HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-04-20, Page 1,.� "I *�11 ", 7-77;o ­ - , ,­ I .- � 11�'i�!� �1.1 ',;, 1. , � '. ��. - , , 51 § 111`1�',"�"57,,,J aqw-mm"Wil 7 I I �. 'Q. � o . - . 7, , , , o,V �. ,.�� 11 . I I. . ­­ &�s 1 . ,,, M,7707!1'� � �. � I,, ',-%' I I .­ ,, ,; �. � 11171-1. ,.,n . I 1"Iiiil�'. 'I, ,V i'' :? IT; �11,� � " �: ", I " �,,�� � , I .� ,1� �­%�;, , � - -� . . " - 5 �,� . �' , , - " 1; . 1��11 "I ��,.-' ,�."�i',�fil,�!��,,",,',"'�����"",.��� . ,, ", �i��;.��:�,A,;�, , ". - - .-."i.11,�1.1�:�:�"..,-,;-":,.,!;...,t�,,�'i.;"�r"-"., -P.4A:.1..,F..1..X'J� Ill.; !� , - �11 1'4:1.111i!��Ii I I - - .." ., . �, �,,� .. ,, ;!."i",11�� KI -11-1.1 11 ­ -1 ...-.--­­­­­-­­ 11 - - ----- ­ �� I �­- � " ,", '�4�1��,."�7:�..�-' 1, .1 , I -1-1-1 - 1�,,; , ­ I � '. " ".. , , . -- g%g;�,i,g'.'k.�& .f!"!;; I,- � . , ­3.",rJ' �,,,, "'. . " ­ '' ,:4-'3'.i*7,­ , 1" � ,� . ,; , � — 11 ",-T.' ­t �­ "'I.y � -1- '�� 7 * , )y �ITA�4'�' N 1 , �', � . 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I ,�Ig, ,F ,�� . . .� . . ,.,% V 41 r N ?I" 5RI" , , 4 ,V ,� . I , = � " . . . . ,,, (.' � . ',� % o4lg, ,F. .. 41 Z' . . . I. . I I ! I., - �, 0.� " . x" �� 07 1 ;I , .-.-,;�- , .. " ., � . .. - I � Ect , �. I � . v . . 'has, bo*rw -00 - , ��, ­ , . . - ­,., I W­�, � I � -, ... .... � . . � ­Dilo 11 I 1plI'nlp';�,%� ..;: ��, ., I . I .. e. triet, at. giny rate �Ckl - ,�, -U � I . , f . I ­ A � UAV l3k, , , ;,,,, ' I , - ­ � V ., ;­ " -,' " , , ". l - - iX,,.;A- BE w N ,MAI'. iX.' �.'f,np"41' ',�,, 11­.�­ . 11 - - Pver our Mull WV,'-,� ve e14 - ;' e.09r. oV,,I VW�l At .4 =acting held:ln th Town Pf robins inake arsprfn . , ( . I . #,.,�Fj . ­ , ,, pp .p p � On .. ., I Q . , Av., ' t, , , , , � Peen, - - ' -11 t..,,� , ,, �'. , . , - _ .. . r1nn "I'm - ­ Irst Can# � h1l, geAforth; on - W6daead 'afte bi " ,-' . I. ,$We, the Y , U ' ' � .. %fio � , . . qq, `:�` �4�� ", '-.. ivron 4"Coll, - - I . . * plenty, of r.0 1"31 11MA"Tor 7,:1.,A �'!q-NW i'N'.11, I - ominittO ,,,`-.",R1N,E1tAL CHA IMIAN,' . Fe, . ,�J , I � , H ay , 6"�4%*'.,�, ' ' ' , � , I , I r�ffl ..fe;' ,.A.?TIME, p - " 11 ;, . , � - 1 ,., ���T 1, " ", �, I I . , ran 4# ­V1­q�iXqftafflv-,,,,GW �L'1111�1 kf 11 1, � . r,lRv,�.. � ,I . . .. , ,P " j, I 4 1 ,, . .". A, e,, . . 1. . . " "`� .0'.. � tj ��.. r moutpia . , I � .. � i,. . 4", � U91II.-Whil I A� ,,I .C;S. 3; I'll le r I—— � t � � ,,� 11 ­ - -1 il . Complete orli;84.4400p. iat, t.hp v4r- -,�,. ­", L'i"I"! R'�-A - I . I., . I 0.1, � V ­ . , .1. -I! 1% '- 'i - -, ;, - , "d ..4 %41 , , , . . V : , � � cov ... ,. ,ellij p.�J#i, '161 0,, ii.,,'tMI, � VI; , � . 0 , W, _g' ,, ' L §'�� ere , "M , � � T ;W011.1 " , x0fil" ' ' W , 1i i 0, - �­,­M myl,4ep ji.,Ag�!J� I , , of -v , er�10.4 1: a- , , - ,�j* _ad ''r this oy I*' � * ;,t94ch0,'d V,fA. � ., - ths. Rk flpo�- .. -, , - loulg�'� POOP# Of 1111�04 QJ11.011tf to . . ­­ . .A.1111lue luiiou Atli ­ -q!�. -�. M W? 01' . , - 06r "' . k .the - -#a- ., " mple a .. '!,I�­ 1,40 -, , , . Xc� *4 1 . � . , : 117, ,, M400 --a . � ob ,R; , "" 'A . I .. - 11" I G., Te�relienfstifveg of the town council, ... q0 . . � '? NE - ` � ' ' R I I . ­ 5 M . . 1. � 1, I ,:; & . . ',4, .4�- U ." -wound up the k " I , , - ., noom an.o­t, at I tended by,the Mayor an I I wee-R-ai - Spring'' - bag , � ,, . " I ,.. 11 baiki. I ibuiiiig Ifut, caiw. - . � I . .1 A aroLtridAhe corn ir. IOQ,- -;��`i A I "" � �'!�101­ ��­ ... � fte;. L TJ t40�140. DU 47 30 � �Xdted. , """" . .6-10; a heaz hall. 0, . , , we 15� 1 , - - - I r ves of Tuckergialth -and Wednesday - afternlogn. thertn"a6'. I . - , -5$0 �* to Vto, I -lith vir , 9r741-'4 -7M`, L, V, . I , . , f . _ , k4,,th I�-.ijssue, gr! -the, WrIts- 1�6r .a� pAg Apry L - - A" , . �� " " it! " P4 ,O - ' . ,.T!i en, Ji.o. -lig ­­ , . -.WF�!IrW1%k - and representatives, of the , almo# contil ." I . ,.e44,,;,?,,k,.-)Ps , A sM � . ­ ecutive, . ' ,­ p AM - ,Y. Ig� . - - -9 p sn'bw, and the weather ,has�,, � Tp, ; moon, Officials, w W Jrk N0,rth'.,A,f-k-'W;0,�?.-, VSP94 1. "' 1K , ' . _;;#sV,;. Ift..K.utt, . ii . I . i � W- - 19A '4 . iolpiis, -grggaizations lof Ses,forth, ro - '�"Qo, 0— ns ' - Q 'JI. and has al ,, - . , oney, �qgdb " ,.&� I. . ,� Po". .0, Swipt, 1ApAe,,P,., ary succ'Pss*' *1'A7'4uUg4109men r6spo 4'' � very C !, to have Pirkiryth ng S"De. iblP - for the .France z6pd',H4 .W ,', ' , � rage �a­ of the different ,areas were ,, I 1. i . � , - ganiza- � .4 6, %­- , - , so, . I 911, % 140,ss .for palling day, wjilch,bgs I -, I orjqa-,,,Pf , Ing * -in . . 'b�#,n " jr4i"Jk# o.�. . . I onths "E" [L�,ii�11�11'1,13 tion .6e, .80 , R . ME' "'Y"; ... L. , - . T Old- HOWC�er, fk �J 0nQrl..L' , ­ �1*0 Tuckergmith anif McKjl)op, or . VR4 0 �I#V,,�, ,'�., I, . , ." , pryl .and, eir. agq In, I , . , , 4,�,se Ilce f, I I ., , . - i . iol . , ev "Ji . , : `P11 ­ � i 4illop. , � , '' ,, I 3,110A . 1,We seem., to; t1is 'Wekk .. _ _�% . U eva-viI, vo ,014',17`6i ", Wheu,. Ille "lex . �, we, 214, 1-111"I".1 �1.4 %41;.fl"-��'%jx ""' , to all Op k 0 � pi f I 0 � , �, 1p G, "yl � TO nk , ctory Day wo oah� llwa3k,­� , � 'late � 01, � . I. ; � ,,,,� ­­­ lently * for better days�,., loud", ,T-Uue 11th. No*!7 - . " " I � ,� �d..'! I . ,: . ,�'. I ­3�,i, � - �,T 1,�, . ;Y, W,I,�K o 4. 7z, '. . , . z. 14AC. I -for Vi "en " .M. - - I 0 , i which , We I �11 � 1-.'1.%.'1.M .�, .,, elpt, Xor 1P . T .. . cialebratiorx-- - I . - .. ..... Pat . . . . � . I ­ IT �, 447 U, I � ', The - campaign opens. - on. :Monday, - - . I ,� 01, , - -plans :were , M! �11 0 " , , , s"O 100, W . I ,� , I i lay wili'lisMo i " , , ,- Some *('13 -is, �4'dtdlelg.� '. :, , ­Aftl-� I .1natlo �t' IV I , .. ­ ,.,4. d Aday,, May 14th. VV�iildtnpt be (.,u#V.1A[j , #�� in �en b#44%le 1 � " . . -,&:jW,u ' . I , ­ —.4, k0ro, and, SeafortliASr:la I ., 4!R. �lc I ;, W1 "' . After' ' complete discualf4oni' �.tbo ,- . I - - . . � �q � the � "b�st � ­ ". , ' ­ _ illike - �. I .; .I I I � . 