HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-12-21, Page 31
' . •
Root Vegeta
• Pries of Many root vegetables ire
-now slightly higher, aecerding te the
• regloaal foods office of the Wartime
Prices and Trade Board. The new
prices went into effect December lst,
and are as siollows:
Carrots, washed, 5cper pound, un -
'washed 4,6 per pound; cabbage, ord.-.
nary, 4c per pound; cabbage, red or
savoy, 6c per pound; parsnips, wash-
ed, 8c per, pound, unwashed 7c per
• pound; turnips, yellow or rutabagas,
washed or waxed 4c per pound, un-
• washed or unwaxed 3c per pound;„
turnips, whites- washed or waxed, 6c
• per pound, unwashed or unwaxed, 5c
per pound; beets, washed 56 per
• Pound, unwashed 4c per pound;
bunched beets. and carrots with fresh
tops will be 7c per pound.
II k
Township Council Meets
The council 9f the Township of Hay
met in the Township Hall, Zurich, on
Monday, Dec. 3rd: at 1.30 p.m. The
following motions were then passed:
• Movdd by E. J. Willert and seconded
by Tam Hendrick, that Mr. Daniel
Oswald be appointed inspector of
municipal drains for .the Hay West
Portion, in place of Mr. Simon Miff -
man,. who resigned. Moved by Oscar
" Klopp and seconded by Earl Camp-
bell: That Henry Lawrence's tender
for the Alexander Drain be accepted
and that he be engaged to construct
the Alexander Drain according to the
Engineer's report, marked cheque for
10 per cent of amount to be given and
• contract signed, this contra* to be
completed by June 30, 1946. Moved
• by Earl Canipbell and seconded
Oscar Klopp: That T. R. Patterson,
Engineer on the Bender Drain, be
• 'consulted regarding the tiled portion
'of the , said drain, regarding tile or
-open 'ditch. Moved by Sam Hendrick
and seconded..by E. J. Willert: That
'T. R. Patterson be instructed to pre
sent a report on portion of the Wilds
fong Dram as soon as possible, since
a clean-out was requested by George
,Hudson. Moved by Oscar Klopp, see
fonded by E. J. Willert: That T. R
iPatterson be , cans -lilted ',regarding 1.1se
'Haherer Drain to see if tiles have
beenlaid according to bylaw. Mov
,ed by Ej. Willert, seconded by Sam
Hendrick: That Bylaw 17, 1945, re
'nomination and election for reeve and
councillors for 1945, be read thir
TOW. MOvecV. by. Earl c,944,0e111. :lie?'
ended by Oscar' IC14.0 V W.W.C.84931:TAto
for township reads, •relletrilay. Non-'.
i.c1Pil Telephone Systou? and Hay
Township general accounts be pass-
ed as per voucher: ..
ITay Ntnnicipal Telephone System-
WM. Haugh,. 530; Sam Hendrick, $25;
Earl Oaiiiribell, $25;. Bell Telephone
CO., 5277,85; George Pollard, 55.72.50;
Automatic Electric, 511.36; C. C. Pil-
grisia,45.00; H. G. Hess, $235.65; E.
J. Willert, 525; Oscar Klopp, 525; H.
W. Brokenshire, 5129.70; C. M. Rud-
olph, 5237.50; Northern Electric Co.,
526.85; L. B. Hodgson, 525; Victor
Fuller, 55; T. H. Hoffman, 5411.70.
Total, $2,068.11.
Relief -John Suplat, $25; Harry
Bassow, $8.90; Albert Heideman, 53.
( General Account -H. Eiciensier,
525.35; H. W. Brokenshire, 5129.90;
A. J. Kalbfleisch, 524; RaymondBros.
$6.25;* Provincial Treasurer, $6.39;
Arnold Merner, $2; A. H. Erskine,
$24.74; Alvin Rau, S.S. No. 1, Stan-
ley, 525; Mrs. Simon Hoffman, 550;
Mrs. Wm. G. Bell, 550; Bruce Tuckey,
S.S, •No. 2, Hay, $1,105.70; Bertram
Klopp,,SzS. No. 4, Hay, 51,043.10; Geo.
Deichert, S.S. No. 7, Hay, $3,550.88;
Geo. Tinney, S.S. No. 10, Hay, $1;-
212.94; E. B. Horner, S.S. No. 12,Hay
$1,103.48; Lawrence Regier, U.S.S.
No. 1, 5273.00; R. A. Goetz, U.S.S. No.
16, Stephen, $1,637.38; Milne Rader,
$191.96 F. M. Deichert, 5246.58; Win.
Haugh, $140.60; Sam Hendrick $75.50;
Oscar Klopp, 575.50; Municipal World
514.33; Louis Weigand,. 52; Ward
Fitz, ; Ba . k of Montreal, 512.50;
E. F. Kb'., $A0; Corporation of the
Village of Ex ter, $30; Alex Masse,
S,S.S. No. 1, ay, $769.34; Mrs. Na-
poie-on Cantin, $50; Mrs. Nicholas
Foster, 550; Mrs. Barbara Surerus,
$50; Jas. McAllister, S,S. No. 3, Hay;
$1,044.83: Jacob Gingerich, S.S. No.
