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J9hn Peytor R 7so'e r Tree � HOPo ig t d ., 4 mlng?,, .She �jaer Is . talked or is s0ent, It wap 'T I . , . .4 , . �. � , ,,WA " ,,.,;.�, ' ' he 're- to,keop . .14 tile"'.119,144h, ; , , ",,`11 "A , ,!,e, -�"ff " � 11�','.Pll'�,Tl ,',.�Ij,�,;�,�S� .. � �4* I . , a ,.­. P, 'f, . ,,,, " ,, $ . I I . Searortk, Farm, North Adams, maps4chusett , , , i�,'�";K.;T-. �'i�'.,,,;��ili.l.�'r,i(,�,,�":,;,�%,�"6"'�'�,,. le., "I 1.1-1-11111"'. �;�,,',�, 11s"an S of your.lugg4e had been ,thinking ,of nothing elsg good to be with bhu. Then, �s it "`,�"-,41 go 0WM�`,'-.,,;,' . � and the others', and , I , -.­'. 6 , '04 . . , � � ­� - I . , .. I ­ . r �. .��4,%�,;` I" P, ,,� ,"', gy", , ­ . ,P;, , , - �. 11 ,,"It. Z ,_, ,,, ,� _-�, , ,� nii:�'P;4 - " i " ,,,"��, 4' .1 , � - I, , 1, "�­,­­ I "I" �­�­ I 'promised � I, li". 41, - " ,,"­ k" , . , ", " , .. , V,�,T " ,., 10 ,. since her talk With. "Nets and w d inera ered the gift he had � "Foi e,,b tr , Yes; it , " 4. , t 4''. """' , , �' , , .;�t,li�0i'�,�tlw4�,,�,,�,'.��,,,�,14'-'- � a . 12%000 b ,.,,, 0, ,. , �, " 4 � �, �,,, I I 01,-1. " V4111y14 , Phone 173. -some address, -but anyway It 'will everything'will- go just as w� plan -1 ,18 e- . I . i th I I O'. May' � 010, )XV111. I '0 o' , �,.�� , , , t '14 ',�','l "'RO "J,4 9 . I I I . i� , Z . " _r',W .��,111. , 11 .1, . 11, � � It', ­ I I �', ." . , ),O_, "'il"­­ '� "'&�, ,.,41J.1�,_;", 'Ll - I "A �1 ��"��p�;:�',�',�,'�4."" . I r g 0 1 . .. 11 , �Av , ,.�,,kf., ,,,,,. . ,t;�,; 7,�J "' b . .1 'll show up tow lighted to have an . ,Opportunity I 'ii jj,� -I �. ;f�.V�;14&%�,�, I ox t �,��V�#'R ," , 41%, '10 '1'1� V4i' � ------ Z_ reach him," ned It except that 11 tc, tell he'. - . haim, but the ;,ah, �t '9 , � . � , .,P�,y ,.to � I , ' r L , : ,0010;04,� ,�py.,, ­41�i�z­ � I ��;'�15 . I I on Warlas ; , .��:� Vr �'L �':,�,'�"' r-- ',­) , ­ �i% '-,,,,,1', , 11", � , � � " A , ,, �,, �, "PeVon . . ' . � "4 # .". � I . . I I t I " - W r ,,,5���;,,-'�`;', -Russell-be's at ths ,Pey- In I ' 'Suppose 11 I . "Oh, you!ve forgotten! I was afraid I Should have been warns _ ... .. .... Ilk `4 , "" I-IV � 0 MEDICAL- * I orrow morning. some one. . . I t1,.;:;041`,)� � I I . � *,.,�,��",P "'I - . 0 I I #`� - P'.' 11, "'Pi" ", . . ton_Russ,Is,?,, / you would," "We. didn't know that yQ !'IMP "", "'. ,� I O!"I 11 , P", 2��.,@R ­"�`I�Q­V�"�% ,J "Jq*!�f,�ji4r'; 4�L,,�, I , - .1 ,�`,��,Rfl, , ,,,,, there Isn't any sleeping "This is g9fiag-to-be fun! How dpP , I _,, - . . 7P _ _ �'�', . . . : r ... I .... �:� 'Ity :giq ,al-%J� ffi','.�.,A fjr ­��,,.�." ;_.3,1,�, ,:iv,�,Vr, -6 ". ­J�-,;"jQ5�1"& ".7 . - " ,�',��rf:i "You know them?" . "No, I haven't. -You mean the re- Ing into,, , ,�� VW1111 Q11K .� I I 1_1_- ri " �9,,i;,.,�: �,4��,,,-.7,1,,��,` ,�� , ,�� , ,�� ,."A ,�� ,;;i�, # ,0 , ,�� , ,�, �" ,,,, , "� "'�q , , I , j, "I _ ., � - train?" - you know, and why do you _the baggiige car," 0 , 3� _�, , , "it i RIJ�4 10 '' . suppose I P 0 es,t, 4 , la"O" t �,,!,: �.,, I I I � �T._,,Plprl_',� ;,R ,,�,i , '�;��,-�,,'.�ll��,17"�',�;i)-j�l��i"� � . $EAFORTH CLINIC "Yes, that is, I know Mrs. Peyton- "There will be; anyway as far -as Angeia Peytoii-Ruas,ell is doing it- volver,. but I thought it was to be a, Terry. - ... . ,� ,, , "b, �. . ,­,, IT,ji,�,T,E I Mfin',,Mtk _0 "4�,�;�,�,�� 4f,4 ,4;1�,,�,�'I��,1'7"�,.�,i!l�l���',� � le _�,�,4���5V; ,,,, , - . , arm�t,,,,�,�144"41,,k,4y"o,.�',,,6,,, ".,�I�I�,,;��_�,:,:Q 4 . N _ � ,1� - ­M,��, 1��,i " Russell a bit; she's a friend of my Pittsfield. ' Do io down and tell soake idea of bringing them together Christmas gift." "What I I I I U , 1�. ,I , I a terrible JoUriiey�lQpk t " i---.,?,�w,i"k.�,�,t',��-6��,�','��", , , . . , 4L �� Be 2..$J��;�'�j � I .1 � �, 111 . .,� ,� � .,� I I , , ,� ,q�4 � " _? . I � . , ','� ,,7;�",4�,��,,�'L."t"-""!"�",3"., 111- . I '­ , ,,, I ,,�, '1_1111� � .1 .1� I �14* �nl 1 4 PH. E. A. McMASTER, M.B. aunt's, and we're going there for Geo I 'It was -only I'd like to have it the snow," said the Prince, Si g', the ,frain WAR ,69#4", 4. 141", I .1 rge and explain to Angela when again?" . � � I nkin � . .. 0i �*�100 "t", A, A,W;6�1� 11 I I TEA% !17� 11 I ., -, " i�ti 1-4 . . I . I ,. 11,� . I now if you don't mind." into his seat. I Graduate of University of Toronto Christmas -going tomorrow." you go there," 1I "I don't see a y fun in it with that 1. . .,g,rp,�lt"W.14�,!�l".��lli�,� .. Poinlielle'd 14�11W �,4, iMAA . t1#91, ." ; � - , , , ;11, .� k "Really; that's splendid, for you, 'p would have been had "What are you afraid of - train They looked out. The moveme ' "'iV, I 11 . What the tri be4at Aglipogue a,long. And Augela . I lit way,wit -he �,,J p ., .4 ot. - IF "'Pogglo, �. W, - � , , -, ,­ I ,,�. ,I 11 ­ I ." . 1, �;� I 11,11. 'I,: , , I . 11 �� ' ' ": ' '_' ,�". ,:, . , . - The Clinic Is fuW equipped with can save me writing a no robbers? This isn't a western in ,�V, " .... ITI�,­"', ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". - . �. � .I " ".. , , , '' � 111'.oi<2 e , ,11 ............... ..