HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-10-12, Page 1, i � I It 1, . � , � , ) , , * , ,-'�' . �'i - � , " i� I i � . . � I , :�� �,� ,,�, ';�; ��';',',,,�t�! , , �:,�� �, , I _11��','�,%�?177�; I ,, 1. ��,�; '! ;��' � � M ` TF14", 11 t�` � , r', � R, " ,_, �:'� 1, I � : I ­ �1111 I'll ,,I "? ��, ::!� " �, . o; . �i�,,,,�,�� ,�:, 1111111[��:-.`�,`.�', te, ­� ��t� � .", - ­��,� .,�, I" "�_:.,��,�� .",.,�"..�,�,�,���"I"�,,,t,,�tlf&,_"",�_,- �,,��,-,,-,�_,,�,�,�Nm:���,�.�!''"- i � ��`, I , , i", MIN, V ,�, � "�; ­ ., � I 111.1'.1_111, ����� ............. . 1-11.-I-1,1-1111. I..", 1-1, ­ . ­­­____ _J, I—- -11-1 ­_'_ �,­P,�, ­_-, ,,, 11 � ­_­ ­ _11_-- 1-11-1,111 ­_ 1-1. ­­ , I .1 - - P, "� I , I .1 ­ ` . , , , 1, .;,��i"­);Ji-: ...... , , I .1 - . . - . ,- � . , 61� i�,,M� � T, g�E,;�i;�","i��'I",""�:�i;,',;,',���f":!,; �'�', 7��',,,,��11�iji� ,'�,,,j�.:�,,,� '� 11��,N, "it�"11'1"-".� �� -"� , ,; P , , ,,_ .". ,�,­'­ ","t", , ", "" , � . 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' 0 . I . . I . 11-1 ''I -, , '' I 11.1 "' � lt,��,O..�- 1, 0 __ , , '' I . I � I 11 -.111111. ,,", �, ,-,,,;­.. "I & , , 1.il�,�'�­A. -,! e�'Ifkj 3 . ,,� if, --`$, ,,�,j!;, .11 Ladies',Club Will BaiIque,t 0 0 0 0 0 0,Counci,l Accepts. Assessior Conrad Schilbe',' Zurich, and N. Beattie, W. Butchart, J. IR 0 0 0 0` 40 11 G� I . _� I ' (lu ,:�, 11--1111_,1 " �R,2�2� '.'4� 1 Local Overseas Per- . . WiHiam Am6nt'.s Returns Mrs. F.'Torillbull, in 'Meir, Edna Hijpser, Don- ,,',,I , I , ,,Ill'. I � � . I ,�� V"111i", K "I"I ,� . � ,� �7� . - il�, �,,g�, "!, , ,, � -11"l- I ,, , - 4i�� � � ; , . I " '' Is kt, I . sonell on Oct. 19th. I Donations At Monday Night's Meet, -L doh H . ' v,"..1h1.­­,V,­ -,"NI ... ... 'T , 41, ,11;,�111:1� . . . . . . . . ", ,,, . 1�.� ,4" , "111 41'A'11�111� 2 ��.�, . :� on , pitals. na,. Watson and Lenore I � 't, , '�',t 2, �4�'� .� 1, , "" � "I T, ,., , "I , , I �., ', . Cloth* ' ' . ".""IN, ?,E I I 'An�g � .. ClOmOug"":, y-,". ',�, , , ,V " , "I � I.-. ,,,, ;_ . ... .. ,e ,,�A,','�,�;;,�� ".-Ml "I 1. ­ . � 1; --1 I Ing. . �� .. ­ ,q,tl�? � �i �;��"'I;',,I. a! �1 ., ,,,,,4111?1�1 ,, The Seaforth Lions Club has " ", ,"'I", " , I ",t ' �." � 1 5Q�_ � '. . Habldrk Win Champion- On Wednesday the Seafo 12� `,."�,,�.'11��O � -KA�,�A,'�c?,',," . : I ' " ...7i'l,'�0'.R. ` '11""''. NEWS OF HENSALL - recently made. the following dona� I OCCURREDLI � ') rth ;v,V ';,,,Ii�".r,�,,�l',":,�,,-,";:, ��0; ii., .rUESDAY , . "' —t-.' ;�� '' �,,�,;, ,-����.r,�,,�l',":,�,,,";:,.,,J����l",,. , 'It,`��,,'01' � I . . I',' �. Lions Club, which is in charge lof . ''I I.— , � 1rJ',,1 , , r �tf� , ,1"1.?,v"'_,1P , , 3�,,� tions for charital�le % purposes'- . I . . ships. NEWS I ... . � I'll, . 1, ��,. , , . i ­ . � I 11111" I,-, - I 1, I I � . I i.!,_� , � OF, , 11 , I r��, REIL ,�A , � - - � �, - .1 ,�,�',, ��. 1 $100 to New Sick Children's Ho& WILL PASS Condition the National Clothing Collection . . �* i_ , of Cont44:­Schilbe, �a rest- - . 11 ­,­ eV.`-,,-,!; (�'.4�,� 't, - � � — . , . ". .11111,11 -11- I R"T"M , , ,�, 111.11,11111""" " Q11 ...... , , , ,,, _____1-, �, , . .� �,.,?".��;"".,�")%�,i.��.,,,,-"�,�, . 6 . , i� ,, I , qi South Huron Public schools field pital, Toronto; $250 to the Red ' dent of Zurich, Wli4, was injured for Seaforth Red Cross District, ' '' 4_�11:14 ,1_4`1 et, held In BUILDING BYL collected four tons 'a excellent The Dubli:a A, g4i'�.*`X,, cl wowewfs, w, � A ,,-�14' _�_ 3ne Hensall on Thursday I AW when his ear e �a '� -oni with � , � Shield, Salvation Army; $100 to .rq..14,.d head -, �' � 4 t , . " SOQ �,, I . afternoon Vas the largest and most the Canadian .- another Mae clothing and packed it at the C. tiOn. club room h" bee" d i—E-itte'a." rQ��,114�0��,� Institute for the . ftm�qi;,14,,j, "good," attepd- _­­ " IL eaw%�qjsg'_ X, -, 111 I - - '. �� I . . .- .., , ,, ,,, -1 ,,,-'1-;;;11 ..... . . ­;!­�,­��,,,,� I I � - � ''. 71 , - FOR,',CUMPETITIONS N.R. station. C. E. Smith is the ,A. ­h.i__..�,�, .B successful in Years! Fifteen schools Blind, as -well is conducting the In presenting his report on the. ants at St. Josbph%-,'�,Hospital, .Lon- I as the collecti0ii depoidn h, . ;0i 11111,11' 'I., I I I I t e NIAX104_11111T� . �­ __ , � 11.,A�N*AW'1, 11, , , --'A'11.1 lil "'d ­�,�,,# - f,, JL gq'?�� U ;,,.. ,'�, ` i� R from South Huron were represented recent tag day for the same in- assessment roll to the town council don, said Wednesd;ty. � — general chairman and he had for al Clothing' .Drive from oct" lst,�:�*#,�,��JK,",�, X ! L -, ., tl;;�, , t!'-. . " . , ., �� ' ­ Mr.-SchiIbe, who is'18 years of age, The annual sports meet of the S' a- his staff, 25 Lion helpers. The 20th. , . , �, ," Ne. "I I ,,�,'�',- �,',,`�!,'�"',' If , . , and paraded to,,the school grounds, stitution, which netted $115.W. on Monaay evening, Assessor Win. I township c6nveners were: Tuck- . � " '�'��I' �, I 'L: "' _-"�,`111 ­ � !,�­�_,. 