HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-05-25, Page 4OW NV Cailt Rates: „d„ •••Pcm4F4It Events* Etti**-V4Sle NEOrdif ! . . NI. • 4,4•*••44..*** ,, • ,, *„•••* ,fk 1 ..• %ewe Sol Niere 4 .•t: • , .1 Cent 3104034P1,744,74 4;4 ipaertion,4 24 ai epet4 cenpA memeriste pea Werd. Minimurg, 50 cents Per 'we*, ,tro-,* directed to ,BoNuMber. cia The Numn Upoeitor, for 10 /cents warn. Addlifinal per 'week -win be charged -if ads ebaire class ere not paid by the 'night in the wee,k in vilviel? the aa wan nat. *lisps and Deaths inserted tree 94 olmrge, 0. -",-reales. Notices to Creditors. Etc".*,-Canics on sAlgientlem• •, Help Wanted WANTEIS—DINING ROOM GIRL .444 upstairs girl. Full time croPlosment- / ea *ages. Apply 430M13ERCIAL noTEL. 'Seaferth.- , 4941 ,-• ..PIT1D—A 0APABL3 rp,L. Wt • WO- nan for general housework; full er Part time. Apply to Box 424, HURON EX - 1;o1. 4039-t Lost and Found LTND—A BAG OF OAT CHOP ON „Ggclerieh Street West, Apply to E. C. BOWL, Dominion Bank, Seaforth. 4041-1 Personals FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS—ALL ,,FUL- ler Brush prodnOtS in stock. Send orders to Clinton to MISS WINNIFED O'NEILL. Phone 75-J, Clinton. , 4041x4 SUFFERING FRCiM. .BACKACHES, RHETI- mate Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is neat necessary. Use RUIVIAOAPS at once for quick rIief. KEATING'S DRUG STORE. For Sale vtOR SALE -40 STOOlcr•RS, ABOUT 400 OR •`• 500 pounds. CHARLES BEDARD, Zurich. Phone 95 r 15. Zerieh. 4041x1 PLANTS FOR SALE—LARGE VARIETY of vegetable and flower plans as usual. Orke block east of hospital. A. L. PORTEOUS, West Street. 404114 PLANTS FOR SALE — HEAD LETTUCE, early tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, Spanish onions and a quantity of No: 1 Dutch sets. BAKER'S; Railway Street. 4041x1 FOR SALE -5,000 USED BRICK, CLEAN - ed.' Apply W. J. DUNOAN stun FACTORY. Seaforth. 4041x1 T1OR SALE—A NUMBER OF CATTLE • suitable for beef ring or butcher purees - es. Phone- 36 r 13, Dublin. GEORGE KRAIJSKOPF, Dublin. 4040-2 In Memoriam TF YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED, WRITE " Box 3543, Juliaetta, Idaho. Send stamp. 4021 -if ASTHMA SIJFFERERS ENJOY GOOD "4- night's sleep without coughing, choking. Mr. Wm. Pearson, Seaforth, says: "I am so thankful td you. for your asthma remedy that I would Jace, all People who suffer from asthma to know what it did for me. I suf- fered for years from choking, difficult breath- ing • and distress of asthma and no remedy helped °me to any extent, but you'r remedy touched the spot at onoe and gave me not only quick relief, but I am 'now free from' all syraptcans. A few month's treatment did " For free information write F. L gOWEY, 144 Catherine Street South, Ilarnil- , 4028-14 Farms For Sale P.ELM FOR SALE OR EXCIIANGE-100 acm, near ,Walton. Frame house, barn on stone foundation, gement floors, water in stable, drilled well, windmill, implement house, garage. Maintains large stock con- tinuously. Larger farm preferred, or house in city or. town. LESTER REGA_N, R.R. 2. Blyth. Ont, 4041x8 'ARM FOR SALE—FIVE MILES SOUTH of Seaforth. and one mile east, Lot 7, Concession 8, Tuckersrnith. One mile from school. Large bank barn,, brick house, hen house and pig pen. Drained. Plenty of water. Twelve acres fall wheat; 35 acres spring crop : balance in grass. Possession given immediately. Apply to 5. W. FREE. Seaforth_ 4035-tf VARIVI FOR SALE -100 -ACRE. FARM; '70 •L acres cleared. All tile drained; five acres bush. Has been grassed for past Yew years. Two never -failing wells. Apply at TEE .EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 4030-243 TN LOVING MEMORY OF MRS, THOMAS Robinson, who passed