HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-04-27, Page 8P".44,-, • Xt. • kie• Aft. d. Af 444 be. euitable to '044 John Street. asPr444VPreserties 0140 Hate 8Z REID ' 8: KE/13 Proprietor One,)4.4.'seafoi- 3.1PACIAL.O.ST4 AN ALL LINES OF JINSURANCE • The Second Division Court Obunty of Huron •armee in the D�minwn Bank Seaforth. OEMs hours; Tues- day. Thursday and Saturday. 1.30 p.m. to 5 n,m.: Saturday evening, '1730 to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk * GO *0000*0 lc> G. A. WHITNEY -0 Successor to '0 HOLMES & WHITNEY Funeral Service .0 Mara Street - Seaforth 0. AMBULANCE SERVICE '0' Adjustable hospital bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nuriierf Flowers. Telephone 119 ,Nights and Holidays 65 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 40 0 .0 0 0 0 000 .0. 0. 0 w. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ont. • 0 LICENSED EM EIALM ER a> AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR • 0 -Night ok Day Calls -335 0 <><> <> <> <> 0 <> e> ▪ <> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. A. BURKE • Funeral Service 0 DUBLIN : • ONT.. 0 Night or day calls; Phone 43 r 11 • 00000000' 00 SPENCE'S PRODUCE GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING' STATION Highest Cash Prices Paid For Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large Stock \of Modern 'Mem- • orials on Display.,at our SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS For the convenience of our patrons, office will be open on Tuesdays. Open by appoint- ment at any other time, See Dr. Ilarhurn next door. • Cunningham & Pryde Clinton Exeter Seaforth Phone 41 THE McKILLOP MUTUA FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y HEAD OFFICE SEAFORTH, ONT OFFICERS: W. R. Archibald, Seaforth - Pres P. McGregor, Clinton. - Vice -Pres 'Merton A. Reid; Seaforth - Manage and Secretary -Treasurer. - • DIRECTORS: ' Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J Trewartha; Clinton; Alex Broadfoot 3,-Seaforth; Alexander MeEwing BJ1, 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R.R 5, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, R.R. Walton; William R. Archibald, R.R 4, Seaforth; George Leitch, RR, 1 Clinton; John L. Malone, R.R. 5, Sea forth. AGENTS: Finlay McKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; E. Pepper, Brucefield; J. E. Prueter Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. You are inVited to inspect the .TmLonto:ro-NEAguRE • ' • SUITS AND, OVERCOATS ,POR ' LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IN 7 PRICE RANGES --2,50 to $42,00 SOLD ONLY OILLESPIES • .CLEANERS DYERS r*.•ertegtitalge i t.i?ititrO. hard. to *!! ,L ,,,. (),11 Viia0, 41,11111 21411 ot• Auttin, Qt, Igplupla- vat), in NK satb4 your, Mr., Martio tad beett10, his ilatlal 4040, '1114 t1,19, end- 0=0 suddenly to a[leng and eee .... ful lie. He Wata bona! MX Lot 21, Oen, A 2, Tacitersmitla and lived there until r " Ave years ago; ‘when he went to lira with his liiter and brother-in-law, • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLachlan, in Eg- 1. raontiville„ Izle was ,,a member of the Sono of Scotland and a faithful mem- • ber of First\ Presbyterian Church• Deceased ie survived by three sisters, Mrs. Hugh McLachlan and Mrs. Lew 1 Tebbutt, Egmondville, and Mrs. Wan. , LIM, Hamilton. Five sisters and two brothers predeceased him. The fun- eral was held from the residence of Mr. Hugh McLachlan on Monday, at 2 Pm., with Rev. R. H. Williams of- ficiating. The pallbearer§ were Messrs. C, Clemence, G. Coleman, Nelson Keys, Thomas Robinson, Jas. Carnochan