HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1946-01-04, Page 8ALLLtN •NCE • : SAUE e:d,W010)4,„ Oara ,v(14 .141124'i hle for aces, wIt d, flirt; 314.';n4iteS 884' - MA Highway,: °• MMea.'nfiage C4.q(ler'ich Street 194 • 41,1Atletile,OfOp itzw4g.*143, s.pIiiik.00 oPerheina. YQ4A4Pat Sia40140.r re,' Ow ea mut, the 1,4te. ceptoin.q11. Owen, or Newport, 10.13 Qerdwa Dewberry Scott, eldest :eon" of Mr. and. JaMea T. aeon, of Ocotticiro, the avedding to-talte place the letter part •of January., Anntouncementa-,-Mr. and Mrs. Ir - n vine, 'Of "Kinpen, aimounce the en. gagement of their younger daughter -rlotthIi/OPArttnent honsp.on C4Ond Investmaent, Other desirable properties Woo listed. , "...WATSON & ItEID M. A.; REID - preprietor', Phone 214 - Seaforth • ISPEciAgISTI •INLLtLNE8 OF • • • • INSURANCE .-• The Second Division Court... Otike bx the bominion SaakBuild- Sestarth. Office hours: 'rum- , dm. 'Ilittraday and Saturday, 1.80 p.m. 49..5 p.mt.; Saturday evening, 7.90 pm. ' to 9 p.m. E. C. 01-IAMEBERLAIN -Clerk • 0 0 12* 4C> AC> 0 (C> 4C> 1:t. .0 .0 <> G. A. W3111asIEY 0 Successor to 40-• HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 0 Main Street - Seaforth AMMILANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hosifital bed for' 0 0 rent. • 0 Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 0 Flowers. , 0 Telephone 119 0 0 Nights and Holidays 65 0 •000000-0.00000 000000000000 - 0 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ont. <> 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR .6 • 0 Night or pay Calls -335 0 ' 00 00 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , o o O000 O '0BURIM " Funeral Director' • • 0 • DUBLIN mu. 0 Night or dale:calls: ,Phone,43 r 10 <> 0 0 0 0 ;0 Co 0 0 0. Jean, to Ilir.`"20bert George White, of •Kiugsville, >son of Mr. W, White and the late Mrs, White, of Appletog Birks, England, the marriage to take place quietly soon. flied in London. -Phe death oecur- red in London on Monday, Deceniber 31et, of Nelaiin Glew, following an illness of four years. Mr. Glevv- was barn in Clinton, but had' lived the greater part of his life in Sego:dab. Re is survived by tree eons, John,' of Fairetell,, (Mich., and Robert, of., De- troit; two •ciaiigniersa Mrs. Cooper, :of Windsor,- and' Mi. . George Dixon, of Seaforthaand 'one-tister, Mrs. Jones, of North Dakota.a. The funeral took -place--fromathe.ehome--efeatieradifgre, ter, Mrs. George Dixon, on,$ Weds - day afternoon, with Rev. C. P. ,,,,,, bett officiating. Interment was made in-adaitlandbazik cemetery. Churches Northside United Churchilev. 11. Workman, Minister: New Year Service: 11 a,m., "A Fascinating Succession of Years"; 2.30 pana. Sun- day School; 7 p.m., "The Aloneness of the Wilderness Way." Sunday be- gins "The Week of Prayer." Anglican. -Sunday, Jan. 6th, Pesti- veil of the Epiphany: St. Thomas', Seaforth-10 a.m., Sunday 'School; 11 axle 1-101Y4COmmunien, "Christ Made. Martifeer; .7 p.m., Evening Prayer, "Christ' Worshipped." St. Mary's, Dublin -2.31i .p.m., Sun day School; 3 p.m.,' Church service, "Christ Afade Manifest." -The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, gc.A., at all ser- vices. f • ligerS011 - at Seaforth • (130SHARTS) TUESDAY; JAN.8 h6icl46'9.tilgi]parente, M. and 'Aire, Sohn .1114cTaarien. Ina• lArsr OeertS'Poilid Mrelnek 815 p.m. • A DU LT S „ , 35o CHILDREN (under 14 years) 15c a;r Mr. and'aMrs. Norman Thoninson, in e 13russels. • • • Mrs. George Hillsaleft this. 