HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-04-20, Page 4,., , 4 , ; , , , , ', c ' , , ,. 1! .1 - , , '' - , '' ­­­­­ ' ,, .,, ,, '. i ", " ­. , i..' ,., :"", : , !- . , !i - ,, ,,, ., I , ,, ,I ! : ; , . 1! I I,, ,­,, , ,, ,,,i',, ', I I I . , " , , V ;",­­'.­,­ i : ,, _, ', , , , , 1. ., " . , , - I ' !, ,: i : j " "'! ,, 1: "' , .1 ,) ""', -I' " 1, 1, - ! i , !i, `k, 4 N ' Vl ,1 11, ',,, , : ,1 ,:" ..,!- "I","i , , ";,,,- ;,, l.' .,;",,4"""",, , . "' , 111. I , _ A ',",_,"','_'. ,, ,', , .,I , , ', ,',,,' . , , ,,.., "!", ,, , ,, , ' , ,', ,, :, ,',,' -',-,,',, i , ., I I il,.i I 1,1, ", . .. "', k, , ., ,, .11 1` i,j"'," i, ", -, " ,, , ; - , 1, , . I I I I ji .4,. , -,,: i , 6, , ,; , :. - :, - - . j, "',.,.""". 1, , I :1 "I..." . .XPO$-I',,, ,;#",- 'll""I","."* ll' , l-li "li ,;", , - gn ,, ., ., , " . : .11 " ,, , ,, %H ,, '! . , , ,"',.': ,, , , ; i, : ­'g, ., , 1 I -;, , '_ I I I I , i4 , , " , " 11 , . ,., , I'll . . — , 1, . I ,,, I I 1. I , , I 1, 1 - ! i; 1:1! ,, . 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A .... ... ` . _. , "_141- 11 11 ­­, , " . , 1 _7 , 'i ,. `,, %"" ,; ;,.,;, "!" , 1. I . , ­ ,1 "i" , ", ", #%','!,!,:, "'i's , 11 Y - O'T A;, -W T )A 0 0 'A 0.4", ma Met . . % I , , , , , , ,., N' " 11 ,)f, I ;, . 1.11 .. , 'I, - . I " " .,, , ',t ,':,',i ,, . , - " 1, "14 'I - 00 , I , , . ..... . :, 8, Xq "IT 99 P " "4444-14RA011a Qr.11A,.VA44W#.'4 V 11 , , , " : 0 1 1 ­ . '. , ; , 1111­1 11V', . '., , - , - " 4, '; ", 11._ , 11 ill. ., 11 , 1 1. 1, I * 1,; - AM 'O ' ` , " . I A , 11. I j: !,,, , I 111 .1 I loan "X 7 775" r', , 11-71 I .. 4,7 V 4ri ,, '! , ! . A - "' ­ , . ', ,.'' : , , , 4", :, - __' p ­ ,i . I , 0*0 , I!. , , ' I I !1., ,,,',, .' i, .. 44990W " 14, A!E1k,st1!;#A.% .1 in 6" I "."44.41. ,04-744-p"lAi* ',,w ,40' ,') ";V, .A,O f ,!-, Y4" W; , ',,, , , ; , 4i ... ... . 4, , I.. , , 'W' . !;. ., IXR - 11 . I. i 0 0, "" , I . ,,9T0T—'.'A . , - I" *# Xglx Y-1VIOR T 1. 'AVAWP ,V _4 ,I tio .,r - "IF "10 i ] V i"!, , - , , , ,. "I I i qv _A Alkv '..VR44, i, "; i. I I U1. T " 00 V, : PoOl W4 1 ,,is 4i , " - F, 1, , I* 1i 'r ,A W ,f i"I 0 . I I , 1, . 1400 -"Pro'", , , ,Jr, W Aow '.W_0;,T"_.1 ;,1lM - ,, " ., I I . _ 111 , _51: , . I , ;, ; 4&!'A,W,V.q!,iA , , "; "" A -,-, -, "' , , I *4 , , ".."11 , ' ;V_04P - ,"t"..""j-'m ,,.. .;'"'.N Alt , I 1 _ t ";, " : , 11 , , 11 " !Fw, ", ; I "i 'KRTA. ffl # " W. . :1 .. , . " . " IAOIP,4 4 T I t, . _i .,, ,040 IV, vp,IX ; I k'! r pp7w; - , -7"- I , .., C ­W` 4 . . I , ,,,? I , . . W' " 1, T ­HW . , lk.p ! . I I I lc ,4," ,i ,­ t- . ... I , , I,. fAlt I , " .A , _ 1, i i , , "o " " q, ;-, - i, 0", , , , I " ; I Ir , , 'T., ,. ,,,V (. i I . . ll: ': i 11, , , , " ­ , " , . .,_ i I " 6 i 1406ert PO ­ I " V.%M94.141-1 T , ( I . t. IM , WO I "A .4, f W , , f', ;.11'1 ,; `, ,i"t , I , P . l0.rq4s ls—.Uob6rt. 155.) _ _. 04or .1 ho, ou, ' brother. ,_ 4, , '.: ,*40 0 " $S :,' , '_ i4',#"';""",, T - - 1. , !,,I 11 ! I . . 'wo; , I e ! - 1, , , ;,U"'P , ''. ': I - ,::,!_ ; - : M, , , I - watwich, , M."WIN ­ I q '14 ,:`Qf - . ' ' - :4 11, , _ .q A t, a, sp,qc1p,J:J I p . , _ ,,, - ;1 , _ . 1 . , 11 I 11 - . _ I., .­­ -111-11), 1, , I c%--" - XQT _VF14:1; V'q*,,;J q !,-­ J.,' I'!" 1: 01:011—Gor - , 4 .. .1 - I 1. 1,1 ,­ 1; 1111 I'll I., _,"". ­­;", i ,i­ ­ - . .. .... ; , .:,;. '" 7 ,gSii '%01% , ., ,' , JPY.- l:"i" ', ' ,:"",, , l, . ; A ` 1'11'1:` , ', 0 . . .... ,T',,, "" I - . "' 49"' JAX91,4,AV '400134 .. , - . .1 11;1'u, i:" %6 " 1 don Augusti,Ae, Ray Dob-, *p'i,j,:p @4 0 164T11;., 1W ' 1, I , - `,JAPA p ., ql ,l 449: Vvoitqa §PAK"o On., , gATO 11 1, 1 1, .1 I . I I "' , ; 4, .1 . ,, Ift, li, I ! ;,.., : . . - $ h" 4 At, X101*11 1*10".001k Aft , , I tt-".W,Il ,A"Ago ,,Omo,n i4, . "rey. I , W . " , ,,,;,' 0. , :-`, ; ,', ") ; ;"fi -.' . ,. Piv , 1_ 'k, A.00,41419!1 , : i , , " A , 1 4,. "'' , , .4 0 1) . ': , , , " ,1RA,4T,Plk:JA ,,A,§ , O_Wqq, ,, i . ; ,4qr , ".* 9?.: ; ., " J '' ; ", , , "'' W-10111 : , 7 "'t AA 1 _'Aw: '0,901; , * , 1, , , - , , - - ,$ q A 1l, , _6 0*%qnV,Pfl.1T ... ,,e 1 , , f .. .... ""","""'I­,"gr - . I '", 0 "N Is , _rf 1111 11". S 1". , , ,K er§mAh—v. F1. - upesney, A.J ipp4_4gi , r. 1 I e0t.'.'.,V­,it$ - I - , q,,' ., I Ad` 'M s RK , , , , 111.01---, ,"". ,V".R,. - .. ...­.".. *. " , , iq , _.P 1'1 , .- . , ­,­ , 11" ", i .r IQ ',A -.4,;: . , ", '% N"g, 4`1 , 41 1c;,, -,. 4 ,,;, ; - ,,v"'-.'*'-k'­; . , ; , , j. " V;,_ ,ap - % - 'j: vwlea 1 . . 14% , 9 , "fi,4 ,_ 0 ",-, ,t , # Ygund, q .V -*f tc,g ,.r I I P O, oe QvoVAA1ij1Vk "."'PA99"! ' T',' 77-' ;,T ,7 -',, , . , X1q4olq,ou,,Wm, r . Southgate. . . Exf*Ofi' ,Ap , , , tAe _ , , *,,W ,,,,',,",;",.",-,i,vl,!. ,,f', .".""",! , ,,,,,, """, . ,% ., -M-, _ 9 P :*, .t *,; . r. kwou *09,40 .'d' lb$, ''.t,4"4,! :y v p!lv. 9. 0100 1) I 1`1q.) . r.',, 1q,", .... *1' Vim - put, the w6el -q .. I., A. At vi I . §; " wep.4 (t,b 4: , , t , I ," ­.. I... .. 1. ... I cen 11 . . . 4 ., j,.- ";k ' 4 ,t - 11 I - , i , .t Madge, -, , -Y, ,I - C !*4 V ." — . McKillop, -Russell .Bolton,. John M. And Mrs., .W..,, :R. Dougq.4 , 1. ep!q_,bro 0 , , 0_ ... . , to m6Iub4s`9t he ,bhutph, "Oy . , ` ,`Tk,. Vi", ,, .,,.g;",V00"','­ ­­,, . I . I , . , ,orpleaA.: ,% , 11, , i . .1 .... 1--A41. i b,;, I " - A ­). . ' r­l - , "" _ , * , 7 .4 .0 - " , ", ,"J"JO j', ­, . ­:­ ,­. , .'' Mrs., L, Alm Son, 'W40 ha ce ,'Me.'and' Mrs -,J%A J. KA r*-, of Hen ­ , , ,t4 . :, . M , WWk ,.- , % 0"!; - Vckert on MeGaviu. , aig.e,r, O."T 0121 4" ter",- -1. . U : . ,q 11 * "*. _Um,,.,9411 P , 111 ' ,,T "' - 11, "";*v . , , _rgf , Unit 100f; 4'. 