� . A, . I , �,�� R ­ eamplete and modern X-ray and other te- I hate Gloria not decided to wait for the didn% know -at least, I'm quite suye .. ovie of the train exaggerated the whirling th ta `�� "'�" . .�b.�"' ,. '�'��:' k Could get -,% . , ��,�,� writing letters. You see Pendragon not guess. she didn't, and doesn't. Professor in spite of the wild nature of our of -the snow until it seemed like " I , ,.- ­­,,,'�,�,_`_ �il,'�, � IN,, � np4o-date diagnostic and therapeutics night train, Ri�th could . . . ­ ' ""':�,1,,':,,�,'j� , ,,� I . . .. Jogruey.11 a lWt �t WQ94sir-fut i�i,'4,P 4 equipment. has been, trying to interest tb]S Pey- What it was was most unexpected. Pendragon is a friend of Mr. Peyton- frozen, white whirlwind, sweephIg � . I -.,41 #��-',; �,i,�,, �,_, � masy-91" she Askgdy ��'!e.'ppeb 11 11 . _ ,, , 14 . 11 ,1.1,',�,, �, I Dr. P. J. R. Forstbr, Specialist in ton -Russell iii my work. He's,bne Or George, be "I know, but please let me have It. past them, or a drove of wild, - ' "! 4"i" ,"'T , . Ing first told, was the first Russell and had .never met his wif�, ' 14; g";J . diseases 'of the ear, eye, no,�e . . . wbite� ' .alr6ady gat. 'one, gift,. .f' � .��., . ' You don't know what a comfort it horses whose manes brushed the win- . .�, ., `7�.", 4 and these men *ho's spent two -third's of person to show sulky displeasure at and I don't think Angela wa,s going with me. rd:1*e to .160k, ki �� I r ' * ' ,:�;; ,�,' I would be just to look at it.", dow- -parr:eS.� Beyond the whirling, only I,m a ' - 7 - .."",", � 1, UV� n i'LL: ' ' I .1hrbat, will,be at the Clinic the first a lifetime Etiaking money; and now, be Glorias decision. For a moment to the house many days before her fraid' if aury, of ��"" ', ... � , ,4 Vuesday In every month from 3 to 5 ' � , 4 doesn't kno,w exactly whafto do with Ruth "All right; just to show you 'how drift they could see nothing. . , I I., Ii I I � �:, V 4, .1, .1 ,, 2�;" I'��', , .. . ..... .. - , , 11� ' 4, �� It ----1, � !'..�,., �a � �i I—— V, . P" - I I . I 1 �­ 1"', 0 . �, .. �11 , at all. It's here in my overcoat." I bb "'_"� th��y Mai i IP -m- I - .. ' I thought d4al he was actually go- guests. Mr. Peyton -Russell asked . passengers saw it , �' �' v nit"'', �,,, Free Well -Baby Clinic will be held it. He's only been married about two ing to much I thought of it I didn't pack it � .t . 0. . knock on 'Gloria's door and Professor 'Perldragon there because Terry looked at his. watch. Down I .1 - ,­�f , - 'V%1� ., �,,;, _,� - �'!'�'11 IV meftot being a train, `1 " 9 � " �- "�' 1, I 1. _�', I I ro er. 4!-�.�. ffi�A"' L - . UP . I , V,., , , , %'.."", ? ��,�Y�,$,��,',,�"i;!""��,�,�',A',, � I , I . - t, ' , " N " ion the second and last Thursday in years. . I knpw Pendragon hadn't Met remonstrate with her, but even they're old friends and Pendragon the aisle Ruth heard a man asking 'Yes, You look so ifiuch��Iike,�-,.p ; � ,., ,,,� �' . deI An eager porter anticipated his how late they were, buts could not But pe i ," � , 'IT v7:,.,-Vf,J­ _�, 'every month from I to 2 p.m. his wife, but Mr. Peyton -Russell, Georg6'dared not do that, so instead was ill. He thought the air and quiet - rhaps it. would be just.as� � X1,v,,,.,',,V � - movement to reach up to the rack on catch the answer. .. I . -, i ,, --�I%!,��;,,;,,R- 1'�, . pends on Pendragon to tell him When he preceded Ruth to the station, would be good for him. He to,oi a 14.11 ,� � R, ­ . . things are good; and when Professor not to look at it now., , AMA *��4 I.. I 't" . I Purse along. I only learned yesterd W . ,.An ,. . '! � .. � I heavily laden with boxes 'And bags, hich the coat had been put,, and "Let's have something to eat; even like It.,, - . 1�, ,- �:�,ri: I`,.,;� JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M,PD. I ay . I, 'A' "i" �: J'�,,�, '�"' ��, I .i I . I ", si�,J;,� Pendragon bought one of brought it down for him, and he if we're on time, we won't want to "It's beautiful, a somebow..'J­ f so %�,,�'.'.� ,I my, P'e- He was there when she arrived, as -from Nets' Z'ord. Unless Angela has �; Ad. I .I 1; 1-1, ." ­� .. . Physician and Surgeon tures Mr. Peyton -Russell thought he reached inside the pocket and wait luncheon until our arrival. A - , li ;i��4% . 4 . was also Terry, who laughed without Mentioned the names of all her safer -'I mean safer and �Jb;ap tg�:,iV,,�, ;� - - -1-1 -� "A�."." , , , , , a? I , . I I" �! E�­ ' , , Eq DR. .H. H. ROSS' 'OFFICE ought to buy one, too. If you'd just brought out a box which he put in twelve' -mile drive through this doesn't .. . I - -4 , - �N j , Ny ,,, , ,�? , I . ,:t, "'."­. I .t h- '410 �, - 111� . 1 I tell Professor Pendragon that I don't any apparent regret at Gloria's re- guests, it's possible that Professor ' her hands. . about Gloria now tha,t I have4�tf07.:,'.1.'.,, ,19 R � ., � ..