on to that fuller life May 2S, 1943. She is not dead, the one we loved so dearlY. But gone _before us to that blessed place, Where he shall see her Saviour much More "-clearly, ' To gaze forever on His blessedface. She is no dead, 0 no 1 She lives forever In realms where sin and sorrow never come, Waiting and watching at the golden portals, To welcome us, her .loved ones, to that home. We miss her, 0' so much we miss her, • The loving touch, the gentle voice now still; The kindness of that gentle life unselfish, A gap is left which we can never fill. We'll meet her, 0 blest hope we'll meet her, In that fair land beyond death's narrow sea, And with her sing the praises of our Saviour, Throughout the ages of eternity. , Because I live, ye shall live also.—John 14.19. —Lovingly remembered by Husband and Daughters. 'Births '404:itivorr tio) weelkitti wIh Vt.p, nnd afld ,FOSter Raga* A alarming wedding was seleMelK ed nt Mount Varela Phurch when ilelen ireneR.oU daughter at Mr. and, Mrs. TOSePh ItoilleS, of Mount. Cannel, became the bride of RaT phons.e Foster,. recently returned from overseas,'. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Foster, of Hensel'. Tall standards of roses adorned the altar. The ceremony was performed by Father FfouLkes. The bridal mus- ic was played by Miss Hartman, the church organist, who also sang "Ave Marla." Given in marriage by her father, the lovely bride was gowned in floor -length brocaded satin with ahort train, bishop sleeves, and her floor -length veil was caught With or- ange blossoms. Her Wide' bouquet was carnations and roses. 'Mrs. M. bucharme, of iMout Carmel, was her sister's bridesmaid, gowned in orchid chiffon. over satin, floor -length, with shoulder -length veil in matching shade. Her flowers were carnations and snapdragons. Mr. M. Ducharme was groomsman. Following the cere- mony the wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents to the immediate relatives. The home decorations were in pink and white. The bridal table was centered with the wedding cake, and vases of sweet peas and pink tapers added much to the decorations. For their wedding trip to Kitchener, Toronto .and Nia- gara Falls, the bride wore a deep rose dress over which was worn a tweed coat and matching accessori Mr. and Mrs. Foster will reside in Mount Carmel. Attending from Hen- sall were Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso Fos- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foster and Billy, Blyth, and Miss Jean Foster, London. Ferris - Chambers St. Paul's, United Church, St. Cath- arines,' lovely with a floral back- ground of pink and white snapdra- gons, was the scene of a 'charming wedding when Adeen Irene Chambers, second daughter of Mt. and Mrs. Geo. Chambers, of St. Catharines, was united in marriage to Elvin Earl Fer- ris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ferris, of Simcoe. The bride, charming in floor -length' white sheer with lace laddice and yoke, lace glove, point with thager-tip veil, and carrying red roses, Was given in marriage by Ilea - father. The groom wore the King's uniform of the Armoured Corps. The bride's sister, Ermadell, gowned in pink satin, floor -length, shoulder - length veil and carrying an old:fash- ioned nosegay, was maid of honor. Marian' Hutchenson, cousin of the groom, frocked in blue net with shoulder -length veil and carrying an old-fashioned . nosegay, was brides- maid. Robert Gnenther, -of St. Wil- liams, was groomsman. The bride's mother received the guests wearing a •two-piece mauve suit with dark ac- cessories. For their wedding trip to points south, the bride wore a mauve suit with accessories .in white, ' Aunt