HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-01-18, Page 8esday to Oat „ Anna, oI TOV.01110elutd. " 0.14•1144, . W434 S. who rhfit , froU ,orpro4v00*,! ' Pli*N.gs!•• Mr. and Mrs. VP L. /.34*'''' •!Ttfr4j4100 GarniM,Mra. Dafnias' 444 00.040r. Patricia..- were ghosts. jest Weelf,P9x. itir, and lire, C. H. - • Misses Joan-Menbasfer, Fergaa' Bell and IDtarothy SMith, of the UtiV versity ef, Western Ontatioo London, are spending a feW" db.ye at their heinea jil tOwn. ' - . • welling and.. bent laud; '40,W/1e./or '.it"orasi small OA. 3% , =Ilse from $0a- 0**Al3t4i4c itii#7 cottage. on Doderich "Street Oidle•apartinent house lion Victoria' trek'. flesid 111Yeetnrot.• �th�r da'aliablairoP ertle ale d , W.NTSOS • 8z. FEW ' M. A.' REID • "Proprietor afrie.214 ; „. Seaforth *loin AL LINES OF. 11141311.RANCE Second Division -"Court County' of Hurbn Mee In the DeUtinieu Bask Build- ing. Besferth. Delve bouts: TaInsdili and Saturday, 1.1104.m. • te 6 a.m.; ileturdsr evening. 7.116 a.m. te 9 p.es. E. C.•• CHAMEBERLAIN - Clerk hItt w0ddiag was sole zeatgBon4v1e Uu 06 ChnSe.h. 13A -Patiirday, •:th., by ROV. A, W.' "Cta.riliAor *heti JeaO dittfghter of Mr. and Mrs. Infine, of lCiPllett, was gaited in Marriage to Mr. ,Albert„G. White; of Kingavilla, 'Tie, bride's atteudant Was herOniter, UM. J. Jf: Wood, and the groom was supported: by the bride's; brother, ;Mr. Alex Irvine, of Kippen. .innnedialnly following the ceremony kthe yoling_eouple 'left by train...for points east. They will take up residenee Northelde W. A. Elects Officer- Grop No. 2 of the Women's Asso Jai Urea of Northside 'United Church held their montfily meeting on Monday ev- ening at the keme of Mrs. Ross Savauge;wtth a good attendance.. The first part of the meeting waS epent in minting. The ria.sitiess was then' dis- classed and the following, effieers • were elected for 1946: President, Mrs. James M. Scott; ist vice-presi- dent, Miss 1..laura Mole; treasurer, • Mrs. C. Walden; Secretary, Ilifiss Vera Mole:, pianist Mis.' Geoege Johnston. The -meeting was brought to a close by repeating the- Miipah'befirliction tmison The lunch committee, as- sisted by. the hostess, served - •a' dainty -lunch and a acacia' half-heur was spent. 0 G. A. WHITNEY 0 .0 Successor to • 0 HOLMES 4 WHITNEY C; -0 Main Street Seaforth .0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 AdiuStable hospital bed for 0 40 rent. - 0 Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 Flowers. Telephone 119 • 4 Nights and Holidays 65 * 0 0000000.0.000 • 000'k>000<>;2;0o<> 0 W. S. CLEARY 4> " Seaforth, Ont. -0. LICENSED EMBALMER 0 AND" FUNERAL DIRECTOR , .0 Night 'Or _Day Calls -335 0 -0 0 0 0-0 <> 0 0 .0 O' 0 0 <*000poo,<>G000 6 J. A. BURKE. ▪ Funeral Director • 0 , 0, DUBLIN - : •ONT.- 0 0 Night or day calls: Phone 43r 10.0 4000000000'00 Chesterfields an ce4sionalaats _ REPAIRED'AND -LREcOVER,ED • Also Auge Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings and Steamer Chairs Repaired. • •Cliffoid Upholstering Co,- * Sttatford Telephone'579 ' Far bi4ter inforMation apply at Box's Furniture Store SEAFORTH Churches ondon at — Stiforth . TUESDAY, JAW 22- „ • Niorthside. United' Church. -Rev. H." V. Werkspain _ Minister; 11 ant, "Christian'. Response and ResPcinsi- bility"; • 2.30 p.m., Sunday School; 7 "Togetherness in Magnifying Cod's Name." Thursday; .8 p.m., an- nual congregational meeting. Anglican. -Sunday„ Jen. 2.0th: St. Thomas', Seaforth-10 a.m., ' Sunday School; 11 a.m. Morning Prayer, "Why a Church Advance?"; 7 pm., Evening Prayer, "Six •Waterpots Of Stone." , St.. Mary'S,,,Dublin-2.30 P,ra.; Sun. day School;•••••$.