The Huron Expositor, 1945-07-20, Page 4•;,i'1••.".7"1" A 41 • St Will 116:' Ote t Cash Rates' 81e'W.Bat.4 LoAt and •Vaaod, Cceo*3venl Etie4iti went; let ,,week • • 4 • .4 • 2r)(1 Neeeic ,1f • *, Minimum chance,. first linettioti • rd Thant. In Memoriam Natices-1, cen4 wooi, noel ° 10040 40054 dlreeted a Bok Neeeve, The t, eo mite vet week. additiOnal per week Win be Phan if sue le alvalaP storday Digu in the week in which the ad was run. ' ara "."'" Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge, 04011. $alea. Notices to Creditors, Eta—Rates on uplioatien. • Wanted ANTED—TO BORROW, $300_00, FIRST mortgage. Apply to BOX esi, Seaforth; Ont. 4049x1 • ANTED—MEDIUM OR LARGE SIZED used tricycle. Phone 242, Sealorth, 4Q49x1 Auction Sales inOMMUNITY AUCTION SALE AT SKAT- ' ' ing Rink, Seaforth, on Saturday night. July 2Ist, at 8 o'clock. The rink will be open •Saturday afternoon only for anyone bringing in furniture. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 4049-1 For Sale von SALE—NEW IVEASSEY-HARRIS 7 - foot cut binder; also No. 4 corn cultiva- tor with bean attachment. Apply SEAFORTH MOTORS. Phone 141. 4049-1 von, SALE—MASSEY-HARR1S BINDER. 7-fo.ot cut, nearly new. Would take ,.heap home in part payment- Apply to DONALD• MoKINNON, R.R. No. 3, Bras - els. 4049x1 pARN FOR SALE -18x30, STEEL COVER- "' a•)d. on lot south of Dick's Hotel. Must be sold to allow construction of Legion Mem- orial Hal. Apply to J. E. KEATING or C. P. SILLS, Property Committee, Branch 156 Canadian Legion. 4049-1 VOR SALE—ELECTRIC IRONER, FITS Beatty washer, in good conditi&h. Apply to Box 438. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4049-1 MOWER FOR SALE — USED 6 -FOOT jj''' Deering mow . in eacc,ellent condition. . • SEAFORTH MO ORS. Phone 141.' 4049-1 MOWER FOR SALE—NO. 21 MASSEY- Harris 6 -foot mower, good running or- der; also plow for sok,. three bottora, nearly new. Apply REYNOLDS' DAIRY, Seaforth. Phone 667 r as. 4049-1 von SALE—TWIN CYLINDER HARLEY- " Davison motorcycle. Moddl 45 ; R.C.A. Vic- tor car radio. PHONE 31, Hensall. 4048-2 rATTLE FOR SALE -50 STOCKERS FROM 500 to 700 pounds. Durham and Hereford. Also sore heifers, .would make .good cows. Will sell to make you money. Apply to A. E. TOWNSHEND, R. R. No. 2, Hayfield, or phone Clinton•900 r 21. 4048 -If VOR SALE—WALNUT BED AND SPRINGS -1- (three-quarter); folding screen (four sides); bedroom rocking chair; living room table; easy chair; wicker fernery; wicker jardinere stand; brass jardinere; crockery jardinere: 3 -burner gas stove and. oven. Ap- ply JAMES ALLAN, Brucefie14 - 4048-2 Tenders Wanted TENDER • TENDtRs . ARE ASKED TO SUPPLY 150 " tons of 124 or 11/2 inch nut, pea and slack stoker cip 25 tons of anthracite stove coal, and 25 ns of "poke for. the Huron County. Hoene. Prices to be for coal laid &eve cn the tracks at Clinton; content to be given. Tenders to be in the hands of • the County Clerk. Court flOuse, Goderich, Ontario, not later than July 21st N. W. MII.LER. Clerk, Count, of Huron. 4048-2 Teachers Wanted TEACHER ' WANTED AFULLY QUALIFIED PRO'TESTANT teacher is required for S. S. No. 4, Tuck- ersmith. Applications are invited. Appli- cants will please state qualtfications, experir enee and references. Salary will be up to standard according to experience. A person- al application would be appreciated. Duties 'to' commence September 4th. TUCKERSMITH SCHOOL AREA: S---11. Whitmore, Secretary. ft. R. 3, Seaforth. 