The Huron Expositor, 1945-08-10, Page 1{
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I #ightySietth' Rear
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The old
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Bowlers f
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' Those taki
Pearl Patt
3M- Hart,
Mrs. 1'. Sil
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Celebrate O ne Tndx
a rE
Of Resa�c1 c+
i,;.: r
t. ,Ajdars of R•
•.a •;
n Woman • Has Head
• • • • • •
Melady 1» i o n.e e r s Came J. A. Peacock,: irector Of
Members and • 'Officials. Of
'• ,
;; Harriston ' Boy
From Ireland 100 Years Egg Sup Bri-
United Church
• • • ••
Token Collar Bone.
Military 11hledal
Ago To Take Up Land in tain, Makes ,-atement-
Honor Mr.•
and Mrs. Edison Fart,
Sgt. John J. Flannery, Of Sea-
forth, has been awarded the leen.2,750,000
Hibbert. �1���
• Here are the dates bn which
tory Medal for gallantry in action
tion coupons are due Butter
were injured Friday
the Stahl intersection o£ 1�0,Sgt
at Brucefield, when -'cat
in the Northwest European the-
afire of war. F lathery.
born in Seaforth 32 years '6gor
(Canadian Poultry' Review)
IN DUBLIN Preparations are , rtpw under way
coupons 90 to 116 now valid 90
to ' i 15 expire August 31 et. eves
sou Pon? 46 to 61 valid, Preserves
for assembling anliy;inspectin the
Alex Boyer, of Seaforth,
a car driven. by ,1�„ M.
of Minton, who was driving
MaIRby swung sharply to the
ins avoiding . more serious
to Boyer' car, which had the
H� enlisted in May, 1942, and y...
an instructor at Ippepwash before
going overseas in October, 1944.
His wife is the flormer Mi Dora-
thy Bannon,of Seaforth:
9n unique celebration took place breeding Hocks wlt will produce
at the home cif Mr, and Mrs. Morrie chick for the 1945''seasrnt; these
Melady on Monday','August 6th, which in turd willh'
produces ¢he 1947 eggs,.
marked the centenary of the Melady It Is necessary, the'tetore, that the
in .Hibbert Township. Fifty 1947 egg demand be ,known in its
guests were including
Glad to be home; but• anxious to see
the battle through to the knish, Gnr.
W. R. Bill" Coles, 21-year-oId son of
L. .R. Coles, former manager of the
local Bank of Montreal, and Mrs, 57 and P1 to P13 valid. On•e
preserves coupon. is
fluid ounces am e1d for 12
J jelly, marma-
lade, 'honey .butter, or fountain
fruits; or 2 pounds of 'Maple
sugar; or 20 fluid ounces canned
and running board
scar acrossthe
present, 24 general outline at leapt, previous to
children. A chicken- dinner was sere the determination of .this year's
themaster ° breeding Hoek
Coles, now of Smiths Falls, has re-
turned to -Canada from overseas and
inch; or 24 fluid ounces(2 pounds
net) extracted, honey; or two
°tad a d crashed o
n's ,garage,
the i3oye's ear were
ed In'Maltby's car was Mrs,
ndthree children, and Mrs.
of Sarri'ston, and three
moniest beihe ng James Melady;off De- Appreciating the delairability of
-. A•n interesting history of the activi'-$,
troll. definite •announcement'®Y Britain's re
quirements for 1947, the subject was
ties of the Melady clan during the under 'discu'ssion by 'Mr. • J. A. Pea-
past 100 years was related by Thos. cock, Director of Egg ipplies for the
Melady, who is 86 years of age, ,and British Aettestry of Food, and W. A.
is enjoying a 30 -day leave before tak-
a ing further training to fit him for
service in the Paciflc. Accompanied
by his parents, he visited at the home
of his sister, Mrs. David Hay,
Gtir. Cotes was in Aldershot when
the Canadian troops rioted, He said
pounds (net) of cut comb honey;
or 15 fluid ounces corn syrup or
40 ounces of molasses; 12 fluid
ounces rot... cranberries. Ten pre -
•serve, coupons are now valid,
each for th• e p•urchase of one-half
pound of
Mrs, Maltby '• suffered a
ad eat and shock, and a 4-
Parker child had a .broken
Sister of Rev..T, P. Hussey,
of Seaforth, is Honored
the oldest guest present, the young- ,Brown, Chief of ',tindery Marketing
est being the seven -months -old laugh- and Production Servtties, during their
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Melady. July cross -Canada triP•P
>i ollowing the ' dinner
he was "actually ashamed" to face
the British people because of what
had been done by boys who were ov-
canning sugar: This
year 'the' allowance' of .canning
sugar is 10 pounds per consumer,
.car was badly damaged.