'week to spend the whiter In Toronto. A. McAlpine and two sons. of Harrow, spent New Year's with Mr, and,,Mrs. M. McPhee. , • • Mr. Fred Beattie, of Toronto, Ziant-Chrtslitieriaraevna.7 . _ White 7 McNay.-Theberee Of .Mr. .and Mrs, J, Derril White, ., Minter River, P.E.I., was the scene of: a area t -Y --Wedding on Friday, Dec. 1 -4th, at 6 p.m., 'When their eldest. daughter, Mary Beiniee; 1LN, was united in marriage to John Chester .Meniay; ,son • of Mrs. McNay and the late John Me - Nay, of Sestina's.. .Th9. double „:ring 'ceremony. was 'performed under an arch of evergreen and cut-illiiiers by the ReveeK S. Weeks, M.A., Hai, of llieabride,:given in marriage by her father; looked ch,arm, ing in a floor -length, gown of .White duchess satin . with fitted bodice and sweetheart neckline. Her finger-tip Yell wascaugbcaught bra a coronet of or- ange blossoms and she wore la dou- ble string of pearls, the gift of the groom. She carried an arm bouquet of Better Time ,roses and maiden hair fern. Suitable nuptial music by Mrs. Gorden, Swan 'was much enjoyed, as, .was the ap.propriate'.aolo, "MI. Walk Beside Yon" effectivelyarendered by Mr. Erie, MacGregor during the sign- ing of the regliten The -couple were unattended.. !immediatelyfollowing the signing of the. register the happy young couple received the best wish- es and congratulations ,ef- the attend- ing, i.ests. A beautiful three-tier wedding cake centered the table where upwards ,of forty guests par- took qf a bonntifie wedding supper. Assisting in serving wereaMiss. Isobel MacKay, R.N., and Miss Bei/hie. New- -sort., classmates of the ',bride; Mrs. Rolland Buchanan, the bride's .cousin; Misa.Erina Newson and Miss. Marion Palmer. The bride is a gra- duate of the Royal Victoria Hoslil- tal, Montreal, and' for the past two years- iras beep.- vn- tire titer trf tlie esterfields and ccasional Chairs REPAIRED ANDI - RECOVERED Also 'Auto Seats and Backs, Veraedeh •Swings and 81eamer-Chairs Repaired. Clifford Upholstering CO: '.Sttetford . Telepinine For, further.lnferniation apply at Box'sliiiidture Store ;BEAFORTH • , TIiTMKILtGi MIJTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD 41 -FIE SEAFORTH, ONT: OFFICERS: llra IL -Aathibeld, Seaforth - Pres. • P. McGregor, Clinton - Vice -Pres. Merton A.Held, Seaforth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. DMCTORS: Phris,,,Leorthardt, Brodagen; E. 3. Trewart1ez eIltto; A1es Broadfot, H.R. 3, Seiforth; Aleicander McEwing, X.R, 1, Myth; Prank McGreor, RR. 5, Cliritcin; Hugh Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; William R. Archibald, 'R,R. • Seaforth; 'George Leitch, ILR 1„ Clinton; Seim L. Malone, R.R. 5, Sea - forth. • AGENTS: Finley MeIereher; RM. 1, Dubin; V. Pepper, i;lriicefield;; J. E. Pruter, tirodhagen; GleOrge A. `Watt, Blyth. _ Alexandra ,Hosptal in Montreal as night supervisor.. The groom reeent- ly returned from overseas and dis- chrged from the R.C4F., is era ployed at, the Scott Poultry Farm, Seaforth. After spending an ettettd- ed honeymoon in Fleece Edward Is- land, Montreal and Toronto, the young couple will Make their home • in Sea - forth, LOCAL' BRIEFS • Mil- and Mrs. P. D. Mcbonnell are spending the halde* week in Detroit. • • Bit. Lieut. Fred, R. Colquhouna R.C.A.P., Moncton, N.B., Who is in charge of the aceomning department, ent Christnias witb hi* parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Colmihour. • -his Lillian Faulkner spent Cbidstmas in Kitthener, • Mr. Rom „ •of Brantford,' spent Chriatillaii- With hie' brother, Mr. Russell Allen, and Mit. Allen, . Mr: James Gillepie, of 'Toronto, spent the week -end With.Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie. • _ • Mr. and Mrs, Meniai'Reid, and: setti'n'Of Hattilon, spent New Year's with Mrll. A. Reid. • W. A. Hodgert, Pte. Ken. G. Powell end Pt ee Frank Laradat turned hanle Last Week from Overseas,. They ealte on the. 'Omen Elizabeth." , dr bins IL Dickeand hire. °mycelia and family, of London, spent. ,04rIW op, with Mr. and Mite., Anita 'Coity, Mee Mrgoiet, 'andrt Makeitaf e Onto, Spent 0-reitoe*,0 itt*. Int MItr. htre;' ttr. . ialiatipprd, • kti and. tottlitIVe.. and fatrifitk ep•ent Oef bay vilth DAN .Cardno's Hall, Seaforth THURDAY, JAN. 10 Bert Worth and His CKNX Ambassadors ADMISSION - 50 CENTS ANCE .W.V.A., SEAFORTH, SATURDAY, JAN. Oth Blackie Denomme's Orchestra ADMISSION - • 59 •CENTS • TAXI SERVICE Phone 162 ea Seaforth C. LEMON • 'yr, efISTaltollearld •Mre.!4. 4+ Sims 40-4444,of4YYtha, zW„ereiojjiay esterat-theiapV* Of Mr; 'god 141*. Lorne pow:, : - • • 1VASO N,041,4e 1'11014i:41, nurse-in- traflain gat Way's% Hospital, Kit - °belle!, returned to her flatlet> etter• 'parents Ma -Mttbews z'eciyed,her cap and Mb at,910.0.hristteas. ing Class. • ' Miss'Francef3 Mattlaewis spent the Ne W Year', baliday with Klich.ener. friends. • , end Mrs. 'Wra. "ubaroflor Christmet -aid, New Year's were: Miss Jean Farquharson, Mr. ..and Mrs. David Allison and Bar- bara; Mr. and Mrs, Harry Kesale and sons„- and Gary,' Mr. Seek Scatti, Louden, and kr, Bill Fermi- harson, Hamilton, '" • , , • to. I/Ca Harry Gilbert, R.C.N,V, R., of H.M.S. Puncher, spent a few days over: New Year's with his par- ents; Rea. C.: F. L. Gilbert aid Mrs. Gilberti spertt the Ctristmas holidays • Miss' Marion Scarlett, of •Fore at flieliOnea:111-Eeirlatliereelya. Robt. Scarlett. • • Miss Mary Thambsen, of Alma College, St. Thomas; spent the Cheat - mat holidays with her parents, Mr. and . Mrs. J. W. Thompson, in Mc" Killop.• • Miss Edith Wallace has return- ed t Oakville; Where she is' on the teaching staff; after spending the ,holidays, ,with her mother. Mrs. W. 0. Wallace, in "Tualcersaiith. ' ". Pte. Geerge Hays, who spent the. 'Apaansdt: trweLnyeeactrshoinxtieGetrIV;307.d • Mrs. R. H. Sproat received word on Thursday. morning of the passing of her eldest brother, Mr. E. .T.":Cald- well, in -Moose Jaw, Sask. • air. James A. MacDonald has. pur- ehased, the 'bakery business of Mr. Thad *Wesley and teolt PossessiOn on Monday last. . • • Mrs. p. McLellan, Mrs.' John Burke alid ,,daughter, Elizabeth Ann, and Miss Evelyn Southgate, all of Toronto, are guests at the home of Mrs. R. S. Hays. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Balfour and s, on. of Preston, were. guests of Mr. 0. Muir. for Nevi °Year's. • Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Harry and Elizabeth Arian of Stratford, were ; New Yeat'S, -gaests of Mrs. George Turnbull. a Mrs, Alex McRae, ofeaTOronto, and Mr. and •Mrs. E. Patterson and family, ,of.Brampton, spent the holidays •wlth Mr. and. Mrs. J. H. Scott. „ • Mr. and -Mrs; A. E. Cluff, of Tona- wanda, N,Y., ware•here last week at- tending of MTS. Cluirs mother,. th- . • *0. Ilfttiaom and fanii ly. a Acten were recent:agile* of Mrs. Sullen Muaroe. • Miss illettah Anderson, of Hamil- ton, spent Newi-Year'irat the home ef Mr. and, Mrs.:: Earl Peen, ' „O., MISS Dorisc,Ferguson.spent New Year's, Eve in ,Jaendon. • • f • Mrs..j. H.•Best, of Toronto, w'Sts• a.,Neiv Year's guest of Mr. andeMrs. J. fareig. . • Mr., Billy Biligger, BrackYille, spent -New Yea's with ,his mother, Mrs. P. .S, Mauve,. „ • Di. and Mrs. G. C. Jarrott and daughter, Anne„ of Stratford, were New 'Y'ear's guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. McLean. , • , • Mrs. G..D. Ferguson is in Toron- to this week. • Mr. Allan Ram is entering S.P.S. at, in. branch of the tn,iversity of Toronto at Ajaia, • Mies Maiioa,McGavin, of Strat- ford General lotospital, spent New Year's' 'at the home of her parents, :Mr:iand' Mrs. ,Gearge McGavin. • Miss •Rose Dorsey, of Torcinto, spent •New Year' jn toWn. • • Mra end mne. Neil Tyndall,' af Sudbury, spent a...few days with Mr. and airs. -raltry-Tyridair Tiirker- smith. ;.• „_ •• Mr. and Mrs. „Stuart Mex., of Sarnia, spent New Yearli with Mt'. and Mrs. A. C. Routledge. • Mr. Clifford Broadfoot, of Hamil- ton, 'spent New Year'sr„with his wife and' family here. , ' • Mrs. J. M. Mellifilat had the, mis- fortune to fall in her -home on Mon- day and fracture the lower vertabrae in het back. ' . - Car ashin4 Simonize AT gils,l4 Seaforth Totors , PHONE 141 FOR SALE • • ix -room Friane ' House. Hrdre. Town water, and xellar.• Situated on Coleman Street. • Houde, with barn. Situated on Main -Street South. 50 -Acre Farm, Township Tucer- smith. Gpod brick house; bank barn; poultry' house and driving shed.,,Im- inediate posieessien. 78 -Acre Farm, Township Tucker - smith. Frane.houie, bank barn, &Iv- ing. shed, hog pen. Good bush with spring therein. Also have listed farms in McKillop. E:-C.-CRAMI3ELAIN INSURANCE a. REAL ESTATE Seaforth,. Oita • Pbones: 334 Office Res. 220 Yesdr, if you get only one egg more per day than Yon are now getting from 10$ hens -=-• that one egrasill pay any differente,if there is any, in price of" feht02Wrfl F THE .BASKET 1EGG MAS.H And you, cannot biry a better feed -but you ,get many more Aetna oa. mei when yen Jett Match/wens .. Fillhe-basket EggMaela--and they a all extra profit:, ea! • • eeafreiy .not start tioniato „., fs eef, ropoNro ONTAPIO tookt., nrAtitts - PENC% PRDUCE' dovairtotigiht rtiatterago. EGG enAnme BTATION Vitte ,• , tot arid Patiot hone 110•Vir .;,,p2r.- • VARNA Death of William Sharp There passed a.way at the home of his sister in. StarlleyonSaturday, De- eeMber 8th, „William 8harp, his 84th year. Born in Staialby, seri of the late William pato and Frances Adamson. Sharp, be' spant his • early boyhood here. Iritile spring of„,1887 he,averet Michigan, settling . at Marysville, where he ellgaged thdlfa ferent oesupationire For fifteen years' he worked. in the Marysville salt in Augus4906, he was mar- ried lir port Huron to Charlotte Elie,. abeth Brue,,fortderTy of Woodstock, 'He theongaged farming at Rich- mond, Mih.lor ii.number of years, dispaing of his firavhe later return- ed to Matieville. Ilia Wife •Oredarce48' :ed 'bite iiielagaatia-1932. Later he returned to the add hortie in Stanley, flafta1ngYeare of his life with lila:Ago. roar and a, half years ago he. etiffered a, Stroke roan"whith he neite_ren&red; W- as verY ,Patlent afid tilatihiMatolut ter*tee Wait held aria ik0J1i0 $1,1.,3,t Aim onday. Meien,. Dec.. 