'L Right there is one answer to the was admitted ,to the' hospital with forth High School wa held at the A meeting of St. M"11 11�;.,�`..­,, 41 headed by Clinton ,Collegiate Bugle question fr cut said the assessment on pro- fracture ` ' ersmith, E: P. Chesney, Harold ,PatrieVs Vh1k0x,<�,,',',i' "" , I " ' I I eqUently heard: "What . AM � d ribs, ,He Was driving be- Agricultural Park on rFriday, when Sodality was held thi' ek t .1.1 ': 111-11 , , " Band. � perty had been raised $124,655 over Jackson; McKillop, , 1�11.' , "I � I ,'t',r,,,,,. . 1, �. , ,.,,,,r, � � "', i. , , �% ", ,;, ., �i�. , , 11 , ,& � - do the Lions do ,with their tween Hensall and' Zi�rich in a rain 11 Gordon Mc- S.we -,_ - '.",",Y.,!��"­',�,:q��VN , , the public money?" . last year, and, Possibly, quite a if storm when, apparently bbnded by ' " ' I . ers were ',e*qtq# i ',�r��,"'; ­_�' Mr. Judd, principal of t d ts competed in a long list of Gavin, R. S.'McKercher; Hullett, the following ctfflc' 171- � , �;,j, ., �, � 1',� 1, �, ew '. I I . events. Leg Stephenson, James M. Scott. I ' ­�. .-,. ly, '. � �,-'�,," ' ,L",, �Ik School,' directed the proceedings.- 'A . the lights of ail Oncoming car he , President, Miss Katherine O%,Quii�e ,,,, ,-.'..', - — — - der- - I !�' :;r�,�;!­ ' I I — appeals would be entered. Coast crashed head-on into 4 Championships were won as fol- It was a golod work well done. - ,.,:.,.s!v,�,.1,.' . %-.Ilsivl�., 11 , , .car driven by ricepresident, Miss flelen. f5anagaint'. .;:.: ?� ('��V,� . �,�,Wjl',�: , . ,��.,,��. , IF -7 r: I .%�, I I , ,.,, j'� I , I draw for two war savings certificates 0 0 Ing the fact, however, that public Mr. Durand, of'the Elbe Water High- laws: BOYS, Senior, Neal Beattie; secretary, Miss Kath6itrre ' W 7 . "t 1. ­ . , io6do" :;� il, ' � ? ..' ` I LL. I ;I � � , ... ,4 was held. The winner of a $10 war grants are based on the ass,qssihent, way. Both machines, were badly Intermediate, W. Butchart; Junior, 0 .0 0 0 — YaU � So , I L I "i ,,.. I I ­ , I 0, 0 treasurer, miss Geraldine R _ I ;i , . savings certificate was'Clarence Vol- . I �'L �,, �. I , . ' . .1 ' '_1 I ,. ­ " , , , , , , , , , , , , arid further that a higher assessment damaged. Traffic Officer Frank Tay- Jerry Me�r; Girls,' "Senior, Lenore bial committee, Misses B , . .4 ,, . . , ":�,,��, , , , , , , , , , , t , ", , �::c�� - . .:�,,��, .:�,,��, .:�,,��, .:�,,��, .:�,,��, .:�,,��, � .:�,,��, � .:�,,��, � .:�,,��, �,� .:�,,��, �,� .:�,,��, �,� I— � land, Hensall, and $5 certificate by _____ essie Cron� :��,,,6,,, ,. X I . . I � "j-, - . .."'11, . means a lower mill, rate, th' il *Ior, Of Clinton, investigated. Habkirk; Interipediate, Donna Wat- in; Jean Costello and Rita Jo , � � ,:;.�; . Mrs. Charles Forrest, Hensall. Tick- PROMOTED THANK -.1.11-1 .1 1; . , after a short discussion, passed the Second Accident . rdaa*. ;,'Ji,�� N I . , ,,, I .. ,i, Ift" . . . . . k I son; Junior, Edna Huiss,&i. library -W,mmittee, - I !-,R "''. . , , . ets were drawn by Freddie and Ted- report. . As a result of their car colliding Misses Patricim - ! � � �. 16, 13 � , Perfect wea . T.- G. SOOLE DIES � . I. - . ""IN " I, 11,1- . ' ther made the day's Ryan and Mary Stkpl'eto"n. ',�',111 �, i� �M , � Aie Sanders, 1% -year old twin sons The assessor also revealed that the with a Department of Highways truck, . I .1.111,11 1 I .. ... � . . of Mr. Morley Sanders, principal an on No. 4 Highway _' Sports not only interesting, but add- Miss Marie :....�M' , , ..�� � ,, .� ','� 0 . of'OF MAJOR OVERSEAS Population of Seaforth is 1 782 at the Middlesex -Evans, who is 'att�nd! `­"`I� ' ' ". ,­ " 11 . increase over last'year of 7�. - Huron county line about 9,45. Tues- ed to the keenness of the com -f 0 9 'Stratford Normal ,School, -has. I.. '. 11�', ,11 Hensall continuation school, peti- -in , �l,l. . ­­, I ' AT m RONTO HOME ;"��,, I'll, . 2,, ""''. ,�,, ' Dr, J. A. Munn, president -of the day morning, Mr. ,and Mrs. Fergus tion in all events. . . . been awarded a stuOent�aid scholar- ' ":;�;` 11, .. I I A boo�h in charge .of Mrs. B" � ��1111'1 ., " . Son Of local Branch -of the Legion, and . __ . I I ..,. . X11 I � I ­ -.1", , . f..qid Major R. S. Reid,, ' Turnbull, of R.R. 1, Dashwood, re- The school was divided into two ship by the committee of awards up� ' ":44,, i a rushing business, $36 being taken Postmaster C, - P. Sills appeared be- C%Ye.d.m0iqaI a 1 F� itiaiRCIpri. Mrs. Turn- teala$, competing against each -other. " ,,,, N, ' . � _ " I Mrs. J.- F. Reid, Town, A Graduate,of The Exposi;_ On the recommend'ation--of-ttf4--mljiis-z:- 'j . . . . . . I e_ . . , " in at the booth and $85 for tickets fore council as a 'delegation from the 'bull was later moved, to Victoria Hos- The captains of the winning' tea . ter of Education.. . �r,')- � on draw.. Legion, asking for a grant. Mr. Sills pital, London, whbre,,she was report- I In 1, � 1, B�' i I . I Overseas 4 Years,. tor; Prominent in Print- ­�.,l �, N�, er 1. Mi. outlined the plans for the propos,ed ed Tuesday night to be sufferi.1y, . 