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The Huron Expositor, 1945-07-20, Page 8
it ES OF .$4 r a •4*1414f#g 'and ham ll l*xis; eti'ttzbsle for 'wePeg oat West William IrXydra and gi?rage. . Early lk Or desirable properties also listed. WATSON & REID M.'A.. REID - Proprietor Qnw. 214 : Seaforth SPECIALISTS IN ALL: LINES OF INSURANCE The .Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- eau•, Seaforth. Office hours: Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, 1.80 p.m. to 5 pm.; Saturday evening, 7.80 p.m. to 9 p.m. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk 0©000'000000 4 °, G. A. WHITNEY 4 Successor to 0 HOLMES wRu WHITNEY Funeral Service •0 Main Street - Seaforth 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 4 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 rent., 4 Agent for Mitchell Nursery 4 Flowers. 0 Telephone 119 0 Nights and Holidays 65 4 . 0Oo©0000000 0 O 0 O O O 0 O O 0 O O O O O O 000000000000 0 W. J. .CLEARY o 0 Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 (,-ICENSED EMBALMER 0 4. AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 4 Night or Day Calls -335 0 4 O 4>00000000000 000000000000 J. A. BURKE 0 4 Funeral Service O 0 DUBLIN ONT. • 0 •P Nig44t or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 0 0 • 0 is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPENCE'S PRODUCE GOVERNMENT REGISTERED • EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices Paid For Eggs and Poultry. , Phone 170-W, Seaforth CEMETERY MEMORIA S Large Stock of Modern Me oriels on Display at our • SEA FORTH SHOW ROOMS For the .convenience of our patrons, office will be open on Tuesdays. • Open by appojnt- • ment' at any other time. See Dr. Harburn next door. Cunningham & Pryde Clinton Exeter Seaforth" Phone 41 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: W. R. Archibald, Seaforth - Pres. F. McGregor, Clinton - Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth "- Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. • DIIfECTORS: Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. 'Trewartha, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, R.R. 3, Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, R.R.1, Blyth; . Frank McGregor, R.R. S, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, R.R„ 1, Walton; William R. Archibald, R.R. 4,' Seaforth; George, Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; John L. Malone, R.R. 5, Sea - forth. AGENTS: Finlay McKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; E. Pepper, Brucefield; J. E. Prueter, Ilrodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. eerie", Sales Books ere the best Counter Check Books: made ,in Canada. They cost no molt theft ordinary iks nrid (*always give *fa 100; ��yy���� maqy�. agents and Sed tO quote <•; �r 1i 'Riddell;' 'Of Ya'ncotwer, 'PM, formerly of Wiftl»<ipeg, announce the engage- neent Of their younger daughter,, Dem - thy, to LAC Harry G. Earle, R,C,A.F., elder sou4f•-•Me -aid Mrs. John Earle, P3,gnlpndville, the wedding to take place at St. John's Cathedral, Winni- peg, on Jury 2gth. Announcement—The engagement is annouuced of Marion Alberta Spriggs, younger daughter of Mr. F. J. Spriggs and the late Mrs. Spriggs, of Toronto, to L. -Cpl. Arthur Stewart Leyburne, youngest son of Mrs. A. M. Leyburne and the late S. Leyburne, of Seaforth, the marriage .to take place in Toronto this month -' Announcement.—Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Maclaren announce the engagement of their daughter, Anna Margaret, to Mr. Wellesley Dorland Evans, of Wa- terloo, the marriage to take place in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, on August 4th. Announcement.—Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Kindle, of Vancouver, B.C., an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Helene Ann, to Mr. Duncan Anderson Bell, R.C.N.V.R., youngest son of Mr. and . Mrs. J. L. Bell, Hul- lett, the wedding to take place Aug- ust 3rd in Vancouver: Summer Services of First Presby- terian • and Northside United.