1. . . I . Is)& of .- .... -­., , - � 11,74,000.f., , �­ , — " -­ * I -.-s. � -.1 .U�� I . , iri '. ­I­­J�­ . Eor : , � '!-- �v 1-1 . I . .", . I . i .11 ex - I . . , . I I 11 Wdtn *h6 repreA'6ute(I ':'SW,0e D,Day, o.urA,,w,gp- -4 11 I 1.10 - ­. - ,. The -ind - . I . I �,., . ", -7, , . ­­,­� , 'no , , I meii, �.' . . .. I W H , . . 0'Ory'Lbin' C � .7 ­ i1a 'divigional, , - ,, afit4jl I - W""` 0- hgmeW a ex 'fite. - '- . , ' 130 , .1 I � " ­ , ft-, b"ill ",Political parties iiive� I, 4 - d to, .. s,- J, -, 0, �,�� Is . , -. '. , '6� � 0 * � � � , � , 4 t' iiAi � 1641 M "g-ut".1H6, -r . , I'* � 1� -4 ­ �,., . _ i�- . �, , '61 � ,��...,..* . .... . �.­.*­ VI; - ;,g a � � - , , ,,, meeting paspiqd. t�e.,Zpnowlng reco - 0 . . I Annie time', " in I ... , kcild, L X I 4;itions.: r. . 1; ,1� ,.,.r:,,-, . . xpen , . , . Is, r c rs, I %V,--V"­,l1- I � I p;�..-�,.,x � -,, I ' : 10, W.. , * Aavt, risen to it � 1pa"n -, - -. � , , 11 Women's-lin , ­­.� , FAM, I of ictq eh ser- ; : bag received tb6 Liberal n6mination,.. ��;44d Mft"celog- 4-r-yv ,%4k � Minister- of r �w . RUn. ',t ' ­"­ , . . - - , _g. I .. , Ittir I b1b t 0anvassing - tricts t I *. � , R llv; . � I . . � . That Awo �Jiourg after ILM11A7 I '. ItUriii-Perth la" tlie''recent Parliament, % , '.2. � .. ep, 66 �',. � " � , "Alk ­ 4 ,,,V . ry 1p.yeceived. , , , I 'the bome�,,Qf upo W.,I.an � � " � 'I, .# �It, no. , . , — , �'fi- " 'A% s1sn"Or w9mI=,S�*,n% i 14 .4 . #�s . ,'w oth I a �Iirl �J�W*H, 8 , 1. . vice, Jasting one YS,yir, be. held. a " , - 1:# �� ,Hdliorary, chairman' arden Alex . I �9 . - �.. 9 .%, , ON In the ,I I I W *­­ 'A,� i-. � . I .41"" , P.-- . . i "C4, #I .,Jft,��, Qjo .0 . .W­apoiiiiV�fqq People for I Oreuing� Apjql;jfi� 11 . .11. I , ­, - I, -�, . Alekidider; general chairman,�, Rev. I Robert I ,?.n,f�,�� . '�.` : 09Jdritj was 2 150 1.� " , , " - '"' � FW17urin giid Mr 2�m 1, --v I . .� , ­ . O�UO4..�. df�le - FIA'anew fill . , AN I "Is nnokf� - . NA , " "', That following^ W6. Church' -service 1. 11 't , " � .", . I re.,RoLl -��p , IAIII�.­,; I . ­k�tt,, ", , �. ", t 41,41 . -...", � iT p. . . . , . .or support thaid" be re, and, W., -A Beecroft; vic �0! U.", WE 'S, I - , . A .L, I ­ . . . . . . . I - , I, M;1.143, .� "i'� I.. � . .. z,A. I I BtOss,o- Ther;,,,:W..;.�,1,,..` � '' I . I -1. , . � . - � - 1. Z! I I 1 11171 1 ­ , 1414 : wart hlawa�,!j�.." ! . I alice� of memberif-amr,awoo "'��';­77­ - . � I las I , :,�P,�,'Aq - 9. -PPTPR� gos I I 011 o "Il, increased� X.O., .jag. K.Inkead, El C. MacLean, �.. � -1- I . , fs,, ,0,�':,�.��,"�, , .. �ve-Coxiter k�21 - e objective Bowilian, R. N. Creech, F. F11ugIj'nd,: te-nd I I . : an usluess 'places be open I I , � X he; I , I. .PrOigre . a# . . fo . . e-chaArmen, ,Rq , . I . , I -i co -ho for, , , � .. �,­ , great .bt� �P`U T) , T , b . , OR L boois'. .. .- ....­ A- -­L� -.2.. C.-':� �... I, � � , vllit�ve,-'party, .4-8 you doubtless . -ATTL ,118- 1" -hi""" , -'00W,stafida -` ho,arer, ,� for' ' 1, ,- - TV': . , 1� ,? '11�:11 - - I ','��r,�'+�*, . i" OF - , "CONSE10 1, I .. ­ 1 �L��! - � , ... - 1 , �� . . ,or � , *,'­ 'ZI., % , , , , , , , , , I ,�� �.-�z ,� " ' '�!,'A'f'­;�"� fteclamation issued by , , .. - - .- e.- 1 , A '005'000,' ' : � "'T I . , I .a ' '- ' , ,. ­ �i - 1,11at the , , I 1, . I, , - , I sent. T , ­'�, ,,, i i ,40,MA�%, rv%p -- � .he chair was; It ke . ,- _,-0X.Zxet0;r.,1- ,, , : .. - " _ ': , ;�k, , ' � _ I , I . S ", �­��,�­­ .1. _W , . ff�Y wvolgaak;�M,�' I ­ I � I �'. ,,, ro - '40 , . ' . I ' , � . ­ ,;, ,L ,2 OP. , , I . . ' � 8 r . U Ot;lihai4; organiZers,'11. J. Vandp- , I -1, I ys:Luke " ., , , -.1 , - -, " I , - . R ' ' ' �u "Ry' �'114e; , ,�,. the Town of Seiatorth be' withdrawn, � Vd-­ . -, Ross Sgott:, divi ional chairman, J. Go&rieh ��;k"��­',t�,`­I,.', . �� - " 1-1Qat-dift�:�whiv )0li ,. p. t 1 n g To'l-d President, Miss Glad � - ,�.T.n worth--nuron, Er , . �'-."- - . ,­ - M - �,,, 1. �,,�`�,��,� I ,J . I . 1 I' . . . .11 ". �,;. , 1� .� %� -4 ! �,. � � . - . I ened the Meeting' wltii%t4e, Inothas, , "i � ,, . . -OL.;.q" * P61711i , I I Vmalior.,�,Uti-, ; , : -:- and a joint roalamat4on be Issued by Sitting Meiriber Will 'topresenA'6d the r1dh,k9'Ih thI6.4gat Thel following am.." quotas fo�r *ater, -1 --A. L rj3.sd,e,n,' J. R. HIlborn; - Mich"A ' ' ' ' ' diti6n, , Ode; "'O - Canada;�, Lorirg, , ziea'OrLA 0, 0 , I U b , � "llacKiflazi , la*_ent,41-11 again, 6iltest the the diffciE I : . wv�lwo . , 11 "' I Is 1,0,,6� 41 11�01119P. and I . _, -- 1071'-, . �,. � I - I V I , preta " - ,� i,� ; -ionqwingday , Conte t rolvindal W&- 01-ealbirl, in the -lot . 111-11. ----,-,,, . , ., . se ry, Miss L. M. --� .. 15'. � , 66it "'; pa -roll - '-,- 7 Splendid- report- ' " 3j' , , . ." I n, . , '00� I", ; " " 0 , I � i . OnEjp, I . S P . . er6ots of the - i0w� , _._�_4�, , Y. I I . -Rook - - .. pra"er" ' $ Vero -P. .".. , , , " . Ashfield Twp . ..... :.. _ ... $11.9,5oo .S ed. .' eilted; - - showing: - Ins , -W ,- � t6? fhave: - -1 I �": . . a ,public, Ii,oUdjy;. , - I . aviligs sectio W. C. Attridge, chair- va ve.. p V, I " ,Man._ R, K. . the � -,...."-�.� ... . .� .� � , ., , � � , 1, �, � .. i' i "tt ' gA'. ` - ijj�d the�',Uberiills .Wgwaubsh West - �� ' 19! 74 OOQ �', ' 1� J. ­ � > - - had a most. Pros a te � 1. ._ f 11. I . I -That all h6mvill and places ie decor- ing, of Hur'on-Bruce. , . . , . . .....'.", 0 1 Wurtele, Chas. Roberts, . . I , . � , . v . t ­ ­. . � . I I . haVel chosen, Capt. Douglas i4glr�.. of b6iborue, , I . .. . Perous'. yearii,, with .& 1� .. .... , . ,,, - I . ated. . . . .. " " . I ­ - TW6. .,.,,...:;f,.k�n:: 71,'04& M., 19. Tennant; special n - sectio, ' . - cash. k ... ", . ,; - . Goderlch '&. contest � ames: . n, Attended b�-m,jembcrs , ,the Gode- large , Rtiance. on hand :� .