper boiler. hall table; wash- -free information rite F. L.
Ut 240ortoession 7� MlcKillp. Say. miles ing machine, quantity dishes. sealers, etc. it" For i the children," says Gerald Hollaiid, and carnations. Mrs. Greene, mother arid our wiUingneas to take your
mrth'of Seaf4rth amd,,%, cmile'east.on Wed- and o�her articles too numerous to mention. W, anted. a Dublin -resident., "Our school here of the groom, received wearing a pow- nsibluti in tIke,
HOWEY. 144 Catherine Street South, Hamil- share of the. respo es
mesdjy'MAircW sat -11 � o*cl6jck p.m., sharp. Proprietor has sold his farm- Te�ms�Cash- 408Ox4 out good'.schojars; they
has turned
HORSW-4 good work isorses, PERCY SALES, Proprietor; Harold Jackson. WANTED -TO RE2,Fr. 100-150 ACRE FARM der. blue crepe dress with corsage of neighborho We hope'ihat you win
and had pro- pink,sweet peas and carnation's. The not soon forget us- Pe and that
Mfol'2 years old., 1600 lbb. CATME-1 reg- Auctioneer. 4080-1 with fairly good buildings, to take Doe- hav'e Won scholarships,
istered 6 3,wr. 61d; 6 Durham session in Spring. Please apply to Box 470. feSS104.41 successes, away, -out of pro- rey,
coics. 4 to 4 -yesis old, milkika since Decem- SALE OF PARM STOCK AND HURON, EXPOSITOR. In Memoriam portion to the size of the school. Our bride, and groom cut the wedding cake we shall be -able to Welcome you b"k:
ber and January; I Durhasm. cc* 4 years old, AU1C.;nw0!nts.= -free, it's, In good con
.Mr. Harold'Jickbon has re- building is debt -- and 1. 1., Remington, eldest brother among us again.`11 That you m be
due time of i ; eifers, 850 lia.; 2 "heifers ceived instractiow to sell by public auction IN T F3iORY OF OUR DEAR I don't kiiow just -hat of the. briq�e, Who returned from three assured of our bestL wishes for you
700 lba.: 9.,stoexs, 1,050� Ili..: 4 Wearling of dition, and
oax4ingi heifers - It I to ^- In ley Townitill. orsehalf mile s6uth Poultry mother. Mrs-. KenDings, who passed e should years' s�ervlce overseas, proposed a kind memories of our associa�
steers. 2 F Ki a No. 4, on Wednesday, away'March 2, 1944, at Hensall,,Ont. we could do with it'if the tim and
mrntba� old.. rmpLi�S-L7- pm.. the following: e when it. wasn't' being used aS14 a toast -to the bride. Guests were pres-- tion with, jou;- we whnt you to ac -
Harris binder; 5 -foot Deering mower, 11 -hoe E[4)PSE,',z2 good work horses. CATTLF-1 POULTRY -DO NOT FEED WARDEM. with patience bore. S
She'suffered much,
Wasse)tHarris fortilizer drill; school.
7 -year-old cow-, w '1 8 - High -
side delivery %*akc';�a5Se7-HArriS dump rake; ith calf at foo� -year-old Have your, hens carefully culled. Till -God called our Mother ent-from Hengall, Mitchell, Blenheim, cept this small, -token of our rein
b4 . cow due in AOril; 1 8 -year-old cow due in est market prices at all -times. GEORGE Aw�iy from a world of strife, Highgate a nd Innerkip. Mr. and Mrs. brAnee'. From Your Neighbors."' Mr.,
31assey-4t�r17's J .Y kader; Massey -Harris May; 1 7 -year-old cow. milking; I 10 -year-old WALKER. Hemisall. Phome 119.
culti Deer7irw, lisc; kteel-rollor, 4 -section cow due in March: I aged co-, due in April; 41976xI2 To shine among the' anges Green will reside in Hensa',I. Sales, aken completely by� sgr
In's fairer. brigliter life.
dia!Ln?nd hm;Towa, and stretcher; 2 Fleury Arch - I Jeliey cow
I 7-yearld cow.d126 in CLINTON' rm' Forum Honors Member. t ighbors for th
Cockshutt gaza making. I jemey cow due in �ipril � 2 4 -year- Gafe in the arms of Jesus, eir kind
Saved from all grietand sin.