Officer Taylor; Clinton,
At London,
a rogram•
Mr, Peacock in spearing to the On:
was rendered, Frank Melady acting
tarso audience at' Guelph, stated that
as chairman. Songs, community
er-anxious to get home.
A former resident of Hensall• and
(The Canadian •Regist r)
ing 'and the National Anthem con- an agreement had been reached that
eluded the program, the 1946 contract
Listowel, the young lad at the age of
17 enlisted at Kingston in May, 1941;
w •
Lzie Reunion
t. Lions Park
At the Sacre• d Heart Convent, Lon-
don, Ont., on Tuesday, Ju'1 31, Feast
y, y
of St. Ignatiils, the Sisters of St.
Jose h, celebrated the
'P golden jubilee
of Mother M. Philomena, a former
in volume for the. year 1947, "Bri-and
Among those from a distance pees-
lain v ill ask in 19TM17 for not less than
int were: Mr, and Mrs. Thomas S. the minimum number the.t Canada has
Melady and family, Toronto; Mr. and
specified ;in the 1946' contract;' said
Mrs. John Melady. and children, Mr,
Mr. Peacock. The "194$"
went overseas in March, 1943."At
the conclusion of his present furlough
he will report to Ottawa and afterga
short "smartening up" course in Can-
ada, expects to go to an army train-
, , i
fifty-five members, descend-
he late William Menzie ,and
of McKillop Township,
snit at the Lions' Parks, Sea-
Sunday afternoon, The guest
mother -general of the Community
the Diocese of London, Sisters from
Mission Houses' throughout the dip-
case, as well as those from the city,
assembled to do honor to the worthy
contract calls
and Mrs. James Melady and children,
for 2,750;000 plus, casae.
and Mr. and' Mrs. Frank The story of the major part that
Melady and daughter, Parry Sound.
Personals: -Mr, and Mrs, 7, Mc- Canada's egg products .played in the
Giliivray, Chesley, with Mr, and Mrs. wartime rations of Great Britain's
people, as told by Mr. Peacock, was
W. McGillivray; Mrs. Earl. Healy,
ing camp in Kentucky.
' Newlyweds Honored
A delightful affair was held in the
United Church Thursday evening,
August 2nd,, when the officials
'(1�7, Cit Bennett Will 'Build
Egg Grading and Cold
Stora Plant.
for the afternoon was Pte.
R-C-AM:C., and his
were recently' married in
Pte. Menus is the son of
and' Mrs. Menzie, of Regina,
is theyslast surviving
of the. Menzie family of
Pte. Merlin Menzie, who is
Medical Corps ton the Leti•
returne• d from overseas
the bountiful supper the
groom were presented with
decorated basket by Leona
Doreen Coutts, which was
1 gifts. The bride and groomtry
their deep apprecia-
est ntenlber present was Mr.
the groom's only sur-
cle, and Iittle Tommy Hart,.
r: and Mrs. Frank Hart, St.
great grand nephew of
father, was the youngest
were present from Toronto,
ad, Stratford, Cranbrook,
Goderich, • McKillop, St.cinnat1,
and Egmondville-
jubilarian. .. • .-.
The jubilee ceremonies were open-
ed with a solemn high Mass of trans-
giving celebrated by . everened T. P.
Hussey, F.P., Seaforth; brother of the
jubilari Be was assisted by Rev.
T. J. McCarthy, M.A., S.T.D„ a cousin'
as deacon, and Rev, T. O'Keefe, S,J.,
B.A., M A.,•,•. a nephew, as subdeaeon.Overseas
Rev, W. T. •Flannery,. Ph.p., S.T:D.,,
chs Iain "'at the Motherhouse, was
master of ceremonies.