1-1 T,,!, ,, Winners were'as follows; e Donna Watson and Gordon Wil- Personals: Mr. and ' Mrs. Jack ' - I -� 17"!4: .... � � 1. Memorial Hall to be erected on Main cheek lacerations. E..On. Industry for 70 Years. Johnson, Waterloo, Misses Edith and _�I:�,i I P �� : � . 50 yards dash (boys, juvenile)— The promotion of Reginald S. Reid, Street on the Property already ac- The department truck, with Elmer Bloys' ,Events . . Margaret Krauskopf and Harold Lau- .1 �� .-, ; ,, � 11 , .`01 I It Billie Fink, Hensall; Gerald Bell, S.' Perth Regiment officer who is now quired by the Legion. The Legion is Eddy, of Denfleld, driving, and having Senior -1,00 Yards jdash, D. Stew- Prominent in -the printing industry ber, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ,n�.X, I ., ) ; . S. 1, Tuckersmith; Neil Wildfong, Overseas with the Canadian Auxiliary asking for a grant at $5,000 froan aboard William Aiken, district fare- art, 12 see., N. Beattie, G, Wilson; for 70 years, Thomas Guthrie Soolfi, Price, Seaforth, with Mr. and Mrs. .1 ..." 11:1-11 , , - � 1, . Dashwood- I Services, to his majority, is a PoDular Seaforth, and the speaker said t1rat man, had stopped for consultation 220 yards dash, D. Munn, 27 3/5 see., 84, died Friday at his home in Toron- Albert Krauskopf; Mrs. Joseph Car- �. .ii,,��­ ..".I.,- . ,��t 1, I 'O yards dash (girls, juvenile)—Ag- one in local Army circles. Looking the Townships of Tuckersmith and with George Clark, county line to' to. Funeral services we*re conducted .. � 1�1 &I re- ��11'�_ mes Miller, S.S. 1,4 Hay; Jean Haugh, after the recreational welfare of McKillop would each be asked for a man, when it reportedly was N. Beattie, D. Stewart; 1/2' mile' D.. penter and daughter, Nancy Ann, of . ,; ;0. � I :�,�,�.. A, . .:, I troops at Farnborough, Major Reid's grant of $2,500. hit Smith, 2 min. 44 � 1/5- see., D. M I unn, on Tuesday, followed by interment in Chatham, with Mr. and Mrs. Jos,eph . . "I �,,*.2 I Dashwood; Ruth "Soldan, Hensall. from the rear b�r the Turnbull car. Park Lawn Cemetery. . -.111 " I , i, . , work has also taken him to the ,con- Later the council went on record Lawrence Hirtzell, residing near the D, Stewart; I mile, Bud Smith, 9 ....ril'. "It . Broad jump (senior boys) — Bill tiri,nt among his trips being one"to as approviagi,a grant of $5,000 to the ' Mr. Soole was prominent in Toron- Carpenter-,. -Rev. Harry F. Feeney' .b`�', I I . .1,1� , t , � O'Brien, Zurich,, Bob Traquair, Hen- I scene of the accident, took Mr. and min. 58 see., D.' Munn', D. Smith; to baseball circles. Last year he at- C*R-, St. Jerome's College, Kitchener, I 1,"', � . ,, .... ", : . �� . the big Army -Air Force sports meet Seaforth Branch Legion, the grant Mrs. Turnbull. to Exeter for, treat- running broad jump, G. Wilson,' 15.1 tended his 50th cou�ecutive opening -and Miss Genevieve Feeney, Toron- . ," 11" _. - ,,, '-, ,,, � $all; Bill Elliott, Hensall. ,at Utrecht. to be made in accordance with the meat of injuries. The Turnbull car 1011 D. Brightrall, D. Stewart; run- game. He became first interested In to, with their mother, Mrs. Kathleen , ,. �P.�,. , 1, - . . t� ,�, I . was badly smashed._ ning high jump, D. Hillis 51 2/f, G. the Toronto baseball club in 1897 and Peeney; Miss Jo celyn Farady, To- I � � ,t�� .unior girls. softball throw—Mary Well qualified for his post, Major procedure as outlined by the Muni , ly . �, ! ever ca i I,', I :" ,_ . I., Klapp, Zurich; Elaine Beer, Hensall; Reid's civilian background includes cipal Department. The grant, how- Mr, Aiken, who was in the act of Bettles, N. Beattie; pole vault H served as secretary-itreasurer funtil ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph At-- - ' ',.��" Anne Hildebrandt, Hensall. amateur and professional hockey, for n flat be made until next stepping from the truck cab, was sev- " * �,,��l , auge,. 1903. Mr. Soole was born at tSea- 'm ! year. Knight 81, N. Beattie, R. Sav ,kinson; Miss Marie Krauskopf, Lon- , 1.1.4 ', High jump, senior girls—Marjorie he plai�ed with the Port Colborne erely "jarred" at the impact, but � I �,T,� � ; forth, Orat., and at the age of 12 -he 1. . ',,'�� .. - ... �Councillor M: A. Reid Introduced a otherwise was uninjured. shot put (12 lb.), N. Beattie, 281 91, don, with her mother, Mrs. Louis. �,1'3161 9, �1 Ji I I started work wilth The Huron Ex- . " 11. ' ... I �, . . Hoffman, Zurich; Eileen Miller, Zur- Sailors, Toronto St. . Patricks, and building bylaw, a measure long over- Provincial Constable A. E. Reilly, Cr. Wilson, D. Smith; hop, step and Kraus'kopf,, Misses Mary arid Mar- . 