endvLrrp:?! old ctows due in April; 2 2-yealr.Zld heifers tr -beart. are full of sorrow. The Farm -Forum of Circuit 651 thoughts and generous gift. A social
vl.*, de�gh tszA, .16t rack wagon and box. due in Api4l; 4 yearlink heifem'. 3 yearling Notice To Creditors Misses 0. and L- Brigham, -have te-
tears have dimmed our eyes. met at the home of Mr. and M ns;- Wm. time -was spent by, all, which lastedL
*ith 16L -foot flat top and in April:
wago rs: I Durham bull. 2 yes old But vre &)!all meet her once again
sliding rack-:, stock rack: gravel box; hay stee -ifers arid 3 calvvs-' PIGSQkne -TO CREDITORS 'Yond the skies. ral days spent with 'Vine on'Monday night, with a full into the wee s houro-ofhe orn-
-ling cut- 2 yearling he NOTICE in the home be Ir Mall. 3n
box grindatissio Z buggy and -buggy Dole; TRy red Ja ai-Y - unks. FOU'L- THh ESTATE OF. JIESSIE BRQWN attendance anda, iv
fork:; sling lock and a ropes hand 64ow b no 21st.. 17 ch relatives in London. M:4
S -Leghorn, ens 1. year Old. IN. ely discussion on, ing.
2 -er ALL -and family; Shirley.
saw I pE'RSONS1fAVING�CLA1xS AGAINST- -Ever,rmembeied by her. daughter. PesiLrl- ses, �t
ussex h --K. - hd- - H; cGil-1---have re,
cutter ne RW IMPLEMENTS -1 Row Crop Oli% s6n-in4aw, Lloyd, and
scyths 25 kence. P I oats; 19 Comer Posts; -Mas- ter �ri rubber. 1 year old. equipped with 2- the Estate of 'Jessie Brown.' 'late, o; the turned to L5'ndiin aft�r Spending the
500 ft-: ��Fhoel- row -and road gear. Town 4 of'Seaforth, deceased. who died "on I or Roni;Td, Roy amd--J�yce�. Hed�en.
2 -oil . scuffler, power lift -Pulley, the, �ftst clay of November, 1945, arC :week -end With their bai�6nts, Mr. and.
barraw; 4" box, wood- and -light. and bean puller; I'Oliver About
v hereby notified txymend in to the undersign�d
2 -furrow ev
barrel,_� 284bat. Isdder 39 -foot extension Jad- team scomer, on'o' Woip'tbe Ist. day 4f'.March 1944.'full Mrs, J. MciGill
Oliver Plow, m
der, I set plat:6�rm scales-; beg,cart: Clinton McGermick-Deering stiff todth cultivator: r, Ph�rllis* Herma' hAs. returned
T;Rnning mill and'scre'dus 1, sUge.T.;.,kettle; grain Massey -Harris 6 -foot binder, Frost & Wood particulars of their claims. Miss
6�,feot; dump rake; steel roller, three Immediately after the said last mentioned -1116sPital,
whifflefrees - doubletmees: neckyoke.s. and mower. te *ill be USTARD�in Scott Memorial Sea- to Western University to. rE�sume her.
many vt e, es. L R-Ro =k drsi ri-section hariowr; walking Plow: disc; dat, the assets of the said eats Studies fLfter spending' the Week -end
a, r wagon; I set'alriglis: I Mwsie�-Rarris fer- distributed amongist-the parties entitled there- . forth� on February 21st, to M -r. and Mrs.
rd only to claims of which the Aloi�e Mustard. Bracelield', a daugbi&.
Plank basswood and Is ck rera
tilizer 11 -run drill: gravel box;. I wagon box; undersigned shall then have nqtice. to the PAPPLE-In Scott 'Memorial - Hospital, Sea- with her parents,' M.r. And . Mrs. T.
HOUSEHOLD iEFTSICTS, --- Clare Jewel 'white I hia:i�'rack; I flat sleigh Tack; 1 buggy; 1 You
and green einalmell range, for wood or coali cutter; fanning milJ,; 2,000 -pound cales; root cluqion of all othe�s, and the undersigned forth, on Feliruary 26th.. in Mr. dtid Mrs. HerMan'.