25 PerAs I I 1-11-1 I 1. . I t ",, ','f,'i, ,, , , ,,,, ; t,.,:, , !", , . -, )011e I I ztroing, W. X, pp, n li,.' _4 ..", I : . % e . ,Ii., . ( 31, , ,,,, .. 11 , t!! "t, orwer s parents, 0 I. Is pt" I ,:141. ­, I , * in NotIce —1 cent Per word. Niulm.um. djg "­,: .. .1 11 ,, g . J 0 winter moutho I 91 ,, ey lgot , . . X 0 . , go, visl oii with t4f "I ce . . 1 "I,,, , 4 ,­;1116 ­ line -pt family in Ntroit. Mr,and Mrs, John .1 K, A -but t I i,,: I - Z _10'­ ". , i 3 Al 4 0 4 Box Number. c/o The Hwou Axp."Act4,,feN-Aru 'c'e-ato'ext m. we, W. R. Jewitt. , , other. Mr. , , . , , , T - .brw ,a I I ;e ,:; ­,. - - . . , 'r ," , V , -, 1 ec _ bar in " :a i , , r. fijr6p ed mbqra, w 4oa . ... ... J ,p I 11 " 'oil I ' ­ , iser. I I ; , ... ,. q;1 . " 'IM; .. .: I . 1 A 04i`.U,­, .11 ,A 1pr .ve. class are not Paid by the. .T,seAro, .,..-r I . or.4 * ' I 111 I .: "1!1 , , , q4I per week will be charged il ode in aba , t4. . C.'Chamberlain, D. L. has 41 9 Mr. and Mrs. li4rold Willard And Madge wiks,4 _ In Usliorup spending "Ill V;, , v, . ; . ' . , ,, ', ,! ', ,'. t-'., , ",'." i", , ;!-,, 'fi,4 t in the week io,,whi,;h the ad was run.' , " arri."u-b me. . . I . I I 4, I _ V'.' Redden, who has been Mr. Ezra Willard reo 4 days 11 'that comm. unity. "I . 1 ;1F [# , g, , 1 14 "I". 11.1 ,' '4'16i J t , , , .. # A,eid,,,LA ,A. Reid, J. A. Stewart, , I 1. " ., 1, . . I % , "..')BVA, 1 4", . , qntl moved to his,' bily, 09d ,; 1. ", . ,­­,f , -1- ". - g#.A. 4ma Deaths inserted $ree ot charge. I ` I I -­ -p ,", '.,i ,,,.',Notie to credit,iors, Etc.--Ftwites on applioatiou.. Stauley—Edga,r Butt, J. K. Cornis-li, spendin', - where they will In uture , r 30 .. he h d t ,in , ,g (, gg ,,'.# . I I ,,, t , , ,, , , ! , "I " go 8,tkp winter with, her family Russeld4le 4 FO yo rs has et lie posi- . A , " . 152 I I _ . : . ., , ?, .' ,,, l,', *,4NI' , . -4 ,' ,,,, - :reside, having aiie . ",,' ,',,',Ir , , ,l ' , , t'; , .'4 1 , ,maAager fdr A rubber . - " Q41 , !,,J ­,"; ,!,, ,' ,',': : . I ­ , nes and Hainut I - , 1'ik Carl Houston, Joh4 McAsh. ill St. : 4th4lri on, '4i- tion of 40i*Jqe­ . , - J' l ' k, , T- l ; , ,, ,T,,, ' ' , - I I Goderich Twp.—Maitland Driwer,. 4ved holne ,, Wednesday of this week. arlestort, and b,ks trav- I 11. 'I ­,.- '.11 ­' , . 11 I . - ., . I ". . 4.w - I - . I I !; Tl- 1 11 A__ , , *`, -Wanted, I . Red Cross Report . P,',, v , ,4'li . pArch , d a farm. N I ,, , lt ,L , , . RV `,, jlll­,, ., _ ,_ W-t fli` To Creditors . company IA. Olt .,,,,,,,. 4% , I.. I 11 'J­V'U ';, ,­ I . I I . - I " -11-1114. -7.1111. 1-1 i . , ;Q. Laithewaite, Chas. E.. Wise. Prison ow Safe ,Irk England The following. apitIolles were packpol elled extensively. Duiing his travels . . .., - ­. F., ',,',,,, ,', l ,," ".", ,",," ,',, ,,, "!f" ,,',*t","'I ."!,. '," ',., ; WANTEID-15 ORR 1188 IFIRIA OF CATTLF,1. Hensal . I ;!., 1, ."I", .4 1',4­­W' ;,_. 1;;, , 440 ,F - I—. as salesman lie has covered 40 out of I . t. I I - TIC - TO, CREDITQRS I and Hay East—Earl Camp- Worol'bas,r9ached Hensall that Ptei, ' I I I , - I , , "f", ' Qlp '!$ It , Q "'BY, GIVEN PURSUANT -to grass. Running water and plenty of -bell P .. fi, A. J. Pater- Jack A. -Clil chase, a Prisoner of war kr the Rensall Red dross work Toolip - e U.0 , I .: : !... ,,, 10"." , . shade. Apply to JOHN ANDERSON, Sea- - ' ' L, McNaughto . I the 48 Stai6s J4 * , .A. I . . . ,4'!"3 ,rk"2#,! % ` ",;4"% N,..,'Q_A . . I . 111. I I - -, t, ,,, ", I ,,, . . V., 'q' ,Y j-41 ", on Mondgy.,evening, Apri,1­16th: Sew- I 11 t',D , 11 , , i! 10. ';',%W.1.44,41 9,f W.he \ $ , .. . ,. TXust -_ Act. R 0.1 forth, or Phone &U r: IL . =6xl' son.. since Dloppo', is now safe in England, ­& ". Kille , . "I" I I . 5, T ,16-, , ,:R , , '' ' p . ,that all Pe- L ng _-.1 ,, . I I . , "'. 3,7,' , "P., q ..' i e a ca e , receiv -30 girls co ts,' age 12 Years; 9 . ,.d in Action ,, 10 . . I . I , .." I&I'l6st., , , - , , " 'clalms- av, 1, , ` & . S , ­­`,. , "'­ : , , h .41 ing L Zurieh_a4d Hay West -W. H. Edig- In bl ed Monday. Pte. ; 11 r % Estate of Margaret Myrtle Pearson ,4 ; ,1,11'11&1011 , . '19 ", , ,W.11 - -neck Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor, sr., , " " quilts. Knittlug Quot,a, 10 turtle . . " ."',', I - 11 . . ", 1, ", . '10's , clilly ,,, 'It, pears6p ,.-Jate of the Village of..pivueedield, in ' a hoffer, ,Milton Oesch. CldPch"e' is well known In 1his dis $.__,- , 1 who died on sw eaters, Elensall, were offl notified ?,11;10 ,Mi,', ' ' . ,i j 0,,,ty -egrves, 30 pairs ,socks. of I ""111, , .1 . . - I '11014Y - _i .. . ­ I , , 1111 of Huron. Spinster, i fg, been engaged with Mr. Nou.Quota-:-12 pairs childs' mitts, 4 from Otfawa on W dn siday that their 1' U. "I 1 .` ., - , 'ttsborne-Will Johns, A. Morgan, trict, haVi " . f""4:,. " I ' For Sale' . ' e 1 ,1j,.,,4,, ,,y or,..baut the eloventh -,day of Feb,ruary, 1945, . _ , ` ,', `i`i',,T . T. A. Wiseman. William Kyle, Hensall district farm- , \ , ,,,, ', : . 11 9"11­ " 4F , to forwa d full Particulars of Pairs gloves,. 5 turtle -neck sweaters. second eldest son, Paratrooper Melvin I USE '% ,, , , ,g, ', ­ ,Q , mulr`e4 SALE - STRAWIf9RRY PLANTS, Exeter -Jas. Bowey, % S. Howard, er. He was one of five brothers who . . 