� I ,� Phones- Office 5-W Res. 534 volt. Pendragon doesn't know she's sound -very alluring, and we.may die "it, , S11 , X care what he pays for the picture he ' coin- s a curious.gift to. give� a 1:r � �1 i;",-., 11,111A, ; � ��, . For a moment she did not open it, of starvation on the way." ' ; 1. 1117,5�A,J'gI. V; . _ ­ 1. ,��.� I �­J I I "I rather hated to get up myself," Ing. It's going to be awfully awk- -but I coulddt exactly' imagine,,9,1-irinxe.,,.,�,'�,��-;Y,Is�,,,--,�,,'� Seaforth has -I le,t him bo e " �� I , , " �­ ,, %, I . riow ­vfte tar 1""'s"e", he said,. "but a holiday is a holiday, ward -meeting that way. I suppose� tLough lie waited, smiling. She was, Terry's glance included both Ruth you-,, . r: ,'-`,i,,AT, ,'., � " whether he grew tired of it after it I . : . 11 ': ":"'�`,,, - �. . .. '-I, - . . , ".1" I5. . . - 1':. t: -1 � � - , conscious of the movement of and Prince Aglipogue. I . . . .­ . -1 �,�� , , ,. - � I . �;,, n the , , . ' -:­ . -1 11�::'., ��..,1�111`,_ ;, i'l,:­ ,, i;li� __ a d it's part of the game to climb one of them will return to New York. two," luterrripi :; �..", ,,�� ,I hung -you'll save me ' ' ted thd; ` `4 , was a lot of ' "Table for I " . ' Out Of bed - from one to train, of the white flakes flashing "Food I cannot face after what I . ­ ­ , -`­ t "' I I W.nat !�� � h . � ten, hours Perhaps he would if we warned him. steward. Ruth wondered' I �'I'j"�,.",. � , .. . j"Il MART N W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. trouble." ' past the window, half -obscuring the have witness �d,', I � .."".., "I . . earlier than usual. Besides, ­t'hink Do you think I ought?" I . .said the Prince. was that Terry couldn't. imig' IV . .;,�', " I I "Of course; did you say Prof ' iiie gi -� 4:,_ ?" � 14:�.. 1 , ssor � .11 ,. �� , I . . Physician and Surgeon . e how tired v�ell be tonight and what "You didn't warn Gloria, and you ' rolling, tree-crown6d hills that were "Perhaps- I -may have something -a I . ,. . I , :� "", � Pendragon hasn't met Mrs. Peyton- I Ing her. I .,�R T6rry. 1- _,il I fast merging into 'm6untains; of the cup of tea -something to keep up my . " �; . I wonderful sleep we'll get up there in ll� . 1'�,; . Successor -to Dr.' W. C. Sproat RussellZ" . . . ,,.d time'for that; I don't see why Luncheon was like. a party. _., I . . . . . �,,_ '.. I . ­�. L I the fresh air. There'll be . X ' smell of the Pullman car -a combina- -what did You say -two hours late?" I I . . lots of you sliould warn her ex-husband. Be- seemed to be. making. as much' effort ,. -'�',:'�: "4.' ' " � ­�:"�. "He hadn't;. but I suppose he has tion of steam -heated varnish and 'He clutched the arm of a passing , ." 1. . Phone 90-W : Seaforth � ,.�,� � �1 , . 1 , , " . " . . .. t,,X srro�v, .too. A few fla-ies fell here this sides', it isn't such an awful thing. I I to amuse her as he would li,ave'nia-de ", I ' I row that he's a guest in her house. , ., .1,11'�� I I . . . dusty upholstery -and most of all of conductor, � � i �,,,� 1. ,,, 11 . 1�_ V' . . . I Morning, and that means that up in Ex-husbands and wives meet pvery for'Gloria, or perhaps, he w1as � so `,�,','A � John Peyt ,,11'A,'iV 1. be . ,., ",$. � �, ... � I � ,,,,�. . . � I . . . on -Russell used to try to the mountains it will be thick and day in New York antd don't seem t I or Terry, seated opposite her, a half "Yes, Sir; two hours late now-oli- charming that ,he couldn!t belp' Ing - ., ­�Ila - get him out to dinner in town, but . ' . �� 1, 11 � 11 W I . . , . , DR. F. J. R. FORSTER eager, half amused light dancing in ly two' hours," he answered wearily, , `..I,� ond . I �w,.' �, Peri wouldn't go; he hates society. ,erful. I only hope it won't be mind." . ' charrriRd all the time, she reflected..', �.:��:��.�, 4 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . too cold." his eyes. freeing his arm and pass! �� 1 .."Zt.4" vi ' �. I I %�L,'i,, "In a way I kppose I didn't tell I . ng on- He had the most wonderful eyies1n, '. " "N,01 . , I'A, � . .e, ��!r � � It . , 11�IN 1. But he was ill, you know, and Pey- ,, I "It's rather an odd gift to give a Prince Aglipogue sank back in his t I '�,`i��i­N .. : 11 11�0 � �� .. , I Here comes Prince Aglipogne," Gloria because she told me not to " he world, and the kindest, strongest '',:�',i�,,,' ,Graduate in Medicine, University of ton -Russell was so anxious to do woman , 1� . . I said Ruth. , 'he said as she hesitated. chair as if he would never rise again. ,. �,��'.' , I � - Twonto. mention his name again. and besides- , mouth, but she must stop looking at , .. �. 1��'. "I., . ,­ - """ .' � . I something for him, atid promised+hat She opened the box ri�)w, realizing "Cheer up; that's not had' . ' What . inight , �,,,N �� I t Late assistant 'New York., Opthal- it would be quiet -no one out there, The Prince was approaching, his I'd like to have her meet again, pro- t4em. Still just for today she I I * , 11 , _ . ' herself more than anything else, as can you expect with this now? Two ­ . V�l . ��%N .1 " j,", met and Aural Institute. L Moorefield's great bulk thrusting aside the lesser viding she didn't ma�e a scene, If . pretend that he was her lover and . 