Dies in California Mrs. R. J. Paterson, of Hensall, received word of the death of her aunt, Mrs. J. HOhl, whose death oc- DICK—At Mrs. Saundercocke Nursing Horne, I-Iensalk on Thursday. may 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dick, a s.on. McLEAN—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 20th, to IVIr. and Mrs. Norman Mo - Lean. Egmondville, a daughter. McLEOD—ln Scott Memorial Hospital„ on , May 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLeod, Tubleersmith, a 'daughter. PAPPLE—In Scott Memorial Hospital, ar• May 21st. tq Mr' and Mrs. William Fannie. ' Egmondville; a son, TAYLOR—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, Seaforth, a daughter. Tenders Wanted DRAINAGE. TENDERS I Township of McKillop EPARATE TENDERS FOR ilia. REPAIR ""--' of the following drains: (Ist) McCallum - Winthrop; estimate 13,900 cubic yards 'at $4,500,00; (2nd) Winthrop South, estimate 1,450 yards at $475.00, will be received by the undersigned until Friday, May 2345. when tenders will be opened at the Carnegie Lib- rary Hall, Settforth. Contraztor -to state when work will conunence.- Ten per cent. of the contract price to ac- company tenders. -Satisfactory bonds to be furnished. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accented, Plans and specifications may . be seen at the office of the Clerk,. Lot 27, Concession 2, MoKillop. •5. 35. ECKERT, Clerk, R. R. 1, Seaforth, Ont. 4040-2 , Cards of Thanks AND MRS. J.. L. nEvERE.AU1 -iv"- sire to thank their many friends, neigh - bora and societies for, the kind expressions of sympathy extended to them on the death of their son, Francis Devereaux, M , R. JOHN McCOWAN AND FAMILY wish, to express their sincere apprecia- tion of the sympathy; and kindness extended to them in their recent bereavement. Mns. HENRY C. ZAPFE AND FAMILY would like to express to the ,relatives and neighbors, their., sincere appreciation for the kind.ness, sympathy and beautiful, flowers received during their , recent bereavement; special thanks to Rev. Atkinson, entire con- gregation, community and distant friende who attended church services, -JHiLRY OTIA,RA, HELEN AND' Gerald wish to thank Father O'Drowski, their friends and • neighbors for the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended to them in their recent sad bereavement. Notices A PPLICATIONS WILL 'BE RECEIVED " for the position of Life Guard at Sea - forth Lions Park, for the' months of July. and August. State qualifications and salary expected. Apply to J. F. DALY, Chairman, Parks Committee. 4041x1 CIHILDREN OR ANYONE FOUND TR,ES- `-' Passing at Bell's Dam, west of Hensall, will be proeecuted.' STEWART BELL, Hen - salt Ont., 4041-1 TNVESTORS' I SEAFORTH SALT tries.—Ifyou have not received the return of year Investment, write immediately to W. BELDEN. Palmerston: 4041-2 IVOTIOP.,-42-WILLIAM RRADSHA3W• YOUR "-`14ratkin's dealer. and also agent for E. D. Smith & Son's fruit and ornamental nursery stock, Market Street, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 60. 9978-tf COLT 'T OF REVISION Fr& ITH TOWNSHIP COUNCIL "" will meet as a Court of Retision on the 11945 Assessment ROIL on Satarday, June 2nd, at 1 p.m, in the Town Hall, Sealorth. E. 'P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 4041-2 COURT OF REVISION ToWnship of McKillop 41411E MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Or lop igill meet as a Court of Revision on the assessment' roll di 1945, at Carnegie Lib- oitslaSeeferth, •en tposaey, Atm' ilth, at to tuabo •• M. EMMET Cleek. 4040-2 4, • , - • eagiyi. „Mar oft Itp.to-date ,h`tattty.