HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-04-13, Page 7i;i��,QT, -, ,;,." ­­ .1, P�.",--yi," ",�,','��.��l,"',,'A�',",,,�'l,'�".,;-�'!'���,�����,-,,�;�,",""")- " --"I.1,", � . "I .", ­­,,­�. 1.� I 11� 'I .,, ;2� 1. i�� W10 N, ". il�,,,,, ,,,��, I., .",; 0: P ,� 'I, ""i.. ,� ­ 11 1, ­1�r,�­ ,�, . ­­ '! .. , �.1� �'-`,1.14�� I ":1 � "j. �, �' 77',�;,",i=��iM��,��'f�i,��l�,"��,1)r27�,�-li';'�",,-Z',� 1, 11 1-1 -1-1' , , � �7­­. — ni,�"­', ­ - , !u r,�'�!�A�,,,;, ;; ��-� i ,,, .t, ,,.�:, .,i, vi�­ . , �, 1'-'1J4'---1` 11 'i: .,.,, , , p � 1, ".4 1 ,.,7" " �� ,�,��i,�', �,,Jl �,,,-,` ! ) �,,�,,,,) "i � J!!;, ,, i �: " �, , �,� 4; 1: - g I " &,11 i,��]Fqj we.Ii,w ,.1.1 -1.111, ­'­� . ­ ­ , 1"'��!,, !`�.:�""�,`;%`�, ,P I , , ,i, 5il"4 ,W 1"I'A., ,,.,,-'�;���-ki�t4o'-�oo#,,,��.4!"��";,�w,- � , , , -; 0 ,,,­'#,�"`1.,­ 4,'.,!,',� ��!. .. �, 11 , , " 11 i I , t., I R1. 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I � -the R . . - ture Date, � ", b.�*& I � I ­ .1. . 4 , i- I . . ­ � , , 11t wp -# 1A4qt0r!## ke,.,au4!4,gor an p I , 1104,41019h, -- :t- ­ 11. . 4 �' , . . .j,Q 1-1- n �,7i:T P,,1,i1r,,,M,,1'1-," ''. ., ,Ue4up . lambler � . 17 , , , . , , ,, P . '1,kQTW1,7,, "'t, " , . I ` #J'A'NT,0*t; He tr n. to, the 11. -IN"'Mitt, N� 41,.�'"' y,-,",1,;? , ­ 'I Ni, I ",. , ;, ,,f),� i, ,,'.,­"'..',,,, ., � - I- instant, -, brows ' drew, - , 37'77`1m�,�.ai­­ � 111. - I'll, ... I , ',,Z,Z 1 , � ly �:, . .be I ,1W a ­ hit"i 1A ' 'WR � , I , . . ­ . - i 11, .. � 11-1 .... i,, , - , ,ided iher, 9. P101, P � ,Ptl, U.0'. "A -� , I . � 'i'' j, " � b ,s hp- � � I I , 1, .A$ Fe er. , 'I. 11 , , , , 414 A - �%-�i`,",`.,k 1'�� , —­ � - 11 . I 1P . w re7p had 1711 7,000-013 -00,10, �v ",111. 3) � — , . I ­ I � : ' , I es I . I Nird', IV �� � , � " , A '#A 4"i"', f, "I "" . t,o` th HI at and' hostess were ,visiting Miss �106401el Usts, nave , i 1�, . - � T e ,,`: , 6014 =1 , 4$ptam d w'i�ro uot'li%e, become '164t�,ijpv' ", I 'Jame , , ,a I , ," , V �'!.,'I.v�`,`�, , . . - , , � ,. J- . . . A, i .0 , , . ... I . ,.%en 14 - . , t; gtu -1, ltlkat­#;�Qra 9 09 V.1$ 1"0111419U�N !��,��'�q�:�; , .- . laughed ;O ?,� . . A . She iAt " "r,"", 4 ., 3`$,�* I � �, #-, % '�v , , i�' ""t,'), A,�,, . -, 11 �,, U%,�.",., I -, � �, ".0 .,.;, "I'Mprol du .0o -a a ,, my ek . s ' be , $0 �"'i� , .. mptIment, Madqm�, ly . to be back , ntil I te, so Ao I I paper I � I .. ,,­�j,,� . . . 1�; , �' - - - , d'i easi, st.ride that Seemed -to oat Up, t .. " ��","�,""f�,W','�,,�,���:',�",; U4, I � � *10111 I I I I ,, I � ei - " �1' * IV, 16'.�,t ,,,1,,:fJ, , ­.. : rd �a�' - crUmoidlbe il i ',,0 .� .,-� , , , . X ­ -1 . I ..'' �, bad ,a long Out .even & in front of In his !�odl 9014, mg Gilt A furiously, � ; m ,, ,,,� , , "I ­, I � - I selle! I admire y I# .Startling �7 I , I I I pur wit.". � ., . I I '!'�' ,k,,�",`;, - � 1,fi, '),"', 10 � I . I ,. -� I � 1. gr,oun4' Now. they ,w,apk­qJT' the lame, �,., ��,�,ir,��.,�,����.!"��:,4;,6i'�i""'�ll,�41,�'ll,�.",�,(,��,,��", , 0", i�� ��t�,.'41'il�.,'.,��,4y,���,���,�.���, , I I .1, ,C , "I prpt�g.. 1 ­ata overwhelinqff. May Utm, which I lie relished. not .At All. oath. . I . t .,�i#§� , � ­"' �,.i� , ,t , � riding ovei a Aeld-;ito Join another 1`�i,M " , ,�'V qgt" -, "' � - , -' . .- . � . . RIJ-g , .LINIC i ' 11 ,,�, 'j�,pj, . , , . � SEAiORTH � I aSk-rwheu we a like to arilve At Lady O'Hara had ,tried to induce him ,'—insolent qjui-','�' �. . . , ,,, -- , � , . 1. I ,. , ro. 1. . I g 4 We t. A , h -9 . . a, . edge, cut "I 4,q- ,,*, I . - ' to accompany them, e t . I -,", , " "', I � I I that "Yes, Y's S�! , but what will tha , � 11 , I'll, � , , J , I - . , . . " � � N, - ,:�p W, - - , ,�P, ol �, . . ,., �,q "y u � them off, but the, mare gathered her '"' 011'0�i­�­ . 1�' -R, M.B. I . . addressed him. norron,1 t Ri�m- 'be , t6r � I a Y ", A . I I , I promisffig ,roAd, leAdin I � I'll, .11 n ji- ,,�'i , .g", 'I ", .14, our destination?" One i 0 0� - I "W"'Yo .0%, - " 0''' r � �. , -A ­40,�, DR. E. X� M6MASTF III I I ,IRO I � ... 0 4 :04th ,,*.: ,,, - , . A', - �, R �,@ " Andover. soon he woutc - one . ­� ��, � GS-40luate of University of Toronto "We sb�ould' "reach ,I iqeet no .knew, but avail my daugh I Lon, �04 ", A� , �! . � , I , . � ,41i,�X,­�� - � ­' r . . . . . . � legs. .beneath her . and soared ove .as. 1� , 'It"thl* � �� 110'"T. I " " would-be -.lightap, � I � , ,kR ,V � � . I he, had for o4ce'been pruaent and straight to i' , I ; "; .­,I,L�1­­,;,�,� , rout j,ro:,r my sister is c�qn- ' cried", i 4 I after eig I � � � ''L.. ` � - ahe� , `�b' bw �, �-* - � 4t, my'dear." , . Alighting as igracofu,t1y,as i bird, and. "W, P pro- i I , ,11 Sir,; I ba -y 0 R."i I - � , te, eaten' And 1 'L -;,0,'0*X90r­ ,,, The Clinic is fully equipped with . th' � � i", ", I . . So it was Some distance he was refused steadfastly, So my lady, af- vInced you know- is Everard, and . .1 � " , �, , ,­.11,�,,, ,,,',�A' ,i�,,�� ..'4,-,'-.'. " -:1, I ­ � 1 "" ���,�, ­i�.,. I'� 7'4',,�'s 1 11.1:�: I . . I " t or.y. - : � -�, ,'.'� �L , I skimming on Again up test I am fatigupd. ,Pray­4a,e � tbc� , �: , "': �,`,:,��:, � lq�;",�,�,,,,,�, ,h , , ,�,'Iv` ,, 1 ' , e rqa, I I .,,,,, ,:,�,I,�j 1",&. ) . 