12 " ��,�-� !,;", " �.;­ .. 4., ,�,. ,� i . Eye ,and Golden Square Throat HOS_ and the doctor seemed to think it human atoms in the .station, Ruth she saw him again I don't think she the central figure in a little drama. hours only means thai we'll arrive 'that they were engaged, and - why, 1. ., :!14,. 1 _. pital; Loudon, Eng. At COMMERCIAL might be' good -be took tb6 nurse ' inside she found a leather'case-pale about five o'clock and get to Fir Tree . � . ", "' I I I was dmazed �to see that his curious could go on with the Prince.- not pretend -that they were actually -, �1�1 "� - q I HOTEL, SEAFORTH, THIRD WED ' - along, of .course, so Pen went." , I . ig q I travelling ostume was finished by a "Do you think she really is going I .y "'," � NESDAY in each month, from 2 P.M. c I blue leather, more -'fit to contain jew- Lodge -I think that's what they call 'indrFied and on their wedding jour- � � 11" I "Did he say how he was getting , ' I _- .1 . . I to 4.30 p.m.; also at Seaforth Clinic 'top hat and wondered whether he to marry him?" asked Terry. els than a weapon of defence, and it -in time for dinner. Better come ney? The thought made her gasps . I . ."V I , I I � ., � 11rat Tuesday of each month. 53 on, in his last letter?" I would wear it in the train and in the� "Of course she is, unless you I or inside that the tiniest revolver she on and eat with us." "Is sGmething wrong? I'll call the '/'�,- le 'I + ., Waterloo Street South, Stratford. "Yes; just the same, no better alid � had ever seen, an exquisite' I " �, I .� 1 ,!, 11R, , I ,�,'4 ... ! I sleigh from,North Adams. Over th6 . some one stops her; I don't see how thing But Prince Aglipogue shook his waiter." . ;.��` 11 I . . �11- '� . . � no -wor4e, but didn't say anything with gold mountings. huge head sadly, much to the relief "No I .e,,- I.. I __ .1',�'. , � - . collar of his fur -lined over -coat his you can stand by -quietly and see it , nothing! I was just thinking "-;.:. , . about coming back at once. You're "Will -will it really shoot?" she of both Terry and Ruth, and, they, �.. �1' I I . AUCTIONEERS more interested than Dot." huge face rose, placid and self-satis- done." . _Ot, something." . I I ,:;; :: , . ' .. .." . 14 ,,�::: � � - gasped. "And it must have been hor- Walked out I I ,I - ( fied, until he spied the waiting group "It's no affair -' here he' comes together. Ruth was be- "Something nice, I hope.', � '�� � ,A, " � � . "No; oqly it seems strange, a coin- . . - , 11 . tt_ with Gloria not among them. now. rtbly expensive -you shouldn't have ginning to feel that she was having . . , k . , HAROLD JACKSON cidence, his ' being at the same house "Has she not yet come?" he asked. Their conversatioA, ,thus broken off done it." an adventure. Something in the rest- ' (Contintled'Next Week) ' I ,. ,". �, " we're going to."' . I . ,, I �­ L. I I - . �� u." . Her pleasure was so apparent in . . ",".1% "? I Specialist in Farm and Household . "The time .of the train is immediate; by the reappearance of Prince Agli- . ,_ % !"�,,�,% Sales. " I ".While you're delivering messages we wil h ds, which she . . 14'vp . - I miss it.", _......-I, - ,_ - ,, I )Ocensed in Huron and Perth Coun, for Nels, deliver one for -me too,,- � ,.Pogue, t)iey turned to the scenery . 'j�A ' . 1�111 I . felt Were Ill chosen, did not reall� ' .1 , 10 iies. Prices reasonable; satisfaction Ruth," said Dorothy. "Tell ,him I'm ' , 'Gloria Ras decided to take the eve-, outside, while their heavy companion I .� I', matte r. I � .i 'M iring train," said Terry. turning his back upon them as much ; � � guaranteed. waiting very patiently to make that I eSNAP' Lb "" �.`l S d i . I_ I , '. I 'For In -formation, etc., write or phone pdi-trait and that when it's finished .. ',,Then -I also ' will wait." as possible, pretended to read a mag- "Of course it will 'hoot; an t's , q . SHOTC7,U I ­ � I . �,.,­, . HAROLD JACKSON, 14 on 661, Sea- "No, she especially asked that we azine. The snow that had been fall- loaded now, so please do be careful. . -, I. 11 if he "rits to sell it to his rich col- Here's I'll show you how it works- PICTURING THE HARVEST SEASON. . ""......, . I --1, , � Sorth; R.R. 4, Seaforth. lectors lie can. What is he, Nels, a all go ahead just as planned. Here's Ing in. thin flakes in New Ybrk was . I . 11:0. � � , ,.: ": ' - e I I 11.1 � .1 . George to take care of' everything," coming ,dbwn in great. fe'athery see, you open it this way, and here's - I ...... ... .1 - ;, .. " " . - . " . ". � ,�.,:.,:,-�;,-:-;-:.��.�-:.:.:.:.,;<.:.;.:�:�l.: .i:-, , 'A , '' . . I . I I sort of dealer?" the way to ' . . I , ,:`­�, . - ,�� . empty the shells out -you *,,���?�i�.";4.",.��!���.