HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-03-02, Page 47: � , I !.,�,:'4i�, 11 . 4�w " " � , I : " J �17,""' �­ ��,:t!MT` P t�­ . :"p I �.. � . I I I : ! , , 1. c I . � , , '. - , i: . I ­­ ., ­ ... 1, � ­­­­.. ".", I ... : 1 AF,V11ARtW,W7. "i, , ,�J , I , I �' ­­ "14, , , � �. ': .�� ., � .�­, ,111� 1�1- - 11 1 I ". '­� ­-, ". �� I , I 11 - f., � I .� '* ", , ,,,, n ,'T .* ,�!� I �,,,� 44i " , I � .. � , ­� L "" " , '" , " . . " f � �N I , , V �'� � I Y �"Ro. v loq 't'��e,,o�.'-,10#"""�'0"*-.14I ! , I vip .10twi wo-A an av,ww,vf r 11 ", ", ",, ­ - !"R ,E , " .. W , �1�i � I A , �,.fxp4s V.c;&-qA,,W4 0VX,,, � PlAv3M, ,,Jpf,MI��::�.'.W#1 �! niqM' �, 1 I :" I , �� "Mi, ., I � ,., , I �, I ,� ,';: ": � . - ­­-, -0, , a �,:,�,,-,�,�7,����,,.'�i��,',',,�;,!.,."�t *`*`� I i.'�X""*V#*. , t, - . 14.1 :l �. � , I , 40WAII , NO. SO � W. X �"0-*'Yo��l",�...P,;,�,'���.","��,�-'�,"', t�`, 431,��; ","; �,� ,�), �,,� ��, �� �001 ", ft, ". w 'k , . , " . 'm '11�7, ro , �qt,.�;Um' 'Q per, , , , V�p � -41, '114 - I "'. " TAW, , ': � " .;�",.'""',.�:l�,i:�l,!,�,,�IIW"ii,I ­­��,W, IL . " I .1 . 1, 11 i J , e U/ , , I � .. 01"M. i . .�,M `� , � !N , I . llw�; . .111,11., =3 .,A �Iy - . . , . . �;, ­ VA - 11T, ;1 0 11 . . 1. , "" "' , "' ­- ') "" . '01% 0 mt �#r 94q , ,- of,, W I "':. I'll � 0M . .o ­ditty. baps . � .,� �', t � . � I , .9 big" - w1w * Alled -at W4-97 1:00gue, ; ,' - ,�- , I , , " , Em I � ik 4W , -4 04L �'­­i;p� '.�`,�;�,�,�,W.,�­' ,.. ns,AA,!,�04*, 1w h ' ' ' ­� � " , � 77,177,71�`-7 , . , ��,&.,,,';i�,�,'4,�­� ,� - , , .,��4.� �, 7 "I � 13MAW-'­,,`.`�`, � , P- k, It, I �. .� 41,1 , �, I �, - A ` ` �` , vv ­7, �- � I , , $W- A " , ,il I . � I , , , *# - 4'1,4 -I 11 - ,� , - �,., . ,,,, 1, I 1;14, I � � '. Wo ) , - , , ,,*� 0 , W el" � , ". � . � I r �, . ", 11�. �." . ­ " W ­ � ­­�Or I : t ��­,�',1`4,i I , � W , , , - , ,,I, 44,� i ", , ­ , ,��:,-�*;-�,�',,]�t,: -,,����:�, 1110 . �, lo*tt4 , "� = , P 1, pp , , " � , , V t?: �.- . ,j!"(1711". ,*S-1, 1: . � - , , , ""d, . ii� , � , , ,, , , ,, . ­ " ,; ,� , , . -"V11�1-Op", , Rd I S- Mary. � 94M and the iao'l , I.— I �% 1:1'. § � .,V. - �, � ,. 1 ., �,rkll`i` ,7 , ,:�', . I :1 M . -�,,',Ii�, "�f';�'ll�;",�,�.�'I'l�"-i����""', ,,�� , k, ­ # *pwnorw 1 4 , ': � ... . , "�.. . ­ "'n' .� , , , - ,* , I , t .,� - , 7, , q I -- - I ... XK, " P 16 , ;�� ,e".,j;"",�`,,�� �, ,: ��;, . " � ;�,�"*.,?,�'M"'�'�'",t��'.�I'T'�," IC ,. . 'P - " - - ,I �� .. . . � - - *,�,­-­ , . "1;1 V'�. I .. "I I., ­".­ '', . ­ ­ � �, *,*q',W . , J , too, 'A onvow—r ,did, yox . �, . 6 -1 I ��'. r, I , I ; .�,� , . i, ',4,1;4�,,' , � -?M,T f0tt,� - #�`�'�f Montreal, 2349 V45.,�i'Z 'i'llf ",'W"�� "�,%-, "i - 4 i P i�,�`,,�,�',',�,.",.,� A , " - , � . - ,, .400�j � , tO it. alld Xln� Belin'' .'' "I'll .,v, , . I . pio, � . Xnoma* A��,,, W ,= " , t:e !", , Oquarkm, �ilr chmada. .. V40 cQsI;, . I , , ­­ ,"k, , I ,� - Rwo­k *4 a, � ��i "64%. I � V**0*, ., 0 -c !* and "I � V*41�lrl� I IPUM-W,weov ,.,,Orftw the Aftyb . .,�­, . . "��,,i��,��, �,�,��!","',��,�,,��'t","�',-,�, , ,, - . I . %-Because- 01 . - ­ I !,t"��,�.i,l�,!;��t',��'��','�l,�� ,. I I - T,K,; � , ,V1;P , . , . "�� - , = omw- I . �� , I - '', .1, �,* ... qx � . .. . I I . ,'' ' . 11, . ­ '' . , , , �. . 4, i- . �.'., IF - '' , , '' 0 � ­ I ­ I I .� -1 11.11 "' , " �oui Ct , , , m . . , , , arpountigg to $6.50, - Z -,,,.,,. 'M �� .. -- . 4., , � . ,, . 4�1*�,,%* .... .... - I* - " - " , 4 Irish ., tal . � and ''Work. , wam doluto b'Y' mmoars, of th@ We am. now-# �"4000,4"*' I , =­"" -V,','7 ,W, the .-*W, � - -.4�i*qv*v *Xg� Ac Tr4b Irish , lon - , ,,,��i� q" ,­­ ,;� M- I is 4 w � - . i,�,�-�,�,� ���,��i;,!,�,,',��'�",i".,����,,�,,,,�".'�� , , " , " , pj,�­� - '! - -P*rA . r tMbs­*.M;-,w**- I -r-heet L , , , , , - - , , , , - ,,,, I . 7- . , 11 I I , . , ,. , W4S plat, " M.Ww"'AaWs. PAs '" It'. 'IV, , , . 4AWered I I . , ing,of 040W.- 1, � �w I IE . , 11 I � - I *01, "* X00 I ­".­ , V) � -, . . . . I.. � . t�11�r 3 " ' ' i , " i .1 a I :,�'��!-, .�,,,�,',' I . .P 78 Y?A) o p , e, ar�� , ,, I " , ­­ -­ , ., I 'Pan ever, flor next x"300'10.4. ­ I I.,. � " ,- . ... . ;'')r - , , '� .. G , op ,4. � , :.!�,',,I, ,�,�,,��,,,� , ­ " ki,q', N""ft'll K11"'. �-". � *a, . . . , W 4CA, , � W "" 4 by Pipe � ��. , . :fa '41, ��,, r, 9!r1Tkft 4PRIM �; �1.1 TMr . -6 1:0 ,: , ,$iv " On, , ­ ,, *** .9 1, 1-�, Z ",W W F4 obwa, a;;Z are ge for th 1"R", -�,,���,�`,�'��"��'��', =,O; �m .- � "'M I- ;M ,� , " , , � .��;��`;;:"""�,,I I ffi��. Q41011 �� == �*th- 'c- ''. ­­ .. I '. , " I I `�-13% � 01 '' - .. reb.p,dodk, . he wth,flavi��A Letters FrcRn :'O"Moas: � , , ,, ��,,'j'?t . , ­" I .zo , , ­,�,��vf age, wb ,. ., ­ ,. 917j,"O ... �1�11'�.00, * . �:,W* �r;k, � , I TJ �' " 7 '"', , "' .71 - � ­ gh a ua ' . The M -you am * %P_ss '.k ' Lqk9r. President of , , ". ,, '�',, . " ,", - , . � FOrnm brJf1qx.,,p ,� ... -;,�,*!��i�,§,��, U% 6 ,. - - ,. �­ - throng aid' 4,404. r, um�., i j, "N!"i1w. 'i , , ­­ .**,il,4� #*Okw, IT ;1:� . �"� ,:(, "t , , ,Totic , ''. '-"- - i 100 ... _i, .- -", , , ;,�,� ,, 0-41 I 7e 77 = = = , . �p -�e ottg, , lw ­ ys ���Ill"".,�ll-U,,,,'��,,,,F.,,. I z - 't to the "i hall before and , . . ­ per bushel, . �. . 6 MOWS",, - , r-4,4,7#4 ��, icomim- . ,� ib 4, :4 . , * e - 11, . I . I . I .7�,��,-�.��:,�,,',r,��-�-�.'�",��-,�',�!�""�,��,'�,,';�,.�,�,,,,,,.� " . . I I wAs held tit t4e home of Mr. John V .. ­ . , ,� t, , '�,��"" 11?.� ,-.w 'I iw (*�'K I I �,4�1­i - 'e Aosx,or Go aue *,4 gxrd ... A uens4u womea'a institute, has re I ,. , `�',,,� , I - ��. than _ I - - . - - , ­. ?­­­ �,.,,,��",�,,�,��,.��i�,,;,',�t,,",��.