HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-04-20, Page 8,.0 'mac, •%:P;,•3y,, r�sr ..'"•-,T.,'".,�.,,c, ,-..,,,.r:.'..vm •i1Za IN aLk, ONES N:sV 1*;ticE. roti SALE lute dmr,014 ,an 1 r *`.141 latlti .,nuit * a �ifcllins' on John Street, ,?bt9 Seetnertles; also listed, t8 7-0 i,A•TSON .S REID M .:A,. REID - Proprietor AO; 21,4: Seaforth Ei JAI -is -TS mt ALL LINES OF $N$URANCE The Second Division Court County of Huron Qt*ce in the Dknninion Bank Build - in¢, <:Seaforth. QAee hours: Tues - dor. hnxsday •and Saturday, 1.80 reo. to 5 pan.: Saturday evening, 7.80 10-1010-102.-. to 9 E.' C. CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk • g0G4 ;?00000000 O 0 '0 G. A. WHITNEY 4 Successor to O o Haulms & WHITNEY 0 O O Funeral Service 0, -Main Street - Seaforth 0 •0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital ' bed for 0 'Orent. 0 0 Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 O Flowers. 0 O , Telephone 119 ¢ 0 0 Nights and Holidays ,65 ' O O 0 000000000000 ,000000000000 J. CLEARY o O Seaforth, Ont. 0 0, LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR O 4 Night 4r Day Calls -885 0 00000000004/100„ 0 0 0 0 0 0 4a0 0.4 0 0 G O� J- A. BURKE .-pEmetui Service -- 4 O Night or da Pk .,. 4 y' calls, one 3 r If _0 ) 0 0 0* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPENCE'S PRODUCE GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices Paid For Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth CEMETERY - MEMORIALS Large Stock of Modern Mem- oriais"on' ,Display at our SEAFORTH. SHOWROOMS For the donvenienee of our patrons„ office will be open on', Tuesdays. `Open by appoint- ment at any other time. See Dr,, Harburn .next door, Cunningham '& Pryde Clinton Exeter Seaforth • ;Phone 41 'IHE McKILLQQE� iVUUTUAL *AN FIRE INS CE CO'Y. 44EAD `OFFICE. SEAFORTH, ONT. : d'FiCERS: W. R..Archibald, Seaforth - Pres. I'. McGregor ;Clinton - Vice -Pres. Merton A Reid, Seaferth -• Manager ^ end Secretary Treasurer. • :DIRECTORS: Chris. L,eonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. 'Trewartha, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, LR..3, Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, R,B. 1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R.R. 5,_ Clinton;'" laugh Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; William R. Archibald, ,R.R. 4, Seaforth; George Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; John L. Malone, R.R. 5 Sea- ' forth. AGENTS: FinlayMCKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; E. Pepper, Briieefieid; 7. E. Ttineter, Brodhagen;'Geerge A. Watt, Blyth. • You are invited to inspect the -. •BOND•.- . 9AILORED,TO-MEASURE • SUItS AND OVERCOATS FOR GENTL +MEN . tN 7 PRICE RANGES 02 LADIES AND 2I4O to$47.00 SOLD' ONLY ' by ;..PI'`. . r, CLEANElis .w DYERS 17AtLORS • - iyatt tiiinit' yad're hard to alt, *e''lte 4eIgtl 10 0.11011 a tn(ititi;; i as w. r ay �}. 1. U tr fid. i)'��'Sritl 7,11\.+. ? I.v{,'• ht• 'G f►acnr , ynau wlrsh ie il�o1?mo. :411-tta* 0at1 een. tg I r Ear' • 1 n lei, 010,4 eat son el/04e bard; zurtciixthu• ',w,eddil}r ,t�, t place the, middle' of; May,' Y. P. U. Meete,•,- 'hte regular Meets ing of the Y.P.U. wag held on April 16th, ata P.M. The meeting opened by singing the hymn, "Land Of Our Birth," and the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. The minutes were read and adopted and' the roll call answered. The offering was received and Lois Whitney took over the meeting. The Scripture was read hy. Madeline Wil- son, followed by prayer by Lois Whit- ney and a short talk. The topic was,. given by Lois Whitney. The hymn,:. "0 Set Ye Open Unto Me," was fol- lowed by the Mizpah benediction. 