�ii��. i : . . I W; & OINEIL, DENFIELD I "My Word, no -he's a -just a man said Ruth. "blobs," as Terry descriptively called $$;:::::::, :::�:::::::::::;."::5..":...i.-, . �,_" ,��;9, , ... .... - *. � . . I I. see there are six -,this revolves i��','.�iiii*".ii��,�,��g,��,i�.:::: . . . . . . . . . . ::: r,�.gg . .� A11) � I -1111.1 � ..., liabperis to, have a little money "Did she send to me. no personal . them. At first they did not see any . I ,so �::::::::::;::::%::.,.::"�:;::;: .�..��k;M*`tl .. .­ . ',�­ Who �:.:.;.:.:.�:.;.:.X.X, ..:. : :M'.'M;�S�:.,tl � R you want to realize greater re, . I message?" that when you've shot one the next - NK .,I . . . . . . I 11 �;,;i .1" ., M. -K. '11$' ... .. �:­ . 1,1�% I . hills, but the movement of the train �*I�i�fg."P��,��.�i� I , ' I.:-:-,.,:. .... i�,.iiii��.§"`�.. .:I,. .. � urns from your auction gal and a lot of appreciation. He's just one moves into place all ready; �;:,i-1:K`.'­'.':!� ��'. i?!.*. . :�? � . � .'... .- .. " %, . . it's 1,`� *., ,�,,� . "No; just that," Ruth. took pleasure and the sterterous puffing of the en- , '! . it es of live I ' , I :.; � stock and farm ,equipment, quite as deadly as a big On ...i..".."'. I .:. . ,1,wl I I e, I as urd :.:..1, r�l --,K� --vi . ask those helping me to success, and helpinkl in watching his face, like a cloud- 'gine told them that they were going 1P :,.-.;- . ­ ­ who know and have heard me. Fir- Peyton -Russell to a �reputatiQn as a ' you. Do you think you'll feel ,quite - ... .! . `::;::::%:i:�::::%%':: . -M .A',�� 1. . . - .!.�::ii,:�.",;,�,'�::��::i�i:."-"�!.,�,..�:.�i::�!�:7��i:�i:���.,���:����i����f.i���i - �" : 10 . : Rl:��. .1. -.'f.-.,., -.As. - T. _.i: lw��!.: ....., - . ........" I , . flecked moon, in its annoyance. .�'We steadily upgrade. Now .the ground ;i:ji:?ij".. ;i��!f ,,,-,; . : �Kf.",:�.',.�, teen years, experience. Sales con- is quite disinterested. . :;i:?1..�;::?, i!..,...,.,:" I ­.'�'­' ­.­,.�,­ '?. .". I collector -he . safe with this?" ::;;ij;:::::::` . ��;�!?�i?','. ..,_�....� .1 ,vy� were all . 0'..''iiiI. .. " . .1 V" ad and explain to was entirely covered with snow, and ,, . ...'.., '... ... . ..., ..,...,. .. 11 .1 . .::I�r .11.4, c' be anything, that man. I ii�: . , ., % , . ducted anywhere. For sale dates, to go she ... .. 00. ' . , 11 ; ; ............. ; . .1.: ould , ­ I ,.,e .......... 11, : ; �'T.11 He It isn't myself I want to protect," ' I : ... ......... . . , a I I -Russel , I --'i�� ........ �� , '.' �.'N,�'- ��,2 Flique, 2977, Granton, at my expense Mrs' Peyton I that 'Gloria will the train twisted so . continuously ��i�',��i��i��.* ,; ` i."., i : :.:; I ,"h . . ...... ..!.. 004`i ... "I I 3979�tj don't kilow why he isn't. Something arrive Iin the morning." around the hills that sometimes they she answered,, and just then, she .sav& i��i��iii�!ii��l�!��l,.�*�.....,.. ­ :::: I . - ;:::1::;::;�:X::.� ;;; � �CA't went wrong some place along his ' . �.�� , . , I . Prince Aglipogue returning, And some ::j:�:�:j:::�:�:j:jx .... _. ..? _ I ��v, . :::;:j:j:;:: ", I � Just then the gate was opened and could see the engine curving in front ;�!i:�*�.i�$:�:. � .'��*,� . route, I guess, and he just got side- , . � "IN . . . Iracked, you understand." He finish- Prince Aglipogue, still .frowning, fol- of them, through the win"dpw. iustirfet prompted her to take the gurl :::::!-��:::.,:,;� . , �Ir'��', .. .. il'N� . from his hands and put it back ,in its :�;:,:.�:%.j.'�.. ­.-X:!��,�i 'I 4 . LONDON and,-CUNTON ed with a wave of his hand. lowed them reluctantly illrough it,, in "If the snow continues like this, .1 !�i��!�!i�ii��i�::� �i�iii�!�i�i�!�11.'�! . . : 1,; I .... . front of George and the' two Porters, I'm afraid we'll bf many hours We," case aid conceal it behind her. She , �;:j��j�:��:;._,�:� j::!i:�;�:�!j�j:j;:: .. . I . i" _. reed not have concealed it, for ; .,,.: .... .��. -i��,Ii� . , ., ",'I f . 1�, .-,,i.,i,.,;, �? -.i�!.` . -1 . NOitTH "Now I really must go --one must who were helping him carry travel- said Terry. Prince �::;*'.:,�o1l.".:"; .., . . ........ �. .:j:::j;j:j:!;j: ,'.� AIM, , :!;�: , . � .�!;�-,ji:;�.�$ � * , 10 a few things even before a short liiii.:;, :::�:.:::�.,;;; ..... .:: I .:�,��,�,' I London, LV . .......... 9.00 , "It won't matter much. W6'�e to Aglipogue was. -in no mood to observe .*i.;_i*: - r ,, ,­... 1. ling bags. 1� . �.. :.,,-...,.,. ':j��Kf,;I.ik I 1. " , "' I .% ii;!., 1. ,-� :::........ I 11 I N ,'!� ��;iii;�:::j 4. _��, ., Exeter ................... � ... 10.17 journey." When they were all comfortably be there at two o'clock, and we details. His oily, black eyes were :. ����i ...''. � . .... .... - .X .: I �'4 :.. �i��i�i�* .1. ....: -.,"� , � Hensall .... . . 10.34 Ruth was more anxious than ever standing out in his head and his face .. �il!i:!.......... ;!��i�:�iii� m:i .'::: 1.�', ..." ­'...'.." ..........t�,�: -,.,If - I . 0. &-.-,' �A!, ............... disposed in their seats Ruth' . began couldn't be delayed more than a few 1�iI .