%.pon., Church Service, "Six Watergiets.2,of', Stone." - The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert,. B.A., at all.serVides. , • • Northside W. , M. S. Meets. - The: Woman's Missionary Society Meeting' of -Northside United Church was held. ThersdaY,:. Jan. 10th. .The president, Mrs. R..Lawson, :opened, the meeting with the hymn, "o, God, Our Help in Ages past." Rev. H: V. Workman :conducted the installation of .officers for the new year:. Minutes of -the December, Meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. ..Forteons.- •Business discussions were taken 'UP by 'Mrs. 11.,_ Lawson and a • special offering is to be takee at "the -February meeting - for supply Work.. The treasurer's • re - 'port was read by Mies A. Ferguson; the Christian Stewardship report. was read,. by Mr -s. J. Finlayson, followed by a reading and. Mrs. "Maude Web- ster, cerresponding secretary,..sead a report A temperance reading -was given by Mrs.' -C. C. Keine. Circle 4 reported ten visits during the month. Circle, 1 had charge of the program, and IVIrs. F. Storey, the captain, gave a reading, follOwed by a. story ,from • the stud' book of Dr:-...etarde's mis- sionary work. in Africa .by Mrs. R. Lawson. The' offering was :taken up - FRE MeRILLOP muTuAL .FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y, • 8.15 p:in. ADULTS. - - - 330 . CHILICMEN (under 16 Years) 15o ..... Hotel. ' • The C...W. L. is sponsoring a euchre 'and dance on Friday, evening, January 18th. 1,4 Mr. and WKS( Oorslop. Ritchie and three sons arrived from Winnipeg on Tuesday evening to take up residence ih Seaforth. Mr. Ritchie is the new owner of the N. Oluff '& Sons lumber mills and coal business. • illisa Gertrude Crich; ;who has been stationed on the West Coast with the R.C.N.V.R., has returned to town and is a guest at the home of her brother, Mr. John: » 0. Crich and Mrs. Crick. • Mrs. John Keast, of Kingston. and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wiemys/ of Trenton, are guests of Mr, .and Reg. R. Henderson. • • • Mr. James Sitem, Mr. and Mr S. Dale and family; )4rs. J. J. Sims, of Blyth, and Mrs. Geo..Dalta. and Mr. Jack Taylor, of,Walton., were ;414,, '711t,,3,hjegre4ec1E.e tiilti;t!: 9peticisrei„; filir,r4ht 'tp.,1-,,,,t4wAtte*eto4 99,44.8ted. 157, lorcTo ?70Y4:0;frito."..E.,,,,;11.1P,,ai`41:11)440,c;lri,.., of the afteraoen-WaS *0#00't Mg, att�r wliiith the.,beSteett se.i,*104 a. delicious Mich: Veb,l'lleryMeet bwith Group •s21/1, ro:s. pitilt,or4 7;90 '1,11,,trInies lunch and Group 3 PI: the progralfl. On Friday evening, Jan. Ink OP club will entertain .the Stanley Lad - Ie Club te4leurb last .rsi(,,op.r4s;,;41coll.O91:11003e if tile Died in 'New Frochelle."--Word.'.was• received hy'Mr. and_Mrs. J. DMallen; on. Tueglay of the death in -Nen• pf Mrs. Jennie34c- .the eldest. datightee of •the late Mr.' -and 'Mrs George. -EVeltig, one of the ,..-pioneer tathllies of Seaforth; where she spent .ber girlhood. An accomplished musi- cian, .she.., Was the first organist in. First •Preshythri n Church; Followleg her marriage' to ,th•e te J. A. McLar- em...she resided .for ,many years In Toronto.- Of recent . yeails she had Mama with her sister,.. -ter, tie Bertram. The. remains, he brought- Seaforth from New Rochelle en.. the noon train,,Saturday, for interment. in Maitlandbank cefne- let/. .• DANCE • Cardno's Ilall, Seatorth Friday, Jan. 18• Bert Werth and His CKNX Ambassadors ADMISSION - » 50 CENTS HEAD OFFiCE SEAFORTH, ONT. . _OFFICERS:, , W. R. Atchibnich„ Seaforth - Pres. Clinton - . Vice -Pres. , :41Marten A. Ifet4;.'Seaterith,T- Manager •• and Secretary -Treasurer. •-4-DTRECTORS: • Ilitrit."teonhardt,• Brodhagen; E. J. oc ,Treiiniffia.