• don( otto. • afft 4Streeto ' "" • , Marriages LITTLE - WILLIAMS—At Northside United Church Parsonage, Seaforth, on Saturday, May lOth, John Arthur Little to Pauline ,Marie Williams, Rev. H. V. ;Workman -of- . ficiating. HENSALL Another old-time barn dance will be held in the new barn of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slavin, 3 miles east of Hen- sall, on Friday, June lst, with CKNX Ranch Boys and Cora furnishing the music. There will be a lunch booth. Suffering, from Backaches, Rheu- matic Pain, Sciatfca„ Lumbago is not necessary. Use RUMACAPS at once for • quick relief. MIDDLETON'S DRUG STORE. • , (Continued from Page 1) favorite hymn, "In the Garden," was sung by Mrs. Maude ifedden'and'Miss Greta Lananie: Burialovas in ',Jensen Union 'Cemetery. The floral tributes were beautiful and Many, showing the high esteem in which, the deceased was held. The sympathy of the co'm- naunity is extended to Mr. Kipfer and. family •in -their sad and sudden be- reaverhent Mrs. Ed. Funk, who resides on Highway N. 4, south of Hensall; was taken in Bonthron's ambulance to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, is.st Thursday for an emergency op- eration, and is getting along nicely. Students of Hensall continuation .school motored to Exeter Friday eve- ning and enjoyed a theatre party at -Le,avett's theatre; followed by lurrch- eon at a restaurant. The evening was much enjo'Yed, The students were accompanied' by their principal, Mr. Morley Saunders. "Here Cones Charlie," a three -act play, will be presented in the Town Hall' on Wednesday evening, May 0th,' by the Tuesday Night Club of First Presbyterian Cheihh, Seaforth, sponsored by the Arnold Circle of Carmel Church. At the young people's annual con- vention, held in Auburn recently, Miss Ruth ,Hess was appointed 'Chris- tian Fellowship convener for Huron Presbytery. Attending this conven- tion were Rev. R. A, Brook, Miss Len- ore Norminton, Miss Ruth Hess, Miss Barbara Michie and Bill Nickles Mr. and. Mrs. John Richardson have moved into the home they purchased from Mr. Neil Sparks and are' getting nicely settled, Lieut. Vernon Spray, of Ipperwash, spent the week -end with his wife, who is visiting with her parents, Mr. and,IVIrs. E. Geiger. Miss Lenore Norminton was pleas- antly surprised recently when a num- ber of. her girl friends met at her home on the occasion of her birth day and presented her with a"pen and pencil set Lenore expects to leave this week to enlist with the Canadian Army Women's Corp. Students of the continuation school presented their play,4'Sunbon- net Jane of.. Sycamore Lane,' in the United Church, Centralia, on 1474(111es- def. evening, SPonsored by the young people of that church: ' Mr. T. Chutor, of, .London, spent the week -end ' with his wife and ' son, Wayhe. He was accompanied by his son, Unpaid., who is remaining in Lot - deli Until school closes. Mrs. Ohlitor recently opened un .gragort and VOA - hU y, •• noitTtt idktt0114 nitti fre* '71%05'M *tlit•lir• ' '0Oliiaitan':*naga curred at her home in Ontario, Cali- fornia. The former Margaret E. Wren, she was the youngest daugh- ter of the late -Mr. and Mrs. -George W Wrep, of Chiselhurst, near Hen- sel]. Surviving are one son, Nelson, Government Inspector of Buffalo, N. Y., and one daughter, Miss Gladys Hohl,' principal of the high school, Ontario, California. Funeral services were held from Bethel Congregation- al Church, Ontario, California, on Thursday, May lttlt, conducted by Rev. Charles ,L. Knight. Interment was in Bellevue cemetery. Mrs. Hohl, a native of this district, visited with her niece, Mrs. Paterson, and other relatives, every two years. Play Well Presented A threenct comedy drama, "Uncle, Josh Perkins." was Presented in