4,;�yy,,;',?!, . complete and imodern� X-ray and other ,�rher? . I ter -pouting crossly at, him and assur- can tell me,-Whcr�'e':`,��-to .seek. them! - i4 - , "'Somet'hing: in �,)"L:;�",,,'4 'm #;�%,�k,. ... I I 111. �4 , reiti" It ,� , , . I . . It ' .� ., ," , �­ " - 1, 1�. �111�', 11 I .. � . .. I , ,, � I ,, "! - .-'Ii, .IVR,; . ..... "," 1� . � I c 9i . .: i ' : .. .. .. %'!'�'t""" ' up-to-date diagnostic. and therapeu�ics takin : Her..ieffllonsive ears - flicltered'iis he - goodness to coniguet me to your.honae- .. . , ,.. . "I suppose you had the wit to pro- Ing him that he was by far tbQ most Carstares lApp, a hand on his I [MlAleriurbiiiy .. 0, Jpx -AT, . . . . � praised her, and pulled her up. ,keeper." , � ..:' �'­f I'll, � . � . � 1- , ,; ,,�-;,v!�:� 11�11.1 . . . I ,�, 4� - . TVs peat. r . I I . MAI, . ide food for the journey?" she yawn- obstinate and, disagreeable man that shoulder. . . 1 AO, . 11 4'Gcd',1 ., , ', - fhen!.,?,!,�� �, `�R "'My 'dear," he re6 iou q,,,�. �'�z�ll 0 �11 � . , "Bas oralw.led, nothing I � I'll py.� F. J. R. .Forster, Specialist In v . I ,, , f�,, I ­ 1. 11?i 11 ' I ,diseases of . the ear,.eye, nose and ed. "You';will not wish to exhibit m.e. she had ever cqIm� across, not ex. "Never feat, Mr. Beauleight I . y,,no*, Jenny, easy!"' ..­. - 1 I'll . , - . . , 1 I She Was trembling ,with excitowent, would.gi e me greater pleasure=aIr thill"kilug- Of one .001'er"' ­`.' 1:1'�� �!!!; � 4, � word she . , , v� . ' 7 �,� , � threat, will he At the'Clinic the first at an, inn, I tktke it?" - . I :. cepting her hiisband, who, to be s'U­'r'e'­, pledge you ,my shall be 11 her a - - . .fl , i?,11 ��, .. . I . I but she Yielded to,jiis.,will a a - supposing that I poss�ssed one . p 4IJferen#y;,. I . . _ ,ad trot. way . I , r , , i� ' .. I " - �� - .. - �, . - - - I 'Month f' Imitable had 'been quite prodigiously ahno Ing found this ver. � - it ' . - . I .I* every rom 3 to 5 ' He mar-irelled at her indo I I Y y ­ �� . Bellke4 He. W, 11 , as�: - , es" night!'� I 1, I , Y.Ju . - . ghtity. " . '11, �­Waaii�� 4 , . , ". . ,. " I 1. . . , Z" I I R�� P30. - courage. , all day. relented, told him she under- � "You know. where be has -taken i hps another Italf- She raised her eyebrows hau . � I . I � T we wan ", � � I . ,, hour... � . �"l presUme'you.have at leasta Maid rejoinder., ' "Ba" , ­­ . 1 � -11 'Free Well -Baby Clinic will be held to Iker? You do? 1�7�u, are sure? , to point. It I . 1.1ghn; I , 1 . � I "We, shall halt at *an inn certaiiiiy, *stood perfectly, and even offered I ` - ,,� �. . . ,Carstaries rose and felt rhythmical. servant.," "'If I am is -this- yoA,'g 'a ' � , , , , ,7 , �'y I I " r I nyml . "'y , I � �y �y �y �y �y �y �y " . - to - "Back to his earth, I'll lay y life; i . slXe. ,inquired, 111'i�' , ,�, ........ . ... I ., �,? I , " I , ,. � L I , ­ or 04,i "i , - I . I eii'the second And last Thursday in and my servant will bring you refresh- kiss him make up for her mon in ly in the saddle, takin '. ., 1, "I", "', I I g care to keep remain here, Lwould retire.' . mber .at mno( , 'i I t i . " '. every month from I to 2 p.m. I � "I .1 . � ?1, 11 , . . I m6nt, 911�at will. be in about an sfrous ill -humour, Jack -accepted the 'tis ever his custqm." He strodd to .. I � . "I'll 11111, V, 'A '' I . his spurred heels ,from' her glossy "You shall, child, ,all in good time. with the key­'iJ yow, NF., �0.0g,af � .7 R­w.l ­: P� . r, F-1�1PRAi'.", ,. 'I, U , " i i I , '�� , � i 1�, . . I I I. � � � 48 J I I hour." . . �. offer promptly, waved farewell to he the door, flung it wide and shot clear, - '4 " l�,�:,,�,";;,."��',���,'���f��''I I I e in a hurry to deprive ma 1 or -4 ­'11.11.111,�,­ , �, . —� . ,� 11 -1 I si es. He -guessed the time to be But do not b rrY me toin row-!', - ��,.�,4"1"i��4,�,,�.,,,�,�",!e",�l"i 11 � -d . T .. I., :"i`11'1,f,1 . I . ,,,, .1 XA., . e RN,�*. 'AM �,.,, '10 . "Then, from the porch, and returh6d to th ,erisp directions at the footman. "See, . ' Very wld�p­she ma,,,e.as IT�rfd-,41# - i, I I "So long?". she frowned. 4 ,� I .'. " A, I , about seven o'plock and his, brows me of your fair company,'! He rose ,.44" 8! � �` I Ai"'111 ON I 11, ­", I 'I , i g ­ � � I JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A. M,D.- - - I The thin 'fingers ". ' ' .;' '�" �,"",,�.,� . v pray excuse me if I compose myself empty drawing room ,to while.away to it that my mard. is saddled in ten ­. � �, . � . drew �Agpther. w as he spoke, and taking,her' hand, led _ closed iovei?4",A pl, 11 1, � I , �.,. I ­Of�A,,,i, 11'0,44� I I orriedly. Jenny was . ,yi'j, I - " � I Physician and, Surgeon to Sleep A little. I rim like to find the time with two numbers of ' the minutes and Blue -Devil harnessed to - 11 t9� ,.,.�. . I ,,,, ­,.1.i.z'41N , -.4, 11 � ,,, : -,�;,;,2', ,, w ' ' , -aill", �,­:­��,,�,, . � :,t%-��'�', - . made of steel and. lightning, butther dumbly. -to -a low -backed settee at should&s,' forcing her, remaiA., , �,,,,', � t � ,,,, ,, . , ��. . . ,;,'l �, ,�[, I . ... I I , 2r, I" your master's cuotele! Don't stand [11 .1�1 , .,,';!'l,�i�, I'll somewhat tedious, I SPec,tator and his own thoughts til , "No, my -dear. Sit still. I . �F, . . , ­ , '. " 1,7,�!