� I ..", ,..; I-,, . . . I " - L. Parions, chairman, � . . i. .. ,,:"M :, I That on the ProolAIMbd public holl- I I , . I 1. . -the.. rlAiiijg In: GoderlefiVown ..... ; i".:,��.. 4,59000 G. � of � he'linancW ', x�'b' � :.1.11. 1� .11 , I . � I . '" "P. , - . I Chas. Saun- ri t&*n I T � I Job,, W. Hanna was the ungninxid their. Interest. There is also, the -pos- Wawanosh. East . . . ch 66uniift"�"d others, a,ldln- M, . " . rpvorts,w;;%" `y, ­ � �'., ..­4.1,,r't.. - ,�z z 1 4, " �.." *!, �z ' e's,; IdM6 4111 Wit I . I ne!r. was held ia ,�Op�,4, Bedford, G�ode, . , , � service be held at Ous �z ; . , " 74:60944 ' ' . ­.­... I . , , ,.. , - Irs. Ted Mbnfi,, secjet4fi4rea � all -.4 , I � - 'I". , da,T, a ... - , - . ere. I . t . � Li SID11111i that a' a -Cy. pan�4 . (jhim ....... �^ .. . I, -at 230, choige � of the H�r.on-Brug . - *,��.,R,,--', 1. ,, qrs; '. ,e V,r , , I the ftr " , ,­ . �. � , 200,56.0: �' 'Publlb Relations Section - C. , K who �alsq ga:.V.e ti, .. ; .�, .� I I ommeming . ' � ,� ran In this riding. ' , I.., " .. ,l , Al'. , " � - rich, on Tue§day.,1J b4-tii hear at. iIe- ' �'i V ; - � . . -t . slve-Consarvi ilve � 0 Turii-berry Tw , . :r I - P.m. a , mluafft OQ#v�uf . ......-'.,.4.. Saunders, ch � I '.-x I , p - - C"Teplar 14ts- 11 I� ' . 'Posing-tut.1,62n,pon, S Of'jj , � � .. . , , . ... , ..' -, m4AAd. " `4 � - " , , 239,000 � OV � '.. � I . � - - HO*ick Twp; . � 82,000 airman; W. W� Arni-port Of a trip. igi p, by G. L. Xiir. 1 '"' '' r' I , � I _ _ - . I tion held, in the Town' Haiti; "M"Ing- , Ehunieratoft-i-Ndin". , � . . T, . - . , . That, a parade assemble 'at the . "' ", ... - �'.. .. Strong, A... P. Wilkes, A. 11�,'Erskine, sons, president of the W6�t',mide iiid Shipped . �e . '"' , :....�i I . .1 I' , , .- 1. EnumerXtors'have een � r . , . '. 4� ', I oa&' X k 1367��d -inaich. to ihe hamj, TbilAsday evenin b s 'Twp. ....,...'.....'�,.... � . Blue... W,Mer * J r . .. TgA ­ pa, - Towir Hall it - . g lAst. He was appointed Mkirri _ ID1,500 W. T. CrWbksbanj,'.J.W. Morie r ' ", 2. Crogsl,; 6-1 .1 1-1,., 1�;., . ' . . Y, X. Highway � Association, 'the secre- I I . r p6itted -,for, 't' ,,�, signally,hofiored .'tisi: no 'othej iianie I,, each polling'subdivision in Twp . ........... ;,...".... Whitmore, Ge Will , � � , '. 4 � ­ r ' I . ;I . .. ,the rid.; Grey, er, Manors, and - ' ,, e ,Xgi� ", . - ,� ,t�i" : - , .., I " I - ,-. -1 - . ov maily , �,-', � , '. I I That a ' -be ' al , - ' Ahllft I., community servied., . 1. . ,1217,$06, o Jenner, N. W. tark, C.' , w-tX Tbe-­repor�;who�e& � I 11 was placed J fori be convention. �He lug, iiid Will corkiiiiemme their' duties� Brussels ........... *. -"-. P 4.4 79,560 ,§3. Prevett, Norman -Garrett, R,.,r,:. � er @� higliway .- .r ... I " . arranged ,by -the . 3rdr Pre. jilyfli ............. �..� � A'. - - -.1L, from C�nlngwood io Goderich. : -.,, ,ktitted arg 11, , . . Program, M�ndsy'inorniugj April 2' .� ,e.les',had' been, jnAdle`:'4nd, '.­ �rr,, �� I .,,the subeegatu . .a!",.,... 49,000 Middleton, I., M. Southeott,- Keith M. `Tfte-,16, .' I Legion, li� given Fon, the stage at the " ' C,` crudidate In the 4�n , , . ... t -, , .. I I . � proyin'cial", electfoill �" than two liminary nits must"be completed by Tuckersinith An uiiprecedent�d r boom In the� . I en�--. . � . versOas L 1 "I " _ . . � �A I � I Park,, the music, to be the . I I wP . ............ lo$,000 McLean, M. B. Tennarit,,E. S, Cope,-' tourlsi trade was foreseen'by .t b ' . . ­ ��. untrr Saturday night, Apr! - 9xes repiart Wa'S, Presented by ,Mrs. , Ti, , 1 .�s, ago,.and lit I I 28th. . Enumer7 , TWP .... ­' ' - - 108,500 land, Jasi. E. Willis; -administration 11cials. They reported that accom-: Beer, d(qcle � 1: "­ directIon of Miss yea a �u porters,,�Ppear he of � �, . p 1. ' CKII Pp - .... , 1, . . , , I , Sing , I . .Turn�bull,­ d Mr. ed determined to have Win. contest utbrp *ill sit as revising. officers on alleilt Tw , . that fo'U'r, -sblpm6liti '41, . - 'I E. H. Close. - . .., 1. . . � . P. . ..... -.,. . log,..5oo sectibn, , A. :H. r Erskine, chairman N. modatlon in hotels, 'to riat honi.05,r of box -ad ' . . , . the ,election.. :. . Tuesday, May 29th, wheii'ailditidlis or 'Seatiorth. * 16V IPo u , eil h 'been forwarded. over- .�.:; � , L -iting- . c rrectl us . . OM- r , ­�.. 1 That a proigraln. of sports,' at . .......... I ....... �.. 174,000 W. Miller; agriculture lialson, b cabitis, etc., is booked I up for July Number of balteit �4:uf . . �%, ­ � ­ . . 7.�,­ 1 slk . 1, In -gecepting the. nomination Mr 0 o may be made to tbelilsts.... Stinley Jrwp. , .......... '. � - - 110,000 mi-ttee: Huron County Federation -Of and August all. along JAe route. '. ' ,��`,'�` , . ..4 I were 189; -cost of each box $ i,�. . : ed'by the Sedforth Athletic Ass0cla- H , , Enumerators. receive nin4exents per Goderich Twp., . - .... gi. too! - Agri'dulture , � 5.*00. Vo- ,, :--�� I . Pon, follow the Stage: pro$ri aqnwt Sald�'he Was, very proud 'to be ............ ". , ­ .. I .; honoiarY chairmin, A. Because of the,' Scarcity of lulnber�, ta'V�c6gt`$0'40--00- Agricultural ripli)rt ,, �1-...' ., , 1- I - bacg'on the nlatfqr�m and express6d name 4ii�,-the,paritab4y�tary.'].Jsts, plus HeUsall,aud Hay East .. ... logs6 ' l6rigi�, president, H. Sturdy;rRurort � WAS,, 41"n 'b '­ " ". � .� . .. o a . .., I - .the support given rey.1sing, and, t is covers is ,itt, Is for building pul:poses, there T Mrs- GGO&WiM Citfien- '.- � . "", ­ . .1 , That ",the'. decorations be �- Zmaged $5.00 for h' ' ­­ ' Wt Zurich and Hay West...-.... 97�',500 County War Services - Committee, avalla-lid * Ship, Mrs. ShirrAy-,, His ' - � " � �., I * -the Seaforth r aMnfber. 