and Samuel Whitmore, The flower bearers were Messrs. Clay- ton G. Martin, William McLachlan, William -McKenzie and Kenneth Mc- Kenzie. Interment -was, Made in Maitlaxidbank cemetery. — Auxiliary Holds Thankoffering— b In First Presbyterian Church, Tues- day, April 24th, the Senior Auxiliary ) held its Easter thankoffering meet- ) ing. Mrs. W. Freeman presided. In ) the absence of Mies Baliantyne, the Minutes of the previous nleeting were > read by Mrs. Jas. Kerr. The treas- urer, Mrs. J. C. Greig, reported a satisfactory accounting of finances uP. > to date. The Scripture le,s§on, Rom- ans 10:1-15, was read by Mrs. Chas. > Aberhart. Mrs. Jas. Kerr offered an > inspiring prayer. Mrs. McWilliams, > of Cromarty, was the guest speaker, > .. > , > > , * • ! . . . Listen,to > HURON COUNTY VICTORY LOAN NEWS . , . > am. -CKNX-- ,‘ : Every Day . * . APRIL 23rd to MAY 12th . • -at 12.20 p.m. 7 HURON COUNTY ,. 'NATIONAL - WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE • FOR SALE • MODERN BUNGALOW—Jarvis St. A good biopic. - , , MODERN HOUSE—John St., with garage. Good location. Prompt pos- ! seasion. . BRICK HOUSE—Market St. Good investment. Prompt possession. MODERN HOUSE — Egmoadville. r Garage; 14 acre land. A real buy. Immediate possession. 50 ACRES — Mae good pasture farm; 3 miles from Seaforth on High- way. Prompt possession. -NUMBER OF OTHER PROPERTIES LISTED ". E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE .?,.. REAL ESTATE , Seaforth, One P ones l 334 Office: Res. 220 , . f WIN A TOURISTS' _ . , LODGE • . $ 13,000 TOURISTS' LODGE, a 1942 CHEVROLET SEDAN. 73 other prizes. 75 prize total- . ling $20,040 or the equivalent in Victory Bonds. Mail this "atL" with ONE DOL- • LAR subscription to "The Kam/o6ps Mem- orial Recreational Staety," 359 Victoria Street, KamlooPs. B.C. • Proceeds to be used to erect a Recreational • Centre for our returning Veterans and the citizens of this district. Date of drawing • to be announced in the press. Don't delay ! Act now! 287-45 . , • STARTED CHICKS. 8. C. WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS • Pennsylvanian Sjate Strain ' from one week to IV weeks old These Chicks are disease free and due to high hatchability are priced reasonably for quick • sale, ' Glazier's Poultry Farm ' CLINTON, ONTARIO , • 5X and 3X SHINGLES Electric Fencers - Fence Wire - ,Cedar and Steel Fence 'Posts - Gates Grass Seed - Seed Corn Garden Seeds - Fer,tijizer Ceresan. CO - OP FEEDS dhickstarter. • Plastorter 'Grciwrnash Hog Grower Layirrash • So* Ration Natehrriash ' Dairy Ration WESTERN ,GRAIN AND CHOP! • Anna' 'Minerals and ildninii kednbed Iron, Rot Wheat _ilerni '011 , trnivereal Milkere and, POet0 A ' 40414'. 'O., 0.• .0.P.qs;' '`.'gb4±i'''*R.0 4 tA0001401.040,t4o31014 .11,4SP i'VhaSer 0 st ' 4.140.s. qoor144.1, i,foo,'•,110.,nQt e'( but is AIM.' itIeWilliams hroUglit an ',inetrantiVgi '1' ''''-', ',•',,;, 4terPketatian of 14er' 401>JeOtr tile ":. • ' E,MCT'', 5Illt, *ttlaAa and aNci*..`:, WS- .Jolus. PItWT A;, UOMillan Moved a vete of 0404; which was seconded by We, Jr: 4, taneil enje,yed. 'voe41 gale, , "1,4fe's lovely Things,", was given b r'w•Ae , , '17;1:1! rg!f1010114:1Y1114,, Mrs. -J, A. Mun,n, accompanied Phtirm. „ • Mrs. J. a Keating, the pianist for the afternoon. The collectors were 'VIM T. S. -Smith and Mrs. H. Stew- art, the dedicatory prayer being giv- en by ]re. Robt. Govenlock. The closing PraYer was given by —Mrs' Freemai..