—(In Northside Church) : 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Public Worship, conducted by, the Rev. Richard H. Williams. The Sunday School and congregation of First Presbyterian Church will hold a picnic at the Lions Park Wednes- day, July 25th. Anglican.—Sunday, July 22nd: St. Thomas', S-eaforth-11 -a.m., Morning Prayer; preacher, Rev. J. H. Pogson, L,Th., of Shelburne. No evening ser- vice. St. Mary's, Dublin -9.30 a.m., Morn- ing Prayer. Preacher, 'Rev. J. H. Pogson, L.'I=h., of Shelburne; f Death„ of Miss Effie MacLeod.—The death of Miss Effie MacLeod took place suddenly on Tuesday, July 3rd, at the home of her sister, Margaret MacLeod, Welland Jet. The daugh- ter of the late Malcom and Effie Mac- Leod, of Seaforth, Miss MacLeod was born in Seaforth and lived here a number of years before going to -De- troit, where she later made her home. She went to Welland Jct. four years ago to residewith her sister. Sur- viving are one sister, Miss Margaret (Id'a) MacLeod; one niece, Mrs. Wm. Brownlee, Lucan, and nine nephews, Albert Colbert, Edmonton; Charles Colbert, Hamilton; Murdie Colbert, London; Melvin Colbert, Toronto; Norman Colbert, Hagersville; Percy Coibeet, Rosthem, Sask.; Cameron Colbert, Ironbridge, Ont.; Oswald Col- bert ,;Calgary, and Malcolm Colbert, Stanmore, Alta.. Funeral services were held at Welland July 6th, with interment in. Woodlawn Cemetery. "AA .0011/Ork eA Det v onr a 0' XMor exon, l ntbe, t Ind40400 gedf) tlttigrle. Peppy. -4 -Poppies are red, they„ en,Y, hitt not the It3:a;' I that Mrs. Pat igtgh grows in her garden ?In Seaforth. On Monday Mrs. Nigh I/relight to The Expositor office a beauty, but instead ofthe eustonaary red, it was a deep rich purple. It was the only one of tht kind that Mrs. Nigh had succeeded in raising in that color. Northside W. M. S. Meets. —• The. monthly missionary meeting of North- side United Church was held Thurs- day, July 12th, with Mrs. A.. McQuaig acting as president due to Mrs. Roy Lawson, the president, being absent. The opening hymn was sung, follow- ed with prayer by Mrs. McQuaig. Minutes of the June meeting and treasurer's report were read by' Mrs. J. Finlayson. A temperance -reading, "Does Alcohol Stimulate Health? No," was given by Mrs. C, C. Koine, and Mrs. T. J. McMichael gave a Watch Tower reading. A letter of apprecia- tion from Mr. and Mrs. •H- V. Work- man was read by Mrs- J. Finlayson for a basket of fruit 'Which .the Aux- iliary sent him during his illness in the hospital. Circle. 3 prepared the program, the topic being, "Help the, Churches of Europe Now," read by Mrs. McQuaig; Bible reading by Mrs. W. S. Hay, and Mrs. M. McPhee gave a reading on temperance. The offer- ing was taken up by Mrs; J. Knight and Mrs. J. D. Hinchley. The meet- ing was brought to a close 'with prayer in unison. LOCAL BRIEFS • F/O. R. Oban MacTavish arrived home from overseas on Monday eve- ing, having spent'' the past four FOR SALE 100 -ACRE' FARM, McKillop Town- ship. Fully equipped. Splendid maple bush. Brick house with all first class ;bluidings. Hydro installed. A splen- did farm. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Seaforth, .Ont Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND • DANCING EVERY NIGHT to - Stan. Patton's All Saxophone Orchestra "The Newest Band of 1945" SUNDAY, JULY 22nd Concert and Street Parade By No. 9 S.F.T.S.• Centralia Brass Band . and Orchestra. NOIRIESIMHEMEINNMEIMinismoincismasmor SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB 11th ANNUAL C SUMMA' NIVAL LIONS PARK FRIDAY, JULY 20th TWO- BIG NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENT ! PROGRAM— ON A PLATFORM AMPLIFIED THAT ALL ELL DCAN HEAR WEDNESDAY NIGHT Alf. Tibbs & Co., LONDON Featuring— Ray Head—Magician. Jackie May—Acrobat & Dancer. Burn 6onray---Comedian, FRIDAY NIGHT Garden Bros.; Toronto Presenting Billy, Kay & Co., Illusionists and Magicians; Clif- ford, Novelty Wire Walking Act; Mickey Connely, Specialty Dan- cer; Toto, Garden Bros.' Fam- ous Circus Clown. Added Attraction for Both Nights of the Carnival "DOUBLE OR NOTHING". QUIZ CONTEST Conducted by and broadcast over tKNX, Wingham, and amplified so that all at the Park may hear and enjoy this Special Broadcast. — $150.00 CASH PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN AWAY EACH NIGHT— It's a real "Take-It,or.