64 Com_ his 4 preci� 9 of . I I ,p, jt� 4 " � .. , , 11 I - Re- .1 1: , �, . him - I 11 .­ 1 . . ,� " . � .1 I .. I it th4��.14.gt, g I .' Usborne Twp ........ ,II'.. i... 10.8,60o president. -K. .1. Hueston. . � 0 new accommodation being . ".. torle, I 11 1� mer,ce. . � � . , r . . ". , 1petiozi. Eighteen ,expenses I zeaXck, Mrs'. ... Al `,­ A . . . ., I, . r Enumen , . 'I Wi . ' I . r That'dn-Aha. eve*nIftig' - 11 't6lub mqpthg,agQ I w -to Toronto to. re- Ltori are-,�hollqw,: Exeter ............. . � . -constructed, with ,the 'exception .4or Orr; SOCIa- .elftre , '. �**,;. I � I. .... .... ' . --7 � I -4 thw Lions . cut I ' . � 159,500 County 'Canvassing Distr . South -am' Mrs. Broderick "' Publicity .. �...,�� � . . . . . - I present th4�'best x Pll]�LARTON­ N icts . Pton where some cabins and, Wri "-Mr'S.:. ]�' ,�;, �dlng in Ontario . .. . .40. � 1; G. C.. - Mcln� Stephen I , .i " I . I 1, .-, sponger a street dance. and.a .band - , . Dist ............... 71,000, �, . 'Cottages are in course ,of erection . glit ;Home' Economies" '*g , " � I , ., , ��, I � . � .1 , . , concert ' nZ toah, gelence 11111; NO. 2, Clifford Stephen West .' airman. , Alex F Me- I . . . .. . . E10, I. ,'Z�T. " ., and L wislijo,thank ,L As,hfield=Ch , .� . . .; .,�', `� I . in Victoria, Park .for n . you for thi co .. - v "..�,... ' 71 000 gle � , r on- Mo r I * " Ine 1. . . . . 1 '506 "2na suggestion w r. I . , �.% ! Adencer yb,.0 ,have Placed In n. giv- ..... , . 1. . r Alton, . 'i. .. . ,, 1, �­ , . i. � as I ­ 1. . `,­��, I ,, �, ,, �, ,, �, . � . That, ,on Tuesday , ; .. I ; ,� - ,afi 4ccl�l aif . .... I . . 189 Mo :The Tnotto, "There is Always T*e,- ,; I.", I "%; * . daneem , , , : Kemp, R.R. 1, Mitchell; No. 3, Alex Clinton I , . . - . ... 11 ld; John - I�ennett, Walte made' that . I, Ing i I. Morrison - F011arton - No. �4., � I Gilbert Friyne, MarVih Durnin, Ern ; those having acdomi dation to rent , � � I . - I ne tin on at this colt- .1-1 .14 . .1-11 . Watson . - . I . r'. � � . ­ evening, April i . iie*, had 'full conSor tt, R.R. 2P,"St,�*'Paijig. . %, ItOsS I., . I . - -in ordir ,to For Courtesy I and Gio�b# Manul�ra?,' ,.'�,.,, : ; I 11� I'll Carbu . . 11 should open it in June, . - , . �,Make .. . . F� . � .­, .. - West Wawanosh-Chalzman' Thols .. ,,,� �C� 'ijjt�r'�U'o,-,j ii-v��9-1,-�. ` 't I -. 'k,SI0IA4&' 1414; " I r. .. .. I I " q � vOlitiou, - Hq'.Agid 111-1.1 - . ­ I ,75,000, eat Blake, W. A. Culbert. -**,�jAr'giV'e4r by Mrs, Hess- , - - � Short, . " 24th, a committee �io 'pose.kd, of ,Mayor. .- . � I 1 M it available -to peil)ffle.who could ­ A "' i " ' ' .. ,� :4 . . l"E'N pi ljj'n.& den,0641i�f, Thy. orr-A-R. " , " " , - so, �.6, - - .. r �. ', "Use -At . talk, -pateitaining 0 - ce, � "A I;`,� . ,, i ' --w��, . 6. .'Oe�, r r ,Lt., ,".""O, . , I I A. kjch6fion ; - colild- 61flo It" rdi jt�'�`­,:&- 11 I .L..., �� , , " %1�1�. 11 , d F. S. ". ­� . . 1. 0 ' dhiidrbn I . 110 bavc nl�61,'? -was- givenj by '4 . ... ., ,,%,,, . . ., Reeve , ", to this riding of Hurbft-Bruee " . ' i6tl6ry 7 . I . . - -� I - s rit �, Peraoxii I .. � .,� - ;­ i , 'k�- igibiiv���'.*,'�--'"-,�i-*L;�,.t', ". I � , iitt's�',-A,&"'�-'.-�ti",Itft�hell- ilio. - '" 'L:" ' ', -' ... . � "Mobst6C., .." , I I. ­* then-" so-'thilt 4dtherSr*.W 1-1.�l I ­ 3,­J-Zb1Uft � . _ oo �S]66 . ., illors 3'. B , * Win 'h'b-'WodId'br1]uj.'WioLoiher - . , Ivounci .,, Keating an' V Thiel, RJL j: Mitchell."' . . . Colborne Chairman,' Frank6i Me- e ge Go I 0 ".� � -s, ., ­ I N". - I ( Sills , I gin, ,, Lloyd,N . . . rgarIeat Henry of Ex,ete�r r. I . � ! .. . . � . holiday'mofiths of July and.Augu. but . . contri- r .. !, smi . of Tucker- Just onq� of the Imani- In Hui,on-*qce 11IBBERT�JST*- , ohn' - EXETER Ilwaln; Hugh Hill, Gordon Bisset, . . St.- Ma - ,.,Ill , R;, : I .. , � th, Reeve 'N.' R,. Dorrance Of Me- R 2, 1 J, F Murphy,. '. �­The possibility of improved boat ed two delightful re�adiiigs, ., . �,.Thd ..: .... � , i Publin; No.1, George Coyne, - -end visitors at the.' Alex Watson, Geo. Fea.-an. - ' . �.,,',�� , �� �� �� �� .�o I � Killow and .the, ''Presidents of the who. could take. on this resp'Onsibillti. S is; Week . -home of - accommodation between' on -Wide's - First, Can -;on. the Butcher,". . ,� I . , OUP4,ant ,�' � , I 4 , .. I - , � xetqr Ahe Bruce Peninsula and \Man]-toulin � � I, I ' � . Legion, Chamber of Commerce Atli- I -am very ­tbankful' to my many. f No. 3, Lloyd Colquhoun, Staf7 Mr. and Mrs. J*hu Caldwell, � E Town of Goderich-Chairman, R. G. and re'sponded �Wlth 'a f6vely encore. , � 'g; ,No, 4, Angus McKa1g, Crom � � - ��! ., I friends and it is mi Intention to give , arty. North, were: Mr. a4id Mrs. Edgal�. r Sanders9n;. C. K. Saunders, 0. L. Par- Island is 'likely as two more boats Miss Greta Lammie favored with a . I., �. I . I .0 alone, Win. Sturdy, "'Geo.' MacEwan. are to be added to tile ran. Gladys .11, . -� , � I . letf6 Association, Lions Club, �dlnis-' you "what I have and trys to -bring SBORNE-No. 1, Garnet Hlcks,.R. Rundle a'10:,14711ily, .of London;' Mrs. iolin SDIOp With MISS . ,­" , r I . , terfal Associa1lon, Women's Institute, .. R. 3, Exeter; No. 2, Kenneth Johns, East Wimanosh-Chairman, John Pleasing vi I I k Red Cross, Federations of Agriculture about the share We are deserving Emerson Anderson, and fiLmily, of I The- officials were Pleased'' wi Luker; as accompanist— . � . I—, I 1� , 0 S. Scott; Raymond Redmond, Adam th . . . �� 14.1. , � . I ". .11A -. .. of MUKIllop, and Tuckersmith, ' from the Ontario Government. I Wo dham;%Nn. 3, A. W. Morgan, R.R. Kippen; Mr. and Mrs. J. ftsery and their reception' at all points, where Mrs. Ted -M,iinn was uifanlin I . �77�7�,,:,, - 11 I I Robertson, Chas. Coultes, Alex Me OAS y I -�'­. - and W. , ile 1, Hensall; No. 4, N. Passmore, R.R. Karin, of Centralia; Ml�s Margaret . k.1. I .