4047-tf Personals Lost and Found T OST—IN SEAFORTH, ON JULY 13th, 44 an AA gasoline nation book, bearing lie- ense plate number 293P5. Finder Please leave at 'IME EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 4049x1 Notices 1941 FORD SUPER DE LUXE (AB- riolet or $1.000 Victory Bond will be given to the holder of the lucky share drawn for at the Galt Fair an September 22n3. Shares 3 for $1.00. Send to GALT KIWANIS CHARITIaS, Box 120, Galt, Ont. 404972 CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' List (Section 11, Form 4) VOTERS' LISTS, 1945, MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL, COUNTY OF HURON. NOTICE, IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I " have comidied with Section 8 of The Voters' Lists Apt and that I have posted up in my office at Hensall on the 16th day of July, 1945, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at the -Munici- pal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day tor appeal being the 6th day of August, 1915. DATED this lfith day of July, 1945. JAMES A. PATERSON, Clerk of the Village of Henson. 4049-1 In Memoriam TN LOVING MEMORY OF MY DARLING 46•ter, Margaret E. Mulcahy, who died in Oakland. California, July 22, 1943. A second anniversary Requiem High Mass will he offer- ed for the happy repose of her soul on Mon- day morning, July 23rd, at St- James' Church, Seaforth. —Her devoted sister, Josie. Births ROVVE—In Private Patient's Pavilion, Toron- to General Hospital. on Jay 15th, to Lieut. 0. J. Rowe, R.C.N.V.R., and Mrs. Rowe nee Jessie Archibald)? a son. DAMM—In Kitchener, on Thursday, July 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Damm, a son. A grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm of KiPPen. 11, ARLEY—In St. Catha'rines, on July lath. to Pte. E. W Varley, of Lethbridge, and Mrs. Varley, a daughter. CONNOLLY—ln Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 16th, to Mr. and Mts. Fergus Con- nolly, Brussels, a daughter. BUTTERS—In Scott Memorial frosPital. on July 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. •Thomas But- ters. Dublin, a daughter. STAPLETON—In Scott Manorial Hospital, on July 14th, to Mr. and km. Edwin Stap- leton. Dublin, zi. daughter. Deaths McCARTNEY—In Grey, on Tuesday. July 17, Mary McCartney, widow of the late George R. McCartneY1, in her 76th year. wialiwimmailmwmommianmaa HILISGREEN The many friends of Mrs. James Jarrott will regret to learn that she is very seriously ill at her home, with little chance of recovery. She was stricken while coming *out of her home and, fell down three, steps, striking her lead on the bottom step. LOGAN Thomas Burns:.Logan, sustained in- juries on Tuesday morning when he stepped on a decayed plank in his barn which broke under his weight. A piece of the' plank flew up pierc- ing the roof of . his mouth and coin- ing out close to 'his no -Se. He was rushed to Mitchell where doctors $1.00 BUYS A SHARE were unavailable and then on to Selv- ,in the Kinsmen Model Horne, near Lake — me where he received atten- Erie Beach, Leamington, Ont. Beautiful ' $8.000 home sold to the winner for remittance to ROBT. REID, Dept. men Fund, Leamington, Ontario. sent by return. 31. Send 88, Kins- Receipts 4046-5 TF YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED, WRITE Box 358. Juliaetta, Idaho. , Send stamp. 4021-51 A STHIVIA. SUFFERERS — ENJOY GOOD -`•••- night's sleep without coughing, choking. Mr. Wm. Pearson, Seaforth, says: "I an so thankful to you for your asthma remedy that I would like all people who suffer from asttima to know what it did for me. I suf- fered for years from choking, difficult breath- ing and distress pf asthma and no remedy helped me to tinf extent, but your remedy touched the spot at once and gave me not only quick relief, but I ara now free from all symptoms. A few month's treatment did it" For free information write F. L. HOVVEY, 144 Catherine Street South, Henan - ton. 4044x6 Farms For Sale TOR SALE—FARM, 100 WORKABLE AC. - res. Good buildings -and excellent drilled welt Lot 13, Concession 8. H.R:S., Tucker - smith. Apply ANDREW MOORE, Egmond- ville 4049-3 '1ARM FOR SALE—LOT 60, HAYFIELD " Line, Goderich Township, consisting- of 109 acres. Good clay land and good build- ings. Will sell on reasonable terms. Irk - mediate possession if desired. Apply to A. E. TOWNSIIEND, Hayfield, It -11., 2, or phone Clinton, 900 r 21. 