1,1,, ,,,,,,, , , ,, ,,,, , c4o claims, duly verified. to the undersigne4 FOR Wool is ready for the next quota of Taylor, had been killed in action in ' Q,M416:, , . . . Zxecato ,45ohcitor for the Executor, an or $1.00 per bundred. Any quaritity. Also Ulric Snell. served overseas in N -the Canadian . , b abre the,144th day. of May., 1945, after which raspberry plants. Call 664 r 15, Seaforth ,ch 24th. He was in , ' '-,` ',; : , .e 40 6 " Ka -G' no , - A , N,04i, !'; ' : 50 pairs socks and 20 Sleeveless Germany on Mai, C. e ., " - ., Xeautor of thb,,.t5t _1 Stephen East -Henry C. Beaver, B. e,rmy, two -of whom, Albert, with the I . I , ,M%V'," ,; dqu tho? 7 a4 will Proceed . sweaters. These are urgently needed his 30th year. He - had- been In the Ail, , . D. Field; L. B. Hodgson. R.C.R. and Henry with. Royal Cana- I h ., gl, ,, 11 ,", ta.,d)strilbuto the assets'thereof, having regard w n iC 'Ii." I _ 1, U :,;­' qDpjy tq-the clWTns of which notice shall then OR SALF_-IRON PUMP, CYLINDER AND Stpphen Wesrt-Jas. Dalton, W. F. than Engineers, were killed in action. and must be Anished by, May 31f3t. service five years and enlisted in . I -17 F More and more women are iiia-eded to, London with the Royal Canadian I ­ , ,,,,, . . i ,, to create immunity to the di§ease , 1, I , ,'41f­ 11 ,- p*Ve been received. piPing. In good condition. 'PPdy MRS- B MacLareii. The others are . Ple. William Chip- knit ad sew. There- are so many Artillery, being with.that I regiment for -500 Bird Size cost $5.50." " 11 ,. '­ 1, I , 16 ' ' ri, Ontario, .this 41th day J. A. wEsTdorrr. 'Ph.A..21& , , , , q, -, ,, PATZR , Q4410 ' , - g . .,;,', , of _ ,A . ­. qt, & I . , 4036xl I Clinton -A. J. McMurray, H. E. chase, who now is back in Canada , 11 '. _` I Apri) ' 71045.'- '. I . . I .1 . I -Pip. . ,, . , . destitute people to clothe, surely we four years. He trained at London, . . - %N"."'. , WALTER'GORDO,i4, HOLMES, . . . Rorke, T. G. Scribbins.. from Italy after five Years oversem, ca.n do more. W might have been Camp Borden and Newfoundland, and I >1 , ", . . -s — . Sold bk I'll ..., I I , ,4,1, 1, - 494 Ridout St. N., London, Ontaris NU -WAY PRODUCTS FOR SALE. AP- . . and Trooper Walter Chipchase, who is % e M lh :,e_!, _ IDDLETON"S .. 1 %, " . ly JAMES WALLACE, or write 1 ox .. ____ "t...". 21 3, P servi' homeless. and clotheless too. Let us took -his paratroop training at Camp . . ,." . lig, in Holland. He is a son of ", Exc,cu,Awr of the Estate. Seaforth, for more information ' . ) ,2" " ;, . . % ' show our gratitude by doing not just Shilo; Manitol0a, and was with the , DRUG "STORE ' I I 4034xg HENSALL . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chipchase, of, alittle, but -a lot more. ,!,f !' ELDON W. MITCHELL, . I i! , `,! .' . 78 Dundas St., . London, Ontario I I. Aylmer, who said after losing two . First Canadian Paratrooper Battalion I HENSALL - PHONE 20 I , I *' ., L `Q, , " . .. I .. I -d from -Jack is'good A Contradiction when be was killed. He went over-. . c, I line; of Veter- I - ­,,5o14#or for said Executor. ,,. §ons, "This Nvoi arry p full I . . 1, 13 ". -L - -3 Farms For Sale . EP -LOOK .,d. - 11 TO the Editor 'of The Expositor: seas in July, 1944. His 'brot'her', Pte. Wee ',_ . 4035 _ 64 news. I feel like ii million dollars. ,, , - "­ I I — Mt. o5 rrEm, '. Dear Sir: May I ask for space in Sydney Taylor, was killed in 'action hiary and ,Stock Medicines. N 10 1 . -_ Ernest Chipchase, of Hensall, is also . . , ,,,,!-.! , I . .. - M' F, ., .. . I . ___ , - z ARTA FOR SALF--rIVE MILES SOUTH - 11 , . a brother. .. Your vailled paper to ,contradict A I in Kpiland in October, -1944. gurviv- , 1. 1-11 F f Seaforth, and one mile east, Lot 7. I . .1 . "P, (_ - rumour,. which has ,been bMught -to Ing are his parents,. three brothers, . I I A t,R, ­, ., . Poultry. C.I!Iesslon 8, Tuckers4nith. One mi,le from . . . . , 'De5,th 'of Sdt ) , , . - 1,1,k` . . - j IF4 74 -Lye * ski , Cecil H. Cooper my attention, and which is being,giv- Dick and Ted, 'of Hensall, and Jack, , E"- , — - school. Large bank barn, brick house, hen , .was ric . eived in Seaforth, recently returned . from .. ­ ,gX - \ ,,, .. 1 -;_ _ POULTRY --FOR SATISVAcTORY CULL- hopse abd pig P,en. Drained. ' Plenty of VITAMIN 1$-COMPL . y-167rd ' Rensall on en considerable publicity In the coin- Of venture, ,Gregory; ' Trouble Rides the 4 A , ,,, . . .,.,- Saturday last,-4,hat Sgt. Cecil H. Coop,, munity? This rumour is t othe effect overseas, 'and three siste 111,,I, ,L ' ing and best prices, phone or wriW GEO. water. Twelve acres fall wheat; 35 acres T FORM I. , ", Mrs. Wind, Bower; Raw Gold, Hendryx; , , !." L 'E spring crop balance in grass. Poskps3ion __ LIQUID, & TABLE , , . .., % , . WAI"T, R. Phone 119. Ilensall. . 4029x8 given immediately. Apply to J. W. FREE. er, 36, of Clinton and Lucan, and in ' - that the committee in charge of ar- Frank Young, Mrs. Maq;aref Alhan, The Dry Ridge Gang, Bower; Spider- ? :Q, ;, . I MIDDLETON'S DRUO STORE structional sergeant at Chatham;basi -for the wedding receptioli s, and Jean at 'home. ".. , ? . - S6,ayortb_ 4035-tf .. . e rangements St. - Mary . Para- ; ,,:, ".11.1 - ­ . (Continued from Page 1) tra Hen- web Trail, Cunningham; Big Timber, , 0 . , , , HICK BARGAINS FOR TTIIS WEEK AND Tking cantre, died suddenly on Sat-' of Mr. aad Mrs. Lorne Hay, contacted trooper Taylor' was born near Case; Majesty's Rancho, Grey; Out- f . 