B F-1� R UEEL-
Colommon gas stare and oven; -box stove; pulper-., I Frost & Wood mark wi-not be liable to any person of whose Earl Papple. Tuckerstarth, a solL - o,-
ure spreader; I bb is hh'ving a bout With
liesifer with Silent. Glow a burner installed; set dwalmle harness, good colony house, 10x12; elaim the undersigned shall not then have SCOTT -In Scott Mentorial Hts-Pital, Ses- C. Lo
iron bed.. springs avid mattreiis; w;Ddden bed, brooder stove. -3 ranie shelters: electric'wa- notice for the assets so distributed or any forth, on. February 2711�� to Mr. arid, Mrs. Old Man Ffu.
-a daughter.,
spx and mattress ; dresser,: edroom chair -, ter warmr; sling ropes: drain; steel Pig Part ther,"-f 'Smile these
Arnold Scott., McKillopi.'
DATED at Seaforth this 14th day of Febru- COOPER -At - Mr.. Nursing Mr. Olde wears a broad WHEELEOTRACNA
couch, rocking chairs 2 wicker hrs3 ii�tijy of lumber; wire stretchers SaundercoWs
trounhiis Home, HeTmall, on Saturday; Feb. 23rd, to ghter, Na0y
vmoden beds. AladOn hanging lamp; Aladdin bifflefiecs-, neckyokes: elec- 0,17, 1946- -A-:brand new dau
,churn; fork!, I
table Cyclone By it�ei Solicitor Mr. and Mrs. it" Cooper, of Kippers, a
lamp, Coleman gas:, iror clash -Monday..
trib f= 3 Airtter robes grass Louise, arrived last
dishes; crocks, efc.�; other Articles. WOOD- eedier - , il- K. L McUEAN: son.
10 'cords dry 41mb wood. "HOGS -2n chunks, tutcher k,.wea.. -�weeled ra Seaforth,,Ontssrio.
Quammy of bay Mr. Roy rwmsteel is ill in hospital'
er, --and many 6$ her articles. 4079-3
so �PIDULTRY-920- Rck and a I q
of mixed krairs, wheat arid. e, ho e f6l' an "early vo GOODYEARAPEN CENTRE
(Sco fii,London. W
Ws), POVLTRY t4UIPMNTColom� ots; 20,:busheli; Ueans.. Terms --Cash. W`M-
C rk;
housIa, I0xI2, ol� bro�der sove and pipes ; I). GLEN34, propri P DUBLIN
esney, le covery.
chiiiiiiken troughs; feed troughs'. fountains: -t Harald Je611i Auciioneer. 4080-2
etateS. GRAIN- Tenders Wanted . To 'hear "t barle6-i sultable,fors, seed: the If ongs
150 lv�hels V;ks%
AUCT`0N`--S-&1T 01 F" -k MCK' IM- in them all
100,busbeli Viaftiitard dafts, suitable for.soed: sung so that the music
50 bushels Ajax. --o�l* Wtable for sestd; -20r' plernents arid "Abusehold Effectr, - 3Tm- TENDERS -bomes-0,11t, one needs to stop!'at the HENSALL REOUIRE0.
Harold Jackson -has been instrdebed�tO sell by
sesbay. glietirile.of the rig4t".day'a[t the
Public octi4n. �.n Lot I-,", Bay"d Road South, �FMPN'COUNTY HOME: COMMIT- 171
set bteeebinr- harness; As-'
te, mile west of Varna. on Tuesday. THE Chicken time is Cod'Liver Oil time.
hand harness for three --horses; I set singile OmO-Qual tee are asking- for tenders for the re.�. right �sOot on Dublins main street.
couars. March-Sth. o'clock P e -fol- The Goodyear changeover plan is easy
spf the East Wing of the Hu When mllSiC 'Class- I in session At' Pee'd your new chickens good, Cod
barnew-CS barse bla-inkets. 7 -horse Chestnut Belgian wiring o iron Cmm-
Everythdrig will be sold as the Proprietor has lowinc: HORSF-&-Tiimn ty..Home at C inton. Ontario. Please contact and it SAVES'YOU TIME, FUEL AND
mar Dublin High' Sthool, and the lilt of Liver Oil- Our. Cod Liver Oil.- tests
a. 6 1HW :8 years oA weighing. about
old his farm Terms-Cksh. Ross MURDM 100 lbs. eah. CATrLF-Rean Durham coK the Manager" at the Rome for information choral Singing by yo0thful voices car- 2000 VitaMin A Units and 500" -Vita -
in the
and specifidations. Tenders to be MONEY.,
rioprietor. F- P. Cheamey; Clerk. Rai -old
8 years old.. freshens April lot, re. DiirhArrs harids of the County, Clerk not in- min D Units per gram. 'Get thtsgood
Jackson. Aiactioneer. .4,081-2 later t1lan, ries out thrt)ugb' the' classroom'W
em March 30th.