�i�,,'.,","�'-,,�, ­ . "I . I I ,--- CeTR64q�'! Given in mar*4 -br-ber a�e - 0%6'"oll gONV` - -- -"61 - -the, following overseas -letters, - - ,, . , , . -, I—— � , - . ". ­ . Gordon ttii �W�-,@�Kqpipg; F%b- 90th. . age, : .,� , , ., Wap, 71. i . y c I eived , � I . , , - ,� " " ­ * , 4 1 1, �,;, -.;tO ��, - ..a 4�" �,� �,', ',',�,,0�4�r��:r,­ . ­­­­­ .. �� ,irith ­ 66�- '611'a O.I.. I 11,1w,.:"�ery -.1 � . . , ,V"-,;"1,- I �,�,il,��.��',. -­ - -A n -S" -; - ­� ' 2'�- ­- ­` , , -01r ' ,., ., 'by Dear"' : . sorry !o.rt � ­­ For.-furtfier. particala�w-embitet-tt, ..­­ � -11. - , �11 . . gran4ft, Mr Frank W -'Of R*ft- ably d4,400 wft � 309a X -131K I , 17, ^010 A� - �, . a attendance. Mr. Gordon § , ., t �,�,t , I - . ilo 'I., - ' ' " ' ' . . , 5.,�,�`,"�,, ,;� .% I I , . - Ion- ­,* lovel�y yom�& bride WAS The ,A§t I . I . !��'O,-�,�'Iitt'l ,;',!'Z'�r��,�:�.��,,��i � 10 1. ", ­ I . 11 1 I 11 was it charge of, the: meeting With # ,. a . . -j,-", , , i, Mr. M%thesau, taking ,, , . I . ­ - 11� I I, ­ ­gu sPe4kV ,. sUch a long time. to a4swer f , �'-',�nl, ,,L��,,,,'I;�",��'2�,'��l�;..�, �C I .1.. I � . , eharnn!W, In a floor -length gown Of. of Clilikon, agriculturial mpreqent�ive Your le mclux & solqw ;','�j:i�) *� -&Vmom sAia Olp FAUX ney in charge of the � tter.' , x'didih receive it unat. G. T. -1 JMXS'..� � , , W=%&AX"` OF 'HOUSHRO"D 1w- ]$� Peter Mato - i " .. . 11 , i"',�,�,.�2,1��,�?��",!,�,��'i',�',��l",,�:�, � ;.. ��'v�d 1=01mewta. at Lot 55. 313A, Statar�. xweb loth, at a Van. reelreadon pengd. The next meeting white,4w With hip length Vell and for Huron CouuW; derg ' " a few dWs Ap as I Pad, b' on � ,,, � , t, I ii,'� ""I'�4i"'.': - , ,Sj,V -Pshl her *brIft bouquet was Ax"eo 11 � I I a splew: eell- HENOALL, ON*Anl* - 0 ,j��"'� ., ,,, %. 2, MR.eS , t,� i"".. , Aae*kv. CWAVXitch. To . , ,4 , �­-'­'g',%, '' , -1 .,4, C'M - I Searbrtb; 7breelaeop a " in and. 414ult bother to - , " , - . ., .q , can did. 44MAUrs , " ft se, Lom- and aw-- suite. che%tesfield twW- beafte . . ,a ,04 , , ... . --- ­ I I .. .on as; , , I ! I �.,'.-;,L""`�,.�,,','�' , -!��,,,7�',, � I tro 2��l Will be held at the home of Mr. N. BMW*, , ,� 11 "''porary dnq . ­ I r ses.- e be discusswed V agrical­- � wesk. an V7V&V--4W, lftxch -Itt*#. lomp; . vx= suae. mobor Th�t. he� R., Derrauce, Lunch was -served and �" - or- Sh were A �fflver which 1. laip my mail Zww�rded. I enjoy Telephone 103 , � i�, ,,�T­1� t, "' ,UO*§�S- -Am 12 veaxs lqilaet,�` ftl� of the groom. an I � . 0 ���',',"��,,,��,l���i,"�,��,"�"�,�,'�� ' It 4 vrvw er * good ,condition; 4, bola. sprimes, a6a *he meeting, "th the National, your letterd very much and wouldl , . I N , 4" � ,�,,�, .: az 000�- 3' yeans ax! CXXTLE ,closed wi ., * . . I ,,, Mxathmsses'; fe%4!Mbr ,14,%ks. sCN-eA* vithms. 2 I . A, -.n - ---- I F,.',�,i'93E �-,i,�,,,',',�,.,2 � Anthem. I -wete L/PL. H. CUMMinVS. overseas shiputeut, showing. the hate to lose you as a - correapon4ent , ,-'jt,'� � -1 �Uwb4zi aovg� fresh two-=*03*43. I Da-. I I �endantp . tre­ L� ­,.�,�,�,,�;,,,�,�­., .. ,1"IR�'­' . . . . . I'll 6 - . I iji;=; elm� Washing ma� - 1, , �,c� -- ,sw* ,cow , .- , . 1. .... WOMMINIMPOIN as m itio", of honor, and P i - i , Miss. and don"t'expect. I will as,loug as I . . I - 41nat, - ham -amp 'eme at Sale. I us. .4, . ,te ng as I ,Rfl�1101161', .. ­ ., - ., , -A9 . -C board I X i . �aue mendous� quaptiftles. u@,e -ett � chine - � , �d,ed. - ", b pxh -T=1s N I , . Smith. 4SImeee, as bridesmaid, who A . I ejj; , -14W _ 4L)Gnsitt then took charge of the keep mp ilay eu& Aletter from me . " ,n�,",�go.,�, ... due 4F . - i: I lRobAetu =QW 44e r­V!"b chem Taupe; kitchen taNe-. ViLb = ­ I , r A �.R,�,,�0,4: .""v�&t �i bur�6* histifer due Jlsme L-�: 8- Da -z WINTIRODP . I I hope to be abw tt, � ;t.."11 I- ., ; *ellar tablf­ seal,ers; crocks; bo$em; tabr.; . were 131,13134form and carried bouquets demonstration on the uses of . apples won't seem much of' a compensq,tion my friends. and , j, .'' hia% �teieza I SIPAIS OK 906'1W& ii�; 4 Dom- w--shboard. eartaints; �O eorgolema rmm -. A� . ---- - - `�,�,,$,,. INNOMMINEEN ' Ina# jS .�)4-�',,'� 1 � ham , ' Of TaUhma*u rOs-- The gri)Qm, -as dressed up. She produced many in,- for .all you , people go stay where I am Until this VC , ';�:','; , � - war -old =W-e;, I Durham $.-a calf. 1 � minsu.x electric. The W -AES- an� W,A- of Cavan supported, by pte, the work 6 � ,,z --, , - - . , . - ra, 6,9; * 11 I- Dumias.'Of Tim- teresting and tempting food arrange- t1wough Xrying to keep me happy, bu� all over, as the lads v%bq are 60ft �'g,�� , ,�,��.!��. Her�60a, 1;.ball. 4(9� --se. IMPLE- t =­==". - , I '�., , piate; amantitz? of ,,,, - AM7 ing etc shavels� bake Chiirc4 Winthrop, win meet onWed- mins. both _ �'Ji, " �, I � . I T's-l"Mmstse�,-EL-ras bia4er, 7 -f -t CaW board- rou pin. - Takes. hoes . , groom and best man look meut& A W �,, , ; ,� 11 0�'-�tpawer 6 -boot cut: 104cat = , ar Savings Stamp col- it is the least I can do 'and I wffl en-' the fighting have to have SoMe re- ­ � � , � * A , .., I I and brd--saw- Ter�-Cas�, xmnlg resdaY, March TM inthe school room .1. �. I I I . I I Lug smart in their Irish MRS. The lection was then taken. Beantiful deavor to be more prompt in future. creation, 4nd there has to ,be *ome � i . . 94 -which followed the ,cere bird pictures were shown by Mrs.�R. We do appreciate all. you and your one to try to get it and m - - N 4. ,,'� ' ;ace; I I Spopa wath cul-tivatur; 1 sea of 4-; 'VIXON. Plv=ietzless - HaT&d J-ckMm Am- of the church- Mrs- Hiram Blanchard . " :.�: . Section diamond harrows - I M ey-Earris 1 tv:nee. . I recoVii ake It pas . 