1. I . C Next. Non -,sexed.; Barred Rock $11,95, FARM FOR SALF-100-ACRE FARM; 70 A vote of thanks -was extended to urday with a cerebral hemorrhage, me to engage',, our Orchestra. to pro- sall and recelved his education in the - ' . ' _ I - . pshir4s 11.95, )White Leghorns 10.95, acres cleared. Ali tile drained; five + be i-etiring president ,by Mrs. Drys- followiag a tonsil operation at West- vide music for ihe occasion,,and that Tuckersmith school. He is a grand- laws of Half -&-day Creek, Hendryx. ,, i, , New H -Teavies 10 95, Assorted Light Breeds acres bush. Has been grassed for past few ' I Non-Fiction The, Forgotten Ally, J I i ,. , . Assorted I Two never -failing wells. Apply at dale, who also asked for full co -opera- Min ter Hospitar London. He was I oluloteoll them a, price 'of of Mrs. T. Richardson, o Hen ,!.'., .. 9.95, Pallets: White Leghorns 2-2.95. Barred years. is . .$95,00. This son I f - Van Paassen; The 'Romance of the . i" I . Rocks 19.95, Niw Hampshires 19,95, Assoked THE EXPOSITOR OPPICE. tion of the members for the_new pres-' the eldest Son of Mr. and Mrs Cecil statement is an absolute falsehood. Sall. . . Alaska Highway, Goolsell; 'How Dear ) . I " . , Light Breeds 20.95, Assorted Heavies 17.95. 1 1 4010-2-11 ident, Mrs. Munn. Overseas boxes H. Ccoper , of Clinton. Prior to the No one, at any time, approacheii me, I New B'ooks'At Library 4,:.,. , . To My Heart, Kimborough', Winged y .. - , I' Cockerels: Barred Rock., 7.95, New Hemp- .. ' '.., ar ,he lived in Lucan, working as a either personally, by telephone, or in b . - , ____ -_ _. will be packed this month, and the w I . shires 6.95,, Assorted Heavies 5.96, Assorted " Thefollowing new books have been Peace, Bishop;, Rediscovering South , 1,,".1 I M9diurn 1.75, White Leghern ; 95c. Two week following kindly offered to make cook- travelling salesman, and w4s Active any other manner, in connection with received at Hensall Public Library: America, Franck; The March of " ..' , I . Cards of Thanks. -cle. . , olti add. 6a per chick to above Prices.. Chicks . ies for same: Mrs. Beer, Mrs. Brod- in sport cir s. In 1927 he maixtied this reception, and had t4e ' done so, FIction-TIle Higher Hill, Campbell; Medicine in Western - Ontailo,, Sea- , . all Government ,Approved. from blo-odtested . - . Y . I . I breeders. Shipped C.O.D. This adve MR. AND MRS. J. P. BELL DESIRE TO eriql.,, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs.. Geiger, Miss Rose Stone, of Hensall, 'Sut- they would 'have been quoted the reg- The Golden Totem, Willoughby; The born. . I . .11.1 , r=Ht express their sincere. appreciation -s. M 0 v . "I inust ateoriu)any your o der, ,TOP t6 Mi . cLarnon, Mirs. 'Hess, Mrs., Orr, viving are his parents, his widow, now ular p,rice, which is the7same.t e Green, 'Years, - Cronin; A Woman in Juvenile Ficti.on--Girl tn Khaki, ' S i , , 1. I . CHICKERIDS, Guelph, Ont. . their man ' y friends and neighbors for the and. Mrs. Stephenson. -Mrs. W. A. living in Chatham; two sons, William, eryone in this district, varying ,only ' rt' Graig; Shtpmates -in ,,White, Miller; ... , ;),: . I Shadow, Swinne o' I I . -1 Anne n', , Keel) Your . 4036 kindness extended to them. during their recent ill. be 'hos- and Roobert; four 'aton; The Tol- 'Che''' Ames, Senior 'NurAe, WelIV, . i-. ... l bereavement- -MacLaren, of Croderich, w daughters, Helen.,in the matter of added expense to . Quilt, Mary , Be ) . 11 . . I rry .. , I I I . ___ , , . . tess for the Institute at. her home in J6yce, -Betty Jean, Ruth and Carrol, 'more distant points, and every, organ- livers, Farnham; The .Master Of the In Spite of All, Wallace;' The Clue in, . . ­ , I - 11 I ,. I — Goderich on*Wedne day, May 9th -,,and' ,all of Chatham; five, brothers, Clif- ization throughout the district, for Mill, Grove; Winds Blow 'Gently, the Crumblilig *all, Kee,iie' , Personals . ' ; Danger ,, " , . the Ju e meeting ,which will, take the ford, Clinton; Harvey, London; Sgt. whom we have had the PrivilUe Of Kirkbridge; Hard Facts, Spring; Yeo- On Old Baldy, Bell-, Dave Dawson ', " -, ­ In Memoriam .' , . - . _ . I 1; IF, YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED, WRITE . -form of a pici ic ., ill be held at the Clayton, .Overseas; Edwin and - Don- providing music, knows exactly what uian's Hospital, Ashton; Below the With the CommAndos, Bowen;'Plain, - I . , , . ' I 1, '.., 1, . .­,­ I." L Box 358, Julfae#a, Idaho. Send stamp. a B GLTON-IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR home of Mrs. A. Shirray. ' Mrs. Orr ald, ..Clinton, and five sisters, Mrs. that price is. My apologies to Mr. Salt, Sheard; The Making of a Saint, Clothes Patricia, Winston; Soldi , ers of - I . .... ... . 1 4021- . dear father, H. Gordon Bolton. who pass- moved a vote of thanks to the hos- 'Percy Elhatt,.Port Colborne; Mrs. and Mrs. Hay fof mentioning their Maugham; Peggy By Request, Dell; the Sea, Waite; Pollyanna's"Castl6'in 1, , _. I , I. 1. — ed away., April 16.' 1941, and our mother, tesq co,hostesses. 1 ,Taser, Clinton; I li I . ., . Tiss Henry, guest John F Mrs. Dmersorr name in this ,connection at this time, X_ , STHMA StTFFERERS - ENJO'k GOOD Mary Ford. wife of H Gordon Bolton, who ' " Carrying Place, Mowat; The Cleric's Mexico, Borton; Hoofbeas on the - ,:,_­ I , : reader, and all- those who couttibut- Edwards, Gbderich; Mrs. Edgar , M. but I will n ,, ii,` - 7 '-ht's sleep without coughing, choking. died September 24, 1944. I ot allow false statements Secret, Deepink; Great Son, Ferber; --Turnpike, The.. Talef Of the Witch, - I I . son,,Seaforth, says-, "I am so . I e about either the orchestra or myself - ' ;X"V W Pear. d to .the. success of the evening. De- Huttson, Windsor, and Mia5-Frances Koeen Anii6's Lace, Keyes; Mother Doll, Wirt,,Pollyanws We4stern Ad- ,,; ....... 