-Leave-It" Quiz Contest. Anyone can enter. Seaforth Highlanders Band in Attendance Open Air Dancing 0 Fowl Booth • Bingo • Card Game • Over and Under All Your Favourite Games t DRAW for $600 CASH P."eeede in aid of Crippled Mil - rein and "Wet Service Work. 300 drawn each night `1st Prize $200 3rd - Prize $25 2nd Prize $50 4th Prize $25 TICKETS 25c * 5 fol• $1.00 DRAW FOR LADY'S Diamond -Set",. Bulova Wrist Watch Value $65.00 ' Draw takes place Friday night, July 20. -Tickets 15e ea.,2 for 25c. Proceeds—Lions British Child , War Victims' Fund. MAMMOTH FIREWORKS DISPLAY 0114 t4tCiltg 00.tHE iCAttNifyAi. AThM S0tO01; 5d ,'tflitdrel:Freea Serviaetitoh'• 'rep, ;Farkftig Free,. ntir tiwc' i ed , tial- W&tyi Wiiiik wind' MMidtitedni orto ''cit • • AIL : AUGUT'fith PJzone ,yottf! .appointments to 152 early months .:there. O Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tebbutt, of Tuckersniitit, 9 have moved into the house on lames Street, which they Purchased- from Mr, Wm. Pullman,' • Mr. • Gordon Balfour, of Preston, is spending the holidays with his uncle, Mr, Burton O. Muir.' • Miss, Winnifred Savauge Ieft on Thursday for a holiday trip to Banff, Alberta. • P/0:, lonald Scott, of Paulson, Man., is epending a leave with his mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forbes, .of Toronto, spent a few days in Town this week calling on old friends. • LAC. T. R• C1uff, of KTagersville, spent the week -end at the home of his father(, .Mr. A. F. Clue. • Mr. E. G. Boyd, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mrs, H. R. Scott. • Misses Marion and Jean Camp- bell, of Listowel, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Campbell this week. • 'Miss Helen Whitney, of Strat- ford, visited Mr. and Mrs...G. A. Whit- ney over the week -end. • L/CpL A. S. Leyburne returned home last :week aboard the liner, "Queen Mary," for a 30 -day leave, af- ter which he will take advanced training before proceeding to the Pacific theatre of war. • Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Taman, of Toronto, are 'spending their vacation at the home of his sister, Mrs. Roy McGeoch, and Mr. McGeoeh. • Mr. and Mrs. -Joseph Purcell and family, of Detroit, spent a few days at the home of his brother, Mr. Basil Purcell. . • Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith and family are holidaying in Toronto this week. . • The Misses Elizabeth G. and Catherine Ryan, of Chicago, are vis- iting their friends in Seaforth, Dublin and Mitchell. ' , • Mr. W. T. Thompson 'is visiting his daughter, Mrs. F. V. Miller and Mr. Miller in Allentown, Pa. • Mrs. William Farquharson, of Brussels, called on friends in town on Saturday. • Mrs. 'Cameron, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. J. Walker. • Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie and Ronald are spending the holidays at their cottage in Grand Bend. - • Miss Elizabeth Anne McGavin, of. McKillop, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. George McGavin. • • WO. G. Stirling Habkirk arrived - home this week from England, where he has been since being liberated from a German prison camp, in which he spent three years. 6 Mrs. J. D. O'Connell and Miss Dorothy O'Connell, of Detroit, are spending a few days with relatives and friends here. O Mrs. William Smithers, of To- ronto, called on friends in town this week. . • Mr. and Mrs. Don Fortune and family, of Kitchener, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert ,For- tune. • Miss Helen Whitfield, of Ridge - town, is spending a fe* days with Mr. and Mrs. John Currie. '• Mrs. E. A. Christensen and Mar- garet •Anne,- of Detroit, are 'spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wil son. • Messrs. Helmer Snell and D. H. Wilson, of town, end W. L. Whyte and Ross McGregor, of Hullett, were in Toronto this week attending Masonic Grand Lodge. . • Mrs. Walter Cole, of Winnipeg, formerly of Seaforth, called , on friends in town this week. • R.Q.S.M. Fred E. Willis arrived home on Wednesday from overseas, after having been in England, France, Holland and Germany during the past four years. • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Habkirk, of