„, Clinton; .,Alex Broadfoot, R.R. SeafiirTh; Alexailder MCEWing, •R.R. 1, Blyth;,.. FrnMoGregor, R.R. 5, Clinton; ElughIrlexander,,, R.R. 1; 'Walton; » William R. Areldbald, R.R. 4, BeafOrth.;,,- George Leitch, • elintorq. IChn L. Malone, 5, Sea - AGENTS: Finlay SicKercher, R.11, i Dublin; E. Pepper, Brucefield; J. E. :Printer, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. l‘ FOR SALE Slit-ropm Frame Holum. Hydro. Town Water, and 'cellar. Situated on COlenian, Street. .j1EIcresti; with bare. Situated »:•Otk Main Street South: ,$0-Aere Farm, Township 'rucker- ninith. good brick-he:Use; bank barn; 'Peultry- henee and driving shed. Im- mediate pOsiaession. ' i78 -Acre Farm, Township Tticker- satith. Frame house, bank barn, driv- ing shed, hog pen. Geed bush with spring therein; • • Also have listed :farms in MeKillop„ by ' Mrs. A. Reid and Mrs. T. Mc- Michael led in prayer. The meeting closed with prayer lay,Nrs. F. Storer. MOdelall " Frigidaire" Dialer invites you to see the NEW 1946 rigidairelifrigerator . 011:P4_0(3yinth_e G. A. WHITNEY • .Furniture Store' ZION , , NOW SH hill*, ti.., Sat., jan.-17, ,, . . . , . IDA LUPINO /A- - ' 1191-41&11$ PRINCE, , --.1..... tfx'APoW TO OST" . A breiiibiess coi4dy picked with fun. DUBLIN • Mr.. and Mts. Frank Evans enter- tained e group of criends Thursday. evening of last weerin honor of Pte; Joseph Benn, of Toronto, Who.: has recently returned from overeeis; 'Ger- ald Holland welcomed Pte./ Bonn back to Dublin, as this was kis birthplace. Clayton Looby made the Preeentation' -O'f a, gift. A social .eiening followed. 'and 'Munch was served by -the lies - Mr. and. Mrs. Elmer Kleinfeldt spent -Tuesday in Stratford. ....Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm, Mr. -r-Fergus Lannin. and Mr. -Geo. Robinson at- tended the boekey match in Stratford Wednesday night. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon visited Mr. and' Mrs. Jas. Malcolni on Sun -- Mr. and Mrs.' Jack "'Stacey .and family visited Saturday night w'tn -his:Mother, Mrs. R. StaeeY and Mow - et. Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Lannin were in Atwood on Sandhi: Misi Lettie Lannin, R.N., spent Friday in London. , • • Death of Miss,' Margaret McLeod, - In the death of Miss -Margaret 'Mc-. teod, which occurred at her home. in the R,oyal Apartment § oia Sunday, January .13th, ,Seaforth suffered' tne lose of an old and honored resident,: and one whose passing will be sin- cerely regretted in. the manir,' •horaes in this town where she Was- so in- timately known for so many years: Miss MoLead had: been in failing bealth-fer.the past'eight months, .bat aftee',..neturning from lerilikoka where She 'spent the' sernatter with her niece and nephew, -Mr. and Mrs. Mar- -tin,' of Teronte, her' health" seemed greatly improved» for a, time, A Jew weeks age,- however, she contracted cold and the strain proved too much for her enfeebled condition. Bern in Sdotland on .Tune -,28, 1862, she came to Canada with hr parentia,..the late Merdock and Margaret Campbell Mc- Leod. The family .came directly to Seaforthn and Mies McLeod -'a whole life had been spent in this corartiun- •ity. In religion she was a Presbyt. terian, being d member, regular ae.,n tend/ant and strong supporter of 'First Church. In a quiet, .unassuming And, dignified way; sne lived her religion in her 'daily life, in which she was noted for her UniverSalg'kintiness arid for her • help to those in nee& The, funeral,' which was largely' attended, was held from the. GC A. Whitney •Funeral Chapel On Wednesday after- noon at one o'clock, when the servibe wad conducted by her minister, Rev. R. H. Williams. Interthent.' was made „In Maitfandbank cemetery, , the pail- Vateert-being Messrs,' 'Berry and Rs/ Colbert, Merry McLeod, A.. C. }tont- ledge, 0- D. Ferguson and D. L. Reid. Arnong those from a dintatiee vette attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. 