1. I., 1 134"A. 1 , th re I tain of Circle No. 1, will have mony., was held at the C..W-&C. But r :1 1, .. ,,�- 3 -arum szee� za]- cap I simpion- Business was discussed, colleagues are,'do for us, and 1, ,sible for'-�hem. This letter is beg1w k;, . ,� . ler; I . - U9 I I = plo 4 : � t Kam;.areo 2- � charge of the mee4 - Lounge,"'tri dragons. flaffoolils, roses Overseas and Navy League letters for one, wish there was more I could ning to sound.more n �� L , � i . e a sermon than . .41 farrow, walking plows; - I farm,. -mi-- , '- I Mr. and Mrs- Arnold Scott and fam- and bab �Lp ...14 -ack; --a of sleighs; Itax rsck4l ., .V breath decorating the bridal were read, And one frbm Rev. Robert do In return. I am always lost for a letter, - but I hav6 had requeaft 4 � I foot baty , I S. � !, . . I grav,d bai� new; a Set of Renfrew scala -Z. 1 Notices - lly spent the week -end with Mr. and table- which centred a five -tier wed- Passmore, of Mebta, Man_ referring words when, trying to, write a letter from people asking what my job was, i,;,��'' . 12wo nr­ I fanning XAiu: I power eF�-- ; . ­ Mrs. Ken Harrison, at Brantford- ding eal�e, The toast 14; the- bride to the discarded libiary books which of appreciation, an so hoVe you can put up with I , 1, . , ,-'v , . augar kettle; -4t�ewar�,-rel-:*'--ae�,c�fk*;P-ma�w---'erMs--u*Ds�"�-'---�; NO"CE-WIIAJAM BRAD-sEAW. YOUR Mr� and, Mrs. 'Bertram MeSPadde-'- -is Proposed by ight be interpreted the wrong way, this letter for this time. I also wan , 1.� . � 1. cas' OR bTooder a"L COL McLauWall, Mm R- Camleron, Hensan libralrian, in - I '11�., - Watkin's dealer. and ah -,o Agent for & D. Of London, and Mrs. Jack McSpad- responded to by the bride -and groom. n ked and -forwarded to A"k YOU People Of th HeMMIT 4 . 1: 11=-M Cream sepaxawx. '_1 yeaz-- *ad�. scuffier; ^ , Rev. Pass- but as a lot of the fellows have the to e -n . , 125 -feet bay ropo- new-. I ba -y 5ork­ slitugs ' Smich &. San% frait and ornannenW pursers de . of Fort Erie, visited" Mr. and Mrs. For th - wedding trip to Hensan the - ac - W.I. for -the lovely box sent me at � I toc-1- M-arket Street� Se4fart-h, Out- Pbane� eir mom's charge in Manitoba, shipping same trouble, I expmt, n- " , - and 'chain, bag &u,1&----,. I large -51. box -1 50- 1. &M-tf Zack MeSpadden. bride travelled in her uniform- They ch y nf)w. I am Christmas, as I enjoyed -it bry sharing .' , � - . whtffiemees. neckyokes -, chains. and other , ­- -- - . Mr � - ari�es b'e-ing paid by the Institute. derst�nd us fairly well byou can U i i 'r'. � srticlea. Atent 10 hay- 9AR­N'F-RS-1 tAnClfts- C. Hawley, of Sea- -ill reside at Long Branch Camn it with my pals here. Every artjrJe . -JiUZ3CF-LlNR YOUR HO-1hM"-BLOAVN -,-,Drtb,,, Visited Mr. and Mrs. Errol Guests W` 1- The financial returns, from the ban- hoping, wjth you, that next Christ. . I ­ i,�c , . set� of t..- haTnetss. 4$,�atitF OE 1�-b�--- Rockwood applied to walls and cen . ere present from 140-ItOn, quel were discussed- it was decided mas will see us at home and it Ooes in the box was,,muc,b appreeiateAL.Al­ , " �t- I Everyt,hing wM be sold as vroprketor Hawley. I . poar ' "' ' tsav,as fuel with mare .ad.&- Fireproat , so thanks a million for the )efters ", int; up .taxramg because of health. - . Mr. MelVin Blanchard, of Montr Toronto, Montreal, Simeoe and Hen- that the previous committee, compos- seem Possible.'but there is a lot to I ,., . Ternms-40asb- PERCY- RRMY. Pnmrietar: " Proof. permanent. Our equr,cmetat I eal, sall. Prior to marriage the bride was ed of Mrs. Fred Beer -and Mrs- Jas. do and a person can be too' optimis- which came and send more of thens, b , " . . Harad JaiksDon, Anationeemn . win be - H- c ---y - For free spent the week -end *ith relatives presented -with a imbinet of Rogers ' 'I'll 2 a7 wm, - Box 417, EEURON heM � - is as good a tonic 1, 1, .. estimale. Phone 4 te . Sangster, act as - buying committee to tic-, I was. I expect you willbe see- as mail from home .�. , . . I . .1 sit r "Doddy" these as I can get when I get homesick :,�. . AUUnON SAIS OF FARM I�XPOSrTOR. , I 4e22 -S re 6i� the girls of her Company purclase at least two dozen chairs ing a lot of brother 0 � A crokinole,party was held at Mrs. and"the Officers' Mess" ,Pretsented for the use, of the Institutf at their day% as he has been posted r(Won- or fed up. Wishing your Institmite I ::. I cl=:a Implectwats.-Mr. Haavid Jack- I P. G. Little's la,;t Thursday evening- them with a ,silver tray. Th events ... the best of luck and fkanks,ag2im. .1 , . . , I I�y vab,hc am.- - ;!, � . San has been instrarted to sell I ey were meetings- Current were tak- ably close to 11ame, and from what I t , tiont am 1AA 2. Copees� S. -14 R S 3, Tocker- ' Fimt prize was wolt by -Mr- and Mrs. also redpients of many othpr useril en by Mrs. F- Norminton- . hear. Douglas is on his way, so that remain, yours gratefully: Louis For- 1�1` , sraith, 5 miles south and VA miles east of: Personals Rus. ' Dolmage;. consolation prizes and handsome gift-- Guests fTOm - The highlight of the bvening.was a will be sunlight in one more home. I rest. .1 4 �," ­ Seafterth, or 4 -0 westof S6&� on Thans- I 11 went -to Le, -s. Dolinage and Irwin Tre­ Hamilton were Mr., FraAk Dick. Mir. novelty --m-be ,­whicti included a have been miserable with a slight . � I das, March i5tb� ,(,plowed rom-t ssM pm- W-HY SUFF931 THE AGONY OF RHEU- ,w - � � I ;�. . mences at I 07clock sharp!- HOR'.��tch- .. enatic Pain. Sci-ti­ 14raLbago., when as -ha- Lunch was, served by the and Mrs�'bargneault, aunt and unrJe presentation to Mrs. ,Lloyd Noakes, cold fqr the past few days but am . I I I . hostess- - of the bride, an ' � ed ti -mm Qf Belgi= chestnut gejaings, risrag :! ­ Rumacaps will give You cFulck vrekonae relief. ide 4Ue*St to feeling better now. Hope 'you and .. each -. 1�- driv- d Mrs- Whit -un, attractive war b-r,i ar- z 7 yeaxs old, weigbiag 1609 lba. R -EATING -S DRUG $TORR . -Mr. and Mrs. G. Menwain spent sister of the bride; from H . ,I. � ing borsa- good sing -le or - C-11- ­ SU]10,a�y -v�jth ,Xr. and Mrs- Theron ' ensall, Mr. rive.in Hensall a few 'weeks ago- yours are ,enjoying the best of every- HENSALL - . 