`!::!:i:i�:::�:�:! �,��:.,i:l�l::.:��,::.";:�::::i:!:;:: 10.a.::ik �?,a .;..'.� N".. , :::, ','.*,' , - , �; i: ..'i. `-`.". "; I -.iii:: . ii:."., :,:!.:.!::::: .,:�;..*..`....::: I : ...: .... 10.55 �-, i!��',`.-*,i�: ;�:!!�:����:!i:���j����i���,'.�".�,,.�I���!� �`t Rippen ...................... 10.43 to get away now, and neither Nels to fear that it Would be rather an hours at most, could we?" had turned a sickly green. His three ��� - ":-� :�:�:;::�:*::::::t:::::.!!!::::.;!!:::::i ��K-.. I !!:�!�!�!�::; I. �i�:;::i:�::::t:.�:!i:i.i�!�:i:!:I I 111.4��'�', Brucefield .................. nor borothy "made any great effort chins seemed to be trembling with i�:.:;��ii�!��::�����i�ii����ii",,",�.l�.�i�ii 11A . :.�., i I - Clinton, Ar . ................ : 11.20 leasaut journey, for Prince Agii- "You are pleased to be cliperful," �:!�-;ii:;*��ii �X:;,�j _11, to keep her. Nets was looking a� the * ""' frigbt. ;,i:�:�:::::��:!�::::i;. :::::-:i:::!:.... :. .. .-*i*� ....... �1`111�i : , ��, Pogue, unhappy himself, was determ. said the Prince. Evidently he had :`�_,:� :�:::::�;::.::::;;:::::;�:,;;:;:;::;:::t:;!:":;;::..����i�ii�i�i�:iiii::::�i�l�i..... . ... :;:;:;:;:;:1P:;;i:i : I:". � .1 K."4,' I ��. k . I . . . .p.; .. :jjj­_�: J ­_. .. . . . 1, ! 1, "That nigger of Gloria's; be' :.:,�:,�:::::;::::;:::;;::;:;:�::i:,;,�:l�:��'!:::�l,'.', i�lv�� :::::;;;;;T.1 � .....,_. SOUTH roses with sad eyes and Dorothy was ined that the others should be too, if not been so deeply engage s in .­,,,�;.­ ,. . ...-i :,-;:j:: , j: ", . :�::::�:�:jij!�i;:��l gifi-, . I . � - _! -.:.:.:.;.; � !n�.iii�. . . . ,I 1:.. -11. '.1.;d�:.:,..,:;..:..... . ."."', ., '�j: � , d with his .�, �..., .. .. I � ",�.�.,. P -M- looking at him with eyes that made I , . ��%i��*4 .., . �,, - I the baggage car with a snake - a ., .;::,. 7 . f 4 he could make them so. I ��: ... Clinton, Lv . ........ 3.10 magazine as he pretended. "If I am :, . _ � .��,`� .�, , Ruth fear that the secret of the LI.:i;: .. .:,i:!:�l;:�:!:��!�!:::�::!�:!�"!��i:i,,,,.., - .�. � . �:I 1. -e.i:;�!��, , 1, big as" -he thre'w out his �,:�,,;: 11� 1� *1:X:j:i N snake as I I . . - - ,: i�:::;�: :,:-':.X - -,X- '. ; I . . ]Etrucefield ........ :* 9.32 Only the amused light in Terry's forced oil this train to remain a :,�.,I.,:.11: ,. ii:�.:-1 ­...,:,�:. ..'l.it -es gav 1. I .,: I �;. .... 11�;, - fat arms as If be could think of no �.��i��AI'1�� . . . . . . -,j::::- # flowers would not be kept long. Doro _.�!�.., I - ::;T.,.��:ii ,��.'. :,,� . -...,:� : lKippen .................... * , 3.44 e3, e her courage� Prince Agli. moment longer than is necessary I %ft� ". .f" �i�,Iii�i,,04 �i�::�:�:i�;�,"...�. Hensall ..................... 3.53 thy was too generous and honest to word to- describe tbe..,s ,e, i". gn ... � _1'1'�11 Po;��ue began with a monologue about shaft perish," ..qf the ; ;. Ai:,:�I;;', A Exeter ....................... 4.10 �ant to 'keep, up even ,so tiny a de- . g.�7.i§ ,,Q : j�� . - rotten trains, "They was a thin , .. ��i�.. " . ,louses, do get ,snow, bound, some- ., .-!;!%."-�� ,� 5.25 4 ' " stupid country I snake. His voice whis- ., �, I I . . ,,,�,i London, Ar . ................. , ;::-:-:-:*­ ,�� '', "I ..--iiji�:iiC' - ., ,� id Terry per. "You must the conductor tell- ... '. I. ception. ..... 11 . . . . . ..� ��,� & . beastly cold and the improbability of times, YOU know,- sa' I .... ,;,; ________� cheer- ..:::: ... -.1 , The, one tood .....i"i, .; , ,:,q , , stupendous fact that s it is riot allowed. They do not know .. � .,-."I -j , Gloria's coming at all, and finally fully. "It won't be so bad if we're le - 'i 0 � C.N.R. TIME TABLE I out in her brain ' as she walked home- worked himself up into a state I of agi- near some town. We can just get off the trunk's contents -I tell .you I am Those in the Service are interested in home activities. Send them prints ,-�,,_ .. �,,�, � whrd was that Gloria and Professor of pictures you take. . �� � I . ..... EAST . tation bordering on speaking truth -a snake -as big as . �_% I ­ . A.M. P.M. Pendragon would meet. What would tears, which and spend the night in a hotel." the engine -will You do something?". . � 1. � - would have made . OR the enterprising amateur pho- vest scenes may be strangers to you. --- 1, __ Ruth laugh had she At this, the Prince' only glared. 11'11� . Goderich ....... : ...... 6.15 2.30 they do? Would Pendragon leave or 1. He grasped -Terry's shoulder and - , * tog ..�,!, 4 I, Iffolmesville .......... 6.31 2.50 uld Gloria come back to town'," not been afraid. "That would be. an advef2ture -,I shook him. 11 F, . rapber, there are picture oppor- I find that many amateur photogra.- .�,, Clinton ........ � ..... 6.43 3.13 we "It is unkind of her t leave us think I'd ratber like. it," said Ruth tunities at any tinie.of year .