HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-12-21, Page 1M,. :^A1 011 ✓ `wim + M\ ro, Y'11, I 11 I , Aw I "Q 1�" \" . 1. ,.bid$`.-� ' ""�NZ i `---q 1H _ ,Ysi � �­.� I , . r 0. � -1 I ......., .. , '. " � to,,,�,.:­ _.,:11 , ,� It R11'3 r1. , ' tt; . .. I Iv - , i J� 'I, ii L �� 1W, � IAM' , a 7.. l : . 8 tti ., ,I], . q �t,. ,� ..Y. - - I ?M 't�;,; :ins ''.1 ." . � � v � I , I 1. 1 4, � I I., �". dl 1 y a ,r/! 7 r L ft�'AI i } .( '4'� d( 1' . If'''i r ` •��77 , c� , a 7.. l : . 8 tti ., < r ,le —: , ," i i o' !"' . j a `;' r:: ,.: i � 1.. r.. ra a y .. .� 1;'s < �, " k� A t% I ��.. i ),W# dd p, �l Christmas Day. ,. . _ i Exltel~;1�,tz, _� iia"'' � 1 �...� w� , v , y?, ), ° ILII, F d e r a t on o LOCAL CON,,�ITTEE Town,Dis rictTo'wnex s N�wB o• :,011� NEWS OF HENSALL L1 r O rt' e ,/ t+'''- y� ff 1 I, (+Mp ph'h I if �, — �+�r- {1 LA'/ FffiM>�d P ��t�' ,a'a'�}S 1 .111 � T'�j,.. '� t • x..,, �?��i E 10 ,i ��� )' y� p �'1, �r �j /�' �yq Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Parsons, high- '� u �t u, it Si► �+torw'� �� _ s PL � i � V dClosing e'er ings to A high esteemed res den of p "1 "', '. •i,� Por almost Forty, years M: ;v ;r> k"_ ,+act Ty esteemed Hensall presidents, ob- ., . s � a WSamuel A. Murray diedr at 1 er' o qil ,'�Y;Y! ., ,w served their golden wedding' anui- • " • on Ann Street on Ma9day ight ' nl,�E°`+ � ` versaryat their home on Wednesday, 1V,Leet at -Clinton Monday , PL WING n MATC `i�Tind't.:�p x ear s Busineas lowing a lingering ilTp'ess Sake vTaa ' y i;,7, "I( Dec. 19th, and the occasion was • formerly Miss Lydia S;tfetsa;• d,aug4t,o , ' marked with a family dinner at which • M of the late Mr, and Mrs. John ;sfo40 ,p g ciieketi with all the trimmings was . 96h BIRTHDAY ° sErved. The table was attractive, sen- Cetmmittee -and Chairmen Mee V�lth Ori ari0 Plow- Little Election Tally Heard S 0 • 'Cranbrook, and was in hei 6$- veep ;r! 5 tred with the wedding cake, gold tap- 11 She was married" to Dr, +rm iYTtlzray tI,` era ,and vases of gold chrysanthe Appointed i 11 Send men's 1�SSOCiatiOn EX- in 'Seaforth, 1VIcET11®, or �e111e�Ct�E:r in September, 1906 ', "" 'r Four Delegates to Short ecutive At Clinton. Tuckersmith as Year Deceased is survived by 'her llus- phry off, mums.- S "..'." 11 ! :: v g` 9 Rerimember that Santa Claus will b nd, two sons, Sgt. Wilfred Murray,.-' ­,,J ;r " Mr. and Mrs. Pat -sons were marries? "`fir 43>�'<��� be at the Lions Christmas Tree ova as.; Robert, Dublin; two cialtgh- in Hibbert. Following their marriage IIRR ;. s �> ` C®Hr�ue Atesterll .�Yli- C109efi. in Seaforth on Friday afternoon, x ` '`K1 !. `Y2'+� 'a 1V�1�.TCH IN 'OCTOBER Dec. 2,st at 2 o'�elock witn a bi tars.' Mrs. Elmer Tuffin and >,s�a. - they resided in Stanley most of their I" «: >;;a.,,, Versit'. _ _ 9 Bertha Murray, Dublin; one brother, married life, until they took up" resi- ,. -. bag full -of gifts for the boys and .i & N®NINATIONS John Steins, Brussels; two sisters; y r.; girls bf all' the schools in town , dunce in Hensall 13 years -ago. They �'..s.:!s,<>�r,; T e lAcal conaAlittes' for the Inter- Mrs. John L. Benneweis, Brodhagsrs, u f . recall their wedding day of 50 years TO HQLD I)ECENl�ER vl and district Don't forget to bring t national Plowing Mach, to be held ".' and Miss Marie Steiss, Cranbrook . al: ` ago as raining most.of the day, with n, your',ticket for the tree and Pic i ; c , at Port Albert AiF School in October, so two grandchildren, V no sign of snow In clic air:2ff a ri¢•e ^'> FIEY.D' DAY tura snow, 1 �t ki,.. ,A :c 1946, met with the executive of the' Seaforth, Mc$illop, Tuckersmith The funlettal'•was held .on Thursda,"y ',, � ��l maid of fifty yeVs ago, Miss Hannah ? .. g Craig, of H•erisall, was an honored '�,»`"" Ontario Plowmen's Association in the and Hullett councils held jheir final afternoon at 