3. Polllp-d Angas cow 9 -ears cad. to freshen E2UOV GOOD Bettler, � � and Mrs. Archie Noakes, p4rents, and Lovely, gifts were presented to the thing. Sincerely, Dave� Sangster. . I ;1.1 in. June: 1. -rey. aaw 10 y0mm, old. not bred Z ASTML& SUFFERMS - . I . .. . �1. I . I I P , 1�igbrs slees, wit".at coughing., choking. , I Mrs, LeWon Seimon, sister of 'the honored guest in, a beautifully decor -1 - Dear Gladys: No doubt you will ­ , . I F Ure, beled JeTseF cow. A' yesz­� . old. bred - . I . . h � e4rmarv; I b&3,k cow 7 years o,1,d, due DO Hr' W=- peamon, Sea- for"b, says ., "I am so - --- groom - I � I ated basket, arranged by Mrs. hi- that I have forgotten . . fr--I,en in June.; I ream cow 7 veans old. thankful. to van for ,ymur'asthma remedi thlxt � , The Postponed meeting of Huron- lake, and: included in- the lovely =I :eopt ba.ek there, as I have not 'e 11 I I ,W,ould In -e all People who =ffer frarn . cue to freshen in A.Pril -. I roar. heder amtst astl,-- ba, know what it did for =,-- I saf- RENSAI.,L date Womeu*s Institute was held at of Useful shower items was a 45 -niece swered your Ihst letter until now. I I - �­ .. - �-­, Se6d Show' �. - freshened: I red heifer, first tn-lf, 4ue..t- "ered for years from choking, difficult breath- . ' ­ ... d.-1. - . 11 . � I � . . fretshee, in April. I Hereford cow 6 years ing and aL,� of asf�- and no I the,home of Mrs. Rundle with an at- set Of china., from a group of members I am terribly sorry for the -delay. I � ,- . We invite oil to come, see otir tendanceof 23 memb6rs'.a'nd 10 visi- and friends present Miss Gladys - will try not to let it 'happen again. 1�..­ ahl. dne to freshen in Bt-srah; 5 heffers and -any - extent but your --fanelir S. . - . I - - , 'I atster risifik It ­­ helped me to lr . . . year. old 1.,soice,97`&,s!s(=`s) : ne�r ' shipm e*r-,t of . dinner -ware, and tor -s. Yee roll call was: a contribu-. � ; . I : .2 `aaN,�s' 2 menths old; 7 tDuched tbe.spot at once and Is Luker read the accompanying address' The4 biggest cause of -the delay in . gav' We not pretty cups, and s�ueers. SCOTT'S tion to the Tweedsmuir Village His- and -Mrs. Kerslake made the presen-': wrifing, was lack of time during the S-Cifty I * ­ . I PIGS---�,�O chunks, weighing only. quick rdlief. but I am now free fresn. � The South Hurion Agricultural ! -' � �1� - I breed so�- : 8 socke-- imst all srnnntom. A few rnanth's trealmetnt did CHINA ' SHOP, Herisall. ' . . . tory. Several letters and cards of ration, and M -m. Beer assisted Mrs- holiday, season- wi,11 hold their.Annual Seed Show i 1� . . . �IoeamntewvltLu-1.15 Ra �­ hans. 12t.- For free mra=nation Wnt. F I� 'Why suffer the agony of Rheumatic thanks were read- ,Mrs. Rundle re .I am now working . in . the . - I 'i , ' HOWEY,, 144 Cath.rine Slx,-t South. Hamfl- - Noakes in UnwrapPing-the gifts. Mrs-, for the Y.M-C.A. overseas And during " Ja3;im;_- well (Scou-'s breed). MPLEX&NTS ton, r Pain, Seatica.,Lurn o, when Rum,a- ported f6r,the Red C - Christmas season we, were "., .: I --�,-V,astsey-Hsrxis tractor 101 Junior. an ru& . I I . . �. � ... ' ross and "doua- Noakes made a'very fitting reply- Fol- the cer- . I � '. . . 4ots-14- caps ,will give You Quick'welcome ;re- tions of clothing for Russian Relief . IF YOU WANT TO GET W � . I ' ' . �'Z--­-� � ber. lights, amd szst�, witlt� ,Power take..oft - . , . . lowing is the addrL�s:, tainly kept . I --- - -- lief. MIDDL , busy. To -top it all off, I . . �, : . Ma�*ey-Earr�i 2 -farrow tractor Plow 12 -inch , � I -ARRIED, . ETON'S DR17G STORE. 'were asked for- Red -Qro,ss ,cauvas7 "Mrs, Lloyd Noakes, HensaIL Dear we just got over Christmas and New Town Ha 1, Hensan" . I '".. I bo,tiom: -M.Caron.k­DeernW I�i� 6-fout I . I . . 'Were appointed for the Red CToss Friend- We are' very pleased to have Y I ear's when our Corporal had 'the � ", , Box 35S, Julixetta, Idaho- Send stan2p., - . w", 11 I ) � s e rs ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 . � 1 , - I cut. nearly new; llpssey,-Harris mower, 6:�ftl I (Gontffitijad from - Page 'I drive in March. It was disclose ' � . Cut- 4M-tf ' ames A. PAterso , n. . . I .1 X .1 A 1". �, . Massey -Harris haa, knaer. nelLrbv ne- .- � . -dr- and Mrs. J .1 d.that, Von with,us on this happy occasion. misfortune to meet, with an accident, P t . . rs - F. ,io ,our . - 3 6. Miss Netty Keddy too We desire to offer you an ,4T C . I � , ,V&�---Earrs ocamme. svreader m good con- . . . hot lunch v�ould be installed in S-8, �.. dition; MCCIDEMink hay rak-- lo-rwot - F-.�t I Mrss. R. J. Paterson and -V d dear which sent him to the hospital ,an d Rimy, Mar h 9th tl.,�' & Wood vtia tooth in4th-mar; Ifas,ey-liarris - . k the sons a most he.arty Welcom:6 to Hen- he has not returned yet, so we are . ,. . , MAnns spent a few days ,this week cha'ir for the second part of themeet- sall, your iiev, I il seed arill, 10 -hoe; wooden land railer: fan- in I nome. In this time of now actually one man short in our , �:, , ,For Sale - ' Toronto. I . 1;1, . ming miff witb si�k� motar chmem-It. 14 1 .k I � ing. MM W. N. Murdock favored war and trouble, we know that ,our own corner of the work. MAY I say � . I I . " .. . . Miss F'ayme Logan haz, disposed of W�-h a Solo. -Mr. W. B. F. Beavers-., youn peopr6'have a great respousi- this before I go any fui-ther, and that . . I I H.P. Ger"'ral Mectric motor. !:40004h. --oales at . 1, $ 1 . ". I I !. bay mcl, 16 feet long, -,ith SBding rack " � set F�OR S,AIE-22 DURELAMS. YEAR OIXG- her lovely dwelling on Main Stre-et of Exeter, the guitst. speaker, spok� b 9 PRIZE LIST . .