�!.,,R ; . 7 ,�. 1 ,,,,�� " . W 11 � , llwl ,, `!.­­,�Iit, . OFFXCE _ ,the- j9urney would She manage it? He had never the other end of the great room. . - I : -1,7,�k,�Ao �, . '. I a , 0 1 1 i .71" -1110 W, V � . .� 11 � . powers . 11 -control was slippin 1L..,4x:--',ie,1 ',, � I I � . . . ,. * �,�, "", I ,�, "", 1 IN DR. H. H.'ROSSI f ear." . I dinner, which was to' be later than staring -go! And send Salter to ' ,�L7�:- ��' " i �, I . tested her., as he war. about to I'lf you have aught. to say to me, Her self 4*:: ,,� ,47:;�,%,111' � ', r.e;E� .c "In ", ' She shifted farther into the corner; usual today, on account of an attack me!'" . . . t ggled,, to' be. .2 11 . � � Phones: Office 5-W Res, 5-J . - 'now, and he dared not allow her much "Your Qrace� 1'- beg,� that yoii will re- from her-; she. s. ru `4,��;ii,' t 111,� ' I , , .1 7 ��,.�i . . . . . t' i� I / . . . leaned ,her head back against the of vapours which had,seized the 600k. The footm'A'EC scuttled away, -paus- . , . , "?"y , - , , . ,�,,, , A;, .1 ,­;.., 1, , I - . . . I breathing space. Every minute was ,serve it until fomor�ow`.'. I am not in from tha:t hatefig hand. . . �. f, ,, 11, -1 A; Seaforth cushions, and closed her eyes. d � His thoughts were too unpleasant ing only, to inform my lord that Salter I .Let rm.", - ,,- m-l ­ 11 . , � � � ­ -precious if he were -to reach -Andover the humor toni&ht." . ­ "Oh, you brute, you -brute! . In 0,;71,1-�., i -, �, 1 , I - . I . ��,,,'��r� . ..... '. I 1. I . . � r �,412 I I . Thus out -witting hi i - Grace 'For It to' be dwelt on; . everything in his was not in. I go! 11 '' �".;15 � M"' .11 I r - . . � -- is . , , before it was too late. - -' He, laughed at her. , , I . I . ��.��Iil'.v,�M I'M I .- -- - awry. So Carsta�es remembered that he had . . ,,, , . I I . "�'­�, .. I . � , an�­'�'�!,�',4�'�,�" . . 'When you, have given me your,, ; ".. ,!, , - is . "Still so cold child?" , .1 `i� I . I impossible to be, passionate, 'With world a ' Assuming that Tracy had captured . I- � . � �� 1. I MARTIN W. STAPLETON,'B.A., M.D. a girt who feigns sleep when she he occupied himself with what seem- given Jim leave W visit his- Mary at . - Be swer, Sweetheart" � - . :,,�,t� , . . .. i Diana at four, or thereabouts, he � "I am not like to be di ..rent, Sir." . . , ..� -b & ' - -crusted out'another - � I . 4, " .. I ­ '. should strugglink,to es'ape, from ed.to him a particulaily uninteresting Fittering, Arid- �. reckoned that it about His eye glinted. . 1, "It ismo!" she cried. , "A �thaqs �,:, ,.V, . ; I le I . . , I I .. Physician and Surgeon ou. So Tracy, who, whate,,Ver else number of the Spectator. The sun oath. He spi-ang up the stairs, Mr. , .. . . " . . .. ,..";."­i� I . I tin�es.no!" .. . .. I .�t4i, : '' . . . Y . � 111. ,"W'i" I I . . I . I 1 !4, coach four hours or more to reach "You think -so? I shall sho,w. you ''! k ',;�,,i,�i�,, I. posses very Belluleigh following breathlessly. - I . �:,,,,,. t�.,` :,��.' �,.", . Successor to Dr. W. 0. Sproat , he might lack, sed a, keen had almost. disappeared, and ,. "Think. . . ." � "",��;� �,I� I . ' ith his Andover. Jenny might manage it in that you are wrong, my dear. You "I,��a I . . . . sense of humour, settled himself in soon it became. too dark,to read; no , In his room, struggiingi w 1,r have thouilit! I would T . . .... ;,.., . . . " e ­.,; , . ... .. . . I .1 may loathe me, you may love me,,Put I � , 1, f, �1­ via�ne 90-W - Sezrfor�th his' corner and followed her eilam�ple. candles having' been brought as yet, boots, be put a few questions, . two and a half hours, allowing for .1 etliftig. 'of die than wed you!" , . 11.,�,-�i, , . I 11,�,A­ ,- , I I I � I ' ie bught to I think you will, lose som 1. I . 12 � , '. I I Very unromantically, went to sleep in Mr. Beauleigh' related , the whole short cuts,, in. which case � I I noi�;,,,.,,:���,,,, , ; , . .. �wtii I 11, I - So they jogged .on. . . ti3a,t icy indifference. Allow me 'tc, , "Very . pp$MW , A . . . ' .. Y. But death , I . �� ". I arrive not long after the others. . . .. '�,', . Arriving, A length at the inn, the his chair. Whether be would have tale, ,dwelling. mournfully -on the ex- bgwyour lot, my pretty.one," purred.', '..','�.,� . ., . c9Ach pulled u . p slowly. Diana open- eventit � ally I snored is not.. known, for cellent references for Harper he gad � I .. . '. point ,out to you that there is a couch I . .1 '. I -W , DR. F. J., R. FORSTER , � behind you." . . the sinister voice in her ,ear. . Think- i,ii`� 11 . � - . I . of I .. �., I �, I � � . 6d her eyes with a great- assumption. Act more than a quarter of an hour received from Sir Hugh Grandisou. ,.. He 'was tortured by the, thought . . carefully before you answer; were it : i�,,,, , ' - -. - Diana at the mercy of a man of "I perceive it, sir�" I , . I Eye, Eai, Nose and Throat of sleepiness afieliwards the butler roused himwith . Jack hauled ,at his second boot. - '' "Them be seated.', . . I ilot-better to marry me 'with all hon- ..",�d. 4 .. . . . I . I . 