- Afternoon tea was served by the soba committee when a so- cial half-hour enjOyed. There will be a joint meeting of the Senior and) Barbara Kirkman Auxiliaries in May. Churches First Presbyterian Church. -10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Public Wor- ship, Matthew 16:18; 7 p.rn, Public Worship, Special.eervice for the C.G. LT. The minister will preach. Thurs- day evening at 3, the Midweek Ser- vice. • Northside United"' Church.—Rev, B. V. Workman, Minister; 10 am., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., "The Achieve- ment of the Good 'Life"; 7 p.m., "Climbing Jacob's Ladder." Thurs- day, 7.45 p.m., Prayer Service. Wel- come to these services. Anglican.—April 29th Fourth Sun- day after Easter. St. Thonlas', Sea - forth -10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer and Sermon; 2 p.m., Girls' Bible Class; 7 p.m., Even- ing Prayer and Sermon. St Mary's, Dublin —2 30 p m, Sun- day School; 3 Church Service and Sermon—The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, )3.A., at all services. Iss bled in Calumet. — The Calurnet Mining Gazette makes the following reference to the death of a former Seaforth resident': "Mrs. Martha -Lowery Hdcking,' 73, • well, known Laurium resident, died Saturday eve- ning at the home of her son, Ruther- ford Lowery, 420 Tamarack Street, af- , ter a week's illness. Born in Sea - forth, Ont., Canada, she Came to. the Caluiget-Laurium district 'in 1900, and • made her home' here since! She was e devout member of the First Pres- byterian Church, Calumet, of Stella Rebekah Lodge, No. 206, Calumet, and of the Calumet Review, No. 78, W.B. A. Surviving are her son, Ruther- ford; four grandchildren, AC. Russell Loivery, Big Spring, Texas, Helen at home, Mary Jane and Martha Jean Effist of Coleraine, ,Minn., • and a .great-grandchild, Helen Ann Lowery, of Detroit. She also leavethe fol- lowing step -children, Mrs. Tom Mat- thews, Calumet; Mrs. Richard Rowe, Hancock; Roy Hocking, Detroit; 'Mrs. - John Hutchins, Harry and, Leslie Hocking, all Of Lansing. ,'Funeral services were held -Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the home of her son, Rutherford, the Rev. Vern Swartsfager Burial was in Lakeview ceinetery.7 • Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meets. —The April meeting of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presby- terian Church was held on Tuesday evening. The president,- Mrs. W. A. Wright,' conducted the meeting, while Mrs. R. M. Campbell, ,cenvener ,of the 'group in charge for the evening, condueted the devotional part. The Scripture lesson was taken by Mrs. J. E. Daley and the Glad. Tidings Prayer by Miss M. Laidlaw and, Mrs. L. Hemberger gave the evening medi- tation. A chorus by members of Mrs. Campbell'e group sang very ac- cePtably, "God Will Take Care Of You." The offering was received by Mrs. J. W. Free and Mrs; J. E. Willis. The, topic, the third, chapter of the study book, "Christian .Literature the Gate of- Preedom,"Yentitled ''The En- tering. of the Gate," was taken by Miss S. J. McLean, This chapter told of teaching the illiterate, of Russia, Africa and India to read and write. The work as undertaken by govern- ments and missionaries, t,he great eeed, of good 'literature for these coun- tries and the response of the° people to these efforts was all interesting to the audience. The May meeting will be a joint one with the Women's Mis- sionary Society, at which reports of the annual convention will be given by the delegates., , LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr, and Mrs. ,Clarence Trott and daughter spent the week -end in Dub- lin at the home of Mrs, Trott's mother, Mrs. L. J. Looby. It was the occasion of the homecoming of her