111 . ich; Edna Petske, Hensall. Stratford Nationals ia the Old Can- due in Seaforth, as at present ,the positor as a printer's apprent "I, ", �, . Pro League. After mobilization of of Lucan, inir6ftigated. ice. He I � i � I te boys)— . only control council has over build- jump, G. Wilson, �61 611, N. Beattie, moved to Toronto in 1879. In 1883 garet Fitzpatrick, Detroit, with their .� ,��,�� I I � .. � . Broad jump (interinedia The PertiNbe managed the regimen- jug Is in the fire area of the busi- , _* I 11 I ­,�� Paul Durand, S.S. 12, Hay; John Cald- tal team that in the 1939-4 .... ... . D. Smith. . the firm of Miller and Soole, later parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fitzpat- � , :0, N4 0 season ness section of Main Street. After rmediate-100 yards dash W known as Soole Printing, was start- rick; 'Miss Mayme Webber, London, ­_ W i� , . I �$ . i� ,�,�1111 . .. well, S.S. 10, Tuckersmith; lEarl Sol- won the Military District.... No. I discussion, instructions were given boswell, 12 4/5 sec., S. Henderson .. 2 � dan, Hensall. . Walton News "" ed- Later Mr. Soole was active in with Miss Molly O'Connell and Mrs. 1. t� ... , High' jump (intermediate gi'rls.)— hockey championship. the town Solicitor to prepare'a build- I I , R. Do1g; 220 ya:rds dash, W. Boswell, the sales department of the Toronto !-Elizabeth Bruxer; Misses Angel& and �,Ii, � ,��_ 11.1 . Ing bylaw for the municipality. Coun- ' Type Foundry. i �,� i , 7 7 0— Mr. and Mrs. Boydell, of Toronto, 31 see., S. Henderson, R. D ig; 7 7 ]�', I i3hirleY Smith, Dashwood; Bernice I I . .1 11 cil appointed M. A. 0 one Bernice Donnelly, Stratford, ,with,' 7 '! . � . -end gilestb of Mr. and half mile, R. Farquhar, 2 min. 59 1/5 —0 � their parents, :. Mr.,, and Mrs.- Frank ,1�1 t i , I 1. I . . . Reid, F. S. sills were week .. , I �Dllljng, S.S. 1, Tuckersmitb; Phyllis '' and Reeve Daly a committeo� to deal Mrs' - �111ilzl. . I " ' . . W C. Bennett. ' :�� il '1� , Taylor, Zurich. if -A Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Wilson, of is- '19 11 ��- I... � , AJ 1. Reeve J. F. Daly, chairman of the Iington, visited friends over the week - _­ , � . ­ SKAFORTH, 'O.O.F. w' th the provisions of the bylaw. see., R. Doig, W. Boswell; I mile, W. , D ...... effi; Pte. Paul Givlin has. re- ` : 1 75 yards dash (junior boys)—Ron- . Boswell, 9 min. 10 sec.; running broad cently returned from overseas and. is , li ,. Street Committee, said there seemed yump, W. Butchart, 141 1011, S. Hen TUCKERSMITH WILL 1. ald Heimrich, lZurichi Douglas � to be an epidemic of �tree cutting in cud. I - on furlough with his father, Joseph �-,' 1� , � O'Brien, . derson, J. Jones; running high jump, GivIin; Jack Nickle, Guelph, with Mr.' "'I", � '�'­ I Zurich; Lloyd Buchanan, I USTALL OFFICERS town. He cited several instances of __* A - I . .- I q Butchart, 41 101/211, S. Henderson, W and Mrs. Frank Eva.ns; Miss Eileen , Hensall. . where trees had been cut down on . W. .: ;;�, , 11 . I ,� I . nd .'' Broad jump (junior boys)—Gerald . . . . t6wh property without authority, a R. Doig; pole Vault, R. Pullman. 61611, HAVIFEW CURFEW LA Evans, student rLurse at St. Joseph's ., - ''� 11 1, . _�11 I BeIL S.S. :1, Tuckersmith; Billie Fink, Installation Ceremony JS said he had, recently had many re-' News of Kippen R. Doig, M. Daltofi; shot put (8 lb.), .— Hospital, London, with her mother, - �,4 � .1 � . Heasall: Carl Regier, Zurich. I . quests to cut down other trees, auth- W. Butchart, 411 4/1, S. Henderson, Township Council Acts on Mrs. Katherine Evans; Mt. and Mrs. :t. , I , I . - I I . . Shot �ut (senior boys)—B. O'Brien, Performed by the D.D . ority for all of which had been re- The sudden passin'g' of William Ed- R_ Doig; hop, step and jump W Joseph Lesiski and two daughters, of , � 'YA �211. . I � . ' fused. gar Butt, in Scott Memorial Hospital, Butchart, 331 511, S. Henderson', W' Request of Egmond- Kitchener', with Mrs. Thomas Feeney; ,.,� . . . I . .1 ", . Zurich; , N. Mittleholt, Zurich; W. G'.M. and Staff, Bly�h. After general -discussion, council Seaforth, on Saturday afternoon last, Boswell. ­Z;l I Elliott, Hensill. 1. . .. I . decided to issue a . . ville Citizens. .Miss Jean Sutherland, Hamilton, with ...... I., .1 , . I . , public warning came with a great sense of shock to Junior -100 yards dash, .� �. Meir, . _. ."111.1, I . , that any persdii -cutting or injuring I � . Miss Marie Evans; Misses Mary, Z, ��O. '75 yards dash' (junior girls)—Aiane The officers of Fidelity Lodge No. countless friends in this district Al. 13 2/5 sec., E. MeSpadden, M. Mills; llltleeri and Jean Jordan, London, with ,,','4� �. I Hildebrandt, Hensall . ; Jean McAllis- 55, I.O.O.F., Seaforth, were installed . any tree on town property would though Mr. Butt�had suffered a , ser- Tuckersmith council met in the . I ,,,�� I k ter, S.S. 3, Hay; Patsy Tuckey, S.S. on Thursday evening, Oci%. 4th, by hereafter be prosecuted. . . ious heart condition for several 220 yard's dash, J. Meir_ 33 Sec.,' E. Town- Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I .,�,, � Members Of the ._ . �Ii ­:!