40. Norhtsi Je W. A.—The first meeting of the General W"oman's Association of Northside United Church was" held Monday evening, April 16th. In spite .,of the weather, a good representation of ladies was present. "Jesus Shall Reign Whei•e'er the, Sun" was sung, followed by the Lord's Prayer. Rev, Mr. Workman installed' the new offi- cers. The worship period was led Jay Mrs. Workman, who explained ' the Scripture lesson read by Mrs. 3. Fin- layson and prayer by Mrs. A. West- cott. The new president,. -Miss Rena Fennell, led the business discussion arising from the various secretary's reports. An instrumental duet •by Mrs. James Stewart and Miss W. Sav- auge was ranch appreciated, as was a solo by Miss Patricia Bechely. Af- ter a psychology quiz, •the meeting was closed by Mr. Workman. A de- lieious lunch was served by the social_ committee. churches Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a.m., Sun- day Sohool; 11 a.m., "The Fulfillment of the True Life -Purpose"; 7 p.m., "Greater Works Through Divine As- e tt%?li3ri," Thursday, ' 7.45 p.m., Pray- er Service, Welcome to tbese • ser- vices. - R"�'tli .! it co.tr+t �r' TU1 SD4Y, MAX .1:4 C ,rrdiityl's Ran, Seafo? Fretlenteel by YGluc, P..11al;:. of. EPri,cndvl►ic A.DMiSSIcN-x.•40 CiNTS 11, ,011„ algiCP `rr eel' chit c a , ^ Tbe, p 4 eY l ipg meeting of iii re.l. i Bl'a, 1011 94.r 19 i9QPiuln• a'l 1. r41F'' vas Reid at rthe,,:trelne of MIS ?�xnes en Tuesday, April 1"�ili, witrl 1+ eD3bers and cue vat ter prey sentre< Gilbert, the president, op enedtb re?,,meeting with a: 'prayer of thani#;g,ing, melnbe'#' era er and LOTYte�'Prayer 'in unisQ,n,e She thyen weicoined.' ;„SINIrs. M. E. Van Eemond, who late , ai the evening gave a mast interesting account of the organizing of St., T, enias' Branch of the W.A on Note per 4, 1889,. at .the. Rectory by Welton; and Mrs. Baldwin.` Twelve women eic 'the parish were present and beca.xz a the charter members. Mrs. Megaly accepted the office of first president; Miss .T•esslenchard, that of neeretary, ant..; Mrs, Bethune, that of. treasurer. Other members were Mrs. F. Holmested, Mrs, F. G-. Neelin, 'Mrs, T. O. Kemp, Mrs. Punch— and, Mrs: John Fowler, Ml' • W . D. Van Egn oxrd; • Mrs Goib+srt, 'dd'ts: ei.p- ton, MiSs 'Adams andr:Z4ss Bessie Case• TI#e,'.Scripture lesson was omit- ted; In i'ts: place Mrs. Gilbert -gave a most interesting talk on the theme for April "Thanksgiving," referring to . severa,l' instances in the Bible where the a benefitted were thankful or not, i " as this'•year we are cele- bratinge s" ' Diamend jubilee of the Dominion W . A.,.and as 'April 21st is to be observed as Founder's Day in memory`. of Mrs. Roberta Tilton, Mrs. Gilbert 'told mucic of interest relating to' our fot7ndress .;and other devoted women Who contributed, much to its success in -those early days. As the Dominion- meeting in Saskatoon was a cioseii meeting, :.Mrs. Gilbert had no -report, but,gavea few items of interee$t and , ,,something of the plans 10ij; ;^the Jubilee annual to be held tjs .-autumn in 'Toronto. The offertOry;Stalso thankoffering, were re- ceived •hnd° dedicated :The meeting closed -with' the general' thanksgiving in- unison ° and the benediction: A so- cial hour, with refreshments, brought to a eh" --11- most . interesting and en- joyable meeting. ' " 'hot." Mrs. T. McMichael read ap a- per "She _Hatt' Done What She Could." Prayer by Mrs. Lawson Was tollawed by the roll call: Eighteen visits to shut-ins were reported. The worship, service was in charge of Cir- cle IV with Mrs. Clewpresiding, the- theme hetheme being, "No i\ait, Liveth Unto