the Town Hall, Hensel', on Friday, May 18th, by the young people of Eg- mondville United Church, sponsored by, Kippen East Women's Institute, with proeeed,s, for war ,charities. The play was well presented with comedy at its best. Mrs. Glenn MacLean, was in the chair. Numbers between acts consisted of piano solos by Miss Gladys Luker and vocal solos by Miss Audrey Walsh. In the cast were Miss Betty More, Miss Shirley Love; Miss Gladys Forbes, Miss Thelma Forbes,. Mrs. Anna Brown, Robert Wallace, Jack, and Bill Boyce, Douglas Love and Ross McLean. Mrs. A. W. Gard- iner ,directed the play, assisted by Mrs. John McGregor. Luncheon was served, by Kippen East W. I. ...... ,Dose Syringes • For dosing your stock. 4 -ounce size $1.75 Hypodermic Syringe 'For Serums, BacterinS, Etc. 19 C.C. Shipping Fever Serum 250 C.0 $3.50 White Scours Serum 100 C.C. , $3.00 Chicken Bacterin 250 C.C.' $2.75 KEEP YOUR, BARNS CLEAN - with our Black DiShdectant 16 ounces 35c :id4ieton' sittig utwtoku,,oftioNE,, go. Mitt 04edeatittytt . _ 4 Huron -Perth, Ontario Flt. Lt. Thomas Pryde FLT. LT. THOMAS PRYDE, of Exeter, who has served in two wars and whose four sons are in uniform, is the Progressive Con- servative candidate in Huron -Perth riding. With one, war's service td his credit, and at the age of 53, he enlisted in ,the R.C.A.F. at Toronto in ugust; 1941, and was posted to Toronto Re?iitig Centre.. He served .at Trenton, the London Recruiting 'Centre, and then:at Toronto where he was'aationed when he retired in March, 1944, with the rank of Flight Lieutenant. For two years he was ,in charge of the mobile recruiting unit, first in London and then in Toronto. In January, 1916, he enlisted' in the 135th Battalion (Middlesex Battalion) and served in France with the 60th and 87th Battalions, C.E.F. Transferring to the R.A.F. 'in 1918, he trained as an observer with a- R.N.A.S. unit for operations on anti-submarine patrol, but the Armistice was signed before he had an opportunity of going on operations. On his return from overseas after the first Great War, Flight Lieutenant Pryde purchas- ed ,a monument business in Exeter im cein- junction With Walter'Cunningham and car- ried on a successful partnership until 1940 when it was dissolved. In 1939 he acquired another business of the s4ine nature in'Sea- forth, and in J943 nother in Clinton. Active in municipal life, Flight -Lieutenant Pryde was Reeve of Exeter during 1935 and 1936 and a-,thember of the Huron County Council during that period. He has served about ten years as Secretary of the Exeter Cemetery Board and about 'ten years •on the, Public Utilities Cornmissitm. At one time or another be has serVed on every public body in Exeter. He ,was elected President of the Canadian Association of Memorial Craftsmen in 1928, and f9r a number of years was a member of the Executive. He Is a charter member, and second president of the Exeter-Hensall branch of the Canadian Legidn. - • A native of Scotland; he was born in Largoward, Fifeshire, October 26; 1888, the son of Thomas Pryde and Isabella Bruce. He was educated at Kirkcaldy, and was in the monument business in Scotland as' a monu- ment engraver. Coming to Canada in 1910, he lived in various Ontario towns and cities and the outbreak of the lirst Great War found him living in London. 'He and his wife, the former Jennie Bet - wick, of Yorkshire, England, have four sons, all in' uniform. Thomas Raymond, 32; John Bruce, 30; cranes Douglas, 19, are with the • .C.A.F.,- and Robert Bruce, 19, with the Canadian Navy. )191. ei..for • Fit. .1,,ita:VitorriasPrsrde b1Is1seit b the Proittsituttie Vatoottativa Party, Ottain. • ; . .• • 48 40. 44•:•• •,"11• • 74: • 4