'The viere Pekttuisoll tiratt, ere: Wet P14ack Pen14...ArO91.4 MerVAn•Aa5d61...'Th r***14':'1/2vere te. 1041141360, Weh,.i41114.*bia1 took, PlAce- Wl4esdak' a. tVtg: •seoe,,WHI10.m,•.E'Frederle„ 1ich4. .4ct Bruce,. St. Clair 'Shores, 'One, daughter, Allen 'Kemper (Wier: -0rip),Clemens, Mleh., and grandehildrim; alsoonie shitera-Fraza ces,a Stanley. Ala' opiyjlreitlier P.* deceased hiPA by, just ‘seyeil 'weeks at Calgarylta. s's BLYTH i3lythealai two teams •entered deralltitICre'liockey this winter, An entre; has been Made in theluvenile Group; composed Mth, :Clinton, Exeter •'and,,..Goderieh: The schedule opensaon Tuarsday, Jan3r4, but the juveniles de not 'get into ac - 'tion .until Sattarase9h. :This teen.ie heing sponsored hY, the Math :Lioas Club, whoare interested in spokt far the yoyeger'Peple of the commun- ity. • a.st year blytli' hd an entre la. Irtidgei hockey, but 'dile to several' of the.,litter players being ov.r..Midgat, agealtawesdearneata advisable :to . NOWrr(14y,,Saiiirday Jan 4 EOPog SANDERS ERALDTE F704ERA1,.D.,*. STRANGE AFFAIR -OF L,INCLE-rARRY,". • A' supbrior inelOdrenia filled viiih rn4ce Ong MODAY, TUESDAY; WEDNEiDAY DEANNA DURB(N RALPH BELLAMY "LADY ON A TRAIN" 'A relodrarna.,ytith light 'stretches and los of lhtin. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIbAY,<SATURDAY TWO !EATO Figg ' • ' "SING ME A SONG,OF TEXAS»" and CRIME.: DOCTOR'S STRANGEST CASE" sponsor - thiyear.. ---Behool hockey' is alsa beneg:sponsored in an eadeavour to develdreplaYere for fu- ture years. Thte leagne will probab- ly be organizecl as soothes school gete nieder *ay. It le haned thet the pub- lic will get behind our boys and give them the financial and Moral support :necesary to produce good -heekeY players. The Interntediates will' he composd.'of the •older ...playrs; and re entered in a sennteam grou. Their first game Was played Wednesday evening of this week against Londesboro. The following schedules of play have ben dream aa for the tWo groups: Jan. 3 -Exeter at Goderih. Jan. 7-Goderieh ,at Blyth. Jan. 9 -Exeter at Clintdna Jan. 10 -Clinton at Goderich. Jan. 14 -Blyth at gxeter. • Jan. 1,6 -Clinton at Blyth: Jan. 17 -Blyth at Goderich. Jan. 18•Goderich et Clinton. San 21 --Clinton at Exeter. Jan. 24 -Clinton at Goderich. Jan. 26-Blythat Cliaton. Jan. 28-Goderich at Exete. Jan. 31,--1yth, at doderich: San. 31 -Exeter at Clinton. Feb. 4 -Blyth. at Exeter, ' Feb. 6---C1intona at Blyth. • Feb. 7 -Exeter it GoderiCh: Teb,.11=1inton at Exeter. eb. 13-Exetr ataBlyth. Feb. •14-ea•Goderich at -Blyth. Feb. 16 -Blyth at Clinton First and„ Second teanis fo play Off for ,group title, heme and home games., goa coun. 'econ' game played to decision. Rural Intermediate Schedule Jan. 2---Ellyth at Londeaboro. Jan. 4-Londesboro at Gorriet ea -San. 7-Fordwich at Brussels. Jan. 7 -Ripley at- Blyth., • Jan. 9-Belgrav, at Fordwich. Jan.' ,9 -Ripley at Londesboro. Ian 11 -Brussels at Belgrave. -JW 11 -Blyth at Gorri. Jan: 117-Londesboro at Ripley. Jan: 14-Gorrie at Brussels,. Jan.