6irw Z years 6144' freali Feb 25th" 'the lowest or any tender not Cod -Liver Oil at Middleton's Drug
Zd7rfr=;;� dA)W, It's not. easy for passing feet to.
Guernsey-tr�ovd o6w 5 Years xtecessacily accepted- Stod Helli
__yeara old, N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, go by -
ens February zvm GFderTcli. Sons a-ud daughters, to -the tWird Get ready for your new chickens.
CL'EAWNG AUCTION SALE OF PARM fr:eahem March 93 -rd; Jersey cow 7 yeaft old. 4081.2 Glean and disinfebtant your colony
Stock Impl;mnts.-Mr. Harold Jack fresens April ' 27th : Pure bred Jersey cow, I - and, fourth generaition Of the pioneer olighly cited to.sell by public auc- years old. freshens FebTmwy'23rd: pure bred house thor Get PermangAnate 1rhe
son has �een instru yes" old, freshens March 15th; �Irish fami)ies who settled Dublin
TENDERS WANTED Fumigatiolf and Black Di1xinfebtant
Von on Lot 18. Concession 3, HAY Township. Jemey caw 4
heifer. ftesheris March l5tb: neighborhood have always formed a
on6 mile �vicst cf Heinsall 'and one-half mile man Durham Wash 9t iddleton's Drug.8tore, of
'20 vml- Registered -Dirial Purpose Shorthorn. bull. IS rge part of the, student body, of the
south on Thu March 7th,'at 1'2- Township of Tuckersmith ]a r ,
�all. A clean colony house sa#ds you
(J. M. Scott breed. o6l at Dublin. Such Sit 00if
re.0, ; ,
sharp, the OASP,9--Black mare. manthp Old. red in color ladary sell )r
6 yi old; black mare, 9
St, ;seco
YeArs old: bay Seafartb);'S Durbarn steers, 2 years old: T*NbFRS WILL BE RECEIVED , , Many dollars in poultiy losiei.
p.ra,, 31areb names as Ryan,
ars rham heifers. 2 years old; 4 Durham A UfPeif, - "iPs.
bMe nmdexsigned up to 3 Dillon,
4 years - 614� due time of sale', red cow 6 steers,' I yea�, old: 5 Durham heifers, I year 2nd. 1946, f& the following operations- Murphy, O'Conpor,._O' Appear
#otirke, (Continued from Page 1) C0
years old. due in' April ', 2 Hereford heifers. oW; 3 Jersey helfers, I Year old. 130GS-42 (1) To sdp'ply Power-40H.P. or more- ech
on.the student roster generation after
0 bs.; I ppre belt i�perator and one additional man, o
-reford'cow 7 years old. due i May: chunks, reithing fibm 190 o 1� -1 ed�b
fresh; Ito now is a, COMP111- The Ladles'. Aid, Group 3, of Car
genere tic,
May -, black bed Yorkshire I o6w, doe at time of a le. op�mste Township Crui crush reort cir
'in June; HGlAein cow POULTRY --22z. Lexhorn hens, one year old. mately 5;000.-ys1rdls, )-inch screen. e school curric'u- in
yedrq old, due half of -sory subject on th 61 Church, met in the schoolroom
11 yCasi old, 'due in July Hereford cow 9 TAtPLUMENTS-1 ubber tire WavOn. 600X16 such gravel to be ic�rpshedin the Murray Pit lum- tailgff by, instructors duly quail- f.the.VtL�rch With Mrs. -F. Farquhar
years- old-, 43 fat steers ; 3 fat h6ifti's 2 steers tires, me*: 4,ectitirs' drag ha��owS i' I spring and half in the Allen Pit- Contractor to
tate in ender fled and equipped 'with Certificat6iII,
Tisitsig 9 years -old: 6 yeti-irling fifw 4 yqxr- tooth cultivator. with narrow and wide ttetb:, move and set up crusher and a In the cha:ir, The Bi�le lessiall, Wii
ts isIn as.if
con- price.for sarne. Contractors to satisfy Conn- -but Dublin studen - ti 9 W, Satigster hi4d pra-ker
09 6t4eTts 1 3 6Aves, I Pair of gees'�L 1111- L, McCormick ?mower. G -foot cut. in wood
PTAMtNTS-i Case tractor Model S; stafter ditinin , I set @cup ollelglia. with bunks. good': cil as to. Compenation inimikince carried and they enjoyed it; music �Iass is 'a mat- read by Mrs.