6, Hay, 51,042.20; John Rader, S.S.
No. 8, Hay, 51,196.40; Garnet Patter-
son, S.S. No, 11, Hay $1,095.57; E. F.
Willett. S.S. No. 15, Union, 5976.90;
Edvin Gingerich, TJ.S:S. No. 9, Steph-
en, $644.19; Albert Geddes, $454.33;
Ed. Reichert, 5524.82; J. W. Haber-
er, $277.44; Edvin J. Willert, 575.50;
Earl Campbell, $75-.50. Totall, $19-,
Hay Township Roads -Walter Wes-
ton, $6.80; Wm. Fischer, 52.10; Den-
nis ,-Charrotte, $5..20; Nelson -Bedard,
$2; Hy. Brown, 52.70; Frank Denom-
me, $9.75; Stewart Thiel, $1.40; Har-
old Campbell, $3.60; J. M. Ziler, 58.03;
Paul Ducharme, $5.75; Bruce Koehler
$8.33; Chris. Beierling, $4,20; R. Beck-
er, 49.59; A. Masse, 541.85; Chas. Ald-„
worth, 54.30; Ken Weber, $6.30; Wm.
Watson, $15; Robt. Tinney, $5.40;
Homer Russell, $2; Wm.. tiler, $5.25;
Earl Datars, $2.80; Jas. Masse, 57.75;
S. Desjardine, $5.80; Wm. Beierling,
$14.40; Louis Masse, 58; Wm. Gould,
51.10; Jack O'Brien, 53.20; 'Cornelius
DebuS, $6; Jack Tinney, 51.60; Percy
Campbell, $4.55; Elmer ' Datars, $2;
Sam Miller; 5,2; Moore Bros., $6.15;
AM Clark, $4.60. .Total, 5996.60.
Moved by °E. J. Willert, seconded
by Sam Hendrick; that the meeting
be adjourned to meet again Saturday,
Dec. 15th, at 1.30 p.m. -Wm. Haugh,
jReev.e; H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, /
excess uric acid, a bliod imPutity that
kifail, and exc uric acid remains. it
should be extractedthe kidneys. If
may, Cause severe discomfort and pain.
Twat rheumatic pains by keeping your
kidneys in good condition. Get and use
Dedd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help your
ikidneys get. ritlef trimble-niaking poisons
and excess 'acids -help you feel better.
See what Dodd's can do for you. 187
• •
- s
one year; 73,000 angling permits
were bought by our friends from the
States. And we have always done
our part to see that they enjoyed
themselves. When they return, let'ET
give them a great welcome!
IT'S evvoiOoy's.BUSIN1155 .. • Aeassa-.
Ontario proggalmost as Every tourist dollar is
' much from tourist bust-, shared . . . 1. Hotels;
nes a as front gold mining. 2. Stores; 3. lt estaurants; .
"It's up to us to keep this 4. Taxes, etc.; 5, Amuse -
business growing. ittentS; 6. Garage.g.
"Lori make sure theY,dilivOS come hoekr
•1 1
.1.1110.01,10) IM ME PIMA ISM
Map §hotv n9 location and general , geolo.9
L.dt 64°00 to 64°20' and Long 111000 to 1 i!9° Nqrth
Territories, covering .Sileei No 76V a
The information hereon has been obtained frog
Cri-11040,0, Engineer's and Prospectors and
IS beleised "to be reiiable.but is not guaranteed tit.
FAROS &040.;00
0X AlIkr
,Eoh000rrot,r • 04.0se.firri.
Lat. 64Sti_
Jed No'
Granite- granodiorite & allied rocks
Gabbro. dyke
LJ Gr'eywacke - slate
I -.1
Andesite- tufts Voicantcs
Faults & 'Shear Zones
Geol.. 'cal boundary assumed
(August 21, 1945)
"The main Shear outcrops for a total distance of 300
feet and was 25 feet in width dipping steeply under the
Tundra. Neither walls were exposed in'a trench blasted
into and across the outcrop. A cross section of the
trench East of the outcrop showed the following: 12
feet of highly mineralized sheared and schisted Volcanic
rocks; 8% feet ofshigh-temperature blue Quartz well
mineralized; needles of . Tourmaline disseminated
throughout the Quartz. In numerous places across the
broken face of the vein very fine visible free gold was
noticed. The balance of the outcrop exposed was made
up of well mineralized Chlorite Schists. 'The main sul-
phides in this Zone are Arsenopyrite---and' Pyrite and '1
they are known to have a high gold content. •
"After carefully examining the Salerno Claims •(Sal -
mita) the writer is of the opinion that the two -out-
standing discoveries made in the main Shear Zone can
be developed into commercial orebodies. It is, there-
fore, recommended that preparations be undertaken
immediately, to put into effect -a, prospecting and drilling
program to prove up these Zones.