1.30 -from the home of µJ guest. The.. groamsmdn, Mr. George Htirgn. Federation oP Agriculture council chambers at Clinton on Thurs: meetings on Saturday, when the her sister, 1Vir9. John Ben'neweis, witFt • " �c, Kenuord, fIensall,; died a Pp�w years directors met in the Agricultural day, Dec. 13th and ;'.Siscuaaed plans books were closed for the year. Rev. C. F. L.' Gilbert, Seaforth, con- , i� ago Board Room. Clinton, on Monday, for the' coming match LEGION '•_ .. ducting the service. Interment r1.ay to In none of these municipalities has= �N a Dec. 17th, with Harry L. Sturdy in Hugh Hill, 'chairs ',R of. the local there been much election talk sir_ made in Egmond�ille cemetery, Mr. -and Mrs: Parsons were the re , Public' School Holds Concert, cipients' of many lovely gifts', uclnd the chair. Minutes of the last regular committee, was chairman of the meet- culating, but one can never tell. Pus ANNUAL ING meeting were read and adopted on ing. Gordon McGavin'resident of the sibly when nominations have been U The brilliance and artistic arrange 1'fr111, ,; Ing a davenport ; rom the family ment of the electric lighting under ; ` motion of G o e Feagan and Wm. O.P.A., J. A. Carrolh'} secfetary-man- held, it may be a different story, but ` R Members of the family attending w. x f Y ____ the management of J. A. Darling, con �t°� , were: Mr. and Mrs. David Ryckman, Davidson. ager, Clark Young, reasurer, and it does not look that wa at p enfi. L;eI Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ryckman and Harry L. Sturdy spoke briefly and others of the executive addressed the Hullett, has'already heldyits election, Elect Officers a n d Mold tsibuted to the excellence of the Etna "K entertainment at Dublin pi :, schools Mrs. Seymour, all of South Dakota; handed the meeting over to the new meeting briery. A. gond discussion by the t6'eve and council being' returned, t" ' president-elect, Russell Bolton,., who the chairmen of the various sub -cum- by acclamation. Social Evening in on Friday evening. To the teacher, p Mr.' and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson g,ad. asked Por the support and co -opera- mittees and others present followed. ItTlaa Hazel Roney, and the music family, of Hensall; Mr, and Mrs. 'wm, Tuckersmith CardnO S Hall. supervisor, Miss M. Dougall, ' special . ' Parsons and' Bobby, Cromarty; Mr. .yy, Ortwein,' widely known tion of all members. Robert McKer- The duties of the differs commit �— s ' cher spoke of the good leadership and tees were pointe ot:t and general Tuckersmith township council held commendation is due owing to the.11 and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family, Hensall resident, .m.ho will cele- its final meeting for 1945 in the Town The Seaforth branch cif the Cana- �t - I�ippen; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parsons brace his 96th, birthday at his " devotion of the past president and plans for making the`nuatch a success fact that only .nine pupils are enroll- Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday, Dec. 15, dian' Legion held their annual meet° I moved a hearty vote of_thanks, and were laid. y ed. The chairman was Rev, Mt,_Ris- l and Walter, London; Mr. ,and Mrs.' home in Hensall on Christmas Day. that Harry Sturdy be made 'honorary at Z p.m., with all members present Ing in Cardno's Hall on Friday eve don, woo gave a. brief ehairman's ad- r Archie Ryckman, Exeter, and Dir. Permission has been granted by and the Reeve presiding. ring with an unusually large attend- dress, extending a welcome and greet- / "(11 John Craig, Hensall. president. The motion carried unan 't the Department. of National Defence Dr. Z. A. McMaster was appointed once of members present. ings to a capacity audience; • before , �I:z imously. to use the Air School as a site for