'P. a Mode, Fluffalo;' Mr., and Mre/ 'W. 5: Martin, and Mies Merger-. Mactennan,' Taranto. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN_ INSURANCE: &. REM. ESTATE "" • ,,'Seliforth, Ont. •Vbottea; (Wide • Reit. 220 ODDFELLOWS HALL SEAFORTH SATURDAY, JAN. 19 Mackie Dennome's Orchestra 'ADMISSION - 50 CENTS A "welcome Imam" reception spore sore(' by n group of friends and nelgin hers in honor of Lieut. Joseph Wil- liams, Of Detroit, 'reeently.. returned' from overseas, was held 'in Steffa hall on Wednesday evening... An address. of Weleenae was read by Geo. Coyne, and a pure presented by Ted Doyle. A social evening follewed and irlunch was.. served. , • , Personals: Mrs. JosephoEvana has returned tome after,. visiting relatives in St..Marysi Mrs. Terry; „Flannery is reportedsgeriously 4111nt her home; David McConnell, in London; Cpl. an.d • Mrs. Frank Itrausknpf. have "returned to Ottawa after a week. with relatives and friends here; Cpl. Gerald F. Hol- land, Halifax, with his grandinother, Mrs.. ,Barbara Holland and Mr. and 'Mrs. J. V. Flynn; Dr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton and Mary inLondon. Several cases of chicken.pox are reported in the village/ 4 --MONDAY, TUESDAY, .WEDNESDAY BARBARA 'ATANWYDK • • • DENNIS 'MORGAN CHILISTMAS " IN. CONNETICUT ", synnigv GREENSTREET RBGINALD 'QAWDINER 4 ' Spirited- remindc comedy, garnerieg tha1y .latighs: NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY _ ALAN-LADD• GAIL RUSSEj.l. " SALTY. O'ROURICE c") Oralinn Packed., with goad'ettfertainment, ' • COMING-: ..... ' 66.P.ACTC.A1A1..4.1C. TUCKERSMITH Bride -Elect Showered • A very pleasant evening was spent recently at the home 4:4 Mr. and Mrs. William .Irvine, who entertained the neighbors and ,who of Miss Jean Irvine, who' gathered to honor . her prier to liermarriage. Euchrewas enjoyed, ,the retie" winners being: Ladies,: first, Mile Roy Consitt; lone hands, Mrs. John Weed; consolation, Mrs. ' Tables Finlayson gents, first, Air. Charles -Eyre; » lone hands, Mr. Robert McLaughlin; cOnsolation, Mr. Reg. Finlaystin. The gifts were. ar- ranger in a decokated wagon and eon- '.sisted of a "'kitchen -shower; contain- ing many useini articles. ' Donald Eyre and Jimmte,Broadfoot drew the wagon into the r�om. ' Mrs. Wilmer Broadfeoi"land Mrs. Charles Eyre were-terpoTh7rsible for the Pleasant- --GOOD FILMS Featuring Warble Fly, Etc., ' will beshown in Beechwood School FRIDAY, JAN. 25th evening, whit* conclUded../, with a de- licious lunclun; Following is the address:" "Dear Jean: We,yeur frierids!..,and neigh- bor -s, have gathered here this even- ing to c•Ongratulate you on this your approaching 'marriage. We realize, although we are going 'to miss you in_ the neighborhood, our loss will be somebody else's gain. We know you will look well to the ways of your household, having been endowed by nature with a cheerful dasnosition. MacKenzie, then took 'charge of the McKILLOP • .0. W. M. S. EleCts Officers. '?', The January meeting Of the W.M.S.• of -Duff's Church„ McKillop, was held! an.•Thursday afternoon, Jan. lOth, nt the Manse. Following are the 'Oft:. "cers •for 1946: President, Mrs. -W."1: Patton; ist vice-president, :Mrs, Gee, Wheatley; secretaryy.Mrs; Jelin 1111167' brecht; treasurer, Mrs.. H. Lawrence Christian Stewardship, Mrs: Shaenen; Community Friendship, Mrs. A. Watson.;,......,press:. secretary, Mrs. Alex Smith; supply secretary, Mrs.' George Campbell; Miesionary, Monthly, Mrs. 'Finlay McKercher;' As- sociate :Helpers Secretary,. Mi.s.• El- den Kerr; Baby' Band,. Mrs. T. Hine-- brecht; • assistant, Mrs. Ross Gordon; Temperance, Mrs. 