-J I 4. Dalej representative 'of HVIlett spoke it glowing terms of -his 1, Woodham; ,No. 5, Mrs. Henry Ford, Gallagher, of London; .- Burney, J, D. Beecroft. - they',heard appreciative remarks ,on choseii president i.. to replace 7. as . , I . .l. George Drew, who. he, said had , .1 �: 4 I.e',�, , � meet in -the Town. Hall Spatorth -a i leader � Mrs.,, R. H. the activities of the' association,. and ,Gladys Luker, rel " ' h � '. ....",­ , I . 11 MR. 3, Exeter-' No 6 Mrs. Alvin Sproat, of 'Seaforth; � Mr. and 3 Wingham -' Chairman, ,Frank R. ..� l.�i�. been kind to him and to thli-ridin .iring preside#f, W 6 , :, 8 eClock to selec a , ommittee of g. Pym; R.R. 1, &tiali.; " . ill meetings were well attended. faithful , �` -, ; . A f 0 1 -. Mr . resigned after three years of. ­,.� � f 11, � Howson; R. H. L oyd, Chas. ,Roberts, service. 'The 1945-46'si . � I �` . three to co-ordinate 44 plans for ,He spoke feelingly Of the death of No. 7, T. A. Jack Frayne, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. 'i . I . ate is. -as,, 1 I. .. ., , � D�iy.' 1. . . .1 V- President Roosevelt saying bis,pass-. Wiseman,, XIrkton. 1. . Frayne and Kenny, of' Exeter,,' L. Davidson; Fred -Spry. secretary. , . .. 0— , 41. I I . , .. ,,,,,, , ,* .1 . I Mrs. loWs-and presented-wIlf' Mrs Kim* . I I .��;, . � ..,:�,,��,� 1. �, . 1, . .. . Ing was .a great loss to the British EXETER -No. 1, Earl Parsons; No. Ivan Webber and family, of -.Exeter; Payroll Savings: Charles Roberts, ­ convener of 'the noininati .."', \ f :,, � . q 2, Charles Montelth`.'No. 3, Andrew Mr. a chairman, R. H. Lloy�l, . � ;ig oniiiiii- , e P I . 'inpire, Dominion of Canada and all nd Mrs,J L. A. Fisher and Judy, E S Co W. Gurney, A . 1. . .0 .1 . E .. I . I . �'�.4 It � I . � "urn W.J - t6e: - Past president,. Miss G I , 11 . . . 'Campbell; No. 4,'E. -C. Harvey. Of Rocky River,,Ohio, who w . . . adys . "' � . the Allied nations., - i�land: Public Relations: E.. .. I@ ' �, f " . ere here . �it, i , , . . , : "i . �� I � I Luker; president, Mrs. Ted Munn;. Ist ' I :!��, I ,. . I I . pman, R,R. attending t4le-Frayne - Caldwell . wed- S. CoRelind. chairman: W. W., Arm- vice-president, Mrs. A-1.W."Ker4,like;.� . . � "" Ili ,—* � . Exeter; No. 2, T. N.Tor strong, W. ;r. CruicIgskank. . I "�g . . I syth, Kipp-qn, dini on Saturday, S' b 11 1. . QW.L.- Holds . ' %- . . . . . .1, April l4th. . I Hold . leeting 2nd vice-president, Mrs. -R, A, -Orr; ­� ,Ia� I . . . . No. 3, Lee Hoffna-an, Zurich; No. 4,1' , - - . . ­. . Turnberry-QbaLirman, David F 0 .;" � .1. RTY-CHAN , r- 44 � "Ill ­�� . seeretary-treasurer, Mrs. �&: Chip� _ , .. L . �11 1, � I - I jkcGb Haberer, Zurich;. No. 5, Henry. ' - --0-7— tune; Rev. F. G. Fowler, John L. Mae- ti , ^chase;' assistant, Mrs. R. E- ' . . . ,� . 11,11-1 e, . - Annu'al.Meafing " -PROPE I I GE * -ton � .. '. I ie Women's I I '. . I . . . . � . I .. .�, Ischilbe, Pashwood; No. 6,' Clay . Ewan, Geo. Lane,, Roland Grain, Har Institke met on K.. I"L:; Press . i " - . L , � ,I �� . .... .. , , I - ,, . I I . Tuesday afternoon in the Forresters' repidsentative, Mrs. Redden, , , " t � ­ t 7 I I. . '. . Pills, Dashwood; No. 7, Jag. 'McAlIls- .1 old Moffatt, 1'. J.--Wrlght; j. T. Wylie, Hall 'with & good 'attendance and -the' branch directors, Mrs. Driedalo, Mi.i. �.. '. , . , '' �� I The annual meeting, of the: C.V�.L. The residence',on Sparliag Street, t�r-, R.R; 1, Zurich; Wo� 8; Max Turn- Awards Granted Roy Potter. .. . President, Mrs. Edgar Lawson was "',.. . . -.. �� , ' Milliken, - Cross, Mrs. W. Sangster; pianist' ­,1111�, �'­ i owned by -Mrs. .Dorothy I. . bull, Zurich. %. , 4 1 . � I , Miss . 1, � , . I ' , : I �� was heid In the Pprish hall -in Mon- hap, been sold' to Mr. J. 0. Wallace,� . I , I ' I ' Howick-Chairman, K.' Y. Hueston; in -ebarge. Mrs, R. .1. Phillips ;resid- F. Welsh" assistant, Mko, G., Lam..' 11 - -,,� 1. . �, . �, ST14PHEN-No.,l, Mrs,.-Llb mi�dsr granted by Gr4gg�- L,(ruca-* I . ,. 11:", . I day, Apra 16th. Preceding th � . I -'-'- ' J- .W. Kreller, Robt: L. Marshall, Al- ed at th6,,P1afio- A minute's: silence I :,:: . � l .. . e meet- ot London. Mr. W.allace 9 ­ . yd Hodg- Ai� � I m1e; card convener, -Mr-9;'W ,% .I, i �- ,,x ing the members, .with Rev. Father . , Who I; " �w 71904,� .... Ideutrii1a; 'No. 2, Wilfred Shap.� tioi4i:D0 Ian Munro. ' I . I I ' .., . �gmale.; . ��, � ­. " commercial -fiaveller ". , Vartmen . � �, . . . I , Will get Rossek- tot ' MorrIs'7-Cbajrnian, Cecil Wheeler. ' hpoor of the I -ate Strict representative, Mrs.,J. A. Pat- i , I � . ,­ Hussey'.a . t for worirsubmitted was observ,ed'in di , I . . in- Mard tests: I .I President It erson; jam convener . - -2 ­ , . I s ijuest ot liquor, enjoyel i i, Credit6n; No. 3, Emmers6n.-Wen Grey---LCha*irm Franklin D. RooseveW , s, Miss 1G.. ;.AM- � - 7: �.'. -% ery delicious Pot -luck allipperi .... and'wift , mi'ake,'his. home in Seaforth. . .� ­,". I I Crediton; No. 4, Lawrence O.G.A. Membership ang O.G.A. Sr. wa,,$' decided, to! d6nate'$5.00 to -the- mie, Mrs. A. W. K��slake; strawber- -' 1' : A; * , -%a ,Stc,!No�.hta. new- property: on July I -St, z�e . , 'at' , jin, Russell Knight; " . Tbos. Wilson, 'C. Rowland, Wilbur jilvenile baseball teAm that ha�s been ry, Mrs. W.I`O. Goodwin,,, Mrs,, Y. Sheb'- . .... ". I I , . . gn (Spe- u berd; raspberry, Mis, Kerslake Mr4. � 1. -1 . . , Ing was 11 � ... J� , he the ve'�I. estate agen6y Of Watson & Dashwood; NO,. T, Artbur Ot6libeiner, cial Prize), P. Miller, & -Pepper, K. ard6r, Stanley Machan. ' .. . .. I � , This being th,e' twenty-fifth anni- The transaction 'W�als wartz, Crediton; No. 5 Pat Sulli- Certificate", Agar, L. hinnigan, M. Turnbull, Geo: MacDonald, Alex Alex.' J � I-,- . versary of i1i 'organization of 't' made UaTough "Oan,, Crediton; No. 6, itZben Goetz, Holland, L. HoPP'er,'M. 9�­Brl formed ,in A hurn. A read , . . 