Himself:, The hymn, "Breathe On Me, Breath of God," wag followed -with prayer by Mrs. Glew. Mrs. C. Barber read the Scripture lesson`, "Nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt." A discussion by Mrs. Barber, Mrs, J. Barron and Mrs. T. J. Webster expressed something of the feelings of women after hearing that one of the community hen fallen in the cause. of freedom. Mrs. J. E. Hogg reada poem, "Song For Mothers of Dead Soldiers." The hymn, "0 Master of the Waking World," was followed with. a paper entitled, EUCHRE BINGO and DANCE WINTHROP HALL LL THURSDAY, APRIL 26th Les. Pryce's Orchestra ADMISSION — .25 CENTS Laflies please bring lunch. Proceeds in aid. of Jam Fund, -- A PLAY "Uncle Josh Perkins" • will be presented in, Walton Community Hall WEDNESDAY, MAY •2n Under the auspices of the W. A. Anglican.—April 22nd: St. Thom of Duffs nitei!•.Church ' as', .Seaforth: 10 a.m.; Sunday School, 11 a.m., Morning Prayer, "The Zug, • lish Reformation" ;'-p jb,; Girls' Bible] THE CA CF lass; 7. ,p.w., Evening Prayer, "St. THE Ge +rge -of Englarid, - o St. Mary's, Dublin -2;30 run., Sun- day"School.. 3 p.m., Church service, "St. George of England." '-- Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A. Bedour - •Maloney.—A very pretty wedding took 'place on Monday, April 16th, at 9.30 a.m., in St. James' Church, Seaforth, when Mary Teresa, daughter of Mrs. Maloney and the late •Thomas .Maloney, of Seaforth, became the bride . of Mr. Armand Bedour,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beilour, of Zurich." 'Rev. Father • T, P. Hussey performed the ceremony, and Mrs. Leo Fortune sang . "Ave -Maria" and ,"On This Day" during the signing of the register. Mrs: F, .Djev- ereaux played,: the , wedding music. The bride wag given in marriage by. •ber only brother, Wands Maloney, and chose a pawn of .white sheer with embroidered lace veil with or- ange blossoms, -and carried a bouquet of white carnations. The bridesmaid was Miss Helen Maloney, sister of the bride, and wore a pretty gown of blue shadow crepe with flower hat acid veil, and carried pink carnations: The groomsman was LAC. John Bedour, of -Greenwood, N.S. The ush- ers were Mr. Leo Hick ` cousin 'of the bride, and Victor lQ olt,,.•cousin of the groom. }firs. Theresa Maloney, mother of the bride, wore a two -ton ed dress of mauve and grey silk jert sey and wore a corsage of white ear -nations. Mrs. Albert Bedour, mother of the groom,. wore a flowered silk jersey with 'Week accessories. Fol- lowing the ceremony a wedding din- ner was served to the immediate rel- atives In the Royal Hotel, Mitchell, where the dining room was decorated in pink and white with white bell, and 'below was the • three-tier wedding cake. Guests . were present from Stratford, Goderich, Zurich and ,Green- wood, N.S. The happy couple left later on a trip to Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, •and on their rettyrn will reside in Goderich. Northside W. M. S. Meets. — The regular meeting of the Women's Mis- sionary Auxiliary of Northside United Church was held in the sclfool room on Thursday, April 12th, with the president, Mrs R. Lawson, presiding. The hyinn, "The Strife is O'er, the Battle Done," was sung, followed with prayer by Mrs. Lawson. 