The oecaalon was made a social as a i To Celebrate 96th Birthday Correspondence was read b the permanently by bylaw to the office announcing the var'ous numbers, in- . W TRaP ,HONORS y the match, and it is expected that well as' a business meeting, and a 1 Mr. J. W. Ortwein; prominent Hen- secretary. Moved, seconded and car- of Medical Qlticer of Health for the chiding ,duets, two ays, recitations, manq of the Targer buildings will al township. John Eat le was appolf ser most enjoyable time ,was 'spent •and two danei numbers, "Sailor's•.I3orn �", , sail resident and oldest 'citizen, will ? rigid, that we send Your delegates to so be available. refreshments serveds sanitary, inspector and truant x pipe"'and Irish Liit, featuring four on Christmas Day observe , his 96th �T �j N short course at Western University, Everyone present' was very enthus- for 1946, and Alex Boyes *as,employ- The reports of the different chahTa senior girls; a very+ effective flash 'I'A". birthday, and on Ne is IYay Sir: R E•T V R N'LJ.DM A +� on Rural Leadership a d P men showed the Legion to have had c, " iastic in support of the match, and ed to snow plow townshhp roads at light drill, choruses, Christpoas u car- . : , and lV[rs, J. W.-Ot twain,,,;, : celebrata tion. will try to make it the outgtanding .the rate of $4.00 per hour. W. S.' a most successful year, and the cum ° ols and brief recitations by 'two, tiny " their 59th wedding : an=niversary. Motion by Michie and Coultes, that event in agriculture in Ontario for Broadfoot, weed inspector, presented Ing year ly increased Rgnald, (Pete) Moir, o�..Rensall, an T r. George'Case is Reclpl- we send• 'the 'President as director t 1946, It is expected; that the dem- his report which was adopted as read members ih p. � tots, Margery O'Reilly and Gladys 1 , employee of Fink's T,inshop, had the p meetings of Ontario' Federation, with onstration of farm machinery and and his' salary and mileage of $40.20 The following officers were. elected Robinson. Sages Clans; made his a'F-' "1�'; misfortune to lose the. end of his fin ant Of Address aril Bern Lobb as alternative, Carried, pearence at the close 6'f clic program . equipment will be the largest ever= for -1946: Past president, J. A. Munn; ger when the scissors hg; was cutting MQtio7ri by Sturdy and Farrish: Thatwas paid. • and caused his usual ;.excitement in , Presentation. ice-Presi- staged. Many of the labor-saving Tnckersmilii Telephone was paid president, B. J. Duncan; • 3st vice- " iron with,;.shpped, cutthitg.'off big fin- - wed seRdithe ,President.and V i a n in .' a "blue -print ' 5.59 to e' one assessments and Pres., J. J. Holland; 2nd vice -prey„ distributing Candy and gifts from '�® r er_.. Tli hcci a 3t d on.,Satnr- dent as voting delegates to Ontario mach ne $5,69 l Ph gaily decorated Christmas tree ,The 1p „ g 6 dgilst,t PPg l ._.._. _ stage" :will be ibrt and be in Finnigan; sec. tress., T. D. SiI1H; i long distance tolls collected and Me- pupils taking .part were: JQaa +B3)t +Y 11 day, and hfl,: wss attended, , by I r. ver 'enjoyable evening was spent Pin nal•'. Motion b� Sturdy... and' Mc lions $stem 'was paid' pension officer; C. -P. Sills; assistant ', �"`: c $ Y operation: Killop Telep , Y ton, Gwendolyn Britton, Joyce VViI " purse h t e,sQnd, rs: Anderson erasion officer R. -0S.. Box'__eh&Plain, w"= «: .shark ,, »-Des q. 'we �, w• y ... -. �»-,� :. apl .•E1 'Lo is , a. na�iitens.-.r .,.,�:, �.. a. i WinthropWmthro hall, on Tnesd y,.,,, .; , There wrl a 's la ses,ap the $8$:0B asessm ants p.. • .