His Eiicellericy; Moat Rev. J. T.
Kidd, D.O.; was present in the sane-
During the Mass Reverend T.. J.
McCarthy delivered a sermon appro-
priate for the occasion in which he
cutlined the duties and privileges of
those who embrace the religious
state, •lie congratulated the jubilar-
ran on her long years' of .fidelity and
' on the great work which, under her
leadership, had, beets accomplished inexpressing
the diocese for the salvation of souls.
At the conclusion of the Holy Sacri-
fits His Excellency, the Bishop, con
gratulated the jubilarian- on the hap-
py occasion of her fiftieth annivers
aryin the religious life. He then read
a communication from our Hol y
Blyth, and Miss Dorothy Donnelly, closely followed by the large self-
•encs at Guelph and juste • was receiv-
Goderich, with their paretics, Mr. and i? y
rsJoseph Donnelly; Miss Ethelyn ed with considerable pride. Egg pow-
Miss in
O'Hearn, • Goderich, is vacationing der of which Canada'sproduct was of
with her excellent quality, kept, the bakeries
Pareats, Mr. and Mrs, Ed,
London, with her parents, Mt. and war,
Mrs. Patrick McGrath; Mr. and Mrs. Eggs filled the role• of morale 'build-
Joseph Kenny and children, Seaforth, er with the air force, crews returningAle.
'and Leo Kenny, Elm Creek, Man., from their ' hazardous' operations,
Mrs , ,Frank Kenny; • Misses When. shell eggs were •avat able for
. Meet and "J"eati `Jordan, *Lon; those crews, 'they constituted the
don with their patents, Mr, and Mrs- customary repast. and in one instance
Joseph Jordan; Miss Mary Simpson, to make sure of the greasers of their
Toronto, with her aunt, Miss Mary eggs, the crew asked that they be fed
Beale; Mr, and Mrs. Matthew McCar- them before the flight .instead of on
and son 'and daughter, Detroit, their return, •
Daniel McCarthy Windsor, Mr. and A great deal has been Iearned in
Mrs. Douras Monaghan and two sons, Great Britain as to the best methods
Mitchell, with , Mr. Michael McCar• of using egg powder by both the
thy; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Beale and trade and consumers. Now that the
granddaughter, Madeline Beale, of call, has come from liberated coup-
Stratford, with Miss Mary Beale; • tries egg bowdenehere too, is playing
crank McConnell with his two laugh- its part in nutrition. Mr. Peacock
tars, Mother Marion and Mother St, headed .a staff of experienced users
Alfred, of Brescia Hall, London, with to France, Belgium and Holland in
Mr. and Mrs: E. S. McGrath at aider- order that _the needy oP ,those conn-
ton; Mr. and. Mrs, James Telford, Cin- tries would be instructed how to get
the best and most appetizingin
to, John Borth, Vanguard, dishes
Sash„ and 'Mr, and Mr's. Wm, Borth, from dried eggs.
Mitchell, Mr. •and Mr. Peacock did•
of the
church, Sunday school executive and
members -°fare Wohelo Class ather-
ed to honor Mr. and Mrs. Edison For-
rest, a recent bridal couple, with a
Presentation. Rev. R. A. Brook was
and led the communitycold
singing with
Miss Greta Laramie' at the piano,
and Mrs. Forrest were asked to
come forward to the platfolnt and
were presented with a clothes haze-
per and wall plaque .from the Wohelo
Class, the address being read b Miss
Gladys Luker and presentation made
by Mrs, Jack Corbett. The officials of
the church and Sunday school execu•
Live, of which Edison is
ant, •superintend-
resented them with an occasion-
al chair, Rev. R. A. Brook reading
the address and the presentation'
made by Mr. E. L. Mickle a•nd Mr.
George Hess,
Edison made a very•
fitting re.piy,
thanks on behalf of his
wife and himself for the lovely gifts
and deep appreciation for the thought
behind them,
A recreational period was enjoyed
charge of Mrs. P. McNau ghton,
and luncheon was served, convened
b • Maude Hedden and
Mr. W. C. Bennett has returned to•
his home after serving five years in
the Active Army Services. Mr. Ben -
nett has purchased the brick regi-
dente from Mr. Duncan Johnston and
storage plant.