brother, Mr•Clayton. Looby, who has been„. a, despatch rider overseas for the past three years. • Mrs. John McDonald, of Wind- sor, has been the guest of Mrs: Jas. Devereaux for the past week. • • Mrs. Lloyd Hoggarth attended the convention,of the Bell Telephone Company in London this week. ' • Mr. Fred ,Faulkneje of Detroit, was the guest ',of his tnOther, Mrs. P. Faulkner, and sisters, Misses Lil- lian and Loretta Faulkner, over the week -end. • Mr. Percy Hoag, of Hamilton, visited his mother, Mrs. W. D. Hoag, • Mrs. E. A. McMaster and son, Paul, and daughter, Miss Karen. Kidd, were in London over the week -end visiting the former's parents, 1r, and Mrs. Alex Hay. • Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Martin, Kitchener, were here on Monday at- tending thn- funeral of Mr. Martin's; uncle, the late John T. Martin. • Mr. and Mrts. Warren Anent tad family, of Detroit, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mts. Vr1. Airtime. • Miss Lois *Gavin, daughter Of -Mr. and Mrs. Alex MCGsAiin, of Strat- ford, and Miss Helen ivioliat, datzgh= ter of Mr.andMrs. Peter B. Moffat, Seaforth, Were among the large elites of graduates at Vietoria Hospital on Friday, April 20th. - "II Cpl. andMrs, H. Whittaker )!ettlrn,- ed last vo.4 etc tear,,,r(sionto and ; Eta, tact, whitidlid 140 jtlet yeturn., ed *Om oVelleitte 'after Apendiag AV.p And 1f nee, likelgittOy Aland' Aga AntlAnd..,' • • Mr iL , tn4i8sioN—.4.6; cEnts • 'rize will Oen at McEindsees Dru.g. 4,0tOrevon Friday, 27t1i-,'gt at*•'1- 'Spent tleCweek-end at the home of • his slateriss Josephine)!idge. Mise Edge, wlefr--XO•bad been visiting in Port • Nelson. and Toronto, returned here with • Mr. and Mrs. T. McAdam, of Stratford, were visitol's in town last week. • Mr. M. Sanderson, Listowel, and daughter, Miss Ruby Sanderson, of Stratford, were week -end • guests Of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Campbell. • Lieut.,' Helen McKercher, of St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, was a week -end visitor with her - parents, . Mr. .and Mrs. Finley McKercher, in McKillop. • Mr. hie C. Millilten, of Millbank, and Pte. .Roger Milliken, of timer - watch, were guests at their homes, over the week -end. • Mr, and Mrs. Roy Beaton, : Motion Pictures S..- S. No. 2, McKillop MONDAY, APRIL 30 • at 2.30 p.m. IN THE EVENING St. Columban Parish . Hall s at 8.30 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME” Admission Free McKILLOP FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE Big Party in Dublin Parish Hall FRIDAY NIGHT MAY 4th Ryan and McQuaid Orchestra OLD -&---NEW TIME DANCING •'AND CARDS -- Free ,Luneb — Proceeds fornew roof oriehurch sheds. EV PODY WELCOME SHED COMMITTEE, r. H. IL -Savage WELL KNOWN RADIO MIN- ISTER OF PONTIAC, MIW., , will be at the DashwoOd,‘Evangelical Church --- on— FRIDAY, MAY 4th at 8 p.m. , Under th.e auspices of the Dash: wood Evangelical Church -7 Sun- day School. REV. J. S. BURN - Pastor T. H. HOFFMAN - - Supt. Buy Flags Now 0 -Stores will close as soon as Victory Day is annodriced. Be prepared to — FLY 'A FLAG - Bea t t ie Bros. C. C. F. • Noinination • Convention Spealtet : JOE NOSEWORTHY M.P. fors„Sottth York liensall 160,1i Vall Iwo rm 80 to,yot ;05,A 0-(1 oi AVOA 59a*Alla Wee „ 104,;»j 130di*,45e0.;;W,,e, avp;,0, X4q§, • po; dro,*E.1,4,,*4:ivootto411,v.4 who 4aeet been Steggned t MOuttteirt View, heen.ltraUSferrea to. Tau; Vouver, • Atri'• sii•cl1VIre;aetit Sproat 'Mr WAlter., Sarry, • 04.