- ... nos,,, . i a u e t ..rmafs.:fin .. t ,. Mrs�Rtilington(;Blgtehbrd; `of 654 P ::b't•FJt�iia Annual�ns women a • dale match fors and ev- rant oY 10.b0 was given to the Rev. Capt. 1. T". Hnssey, a§sistani 11th, when friends of Tpr: George gate. Bill Hollandt to be delegate for Plowing s A g $ hyllis Roney, 1:'lorenee Moore Jtrirti.; -' Waterloo St, Lafudon; 'died in St. ery effort is bedng ,put .forth to have Brucefield Library and Bylaw No. 19, chaplain, Rev. W. J. Patton; honorary Moore and Darwin Lanvin. A voldnr id Joseph's Hospital, London, to her Case gathered to give him a hearty Jtrnior Farmers. Carried, Motion by chaplain, Rev, E W. Edwards; serge 1 69th year. Bora in Wopdstock, she welcome home after five years of VanEgmand• and Sbapton, that the the `returned men feel that their com- in regard to authofiization of street a tart' collection realized a splendid , ij ant -at -arms, H. N. McLeod; chairman, had resided in London for the past President be official delegate to Na petition and presence will be wel- i'ghting', in the Village of Brucefield, sum, which was donated to the Junior j1 active service overseas. Rev, W. J. entertainment committee, J. T.. Hoth- ; 30 years., She was -a member of the tional Convention in London. corned. was given its first and second read- Red' Cross, Patton read the following address svgs. In this connection a 'meeting am; chairman membership commit- + `�. Metropolitan Church, London. .Sur- Harry Sturdy ,spoke on strikhhg • tee, A. Calder; chairman poppy com- Logan School Entertainment e�'' viving are her husband, one son, and the presentation of a gold Pocket committee's choice. of the following will be arranged in Brucefield in the „ ,car future, at which ratepayers mittee, H. Free; chairman sick and The annual Christmas en'tertaiu- ", Richard, and a grandson; all of Lon- •watch and chain and, a signet ring slate of names, first mentioned to be _ S. S. Christmas Concert within the area described for lighting visiting committee- J. M. McMillan. ment took place at Bushfield's Sehool; K don.. She is a sister-in-law of Mrs. was made 'by James Hogg and Arthur chairman of each, committee: Execu- —. Logan, on Friday afternoon, uric? the r�r C��L Jinksl of Hensall. tive: R. Bolton', H. Sfurdy, B. Lobb, The Sunday School of First Pres- will be given the opportunity to a The annual Christmas concert of Alexander: E. Shapton, E. B. Goudie, R. McKer- byterian Church held its annual withdraw or add their names to the efficient direction of the teacher, S.S. No. 1, Tnekersmith, will lie held Dear George: A party is usually a cher, G. Kirkland, L. G. Bryce, W. V. Chri'stm'as entertainment in the Petition for sail lighting. An Appreeiatlorti yrs. Earl ,Barker, assisted by the ( rii, in the school on Friday, Dec. 21st, time of rejoicing, and this one is no Roy school room of the church on Wed- Seaforth Lions Club was given a music supervisor, Miss M. Dougall. and 'will be under the direction of exception. We, your friends and ac- cant of $25 and •the Town of Sea- "Four things I think make life worth- The chairman was Mr. V. Jostirg, ., L' Field Day—R. Bolton, H. Sturdy, B. nesday evening. g' while: who announced a well -arranged pro - airs. R. Simpson, -teacher' quaintances, are gathered here this Lobb, B. Stewart, H. Hill, R. McKer There was a good attendance of forth was paid $30 rent of council To Love, To Help, 'To Mope,. To Christmas Sunday will be observed evening to give you a hearty welcome cher, L. G. Bryce, O Harrison, G Pupils,. parents and friends, and the room and $25 Division. Court fees. gram of drills, songs, playettes, sac• '•n inaHensall United Ch�urch Sunday, home. It was with feelings `of nor- Oestreicher, E. McDonald, W. V. Roy. program was thoroughly enjoyed by The Clerk was instructed to for- Smile."