-14-Belgrave at Londesboro.' San. la-Ripey at Fordwich. Jan: :18 -Brussels at .nipley.' Jan. 18 -Gerrie at Belgrave. San. 18--4erdwich at Blyth. Jan. 21-Londeshoro at Brussels. San. 22 -Ripley at Gorrie. Jan. 23 -Brussels at Fordwich Jan. 25-Londesboro 'at Belgraye. Ja. 25-Fordwieb at Gerrie, Jan. 25 -Blyth at Ripley. Jan. 28-Gorrie at Londenoro. Jan. 25-Belrave at Ripley. Jan. 30•--Elrussels at, !Myth. Jan. 3-1.imdesboro at- Fordwich. Feb. 1---Fordwich at Ripey. Feb. 1-lyth at Belgrav• . • Fh. 1 -Brussels at Oorrie. Feb.4--Fordwich at Londesboro. ' Feb. 4a -Ripley at Brussels. e Feb. 5-Belgrave at Myth.- - Feb. 6-Gorrie at Fordwich. Feb. 8 -Ripley at gqgrave. Feb. 8a-Londesboro- at Blyth. Feb. 11 -Brussels at Londesboro. Feb. 11 -Birth at Fordwich. • Feb. 12-aBelgrave at Gorrie. Feb. 14-Gorrie at Ripley. Feb. f5-Fordwich at Belgraye. HILLSGREEN Weido, of St, Cathar- ines, spent the holiday season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Weido aall son, Glen. Mess Mary -Hagan, of Landon, is spending Ner-Yearl-With her, sis, ter, Miss Dolly Hagan, and brother, Frank. Mr. and t Mre, Eric Switzer have moved tO thelr new, hoine in, r. John Baker la again operating his chopping mill for the winter monis. • ' Mr. 5, G. FOrrekt,''o the Parr Line, Is 'Confined to Clinton hospital" witIi d* splintered bone of the arin. His many friends 'witah.lrhe a speedy reovery. Mr. Alain Siel3ridd4lealltrishing tp the bean Wresting in: thte-vlAttity. COMING- -"THE ,CI-I1),IAX"- •)." fifi0.30. The Red Cross convener re- ported three quilt, four cast boots, 10 •handkerelilefsaaefciur vests and ten dlapers,ccxnpleted. A letter of thanks was received,' from the Franciscan Sis- ters of the Atonement, for Catholic literature sent to them. An offering et $10 was sent to Father Flannery' to help hie radio program, Boxes 0! fruit were sent to the sick and shut- members'...at Christmas. A Christ- i:nes gift Was given to Father' OdreWski. It was also deeidedH to give a dobation, to help purehase fiewers for the 'A Mass is' be- ing; offered for our bore who gave - their lives in this war, Norman Mc- Quaid and Harry McIver. The meet- ing closed with prayer for our armed: forces. • .. Having purchased the Wolesley Bakery, we will operate both stores . With the same slogan "TH HOME OF GOOD THINGS T9 EAT!" „Tallies' A MacDonald Phones: :22 and 37 *ma sponsored Ir, SEAF'ORTH LIONS CLUB' L' Will be held in the High School Auditorium Friday; Jan.ary 4th at, 8.15' p,m,. Seaforth Lions extend a cordial invitatithi to everyone to be 'present and to encourage the contestants. - • Subject of addreses:• "CANADA'S FUTUR AS A NATION" Admission- Free We HaveAll Sizes in Stock R TIRES Al-WSE.- BUY GOODYEARS MON( • Seaforth, Motors • , . PHONE 1411 . ..• AUDITS INVESTIGATIONS TAX CONSULTANT Bookkeeping Systems and SerIca , • Bernard AGa lbraiik Albert St., Sttford, Ont. ACCOUNTANT AUDITOR Established 1942 : • 41&011,01,,, re4estfti.Ar the -ciltiothan-Sitiklialielteiradin the- resealiiVe ;le Wae iibret as lianat vViti,,the oft.014;. dent, MreJ..togeolt, Ileenety. Obel*g. The tfeitallter reporidti'it bititi,mre •.> •:ot Pheriesa-2427-W , ,Ree. -24274 , • 7 • 44 --DAfl or DSABI4-D ucklyotooved-Itt etlit-doltary Maks. !llooe colect, 29 1Vitf9HELL • • . ()01111 110113tkitIOCI • ea•' 1" ,••