4046-18 pon SALE-40,0-,.A.GRE GRASS FARM, •"' composed of the' Etat Half of the North Half of Lot Number 12 and the East Half of the North- -Half of Lot Number 18 ir. the 14 ConcesSion of the Township of Me - Tame, Windiaill and plenty of water. AP - Ply to Mx 425, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4043-tf pARail FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE -100 " acres, near Wanda. Frame house, barn 052 stone fonridatien, cementfloors, water in Btalire, well, Windfall, implement baize, garage. Maintains large stock con- tifitiOuslY. Larger latie preferred, or house Ont. ditsi• et toviai 'LEH ZEGAN, R R. 2. 4048x5 VAlitt ECM- SALEIVE MILES SOUTIt o gaTot4i, Brif Mie lnie eatt, Lot /, Connteseliet 8, ,Tiloicorgiiith. One 52ftio from tehkele .t.iitiO4. bank poi Wok house ken „podrr. *heat; 115 aes re 7141„ otAtolt. Yleilty of OMB. Poesesel�a /n. NV. TIME, " , 40tit-tf " IOW:Mt ,raum;10 POr#,;,'fittiiiatioat • - ltesi 48i'$ Lion, and, wasthen taken to Stratford hospital. Frank Longeway, brother of John Longeviay, Logan, had a happy re- unron with his' family in Stratford on Sun d ay. Barn in Kennicott he left home in 1925 and had not kept contact with his family. For a number of years he was a member of the merchant marine and had thus visited many countries of the world. Latterly he has been working in the Montreal shipyards and this was where he was located by his family who obtained information as to his whereabouts through, the Bureau of Vital Statis- tics. His parents have been dead for some years. Present for the family reunion were his brothers, Leo of Storthoaks, Sask.; Sylvester, Grand Rapids, Mich., John, Logan, and his sister, Ellen of Strathroy, and -other members of the family. They gathered at the biome of Mr. and Mrs. P. Evans, par- ents of Mrs. Sylvester Longeway, VARNA Mr. and Mrs. Ballantyne and daugh- ter and Miss Blair, of Detroit, were recent visitors at the hotne of Mr. and Mrs. D. Anderson and daughter, Pearl. ., Mrs. J, F. Smith, in company with her. sister, Miss Fisher, of TOlecla, Ohio, are visiting with the former's datighter, Mrs. Cudmore, of -Holmes - Wile. The many friends of Mrs, Austin will be pleased to know she is im- proving iftt the hospital, We are also pleaed to, report Mr. A. Ings is sor6*hat improved. Alm ,Horner, of Zurich, is the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Tug. Master ClittrIe..4 Fergifebil, of Slid - 'Miry,. Is ' hOlidaying.. at ;:tlief liOule of & i litif gitogototk 0; O. 14144 M. 214 -416, Ln arit,iffilinloift; Of: 444414' li:v19.474.,*40'44 :4944.0.140.- 0 1, th4Wse ai spa* ,tito Oing With, Mt. 4114 Mrsg4.MoCouuall. Miss Ptitel Adlirdoch, et Detroit*, •ealied Monday evening on Mrs. D. . •••.• , „ •• Audersoa, 'Mrs. Bill Bail and SODA Nelson,. are .Faests at the Little Inn, Hayfield. "3 Pte. Walter Bratherton is borne (111 a month's leave prior to lea-ving for the Pacific. His many friends are pleased. to meet him again. Miss Mary McAsh and Miss Ma- CID:mint of Hensall, spent last week with the latter's mother, Mrs. M. Me- Clymont, and other acquaintatices. - A pleasant evening was spent in the Hall Weclnesd y night when Mr. and Mrs. G. E. eyes, .newlyweds, were guests of li3fior and were pres- ented with a purse. Mrs. M. Reid epeut a few days last week with her niece, Mrs, W. Mc- Bride, of Blake. AUBURN Public testimony to forty years of service as local physician was shown Friday evening to Dr. B. C. Weir, of Auburn, at a gathering in his honor on the grounds of his residence and the adjoining St, Marro Anglican