6 you for your asthma remedy that Not a 4lay do we forget you, 4 I - " .. ., . . I would ` 6 all people who suffer from In our hearts ydu are always Pear; licious refreshments were served, jop- .Cooper,.at home. The body rested at to.'go unchall'6nged and without flat Mason, Afdrich; 1,6ve Calls the Tune, venture, Smith;' Magg 4 Muggins, P 1. . I I . ' ,. Ped off with cream puffs, made by the home of his paients on Suir,day contradiction, even at the expen,se of .;..., I asthma to - hat it did for me. I suf- . We who loved you. I I Norris; Weitend Nurse, Haudeock; Grannan; The, Golden Almana ,. Ben- , -1 .10..., , fered for yeam7froin eboking, difficult breath- Sadly miss you, . Mrs. H. W. Horton. I and a millfdry funeral was held from unpleasant publicity. Thanking You Stormy Hearts_ Clewes; The P* k nett; Marcella, . ,,Raggedy Andy Stor-' . ing, and distress of asthma and no remedy As it dawns another year. 'The following letter was received Beattie's funeral home, Clinton, on for your valuable, spa,ce. Sine ' i - I., i , . I -THE FAMILY - . I . erely Camellia, Bailey; Love's Alibi, W dwe ies, Ragg6dy Ann and Andy, Graetle; . , , I ' by -Mrs. A. W. Kerslake, jam con- Monday at 2.30 p.T., with Rev. A. yours, Mrs. J.,R. Murdoch, Murdoch's Tuar; Week End Marriage 4V I ,,,. helped me to any extent, but your remedy I q .":, , I ce and gave me not - - - _. I Baldwin; Raggedy Ann arid tbo 14OPPY T06A, - .... I", . . only qnick relief, but I am now free from ' ' ve4er, from the Canaqian Red,.Cross Lane, oV Wes] e y -Will is^United Church 'Orchestra, Brucefield, Ont. . . The Washington Legation Murder, Gruelle; Me Teddy Bear That Would I 11, ' ail symptoms. A*few month's treatment did . Society, Toronto: "IYear- Mrs, Kers- cificiating. , , - , Births - _' S Burial was in Clinton A get-together was arranged at the Mason; The Case of the Drowsy Mos- Not Go, to Sleep, Diehl;.Tfie Bobbsy 11 . , ,, I it." For ree information write F. - L. . I . I lake; The last shipment of jam f6r, cem etry. Sgt. Cooper was a . s4o n-in- New Commercial Hotel, Hensall, on quitb, Gardner; And SO To Murder, Twins at,,,C,herry Corners, The Bobbsy - I .. .1 , I 'I, HOWEY,. 144 Catherine Street South, Hamil- .. i"', I l.. I -itain 't. , . ton. . 1. 4028-14 INNEY-At Mrs. Godbolt's Hospital. Exe- Bi left our Ontario warehouse jaw of Mr. W. C. Stone, Hensall. Friday evening last to make arrange- Dickson; The Case of the Frightened T,7ins in Echo Valley, The Bobbsy, k'_` I , . I . ter, 6ri Wednesday, April. ll,tb, to Mr. and early jn January, and. we can novV' , Word was receMd in Hensall of ments ,for the forth comiug Victory Ash, Du Bois; The Saint 'Steps, In, Twins on the Pon:k Trail, The Bobbsy # 11:,, - - . - Mrs. Jack Tinney (nee Lois MoClinchey). give you a compjete report - of the the death of 1dr. John Gaetz,'who'died Loan campaign, to be launched April Charters; The -Ebony Bed 'Murde-r, TwIns-, At, . Liothqpse Point; The ; . _ — .. . . . , . I a daughter. , . . I'll I I Notices I., BRGADFOOT-In Scott Memorial Hospitnl, 1944 project. At the beginning. of the at his home in Orillia in his 87th 23r'd, and to ins,truct ,salesmen for Gillinore; Verdict 'of Twelve, Post-' Bobbsy Twins. At the Ice Carniviii. . # I I , C 1 . . . I Seiforth, on April 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. season we set. our (IUOta.fGr jam and ' year. The deceased was' a .... former Hensall. and HAY East. Present at gate', Hard Case, Short; Rawbide Hope; Picking 64 Vegetables, lieno'; -1..:. ' John Brcadfoat Tackersrn th, -a daughter. 'pounds, and we are' the meeting were Mr. F. L. MiekLe, Johnny, Coolidge; The Valley of Ad- The Brineways, Deewis. 1. , . , S FUEL WITH honey at 250,000 Hensall resideirt, but left Hensall li­ , B LOWN ROCKWOOL SAVE MAKINS-At Clinton . . ) r mor Our Public Hospital, on . 1%4 , i. e comfort summer and 'Winter. Mrs. ,very li ppy to'report that the splen- I . 11. . Thursday, April 19th, to Mr. - and . 7>41 1 . I . . . , 1% eonipment in Seaforth district soon. Ph&ne . ___ - . I " — . ," 41, Seaforth, or writ,6 ROWLAND C. DAY, , Lloyd Makins, Bayfielil, a son -William did amount of 289,452 pounds were . . . I . I . . I I ; 01 w I I Ernest (stillborm)-, . 11 I . . . _ ', ."z - !i Thornton Ave., London, .for estimates. I I I donated. Of this, 287,664 poundswere ,, . I I . , ; , 4035x4 . . suitable for overseas. A,s you can i4__ I 1 . :: ,,, . I I I . I- . 11, I I I .1 . -_ I "I' . I .- . . . I . ­ I . , . I I , , . I above i5gures, only 0.6 __ . .. - wl OTIOF-WILI;IAM BRADSHAW, YOUR . . R"il: I uer cent of. he 'jam received could I I . . ; I I 0 E a I I . . ,41-, . 1 I NWatkin's 4Valer; and also agerif for, ' - i I .. I , , I I Smith & Son's frait and ornamentad nursery WINTHROP . not be sent -to Britain, and all but.16- , Gop Abis,MdMad0everyeas-4ovwd today. I . . I . .1 I . .. . - , I , , . I . stock, Market Street, Seaforth, OnL Phone pounds of this was used in charitable I . I I- . . . i, . ) I I ..i : ,.. 60. .. I I . 31973-tf Miss Ruth McClure spenf'the week institutions and military hospitals in . . s " I I . . . . - .. .. I . 7.1. I . I I I .* . % Nll. f. . I., I I PULLETS GO BLIND, LAME end with her grand Parents, Mr. and, Ontario, mrhere"_it was most welcome. ' I " I I . I . . . 