HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-07-27, Page 6•
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Akers! The adage:.
Wliat yOU do but the way
t,',Siselde- true for waking jam
SA. Tines) when fruit, sugar and
valuable. Every pre-
g-Eleasseaa. for the past ten years
Ne. beers advising homemakers
t� make a good jellied product.
YOU have mislaid your clipping,
$, P.- las e, request for "Hints on Jam
'This year we are pointing out the
illreciantions in the use of pectin
and pectin crystals: Consider-
ing the results of last year's tests
„along with the instructions of a re-
liable manufacturer of this product.
We have determined , measurements
to be of particular importance. This
"sure -pure" jam is really not any
more expensive than the old -fashions
ed boiling of a combination of fruits
and sugar. Another reason for us-
ing the commercial pectin method is
the poorer quality of fruits this year.
• sb V assummut
4041,113 4/0411M46,
roma show WHOLERho - $3.5111
NELL. DOW oars
soineentnt- wane PO! WHIN
Also remember—the Only fruits which
possess properties for jellying with-
out the addition of another -fruit to
balance low acid or hew pectin cou-
tent are sour apples, currants, goose-
berries, grapes and tart plums
How To Make Jam With Pectin
• Crystals
1. Select fully ripened fruit of
good flavour and colour, and prepare
exactly 'as directed.
2. Wash, scald and drain glasses
and covers. Melt paraffn in a small
pot over hot water.
3. Measure sugar into a dry dish
to be added later. Measure prepared
fruit into a five or six quart kettle..
If there is a slight shortage of pre-
pared fruit, fill last cup or fraction
of cup with water. Use same stand-
erd 8 -ounce measuring cup, level full,
for both sugar and fruit. •
4. Place kettle containing measur-
ed fruit on large ,element turned high.
Add commercial pectin crystals, mix
well and bring to a boil, stirring con-
stantly with wooden spoon. As soon
as mixture boils hard, pour in sugar,
stirring constantly. Continue stirring
and bring to a full rolling boil; then
boil one minute by the clock. A full
rolling boil is a tumbling, steaming
boil that cannot be stirred down.
5. Remove friars] stove, skim rap-
idly with metal spoon and ladle out
immediately. Leave one-half inch
space at top of each -jar. Cover jam
ai once with one-eighth inch melted
u -ax. When cool, cover with more.
wax or tin covers. Store in cool, dry
Note: Do not double recipes. Do
not vary ingredients or method of
preparing fruit. Boil exactly one min-
ute. Do not use any commercial pec-
tin to try to remedy a jam or jelly
mix which does not jelly. .
When recipe specifies simmering
"Our Family
Regulator is
KIDNEY- plus"
time, bring mix to boil, reduce heat,
cover and simmer. (Oh large closed
element turn to off).
Raspberry Jam
(10 glasses)
2 quarts raspberries
6 cups or 2 lbs. 10 oz. sugar
1 box pectin crystals.
Crush thoroughly or grind fully
rine red or black raspberries. Part
of pulp may be sieved if fruit is too
seedy. Measure crushed fruit with
standard cup to make 4% cups, add-
ing water to make full amount if nec-
essary. Put in a large kettle and
bring to a boils add exact amount of
sugar. Add pectin crystals and stir
constantly. Keep boiling one min-
ute. Then bottle, cool and seal.
Red Currant Jam ,
(13 Glasses) -
3 lbs. or 2 qts. red currants
3 lbs. or 7 cups sugar
1 box pectin crystals.
Crush thorou,ghly. Sieve one-half
of pulp if desired. Measure fruit.
There should be 6 cups or 3 pounds.
If not exact amount, make up by ad-
dition of water. Process according
to general directions for pectin jams.
DEALER near you
knoWs the correct lubrication for
4 e
all makes of cars and trucks.
Re knows that some vehicles require
up to twelve different' kinds of
lubricant with as many as
thirty-five kints to lubricate.
Xake no chances— the wise pre-
caution is to go to your GENERAL MOTORS
DEUER regularly for wiped Lubrication Senice.
3 Miow
fb, tin$ eryste,le.
•Ush, 3hex•oughly aakl. plaice eltre
Of ettptleor 2% PoUnde prepared
$frhit, ,,:s1.04;fk up any tractiffil eg
anilotint -r-441.0red by adding W'ater.
• -,,
FellOve Pag, eNplicit directiests for has
ing Coal pectin.
Take a Tip
1. A feod chopper is convenient
for crnelitiog fruit.
2.. 11Se, new paraffn; old paraffn
often cattsge, spoilage.
3, If sugar is weighed, weigh
fruit also.
4. Add asse-quarter teaspoon -but-
ter to reduce foaming at time .of add-
ing sugar.
5. Use Metal spoon to skim jam
rapidly. •
Anne Allan invites you to write to
her 0/o The Huron Expositor. Send
in your Suggestions on homemaking
problems and watch this -column for
Others Are Asking
Q.: How much has the cost of
living increased in Canada since price
control was effected and what was its
rise from the beginning of the war
to price -control?
A.: The cost of living index du
Canada compiled by the Dominien
Bureau of Statistics shows an in-
crease of 3.8 points since December,
1941, when price control was effect-
ed From the outbreak of the war to
price control the index rose 15 points.