Church lawn. An estimated number of almost two thousand people were present to. pay homage to their friend and physi- eian, several coining 60 to 100 miles. Charles E. Asquith was ehairinan, and with him on the platform. were Dr. Weir, Dr. J. W. Shaw, Clinton; Dr. Redmond, Winghame Dr. J. M. Graham, Dr. N. A. Jackson, Dr. W. F. Goderich; L. E. Cardiff, Brussels; John W. Hanna, M.L.A., of Wingham; H. L. Sturdy, William .1. Stewart, William J. Park and William Campbell, all of Auburn. The program commenced with a march past, led by the Lucknow Ka- tie Band, with adults and children, about 300 of whom Dr. Weir had re- ceived from the stork. Mr. Asquith introclued Dr. Weir, giving some facts regarding the doc- tor previous to his coming to Auburn on June 19, 1905._ He was born at Komoka, but spent his young boyhood in Delaware. When 13 years • of age the family moved to Strathroy, where "Bert" attended high school and where among his classmates was Sir Arthur Currie, commander of the*Can- adian forces in the First Great War: He later attended the Model School and taught near Kerwood, and then entered the University of Toronto and graduated in medicine in 1903, locat- ing in Auburn, Among those graduat- ing with him was Dr. W. E. Gallie, now deatt of the faculty of medicine at the University of Toronto. • S. J. Robertson, Colborne Township, one of the oldest acquaintances of Dr. Weir, spoke and Shirley -Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Turn- er, presented the doctor, with a purse containing $1,300, as a token of the community's respect. In replying, Dr. Weir thanked his friends and spoke of the changes' in Auburn during the lengthy ,period of his local practice. When he came here there were 'doctors at Belgrave, Whitechurch, Dungannon and Lon- desboro, and today all those commun- ities are -without a medical man. In giving a few statistics,..Hr„ Weir said he had brought approximately 2,000 babies into the world, the largest femily being 12 members. The dean of the medical profes- sion, Dr. J. W. Shaw, of Clinton, now over 80 years of age, and sstill prac- tising, Spoke of the long friendship between hire and Dr. Weir. Other visiting doctors paid their tributes to the guest of honour. Dr. Weir's wife, formerly Pearl Johnston, died le 1937. He has one son and one daughter, John R., Ot- tawa, and Miss Josephine, at home; also two sisters, Misses Annie and Margaret Weir. of Strathroy. He is a member of Knox Presbyterian Church and a past W.M. of Morning- star Lodge, A. F. & A. M. KIPPEN Mrs. R. Dinsdale is visit' ing her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor, of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. H. Damm and Ken- neth visited recently with the form- er's son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Damara in Kitchener. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney were: Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Ford, Mrs. Lorne Ford, Jack aod Jill, -of Detrolt; Mr. and. Mrs, Fred Kading, Grand Bend, arid Mr. and Mrs. E. Horney, of Ridgeway, and Mrs. W. Motz, of Crediton. The many friends of Mrs. James Jarrott will be sorry to learn she is seriously ill at her home following a fall last week. She is being attend- ed to by 'her sister, Mrs. A. Horney, of Hensall. Mr, and Mrs. A. Gackstetter spent the week -end with friends iii Guelph. Mrs. G. Gauld, of Guelph, is visit- ing Mr. H. Ivison and Jean. Miss Patsy and Master Terry Tay- . lor, who have been visiting their grandmother, Mrs. R. Dinsdale, re- turned to their -home in Stratford on Saturday. Mr. and Mra. R. Dorrance, Margar- et and Harry, of Porter's Hill, visit- ed on Sunday_with Mr. H. Ivison and Jean. Mr., and Mrs. E. Smith, who haves spent the peat cOuple of weeks4th the latter's parents, retUrned te their home in