11 .. ... - ­. - . "Tracy himself, of cour,set', he fX1 Tracy's calibre; Diana in terror; . 11 . .., 1�ii;11111, .iio,1R,111 11 . I �, I "Already?", she marvelled. I the Magic, words: '' in- ' I I or than to I 11 , I . I", 4 , Graduate in Medicine, University of s . . � I "It is not worth the while, Sir. . I I I . ���, I ., -, Diana despairing. , Unconsciously he . . ,,,,,, . . "I trust you have slept well," said "Dinner is served, Sir." ed, adjustin' hi' � ' I . -look- '�-�,,, " , � � � I � ., ., ., � . � 1 � Terepto. . I I � . , I.. I against the smooth am not staying." . '$You devil!" she panted, and. . , :..NA , ., .. il. � ", ,, ..;,g ;,&� . I late assistant * New Y6irk OPthal- his Grace suavely� - . CArstarea' turned his head lazily. "Pray, Mr. Carr, 'who is EMS scoun- pressed his knees Her advanced one Step towards her ed wildly round for some means of -- * .,�' -�,;-,�," I I I ­ � .: : ,�,i�",�,�,, I 'k . I I *that you say, Jones?" drel? It is true that you know him?" flank and once more Jenny fell into . � . e. The longrwindow was eg.':,:,ii'l�","',��, � ,�, uel and Aural institute, Moorefield's "Excellently well, I thank you, "What's. with,t-hat in his face,that made her es,cap QP-; -:.­i,,,�.,,, � . . . ' he seemed . 0 "",4 1 1�'. ,,,4, � Eye and Golden Square Throat Hbs- "Dinner is served, Sir," repeated "Andover," answered Jadk'from the that long, swift stride. 91 ' -blew I � ,`4*��,� ­ I I ."'. I 1. Sir," was the. unblushing reply. I ' sink hurriedly on to the couch. she knew, for the curtain .1 1.11, " 15 - 4-.1.-. - :. y "-., " , 4 . 'Vital, London, Eng. At,C,OMMERCIAL "I 'am relieved to -hear you s4y so, the man, and held'the door wide for depths of the garderobe. "Damn the to gllde� over the ground with never a He nodded smiling.. ce was - be-.. �'. �'; , �' , I I - , t", ,�! I .. - -- I HOTEL, SEAFORTH, THIRD WED- my dear. I had th fellow, where has he put my cloak?" Jar nor a Stumble. Carstares was ­­­ ., �., ­:��, , 11 ought you, unable him to pass out. . . "You are wise, Diana." - tween it and her, �- - , - ­.- �- - ..'.­� . . . , . NESDAY in each month, from 2 p.m. ' careful not to irk her in any way, "You begin to ,think better of -'it '��':'4�� I 11 ' to -your mouth kept shut so admir- "Faith! I'm glad to hear it!" ,This to the absent Jim, and not the ee with my'na 11 I ',� i, I . to 4.30 p.m.;, Also at ,Seaforth Clinic � I only keeping a guiding, restraining "Why,so fr, me, Sir?" 01i I I.. �1� , il, � I . -;j, , . r 11 � I w %�l �. . . .... ,,, I . I ably. Ddubtles4, You have -khooled My lord rose leisurely, and pulled Puke. . I . � , sweetnesS. ild? ,, Remembei; tomorrow-- will be ' "' � first Tuesday of each month. 53 ., This was icy I I I ��4 I : . .1 ­ ...... I V ; Wate'rloo -Street South, Stratford. I your. -jaw not to drop when you sleep his cravat more precisely �nto posi- "Andover! Not -surely not. -the band ,on 14,e-.. rein, Ana for the rest Tracy flung himself down beside too Ike. This is your chance', now, .� ��`f, , , . . - ed. On I I , !,"!� 11 11 I tion. Although 'he wasio be alone, Duke?" cried Mr. Beauleigh. letting her -go as she'will' ' ..and In truth," he took a pinch of snuff , � ,r� . I sitting up? I wish I might do the I . � her, his arms over the back of the - ... I I . ".", A . -7 1, " � I . . astt,, on they sped, as the time 1S,gged by, �­�� , 11 ., . - same.". . . he gave his costuiqe a touch here "I know of none.'other. At I . - "in truth it'inatters not to me- whe. ...5,,,,,, ­ ' . �, ..., . I The triumph in his voice was thin- and'there, and flicked 'a speck of dust He emerged And. tossed a heavy, ,sometimes through leafy lanes at settee and the fingers of his drooping ther, you will be a bride . or no.,, I I 7 I ,,, - 1"I" I 'I., � .... . I ­ -hand just touching her shoulder. It . I , 1, .i 1, .il bed. -others over fields and rough ,tracks. I . I "'. �� � . AUCTIONEERS ly'veiled. She found uothing.to say. from, one great cuff with his -elegant many-caPed ,Coat on to the I I was all the girl'could do to keep.from I . ,(Continu d Next Week) . I 4 "I, � �, . . . 13� I ,�' , -- — — ­ I "Now, Sir, your atteution- for one Not for nothing had Carstares roam- I � .'' I . 1 , , , He rose. "' , I lace handkerchief. . � . . . I � ',"..... , , ", I � . . ,-g', ki . I �- � , I . ed this country for two years; almost 1. . . . . I . 1, '��4, I I "With your leave, I will go to pro- . %4. . Ile strolled across the old panelled moment." I . I Lj "%�'4. � . HAROLD JACKSON, - 11 � every path was familiar t him; he : I . '. I ­­, 01% 1,114le- . � .1 I . . refreshment, child. Do hall to the dining-ro6m, and sat down He was buckling on. big sword as 10 . ' `;,�,,, "' ' , - id" - ' "N" I . .. . I . I . I .1� ,, . Specialist in Farm and Household not think ine 'uncivil if I remind you at -the -table. . I he spoke, and not. looking at the oth- never took a wrong turn, never swerv- , -�,;, ,, -, -.,I I A I I . � . � . �.� � � , 1�1'11 . . Sales. . that a servant her ,, The curtains weire drawn across the er man. . ed, never ,hesitated. On and on; past 1. . . ,.,,�'1-11 . '' -stands without elt �� ..!. 1.1�1� . � I . I . -14W . .