11 . - I I . Do YOUR Mrs., John McClure. I . . I I 11 " I -1 . , , and paralvzed? Put Fini;'s "Kew" Tab- I Congratulations of your donation of % ", .1 I I I .. I , * ! . , - L ,;. iets in the drinking water'and Finn's Poul, Pte. Dorothy Irene Simpson, C.W. . b, . . . . . . . . .1 I . I . . '­ . - I try Conditioner and Intesthia Cleanser in 407 tins of jLm. We can assure you . - . . , t_ - A.C., of Silverton, Manitoba., visited . I I ..... I ,1; the mash and qovercome this condition. Rob- . it will be, greatly enjoyed ,by ,the chil- . I . I . I I .. I I . . I . . . I % W l o j Drug Store, Middleton Drug, Her'sall. with her grandparents and other rel- dren in the nursery homes, soldiers' I. . I . I I . . ft . . erts I . . I I I I . . . . . . - J. H.,,Dalton, ,Mt-- Carmel; H. A. Yo ng: atiVes. She is . s . ta I tidn ed. at Kitchen- hospitals and the,bombed-out civilians . I . 1. . 1. . . ., , ;.; Schilbe er, ­ .111. , - I -A M sage from I - Crediton; Vernon Shantz;, Dashwood; ,11 , 11 .1. I . & son. Zurieh_;__.WWian3S, ano , &-,.Zurich; M. ?,f Brftain. Please convey th,e--above­ . I . . . . . . .. I " ,, I X Ratz, Shipka. ' ..'­­­., _1 Pte, Ken*,Uaton, of Hamilton, was information to ,those participating, - - - ' - _' ' I .1 . . \ I I., I I LL ... _ 11-1 - a Sunday visitor in the village. I I I I , . I -1 . e!S . I , . . .. I 1 . . I 1. - , I ... ­ `R d and extend our thanks to them for I - I I . ,, . Do YOU COWS FAIL TO BREED? The ladies of Winthrop are invite ' 1. . I . , 1. I -rals iii you. Cross meeting , on their sl5lendid assistance. Looking . , I 1 4" Firm's Super, Mine wi help to Walton: Red - I I T .1 . . , Iffave you Garget or Mastiti 'in your herd! Tuesday, April 24th, in the after- forward to your co-operation again in '. ,.- - . , I I I ,, ,. Finn's Dari -Min overcomes this' problem. . I 1945,'we are., Yours sincerely, Mar- . GEORGE- .,,-DREW I . . I . ", 11 I .1. Robertson Drug -Store, Middleton Drug, Hen- noon. I . I . . . . . . .1 I 1. ., . ' . . . 11 ', 1, ,_, Sall; J. H. Dalton, Mt. Cirmel; H. A. Young, " . garet Farrar. for the Jsm Committee," . I . I I I I I . .1 . . . . . .. _ I . I I I . I Crediton; Vernon Shantz, hwood; Schilbe . - . To Send Boxes Overse' . . .. . I . .1, " I . " & "Son, - Zurich; Williams rroo., Zuricb;,M. . ... I as I . I . .. . I I I T : " . , ! . , ,%, I . E. Ratz, ghlvka I I . ship boxes- to the Hensall boys Who , . o a . . . ,, . — "' ' d Riends 0 ''' - . ! , , . . - . an I . I , 11 The time is appro'aching to again t I I with _RelatiVes an r . "I'll-, . YOUR SUCKING CALVES OR PIGS COMPI e'te . . afe serving overseas, this worthy pro- . . . . I 1. . I I . , verseas . . I I C . Doscour? Use Finn's Sx.S. Tablets. They . Ject being attended to by the Hensall . .1 . . . .) . I I A . . I I . . I ,-,. I I cost ten cerits per -pig a I nd fifty -cents per ., . . . I I . - I , !" - __ . . dalf. A -Is. feed yoni cows, calves and 'pigs Organiza ion Women's Institute in conjunction with . . , . . . - - I - I 11 . r. g, . I . ", . I .1 ',Lli-"X Finn's Health, Minerals to avoid this prob- the Wartime Citizens Committee. Lo- ' . . . , L_ 1. lem, Robertson Drug Store,' Middleton Drug, (Continued from Paged) cal and rural.,6itizens, may leave their . I I . RRANGEMENTSAAve been made by the Ontario Gove ** . . I '. 1 . I ) , ! . . . rnment for members'of aff the ' " . 1'1-- Honsall; J. H. Dalton, Mt Carmel; H. A. . . AArmed Services overseas to vote i ' 1 1_ ; contributions with Mrs.- F. Beer or . n the coming Ontario election by placing a ballot in I I . . ,11 : , Younin Cr6diton; Vernon Shantz, Dashwood; , Stephen West - Chairman, Peter Mrs. J. A. Paterson, box conveners. "I I I a ball6t box for the candidati of their own 6oice. The arrangements Which have been . ,6,, . . . . Sabilbe & Son,. Zurich; Williams 'and Go., 91sen5acb. . - . . I ."' Zurich; -M. E. Ral , ­Sbipka. As formerly. donations of - sugar for ntario vote are the best whiich have yet beenpade for any Active'Service I . "I'll 1. z completed for the 0 ' , . I . " .. I . I I I .. 1 1 ,­ I I .1 I - Clinton - Chairman, A_ J. McMur- the provision of candy ,will also be I . vote. The Gov&nment, however, can only make the arrangements for taking -the Vote. . . . . .1 T ., .... ,, I , - __ ray, A. M. Knight. Public Rela,tionS: gratefully' accepted by these ladies. I . I I What is eTially important is that those who are ov' . I . . . I . . as know the name of the candidates, I I I ,_ - Geo. Jefferson. ing to provide otfier ne& . pa t e g and have a stifficiently clear picture of the'issues to decide how I "t" I . _ Auction Sales, Huron County Saiesmen Any one desin .. h ( y are supportin - I Ir , ", t e ' rty tj Z ' essary supplies, such as corn syrup, I . I I . the should vote. That can only be done if those at home supply them with information. "'I'l- I AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF Ashfield -Samuel Alton, Wilfred butter milk, eggs, etc., or any other I I.. M y 'I stro . I I . I . I , b, at 1,30 P,m., ..- ay ngly urge every wife, mother, iather, sister, brother or friendof those overseas to 1 4 , :ol ', fects, an Friday, April 20t McCarthy, A. 0. McDonald. . K! . gifts, _AaY contact this coininittee, or . , , in Egniondville: One 3 -piece parlor suite; . write and tell them all they can about the coming'Ontario election. By clippings from 1'.), kitchen West Wawanosh-DurnW Phillips, any of the Institute members. Also, I . newspapers, by editorial comment, --and by personal explanation, a clear understadding cakil , . ,."I". . I small' P rlor table; 1 -library table; 3 kit- . ,',. ", chen ch . remember to save all pound -boxes . , . - . . I I ". nir,; 1 sideboard: I cup, Thos. Webster. . ,:, , board: I coal oil stove, 3 -burner, with oven; be given of what ii really at stake in thi Onta i election. . .. I . , . . Colborne ­Irving Hunter, Harry ,suitable for candy and coolriei also . rio . 