Guelph on ,StiiidaY. • nie July meeting of the- Rippen East W. 1. was held at .the Witte ef Mrs. S. Sinclair on Tuesday ofo, tRIS week. Thairieeting 044 '40t4 06' opening Ode..ttesi b dliureir 111 WiidW4OT610katt. ;)sst the 1.104*a*',4Citaii0041140 eft Me0.k.aifk, 001:14i:AUW,A, . atl 4deitt,,' 119704 .7' a,' .ki.Rk. 04 040 04.44: $0901,' 41t0p. tb,s/conmtirOV.11 IVI4zgatOt41toRaY>. biat(Prif4 reaeareti Cove the laistoyy.,0 V8- raoadville 'tGliurch, Which Wan nintit interesting,•' The paper Wilt be, Rent to the University et Western to be inebided in "The Tweedainuir. Village Hietery" collection. Splendid reports, *ere given en the mlilual wax Werk, Mr. T. N. Forsyth gave a paper on4eS.S. No. 2 in which he bad tangAt for 20 years. He paid a fitting tribute to Mr. Robb, Inspector of Schools, He said he was a trie friend and # faithful one and a prince of a man. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot fav- ored with. two instrumentals, and Mrs. Hugh McGregor gave a talk on an eld-faohioned apple -paring bee, and _her remarks were tilled with ready wit and humour, and was a delight to all' present. The grandmothers were honored by each .receiving a bouquet of -roses. A musical contest was conducted by Mrs. J. A. McGre- gor and Mies Betty Moore. A vote of thanks was •tendered the hostess and the meeting closed with a dainty lunch after all enjoyed a profitable meeting. The next meeting will be, at the home of Mrs. Hugh McGregor and Mrs. J. McLellan on the third Wednesday of August. There will be application preach- ing for a call in St. Andrew's United Church on July 22nd and July 29th. On the following Friday evening there will be a congregational meeting and a full attendance is requested. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalrymple visited their daughters, Mrs. Frank Kenny and Miss Kate Dalrymple in London recently. 'U2 HENSALL Mr. Charles Jinks, popular mail 'courier of R.R. 1, Hensall, is confin- ed to his home with illness. Mr. Jinks' many friends trust he -ill soon be restored to health and be able to re- sume his duties. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Neil, Doreen and Ronald, of London, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Pfaff. Misses Maybelle and Dorothy Mc- Clinchey, of Seaforth, are spending *44. &e t1 • 0#"',44*3:4'"' Aiig aailIf:e4g*',1 g!4.044.11. hnt ev. W. Weir, Mriti Weir and Fred - .die of Hespoler, were Wee)k-entl. 44044 'wittf,,Nr, 4#0, 11irs. James 4. Ptitersim, • , - - Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Pell, of Hen- sall, a recent bridal coaple, were hon- ored at a recentiOrt held for them On Fride,Y evening last in the Town Hall, which was packed te,caPacity for the event. Mr. and Mrs. Bell were pre- sented with a lovely dining -room suite, Howard.Hycle doing the hon- ors. Music for the die was furnish- ed by Nelson Howe and orchestra of Cromarty- Ed. Corbett was floor manager. Members of the Arnold 'Circle and 'guests numbering forty, enjoyed a delightful picnic Wednesday after- nooh last on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell, Highway No. 4. A delicious picnic supper was served and sports were directed by Mrs. L, Baynham and Mrs. W. Dalrymple. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Noakes, Brian and Raymond are getting nicely set- tled in their home on Highway No. 4, south' of Hensall. ' Hurotidale*school picnic was held on the school grounds with a large attendance. Sport, were directed by Rowcliff'e, of Hensall, and Har- ry Strang. Plans were made to have •the names of the boys who have en- listed from Hurondale school added to the present war memorial which stands on the school grounds, and a committee appointed, consisting of Elgin Rowcliffe, Harry Strang (sec- retary), Andrew Dougall, Alvin Wurm, Wm. Sims, Gordon Oke, Rufus Kestle, 'Archie Etherington and Ed- gar Cudmore. As this was the an- nual meetingof the Hurondale com- munity group, the following officers were elected: President, Archie Eth- erington; s'ecretaryetreaStrer, Harvey Hyde.