'L . ,3�ea,66 in.the London Diocese, spe- Reid. . given by Mrs, Jeterniah Taylor; a W. -Sangster; Plum, Mrs. 0. ' 'ook, a 1 22'1.'1,,,. 1 , ,C � �,'� . ; cial recognition Was � -given to the I . Dashwood;, No. 8 William' Love, ROherts, M. Sangster, M. St BOw- solo by Mrs. Gordon Taylor, and a rs. Beer;: grape, I . ,' , . . . eele, H, Brussels -.Chairman, Robert Mrs- .G. Hess; pear, M :AP .-.; - I :�t , � I man; Roy Cousins, L. Hilborn. R. W. reading by Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt. Mrs I .. I .. .. .. I � � )6.� . 'meeting. A beautifully decorated , 0 . . ., . Grand Be6d; No. 9, bolin Love, Gra4id, TUrnbuR, J. Vodden, A. Mrs. Orr Mrs. R, Brodsrick;, Over- . ""' . cake centred the head table, hnd ,sIl- . I I , . Watson. A m I I Bend. . Kehnedy. I ' seas -box' ��,','. I I I . . Red Seail Superior Merit Certifa- Jamei Woods gave -a very intereating committee, Mrs. F.. Beer, I , 1. � �?Tjj a ' . enson, R.R. 2, Seaforth; No. , , I . '�, .ver c ndles and daffodils were" used HIPPEN RULLETT-No. 1, Mrs. Leo Steph- cates-E. Blyth -Chairman, L. Hilborn: Jack talk qu her trip to Vancouver and Mrs. J.'A. Paterson. . � �I,1'11 , . I Pepper, H. Turn6ull . . I an the tables. T -be past Presidents, 2, Miss Junr6i R�­D. -Philp, HIe II!,111, ,% .. -who were at "a SP4qaI table received ' O. G. A. -H. RtWies, S' Watson, -rb McElroy, Victoria; This was followed by a (Continued on Pagl� 4) . I ,..� � " I I I Mae Smith, R.R� ..4,, Walton; '1�o.. :0� T-inggy. I . . J- S.. ClIellew. - I : . - s iW . solo by Miss Xosephine Weir. Tickets . . I . . . . 1. 1'. q Th� church service on Sunday will , ��', � . I corsages and each I one gave, a short be conducted by the mini, 1,11 Tuckersmith - Chairman . . � Yr'?,P stet. His Frank'Tyndall, , .R. 4' Clintop.; NO. , Typewriting Speed -F. Allier 42, ' P —0 I . 1�,',`,j�`. ;1 E- - were sold on a prize donated by Mrs. I - I .. "'. . � , review of outstanding work d6ii4'"In subjebt will be, "The'Womanly Char- 4, Xelland MeVittie, i F. Chesney. I ., .1 . � . . , L4 , 1 1 � . .R. I,' BlYth; Cooper 62.x """'" . . . .:­­ i.1.11- . Arthur J. Ferguson, the proceeds in ' ; ;... ber term Of office. The members acter.of'Jesus." No. 5, Neville Forbes, R.R. 1, Clinton; I . . --Chairman,, Jag. M. Scott. .. I 11 . ; , �r . � - t' then sang,"O, CAgaddl,ll and all Stood . . . Igrued No. 6, William Govier, Londesboro; -- Hull, aid of the overseas box fund. The News .� I_ Mr. William IvIson, has ret .� . �, - � McKillol) lavarna ."', �. '. � I f Toronto Where he bag been for ild. 7, - Job . . ." ftt-Chalrman. Jno. Armstrong-, lucky. ticket was drawn ,by,'Mrs. , E. 1. . ­ . . �111 " , � . I . ,; at attention during "'The Star''Spangl- rOm n A. Wilson, Auburn. � Seaforlth-Chairman, X. A. Reid; Phillips and Mrs. Herbert Mogridge � . . I " ", . , � I ed Banuer�­ played by* Mrs. F. - Dev- a .fqw months. . I , STANLEY -No., 1', Mrs. John A i G. D. Ferguson, J. G. Mullen. Public Won th'e Prize. A,pleasant and in- Mrs. Todd (nee Jennl�' Rathwall), - ,� .. 'I I I , ereaux as a tribute t,6 the late Presl^ Mr's. Ernest Chipchase and son I McEwan, Brucefield; NO.' 2, Thomas- Noted',, Sire , - -F I ;�, . Relations: Jas, I Willis. chairman', I "I": i I �.,:, . I . dent Roosevelt- . -. , . came -boihe from Scott Memorl-il Hog- Baird, Bmeefleld; No. 3, Cl . . I I teresting featurle Of tile meeti,ng was Of Souris, Manftoba, was. renewing I � . 7 , ­ .. - . oc I . al I - Stanley - Chairman, ac I . .1 I it'"I &afbxth,­ thlawbek. ' . 11 a demonstrdtiou of cotton house 'cl iaintances in and .around Var,u& 'i".., . :J�. The regular meeting was then held p a, raue; KIPPen*; -No. 4, David Ander.., -Comes to Huron Flmer Web- -dresses and kitchen aprons. Miss Mar- and called on Mrs. M. Reid' on Sun- � . -V I I "I with Mrs.-, C. P. Sills presiding. Thr. I I . Varna; No. 5., R.'Rob-inson, Zurich; " ster. . garet King - received the prize for the a ay, . ­., I 11� . annual report,', . was *presented by the - .. No. 6, Keith- Westlake, Bayfield; No. ' Goderich Twp,-Chairnian. George ' I . � �, Rma,rtest dress, and Mrs.,R. J. Phil- Mr. Find M-rs, Seeley' ot Clinton, .9 . I . - I . . ..sqepretary, Mrs. 'X:J6%e,ary. This r'e- 1 7, Charles Laport6,. R. R., ,Zurich; The new berd sire in tbe4Meadow Ginn. . I . . .. ", lips for the best apron. . called Sunday'on the former's sister, . ,�-� I . I, poit showed the s6clOt'Y to, have bad DUBLIN - NO.'8, John Parker, Bayfield Glade� Holstein berd. omied by W. Hensall and HAY Elist-Chairman, Mrs. Go',don R. Taylor. PrOsented Mrs. Austin, and son Russell. ' I . ;,,�,,,;."- ' . I ? I � IlQ. ' . . .;�.')V��, a very,succ4iii� .y0w. i�all lines of I . blicity, 'Ili(- following . slate of officers Jor Aidin&ton spent. Sun- �.g,�), ,, , I 'I ­ ,�,.k . I .. . ... I-eague work. 'Sodial. seivide, . eduCa- of Goderich, spent the week -end orth' ' No. 2, Jameg T . Rag Apple Mingtrel. Zurich and HayI West-Chalrma-n, ay with relativeb in Hibbeit. , - � I Personals,. Mis's Do,rothy ,--Donnelly R.R. 5, Sea 'i -is QIenafton L. Mickle; R. 14, Nliddlpton, pu Mr. and Mrs. � McKILLOP-No. 1, John L. Malone Rume Cl�utton, Goderich, ' , - I ., 19-15: Hon6ra'r3r President, Mrs. la,; 1, 1. 