'The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. Porteous, Mrs. T. J. Web- ster and Mrs. C. Glew' were appoint- ed delegates to, the Presbyterial to be held at Goderich May 3rd. Miss A. Ferguson gave the treasu'rer's report arid Mrs. J. Finlayson gave the Chris- tian •Steleardship repprt. - Mas. C. C, Maine read a temperance paper, "Some Popular Opinions About Alco Joshua Perkins If6ss• Lawless Susan Galloway.. Florence Williamson Eseie Todd Mrs. Jas. Smith Ebenezer Randall.. Harvey Stephenson' Seth' Higgins Harvey Craig Martha Sraithins.. Mrs. Harvey Craig Mefvin Duncan - .Glen Corlett Miss Goldie..Mrs. Harvey Stephenson Warren 'Perkins , Alvin McDonald Bessie . Marjory Hackwell Admission — 35c and 15c STARTED CHICKS s.c_ WHITE 1::EG1•f?ORte PULLETS Pennsylvante rt State Strain from one week to 8 Weeks Old These Chicks are .disease fres, and due to high hatchability are priced reasonably for gninkte• sale.'• Glazier's Poultry Farm CLI.NTON, ONTARIO FOR SALE MODERN ,BUNGALOW -r -Jarvis St. •A . good home. MODERN HOUSE—John St., with garage. Good location. Peempt ens - session. BRICK HOUSE ---Market St. Good investment. ' Pirompt possession. MODERN HOUSE — Egmondville. Garage; 1/4 acre land. Aa real buy. .Immediate possession. ` 56. ACRES -• Make good pasture farm; ' 3 miles from Seaforth on High- way. Prompt 'possession.' NUMBER OF OTHER PROPERTIES LISTED • E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Seaforth„ Ont. Phones: 334 Office Rea. 220 Wool. Notice • • •.• The Government bonus of -4c a 'pound will be paid on all approv- ed lots, direct from the Depart- ment of Agriculture., without the producer having tomake an ap- plicatioh. All wool shipped to Jackson's, is graded in.' Seaforth and full settlement made from there. H. M. JACKSON EGMONDViILLE Phones: 3-W and 3-J• LINN, BRIEFS +� Mrs :Frank S. Bills wiIl.be at home to dei friends on Friday, April 20th,• fro3n 2.30 until r`'• L. "'ren Elizabeth Smith; of Ot- ta`wa, Spentthe pact week witty her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D Smith, to ;Qndville, Before leaving for Cluff„,I1:.C:A.V., Lachine, Quebec, 'visited his father, Mr. A. F. Cluff. Sgt,; •Cluff' is 'now stationed, at Fingers:Oile. " • Mrs.. Al.. M. Clark, of Woodstock, yisited her, sisters, the Misses Abbie and Wilina'Seip, this week. Mrs. ,Z Eaiser spent part of last Week with ler mother ,iii Georgetown. • Mi. 'and Mrs. Heliry ,Enzensber- ger and ' family, of . Detroit, were Fra guestsnkS.'at; •tilille home of Mr. and Mrs. s- • Spr, Donald Dale returned from overseas tan Saturday . nightafter spending ,•yt ;e past, five years: in France,,.:, ,' Holland and Ger.- mauy. He r Vis" accompanied by Mrs. Dale. . • Dr. J. AiMunn is in Toronto' -this week' attendeng a special post -gradu- ate eaurse iu;OralSurgery at the•Roy- i„a] 'College of Dental. Surgeons. • 'Mrs. C F.,,L. Gilbert has return- ed ifrdm Saskatoon where she attend- ed •the Spring.,Executive meeting of the, Tiominioii. Board of the W. A. of fhAngticas Church., • miss Helene- Armstrong and Miss Rosemarie' Rachotte,- of Toronto, spent the week=end with Mrs. Arnold Wes.tcott” •� Mrs. 'J. J. Burns spent the past few .clays at the home of her sister, ITrs: Michael Nagle, Dublin, where their'' nether, Mrs. Stapleton has been Seriously . ill and who, is 'how improv- ing. • Mr. Frank McConnell 'called on friends in Dublin oh Holm.,. • Mr,. and Mrs. Lonny 'Fisher and da,fighter, .Judith, of Cleveland, were Sunday guests of M. and Mrs. R. H. Spreiat. • Mrs. J. $' Grantis in Ottawa, 1'ir, Mac Southgate, of Toronto, spent. the week -end at the home of his parents, Mrd and Mrs. W. E. South- gate. • :Mrs. Tho'inas" Jackson; of Toron- to, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. C.