� : Licensed1m Hurou axid Perth CoL%n- "Tracy will hav borne Di - Miss sleeping villages and lonely home- . C�eSNAP."SA,HOTI GUILD , door." " , windows, and clusters of candles in . ... e . . . . � I . , �.; -; N'Rr, - � I . ties.. Prices reasonable; satisfaction . Beattleigh off to Andover Co,urt,. sev. steads, skirting woods', riding up hill I .!"� ' I ' - I . : . "I thank you for the kind thought," graceful silver holders were arranged !,��'�1.111 I � � - MAKING PIC,TURES INDOORS - , -i .,J � 1W - -� I anteed. a -��*�,Ajl I guar and dow dale, never slackening his , , � I �� . .. -she smiled, but her. heart was sick on the ,table, shedding a warm. light' .en miles beyond Wyncham, to the ' J . ... 111-1.- � r -a ; � ,. For .information, etc., write or phone . amask'a,nd the shin- southwest. Your bofse, I take it,,,is bold on -the rein, never taking his . ,,- - -- . . . . I . . , "i" I HAROLD JACKSON, 14 on 661, Sea- within her. , . on � to the white ,d . I ­ . . 4 �,Ql " I . He disappeared, returning a rew Ing covers. . The footmen presented a not fresh" (he knew Mr. Beauleigh's 'eyes off the road, bef,ore him, except .. � 1�$."V:?11­1111 .:,-x.;­��*;1-:-ii­ .. O'S 11M.: ­ ,Nk`��:c , 0 XR. -t.ix, . 'k .0W.? .1'1:1`,,� i N"'41 -N., ."- "6 - , , -1 .9 .. W I ".. V, - . I ,".1. ­­­ �14W;,�:::0,0:1.�, . * . .....%, .. -1 ,M2 , .. .... forth; R.R. 4, Seaforth. - I K­K�k:.r . .5�'.. .... d the curricle - to ."'. 0, " OK.-, I -1 I - . , 116W and then to throw �a glance . I..",,. ZZ ,4- � . I % . . moments later with a lass of wine fish, and -my lord permitted a little horse). ,"I have ordere � . M 0 1. ­'% . . 9 .... .�ff,,::: - -� ,-01. � * " -side -,out for M,�-.­O.m �,'�;�­. -.',,�, . , - .. . .,-K*�; . � � the on the look some ..� ,'A � . ,�­ , . , to, be PuL on his plate. The butler forA, you.' I ,Will ride on at once by . k , .. - ��;Wf ­ I � . and some little cakes. I " ,n—,;V­-:d.:-,-. .X.X.X1.;,­'."y. . - .. . , hidden by-path. After ,the first hour .; , " " W. � i�,�'�,�� 1, I . ' desired to know if Mr. C4Tr would short' cuts, for there is not a mom- . � -Xx " -Zii,:,,-:::,,,- . "r deplore the scanty nature of your ,.,;;%,::;: .;.gis,%;r.W-- .. 21UX, 111i�, , W. S. OINEIL, DENFIELD �, �:X- --gg� ..... I.,10 � I ' . a dull pain in bis -shoulder reminded ?%.' V/3 ... ­,. - g :.. . . ; Vl.f . W,m- -, 'k . ..*", ,iiIIII .. �--` N repast," he said. "But I do not wish drink claret or burgundy, or ale? Mr. eat to be lost—" I I " %.."'? �-;,':.­.:,: . � . -­ - I " . . " , N ., ...: I - 1�,:-',*�,, 11 � ., N.Xi :;­ - . him of his wound, still, troublesome. .N. ,�W - . it yap ,want to realize greater re- to I interrupt- . 0MI;,;1'.. ::��RN �*,.'�. .1, I waste time.. You shall - be - more Carr would drink claret. A sirloin of "The Duke of Andover!' . -.1 -, I . " ....'N- 11 . . XWW.�, z . .,,�1111' . � ' ' of He set his teeth and' pressed on still -. , . .-.�­ 11 .,gmv -.--g-- �:il.1`1.1-`��. . . ef next made its .- -��!.�-., , I ,,, 'K ­" . ,, �,-,* . . turns. from your auction sales of live fittingly entertained when -we reach be appearance, and ed Mr. Beauleigh' "'The' Duke I , ,�: .. im 'i I . I . 1. - -i � . faster. ." -.Y.. �- I stock and farm went.away considerably smaller. Then A-ndover! '. wg� .,n�. - , :3, -equipment, ask those by, doydu think lie pur- � ­ '... �'m�-,p, -, Aiidover:" � . - ;:i,:i�p..�, f,a,,�,,,�i�­ . W . ,. .­�� I . ' � . . . � Ught her foot on a loose � .----. ­ 1:."�­:��-.­,-...,,:,,.: !<i4N-o . 1-1 who know and have heard me. Fit- I I ' ' The mare ca -- 1. I ,� , ,,,,, I Diana drank the wine gratefully, before my lord was spread an array poses to marry my daughter.?" stone and stumbf � ed. His hand held - . ­ r'.11, ­-­Wl .."........".... - -: I I .. - g.,-� �­ �,,ii,i�i�ii� teen years' 'experience. Sales con- "'. = .,..;;,. , � . �,,? � , . and it seemed to put adw. life intd of dishes. Partridges .flanked ' Jack gave a short-furidus laug-h� �Ag,fflf -.V--� . . . . . . . . . . RAI one I -- �§�i,­......'...'r .�O&K:;??..�, -�,- .., b, , '.'�,�," I - � - . , N . . . ducted anywhere. . For sale dates, A cream, two 'Aye! 'A9 he married all the,0th- her together, the muscles standing � ,,,z.- ­­....."ki. -.� � 45 . lier. The food al)nost choMed -her, end, a pasty stood next, .. : I � . none '2�-7, Granton, at my expense. �� :i�iO : � ' t noble ers! " . . ;ii�,-,;,;,­'-Z,�, - 11 8979-tf buk rather than let him s6e. it, she chickens, 4 duck, and a ham o . out like .'ribbed steel, his voice' en- � &�E� , � ��-J '..., � ..... 1, . . . couraged her, and be made her walk �'. . �:�,",! I . . I . sl I . b tions., . � Mr. Be-auleigh winced., . .1 . . Z; I., .4.,oke a cake in half,and started to propor . I ! , , ',r""� . ,I ... . .. I W � I I . ­ I . 1. n , My lord went'gently through-. , "Sir! Pray why should. You say . ­::*�iM�iii again This time She did not fret I , --- . .... � - . I I .1 I . against the re�traint. ke shifted the !J1.?'11�ffl'.i'X1.`. 1. i . . time: , . 11�� . . - eat it', playing to gai time in I . :ii;,;;�.;;��.i,,� ­ I , 1�4, 11 I 1, � hich to allow her I father a chance The butler desired to know: if Mr.' so?' I I . - I I -­ ­ ,- . ­ivi�, k a .rgun- ' . 