1 , �,,��,-, , .I. at Scdt,t, XR. 2, ;' " *��i I� ' Seaforth; No. 3, IFtImer He is a son,pf the noted 1-Joisteln A. Kalbf1eiscir. Woods; President, Mrs. Edgar Law- Mrs. Horner. of Zurich, in dompAny' �. �,,�� 1, I � tion, and t1i'd needs of the parish boys the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs'. Dennis, R.R. 1, Walton-, No. � Usborne-Chairtran, 11.,,X$'..1 , I In the seivices Wdre tbe' main ob- Joseph Donnelly,— Sn;, Miss Doris , 4', Htigh , bull k.dnt le Riag A ppl(,' Marksman Will Johns; son; vire-presidents, Mrs. Herbert with her daughter, Mrs. Kruger, were � �;`. . Alexander, R.R. 4, Walton, (oWned by McCague & (erswell), He Clark kitsher, Wellington Wock. Sunday glle�ts at. the � �,��!l ,� f � jeqts of the League'�,icqylty, Flanigan, of, Lon -don., and Jos. Flana- Mogridge. Mrs. J. J. Wilson; secre- home of the � �� :, . - �, . E ;- . . , ,,� -1 I . i I I ., .., '%, � 1, The finaneW stateweilt w g - - Tuckr�ipjm,tH­ No. 1, Harry was "All Canadia:n'l thu,e­'Year-old of Exeter-Cbah-­7,1M1, R. N'. 'Crepch. tary-treasurer, Miss Margaret King; are ' 1 ­. , I, by theAreftsurer, kis.* 1.4 Cleary, Mr. and'Mrs. Joseph Fliinag�Ln; Miss liesney, R,R.4,Seaforth; No.2,Mona 1943 and "All Canadia�­ aged-buli-in. Public Relation.q: 3, W. Morley, B. W. district director and Press secretary, pleased to report Mr. Ing% is slowly I ,1:.� a given gan, of K tchener, with their parents, C � forlater's daughter, Mrs. Ings, We 1. �, ,�; I -v,; ,. 1;, . .,;:�;.. . 1. showing receipts ,of 071.29, 'expenses Margaret Krausk' f, McGregor, P,gmondville; No, 9, New- 1944. 'His dam MontviC Rag Apple Tuckey, J. M. Southrott. Th". Pryde. Mrs. Fred Ross; pianists; Mrs. R. J. Improving, , .. 10, OP of' 9tratford, Man Garrett, R.4, 3, Seaforth-, NO.'4, COIlantha Abberiterk, holds ,the world's Stephen Fast --Ch-Irnian, C .".1 , .. . t. �634.83� balaneq­*$142 01 � , � � with )ter father, Mr. Leo Krausk .b. 1 � ,pofge Phillip The Varna. chopping -mill, will . ­ ,. �!J, � , I , . OVf; John Broadfoot, Brilcefield; No. 5 r cord for butter fat Production in -36,5 Hicks; vice-ebair . . b ,r. - I . ,tcv, I I. ,Miss Sadie Carter, Mrs. Wit. oper- .,A . A 'ote Of"th IS extended to 'Miss Mary Evans and Joseph IDvans, .Wm. J, tCraig: - visiting committee, Miss ate Tuesdays, Thuredays and Satur. .11- . .v . man, 11 K 11�111 e ­� - ,, I the retiring' priesideint, M`bs. C."P. of Windsor, spent the week-ehd with Buchanan, Hen"sall; No. 6, Jag' (raYs on three times a (lay milking. . (Continued on Page 4) Amelia McIN-ain, Miss Mae Ferguson, days, commencing May' let. , . . I e� � I , . A. � Hay, Kippen, On his sire's side Marksman is 50 - Mr. and , Mrs' . :4-I Sills, and her ,ex6c'Utivelfor th;ir un- their mother, Mrs.. Catherine Evans; .�lrs. William Anderson, Mrs. Herbert I13PPs,.of Clinton, call- ,I 11 ; ,� . . '� . 41 tiriiig ivork -�#Uliug' 'the past ,year, and Mr. and Mrs, D, Monaghan and sons, RENSALL-Ira Geiger. 0 ppr cent the same. blood as, a world's I 46— . Govier; program committee, d Sunday On 'Friends in the village. , . . i I .t �:. Miss Jos- -1 ' " , 1, .. . -Mrs. Sills w&s.,pregented-witfi a peayer of Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Mich- SPAPORTI-I-No. 1, jobi,- p. Bell; record cow.' His sister. Xontvic Rag ' I ephine Weir, Mrs. Charles A. Hows-on, Mrs. Schell, of Detroit, is spending - .1 . . . . . I'll 0 � " .1, , , ,book in, reciog'biliten of hel� Splendid a�el McCarthy; Miss DoxQ& rdan, NO. 2. Ralph McPaddin; No, 3, Allan Apple Patsy, last year established. a Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, MisT; Elms. a flaw days with her mother Mrs. ' �f. � ;I.Iil .', Ileadershizi, ,,�;,, , . .. I . y 4o Reid; No. 4, Charles Hagan; No. 5, new, world ts, record as a four-year-old. . "*. . . of -Loretto' Acad-emy, Stitatford, spent Austin, and brother Russell. ' . Y. I I ' Mutch; direptors, Mrs'. James Woods, . 1'�'­­ . I.i . - the �Iecttou Of bVicers ,resulfed as the week-e-hd wit'h her-m6ther, Mr Mrs., Edith Daley; No. 6, Mrs., ElVa The.dim of Minstrel, Glenafton . Mrs. 0porge L. Sturdy, Mrs.' Ea I I � 1. � - ' S. Pullman... . . A � . I . I ," , , , g :90119,ws�, oph'itual. advISI6i Ri6iv. Fr, Loretta Jord' -.Ncllla F70kert, Nina P.M.P. ColanthR, WAS graded . ' . I 11 I - an; Mi" '. .. ; I -. Aafthbyl Mrs -Arthur J, - Ferguson, . I The, Roosevelt dreed I � eill".1, � . Ruggey; Past ,presideni,' irs, Ci P. ,of Stratford, at her home here. �—* "Very.good" in selectivc- registration. Mrs. Allbert Camlibell, Mrs. Gdo. Bean, I belieye in honesty siiieerity, Afid t � - , - , - I V; I,::::::.. � , .-I . d3ths; president, -Mrs.' *.. i H. Hart; - , '. . , ,-�!,Ni . . he - - , - � .. . , Telegraphist Frank Evans has rg- as a six-year-old she gaveq5',522 lbs. ­ Mirs. J. .1. Robertson, Mrs. j. C. square deal: I I. , : ":. " I . ist -*e- lant'.. lyrs I of milk and'.677 lbs. -of t9t in U2 "I � ; ,!,�Ii!'." �� I 1, .. � . I prestA , ,,.�jj. R0*1and;... turned' to St.' Hyacluthe, Quebec, af- Fro 6ector . ZIL Stoltz, Miss Rthel Washington; audi- In making up oile's mind what to do--,: . � " �'!��',,,l, I � - . ,..;"m . I Mrs. John Thompson and Miss -and doing it. .. 1. I. I .1. I 1� 11 .".,. . ., �TT � � , "I SM Vit�e�d'iel(I-4)�t����Ui-s,�,.r�'..0 �Caitharliile Evans.. , �i . , . . program . , , , � ;, , � , " ,! lild-vice'tirdi I rs. J, L. bbvl' ter a furlough with hl�p moilier, Mrs. . "I I days, average test 4�86. ­ . R IE D C12WSS. tors' I.., I " , ".1- etom, , - , . . . , ­.. � ; "', � ,�%, ", I twenty-five, lieOieft diams' committee I believe in fear! ��­ �, I McMillan; r6o6rdiii t,6crafkfy, ,�irpr� . , Available "inst�el's ' , NdMOTES I . Viola Tbompson; ng God­..&ftd.,takin9 I ::;� ri "I . t, Louis Loo­bY, of Toronto, .spent the 1. � aive�,age 20,043 lbs. milk aAa� 761. lbs, I for ebilgren's day, Mrs. GorNn Me- one's Own part. I .. 1. , ��`, . � ";,L L 0 .4 .1 I . -1. �,,,,ke 1, I., I ,�� ,) , J. VIA01tery; corr6spondifik'settetAty, week-qpd,*fth his mother, Mrs, A. M. I fat Ctinchey, Mrs Oliver Anderson, Mrs. I believe in hitting the flne hard, '. 