—Douglas Malloch. ols and choruses, which 'was present- Dec. 23rd At- the morning service row, but chiefly pride, that we saw Warble Fly—R, Bolton, H. Hill, C. all• ward a letter to the county recom- A poet parried these lines for you and ed to an appreciative appreciative audience of I .1:11 he choir will present two numbers, you go so cheerfully a few years ago �oultes; B. Stewart. The followicg were the numbers: ' mending that the Clinton Radio me Aarents and friends. The sehoctroaui"f� "Christmas Jubilate," a Russian mel- and choose the harder course and Hog Producers—Wm. Turnbull, B. Carols; "God'Save the King"; chorus, School Hospital be soured, if po wa artistically decorated and a - And then he went away, crossed o'er if ody arranged by R. C.' Wilsor, and shoulder the responsibility of helping Lobb and, C. Coultes. "Away in a Manger," 'Miss S. I. Me- sible, as a convalescent hospital for the sea;, brig t colorful Christmas tree occu- 4,; "Heaven's Glory Song," by Edward to crush the greatest threat to civ Farm Radio Forum—R. McIercher, Leon's class; chprus, "Santa"; quint the county. I`m sure he would be pleased, now he pie a position of prominence.. FoI- w. Norman. Rev. R. A. Brook will ilization and democracy which -this- J. Simpson, L. G. Bryce, Mr. Michie ette, "My Rheum'atiz," Mrs. Nichol- Dr. E. A. McMaster presented his, is gone, to inn the program, concluded by the ;y Preach on the theme; "The Christmas world has ever known. To be a mem and Mrs. Taylor. son's class; song, Miss Jean Scott's report as Medical Officer of Health, i tional Anthem, Santa' Claus made !j1f Message:' This service will cum bar of the Canadian Army is to show If we, in our small -way, would pass dramatic entrance and jovially; di5 Farm Radio Broadcast—H. Sturdy, class; play, "A Christmas Carol," which was adopted as read, and he 3 . (*'ontinued on Page 4) a tradition which warms all of us, R. McKercber, W. V. Roy. C.G.I.T.; -song, "White Christmas," C. was paid his sal,5ry of $100.00 and in them on, tributed candy and gifts to all the .. "England expects every man to do Resolutions—J. Buchanan, E. B. Reith's class; recitations, Paul Mc- ovulation expenses of $36.81. Love: We all �havd heard that children. ,_fir:` • his duty." You, heard that call and Goudie, E. Shapton. Master, Elizabeth Habkirk; song. The Clerk was also instruc,ad to v;ord before: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. e fat er's at ul voluntarily gave up everything dear Beef Producers—Jack Armstrong, "Sweet Christmas Bells," Mrs. I.I. forward a letter of sympathy to Mrs. The Good Book says to love a little tended the funeral of the litter's bio. {t+, to you, and answered. it. We know R. McMillan, G. " ight. Thompson's class; recitations, Dale 1'laYthew Clark, Dashwood, on the more. ther, William Newcombe, at Wind - that many times yosi were 2n hot and poultry Com'mi ee—J. M. Scott, Mowbray, Carol Glew; solo, Ken Wil death of her husband, who was a If we would search we very sure would nor this week. Mr. Newcombe, who + I dangerous spots, but it was only by Mr. Johns, W. V. Roy. lis; , recitations, Bruce McFadden, councillor in the Township of 7uck gni had been in declining health' with a I the uptiring efforts and faith of such Continued on Page 5 heart condition for the past two years <I, j (Continued on Page 5) Jean Copland, Ronald Macon. ( ) That loving is the art of being kind. suffered a paralytic stroke on Friday J men 'as you that the victory we enjoy w o ns , . it li se n Saticrday. Mrs.. I now was finally won. n� th We are proud of the fact that we " • • •• . •• •• " W. " •c_••• - •• - •• •. } _• _ g e e f c ! K adskopfdisathe only surviving mein a w1]' pa' o !