- . . but phers are diffident about asking Pe�- 1, I . . _,� . ' - "It's all right. We, know all about times of seasonal change are espe- missIO � . IL,�,, 6.59 3.21 What would they say to each other? 0 n to take pictures under s.uch. , , � - �"a Seaforth ............. this way. For herself she sleeps Com- As it be could bear no more t cially rich in chances for effective circumstances . . . but there is no �'.,'41 7.05 3.27 � Ile .. I" �', 11,:p�, How amazing that Mr. Peyton -Russell fortably at home, while I rise at this 'Prince again departed., pictures., real reason for srrch timidity. If you .) 1�1 -St. Columban ........ 7' it, Miss Mayfield knew he was bring- I , � Dublin ...--­--­--- .12 3.35 should be a friend of Pendragon's and Ing it. He uses it in his 'vaudeville J,,N�, . Mitchell .... I ........ 7'.25 9.47 ' unchristian hour for her sake," be "Presently he'll comb back, saying are friendly and courteous with Deo- . I f,1�3� stunts", � .Check over the seasonal changes . I Jil;� 11.`M�. � 6 WEST I that. Angela should be a friend of protested, more to himself than to that the air in the smoking car bas that occur - - . the breaking of win. ple, and show a genulne interest in 11 . i, ever � ':�0415, ll 11.27 10.33 Gloria's and that they bad n be- the others, for he seemed ,determin- made his bead ache.11 "I tell YOU I will riot go on - to ter . . . the arrival of spring . . . the work they are doing, your camera . . ;1,." _%, d- 11 , .,N, i . 'IV I �� Dublin travel with a snake -it is horrible. 11 be welcome . . I and if You are I . 11,4i'i . ............... 11.37 10.41 fore all Met. Still it was understan ed to ignore them. His next phase "Don't you want. to go yourself for blossom time . . " ' the approach of �,� Unfamiliar with certain harvest op- � , I , St. Columba "He's always had it," soothed Ter- autumn . . I I. 20, n ....... 11.40 - ... - able, Angela had only been married was one of annoyance at his own a smoke? You know you mustll,t . I the beginning of winter. erations, your subjects will oftembe -,',�,',,,21. 11 6 ,,t�,J* . ,� Seaforth ............. .51 10-5 a. year,. George would be there, too, .discomfort. ry " It was in tl"(-,, house on Gramer- All 'these . . . and others . . . offer ,'.I,�7 " _1§, . 12.04 11.10 I think you have to stay here and am, * unusual wealth of material to show you the important .I I 1, �. �` I 'Clinton .............. and Prince Aglipogue. I Cy Square and never came out and ,for glad I I , . IT.". . , Cloderich ..----.-.--�--- 12.35 11.35 � Why had not the Peyton -Russells use me," said Ruth, ' I worth -while pictures. points, so that your picture StOrY �.,,�,Xil . "I can live ever so long Without a ..' . ; � ,,, �` 14 She thought ,of Pendragon's tall, themselves provided a drawing room bit any one. I guess You're safe," will be detailed and complete. Q,h'�, * Among these seasons of chalige, : ,;.ti� 1_�,­ � , , � clean-cut figure and .fine face, and of for hi "if I had known-', He, �11`u'dder- - In taking harvest pictures, try to ... 1j:f"', . ":il,,il, I 4,g ,� . �'Ii, . Aglipogue's. heavy countenance and m? They were "filthy" with cigarette. Besides, I'd rather go ed through all his fat frame and roll- harvest time is perhaps outstanding make your shots suggest the drania, 'y - V��,l , I . ;�","Ilr .CX.R. TIME TABLE money, and he was not accustomed when he isn't there. I've been think- from a picture point of view , and significance of the harvest. To , -,,�4g_11� elephantine form-tbe contrast. Sur ed his eyes upward. chiefly -because It involves so much �, _,%- I e- to travelling in this public manner in Ing about Gloria. Do You suppose the grower, the crop represents long , . EAST ly Gloria would see and withdraw be- I. I 1`,;'.�,%P, . . li�f ' activity, Remember the rule, that �i_l!�, ,P.M. ' spite of the fact that he''Was only a $be could have- found:'odt about Pen. I toil . . . and often the greater part. 1:�' i, �4,?�.O., 1, '� . '' , '%V0,,, L fore too lite. It would be, t "How is he taking itT aslied Ter- people doing things yield interesting of a year's income. Suggest this' ; I ,`?'��: �� doderich .................... 4.35 oor , the Poor artist. Then be became worried dragon and Isn't coming? It would ry. "It's bad enough to travel with pictures. "it is for this reason that . . ". I, Oil , !4 JKeneSet ............... � ...... 4.40 time of test -the dark of the moon! - labor, and the keturns it Is to bring, .. . - 1. � 10,111�� I VcGaw ........................ 4.49 about his luggage, which had con. be like her. She could'telephone that ,, pet dog, but what one does with a harvest time is an- Ideal hunting , , ,,�',. �,,�11� 1, -,'114, " � 4.58 . -case. He she's ill or something." pet snake I don't know, and I've been season for the Camera. Some harvest . .RA,�, " � sisted of a single dressing by choosing appropriate - subject- '� , - '1'4`X`1`- ,,,,,,, un .......... - I � ,,4�5)D.�RA CHAPTER XII matter and proper -vi,wPbInts. lix- 4, ,,;, "'R41 "" ,R, RP� ,, 6 Blyth ..................... : . 