• V•r9StOn, 'Taoz and three daughters, of. Detreit, were week -end guests at the-- honte of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproat. • Mrs. J. R. Stewart, of Hensel, and Mr. aad Mrs. John Sholdice, of LOndoe, were week -end guests et the. home of Mrs. Thomas Elder. . • 'Mr. and Mrs. Stevfart Hatcher and daughter, Muriel, of Hamilton, Were guests of Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. • Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Moffat were in London on Friday last attending the graduation exercises at Victoria' Hospital, at which their. daughter,: Miss Helen Moffat, was a graduate. • Sgt: Walker Hart has been *morel:41y *charged •ftoni the Cana- dian4rtny after having spent five. years--* the service.' -He is nove iUnghs.rnother: Mrs. Margaret Hart. re. Ruby Crowell, while visiting at the home ot her slaughter, Mrs., G: •Hulliett, in Toronto, had the misfor- tune to fall and fractpre a bone. in her left foot, She will be confined to' to her ,horne for some time. • Mrs. Norman Stanlake, of Hen- sall, spent the week -end with Miss Margaret E. Grieve.• • hire. D. 11, Wilson has returned after spending a week with her par- erts in Detroit: • Mrs: L. C. Jackson, who spent the winter with her daughter in Belle- ville, has returned home. • Mr. Herald Lawrence, of McKil- lop, has purchased the Wm. Oke resi- dence on Goderich Street West, film Dr. E. A. McMaster'. • Mrs. Earl Bell has returned from Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Broadfoot and son, of Bertonville, wefe week -end guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tyndall, inTuok- ersmith. • Fit.; Lieut. and Mrs. Hinton and children, of Acton, are the guests of Mrs. L. C. Jackson a'. ic • . BRUCEFIELD The April meeting of the W.A. as held, in the church basement on Tues- day, April 3rd. There was a fair at- tendance and the roll call was an- swered by a "Thought for Easter," The minutes were read by the secre- taity, Mrs. W. ,Scott. Mrs, Haugh took the devotional and the president, Miss McDonald, 'cOnducted the meet- ing. The usual business was attend- ed -to and it was decided' to invite two neighboring groups, theaStanley Club and the Tuckersinith ladies, to be guests at the annualvisitors' day in May., The roll call for the May meet- ing will be, ,."Something About Mother's Day." , • Mrs. E. Elliott Dies After Long,Illnes§, 'Mrs. Eva Rebecca Elliott, wife .of James Wellington ,Elliott, of Bruce - field, passed' away in her 61st year an Friday, April:20th, at her residence on -their farm at Brucefield. Mrs. Elliott had been in failing health for about ,four years. She was a 'daugh- ter of the late John -Reid and Eliza 'Campbell Reid, of Stanley Township, near Varna, She was .married to James Wellingtop Elliott DecembeE 6th, 1906, and lived a few years on their tarm on the Goshen Lind, Stanley Township.e Selling their farm they moved to their' preseeit home at brucefield in 1918, where-- she has since resided. The deceased was, an activelnember,of the Brucefield Unit - 'ed Church, also a member of the Wo- men's Association. She leaves to mourn the Ions of a loving and kind wife and mother her husband, J. Wel- lington Elliott; three daughters, Kath- leen (Reg.N.), Marie and Beth (Mrs. T. A. Dutton), and Gordon, all of Brucefield; also, two sisters and three brothers: Mary, of Bayfield; Ida, twin ,sister (Mrs. Brice Menery), of De- troit; Robert Reid, Stanley Town- ship; W. E. Reid, Wienipeg, and Geo, Reicl. of Flaxcomb, Sask, Predeceas- ed are one sister Annie, and'"two brothers, J. H, Reid and John Reid. The beautiful floral gifts and the great number of friends who called to extend their sympathy was indeed a tribute to the high esteem in which' Mrs. Ellicitt