'C. R. Flenderson; finance committee Mrs. W. J. Pat- ton, Mrs...Wm, Shannon; . Mrs. ' H. 'Lawrence, Mrs. 'Rent. Campbell; Mis- sion Benny Mrs. John Kerr, The W. A. • officers 'are: as follows: President, 1..Mrs.;-.Gordon --'M-acKenzie; lat vie- presktent, Mrs: George Cal:albeit; .2nd vice-president, Mrs. Robert M. Scott; aecretary,. Mrs. John Hillebrecht; treasurer, Mrs. 'Robert Hogg; flower convener„. Mrs. ' Ivy Henderpon; ' Red Cross convenef, Mrs. John ;Gordon.. The'call to worship was - read , by the president,' .Mrs. Patten. Psalm 723 was then read in unison, after which Hynin, 16 was sung. and _prayer offer- ed by-Mrs...Patton. The rail .cttll was - answered by the payment _Of fees. The W.A. president': Mrs.- Gordon Your husband will rejoice in having wed such a Mir bride. ' May your voyage on the sea of matrimony be a happy one. :We cennot let this oc- casion , pass. without ,entessing, to you our sincere wishes for Your ,hap- - piness. » We pope you may long re- member this happy 'gathering here this evening And as a happy reminder 'to you 'we ask you- to acceit these gifts. Again Wishing you all the joys this world can give you, we emain: Your Friends And. Neighbors." Celebrate Diamond Wedding Mr. and Mrs' Edwin McTaggart, of Cnystal Manite-ba, were at -home to their family and friaiidi on " the occasion of "their diamond wedding anniversary„ Deeettaber 31st„; It was in, Tucker:smith/ near- Ileesall, 'Dee": 31, 1885, that Jensie Fairburn M- eanie the bride of Edwirt,*Taggart. Twelve years -later the couple moved West, settling' the Fullison 'District of Manitoba, where they 'resided un- til their recent remotal into Crystal City. Of their - family ,of nine chil- dren. seven remain: four boys and three girl's,' all: of whOan,' with 'their wiires or husbands had' a part in the diamond wedding celebration; Elliott and Melville, of Crystal City; Wil- liam, of Pilot Mound; Alfred, 696 Langside "St.; Mrs. D. W. Tullis, Glasyrn- Sask:; Mrs.. Jessie Prem. -Winnipeg,*and Mrs-. J. R. Sutherlaad, La ftiviere. There are 40 grendchil7 dren add. 12 great-grandchildren. Mr. kicTaggain was 85- years of age last july,• and Mrs. McTaggart la nearing the 83. mark. Both enjoy good health - and are able to take an .intirePi ...in the community, Ladlete Dinh. Hokin Meeting The Tuckersniith a.dies, Club held their regidar Ja,miney Meeting' at the home of Mrs. Ed,witt...johns with 32 preeelitr, The OW president, Mrs. Win. Pepper, oeCtipie& the chair end opened the meeting by Singftig, the opening ode, follOtired, by the , Lord's Prayer. ralloWffig this "The" Maple Leaf FfireVer" inas` eung, Mrs. Pear adting-ai pianist,The secretart,'Xrs. Howard ,lohns, read -the tainutee of the last.. xneetini, , letter; thanks frdm Mra iIdoxl 0"13fien..T1ie treatfrier'S re -port for,1945, was jyeii stating there Wag *JAW tit $30, 6n hand. The sewinkkaittintniid.411/1t, bottviateia itisso 41)0147 :AM *0(14 at 2.30 p.m, - , • At No. 2 School on FRIDAY; -SAN. 25th at 8.15 P.m. - --Mgt/lesion Free EVERYBODY WELCOME MCKi1101). Federation of - Agriculture._ - 4dmismiwillimmogomm.,.. t10.0-4141,WIEFS'''' r• MD and' litrii-befigida",Stiewlesi of Ekafen, were weekrend guests of Mrs. John J. ciater." 14'1,11'66 *right .speet The Week With friends In Handiton. and 'Taranto. „ ,„ Ae4iltif1i Vergttani, aM".,iapettf.a 40W, deli WWI her Ofti-cr;:, • . ii*pheik:ttOilettiiii fifaiter , the '41ileeire Body & Fender Repairs AT 0. 