� & LOnd*,-­ and Will probably make- her ho e in .. ility to carry, and so we 'feel you is that until ,.:, I bemch sleigbs; ,4 iiba. W2gOot* I',- V= -d " ApniLc to AII-A-V DOLMAG-E ,in � on "Historie'al Researe .. . . I started working for � ' The falb I owing Prizes will be awardad an . -8 bax-. top b,uggv- bars. phoone 950 r.31. S.E;RforaiL - � I lk," presentin will -have the "Y" I never realized j I L- %, g=av . tuster: root pulpw; . A029,,, London. I , 19 . your share ,of trials and sor- . iust how the best samples of Seed exhibited in aonacd- ,,��2 vim I � plo,-wS­. gong 'P-10-: tarnin, plo-; . . tlie' history of the community from I � I - rows along life's Pam but we hope much the Auxiliary Services are do- ance with the rules zomerning Seed Fabrz--.. , 4­seMt`sDn barrows- with e;ene7z I V-,Idng Red Cross To Make Canvass Columbus! landing in 1492 and also they will' -be H tened as you tbin ing for the boys over"here. An th,� I bus- Fan Wheat ..... S2.n $1.75 $1-M I crea= R.SALF-,A QUANIC= OF COB CORN� Oon AXond' - gh ""; 1 600 Il-- with motor'. root i FO . ay,- March 5th,' a- cam- gi,ini the eariv origin off Exeter. I bus. EarlY Oats .... . 3.25 2,75 2,2S LW - - .%ePsrt.7T, , I �` .11 - - A � i , - : stoneboat. wb­­--HxLTr,ow. 6 sling 5 ppl- zo, W- RUCEEANAN, Hensall. or Paign -ill be launched across. Can- M,, ,pYm c - I bus. Late Oats ..... 3.25 2.75 2-M 24[� , tscutii,tn I . - of your many friends in this com� Auxiliary -Services here wp, have the W I rePes,; hts-v fork- trip rop-st and slimg, ­­: i Phone 41- � 402ft2 ada for ',,1(),0fJ0A&00 for the Canadiani ontributed a piano solo.. munity, thus imprinting upon -your Salvation Army, Canacliaa , Legion, I bus. Halless Oats .. 2-2-. i.7-. , I I -- "I-' t:1 �11 beg ---ac3.­, de horning s,a.-; hslM. sa-, 2 � - I I I "Miss Howe, recently returned from mind the fa,ct o W�g ­, �, 4� gali-on; 1 oak )R SALF-YOUING CALIVES -FOR SAL.& Red CroSS Society. This organiza-' I I . that. -Mere are n K hts of Columbus and the Y0d,C. I bus Rariey� , r-i-ow.d. s.25. 2-75 ,2M .50 I i I., I gasoline dramus.. 25 --and , bar- I Fl,� �1 . . mbe: 11 � REYNOLDS' DAIRY. Seafbrti� Phone 667 �, .. overseas,,gave a splendid and inform- friends,like the new friends ­1 We ask A, to say nothing of the Red Cross, I bus. Field Peas .... 2-2-a 1.7.55 1-50 # � ­ - I la paxt, ��, blankem: I leg viae; number --'I- posts: S60 7.3S- Seaf&rlh� , 4G'2�1 . I' bus. Field Bea ... . I - . ! % y I. .. . I rel: I tns;-k ,aninuliati: buff;1W - ho -me non, being a,- ,U- hary of the De, atl�e talk relpring to her experiences vou to accept these gifts, and as you which is for some reason not con- I bus. any other v�anety -9m 1.76'-1-50 . ..��. roA- elm fence ,1-, . 3 Plan -10 feet long -. - - -- ,- - ment of Narional Defence- supported in England, of the women of England use them from (lay to day. may'they, recte I ., a bune-es new ,5blagles- HAR-N-F�S�Sl dva- R 1-141Z-1 BABY P11.10M. Vr�N-E CADL, entirely by The free doliatiors of the , �d with the other' fOUT services. Beans, except White V�5 1-75 1-5* ,;.:, . . I F'O - -E -- " and That kh' -itural '& lads get the impression . ey ,did. 'the agg"i eL constaritly remind you of bur love, Some of ��, bus. Timothy See.d.. 2-05 1:75 L,50 . .. , ble --�t ol, brass m-�unzed bm-echlng- ba=---�. our-, in good c,anditiom PEON 22, PlIblic. ---mus! k6ep company ith ur n ,- the Red Cross- ,Mrs. L, friendship and good will�,Tbe Hen- that either. of 'these branches , of the '-�, bus. Red CIOY r Seed 2-25 1-755 L50 " �1'1-. I . in goml mpair: 3 -sets of einede -htarutc�s; 66d Seaflck=�� . - . 'vn 0 1 duzirT and . e :!� � . 46'.29-1 f2ght-lig men on- every ba-ttle fron-. � .11, . - I � :�'. - � c,ollars z odd pieces - of'harness­ GRAW--M I . � Ro,cliffe directed an a -131 lastiiate: Pre&ident, Miss G. service have it easy, but littl6 do they' �� bus. Sweet Cla I anch of -His Maje-zZy's .. I . 'I, � " . I -heis wh . and in every br " �' PPle contast s, Seed ..:� ... :....'.­ 2.OD 1-610 , I . b,cs-he?h-,. =bmd graiz. �76 bas , -* HAY . Luncheon was served, Luker: Secretary -Treasurer, Mrs. T. kno- just what work , is to. be done. v. 1. I t., -t­;Z-a',1 qcamtk,� ckrt-- bay: I bta-sbei of . Serfices. 11 of�re not deserl them 1."'.. Wanted Uf�ul- Jack Stapleton. M.N.. lorm- _Mu= -- � buts. Alf.Ife Seed.. 2-95 1.7.- IZO - , 1. I tiMaOtby SICed; 1-2 bugh-1-1 =iX-'d 9-2SS1 --ed: 2 . wheia the going is ;.he bardest and _ ., -e geed ,,,..?,25 1. 7 -;, 1-50 � ­ I . I . Not thdt I am asking for sympathy, 1,� buts. Alsil, �­ I ,c* ;&besn sheke-z- ; chicken zroagl-­ k --,-Mg erly of Hensall, iss spending a leave The Mamh meeting will be held but 'would just like to outline ,o e I bin Potatoes. general , I �� . . - - - -- ,2Q6 greatest. T'he Red ,'. � . - hqr .V,rTs 'or the need is the , - is mozher . I n 1-755 LSD . 0, �Chaim � , kmue'. ti-mclar jack. .W,A��=) - WORiKING FOREMAN. , Mrs. J. P- Dent- -al I crop .... 2-25 " �, - I __ incing maci wllw he, home of -Mrs. Robert Elgie, week's work for an example. I our 31,st ,rLdi ............ .. cemg=a z -a=&- EOUSEHOLD PUFF =-T k :�, z --s : zratzar, m, --ime. April Cross is the symbol of merry and Jac for some time. Ki' 11 table showing . I . . n st ti ppen on March, 14th, , with Miss special part we have an average of of Grain and Seeds.. Sweepatake Bed!00 . I � bedroom smite: I Wooden bed : i-rom bed- Ist, Apply to Box 420. TrURON EXPOSI- comfort for the -wounded and foF the havin gg bee a oned in Carta -g -a, i'-Lreta Lammie co -hostess. A vote of eight' shows a week whic . spri==, "m zots----�- -. k5ttcben aabi.met: extem- TOR, 7 i , 1. � 40-�7- dying and ,fQT the brisoner of -war - h takes up . , ­ ­ It Colomb4a and Venezuela. and has thinks -was extended to the, hostess, four nights- s I sion. ttat,'e4 6 dinhig rbom chai-m- anaR tab8e; . .. , ' � : I . "" % -.06siag =h�­.� Tpeet set-. 1, Co,=gok-== razz . J , is the onlyl�nk tha-i bintols and . briligs three (two show a night). On i �- - 9 t- bv !2 fl- R-b 42-tm� co.