Detroit, are guests of Mrs. Thomas Habkirk this Week. • Pte- Gordon Regele returned to town this week after having spent the past few years in Belgium, Hol- land, France and Germany. • Mrs. T. S. Smith is visiting with Sarnia friends • - • Mrs. J. W. A. Greig and, two chil- dren, of Port Colborne, are guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Greig. • Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Scott, Mrs. William Scott and son, ,Glenn, and Miss W. Jasmine, of -Chicago, are guests of Mr. Scott's mother, Mrs. T. G. Scott. • Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Coleman, of Tuckersmith, and Mr. and Mrs. MEET ME AT THE BLYTH LIONS FROLIC CM the Blyth Main St. •an THURSDAY, AUG. 23 7 o'clioek id the evening $300.00 IN PRIZES • Gamer of Chance • Amuseutent` • Dancing Ari proaeedsa: for Coninunity 'iAlcrfr "MP iHttriSATE00E1' ; elle "*'MSS 'jeAnette 'etkiiel ; to, le visiting her leather, Mrp,, ' Cry r 'et ; li b . fid her +Mailer, *re! Driagger`,` a Igi@e Eve. Kelltlug14 of Termite; was ft Week -end ,gt eel of Mrs—'1V.,1 Kelley>i; to Rev, and Mrs, IL William;, and Miss El:izabeth, 4f Aivinston, were guests teals week at the limp of Rev. and MIT. R....Ii: Williams. • Miss Laura Stewart, of ,Tox'antc, spent the past week with her father, Mr. Harry Stewart, •in Egn o ndville. • Miss Grace Krauter has been serving as a waitress on the i11 -fated . arngnic, which was burned, on Mon-,, day at Point Edward. Miss Kreuter lost all her clothing and money, . • Mrs. George Stewart, Jimmie and Catherine, of Toronto, are spend- ing their holidays at the home . of Mrs. J. B. Thompson" WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davidson and son, Oliver, of Brunner, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Osborne, Roxy and Gar- ry, of West Monkton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Davidson. ""'••••'- Pte. Betty Rushton, and Pte. Doro- thy Simpson, C.W.A.C., of Ottawa, -spent a few days with the latter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Clure and other relatives, Pte. Jack Hodge, who has return- ed .from• overseas, visited his sister, Mrs. Margaret Horne, Mr. Roger McClure, who has been visiting relatives here for the past two weeks, left on Monday for Rus- selI, Manitoba, • • Mr. Clarence Taylor, of Varna, spent the week -end with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Davidson have improved their home by covering• the 'outside walls with -rolledbrick and painting the verandah. TUCKERSMITH Death of Mrs. G. R. McCartney The death took place on Tuesday, July 17th, in Grey Township at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Turn- bull, of Mary McCartney, widow of the late George R. McCartney, of the Mill Road, Tuckersmith. Mrs. Mc- Cartney had been ill about four months from a heart condition. Af- ter her Marriage she lived in Sas- katchewan, but had been a resident of Tuckersmith for the Past thirty- eight years, Mr.- McCartney passed away twelve years ago. She is sur- vived by three sons; George and Wil- son, on the Mill Road, and Robert, in Windsor; also by two brothers, William McCartney, of Milestone, Sask., and Hugh McCartney, of Tug- aske, Sask., and three granddaugh- ters. The funeral was held on Thurs- da,y at 2 p.m. from the home of her son, Mr. Wilson McCartney, Mill Road, with interment in Baird's ceme- tery. ,._ • McKILLOP A Tribute The following poem composed by C.. W. J. Smith, of Camlachie, is a tribute to Miss Janet S. - Hogg, Sea - forth, whose tutorage of more than -a decade at School Section No. 9; Ply- mouth Township, has been, a service which the members, of that commun- ity deem invaluable: Since first you cameour nchoolto take Bringing your smile and happy way, Ten years have passed, before the breay, • There cometh now the parting day. You always gave the helping hand At church inhome •(The Golden Rule), But your great conquest, in our land, A queenly manner in our school. Child after child claimed aid from you; You never failed. but gave your hest; Each child with joy and zeal to do, Fought for the goal at your behest. Your faith, the strongest part of H you, Strengthened out faith, may