�O 2;, Hay. the D.D.G.M., Gordon Augustine and P.U.C. met with months, he had been able to be up X�'cSpadden, M. Mills; y mile, j. Oct. Stb, at 8 p.m., all members bdin Jordan; Miss' Dorothy Donnelly, ,Or ' � �;,; ' ' , . council, re appointment of an office and about the greater part of the Meir,,3 min. 8 2/5 see., , J. Lauden- present. Owing to numer .9 M rid , .,..-ig g , ' Broad jump (senior -girls,) —Marjor- G.W,, B. Parrott; D.D,G.S., K. Whit- ssistant to fill the vacancy caused time. The week of his death, how- bach, J. Wallace; bicycle race, E. plaints from ratepay,�rs in the VII- Mrs. Joseph DorinellY; Miss Margar- :,:11i 4 . his staff from BlYth as follows". D.D., a - Ous COM- Goderich, with her parentsi" r. a :_5 I .4 le Roffman, Zurich; Ed�na Petzke, F. Tungey; D.D.S.T., by the resignation of Miss Ruth Shin- ever, he complained of - Mespadden, R. Sills, J. Meir; run- et Holland, Toronto,, with her par- I , more; D.D.G.S., pain and it lage of Egmdbdville in regard to an- �Ivit Hensall; Betty Moir, Hensall. ' en Four applicatioas were reteived was decided to move hi ge caused by cer- I :�t�q _ I W. Morritt; D.D.G.M., B. Gray;. D.D. ' m to the has- ning broa:d jump, M. Mills, 13" 711, E. tain children in the village, Council ents, Mr. and Mrs. George. E. Hot- q � , in answer to the advertisement pub- pital for 'a complete rest. On Satur- . ..2 I .. Pole vault (intermediate boys)— G,C., H. McCallum; D.D.G.G,, S Me- lished last week, but at the sugges ---w- . MeSpadden, R. Sills; %running high decided to invoke a curfew and I - land; Mrs, Wilush and daughter, of It! I . .�Ibert Shilbe, S.S. 12, Hay; Paul Dur- Nall; D.D.G.H., 1. Kerconnell. - - ay morning ,he was -removed in the a W r .� . , I I ti6n of G, D. Ferguson, chairman of ambulance to Seaforth. He was then jump, J. Meir, 41 611, F. MeSpaddeu, 8tructed the Clerk to prepare the Toronto, ­with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph :,� , .1 , , . ". I and, S.S. 12, Hay; Earl Soldan, Hen- The Seaforth officers installed the Commis�ion, the matter of mak- in excellent spirits and no one had J. Laudenbach; pole vault, F. Huis- ,11'C12ssary bylaw. This bylaw will Kostek; Mr. arid Mrs. Ignatius Con- , 1�. . i . . I Sall. . . were: ' J.G.G,, B. Beaton; N.G., C- Ing a selectil . on was left in the bands even a shadow of suspicion that the sei-, 51 1011, E. MeSpadden, R, Sill I S - nrovide that all children up to and way, Preston, with Mr. and Mrs.Wal- 1.1,11 , 0cluding 15 years of age, must be 1;' . -Murray, 3 " 31,' �� - I I J Three-legged race (boys) — Cary Reeves; V.G.; J. 3tevens; R.S. , A. of the Finance Committee and the end would come so swi" ftly. Mr. Butt 3 , off' the streets by 8 p.m., from Octo- . J. */ Regier and Bobby Taylor, Zurich; Westcott; F.S., Robt. Smith; treas., p.U.C. was a son of the late William Bi.itt, s hot put (8 lb.), P. ter Carpenter; Misses,Mary Murphy, ,� � I '. Homer Campbell arid Dwayne Tinney, M. McKellar; Warden, Hugh Thomp� I one of the pionegrs of the district, J. Meir, J. Wallace; hop, step and her Ist to April Ist, and by 9 p.m. Welland, Margaret Murphy, London, �� . I 4 S.S. 2, Hay; Earl, Herberg and Bobby son; Conductor, F. Harburn; O.G., N. I Motions and was born on the family home- 31'rap, J. Meir, 261 1011, J.' Laudenbach, train April Ist to October Ist,unless aQd Betty Murphy, Guelph, with their �, . Baker, Dashwo . od. ! I Hubert; LG., R. Allen; Chaplain, L Daly - Parke: That the r . eport of stead on the secoud concession of F. Huisser- accompanied by parent or guardian. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Mur- " I . V Trewartha; R.S.N,G., D. L. Reid; D. Council ordered two culverts, one - I llillll . ' ' , . 1. Broad' jump (intermediate girls)— D.G.M., W. J. Thourpson, L.S.M.O., the Finance Committee be adopted Tuckersmith, three miles from, Kip- Girls' Events . pby; - Miss Mary E. Murray, Kings- . ,�i2 . 30 -inch by &G -feet, and one 12 -inch by bridge, with her parents, Mr and , . *and cheques issued 1,e same. Carried. pen, 68 years ago, and had spent Iiii Junior—Running broad 'Jump, Edna . 1111� Shirley Smith, Dashwood; Norma A. Moore; R.S.S., H. Moore; ,L.S.S., J I :,�, I T whole life in the district. In 1918 30 -feet, from Northern Wood Preser- Mrs. John E. Murray; , Miss Agnes . I '.�!,, - Keating - Reid: That the asses- . Hiusser 121 111,', Mary Maloney, Mur- vers. Council also discussed the pur- . -, Green, S,S. 1, Tuckersmith; Phyllis G. McClinchey; R.S.V.G., Chas. Cun , Mr. Butt was united in marriage to I" 6 Taylor, Zurich. ninghard. �, sor's roll for 1945 be accepted and Miss Ivy McCloy, of Seaforth, and Jel Campbell; ,-standing broad jump, chase of a site and the erection of a McGrath and. Frank McGrath, Water- I 111 . . his salark and account paid. Carried. .. .