'I perceive you do not I know his I . 41�-i*`ii:Z:i��ii� ­­ .11 LONDON and CLINTON w - t was� too Carr would dri' sword under his bridle hand, and '�.����ii,.I"iii�:ii�i�,]�i..,.'..I , 'Itk�. . of overtakijig them before I glass of bu ' ,V::::::X:::i:; �� I " I 1�:i% g.:.:-:-�:-:-:;- . f Passed the right down her.steaming �, . . R, � �: . ' -e heard o ,%;?":1:::�::::i5 �� . .:� , . NORTH I . i�*.,,!..:',�`�!-,-."�� , . I I late. She affected to dislike the cake dy? He exhibited a dusty bottle. My Grace. Perchance you hai ­!.??.�I,iii�� 5r. . .,*��­,`:,*..",i. . ' 'considered neck, crooning to her goEtly beneath jK"I". , "' - T�'�I' , � I . - ;�'-`�iz�` A,M- and rather petulantly demanded a lord it through his eye- Devil Belmanoir?" . 1:,,';'.;k:::xk; -M ( 1. . �,,"�:Ml 1� I . . ' ' �.`1`1`11`11 --- ­ I .*� � 1:1 , I . London, Lv . ................. 9.00 'maid of honor.' - . glass ,and decided in favor. He sipped Then the little man paled ., his breath. . � :i�;t;."*,i!i� .. ­. ','.,,,�� .. . 11 She nabwe�red w th alow, throbbing . :§.X1-,X:�:-:-- %, Exeter ..................... ;" - 1017 , I racy's byes gleamed. . . reflectively And waved the ham away. "Good God, Mr. Carr, 'tis not he? . -1 . ..� :�",,� I , Hensall .. 7 ...... � ..... ;m ..... 10.34 Sweetmeats appeared' before him Carstares caught up his. hat and whinny. ,She catild not understan- , ; -1 ! , 'i "I fear I cannot -oblige you, my � ..- Q,11- kippen ­'.............. � ...... 10.43 , ad a soup, yvhile plump pigeons were whip. , why he degir,ed her to gallop on, � -,�.:;:.:r,�:.,.,:.:!%:.,:.:.:.. 1. . , , "I, , dear. When'we are married. you can a . I "'i"i Brucefield ........ : ....... ... 10.55 uncovered at his 61bo . � "Aye�,Mr. Beauleigh, 'tis indi�ed he. braving unknown terrors In the dark; I. -: 'I., , �` , W. . . I 2. , ,,,, �N'1, ..... 1. , . � ... 11.20 go to Richmond, and you shall have all she could know was that it was . - ­ 1, . i�'p I Onp was whipped deftly �oh to big Now perhaps You appreciate the nec- . . . . . ..... 1. ... I � ' . , , , . SOUTH . maids of honor in.,.pIenty." - :".i�,'�V� . . . , I _ his wish. It seemed also that he -w- . . I I 11 I I .1 - .. -P.M. . He relieved her of her glass, taking plate, and as he took up his knife essity for haste?" I . � I ­.. , -:i . . . . . V. 3.10 it ,from ,hands that trembled . . and fork to carve it-, a great s*cuf- Mr. Beauleigh's eyes were open at Pleased with her, She would have ON'T let inclement'We4ther keep - I ,�r,l . .�,Y;�,�, . Clinton, Lv . ................. . Pitifully.. . . cantered oft again, but he made her Dyou from taking pictures to send SUOJECT � .... ... 1- I . .Iil�2� I Brucefield ..................... 3.32 fling sounded without, ,angry voices last. . � . �i - i"N" ' .. The ,rest ,of,, the journey was as walk for, 'Perhaps, 'another five min- to frien,dg a ' . . ,,� Ki "'.".... � some t.errible' nightmare. She, felt being raised in expostulation, and, "For God's sake, Mr. Carr, . I .. -1 I �. �i­y � . Vpen ... ............... . 3,44 after ,nd relatives' in the Ser- �i�,il,, I . -&, . ' I . utes, , until they were come to a vice. Good pictures of the children = I !.,,�Wi ." �. , ­ � Hensall ...................... 3.53 that she dared no longer feign sleep. above..,all, a 'breathless, insistent ap- thent!," - . . I I ,f , .1 ­ � ,� �, I , :,;. 41-10 'to'* "I stretch. of common he knew well. It are about as easy to take Indoors as \% I ­�,Jr�,�,� � ......... ", � Exeter ........................ I - She was terrified at what his Grace peal r Mr. Carr or Sir Miles. My Tis what I intend, Sir. You will a getting late, a ' � : " �, I,?, .1 , .1.1 � 11 ..... 5.25 1 ble?" . wa . nd he pressed her out. I& fact, from the standpoint of <1 �. I �111....;;% � , Ldadou, . Ai. ... im might do, and kept him at arm,s lord laid down the knife and fork and follow as swiftly as possi, . I effective settings and picture ideas, , 1. - " , f��, n . I . � came to'his feet. "Yes, yes, but do nb�­Nait for any- with his knee, adjuring her'to do her I I%V� -1�1 . , �.,," I . � . . length � by means of her tongue and . ni . , I , � I . best,'and urging her to a gallog, lean- they're often ��asier. And as.f or tech- 11 . , \I.t . . 1'.11 , I all-+er woman's wit. As a inatter of "It appears. I am demanded," Ire thing,!' Can you. reach Andoyer-iu . 1111, 11�-A . . llt�,t I t1- .. . , I . " ing right forward, the better to nical difficulties -with the modern , "I .11. C-N.R. TIME, TABLE-"' � ..... 'said, and went to the door. It. was . tim -1- 14 ,;-: Zi I e` I 't,A6t,`,,.,"dover`- had himself well��,'Ita e?" . high speed films and brilliant photo L--�� * � "� ,.;; I � ' I Pierce the darkness ahead. A e No.1 , No. 2 - 1-11. ( ..1. 