` ��®�� To c 1'h and see a'IsZ�ut in down a bar of the family. The funeral was are fortunate enough in having You ,-IAN, street; held in Windsor. r. numbered among our friends. During' I ' , f� A pair of handts—oh never mind the Personals: ' Mr. and Mrs. Richard ;i NOTES your absence, we were always cheer s, 1+ �jp4 Bustin -�"r A Ing for you and praying for your safe 1 `� " g� U�'��PA g yott,ashwQod, with Miss Ella J. return. Now, with God's help, that •1. bra You someondepends, someone is Dillon and Vincent Dillon; ,Mr. ani: al ,Through the six years of war the has been attained and words cannot r trusting. Mrs. Clayton Ladd and son, Jae Dun " "Spirit of Christmas" has been daily Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dun - •r express our joy tonight in having you �" 00 :t' To Hope 's having faith in other folk, QJ = shown by You who so generously gave back home with us again. We are . more and Mr. a d Mrs. Wilfred Dun - In millionaire or one who's stoney more, Stratford with Mr. and Mrs ' of your time, money and energy. still cbeeNng for you, George, and : • o �, � ,broke; 'Ernest Redscheidt; Mr. and Mrs. E, m May the peace of Christmas abide wish oh the best of luck in whatever And something else, it helps to keep Scarrow, Espanola, 'with relatives 0• "ji y , s with you, not only at this season, but you may choose in life. you cheerie, here; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Heal, of �g coming year. Not to put any price on the ser -1P With loved. ones far away and days "J'i throughout the garr Sebringville, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas ', .� Let us continue in Qur work with I vices you have rendered, but as, a _ 0, seem dreary. 4 I Roney; Mr. and M , Jas. Broughton, . a% the same steadfast effort for another slight token of our appreciation, we ' To Smile: Smile and the world smiles I Atwood, and Miss L Broughton, Sea- `"' I sitz ,,,months when our obligations ask you to accept these gifts. We , back at you, forth, with Mr. and rs. Fergus,Lan- Nl will. be Completed. hope that in the future days it, will. t §W Try it and see, you'll find it very • 44 s: 1: * bring you pleasant thoughts of all vin; Chas, Malone H secured a posi- true; tion as teacher at Ha ley, bury, his du - "Be merry all; be merry all, your friends round ahold,- of whom ties to begin Jan. 3r • Mrs. Joseph s With holly dress the festive hall;' you sure have lots. May 'God's rich- • Once again we come to the close of the Old and the So let us take his word, 'tis sure , 1.worthwhile, Eckert in Kitchener; seph Kostek v, Prepare the song, the feast, the ball, est blessings be with .you.—Signed On G�rn starting line of a New Y9,l . 23 To Love, To Help, To Hope, To Smile, in Toronto; Mrs. Frank urns and } To welcome Merry Christmas." behalf of your friends and neighborr"sh —Spencer. oP Winthrop and community. JOHN BEATTIE (Continued on Page 5j lI �. t f d and _ ����.��._ 1, R �+rx,aw).,nr:.w.�a„nsmmeeh„ ulf�a�a�ll- b"b—"Gxn+vis"l$"OZW ,t i t ")T'�ia�.x�ic�a �••ka••• ---M --ti. r,,, Mn....,, .... .-- .. . .- • - - 11 -.' F:,oA_ Kind. Thoughts FOIL .LO AL SUPPORT • •" �,' I'01t; HEARTY CO-OPERATION ... avid or• all the many courtesies ex4ndd to us during" the. past , . year, we thank you sincerely, and wish you a ' • A VERY" MERIIY C�IRIST�VIAS! + ' � . V - I r �Y .' N�. .., 1-111, -� .. r A t„� ' ¢r. 'F vFs::. u:L :♦ALL•,iiY,} I{irG;-b,ll-.-dfr,,­­� 11 flliN +�liw•%at,d L - I 0 r rF f ,f,,i a, , �. ce again we are happy to gree our rlen s patrons with a joyful "Merry Christmas." Once again we thank our loyal friends for their patronage, and we -hope our service wild, .,.merit their patronage through the years ahead. 11 -1-1N--,\. , 1 ` rN Vie- latueet.'�'ote , eafortb 1�,, . W,12BY, r®p>hae�t�r - ; 8 I '- r C 1. Iit -1 -EF0120 4 �'W 0 •' , 1' - 1 ,. , i�' 'fig j': 8: p 1 .'.:1,..':.: A 11 r ;;�:., sf � Merry cVhristmas,) •1945 , f : . , . � WI:. 1 I . I I . ; , if : May the Spirit of Christmas live it t j with you and bring with it a full : measuf t HAPPINESS, HEAL`II AND i PROSPERITY ! F , F W -m- .,gment,. I, I-' y. 1.1.1-1- !, ''. I F • Phone .1 40 14 S y �y,4 '.. fl fif 11 ^ �1 ]if� (` b s IYw til nY1. e " ' IA ni l i t/ , 1 .