"This propertly definitely warrants -the expenditure out-
lined above and the writer is confident that the results
of the foregoingsprogram` will be such that the next
. step in development will be the sinking of a shaft and
the bringing of this property into production."
W. B. AIRTII, B.Sc. .
(September'll, 1945)
"The property (Salmita) is underlain by rocks'of both
sedimentary and volcanic origin. the contact between
which strikes in a northwesterly direction traversing
the long axis of the property across nine claims: The
contact zone is marked by intensive shearing, within
which mineralized quartz is noted to occur.
"Showing No. 1 occurs near the south end of the prop-
erty. Total width of quartz esifosed. and uncovered
by scraping away the moss, is 9'0". A few shallow
pop holes were blasted into the quartz which allowed
the taking of two chip samples.
"Sample No, 628 was cut across 2'6" of blue quartz
well mineralized' with arselaopyrite-this assayed 0.93
• oz. Gold 6535.34).
"At a point'27'0" along the strike to the northwest, a
second sample, Seo. 629.was chipped across 616" of
simila.rly well mineralized quartz which ran 2.27 oz.
Gold (510.05). • This section of quartz adjoins to the
west of a line projected from the 2'6" section sampled
by No. 628, which gives a total width of 9'O" of quartz.
Rhyolite, which forms the west wall of the quartz, is
well schisted arid shows evidence of mineralization by
rusty oxidation of its surface."
J. W. N. Bell, B.Sc., Telephone 107A, P.O. Box 183,
Assayer 8 Analytical Chemist
Haileybury, Ont., November 2nd, 1945
Certificate of Analysis
No. 23564
We have assayed. Twenty-nine samples
submitted by Dr. A. F. Bonfield, Toronto,
Sample Oz. Gold Oz. Silver
No. toh ton
1 .06
2 .10
3 .49
4 .13
. 5 '.01
6 .01.
7 .01
8 .18
9 .01
10 .005 -
11 .70 ' .1.6
12 , .96 .27
13 .54 s .46
14 .01 -
15 .04
of Rock Received Septeniber
with the following results:
Sample Oz. Gold Oz. Silver
No. ton ton
16 . .32
17 , .96
18 .15
19 .53
20 .12
21 .01
22 .66 A4
27th and
23 .06
24 .58
25 • 2.26
26 .72
27 .26
28 .88
29 .02
Offering price subject to adyatice without notice
73 ADELAIDE STREET WEST,,',KP'itONTO, CANADA (Formerly 68 King Street tast) PHONE
A. F. BANFIE , Phd.
(0 tober 31, )
"The writer conside the Salmita property an extreme-
ly premisieg mining venture. For the amount of work
done the results have been verp encouraging. One vein
has been opened up for a length of 70 feet which aver-
aged 0.814 oz. 'Au. over 38.3 inches. At 538.50 gold, this
value is 531.34 per ton. Which is definitely ore grade.
Both. ends of the vein are Open, with excellent values at
each end, and the vein looks very strong in both places.
The vein lies In a strong shear zone which has been
mapped for a distance of four miles and has a known
length of 22 miles and along which gold has been found
in numerous places. Eight thousand feet southeast of
the South showing is a vein on an adjoining property
that is at least 700 feet. long, 28 feet of which channel-
led 0.60 oz. Au. over a width of six feet and with vis-
ible gold showings on it that have never been trenched..
This auriferous shear traverses the Salmita property
for a distance of 14,000 feet. and the entire length of it
should be investigated., The strength and presistency of
this controlling geological structure, plus the fact that
„vein widths are of mining width, make the property
very attractive from an economic viewpoint because it
Opens up, not only, the possibilities that fairly large
tonnages may be developed, but also that the search
for ore is confined to a well defined structure.
sin conclusion, I would like to state again that I have
no hesitation in saying that the Salmita property is
one of exceptional merit. For the amount of work
• done, it is the best showing I have ever examined, and
is, well worth the expenditures outlined."
- Label Sample Gold Oz. Gold Value
Date Assayer No. , No. per Ton per Ton $35
July 26, 1945 F. W. Huggins, 19913 1 4.36 152.60
• Assayers 19914 2 1.13 39,55
Rouyn, Quebec 19915 3 0.24 8.40(
August 17, 1945 Ti -onto Testing 4660 Al 1.93 67.2
( Lab. Limited, 4660 A2 1.46 51.10
73 Adelaide St. W. 4660 A3 9.13 319.55
August 16, 1945 Prov. Assay 17140 A4 3.70 129.50
Office, Dept. of Mines
October 6, 1945 J. C. Jensen 444 1 0.17 6.54
Assay Office 444 2 • ' 33.00 1270..50
Bourlamaque, Que. 444 3 0.09 3.46
Cornell & Company,
73 Adelaide Street West,
Toronto 1, Ontario.
I hereby purchase from you. .0 shares of ,
SALMITA NORTHWEST MINES LIMITED (No Personal Liability) at 50c
pet share, and encldse herewith a total of $ payment of
(Please Print o'Write Plainly)
GIN 820"/