it keep " strong, Because of this we seek to' do The deeds which help mankind along. Fraught are Your years with noble deeds, With proffered hand, with moistened eye, . May we, .like you, sow "kindness" seeds; The hour has come, we say "Good-bye." Miss Hogg recently resigned as teacher of S,S. No. 9, Plymouth, af- ter eleven years of , service there. Prior, to her departure she was the recipieht of book -ends, an" electric lamp and a lapel pin:frem her pupils. The community presented her with a gold wrist w.atchcLand."ear-rings at a picnic held at I3right's Grove In her honor on June 22nd, and Knox Pres- byterian 'Church, Camlachie, present- ed her with a hymn book at the close of the church service on June 24th. DUNCANNON Death of William Mole Death removed a well known and beloved member of this community in the death of `Gilliam Mole, which oc- curred on Saturday"" last at his home at Glenn's Hill. Mr. Mo1e',e health had. been, 3-mpaired • the last sly yearh to the eittent that Ws pimain.g'was 1iappy ,release', ':He *4: in his, sixty - Mat i Fear, A son rsf,the late' lttr; And, WI, Sohn Molo,. o><.. "Gi>'alkei i(rtt41,i lnllt fd t l rK h%i lljii! %iii t'ibxfte . ito lJlik furs r 1 04. rt1�F1N'ff..WRNg • y`E TALL. IN THE SAD,Dlx :a' G,A$BY„ HAVES ,- WARp, .t?tJl7' ' A tepinotch Western filled with suspense and vigorous action.. • MONDAY,. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAYS STANLEY RIGGS OSA MASSEN in " THE MASTER RACE " A timely and exciting drama shgwing the Nazi Plan -to go under- ground in case of defeat. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU " with DENNIS MORGAN ELEANOR PARKER Coming -- "OBJECTIVE BURMA" gannori when quite a .young mala to conduct a barbering business,after working in shops at Toronto, Guelph and Penetanguishene. Forty-one years ago he married Grace McWhinney, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McWhinney. To them were born three children: Mrs, William kook (Mary), Belfast; Ben, 6th concession', of Ashfield, and Harvey, on -the home; farm at Glenn's Hill, He served on the 'West Wawanosh council for two: years, 1929 and • 1930." He was a' staunch Conservative and when health permitted tookan active {art in community affairs. His genial manner attracted many friends. He eaves to mourn, besides his daughter and sons, three sisters, Mrs,- Arthur Sparks (Martha), of Port Elgin; Mrs. William Sparks- (Alice), of, Kincar- dine, and Mrs. Alex Casemore (Han- nah), of Hamilton,' and tWo brothers, Ed. Mole, of Seaforth, and David Mole, of Rochester, N.Y, After a private service at the home on Tues- day afternoon, the remains were brought to St. Paul's. Anglican Church where rervice was conducted by Mr. Harry Parker. The pallbearers were neighbors: William Caesar, William Petrie, Everett ,,,,Errington, William Reid, George Hodges and Wilfred Pentland. The fiowerbearers were, the six eldest, of file ten grandchil- dren: Sam, Billy, Grace and Margar- • et Cook, Bobby and Lois Mole. In- terment was in Dungannon cemetery. NO HARNESS WILL BE REPAIRED FROM AUG. 4th to AUG. 21st AT - Jack's Repair Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings and Steamer Chairs Repaired.- CIifford Upholstering Co Stratford Telephone 579 For, . further information apply at. Box's Furniture Store ,SEAFORTH OPPOSITE POST OFFICE SAVINGS Men's and Youths' FINE "SUITS Sizes 34 to 46. ' Wool Worsted and Botany and Fine Serge. 13.95 to 23.95 10 Men's ' TWEED : SUITS Reg. $15.95 SPECIAL 8.95 MEN'S TRUNKS Full elastic top. Reg. $2:79 TO CLEAR. 2.00 BOYS' TRUNKS Zipper placket; two tone. • All sizes. Regular $1.98. - SPECIAL 1.3-3; LADIES' BATHING SUITS All sizes. Some dressmaker style and a few Lastex. 'TO CLEAR 1.9e7 LADIES' COTTON HOSE First quality. ' SPECIAL FOR .24 - LADIES' BALBRIGGAN BLOOMERS Elastic tops. -- - !SPECIAL .49 Pr;, toe_ 'STIAINING PANTIES Two toCHILDREN'S customer. :35 Pr. LADIES' AND GROWING GIRLS' OXFORDS Black and Brown. Sizes 3-8. SPECIAL 1,88 Pr. MEN'S WORK BOOTS Panco and leather soles. Prices from 2.15 to 4.79 pr. IMALS DISABLED Quinkly removed in Clean Sanitary true. Phone collect. 219 MITCHELL ire e,. ,.. , • ,: i ,..., Limited Stone . ,m • P A • c • 7 0