�i;,� I N I Softball Throw (junior boys Speeches were made by Mr. Auguar Hud -son - Sills: That the re,signa- for three years.after his marriage re- Edna Hiusser, 61 51/4", Anne De La building suitable for housing power- 100. with their mother, Mrs. Mary . ,��, )—Ro"- tine, W. J. Thompson, F. Harburn, . �., ,� 4 Ald Heimrich, Zurich; Donald A,tkins, tion of Miss R, Shinen, as assistant sided on the homestead. In May, Fl,anier, Gladys Hopper; high jump. grader and other township maebin- McGrath; Miss Katbleen Burns, of. I i �ilt Ed. Mole, M. 13. Parrott and G. Me- I '1� 4 S.S. 3, Hay; Bill Carlile, Hemall. Nall. Lunch was served by the lunch Clerk and trea urer,. be. regretfully ac'- 1921, he purchased the general store Edna Hiusser, Eleanor Shannon and ery, . Stratford, with her parents, Mr. and I'��,� ,IS ��4 I-.- ,,, '' High jump (jun committee. cepted--Cirried. in Kippen from Robert Brownlee, Doris Dalton, Phyllis Boyes; baseball The Clerk was' instructed to notify Mrs. Frank Burns; Mr. ,::, I ter girls)—Marie - Hubert: That the time of and Auring his residence of over '22 Engineer Wallace Archibald that the aid O'Connor and Harry O'Connor, � ... , On Tuesday evening D.D.G.M. W. bali (Continued on Page 5) council expects him to resume his ,:',�l I I . Boyd, Hensall; Lots Hackendorn, J. Thompson and staff of Seafolth,, tfie meeting be extended. Carried. years he succeeded in building up a Gait, with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. O'Con�- . �-. � . I I Zurich; Anne Hjldebrjx�dt, Hensall. ftstalled the officers of Blyth Lodge Sills - Hudson: That this council large and successful business. In re- —0 duties as towns ' hip engineer. Mr. Roy .­,, Dashes (intermediate boys)—Paul at B.lytb. .. go on record as recommending a cent Years, in addition to his store, Patterson, Engineer of the County of nor; Sgt. J. J. Holland and Mrs. I 1, 2 �, - I I I I Huron, has been supplying for him Holland, Seaforth, with Mrs. Barbara. ..4'11 I Durand, S.S. 12, Hay; John Caldwell, I grant, approximately $5,000, to the Mr. Butt was, extensively and sue- 21 during his service with -the Canadian ;; � (Continut,d on 'Pago 4) . *-- Camadian Legi6n, Seaforth Branch cessfully engaged in farming, special- JV&ttend Family . Army. (Continued on Page 5) . i'.., I , 156, BX-S.L., re building of memorial izing �n cattle reeding and shipping. ,;�11 .1 I Accounts were passed as follows: —0 7"A- - hall as outlined in ,the Legion's pro. His business contacts brought him in IX I � I . .� - 0— I Wins . PosAls and in accordance with the touch I with a large majority of the . Reunion Salaries, $120; relief, $10; Division �� i, 'I 1. 1.� - people in the district and beyond, but (logs, $17.50;- Ration Board, $5; St- 1, id 9, pro edure as outlined by the Muni Court fees, $6.93; sheep killed by Seafortb W.I. . ;w! , 16 1P cipal Department at the time of the it was his genial, honest integrity ' Mr. and Mi,s. Xrnold Westcott an �, . %sh* ' d � HuronPresbytery - Champior' ,age, $9: roads aect., $2,592.80. PO ' � ,,.i . . week- .."��Y.� — % , delegation of the council's meeting that welded his acquaintances into Blanche spent Thanksgiving Council adjourned to meet Nov. 3. ­ � � ,�Lt� � :4� with the Department. Carried friends, and made .him one of the end in Guelph to celebrate the .84th _E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Holds -Meeting , Spiritual Life Ted Milliken was the outstanding Reid - Sills: Thai the solle'Rol-Abe most popular and esteemed frien of birthday of Mrs. Westcott's mother, 11 V . I I senior boy champion at the Milvertion. instructed to prepare a buildin' I . .:�, " g by- his generation. Two years ago be Mrs. Howard. The family of five *_ I ,. i�,:.� Conference High School field day sports on Fri- law for the municipality and to can- disposed of the KIppen store to Mr. daughters, with their husbands, were Seaforth Women's Institute met on. ., ,", 1�1�", _� ) . . i�,�). � . day last. Milliken won every event cel any building bylaws in force Tuesday, Oct. 9tb, a.t the home Of ;� I . �,,11 I 44 . but one, In which he was .second, and . , at Harvey Damm, of Walkerton, the all present, making the, reunion al- Mrs. Paul Doig. -There was a good 1. �::.01 In Huron Presbytery of the United present, present owner, and moved to his fine most complete with the exception of Elected 11.�-',,, , I I . had a score of 38 points, Daly - Hudson: The me�tlng ad- farm on the second concession of an Only son and wife, of Washing- � . attendance of members and visitors. ' ,-J,�,`ii� , r"..,," "'R 4'mlles from the village. ton, who were unable to be present. � 110.� , Church of Canada, beginning on Mon- Ted is a Ron of Mr. and Mrs. M. Journ f#o meet at the call of the 'May- Stanley, I Y The meeting opened with the Ode "r�"�"Rt,, day, Oct. 15th group meetings will C. Milliken, former well known rest- Moderator and Lord'-, Prayer, The minutes and .