Q.: Can you tell me why the Pric-
es Board/requires dealers to have a
permit to slaughter cattle?
A: Chiefly so that a complete re-
port may be kept at all times of the
meat $Supply in Canada and to frus-
trate possible black market opera-
tions at a time When meat is urgent-
ly needed for home consumption and
to fill commitments to the United
Kingdom and UNRRA.
* * *
Q.: How do I apply for rations
for my seasonal farm hells?
A.: You apply in person or write
to your local ration board for form
1B -77A for transient farm labor. You
complete this, return it to the ration
board and you will receive documents
entitling you to the permitted
* * *
Q.: W111 fo. e included in the
lists of meats to be rationed. in Can-
A.: Under present conditions it is
not the intention of the Ration Ad-
ministration to ration either poultry
or fish when meat rationing is effect-
* *
Q.: How much- sugar is allowed
breweries and distilleries in Canada?
A.: No sugar is used by brewing
and distilling industries in this coun-
* * * .
Questions on arty -regulations of the
Wartime Prices and Trade Board will
be answere&i if submitted to tbe In-
formation. Branch, Wartime Prices
and Trade Board, Federal Building.
London, Ont,
Potato Prices
The seasonal drop in ceiling prices,.
of potatoes becomes effective on July
31st, according to an announcement
by W. Ilarold McPhillips, prices and
supply representative for the War-
time Prices and Trade Board in
Western Ontario. Ceiling prices for
sales by farmers to -consumers' is
2:89 a 75 -pound bag, 64 cents as 15 -
pound basket and 43 cents a 10-poung:
basket. to these ceiling prices may
be added the freight -from Harrow to
the market in which the potatoes are
sold. This additional charge must
not exceed 40c a hundred pounds.
Sugar For Canning
Rural housewives are urged by Mrs.
John D. Detwiler, Western Ontario
'Chairman of the Consumer Branch, to
budget the spending of their sugar
for canning coupons so that they will
have supplies when large fruits xipen
later in the season.
"All extra preserves coupons de-
clared valid for the purchase of sugar
for canning are now good," Mrs. Det-
wiler pointed out, "and there is a
daeger that housewives, both urban
and rural, may use the sugar for pur-
poses other than canning. 1 wce,?Id
strongly recommend that housewives
budget their sugar to meet the _needs
of their entire season's preserving
arid canning program" On -the aver-
age the rural housewife 'cans and
preserves a greater proportion of her
supplies than the urban woman,. who
buys commercial products. Mrs. Det-
wiler stressed that preserves coupons
are good for the purchase of one-half
pound of sugar. Including those cou-
pons declared valid fpr sugar for can.
ning the total ntlittibel• of preServes
coupons now valid 'Would entitle each
ration book bolder -to 19 Pounds of
stgax itt addition to the regular &agar
ratiOntrwe prearees 'CISITlicine be-
come *slid inoritillY.$ '
se;.' stse
' XeePing the delicate V9192", 714‘112Vr"
92' Of vegetablee like"
•preserving the ;fragra.aee and shade
of fresh -out flowers Or the flower
A few ideas for Ilitskilig V10:4 tr491'
eughly tempting Witbont •Maiting in -
roach; into the butter rations are giv-
ea by the Comiumer Section of the
Departsnent of Agrtellitttre„
Pickle little whole beets and keep,
on hand for later reheating with the
thickened vinegar served as a sauce.
Use a dash of \vinegar on hot spin-
ach or shredded cabbage 'itod butter
won't be missed,
Try cheese sauce on, green beaus,
baby carrots, summer squash and
cabbage, as well as on -cauliflower.
Use a minimum of water for 000k-
ing and serve vegetables rich in flav-
or, color and food. value.
Tasty vegetables such as given iu
the recipes which follow give a lift
to any meal.
Panned Vegetables
1 cup small whole radishes
41.1, cup silced onion. .
4 cups cubed raw potatoes
2 cups sliced carrots
2 tablespoons fat
% cup water
% teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/ cup milk
Prepare vegetables. Melt fat ni
frying pan, add vegetables, water,
salt and pepper. Cover and• nook 20
minutes. Add milk, cook uncovered
five. minutes. Serve hot. -Six serv-
String Beans With Mustard Sauce
1 lb. string beans (3 cups cut)
1/4 Cup chopped onion
1% cups boiling water
1/2 teaspoon mustard
1 teaspoon flour
1 'teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg yells
1 tablespoon vinegar.
Cook beans and onion,in boiling
salted water closely covered, until
tender, about 30 minutes. Meanwhile
mix mustard, flour, sugar and salt;
add beaten egg yolk. Drain beans
reserving liquid. Add liquid with the
vinegar to egg mixture. Cook slow-
ly, stirring constantly until thicken-
ed. Add beans and reheat. Six serv-
Squash Casserole -
Arrange alternate •layers of sliced
summer squash and thinly sliced on-
ion in a .greased casserole, sprinkling
each layer with salt, 'pepper and a
little flour. Cover casserole and
bake in a moderate oven, 35!) deg. F.
until squash is tender, about thirty
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known. Our rates are only 1
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he Huron Expositor
MeLEAN BROS., Publishers, Phone 41, Seafortli..