*,k smove: � hope for Uhteration to men who might trips to the W-6ii Coast to his co -hostess and to all those who took the.,other nights REGULATIONS � . 1�:, - ,a-letts= - laeop: oad : 2 wMsh'tobs': .Applkaiions Wanf6d - se despair, and the source o� Credit-, Just a Year ago his ship was part, by Mrs. T. Munn. A s . ocial hour dance, bingo, or some sart. of enter� . .-. I . I . .1 ­, 7... � I . � q=srt sea'Bers". im:m Pot; ead dishes. hizh - � ". . ) � I I &PP12CAT­1O-X8 VM�L HE RECEEAVEDgUl? otherwis a reported missing. believed torpedoed -was held, and delicious refreshments', tainment for the 'lads . where a.nd- I -All seeds entered for competition - . � I . � ­i6m;­. foidim4j gp-cartzz cz-:h bed Z c--ad-1`e: - TZ -3 M.na.y. W-ti,zh 5� 144�5, for :he pe,,ition wholesome food which arrives in the in the -Nofth Atlantic. but later turn- &erved- 7 -be evening was a most de- I when Possible. During the day there have been grown by the exhibit., within mw . ' I I . 1. . I - . fed.he� %5ek � siss-'zilng wheel : *cra,�-:'far�-: of 7re=sanar Lo,- th- To-m-tehip of HrMv-- Red Cross food �arcels. which have ed up. hadl , i- damaj4�d. Jack is look- Jig-httul oue- I I Year Previous to the Exhibition. except wbenl� . . I ..'..".1. shmeas: 11-ai-s: -,oct1s; ne-cx--akez doobkl: duti.s to commence April, L 194� Further libroven. so great a boon to so mahy --- . I are certain .days for canteign when oats and barley clas-es, which may have v 1. . . - - -tre­.� z. whi5ktre-�- .: pails: ,-ack� :and otber particaleB ma,r be obtained f -um the Cler'-, - ' Ing forward, to iiis next leave when� - . c'. ,c dut- ,I- tfi � e� lAd.8 can buy a limited amount 'gi6own in 1943 or 1944_ 1 , I . artse-- Too un=uermw :n meh�5=� E�erT- Fee -e or Cacntrillo-­ . ML -n in elremy, pri-soll camps- Int the he intends to Nis! The following letters: w �re't4��jd I 1 ;. - . - t I . � 1. , . . , hing, ,to be sold '25 the 'azr= i�'sow- Terms, J --%M---, W. M"GL, C2erk, Six Packing plants in Caz-ada- 13% ' .Hensall .and rte- ing The . meetin,-- , of any items we have ,on hand, such 2--Corartetitrrs� must becoine, merabem-me .. . �. . new old .equairtances.. ear Sepneta-rT: A lovely ,gift of as cigarettes, soap, shoe Polish and the Society by Oa�iug' to the Trv2vmrvr,tN=e­ . . . . � . --ca-kh. JoHN Ir W"lpl P�r,,��or: T ­Itte ' LOM.6�10070- MilliOn ParceLq have already been di- , . D - of either previous to or qt the time of no&- , I � . Su­­oM' Clenk: Ee­&-a J---kS-`a- AnC-'&o­-e-=- 4 . U&-�-1 .Mr- J. E. McEwan spent Thursday plum , ni has reached us ffom . I , - I . 1, �mo're and -Adli�,,'d - ,you,! chocolate bars. There are also cables inv'.­enfr�es. the stm of $1.00 - each- . I. I , .. 4022-2 - ... ....... .. .. ... ... � 4 � sPatebed lor E - Ja :� . I I 7'r's- la,st with his sister. the -Visses� Lil- and I do waj�t to thank you, on be-, to be, sent home, as well as flowers .3 --No' premiums $hall be awarded on�em- � . . . l I . I ,-e,rs bf wa,. T'Ae achi�rrerri�nls of -. I � T,C-3.10-, sAL-E OF FAP -IL F­-;�tm --mc, hibit� that I . . I . :: � - � 'Olan and 'Pdith Mct,�an..of Londor- half, of th,e chIldren vou have blene-!a.lid personal enquiries to be answer- ,--tain weed �esd. which in the ". 1. . � e Reed Croz-� k3 EransmitiiW-f to the I Hensall South -Branell of the Red If,, ' ., A Tenders Wanted I ite,d for ,, ,ug th I opinion of The judge a � . . � _ lid- . re of a noxions nataxw- �"­ I - amd L-nPL--m7e,=E, The urtdo�swu­A hr-- r� t i wounded and, the dyim � on all bazt1e ;e: v em such a de- ed.% MY own special job is o I ­ 4, ' l 6 -saved, iMt,----m=0oM* 'to *eu 4V ­p,abzk auction , 9 1. perating 41. -No exhibitor eball receive raore ismo, � , . . , . ' Cross held a quiltiag at the 'home of I-* ' - know�. I a'mobile tea car out of whi . .-,.m��e.,in..an,v..cl.-..,,..-, t I., I Imesss - I . TQ,-NDER:S WA'%-= FOR -PeE PAIN=G� 'r&n':S that precions stbs�ane' .elous present- They woulcL .1 one. ...... . . ­. 27:, I'm 16, sz,� '17. C, sson k, t`s-bor--.e - I e kno*n ' . ieh I ,serve I 1: . 'Powns%�P. 131. - m5e-, -tw-- af Mxezer. 07L ,-- -, 1. I - . � - ­ I Mrs. Oliver Rowc1iffe on Thursdav- "P�,iie, � Fi - rapip . . I - , - a Cats-- zv,�= blood P�assma, - you a 'stick,c letter if they were i lidt tea and, biscuits to the fighting ,--All �� -,, Tnust be-6Drrect]7 TaWed �­ mz,e�, . I Hbr-:y ana;a-� L, � a nne record. T',i- 4 1 . i with the name of the �riet-�. the amaa,a� of I .. . 7bwsday. maz,ffi smb- lqd-� = 12 o'nlocl- sI-..rp &,tl�, - Z: 'fi-22ion-' I 0r92='iL2tiW2 sllpervise-s 4QA- blood -re�- Yours sineerely. Elsa Dun- troops. When i am not on the� road I I,= ,,�.rn�-e and the selling pr4 - . I o.t S. S. , -N.- -, Mc ROkip, . I afternOon. Feb. 22nd- There were 10 able to. ' . � - ''I . 1 ce. Grain not f *-I,e f­-410�rn;gz FARM -15", sacres- 2 --m*- =2:- 1-1,Lad by ,PP2T,n:,, T-3 zhe =,de,signe-1; . ! ladiess Present and one quilt -as qui]T- bax, Heax,: of Empire and Foregin De -1, -with the tea car, I help in the cam 2�, bushels for sale ex,capt Aln-kp_ . --d lu- A ce rirg cenlres from easi 10 we -z, Of, � . - -- -- ick hmmse w-kn slaie, no�. � --fl- Work ,-, 1* dose �in F�ssi,�-r: 1��!.Idp----. pi,�,-. - . - ; ed. Sirs. Eigi-vit Row0-171fe and Mrs. partment, Wome - 4 . �` , I I , . - Timothy and Clover, not ],-�� than 3 bmshela� a busb,ls: p�arly potatoes, not law 1, B,= -Mzer an =wo= eccsren­� -;Ra,d.�. ti� JosF-PH -,. HUGILI.� sZ,-,.:,.ty-j�,.;�:,:7r. � Canada- These are.some,o-F -,be tasjz�, n --- -VollmitAl-v Servic- teen or -whatever the supervisor, bas 1 Alfalfn, , e -Ane.! b3rM 0--�,qk . ""be hag- ;�� si,144 W��Zh , P- P- 2� &� _ X.W. Shirray were.co-hostesscs, A es for Civil Defence, 1,"don- Eng. for me to do., Last week in six days I than 10 bushels; Late �-,,,ti­ 10274: which the Canadian Red Cross kef-p,, - . , � , 9zi-a- - Z�'P- s-30 lsx371�-. we:eci .. : . I - - T�otatc4s, not less than ,, * , ,:, . -b barn a�*, - -e I on doi.ngl with amaz; eychre azd itance. sponsored by zhis Dear Gladys: The library books IC6. served out roughly 15.090 cups of 10 biLshels. , I �:. I .in t - barr- STVC-K-A-zed hcc-e. M. mou TKNIVERS W--MN-11--M FOR T-Mo� WIRD,;G . -r-E: ;r&cision and branch. is being h,ald in S. & No 10. - . �.141. .Far S- 1 SU!C1C-e,5s;- ' -, lnt OG! by the Institute arrived a tea to three regiments- -ho W, re in a 3. y,a.