11 ..., 1,14 -) I hind washing machine with wringer; fry- . . - . V, . \ I I I I . ­­­"," 4, ., , in pans, roaster; rrii,lk strainer; sealers, MeCreafh.. 4 magazines (Reader s Djge8ts preferab- One of the things which will cause the. greatest difficulty in the minds of those ove 11 , , , - , 9 . . I . rseas, .. . , xt, . etc.; copper boiler; medicine cabinet; I con- Goderich Town -S. E. Blake, C. F. ly) and Seaforth and Exeter papers. I particularly those who fiv6-ih la to determine which Riding they live in. Ma ' ' ' , I , ' rp cities, is 11 " ,f., goleum -rug 7%xO; I- cong6leurn raiz -6x.9; I ' Chapman, 11 R_ Long, T. R. Prit- These m;iy be left at.the Town Hall. . I . . . PS . _' 1 1_ 1;,i- piece rexoleuM 4 YArd,1, iong Xnew): iro 'Ing I be available, but even thebest map somedmies leaves doubt . I . ­.. I ,,.,,,, . Tu I Will .when the voter has beep ;, ", .." - board; 8 pairs curtains' several quilt s; I chard, R. C. WhAteley. LAC. &orris Metw"", - . .. _ . " . "I I I bf Cei4tralia., away from home fdr 4 lodg iini'd, or as- is thie in so many cases has dbver voted bdor , ' .1 I . 4 ... 1: bed, mattress "and Springs; I bedroom table; Eas ".. I 0 51 . . 't Wkwanosh-- -Franit Campbell, who was ber8 visifffig"';bis, 'Mother, I This difficulty will be'increised because of the difference birween the boundaries 6f - , P several mirrors; I cream separator; staple j S . . ,,, 1. c1ler;. I large chop, bim: I wheelb,arrow' ' ' Scott, Frank Thompson, Mrs. Nellie McEwan, of Hensall', left I . , ! 11 . ,: . i . Dominion and Provincial Ridings., , * . .. .. I . ' 4 ­ nd saw; cedar posts; Boarithrigs * forks: Wingham-J. J.' Fryfogle, M. Me- On Wednesday for Moncton, N.8. I . . . I I I N1,;, 1, . . ,,," , I - ",C% etc,; 25 -gallon ,oil dram, IY2 tons 6y; "17 -Pbai-11 H. V: Pym. , ,, The Wohelo Class of the United . I would suggest that on write immediately, I ^by airmaili to all* I T f ,'1 aock- Pullets. . Terms -C h. MRS. THOMAS , I . . with whOm you are in coin- . . .J . , . I ,, ,`. ­.. . as Turn berry-Divid Fortune, Thomas Church will hold their "April class ion and tell Zem the Riding in' hi h hey live and give them what information E.. . I BARTON, Prspriqi ess; Harold Jackson, I . municat w ic t , , " - . 11X , 0 ilmour, John' Obilvers. I 9, . . , , N, , Auctioneer. , , meeting at the -home of Miss Mar- you can about the party,and the candidate in the Riding where they,are entided to vote; . I . KiII, , I . ` '-'j: 7:L ' . . . 4. ' 'V- I Howick-Robt. Gibson, A. M. Har- garet Gleni on Friday evening, Apr. I , I . ".,/ . . . , .j"I; L ", A UCTION SALE' OF HOUSEHOLD FURN ris, W. E. Patterson, W.- E. WhItlield, 27th. A good attendance of class I should mention that evelr member of the'Arinded Forces overseas of any age is entitled to I .. I - . ; § 5"­, L I- ", . ,7%,,L" ' ' ' P on at11rd11V, 1; 9V4, - 4 - ture oppositei coileginte. S J. H. Wylie. . ., I . I . , Nv.",. April h,t:' One modern electric stove ; I .1 I members is requested. , vote. They,labove all others h4ye the right to, vote. They have preserved for'us, thai free . . . 1 ', , .11. , . .'_,.)X,.-. - three-piece chesterfield, ' in good condi- I . . . . . stem of Go' knment virhich ' I . I I . 8, . sy ve I ,_11 11 ; walnut floor lamp; mahogany table ' . I I ..,p 11'1j, 1 , Von . I . I I de0ends upon the choice- of our own reliresentatives. Out . I,W6 I . I".." . ,,, . .`;, lamp; bridge -lamp; mofriff chair; lea- . I I . . .1 , . q,; ,­% , 1, job -here at home iS.'Pdt only to make sure that they have the chance to vote bust also to do ' g 'W - ther arm chair; three oak rockers: 3 red . I f4eryt xng . I .1 i I _ 11 S , ,";I_, - ... Y`J(­ I . are able to vote with knowledge of the real .. I . _E K` ' . n th possible to make sure thifthey. 1, ; i ff ., ' :. , leauther rockers, like now: ,3 -piece ,mahogany ' . issues I e election. 1, . . . 4 , ,'Ff,,t,","' .* I - living room autte-, 5 oak sritall tables,; 3 sTnall I . . . I . . 4qfi,". .: . I., . . . . I I . ., I 'T, "ogany tables-; oak library table; secr, I ' I . 1.,80, , .''. I It., 11,1, 4 , I ". I , , . 1) ,' i &;. .f,, j ftfiil desk;- 2. mant)le lamps; 2 silver can- . , F6r the sake of convenience, I am suggesting that you simply cut out this message and address ,. - '0 k, . Klelibras;'firepime,s reen: fernery: oak Pede- 11 I - ...- ;! 11­1,, 9! I - I ; p p ,',' , -__ " . it to someone overseas Iving the information required., Each One of us here 1 _4 . ., , ,', , ';, . - . . at home has . , J, , 13 liv',' 1 stal; os.k jardiniere stand; oak dining room Do You Kno I a responsibility to help them.to choose the Government which win have so much to'do with I., ., I 6'1. ,,,, ., Its; , ,L,4j 'J." I sw table; .buffet 7 chaiis; glass bvrd' 1. , . It, g , ,, " -chins, cabinet;. 6 odd diDing chairs with " , I I , I'.. , __ , V, , , . "\ 0 11 I -, 'T,""" , W , 1 I theif future in the years of fieace. May I again urge you to w6te at once, by ai ": .", k" 1. 114*011- I lgaCther Aeatti; I'iee box: 3 Ivoi:7 tables; t I . I tlA I . rmai4 1, I , ., ,,,,.w . not only to those closest xo you but to as many as you. know in any of the services outside ,. q 1. $I "_;;_ That Canada has a British contract to .11, "I I i,',', -P!,`,_i4 ? ,, " , ,6ibles, a ft.; number of.kitchen chairs; drop r 500,000 cases of Grade A . . I "' ­'I' _­. L loat table; Adjustable kit.dhen ffto6l; McClary Large and Medipp fresh eggs to be shipped between -September and , I . of Canada. TeU them What Provincial Ridiing they resid in at. home --then the, rikme of - I - I ,, ,',',, -11­1.1'4, ­ ,, , . 