^ Boswell, and Mr 13oswell. • Mr. Larry Wright, of Toronto, spent the week -end in town;' • • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson, of Toronto, were -Week -end "guests of Mr, and :Mrs. W.. . Sputhgate. • Miss Ellen Stithei'land,,aud Mrs. Campbell, of Halifax, were guests of Mrs. K. M. McLean-' • • • Mrs. Thetas: Phillips returned last Friday evening. from IS'ew York, where she spent the past month. • Miss Florence Fowler and Miss Olive Scott, of Blueba.le, visited. friends in.. town and vicinity. f Mrs. S. J. Spencer has returned to tow -n after spending the winter months in Brampton. • Pte. Kenneth Eaton, cf the Tech- nical Training School of Hamilton, spent the. week -end at his home here. • Lieut. G. N: Gillespie, of -Torop- to, is visiting 'his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil" Gillespie. • Lieut. Stan. Dorrance, of Ipper- 'Wash, spent the' week -end with his mother,' Mrs. Mae Dorrance. • Mr, Louis Boshart has moved in- to the house on North Main Street, which he .purchased from Mt. E. H. Close. . • arru • Any person found !dumping garbage of any kind on ar .• road in Tucker - smith Township, wi 1 be prosecuted to theu t 1 exOnt � e tc•11 df the 4vir. Ail OR» ER O w ' D' P 'COUNCIL, USBORE Council, Meets The municipol coeficil of°• Usborne `t'ownohiil met on: Saturday, April 14, With' ell the me"►iiii rs present. Min Utes of March l0tit regular meeting and r spedi•al nteetiig' of March 15th were adopted on;:'potion by , Tuekey snit bii • dean fie; following corre- spntidence : w eteeei'ved: . County Oieilt list. of 'is'.attotiding riei 4,, tintftg high, sc ;ru'l'er the list -was tea t40046. i ,r, .' c , , , Cli?rk, li'ilrs ed rte 'Ei a. .� d est .' to �r e��iI fS oto 4',9'ile f rtniiit t ,gyitetrial Allay , 'Olio 'Mill nark of. 7'oci u4ov dfi,* Fis10r, CelitAk1nv9sIf totes A6c ftnl t +q re rt± o�?.t ..r proposed D'Oiiti Wain" ti receirk April 300, at a4i p.:#n;. was sat as date fur opiluing, and "censideriug th report. Tie Cleric Ay s instructed t esentact drainage 0eu.tr'aoterS, Oi'alearik & Graham►, .tit once, re completion of existing contracts. It was, moved by Fisher and Duncan, that the rate to he merged for snow plowing by Us, 'borne T.ownahip be _$5M0 per hour. On 'mo.tion 'by 'Tuckey .,and. Elleringtoit, the Treasurer was authorized to pur- chase $$,000. in the 8th Victory'Loan, A request was made by the Treasur- ed to file a certain obsolete regard in the. Township Hall. Moved by Fisher and Tuckey, that the Tree* urer be ..,permit,; ed to placerecords prior to 1,943 $n the Hall. Carried. The question o'arrangment 4r. pub - lc meetings' sponsoring township School area -was introduced. Moved by Tuckey and Duncan, that the' Reeve, C. Filler and the Clerk be $; committee „to decide about holding such meetings, the Clerk'''te corife spend with•the:inspector aid the com= mittee to then decide re 'advisability' of proceeding in view of 'present political situation in Ontario, A dele- gation of ratepayers residing on the narrow road waited 'upon the council; requesting that the road be widened from two rods to four rods. The com- plaint arises from; the' fact that the fences .along this road are .almost completely d, iiiolished each winteAy the snowplow': The delegation wers promised consideration by the coun- cil and given assurance that the situ- ation' would be discussed with the Department of Highways without cte- lay. Arrangements " for making an annual inspection of the road's by the council' was ]eft with the Reeve. Re ports were received from the Treas- urer and from the Road "Superintend- ent and accounts for current month were., paid and council adjourned to meet in special session on April 30th: at 8.30 p.m.—A. W. Morgan, Clerk, X►N,RFkE!1M;SP Om most exuitixig'stftry Q:f; Qal•rter Ev itntbe• "..?n:eriaaa'14 eateat glava# Victorys WYND4Y, ' C .DAY WEDNESDAY CARMEN MIRANDA. (i DON AMECHE 'GRRENWICO ILLAGE'" • T ill Teelinlcol.or ,nnllgtcal drama ailed with; Domed ie and romance. ALSO-- A SPECIAL .ADDED ATTRACTION, "111:q ALL-STAR BOND .RALLY". A feaivlrette in"aid of eanade's8th Vic▪ tory Loan. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY BiNG CRO$i3Y 1301" HOPE "ROAD TO SINGAPORE" DOROTHY LAMOUR 'CAARLES Corning 'IRISH EYES AIR SMILING". M• CONSTANCE, Path of B, B. Stephenson ' The death oeGurred on Thursday, April 12th, of a prominent and well known resident of Hullett Township, in the person of Bert B. Stephenson, in his 70th year. Mr. Stephenson 'had\ been 'in• failing health for some months from heart trouble, but death came suddenly on Thursdays He was born on the farm, lot -7, concession 6, Hullett, and lived there his entire life: He was ., educated 'at Kinburn school and Seaforth Collegiate Insti- tute; and was married 47 years ago - to Ethel Andrew, of "Elimville.. He is survived by his• wife and` 'one son, Leo Stephenson, of Kinburn, and two grandsons; Donald and William Steph- enson. He was a member of Con- stance Church and also a member of the Canadian Order of - Forresters. The funeral was held from his late home on Saturday,' April 14th, with Rev. A. E. Meniies'officiating, assist- ed by Rev, A. W. ,Gardiner. The pall- bearers were Wm. •Britton,m. Moore, George Leitch, James ale, Howard Armstrong and Oliver 'A • der - son.. Interment was made in :gait- landbank cemetery,,. A • Farce Comedy in Three Acts cc . Here. Comes . Charlie" FRIDAY, APRIL 20th, . at ` 8.15 p.m. ---- in =- CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH Presented by Tuesday Night Club of First Presbyterian Church ADMISSION 40c Fr sgiiVED SEATS 10c EXTRA The plan for Reserved Seats peens at McKindsey's Drug Store on Monday, April 16th, Farmers Attention 'ALBERTA LUMP COAL Film theeedeep seam mines at arum - heifer •— "The Best from the West" $12.00 per Ton, Cash - Direct from the car. Haul your own. Your .order placed now will secure you a reasonable tonnage of this good Cana- dian fuel. J. H. SCOTT PHONE 336 3 SEAFORTH N WIN A TOURISTS'. LODGE , $-13;000, TOURISTS' LODGE, a 1942 CHEVROLET SEDAN. 73 other .i*iz'a , 75 prizes total- ling $20,000 or,,the;, eouivalent in Victory Bonds. Mail iis "dd." with ONE DOL- LAR. snbscriptioti to "The Kamloops Mem- orial Recreational Society," 359 Victor -in Street, Kamloops, B.C. Proceeds to be . used to erect a Recreational Centre for our returning Veterans and the citizens of this district. Date of drawing to lie announced in 'the press. Don't delay! - Act nowt 287-45 " To The People of Hibbert Township • To cover the Eighth Victory Loan, -tie are again depending on Oscar W. Reed and- Gerald ~holland to meet our increased objective. • HELP THEM GO :OVER THE OP IN THE FINE MANNER OF PREVIOUS LOANS. Thank you! -. - WILLIAM KAY, - Reeve. Listen to A11• Star FREE FREE • Up to April 20 .... AT THE EA. Service -Station With every, Grease job we Will, give FREE one Ticket to see "Here Crimes Char- lie," at CARDNO'S HALL, .APDL 20th. • PJII r; . PRESANT V VICTORY LOAN BROADCASTS CKNX WEDNESDAY, April 18th ..8.30 - 9:30 p.m. FRIDAY, April 20th 9 30 - 10.30 p.m. SUNDAY, April 22nd..... _8.30 - 9.30 p.m. WEDNESDAY; Aril 25th.. ; .8.30 9.30 p.m. , 'FRIDAY, April 27th. , ....... ..9.30 - 10.00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, May 2nd . , , . - . 8.30 - 9.30 p.m. FRIDAY, May 4h.........930 . 10.00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, May 9th. ... ..8.30 9:30 p.m. ti Huron Co. National War Finance Committee LS1DEAD or° DISABLED Quickly rvejtnoved lil Clean 8anitar.'.y trucks. • Phone collect, Li1 9 MITCHELL '•"' rem Stan Sons Unified