Letters .
Germany, July 18, 1945.
Dear Walton Friends:
I received the carton of cigarettes
" ,, _.�uN-,
you sent the other _dao, so 2 am- Iet-
ting you know they got here. I am
glad to get them, although I have
quite a few now, but they all came
at once. I am feeling fine and my
morale is' a lot higher than it was
in JsAe as ire "we'ren't, diving in a
very good place in Holland. We are
living. in houses: now. The one I em •
living in is well. fixed up, so it isn't
too bad,. There area few boys here
from around 'that part of the. coup-
try, including Walter Bewley, Well
I guess 1 will close tor now: Thanks
for the cigarettes. Yours truly,Pte,
R. A. McClure'. •
July •16, 1945.
Convener Overseas Committee:
The cigarettes sent to me in May
Cr -c
ling On
The Green
Father, Pope Piuv. XII, conferring up -George
on Mother Philomena• and upon thedresses:
whole communitythe Apostolic Bene-
diction, and concluded with' his own
good wishes and paternal blessing.
.with Mrs. R. S. cot. advocate any
Aikens; -Mrs. Walter Bremner and substantial increase in the poultry
son,' S. Thol :as, with her father, Leo flocks of Canada but did ask that pro-
ditetion be brow
Iirau'skopP; Joseph Jordan, Detroit, ght back to the 1944 -Canadian
with Mr, and• Mrs, James Jordan; Mr. 45 surplus, pointing out that even if
.Mrs. Mrs.
Hess. Following
g g are the ad -
"Dear Edison and Elva: Tee °ffic-
fats of Hensall United Church and
caught up ,'itis me on Saturday, and
I want to extend my many thanks for
them. I have been reported to the
Army from the 6th Airborne
Division, and at the moment I'm try
0 Bili Hart)
st important bowling news
is the big Tip Top tourna-
takes 'place next Wednes-
ist 15th. This is the out
tournament of the season
fails to draw a large entry,
nom near and far come to
In the afternoon, Benediction of
the" Most Blessed Sagrament was giv-
en by Rev'T, 'O'lieete, S,J., who ,con
sidered it a privilege to intone the
Te Deum o>l this happy occasion,
In the evening an affectionate tri-
bute was paid to Nether Philomena' in
a program provided b the Sisters, A
novel feature of this entertainment•
and Mrs, E, : Maxwell a• nd Miss each person in Britain received one
more egg a week over
Maxwell, St. Thomas, with Mr. and pre-war levels,
Mrs. John McGrath; Mother Jerome, the supply of eggs from Canada would
Mother Evelyn and Mother A atha, provide less than 40 per cent':''of, that
Ursuline Community, Chatham, with increase.
Canadian t
their father, James Jordan Mr. and producers have now been
Mrs, Frank Osborne, Belleville, with told, stated Mr. Peacock, what will
Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher, prior to be required 01 them in egg produc
moving to Vancouver, B.C., to reside tion for the next two and one-half
un School have gathered togs-
Cher this evening that they night
seize this opportunity to make known
to You both their appreciation and
gratitude of the place yoti" hold and
the valuable work you are doing in
the Church and Sunday School. We
(continued on Page 4)
• the
tug to wait patiently to get back
home. However, with,the shipping
tied up the way it has been, I hardly,
expect to go" before October or No
osmose. I was able to get a tele -
phone call through to Joan the other
night and it was rather good to hear
her voice- Again many thanks for
or th•e• Tip Top trophy and
op suite or overcoat, This.
e of the"• occasions when the
re supper. They are again
ater this year. If you haveich.,
of bowling in this tourna-•Crown
yourself a partner and hand
in. Indications point to
w•entrp this year.
* et
lnesday evening the men
oeal >ilixed tournament, It
et bowi1n weather and a
wd • turned out. Winners
dies—rat, Mrs. Meir, 2 wins
id, 2 wins plus 16; 3rd, Mrs-
i, 1 win plus 7; men—lst,
Burrows, 2 wine plus 15;
deKellar, 2 wins plus 13;
was an operetta composed and ar-
ranged by the novices; depictingCROMARTY
scenes in the life of a Sister of St.