was held. Some- 250 friends who called had signed the register. A private service was held at the house and funeral services at the church. These services 'were.con ducted by her beved pastor, 0, F. N. Atkinson, Inte'rment was made in Baird's. cemetery. Pallbearers were neighbors: John Cairns, Hugh Berry John Wright, Ross Scott, Harry Zapfe and Joseph Richardson. Plowerbear- ers were Fred .Rathwell, Clayton El liott, Victor Taylor, John Cornish, Herbert. Stephenson and Lyle Hill. Friends came from Oakville, Detroit, London, Hensall, Clinton and Sea forth: — A PLAY "Uncle Josh Perkins" •• - will be presented in Walton. Community Hall •WEDNESDAY, MAY,. 2nd Unar the: auspices of the W. A. of buff's United Church 0, THE CAST Joshua. Perkins„ Susan Galloway. Elsie Todd - . . Ebenezer Randall Seth'Higgitts Martha 8tuithol: Warren 'Rage ' Ross Lawless Florence WilliaraSdn .......... 1.ttts8ersbli' iii li .... gie • 1.4 -7«,,se rag, :100, y.... 1144 rCol,iett. teOhotieJoiX. ; Alvin llitnnbtalt ..106,1tti1 -• • • - -•' ik . . d ......„ • ,40,40-4Y, - - • • • .. 471:94";' •.‘ • itIgaptp (3,10.Rxig, romantic innaieal -.MONDAY, • TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY .• 049irry wo0t,.4ey JUNE HAVER "Iiiiii:,Are Smiling?! , Eyes Emerald melodies that have always topped the lilt parade. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY , SHARYN MOFFETT Jit "My'Pal Wolf" A, stirring drama that punka at the heart and mists the NOTICE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH . It was decided by the Board to direct all citi- zens that all lots and premises must be put in a sanitary condition by the removal of all decayed vegetable matters, iefuse,‘ tins, ashes and other . objectionable' or harmful materials, by May -‘1st -of each year, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Health Act. • Also in accordance with this Act, Section 14, it is necessary to have the approval in writing of the M.O.H. before any privy vault, cess pool, septic tank or receiver may be established, and according to Section 13, it is not lawful to use any old -well as a privy, privy vault or cess pool. HURON PERTH Progressive Conservative Association • Broadcasts will be given,over Radio Station CKNX,- Wingham, in the interests' of the candidate: in the above Riding • -Fit. Lieut,Onant, Thomas Ptycle, on the following date and hour indicated: Friday, 7.15 to 7.20 P.m. Pril 27th The electors of the Riding are invited to listen to this broadcast, as .it will be brief and an effort will be made to present the platform nd policies of the party by,tFe candidate and others on his behalf. Please retain this advekisement for reference. J. W. MORLEY,• CLARK FISHER, President. Secretary. ' • Nif•-- Friday, April 27th front 1 p.m. to 8 p.m, Commercial Hotel SEAFORTH NEW IOW PRICIS Ores imperb ;inseam Tabs Modals - start at Complete SA% a 89.50 stoitt Ear -Mold or Sons Receiver Here is your chance to consult, ab- solutely free, a trained and expe- rienced better bearing specialist. In announcing tbreiesuperb vacuum tube models at new low priceb. Acousticon is Making hearing aid , history, Come in and prove to 3iour-, self bow much your hearing of home and business CONVERSATION can be restored with the great new Punnet Acousticon. ' ACOUSTICON W. S. 1-9ADMVIOND, bEALER 214 Royal Bank " London, Ontario Introducing the,Great New ACOUSTICO.N Conversation Hearing Aid Based on U. 8, Gov't Findings - DE D. -0 r A,'IL-S DISABLED ,Quiekly rentoved in Mean Sanitary truck& Phone colieet. -,g19 MITCHELL *am tone &me Limited e. 4 ; 4 4 4 1 is Si •., • .••••.4.•