5.09 bad entrusted It to George, and ,�Iio "I don't think so, but, of course I curfous.11 I activities offer opportunity for single periment with low Cambra llbgltlbiis, I -1 ,,'ji � 41A�,�i,�� ey .., ,,�­�,,�,Y, Walton ................... . - shots of exhibition quality ... others ,!, m4i�� ,q_F��. 6.21 It bad been planned . that th knew what haA become of it? . He don't know. I don't know anything. Prince Aglipogue, frightened into at ground level, to show Wotk(irs.' . ' `,","!Q�'�,"�' O`u , , ho., . .,;�:"', �;,, �' 4 mexhught ............. are best presented as a series or dined strongly.' against A � Sky. 11.1 Ji F,�,�.,., I � � �:&��, 4 '. i�,,�:�,4�,,, 1 � ', I , ... � ... 5.32 would all take the inbriling train to- lurched ',off in search of George some Perhaps Pendragon himself has left friendliness, broke into a torrent of sequence of pictures, telling the , t your platureg shdw .� t4 � ll� of ,,, , 14woato - - ., ................... 1 9.415 gethe� for North Adams, Gloria and place in the rear Cal's to land out. and all� my worry Is for nothing. ,Words from which t Le ., . . 1,.­wq,­ � � ' Pogue hey gathered that story step by step. But I . . what- 1 I . ;� � WEST Ruth, Terry and Prince Agli 4 broad grain flepluri ,�.,�.�­ . I - .1 . .. A.M., and George, but Oloria, despite her JL a uuy him a drawing -room just VVho'd. ever think an dunt could be George had the snake In a trunk, the ever form is preferable ... the pic- of.,DIAIMP, luscious 11 '%,�,,,,R�",' '. I ��Ii;,� ;��:, k, ... 8.20 motion picture eXperfence, proved un- to get rid of him,'If there was any such a responsibility?" sides of which were warmed by elec- ture material is there. orchard trtes . , I . �,.,..::�,,� �.,. 'MMOB0 ................... �;", 11 �,j,;"�. � 11 , ,y le"":, I P.M. graceful way of doing, It," said Ter- She said It so seriously and with tricity; that the train officials I have mentioned "harvest tirfig" Sidelights, such ,, ,, " �, i'p, ,,, , equal to the early rising. I had no . ", W - 1,11':O'Ii�', � . � ,!,,,; as if it were a short, defini4t6 period- burned work4f, I . p t ,0,., .1.1 ,.' "? � memaught ....... ;; ............ 12.04 . " rY. "I'm afraid this is not going to such a Wistful look that Terry re. idea of the' contents of the ,trunk, that I I." I I 11� ;; �_��,;O I It's no use," she explained to � Z !�,, WAU,Oik ...................... 14.15 But taking the country a&,A vuble, jug for a cooff'b , �-, , 'A*­�. ,�­� . I ... 12.48 Ruth, who went to ,her room to 'Wake be ,the bleasantest of parties.,, strained his impulse to laugh. . 11� `* ft � t,y1". ­ 11, 'I -,',11.� �­ . iii ,1�1"11­i.,j;iJ '11'-11W;, . . . . . . . ,A4 ,j3i� � cess to -the bag- It S�reads over a Considerable t1=6 ,,�O�Jgtut#j� j1hUt. 4 6 , I I ?", ... ,�,,%:,;110;,.��.;,;i ,,, ....... , , I �t 1 �*'�6�i,�' , ,,)Lt�,.�,,, , , ''I '' '�,%, �'!�i��w ­ , av 1. "An allnt is alMO#t as difficult to "L'1;'.`2%',`,,:\� ��.. :bAo her. "I gimp,17, cawt got up thig e For, more reasons thin one," said gage car tfi6ifgh It Was a ainst the . il,,�'_I,t�;,,. 7��,I%,',, "L`� "I"i" Auburn ........ ! ...... ***'. , . 9 ... from midsummer to early winter, Simple ribad�dg,-:60� �,J�o . _...."..".- T �gX,�%- ,�`, , I ,,, - - '�`�, , 00 tt , , "'N'T li��_ I ,!,!, :,� , "A" 7 _ � M , - li'!", , * tl� "�,;,Vl"���,,���,,�'."".","", ��� , , , , , , , , ,!,� ,� .1.1i�� '' " i. '.." , $1 r -P """,, !�, " , , �, " ", q , I I. � tI I! I _ I i - ; .w i r - "I","' I I I � I - � , t ''�''. , "' " "I , " " I 1�1-1 "` "I ` i ", to, "'. I in !'bar� L . .''. - I . 11241 1 0� you go, On gud Ituth. "LdlsOovered yesterday that chaperon a4� a modbft 1116�her," he rules, and that the Prince, being Still , �O� �4fj � 04J��i��:�!��",i;13�1111L- � w�, 11�!, ,, , ,'.�," , 11 Aeaiw ... I .............. ... ._­ - ly I)i the: bX604* � , r , .. I.. ;�',,T,` �:�i�,'!'�,j�, I ­. I � M�fte#46t ,::.141 U54, - - i 'i, you eueouttle 1�1� " , , :: . , '11K . ',�ZV or " -W;"` ii , People � . _ `;AT;1',­ g,�,Pvw ......... *4* ltt4 " __�? ­..''", i�� ..... ��� N, I" � ­,,, -0, _,!, ,,, ,�, #_0.:A.'1,b . 1.00 Meet Aggle aft& Terry at the, gtati�fj Profel.5S Pbhdr,Agon Is glrekdy � Adin i I ,,!,.but If 'the snow worried about Me, lUggitob, thotigh bt., I .1 . I . � - I I __ I . � . I ­� I,, � � "'.. .". � ,�;. "I", "I. �­ . ,,, ­ . !: ��, + -� :. 11'' 1 1 1. . i "�'L� , '41 � I � I I . ln'� , 1, , I I . . : , - .1 . 1. I . 1, . I I L, 11". 11 ". " I .. j" :: "I I � . . - . I I � . . I . . 61 � .1 ,� . 1! I . I . � t� I I . . . � � . I . . ; . . J . I " , . . . � 11 . .. I . . I : I ­ , . ", � � . 14 . I . I . . I . . . , , I . . 11 � I , I I I � , , , , �!� � ��, � , !`�� : I I I I , . ,� . , .. . I � I � ,�, :t, - � 1� 11", - , ; . .. . �, , . . . . ,',;�, I . , , I .1 ; L' '',. � ''�, 1.)' �i.j,,"�. �. ,: I I . � . . . �1, , 1',,' ,, ,, 'L , " � � ' � � , ,,, , , � , I .. I '. . . 11 . I I . . ; I . , . 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