't 2411b � , I rea "' 6 M C/ J. Luuby. . P ; I whdii i I . i ' 4n 365 days. He Is dark In color, I 19 . . S. J. oleati;' t ,ni ' The film proje6ilou machine, OPeT- ,tie# bodied like Me sire, fi'hd should M rs. E. H.'Cfose, 'president of the Andrew KUrkeonnell. Xr�s. L. lr*ln, you are right. I I I . �. ... :� " MA , a. 40atherine Byrne and Mr� stied lit Htiron County Federation Of Ma . te VV611 with t . Mrs. Thos. McN,01, .-Mrs. Win. J. I believe In hard Work 411,d h � .. . .. . i r lie, ' Mr I ;he Rag A,ftle b,red Seaforth brancli of, the Red Cross � ..�1111' i� 1 rvide, Mar3r McGrath' are visiting relatt ,ro a!rid servided by National, to ' .", �i 11 KISl§`,'k` Cleatry; SlAt0s & � Of., �;� ,&gticullo Onest '. J I .1 N. ;- Xvs. Aeg,. Adnderson;,#r6sa,� Mrs, 0. in Detrolt.- - - - I , Ow In the Clutton h4td. and Mrs. K. M. Oampbell, secretary : Craig, Mrs, 'Harry Youngillut, ' pro- sport., .- ..". -I-"`;' �';`,1,4�44­ :,',�� � :�, I .Jhrm B6#rJ1 of ChMid-A, Is a�allalile to we n I % � .. . . . I .1 1!. .1 1! , . I gram committee for "Grandmother's I believe %� a #dt?#­1mIh&,And �1.li Trutt; Immigration M�j A 40'J,Ojify, . I I � 4 atty orgaidizibiloi Wi —0 ,� . are this week attending the Provin- a goulid ,�­'Z � 11,; ­ � I I . -1 , . I I Day," Mrs, J. J. Robertson Mrs. Geo. body. I . . . I I , .. . . �., . ,..; ,V.1 0 �, , ­ .1 . I A . �. �.- ,,, � I � I . 1. * ,,Y?- a oveft0k, 'd -by"coft Is ,". ", I . ldhild WeifivIb$ P, , —16--------.%4. � Sho*lhis� *4 be arrittge . - cial Convention In Toronto as dele- Sturdy, Mrs. Herbert Mogild-ge, -Mrs. I believe We ha*dr r,doja,,�o 'b `�'­ f .Ay., 'I, ;; � . , I r . L.. .. - ; , .,:­., �. 6gly. ­A�Otr6m#;- " C1 11 , 'tatting 9k, I , on R. It . And wh�d did y�u lear�.. in Ser'lp- gates 1i i lit. 601 ,�.:� _1 ',I., . . . , " t � ­ - , , , M,, I I I , 0 ,� I , , "I I ! I. I � ,; �� I 1hi. I I - - I -1 ­..­ _,�­ 11 I 1. . S N610A Pb '94 tho - s . ' - ' I I .. 111.%! ,I, " . I 6,]if ' 14"rvey 'Pohnst from this area, Arthur J. Ferguson, Mrs[. 'Win. Robot- SOUI loyblt$�, � 4 �� . , I.- .1, I ' t-" Th Itylad a&* A -Ves6oi3k fo � .1 * .. 'gbudhio, viv� - Z , W', 6-14 or tVq, `­ 4 . . . _, I . 1. 1111, " "� L . I I . -No. 2,-Olyi-�L��fio oveiateo tiie lm; tur6 lesson, doajr?" aekedffi"r.- 1W * 1* ton, Lunch I ,-.1­'r1l1,,,gf, '!�I­ . 11 � . �. 1 , , I 0 - was served Mrs, Ed- And �Slll 'Ill?", "", ,,, � � ,:� 11 Iciffly Zrvul ; 1w, Arg , 0,oa ­ ;,�.1, -�". L"J."', he edlaltd6d, "& chifto & W. V� 7AW,'�Se6ti;rk; - Con 7 , ­'�O�, 11 "abrodt - the ." ­�.�� Ing will be discontinued at- thel gar Lawson, and M,#g,,,. "O; V,er A , I I 1. 1. �.' i �"1.4 ., V I I I ��, ,,". I ", , , . '*668tir- Id.44,11. ;bjo "I , ,: ' ! ,ty .#�d#rjk�Ubtt, U-n&sb&o-- Out;- -- -dosh# rgPijid- �Ijb'"��; - ' . . .: ,,,, � ,,,, , I I A, der- � I 1, � �:,yf,i,,, I i, . I . , � 6M. � I I . I .1 I j I..�,, ,�. rl'� "'I, I . . I ,I .. I . . , , " I 4ed -.0ross work roonis W4.1 -4unV.-JUt. - -jgft�­�, -­ I . �- . . - ,`-1.W. ;� , 0 ' .t Wit]! �� I , I 'i"',�,I!"s'; ­ � it , ­ a T61k, )b�fdmgg­ quilt ' �,,%, ':,"� * Ir lk' ., .041j�-, � :; . , � . . ­­­­ 1. I .;., � , , .1 . �­r , . I , ,,,,�. , , � . I � . I �� , . . , �,X'V�j.,. .. ,,,I I ,,'�11� �:111�!::�;��"i, I &� , ­ , : . -­ I .'� 1.11''. .. I . I'll � � , , ­ ­�� - . . . ,4. . I . . . �!­ i ,,,','I .! . ­� I �!� I .., T% . , , 11 i.,- . - , " , : � - I ". 1:0, , ". � " -1-1-- ­­ J.. "I; , ..11.1"01"1��,�;,�"..,P.�t��,l�.. '. .1. . � . , � , . , . I I -1 I "I . . - �­ .�� �, . 11 , , ,,, ­ - ,*.- � 11.1. � I , . " .. ;. . , - -y'-, ", .!5 � �?, . . . : . ; I'� .. ".., .1A.-.1.1. .^Y, / - . I �!�b , ,0' " � .1 'r lr,�, ­.. "� e �' .� , ., ­ 11, C, , - `,r ...... ­­ , , ""'., . I , .1 -14 ;� I � . . . . -,. 6 " . , I I . .� --,i4 , :: * �,. �, L­7­-�� R , � I , 1: ,I I *. lg' I I :;: ,; .11, I 1, 1 I , I... ; ,� %.. . , 1 . I 1. I ir. , - , I , I , . - - -- , ­­.. ­­­­ ­ � I VIX, , , � I . . '. .1 . � . ,!, 44 1 ; , . - I .... 1� I . C� . 1, r , . 11 . . I.:, -. � - I.I. --- - � - , , , ""I , ,.. , k , . .1 I I . I , " ". . . . . � .1 I ;"� ... I ... .11, I ' . 1� , I 110 � � `�`,', � . " , il .6 ., . , �.' , , . � .. :,',�­ I, . . , I ., -, , , !" 11 -1 - .1 � , I � "': �! ,., � ,:,.., 4, �.:", �,:,. �: T��, �, , .� 1. " '..��A��X,� .. '.';..,;,;.1" , �p N �, - � , � , . ". , , , ., � �­ '! ,. '' . . , �� :,,- , I , ,�.: 1� ". '' - ""g" � "-.1-6 ". �", ,�, i. , �, : . �,,, ,,��,,I';k.` , tl`�l � I . .1 I I � ti X I I ,, . �. � il -.,,�, .." .4 � ; . , . 1, . !A, .1 , � I : I Y. �', �, ­ ,:;� �', �� �1' �, t. ., . �- . `1. I'P "I $.1 "-,:�: ­�;." " -L-I " I I ,�. ,�,. - �, I t �k,W , I ... IN� - I,.- ��z,?.i,,�;.;,-q'�, I ,­ , .�� , �1'4;�::�.�,­ �', ;,,�,)1-',Tq-'­','1­'.'1. , , '( Y :;.., , �:, � , I " I , . - �, , 00"NA514 - . ­ ­ ,� � � "'.. ­ .. , ","'r, IL ­ , . I ,., I'� ,­, 1111K,14 . , . �-i,.o I, , , , I', ,.., �, � ­­ I, ,­ , ", - "I,. �w� "..", , 'I"'. , I. , - f. . I �71, 1�"T"'..�;,".1 ;�)­"' q, j:� " - I,W, I, ,,,If% -�, �� , .,. I .1 � "'?,l, ,,, ,,I ;", . 7 �, :�:4!'�' ' -.1 �� � � ,� �,� vfw, . .�� ! - , . I, " ", ;! , , . ". , � ",L,j, L)J, ..f". , I - --1 � �K�',�' . ".,4. ,� nX-,,,,�.�11,2 ,1;",41�""i:.*4.,.;,r..,"�,Z!.'�'z��.".L�,��.�.,�Ll.i " �­ % . X. .` ., .�, -��t ,�!,I,­A`P"'.-!1 -T�, AR"', '&r,'-,' :,� 1. M, �i, 'J" ,� " " i�ql� - �,J,�, �, ., �. .��,,� 1 � `,, I,j , .,,�,';'t,�,�.'-.,',i' �-. � ��.! 1­�' , Z" `;,�",,�!, ,� , ".� 'M J, qx?"", ,.­ -11 ... � 1% , IN I I-, Z� N4,? I � 1(�,,�,.'V,' % , , , I � It, , " � , I i �: , � , ­�, �� I -, ,:"I�"- ,� , ... I `,�i�W. .1, , i�f X�l KA" � ; ; , I ��; - , ","i-, " "r - � ".."'.... , ;� , .�, I: I ,� , , , , � , I, I k � hh,., r I. I I III , � I ....; , 1. a, 3,lJ`.,',.'6h',�q 4.,� ;�,�!,� � ��, ,�,:k;"�,� lit�)�� ,,, I Z., 4(­xI., .:, ".­­,� -,., ,f ,,,,,%.Ql,,;,�, K lov, , V �11'111 "" 'gj�- ,1� wll ; �,�� 1',�! , , ,&�,� .. 4 ,. . � �;.j .,.: ­­� , " ­ , - W�., IN X", "U", "' :,��. `?" ,�jxo,g , '&-l 11, " �Mllllg,Rnlll �2 14 ":; t �.',,, 1