'A '­­ . . ., 1. I. . the candidate and- any further information yoli can silipply, - . , I 1 11-'-4,s, , elliyArle range, heavy wiririg; eoa oil stove December this Year? That, she also has a contract to supply 'the 1 "O'g,=0", " -, , . . . p_qZ,., ,' " pid oven., coal oil hearter;, 2 electric -fixtures; . ,,,-,;,,ao , " I . . . I I %;qb '11,4 1"fl., - 'h odE mirror; 3 large, bevelled'mirrora; -hall. United States Army with 30 million pound# grade A and grade B . . I ,. I . " . I 1"; ;, -:", " ,, ;. . I I . . , u I . R'' , ", , , 1,;,,i card thble;. number of clocks, pictures, Poultry? - .1 r .1 I I I I . . ; , . . I I , .- 7,1 , . 1 . . . I . . I . I " . . I I ,i , ` -, ,. I usj , Silverware, dii hss, kitch"' utensils; . . . IT I I I I I Yours sincerely. oleum, rug 9x1g, .like new; 2 Wilton This, along with other e' I ./ . . I . . ; .. I., "O.42, Tarkigh Tug; reversible; Oriental xport contracts, g ves Poultry buyers an . - . - - . - !I - " P, ;, ,; . I- b*J2;-"ju,fxbee ;f .datt4k,mai6, 3 brass assured Outlet for all they can produde. Yet"Ilp to March,lst, chick . I ­ . . I I . .. 1, 11 . . I "," "r . , . . . " ­ , , __", , 0L Y tt,ot %d - 3' spriho; 4 mattresses: sales -were olown over 1,200,000. 'This spells profit for anyone who can, I Tow Provincial Ridino Is. I ,. . I j, , * & . P11r,ows; eolnfMter; efficiently'pr6duce chicks if purebaSed immediately. I'll 1. . .1 . .. . . , jit'eA 4 J f6aih4f . .1 . I ' ` "'!:; Li ' " 4g*y A 6r linons: - mahogany chest of I I . . ,""-I 11- L I . . . I 6 I I ,i, il , '7" , . i tervell I 1k. I , ,,, I da mirn oiv mAhosturix . I , ,,,, , , ,i;,, , , ',-., - ' . I I . " 11. . .L. 1,L, . I 'I" -,a I I . I , I,.' - I,— ... l k -$eivelled i sfrrbe,, ivtry . . I .1 ­ . I I I y "".. 1,1,s , I , v, I " , Iftsloe , , WHIi Pullets, Mixed Chicks and'Wme Started Chicks in. . . . . I . . I 1". 1. , ll,,4y,",q '; ..,. ,, , ,-, , "', , . 1* . . " . ',, 11 ' ; _'­,,, ;,;, ; , ilkii q6; Ivory dt,oder; oak &easer, . I I I . . I ,;f ,- ; 4"": % ,,Ob A I I ... I 1 , r. , I A , , *14.'11 1' I . . I . VV41,, , ,,, 11 . I I . , , 1". "A ?, ,, .,. .... .. d11:46sitio-e ;-;"le1*4Sh Stand'; pstir of I ,:. i 1% I 6 -2 , "' , 11 L '.11 . - I ) .4 _1- 1 L I Barred,-Roc'ka, 1 -te I,ethorni, and' W. Leghorn 11, I . . . , , . * , 6. ;wi* *191011h6i" 4, .Pairs a M` . I . . I . 1 4 _ 9 . , ,!v , j 1,1 v, "', ­ - . , w I I .. ,i.i',," ,I ,"' !-,,, ; " -; 7,tg; V 0. 1 '6.ur6j; , t "O'41ps, .of ;alpinfk r4o0ru I . . I . . I ,, .. , ',,,% ; - g, - ire, 1-10 " , !,t "." " if ,: I i . I 1` .1111 "''O .. I jQ&WLj0 .0A1j6j',' L ­ X R Rockg are available at. onci at . .1 . ,!", , ".,'," * 9 , 1 _'1 166d!ilbolni' dak itt# , and I 1. I . I I I " , t ;,;'4 ` jo ll?,"T,,;"I ,, , "t"!"",I _ . . I . Your Cmdldiift is I .. 0 " .') ,,' ' j J'4t', I "I I I 1 :`,` ;;:' ,' , 'O, *0,&,i,t,d4r,0i , 21411 furnf- ­":: l % , '. , ., , , .. . . . , , , 1.1, 'y' - . . . . ,." I " , I r 'i . I I . . 1, . : ;4, i , I.Al I "r"" u . 70 i .", It " .% , , , "'. ,, , ''T"', 4, V,, -66:,,l i ! ,, 3 " I I *r , . I? , I L "', < J,,',,'.1 1 1. 'N ..*,r v6oerA 'ahtl . ­ . I 11 , 'r;, ,,. :, :, , il,',';',-' ,! 41 6,71 ',fl 42* , i andL . . . , . I ,Li ,, ,", , i , r,' ' li ,,';t i,' -:1 'ok I , 11; ,, 4v b, " v;,340`w d"W ' I . .:. t7'.. Ii 4:. J,?, 1 1 , to I "I . .. I "'.. I I I I ii ,, ;,*0 , Oii@aln",i, Ak *t0ig'- . 11 . .% I _. . . 1. . . . 11 1, % . . 11 . . " . 1 4*" - i ._ b q, fi6n. - 1. . . ­­ ­ . I I'll" I I ! 't I . I I , , , tAl " 0 # " 0 0V ... 0 I I . 1 , i 1, ladd* ,,, . I . . I , , I . I I . . I . . 1. - . , I I . - N.", ,"# Zk, . .4,, );­,,! . 4i U d",q 11LT .0" a, IN POU, TURN .. N­1!11 11 11, I , Suff YVAJAI_ , 't 11C 4 , ej"jJW.W17n!,qoVA) , i " , I .1 I 11 I I'll -1 I'll 11. , I I vljb 101. I w ow 1 , ,; , . ,4 , . . . ., .1 . . . . '... . / I Q_ . 11 1 I. It W, "q, 1 ' rsf1JfJA_UM0rT1 , 4 W, . - 1. I , . - 1, I I 1, 11 I . , . .. I I .1 ,, , i ; ,?"; - , i,,I' ",: ; . t fti, # ' ' J_ ",-g - :. r" . I 1. - . I . . ,d.plq, ' 4 . &.1 . . S d, . "k, k ; E Sdlll , . R,Ro ' ^ SEA, i ." ,, ,. v, . I 11, . .1 . " I." , i,;. , L.,I !4 , :,= i I I I : Pi FORTH ,- .. I , 1 ,,I I , , 11 I . 11" . . I . . , , ­ , , I 1: , , ", : I' . I' kfto- '4 ' 4u" ,; I , 1 AWA, 1 , . % I " I . ... . . . ­ :1 . " ; .,. - . I I 1. I , , . . . I I . : I "I -, * I I I ,,, , I . 11 I 1. , ., .. . ALL ' . I . " , - ft* ", '. , I . 1: I I 4,; I I "', I I 1, I .. ' t I I " ,,,: : ,4 _4 A MIA ;;" , ,-. "I .- 11:1, ,- , . I , I I _ 1'! ,,,[ . . 10-8,ptfurb, - Ti v # Pft6GRES'S,'!N,f C, .6. H St* A -T 11V , I " I I I I . I .. 11 ,, ,,­ 1; 1" ,,, : I ,; 11 ,, I " . , , ''," ,. , - , 7, , , , , , `_ , "I , * "' , ", - I "' I " '. ` - - I t ' '' I. I "i"i6 0 . 4 - , , - .1 tm ,( I I . f"A." A -i `, , ,Id vl""', " 11 NO r,,bb ?, , .., [" . , I I I ''I ­ - I. ­ - I I I 11" I I -1 - , " . , . , 666 .r. 8, -Beat rth , L .. 1,01 . , I *! L fi** Y" 0 f 0 N TA, 9-0 , . , ! , ", , . , , ,J?hbue, 0 , . I [ .111. I ­­­:.. . I -L ... 1­ X-- _11.1 ­­ - "..": . ..... , ­;:­., ;, " 1 11 , , "­ ,_',,,4 1: " I ­­­ ­1 .... I -1, 11 11 ... 'L. , ' . . ; , 11 , I , . . 1 , ,*,4 ' . I _'. Ll . i, ,,,, '... ," ,, , i,',,, ,,,,,,,!, _, X) 1, 4 i 1.1 , . ", , . " , r , 4 ,. ,.. ­'. ­- 1-1 - ''. 1­ 1. I 11 I _1 .- I . ..... 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