Joseph whose day is made u of
prayer, work and recreation. AlI
of Virtues" was presented by
the postulants, after which an ad-
dress of 'appreciation, together with a
spiritual bouquet, from the Sisters,
was resented to the happy jubilar-
p P
At St. Joseph's Hospital, where
Mother Philomena at present resides,
a high Mass of thanksgiving was of -
fared on the following day. In theand
evening a special eutertaintiient was
offered by the nurses at the conclu-
sion of which they presented Mother
Philomena with a travelling bag as a
permanently; Miss Mary Howell, of years and they can plan their opera -
Goderieh', with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur tions with the goal before them now
Forster; Mrs, Roy Murphy and son, in view,
Jack, and daughter, Mary, Pontiac, In his remarks, following Mr. Pea-.
with Mr, and Mrs, Daniel Cos- cock, Mr. Brown pointed out that
telco; Mrs. Borden Bayes and Mrs. with meat ration on the return in
John Shea, Jr., spent a week at Bay- Canada, the domestic consumption of
Held; Mr. and Mrs, Sylvester Kelly, eggs would increase. All good qualityMar
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert eggs will be needed.
O'Reilly; LAC, John Morris, R,C,A,F„ . No information was forthcoming asg
eldest son of Mrs. Josephine Morris, to the important item of price for the
1947 eggs.t
and LAC. Joseph 1ltclver, R.C,A.F., This shoo ', be announced
son of Mr. and Mrs. William Mclvor, as soon as possible because of its
who have spent 30 days furdough at' value in controlling production. While
their respective homes, left this week many factors enter into price determ-
for duty in„ the Pacific area; Stoker ination, we feel safe in assuming that
Joseph Meagher, R.C.N.V,R., has jtis.t returns will be in line with those set
completed a 60 day furlough with his (Continued on Page 5)
parents, Mr. and Mrs• John Meagher ' •
A veryenjoyable evening was
on Tuesday, of this week at the
home of. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Kinsman,
v: hen about fifty neighbors and
friends gathered in honor of Norman
Jolly, of the R.C.N.V.R„ who is on
furlough, prior to leaving for duty in
the Pacific. The avenin was spent
in singing, led by the youpg people;
by Mr. Martin IVIcTa ggart,
and contests, after , which Norman
was presented with a leather case
pen and pencil set by Donald Me-
Kay and Ross Seraras, while Percy
Wright read the apconlpanying ad-
dress, Norman replied, expressing
and very best regards
all.—Bab Hamilton.
Holland, July 16. 1945:
Dear Mrs. Bennett:
I want tp thank you and your ,tom-
mittee for the cigarettes I received
recently. We are still in Holland
an7 finding' life reasonably pleasant
and comfortable. Our thoughts now
are about getting home. We in the
First Division expect to begin our
homeward journey within the next
few weeks. We hope to be in Can -
ada in the earlier part of September.
It will be good to be home 'again to
see the family; the kiddies will have
grown and changed a great deal•
Kindly give my regards to friends in
Walton. I. have appreciated their
is T.
J. J
lie 1
I., Willis, 2 wins plus 11.
ng part were R. J. Sproat,
erson, Jack Kaiser, Mrs. W.
Stewart, B. F.
P:'M. Hart, Fred Johnston,
ls, Mrs. Daviel Grieve, Fran-
EMS, a. G. Willis, Mrs, G.
y, John Botham, Jr., M. A.
and leaves for duty in the Pacific;
token of the appreciation of the Hers Thomas B. Melady returned from ,
es for the many years of service giv-WINTHROP
by g about two years' overseas service in
en her to the rntrain profession, Mr. and :Mrs. Bertram McSpadden
Africa, Italy and England on Thurs-
and of the esteem in which she isand Jackie, of London, spent the- holt-
held by the present nursing staff of day; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Feeney and da week -end with relatives harm' "
children, Kitchener. with Mr. and y'
St. Joseph's Hospital. Mrs, Margaret Horne and Soli, Don-
On Thursday, August 2nd, Mother (Continued on Page 5)' old, and Mr. John Anderson spent
Philomena was further honored when • Sunday in Hamilton and Niagara
sincere thanks, and all joined in sing-
Ing "For He's a ,lolly Good Fellow.”