7 Seaforth Motors 141 ratorical Contes • ,sponsored by. SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB ' Will be held in the High School Auditorium Friday, 'January 25th at 8.15 p.m. --- Seaforth Lions extend a diii4a1 invitation to everyone to be present and th encourage the • emltestants. Subject of address, "Canada's Future As -S Nation" SPECIAL FILMS AND MUSICAL NUMBERS 'Adthission Free. business session, During the discus- sion period it was decided to hold a. bazaar later in the year, Mrs. A. Watson has "Also decided to adept, a French baby' ..for one year.' This Means peying $96 a year Ed provide for the child. The W.A. h'as offered to support Mrs. Watson in her new venture and have already donated $8, which-- is the required amount to be senteach month. Mrs. Geo. Wheat- ley conducted a quiz on Africa, which pro'ved very interesting as 'well as edueational. » A reading, "Look At Afrida," was given by Mrs'. G. Mac- Kenzie, and Mrs. N. R:''Dorrance read a poem. -Hymns .252 and 60 were •ging,. Mrs. Patton led in prayer_and the naeeting• ;closed with Mrs. Patton Pronotincing the henedictiOnn. Lthaeh waa serVed-he the hostess, assisted by"Itirs, H. Lawrence, Mrs. Gedige .Whentley and Mrs. Wm. Shannon. , „... Death of Mrs. Wm. McClure Ftiaeral services for MCClure, well-known resident of• Mc- Enloe- who died at Sett • Memorial Hospital., Seaforth,; on Saturday; Jan,' 12th, were held Tuetelny , afternoon 'Enid Were largely attended, Mrs. Mc- Clure was fortnerly . Miss Zibeline - Storey, She was born Mareh 7, 1-884, • a daughter of the hate Mr. and- Mrs Saronel Storey, -McKillop., On March 20. 1912, she vCa married to William MeCilare; and they toek up farmieg, in MeKillop on lot 22, concess1on,4. She Was„ a member of 'First F‘resby- terian Chinch,. Seaforth. Besides her pesband She is survived by four sons, Harvey, Samuel, Nelsarand Walter, at home; Bert, in the ariny oaterseae;. three daughters, Mrs. Themes Carter, Seaforth; borpthy and Mavis, at. lime; two brothers, Saila -and 7.1y - Ham, Mekillbp;' an,d three sisters, Va'nnie and Maty StoreY, McKillop and Mis.john McNichol,. Morris toWn- Alp, and two grandchildren. The. funeral services were .eonducted- ReV, R. H. Williaraii; Pastor of Fiala " Presbyterian March; Seaforth, at het late home in'- McKiliop. The' pall- bearers We're Jack brown, Jades Me. Clive, Rebell MeClure, Kerman-Niela- Thoilida &catty and Jack Con., 'ley: The noWerhearers *bye 3'. An-, 'dersee; ,.Aubrey Storey', . ,16:0eit Ititroidj Otero; cid ,Itoise *beheld. fhter, twit *ail- hilde': -Cemetery,. , ,phorie 162 c. Seaforth 4 MON:. Oni *ark for tlfeAted.,C;raffa ;and. og, •tri OW It he fhiljfie6,•,24,0; maktu , • N'S • SALMON • » HERRING • COD —Can- yen help me; my good frien-d-Ite'ellah, " • Fer I crave a good dinner. offish?• Indeed and I can, . Try FINNIGAN: He sells Salmon,. and you'll get /our wish! JUST ARRIVED—Shipment of finest Raisins and Prunes. Weexpect Date S next week. FINE DISPLAY ----of FRUITS and VEGETABLES W. J. FINNIGAN & SON • THE NEW AD,PISON RADIOS and DANASTONE RECORD » PLAYERS - Are diming through at last, in linked quantities at first,' but gradually increasing until we can supply everyone's needs. Before buying a Radio, you should see these -Dis- ,tinctively Beautful Sets.- The 5-tUbe Mantel Mpdels have two-tone »moulde»d 'plastic,. cabinets, doie in -Wine with tvory _trim, Mottled' Green with Ivory tritn, and in Ivory with brilliant Red trim. 'This, of course,'is only the beginning. . 'DROP IN AND LET US SHOW YOU OUR FOLDERS OF WHAT IS TO COME TO "WALKE-R ELECTRFC Next to the Theatre -SEAFORTH , PHONE 9. . non. AUDITS IKVESTIGATIONS TAX tt ONSU LTANT : Bookkeeping Systems and , Serelee • • GaibraiTh. ACCOUNTANT AUDITOR " .Eatibilehed 1942.- ,52 Alberi St., ' Stratford,. Ont. „Phones -44974V Res. -2427.J DEXD or .D I $ D Qulckly reraoieq Diean Sanitary triicka. Phene salient. mirmsfint-ti • ant wow ons -milted