�.,&% or. Carried. Mr. Butt is suMved by his widow Those present for- tho. week -end � r . , k "p �, I be held on successive nights for cen- dents of this 8town, and was a stu- Salaries—D. H. Wilson, $77.83; R. financial statement were given. The r, A f � �'t', � and three 'brothers: Mr. Thomas were: Mr. and Mrs. Burridge, of ,ill,i­R roll call was answered by a donaticia " ­­�, tres in Huron, viz. Seaforth, Gode- dent at Seatbrth high ,school until ShInen, salary, $3,2.50; J. Currie, sal- Butt of Kippen; Mr. Roy Butt, of Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Cud- The Canadian, of Carleton Place, -4 -.i clll � .. I I I this term. ary, $95; J. Cummings, salary, $100; Sear' makes the following editortaJ com- for the used 'clothing drive now On. � � � I � � i. A rich, Thames Road -and Wingliam, to orth, and Mr. John Butt, Flint, more, of K4chener; Mr. and Mrs. It was decided that the Institute t',� 1. t Thos. Storey, salary, $70; J. A. Wil- . ment under the heading of "A Wor- ;, be followed by a mass ineeting In e Michigan. The funeral, which, was Stewart, of London; Mr. and Mrs. � - son, pension, $20. very largelf attended, was held from Westcott, of Seaforth, and the dau thy Choice": p dance in Card- ,"I I 1�� - � � I " I Ontario Street Church, Clinton, on I gh- �, �,; ,,, � � ,..�, �� ,� Accounts — Northwestern National hie late home on Tuesday afternoon, ter who entertained at thetr home, Mr. "The announcement of the election no's Hall November 2nd, to honour j�! .,�, � ". �i,: ',.,:1 �:g n1day evening, Oct. 19th. Insurance Co., aect., $16.20; Town of of Rev. James Foote; of -St. Andrew,s our boys who have returned honfe ' 11'1�1 I �;,J,,...��, . I , ,� "' � J� � , � The Salvation Oct 9th, when the, services were con- and Mrs. �G. G. Smallacombe, Guelph Presbyterian Church, as moderator of from overseas. 1, � I �,!, J, , , it, 'At the §eaforth Me - eting on Man- . fleaforth, tax acet., $210,37; Bell d,,ted by Rev.- A. Hinton, of St.�An- Mrs. Robinson, a life-long friend oi I.. ", .1 - . 11 .0". 1, . ,i,l . �,��`..,'w�� 1% day next, Rev. H. V. Workman will telephone Co., accL, $8.99; J. P. Daly, drew's C-burch, Kippen, of which Mr. the family, was also present. the Montreal -Ottawa Synod, will be A donation of $i5.00 was made tei I ;,� � ''. . 'Wh11-1,; N . Army acet., $60.05; Bell.Engine & Thresh- Butt was a member, assisted by Rev. There were several grandchildren greeted here with approval by the the Salvation Army drive in this com- If M11".. "I I . " OR preside and will be assisted in the . I . I �� T'N,� . congregation and the town at large. mullitY. I iii`0�1,1�`,i." 'k er Co., sect., 52c; N. Scoins, Fire H. V. Workman, Of Northside United present, Including Marguerite West- * "', ' Ai�,­��,f � , a Hern, Varna; ". . if-t't' ","i, .. Rev. R. G. Hazlewood, ­'Walton, A publie meeting will be -held -at Chief acet., $4; C.N.R., $3.61; D. H. Mr. Foote has occupied the pulpit of Mrs. James Brown, social *.elfaro . ,�,;t�)ON'Xi,� chair- pital", . ��­:i�',,,,�'Y�,�.!,�!,, , Wilson, re R�tlon Board,. ;25; Win. Church, Seaforth. D*ng the ser- Cott, of Hamilton General Has the local church for nearly 17 years convener, then took' charge of the �, N,,,q-%,1 i the Salvation Army on Monday, Oct. , , vice Miss Jean lviso%' accompanied Mr. aind Mrs. Edwin Cudmoro and %�,��'�,�,�!�,�-!t wan of ]P`resbytery; Rev. R. A. Brook, Amehil acet., $6.19; 11. Colbert, and during that time has- made h meeting. After community , a � , -,,A , 15th, at 8 p.m. LC -Col. Ludwick .. wag- by Mrs. Harold Jones, sang "The City baby, of Kitchener, and Mr. and ihglag� " "' "V*�,'i'­ " ' " ,n�,41'01­1 � , . Presbyter.y Director of the Crusade, Ursakl, the new commander of the ` $77; County of Huron, levy, Mrs. host of friends who will share with Mrs, Brown called on L%ut� ,66vad , !'!"�.,"�f�.L'i��l,,,,;�,',',�,i �11",;Y� �!?�;��,, . ; Four Square," Interment was made George Pitcher, Marion and baby, of bim In'his pleasure over the appoint- of the Salvation ArMY, who spbiei�04, �. I �,,�,,,,�,�,!`,�­, , also lay speakers Mr. Colin CaMP- London and Windsir Division, will b6 $15,009.�7; Public Library, levy, $I,- In Exeter cemetery, the pallbearers Guelph. . _­ �-,, , , . -r, k, , ", , 11 1. 226.17; High School-, levy, $4,707.78; ment. "Social Welfare.,, 9,66161 'Workers t , ::,,�,��,`�',i;��'. , � bell, Bayfleld; Mr. Samuel Scott, Sea- 'the guest speaker. being Messrs. James W. McLean, The tables wl�re beautifully decor- 1�: :� .... � ) Public School,. levy, $6,769,91; Sep. "It has been a considerable time day are seleoted anti train , J J -1t 'i �%';�,x,�t`�' ��;, . � forth; Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, Bel- The followbig has been Sent- Over- ca 6 1. h� J�,� "'i" . . .... �� l 11"'. ­'_[,�-i�,�v I � _. arate School, levy, �1,879.15; P 1U Hugh McMurtrfe, Allan . Johnston, ated and Centered with two large since any minister here has rpoeived work to ,tdett t1he pt 1,0, ,��;��;,�,, 1. ., I asl k"llf, ��,!'W.Q�111 iy�1'11 �""�!,"-iil,�,�, , , . t,',,�, I T o A "' 0" � ­ i� " i. , � ':. -sweaters, 100 prp, Mat respi)U 11 .1#,�(��,i"311'1i�,,'��,� � I graye. seag' for the mouth Of September: 18 06M., WAterwarks Dept,, �2,06i.28. ' Williain Horney, J. H. 4�ochraae nnd birthday cakes, both gifts to Mrs- suc-h a signal honor and the alection; of the day. I , ". I � , z -, I �fl, 1, ,v ��� .. I Charges In the Preabytery Sharing quilts, 3 s0akv�a, 2 . . . Archle Parsons. The ;flower bearers Howard, who was showered , with of Mr. Foote to such th I .. , , " ; ��,'�',i'��,),��-%�,�N 11, I . 