Refreshments were served, The ad-
dress was as 'follows. "Dear Nor.
man: bVe, your i'rien(s and neigh-
hors, have gathered here tonight to
show our appreciation of what you
have done and are again going forth
to do for King Country,
kindness in sending parcels from quaff
time to time. Before too long I hope
it'"'May be possible to see there per- `Wile
spnally. With kind regards. Yours
sincerely, Frank A. Gilbert. are
Thomas Alcock,. who recently re- encu
turned from more than four years'
service in Africa, Sicily and Italy, eom
where he injuries
B. A. McMaster, David
-s. E. 'E. Close, Mrs, C. P.
F. J. Burrows, Sohn; Hoth-
airy Stewart', M. 'McKellar,
she was invited to be present at a' • Falls.
high Mass of Thanksgiving celebrat ' i/Ir. and Mrs. Elmer Townsend and
ed in the chapel of St. Joseph's Con- With- t11� B® %l�Y�i faintly visited Mr. and Mrs. Sohtl Mc-
vent S"t. Thomas
and that we
may live in a land oP peace. We
cannot begin to -realize at this time
of your trete* life when you should
suffered necessitat-
ing considerable 'hospital treatment, gues
land William Cardiff, who is home af- dao
ter three and a half years' service in
Its, $. J. 0 Utff, Mrs, lel. G.
* *
The Ideal Skip - •
t book says: "11 you h'a've
n .of So1o0ion,, the > etienee
at by Very Rev. W. Cture, •
S. Morrison, V•1+„ P:P, of Holy An-, Two rinks of Seaforth bowlers at- Nursing Sister Isabel Betties,
gels' Church. tended the rinks. tournament in Olin- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theron
Another sister of 'Father Hussey's, ton on Friday evening: Frank Sills, Betties, returned to hex home on
Sister Eupemia, celebrated her Gold- M. A. Reid, C. P. Sills and Dawson Tuesday evening, after having been
en Jubilee two years ago. Reid (skip), and harry Stewart, H, averaeas' for one year. (She served
• , E. Smith, W. G, Willis and Lorne in No. 18 General Hospital, England,
be the most free from care. May
these gifts serve as a remembrance
of those in this community, who ad-
mire your courage and noble charge-
ter, As you use them may they
make the hours a little brighter and
Africa, Sicily, Italy, France, Holland Seaf
and Germany, were honored at a
"Welcome Home Party" in Walton, retui
hall on Monday night,: The latter has Hees
signed up Por the Pacific front. An to
appropriate address of welcome"was
e leadersltilp 'df Modes, 'the ,
f the S {aritaa, tb,e trate- •
caii:ileiri the fault of )a'vid4
tae of Abiabatu Liitci)'ln„•
led., VI. VI%.RLll�v%:{{]•, it'll .,9,lld i3e
y, y�
v e` Of y� 4
„, , t * e'11 ..ref. File :,$e(tei
She (coyly); 'Toe can take me to Dale {skip), 'the •latter rink winning and is now resting at bei •home here.
the theatre tomorrow night unless of Srst prize. ..e • • •Cp11 ,Kenneth Bettles,K, t3ttitl. of Mr.
' ; On Thuritd
co>xrae ybli meet sonl'eone more etc ay. evening at the Trblea and Mrs. Theron Bettlesf.;;h�ab return•
tatitrley in I illgham, _ R. • J. Wlntar m
tr'rrbtl a fix the rCisalit3.>tte. , . ed Mo e . after spending.,; gear -over-
..(tranicty 4.._.•.r7' to, ttyat's' very, wed �`blatoit and Moss J. S r ° , .; .
t!1" . p oaf seas, F �i gees Prom h�t t Sayan- +.touch
''bf' yotl, W�°'it letl�A' i kik *Ott the 'Stet 6Wei1t With, three ;
$ : , h Be wins licit, lillinets, to reseltre 'iul'k 'er, tl+afna ce$,
mat; Yllra shall iiVH'2,. ', and a 'plu8 tfi �3gr
' ink.