* A Dutch auction was held and after *expenses were 'Raid $10 was voted to be forwarded to Queen Alex- andria Sanatorium. Mr. and Mrs. William Reynolds, a recent bridal couple, were preseuted with an occa- sional chair and table, the presenta- tion being made by Harry Strang:* ; . :10144' , ,f04,34. vtl$0n :v4 14; 4400 fPfggte:017 44 •Mitfo'f41 '0:00M anent AO lAtaiaotpiva Sarviga. offiVe. Worldag cruder Departuseut Voteraus' Affairs 'au,d te Pent' of Labor, he 'WM serve a,tyn, counsel, tor to 41gervice perfionnel, Me. Moore is a veteran cif -two t8ll'eat He was was born and reared in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drysdale spent the weekend tbe guests of Mrs. Dale Richardson and little daughter, Bar- bara, of Stnathroi. The annual Young reimion. w be held at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs, John Young, of Lakeside, on Sunday, July 22nd. Members and guests will be present from London, Hensall and Harrington. Attending from Hensall ,will be Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goody/Lin, Miss Mary Goodwin, and Mrs. Maolkinson. Mrs. Jaek Williams and little son, Michael, of Kitchener, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drys - dare. Mrs. D. H, Peacock and little son, Terry, of Sydney, are visiting with Mrs. Peacock's mother, Mrs. Grace Harpole. The trip was made by plane. Arnold Circle Holds Picnic ,The Arnold Circle of -Carmel Pres- byterian Church held 'a Picnic at the home of Mrs. Roy Bell. A Picnic supper with the tables, set on the lawn, was enjoyed by the members and friends, followed by contests and races. 'The three-legged race was won by Mrs. George Moir and Violet Hyde. The back-to-back race was won by Mrs. George Moir and Mrs. Charles Forrest; kick the slipper race by Mrs. Melvin Moir; straight run- ning race by Mrs. Roy Bell; hoop red lay race by Mrs. Kerslake's team; prize for the most graceful walker, Mrs. 3. McEwen; soda biscuit eating contest, Mrs. Kerslake. Softball was then played until dark. Mrs. E. J. ,Dinnin, who has been a guest.of. Mr.. and Mrs. John Bolton, has .returned to her home in Sea - forth. Mr. and Mrs. John Drake and daughter, Margaret, of Staffa, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bolton. Trassei Fitted at Micidletores DRUG STORE MENSAL". PHONE tkl If you're RUPTURED you need a truss. NOTICE We, The Huron Farm- ers Co-operative Co. Ltd., Hensall, Ont., have recently appointed Mr. John Ingram as Co-op- erative Shipper for this district Anyone interested in shipping Cattle, Calve:nor Sheep, please call HENSALL, 83-43, and ar- range.fo.have a txuck eallfoa'it. R. J. CoOPER, INANAGeR * Rationing' they-"ght 'scc"c` . ." ,,aet•-s„ygar Without • ht 06+ almight (-4SSurelr)'aioning, far!"!!s. mig l lers . • „fclY Oar€' �f foods' • ''rieea;. not get sugar o butter• • but n •, $ Rationing i• 0 Ration uffinelit RATION Bot• fir • t....oltecting and turning inthe:coupori - cquired a§ainsi. the use and sole of butter and sdie of honey .and rationed maple By Writing to the Local ,Ration Boards for datio,fbrm RB -77 as SOON os :they 'know' definitely that transient labour . rations' • will be needed to feed extra help hired for periods of less than two weeks. Rationing is not intended to add unnecetarily to -the burden of Canadian farmers who, faced with shortages of labour, moiterial and machinery, have continUed fa' respond to repeated calls for greater production. It is a protection against waste shortaties ..'s';1';' inflation. THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD of - 4 -s a