91 high PORRIbill' In oir haijab. and 6 ., _ &'; , 'Ni;1Q,',,,,.N�f" , ��,��A,�R, �;"";�, . . 1. ,, I ir W IU6 , , , ` -1`,1k1,1,'�1N71 I �4�. . in the Somforth. meeting, Inclode Eg- s'"'kS, 5 pairs Mitts, I girl's JUMOer, I wtire MGssrs. W. L. Uellis, Norman many congratulations, carda, gifts in the Pre0YI;erlall church tiogtilid ever th r .� � I �� �,��ISI�Pl'i�,,�,i� 11 I girlo, dtosgaa. I . 9 et oldatx6o '19," kibt4w, III, _;�,;, ,* I , ," ��Iq "I rhtor, bladeo, tooth brualt and pli,ste, 1,6ftg, 0. Mdusseati, 116boft n1gle, 0. and flowiors. �The callers were num� to ike,eateem in, whick"Itels regard- -D�OPM 11 1, 1. I ­�!.'. I - I", �;*1�11`1,�'1,417 ,,,;�,- .�.��,j � , � "'.-k- ����..�,�,'.,.�,:f,l,����)��,,���:;, 7"77,7, . ,';,��';,� , � ��,,, , ,,,,i, � ­ , ��� i� I �11 �T,". INI 1 " I �4�T�1,;,tl , , I I IM, iv, f , ffili.�� I I I � I � L I � I . "'� .11 � �, !?"".��,"-�I� �, I � . � !OP"111i" , I " , - I W , t 111-i I I W, , " A � . I q1`11 , �­, 4�1 , " � " �i, - I ; 11, � k I I !, . , ; % . �, � : � 'I' � " � 1 I '�,.. anondvi4e, Rru6eflolds HiPpon, Lo* The following Is red y -fat ftip� obiab,14ee cloth a4d towel, handker- Workman, William DtQtj Sao. iteid erous, both from In and out of lekgue,g, aftd, paflghlotie�s,ll - i4l", 1"; A�V'L �­!� 1;', . I MWAY 440, i, , , - = bvt a0h eo'litain. waii '*rttt#g I)ad' aftd'' envelopes, H, Jones R. Dayman, �D. , , X,yle a I CI ALOV, footo is a idial �4;0� � Ak ,,, ". ,,,,�, �� ,desboro,.-VarlIA, Walton, Clinton WOO -, 9 iWty - , 2 0 the od Vy col � Writ.' 14. ' . . 10-W11115, ,�'g 4 3119'dished klit, By Ywr *1#46*0 �106 1 ''. , ) , Clihtft 6ntA06 StrOOt, Ing bard aufuly, XMft cholbsd rift., ti�bedlk thrftd atid lriondfn�g wi)61, Wafgofi,fL.,WalDor; A. XbGf6g,bt, tiltk ty. en � ��,,��6 �� i � .t-1'.:'... I'll 1. Met-111op. 9" Se0drft . . Mrs, ,goward has elev -grandthil, ,on old , said a mmbibr 6t..A,W,eU .1. �&11664111 �'A,.",!�,l t: I I lilt, 0kat9ible Meo�- 9U.VitiS ,�reiiit 666119deli A* kto j d`htl J. . 11'V of) . t gratrdehil4rto kh6wft "'lly bldiko�)O� *V4t,A& fiLmily lig utid, -th6 I . S''.", I �� � I i I P 6 ir h jhe � I Mgoft TorrAftee. I., . ds -en and eleven grea la'Ad " I t1w moatldi� "U''', . 11� :1 �, i�­� I ; I - I I . . " � taft. 1W.as" ; ­­­­ I � � . . I I � "I . I . ­ I I I . I.,.. . I , ,, �: I'! ,7 I tl� �;;, � I � ii � " 11, I . I . ­ . ,� � . "', ., �� , . -1 . .I 11�1 I � -�: I'', .'t", . I I :, ,� I I I I . I..", '. �. , I . e I I I . . I , � � , . . 1. .. , .11 1:1". I I . I I ,1 I : �, ­ , I t,,, �, � , : ":`11'. I � , I I , , �k;, % ,�­ , ,,,�" �;.. ,� , �: ,,�A,J�,�,, ,,;�,�;!�,� 'Ki.,", , ,i � . . . I I , , I , I I I I , 111 I �` I I. I . . 1 ,,,:,,�"���,;",�'4,�;",(",�',,':,,,''��,'.�,,.�,',",�.,.,.,.�,��,�,�,, . �_ �,.'. .:"��,i � �i 1 ;1�'.1", 1'11: .? I I , .4, " . " ir lil . . , * , . ��,� , 1, , ',�, " ,W'! ',,� , .. � ,� , , ,, ', 1, 1 , '' "I , . - , 1-11. .1 I ,;: , ";1 ., �:"";i�,'.,,,�'�,�l;.�'ll"�ll,�lI , 11: , ."�`­��);tL" -, ,. , , "I��",,A,,,Y,;,��,�,,�.��,,,i,,. I I ,� , � . .� ;­; ,1;.,,.",�1"t ,� a t .� ..... . :, ;, , , ., t� , ,, , - " 11 01 . - .;�; ', �', , �­" 'T , � �'. �,. , � � . %" I 1. I ''. I I I . . � �, 1, I I I _;o I I 1; I I ., �. 1. J I �r, " � . 11 1�1 . 11 ''! � I 't,. � , ,,, i ", , , , i';"., T' ., �., li� .. , . , , :, ,,,��,' , le 1, ;, � 1. , � , �, "., �,, � ,,, , " i, ­� 11 ,�, . I � , , 1: 1�11,11 1, I 1. 1 ,! � ��­!� tt ", � �- l'',;, 1 ". ;, ��t I.. � I I 1 14 , . ,.Itl. I � ., � ., .,��, ;, �,,, �1. ." ,,.;� ;,�,'­L�j', V'11".& .�, 't";,"".." �0, : ; , , .11,�'_fi '';I�, 11" " 11,1�1� ,, �i ,, ; I "�,"';'-, � ­, , -"­.",, , ­­.,_��,,�1�1­ ''I . _ , '1,.,;,.!;ij`1,,t.`*1� It, '' ,,J ','.,�i'�''Jj'.�',�j', t ,� N � - " .. ,;, � 1�, 111�:�,, li,��',�",,��,�',��L-"��l�',':?,; �";,j' ,"t,, 11 1­11­1';,�­"111 �," ,',1,,,11-,,_,, ".., ;-1 ­ �., _N, 0, "i 4,,��: 1 . �,�� ,c,� � �,-;t,�,;. ,,, ,,, "" " ��' 11 I 1111�11 ". ", ", I I �` � - "'; , � � � 111"'." ... .,,:;, , , il, � �;-,.� ,� ,j ... . ... I.,, ,'��� �" `­', , , . "i, 21111 illlll�, , .�, I , ,,, ,,�i, j,4- - - I ,,,, i'll; �� " '', ...... " , - ,� quz%,­�'�­;- W-,, , ",''Iji'�L��""I;,'I,i����,,",I, ;-11-1 ­ 1:'.. 4"',:., ''. , "' ,1,t,�-, i. I ': , , � 1. "', " " 1.111-1 .�yl;, , I 1. 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