=-­' � and 3 ZU�r-1 ,,,d i:,,%�h--, vE ligbt a, -,=T,- In the laz-t 5' vears 39 . '\�, 4' , ", .... eld, I,-'�hbws; !I I e=s i, - ­ - . �e I 6. fn case of.dispute, a statobo,y , I = . i Hay -2td. Th�e few' daYsr ago- We were very pleased action and the Poor.lads sure enjoy U been -- - - 11 . r.vZorur tbre'. VV3-Ts af: 11 'Ctiv-�,- 1 brood S. N& 2. ILCcKg3op- plaw 3,-d sP�---­C---d,­ns i million artic',-- af medical s-uti,r .. Fzi�--y evelaing., March - I on that the above rules have / I . , -so- -. 7 pigs Z . - Pl'! e T - I .ed 'th- -a- be required from each'ar ea- . ',' , - "hs:'2n smssex h"-- b, -1- by gevtip�� in ­6cbb with thei and �field Cornfor-,s and, cloh,i I neSt me-,t�-ng and quiltin?,* will be at Zo receive theirl'and since there is no seei the mobile roll in every day. hibitor oi -,e,,L . I 2 pm�--e -. 1 za-m-3-w: 2 4-m-cl, : l..4F--4-- IM LIE, zmi,.:it�.,-� Wor�k to be done ts,�� to -ng for the home of ' .ng ' , � T� ,0: - i fliav .relief have been shipped or- . . t. -All exhibits for aornp,�btioma for 1- . ICE:!j--I'-'---�EzO-'D.=i--l-D--e--=g bmder. - TC - � 1 c3T, Mr--- GeOrge Aarmstroug i:ubhc lib,rary here in Melita, I am This is ins-, a rough sketch of one ,:.us mearly mew: MeRsteF-171---r-Ls mower f-f�L." p, --15C1_ --Z --w and to be done in E:&st�-r 4pai- i on Thursday� March 8th. . i w t be delivered at the Town Hall, Eefimg, .'., s­---E­-r-a- siiae rake: ,teel dumap Maz­ � &R77- Ten,dezrs tt, be 'm l, mm-= m 194�. i er,$Llas from zbe 2.60 bramehes of the suri� "they will be much appreciaied week's work and Christmas' time was i not later than I o'clock noon. and shall. not TA-ke: M- � j��e-- .0- War Bride Honored by many others. Thank you very . � 11, . any 1,2s,*Z ,,.� M---`e`sa7Ry 2=217t- OrganiZati011' 2CTOSZ, tjlL,z Domirjo:�_ much busier, as we entertained as 1 be remored until the close of the Pail, at 4 ) - � �- . -E-F"wris t=w km�5er: h*-- te&isr: M4­--eT- . e& App,] W J61SEPH T- EUGILI-1 Secre�- 1 Eei:.s.all ,, Mrs. A. W. Kerslake was hoste-qs much. fo-r your kindness. and with all many kiddies as possible, which belt . )­ P-rn- , na-r-r-is 101 � tractor: W& -;.O-- roSer banxi:m" ��ZW R. i- a. se,-�-A 4a274 � a and (L-Szzicz iS, Proud, to have for the Felmoary meeldng-. of the good wishes to you and tl�e 14stitutue. ed to take up a lot o � 8 -Urban Oats must be cla,s,ified as 12b, � t!Ekreahimm --mchime. 24=26- Is4rise 0C1 -1 -Z -Nr_- : part in this good work- Our finan- Womer " so-called: as ' , .1 :Fe,� . ,�;H .Meity --e,w: Barnmer =ill; cRki quo .,s Institute on Wednesday, I am, Sibeereir yours­13.ob Paismore, spare time. However, f I our - ts- . . � f ta t0wavd O'nlario's share.of Feb. 21st, Cki,-hoE,t,-ez,s wi . � ADMISSION FRE39 - �1'1 - -nlles-, cz--sh�­ domMe disc -. .12md Pack�--: 3- I llt-5.001).W,D.�," is $2­501D,w th Mrs. KerS-­­ Victoria United Church. Melita� Man the work- and fe�el that really en3 . �;� Zsi 4,,,Ze­: 4-d- ,I ,-­4�,-, Pl,�- ; , Farm For. Sale . . I am. helpiz I I � 2 single plwws -, -=a I C""-"- lake was. Mzs. R, C -bere Dear Mrs. Orr: I recej . ­ 0 �� I "p*7 tioovh � I . . sers, have been appointed and ---iU amerOU- I yed yo�;J to do just as much as if I were in G. W. ARMSTRON � President J � ctutllrgatDr: 4-*:e�m- barrva:s;,be� ­��. � ACRV---- . P � , -F - - were over 30 members'and gue,sts 'bundle today; I want ;.o t 'front line trenches with a lot of'W� R. DOUGALL . - Secretary :�',' , . . our home in a few days ano - .. . �, tk6d wagon: 2 -3g,ons Q21d was - � -FOR SA'-'­`�" LOT - , - , . the ".. -11 s6n 1=01i,.;�8-�. FA3P - . � � " t-;-� ',-a=L-; 2 czt,&­z: bag;7: -�-t of s6e,zg�hs - part L-4 Is, on tbe 9�- o=.r----,­iiom. Era- W-113 aPP-,,`-C1AA4.1. your welcome,' Be- . - . � . � 11 . I .,��. , I - -- , A I i . .1 , . . m==nX-­ �-ldgh�: f- =,31: ,----- of --cal hi wori- is SO argent and the I . I I I I - . , Dorse sl;able zax4r, f�aedt -.#.- Shed abc�l . ---- . I � 2"-:., . � MWAW lbs,l.; �2,4sdde--, Gz=­�,-�­- 15*--;ZZ=s0= r�ff ven Tux4U---- - ar+viMg -,-I.&. I deman&Z-. nxl- Th'a! -ricto-.. -1� in tczight . . . . . . - 5 , � I . . - Tlp�o - . : , . & .1 tsa buake-- -a stp,aas -. g-Nmi=C tzu�. 'ban.m -, b,e. ht.� 4xFlrity acres plo-11d, fi-M, so ,-Mal: will y6u r -o- . ­ - I I , I, .. . I . . . pvtasb kamle; 2 gz=g *owe--: cn;eam selm­aza- - at=�- g..d ,r.a . , try to imerease - I . . . , . �.,, ., ­ I .,: fth P -E-- ?drrvt* e;-=�I! ,13ipp,--- . s,--. ce ­b,mR:L SPIen&d 2--.t.re,-b,ick-i Ehe amolumt o:1L your dona;ian lasty-ear � .."", S�rda h -e. b,-;& kitcbem� aame 'rumme ­0�-,-& ­tSA Kr ff - r*VA F � "r', 413D IL--): lt� horse =W.O-: fence� D"n"d -�Ail. Vi4d=-7L water tanIzs: --,t,,o V,-.- by at least 10 -PP-r cent., lust W makke .1 I * sy ?4(~(X750 No. 68 . , . S­----bVbe­-�; uni.ersai - : il simmie ,arlits. � , --- � , . -f.�,, -Primi, I sure zhat in the wind-up it wil no,t . - - �- I , Ou P -op -t- MR I . 0 7 — I I neally -ne— -. W-1-e­-lkM-7a­ -. r ­m e -<=S:�. bax- i the staN.e-- w2der in ' - . I I . . . t I ­ .. . 4 . � ness: dozWe set of Fgirt dri-zing h=ness: 2 � R,,"3tbj4�, se�eu ..I,. if h2zd-vod � be a case Of -too little And too laze-- HEAVY,MAW RANGS OVM . I * ' - I 0,;,, ­' -1 ­ �. good ,1=pe. Prked .-Ont "ba- , Reeve F- 11- Sbaddies- Clerk J I I , 11THIS is 601W., T6 014 DAN! YOU HAVE HAD YOU, � I � A9 'A-%7 hm'-stess. 