just a shorter as you sail the
ocean blue, Truatlpg that God will
bless you and keep you from all den-
ger and harm. There is a strength
and power in the , trying hour in the
Of God's hand on yottts,--,Sigh•
on btehalf of your neighbors' and,
iiexlds, t:
prepared and read to tire Men by weei
George Wessenberg. Each one was Cine
presented with a gift of mine on
behalf of the residents o• tlr4 14th Itoli
+ itCossibri ,. Grey. 'rete Were twee
l60. pre , t, xite3” eft► ed dabbing
y. is
i s rnEusit f*ttllitih h . r .: ' '., is
]t fdt�87t s a cel
U£��. l�lil°fvt ,, look,
A. VMorrjson is
Tenderer. Ft*
and Bridge
Tuckersmith township council map `.
the Town Hall, Seaforth, on •Satur
ay, August 4th, at 8 [ All niemx
ers were present, and Reeve Nichol •^•
on presided.
Tenders„ were opened on • conehrrue
on work -of a 10x40 -foot culvert .and .•
repairs to abutments of two bridges :
t the township, and were as follows `+.
ooby Bros., contractors,, culvert'
1,197.00, bridges $25per cubic .yard;
life Young, contractor, culvert" $2200,,
ridges $2200; K.A. Morrison, con
actor, culvert $944,62, bridges $20
er' cubic yard., As it was considered'
hat the tender of K. A. Morrison
as the lowest in all cases, said ten-
e• was accepted, subject to the ap-
'oval of the district engineer.'
Se'afortll Agricultural Society was
ven a grant of $50:00 on requedt :of
resident J. M. Govenlock and Secre-
ry Frank Storey.
Council, with the exception of
RE Nicholson, who is all interest -
party in the Charters Drain, eat
a Court of Revision on the said
ain after having taken the neces-
ry oath. Charles MacKay was ap-
inted chairman. Two appeals were
tered, and after considerable dis-
ss1on it was decided to adjourn the ,
ort until such time as Engineer
oy Patterson could be present.
Accounts were' passed as follows:
Ra tion Board, $5.0'0; relief, $52,80;
laries, $120.00; hospitalization, $36;
ants, $50; roads, $563.08; »postage
00; Ontario Municipal' Board, fees
Charters Drain Bylaw, $2.00; - sung
r, $2,50,
Councit. adjourned to meet Septem-
r 1 at' 8 p.m.—E. P. Chesney, Cleft:-
loud .Clinic
August -23rd
fter a cessation in July, the Red
ss Blood Clinic is again inn full
ng. •
hursday, August 23rd, is the next
a for Seaforth and district. We
Id like to see at least 165 volun-
s in older to reach the 3,000
here is no need to explain how
h the Red Cross still needs-plas-
Everyone realizes what it has
nt and what it is still meaning,
t at home and abroad. It only
:s a few mometrts to telephone 93
an appointment,
4 • •
unn Reunion
family reunion was held over the
k -end at the home of Mr. N.
n, Goderich St. East, when they
:omed Sgt. Paul Dunn, who has
returned from overseas, and who
ow going to' the Pacific theatre.
Hong tho'ae—present were Sgt.
I Dunn, Mr. Joseph Dunn, Mr.
Mrs. Ford Dunn, London; Mr.
Mrs. W. E. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs.
Dunnand Marguerite, Robert
Larry 'Dunn, Mrs. Cotter and
y Ann and Patsy Cotter, and Mr.
acit, all of Detroit, and Sgt. Nel-
Ianney, of Hamilton,
and Mrs. Snider and son and -
hter, of- Baden, • were Sunday
is at the home of Mrs, M. Reid.•
as Mary Galbraith and Mrs. Ada
of Seaforth, were renewing ac-
nt.ances in the village on Monday,
MI and Mrs, George Foster, of
dsor, in company With Mrs. (Dr,)
ce Foster and two little daughters
holidaying with relatives in and
id the village.
Mr and Mrs, Tuffin, of Staffa, in
pany with their daughter, Mrs.
ons. and two little sons, were
is at the home of the fornier's
ghter, Mrs', Aldington,
ra. Billy Austin and • children, of
arth, spent a day with her. •
er-in-law, Mrs, Austin, who .has
rued home after her recent lit-
tler than* ,friends aro pleased
ee her home.
Ali and lure. Aldington spent, trio
c -end with relatiy`es in;;: i;;ffa• and
e Laythem f rutty 61 and )11 e
laying .nt
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