'P-bec[i plei"s; I Oliver walking plow tie �ompleted , by October 2, 1946.
and fightd, (n I -set work to offered by, Mrs, A. D� McEwau. bur -
early mew); Case 2-fistirrow b
of bean knives for Oliver puller. almosj� Contractor to furnish bond in form of mark-, ter of pleasure as well as educational
stiff Itooth eultiX-ntbr; Masgoy- I set it. was de- SAVES ONE DAY'S WORK I SIX I
to profit. ing. the business session
imller ivith raAks ; I Clinton faminiffi ed, cheque for Sa50 f6 aceorwany, tender I
'4,h�mder 1 -foot: ;I'de irske: Mits- mill I gmvej box -. Beatty watAr trough ; I gidAfaintee' falffiful, performailce- wf contract sald of
:h Music. in 'M� $0�6ol Is only,,,one,of, (I to,have a ;booth at-,
sevarafor wit powl - AttAeh tem-,, -'D,. 18ell, east 0 , ensall, on ilj� dumili hay aosidot*, �i Boiidsi will be returned to unsuecessfill, . .- .. M0 b 0 . 1. . . sk o4 I
derers. Eneh party tD be responsible- for Tl�" yhaliy., ties which -bind M 24r If
Ins' Youk
movvor, 6- mM: Pulver; equipped for motor,
pocubui b�Aii s6aftier V, A.P. electAc motor', electtii feed ooker. their oweequipment, arid all *ork School very c1losely to thweomlnillift3e -March 5th. A tefi-cent telit waa servm
-946ot In gok to the satisfaction and uder thia -which eii M ' ic le'- ned hi�06
drill; disc. him.ess. 4iegAy nL�*-. I 4(10hil. electlie -ten
'=f ' Road Stiveti�ktendettt. us AX
166t (nowrig , �*
*ith Aide id corAlitiers- I of teiim'bie6hintr Wit 0, ceT: 4f; zt� eea. -
ebloul bmist- stay- not noces4firily hecepted. School, hummed ih 'the, hom6A, sung
i0ockslinft tidldt" 04,66t 40 ram; I screw Jac1c; 1 wheelbarr*%v; I miss confined,
good. range shelters; Vmar to state rate per vaird. y studenis and e-k-4ilidnts at small,
M. chicken trodgU arimkitlf' foUntuths,' etl- ;, 1 (2)' 'To 'supply track, and track gravel to her home with 'the flu
',fight wheelleii6* Fy;e sipftyluk, outfit- - 50 eeddr from crusher to township T*a& in amounts friendly �OmmAinity.ggthekitigs,jepir
6jJ*ki%i bia Mrs. W.'Luker is confined. to ber
tee fo& tier
S: t6mik or �6� mixed as stated above. Tender to a �6e)iits one of the IntAligible valltes
`*t *66a - lorka� wd. ft* rate up to five iles, and i -rate "WAlch is now thres,�Oeo
li", 6 4&& ot &M,' kifidli jy t
.�6.mireh home with iflnesg.'
As .1hi6 trend OWar
Enoj.'6, mile for sit 'mikana -over - haul.
efiftint d A" 0A or46 bo T."-& 4V t6edirde- or progress.
10* !
o RS--
ik"'t - 69rr" �romlnent .SEAFORTH MOTO
*64, tiostilt -Aiwv X tion of. Ad to the sAtEs16&tft of the 10" larger /bigh sob 10-s had the ml6f, All 'on the
it 'q pttlits to ortune to
ai ftbild 0 Wid f 6=6 sJual- Phdi4e 141. -
the, ventual iatin161% of 8 Jay aLvem *st al: any tender not, netessarily ell -on Main Streot'bbed t. afo
X twht icblff, AM Wo 'Ton' all Cor- i
ter secondM7 ach IY. they 6f6rmed the 1 9
lot I district are,
a large butheir
Ing thd gains of*U6611091 In-
fit-4116y�,w6re not seriatisir
.. .. .. . .....