11.1 I ' opened for him at once, and he Rep- ' "I reach Andover -tonight," was the . ,gors . , i "I" I . I hand, and had o intention of letting ' bulbs. sugh problenA'hardly, exist. ­. . �'­',�� ' . EAST n oilt into the hall to" find Mr. grim Aswer. "And you, Sir? You bush loomed' befor'e them,")and jenny I .1 ' PHOTOFLOOD PHOfOFLOOD I � � I., . A.M. P.M. his passion run away with him. -But' ped I shied at it, redoubling her pace. The essential features of a.e,hild . I I � I , �", 11 11 6.15 2.30 as the time went -on and the ': -light Beauleigh trying to dodge the young- *nov�- the road?" picture ,are subject and "story." For I . , ',,� ;, , I , 'O.31 2.50 " ­ '� With hand and voice he soothed ,�.,(111 11 Holmes,ville ......... went, some of, Diana's control seem- er footman, whi) ws:s refusing to let 'l,will find out. Only go, Mr, Carr! 'her, and on they sped. Ile judged greatest naturalness and spontane- . ,4� . q,� t Clinton ............... 6.43 3.13 . = . , �.� . ed to slip, from'her, eme him pass. At the sigbt of Carstares Do not waste time, I- implore you!" it�r, every child pictur' should have ,,m', . ,,, I . a I'M, I ' - ' 6.59 3,21 the time to be now about . el,'.,,,�, . Seafqrth ........... O.- - I ,, half-pdst . , . Ae stepw�d, back respectfully. . Mr. Jack struggled into his riding coat, I a story to -tell. This story should be , , 'k," , � St. Columban .......... 7.05 3.27 a little less the.self-possessed woman eight, and knew that they must make . I �,,,,J , �� 3.35 and .a little more the trapped and Bo4ttleigh, hot,. distraught, breathl�ss, clapped his hat on to his head, and simple -Presenting some phase of H .1 I 111it � 7.12 . . . . . . I I ,�1114 I Dublin ......... � ....... . . � the remaining miles in an hour. Ev- � " -, v . '�KftchelA ­� ........ I. 7.25 3.47 frightened child. When they at last fell upoii my lord. with -his Grace of Andovers sword the child's, everyday activities or CAMERA I . I I �,�fii . . . en now the coach might have arriv- " but it must be. present If - , �.,,�,Pg . "Thank God you are here, sirl" he tucked I I pastimes- I ",I,- " � I - I . . beneath his arm, went down ed , '. I : I I "? ,� WEST , -reaG"d Amdover-,Poutt, and his Grace , and beyond that he dared not " 11 ,­;'1,11Ki. . ... I I . . 4 ' 11.27 10.39 assisted her to allght, her legs would cried the' stairs three and four .at, a tme, � the picture Is to be truly ,effective. I " ' , 1 Mitchell ........ :.... , " ' think. "'2 ­Mb� Carstares observed him with some and hurried out ve, Observe the pletur which accom- A theme or story is desirable In 111 � �� - 1 :,4mll .......... .... 11.37 10.44 barely.,carry her up the steps to the I I Another. half-hour crept by, aiid he , panies this article. Ae almost any a0ld pi6ture ... and � - , � St. Columban ....... 11.40 .... great 1-iditclamped door. Sbe'�rem�jed surprise. Mr. Beauleigh bad been so where the groom stood waiting with few simple etc- I ,.�,, .1 � . rit. is obtained .. ��,)�;;;', , could feel the mare's breath coming here the story eleme I ,�,111 11 , -16.66 ­ -met. Jehny's bridle over his arm. Carstare , ments--a bag of flour, a bowl, and a '��,O - 11:51 very frigid when last they'had a , I . I I I I seafe'rtli ............ anew as he-+ook her "hand. ,short and fast, and reined in a aln, beater -create a really good story by the simplest means, handy Its 7'. . " �� �, � '12,04 11.10 breaboid ' he pt, � hasty glance at the .9 .. . ,," ,�il �.. I Clinton .. � ... * * ...... . On the t ,S�e. a'nd. "I am glad to be at your service, ca I at a � girths and any home. ''I � ' 1135 . "You have com d- this time to a canter. He was off the situation. The story Is clear, the . �1�1i� I I I - to , "' .. I . 12..135 bowed very low. "Welcome to ur Sir", he bowed. nYands sprang up. The Mare sidled and fi moor now, ,on a road be remembered arrangement is egective,' and the set the shutter spee4 At 1/25 �,d a . ­­,�.�"! I . . . I I �ut was . , '' , � " �,�� It , . - � — , . future home, my queen,"'he murmiV,r- fifr' ,me?" geted, fretting to be gone, second and the lens aperture at f/11. . I '!.��, . I w, . I I . � blile her well, afid knew himself to be not ten -activity draws the child's attention � "We are in terrible trouble," at- held in with a hand of iron w i .", I ed, and Isd lier in, past wooden -faced most moaned the o . miles from Wyncham. Five more away from the camera. In this case, A white or llght�tinted wall Is, I I " `� ,�;,,,, � . wb' - "'I�' * C.P.R. TIME'TABLE footmen, o stared over her head-, ther. "Betty bade master spoke to the groom. miles as tite crow flies , . '. ,He knew the one set-up served for a whole usually preferable AS. a backgroun.d '�,,t,.Ii� I ome to.find You, or failing "you, "You -must drive Mr. Beanleft to . i. Heavy, harsh, - Iil�4'f., I . EAST ..' to his -private room, where a- table me.c ut for child Snapshots �,�!.-,'41 . - . I I � Sir Miles, for none other, etta help Andover Court a-, fast as you can. It he must give Jenny another"rest, and series of pictures -measuring. o ' ' ,. ' , - . t� v, . � P. X was set for tw6. ,He would have tak- the flour, sifting, mixing, and so on. shadows Should be RvOtdo&- To ellthil- - "' �%,,'�,Y, Us f 11 - is a. matter of life and death. You Pulled UP, dismounting and going to .,,�'.:)V.t��l ' - - , . .',.., . . 1. - nate shadows, place Your ligh � ", Y';� ...... 4.35 en her in his arm her bead, For snapshots Indoors with a box. qs on I ,­,�,��N - a then, but she evAd- ' &V .1 � . " ­� NeaeseA ....... 11 ............ qd him and slipped wearily into a Carstares' glance grew .sharper. know the way?" ' " ­� .. -1 i 'On . : qi,,,,,,� . 4.40 , t�pe carme"ra you should use ,two each side of the camera, as a ­j?'j.,�iij.�! , - "Trouble? his Her legs wisre� trentlygn iifd , the, � ,", i,&01, - ­ jwcag& ...................... 4.49' chair. ' . . . Not— But I forget The amazed groom collected 91' flog.d-ty,pe bulbs In inelpdrisive card- In the diagram, Od DoInt th6A d0wh � ,-,`ati,�,,P�, .., ......... I .......... 4.58 ' my manners -we sh4ll talk more at wits With difficulty. - . sweat ,roiled off her satin skin. She . t,D*ard the sirbject at a,46-deg-ree 1. .";-"i�,,(,,t �1. , Aisburn "I protest,- she managed to -say, 1-1 boird reflectors gtit,aehed to ordinary 1, .111: �'j�i,�� � ease In here." He led Mr. Beauleigh "Roughly, Sir." I dropped her nose Into big hand, sob- . , I �J��",;�,,,:�,�,,f ..�.. . 5.09. ,protest I bridge lamps in place of the regular. angle or thereabouts. . I : ­',:�,�,�',��4, - 11 I am faint through want of 4 i bingly. He rubbed her ears and Pat. ;��i Wigton ............. I I into will � Every amateur photographpi- . ',,'­�4,`�'4�` 16 %, . , I tfie morning room. Beaulelgk !'That will dd-Mr., Beauleigh shades. A No. I and a No. 2 bulb are I . .11 'I., 111E, food." , ted hLsr, and she lipped his cheek lov- tt&6, chl ­.: "' .Afir".,�, I 196MMight .................. 13. 32 ' thrust, a paper into his ,hands. know. Drive your damnedest, man- M�1"'I""% , ....... : 9.45 Andover, looking at her white IjIPS, . ingly, breathing 11�ore easily. a good combinatibu for balanced should k40* hOW to 00- ,.1';i;...4"%!', ", ... �..,.­-. , , I g this afternoon, Sir Miles won't Mind. You under- � ilv-;,N� 'Tor"to , "Diana' went ridin , lighting. The diagram Shows 'the dren. They're,the moat varledi, And: 1, ,rl��.�-;.1;11r­§:, " ' "'. " 4. I . believed her. He took a seat. oppos- - . UP, - again thetf,, and forward once i I ,,! .,,�,,r 11 . - WEST 1. . nd only 'her hors6 returned - with stand?", , position of the lamps, which is three In Many respects th4 Most Int6rtA­ " ,I ". 10 ', � I . : a .,�:,�,',� � i,� . I � 11`11'ii,�, 1, ­ . A.M. fte. ­ I ." , -, . more, skimn�ing over the ' - . I c Ue 1"� �:� " 1 1 . ,,, ground, Ing, of am4bra, subjects. It 161t, 00 -1, . 1, , &20 T*ofoottnen came to wait on them this attached - fd.*."the pommell Read Jack's word was lilw in the O'Hara and one-half feet from the subitet. ­, ­ ,. . �L � 1:1 �:' . . ��11 Iforento ................ d .... Leaving Wyncliam on his 'fight, 'a. ,� , " �, � it, sirf . Read Itl" household. With your camera In position -and UO childroyl, Olt Yong ­­ ljidiob . � , , � ,"!I � � . . . -very sout was .� I A I - 10, . , , . q , ; tft .IL P.M. and although her I Carstares cut west and then north- I !�otif friefido? . r iel�� ,V I'll . ..,.. 12k4 shamed that t Diana!" Carstares .strode over to "Yes, air," answered the man, and be sure thelampo do not shwim. 1 . im",,,elioto,.�­ , � ,"i, Ift �' ­ I J , I , . I 1, - hey ihould bee Iter . ' ' . � . I 4D M4, , " `�,� f�.� ,,'�, ,,�'� , 4J,J, � ,,, ;,'�,,,:, , I I , west, on tile h � � ao,jft'r ., 11, . ....... k..... - - - 1 p "t" , , �,,,,,,�. " " L �,;# "'i"t ­ , � 4 ;;,v � I, 41 � ­ , , ,,, ,, ,.,�� 12 there, she, was thankf1d] for ' ed his. hat. you,r. vievAhAler-pu are rbady t& , ."L, . I �".. . I I I ", 1; �' , I , . 'touch , igh road now, leadilig ohll4i�. ��4' t " , `�!i'*W& , 0, 'i" . . Atemaught, ... ;.... .15 1 their re& 'the light, .�rea the contents I to Andover. Only two More miles to - , - sasp y��-k,:p I � � , I,',-, 0 I , "I" . ��'. " " 9' st - faturo., 11 11, . - I " I I lil�.Iil �, ;14% . � . "I"", � Valtot of thio slngf� sheet, with eager i6yes. Ott the word,'hO sa,W the b With 9.46�dl#g � ' I -11 ". * , I -14"i � eautiful , ilow, .0 , p, raining 'eft, ­W -41071 . � . I I - ft , . .­­� ,.­. - . - I . ...�­ 0.2 esenee. , , . i go, � I- b-,". ­­-- .I. -I - ­­­­ . -own .1 0 V. � ---- ,a 'I, . 1.111, I,, ­,,,.­,�, " I . Z10111 - I ........ I-- I . = . I "L ­­'j'i � ,,­ ­ , , , , " , , , " � "' , , , " "" , , , " I "" � 9 111' "I I � ��, I ` I I I "i ` ilil", , ` " 1� -1 - 1 I I '. ` ,�� ;,­�i�� 11 " ', , 11 , , , I � I. 11 I � I ` I - .1 I - i , , , - 1, ` � � 4� , , " ` , I , 11 �`"' I , '*'Ill I- I ill, a, 1P. "'i, ­ ty" I, , ! � I AUbtitt A - " air . , , 1, r, I— I 41;01004,�i I 1,;1 �141,�., I A. 6 ...... 0#1 — -- , ­ _ I ­�- -They -,W 4 --not. long, andthey ,Wete-lbtrallitog mare -lesp.'-.f6rWardratk,d the , , , 4 ig � , '"' , ""i 4"ii , I "�---.��,�,�,'�,',J'. . . . -.----,-. ... ­ ­- ­­­­- -11--.--.---.-- . . , Jenny stumbleo again and hko" , , I , . L, , - ­ ­ . . . .4 , , - . , , 1: , 1 , , �; " i ., Nv,; ''I" � . L ­ , , "'. .1 � , ­ ­­­ I -111.'.-0 , � , , 4 �,I,,% '7�-7—F—i �177- - - ------ 77�, ,', �­ -- 7- 00000 , ��,�,�, ,',i�;,',.,,.,­ .i� ,t��L,, I *,#..o�.A , ."'... " 46 � tdOad 'hb' , , . ­... 1� - Me ...... �...O..* -o,:'. 1"T. -I. very, Much to the point: . 'i 314xi Moment bot -41: t4se and rider "a, shuttle,, 1100411'"'.4.1. I . . I , ,,�.,, ,, ; , " ?. 1; CHAPTER XX1Vf . � . ' I ,. to a VAlk. 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