2 8m! --k bre-odem: 1 qak-k saSe. A,rgw2y CHARLES STEWART-1 a ' - THY HEAD `&r� TOUGHI - � ceaan� bc,--e. 2 razwe sbeltasm, b.= sw--,- 2, ,..a-- Paterz '.e -s 0 ,. 1. "b.,., F- K I- , A- I --an. and members of the 11 , I . 1, I --F . My RMIONWO'�Sl MISSEDTHEM Y, I --ut --; bmg trba: hzu fark; fa�; � � -I - - 'I I . I "I � . . I ... I shwimis: I -Deg-, -hameu-'es: ne­-kFAm-: ERT - 10B ACM---, . -1- K Armk, 3&4vin Moir and A. . I �em,� )p , . I , . amd atmer =rt� Q;.,sc�y Vf e,sA,,V,: 1, HlBR� FUCH Son-; W. 1�ex-SlakP are in Toron MUST I � fJH YES I I -ag , I w �, " , $ Z . abcpe- -'W ttrhs C.1 baF: AWD tb=:els ...d � -- -M bzm �bria botas.e. = e . to this w'bek I I'll � ffi gratin T,m�--cmsh.- O'. em --slu=g -.,-3.� � sc5rol hMI04T. 360de-ateb, ;�-ice`& � � Fi�zzendin-_- the 4 ' W14ERE WMP- ". pD,Dd r�ieds , ,,, I convention � I - JHE (AWER DO I r - ., I I I i FEARCK R.Zt.. E.e,r. 40is;T4 � being heid a-. the Rey�il Vork. TO RBUM ff IP , .� . . � THEyo 11. .. a61 ----Ittar- Sir* do�r- balm -mm, inm W da-,,- - . � . ­ , I I i. � . ,. ` I - 11--N WTMLIA�rS & SON. P,.,;,F-t�, - X� I r' : 'I , . . FARM FOR SALF-1UP ACaFZ I Ar. and Mrs. -M. G. DITsdale ,.ere . - -- . I W. ,t;� ;� � . ,\ I . Q-11--,,Cie7kI Frank 71tm*,-. A..Cionet .i . . WT -7 . I � .1 . I � "": I. . 4 J21 AQ--Zle -last trek -k 4ttending the : 4,� - - . : .."111 .... � " I tiviiL! I .00 --t3rMt Ilan .ilm% :S -- -- I , MY , . �' I . ttl. . ­ FLS- T-.='-�­-nizh, -io, 11'L u0!:"M7d,:'.,-". ' hartivra cODyen-tion.'., eld a3 the . � 771 .. . -� � - �. t;.,.,i re h 11 ­ ,In " . ­ . ,� � �'�t% ---4-'l--t,z -rpix,y oi *-nter: Royaj York. amd repor, a most enjdy- . �� . - I . I . I !" I � 11 � I 11t2tP Of r=1-;W%tMM., V mo". ,48 �In � a b.'F- I i m e. They at-,enejej The re_�i- . . L I ). im 9-1-i'd . - , . . J I Al FOR SALE , � "� . " I FAM 1 �- rprt.--E� -ALtvri-, to W71.LTA-110 -F'0T'R7M- P �, 11. - I . I '!��GH.4m. R. F- K _s'f,--4, , P�,,,, -1 .� I z�*s bal he:d Tuesday ��Timin4 at I . I ­:­.. � z, . �r , . C,-ri,- 4 d , � 13W -- - F , 'r I 1'. 4 pi�­v th,- R-�Dva:] Y,6-ri- -,ThiCh qne,,,inded, a, IkN a a , ,, ­ - FF�;R.EP ,70'& ,4z;�LE t�n. STS. , , , . THEF-S vn'-;-- It - I ,� � ,-4 -;k - . ­ - I , I . Pm�.' 4. � . FV' -r, tt� a -,-..- ------.-,,7.-- I I -0 --it- Orchestra and floor sbow. I I I �� 1. I ­­ ... - I � , . k i bu a -no , ,ke- mm,ii-�-,--v -f ,A�,, ,�M , . . I F%DR ­,,X-�-!M. ACRE FARX ��d M - eign - I 1. . I , 110NMAY. Sith MAR.r.-R, .,lsei; . C-�D­�,rt '�. L,,=.n -----T,��,�p, 2st mil- A s7-(-iaJ prc4T2n, -.2s 4A.1�0,2--p , I ; 1� I I . I I 41 I'll .. I , ,. , ­ _,zed I ­ , �! ,� I I hl '.9�,, 'I"no"Ir'Im thz,tft-"-� � n,�i,: �-, P,-,,!-�4n �Ilz Om,:V.7 --P,8-. r, fO7 the ladje.S, whic , I - � . �- . . r 1411, , :` 4 at t1v T--7 NVOR'l-A-�­.&- ,Q--,P--j, 1 fru-1 11 , _.b -nCJ1rj-,�,d a the- . ,��:�� - NA. ", " I ,,,"!�, � -, I P4­d� ,Z mr-tt- TRY: =,,-.­.� 1..�Amc,. ='r- I 21-"e pli�nT. Juricheom At Estcm*s Round I'll t�� b 71�e West' %1)'1f of L-t�_ 14S_ C­ ­,.-e�,j,-.,n � ., -L,�-:*,'. 144- -'t,rirk bt­uT4� Int-nk lwrm, 7?,m-�,5­ p �1� r �- - --- - ,,ttu �oom, P -d t4) top il - I 11-tt. -r-f­�-it,: 1-,,4 %�7, r.-,-= r'-,.;i.-�g, 4" :;� . -4 zrhv �b�e- Also w '4�n,�'. etn,st bnH �f - __ , .Ter - . . " , 5 .. M - . all ,e guests , A , � � ­ le�-� =1d 4�5 I-',-- es�., ?��4 1.�# 4, C,r--,.�:-��i-,, A 719,,Ki� T,,.-,%sM,' AT- i at LhP HaPj-ty Gazg -prograM t - I --- - )I � ­ M -r'&-- ft'rg� o'- I , 11 lerl- I .: a C17R.B. ­ .. . , - �� 1 �,t . : 7"'". 3--.-J- It & e2 -4-A� �0 Z.-Pes nra U'e,3 �,-,-­ � P"7. to r F. R� P- 1. D -all% -12- � , pon-t to� - .. . �, ", �, LEO KR-A�q�O,- 11 .I �� -ad bv a zeinvnr sssit= ,-;�,--,­ ca"'ing. f!"s, � Gmt. Jp2t,,t .. T)Ket 114- brmbng meeting , -- - - - . . . I ,. ..., � ir AT TIRVE I I ..'­. � I :,,n� 03 SIT Yak ti=lhesr elp goak fr=�� -- ,­ I ­�Ich is beftg head in,tbe Tov�ru HaN, -TWW� I . . tu � I - . �,�� - . -- 4 I I C, ,W . I it , I : I— 6000MESSI ' - MARYS WE MUST BE mop;� ­ ­ � . - . . A j-�' P,& ft-,bisT r,atr-,;;=�-" MT-,�JF ta tLh- waaet, — I � i.Friday erenin�,-­ M,sreb 2ad. at 1,R 'p -m- I WAS SO, MRP CPAEFiX AWff OUR RP"��O,lj � . BE C - . ­�;., ­ i�amuks . , JEJ) I . 1;, I 11 sirba5. r l�n MM ;. - " � . . . I AREFULI Dl!kd t'�rb 1, ,2t�4,*,.� J�fh _ hw '9 Fc-br=trr. u-ju, , I Am,F-Olie jzte�r4tcted in howiing p3eaSe, 1. 1� 1. I . . . .1 . . �� ;,!�, � I oilaln � i be, pres'ent 21 this meetive- WaKS-MIME VAMBLE ,"­,. , , Emuca NMDIID� " -- . - --- - . I � - Your current ration boo, as � . � . ­ I . �.!'­, "'. . , . 91L L ;!�eueicir­� , I . -9/ . . . . kh . . T4---'W1VnCk'--M rJb--1IlFG IMIMORV OF A , Mr. and M-� J. W. Ortwein were �-",��,� - Xi�,`�� . . 26VX95 4143t=o"K. -3-1- a. ,.if. .cd &JiiiV-. w-;, vt�sae� ".,. tJjS1t,1td JaS4, week bS, ,thoAr g, sti-U t'd fasi tU1 the �ud ofthe ' I . ,:;"r%-, , ., � , , .an&ou. . I I i 0— ' year- H ies mislaid, Yen .. � I , ,4�' � . ,�,5,��`� ­ -, vt�erim Le6ttlh =X, vak­ Mute, toansr. 'M%rol 'L lm� ,,, laeyd Ort-eiz. hils wire aInd little , � I 1 49 Alay .... , . 24,2'.�,;�­�, . . -S:M. � ,4 . I ','� be iuCQUVenienced-and , .1 ,,",",.11�� ,, I I . i. �49;i":n Al Vnlfnai�r� MW.%f-ner. W*== ante &A Dg -w uoy,d, wbo is uith tho . - . . j,ff ies, � � 11 ;4�,',`�L �:­ . .� .. X(;-';-V-P- and who speciaHzes, - . � . I .4140161 . lbst, both you, ;i,d'your 104�il " . ,:�,'g�'�t:lt.- I I I I . . '-1 VA' -t et,- -to . bet.-, - God MeVeM XM93!1&: In :,, 4,W ,, jjjj����', ,,,, 4,s,,,,J,1 1, r 4 A ",J,&rf=3 .,,,Ue4��. I I �'. t� i�", - , — -�, BMS112 amd telav-1 wireess, is at present statior.ted at I IM . , . � ; k1tion Board WW be, put to ,: '' 11 I I " !;� � 4 . — `7111'1;� �� ,", , � One in a zmlamp.. ,7" .11" . J - .., I 10 I i �,,,-j'';;­, , , '' ". I ".. , , W�F_- Wnd '11'ere 110'2- St-'KTaiCluithe. Quebec, atid IR home, � Deedless wcn'q add i `1�11'111 . I I I I * ;,�i., 1�. � � I . 4 ; .. I I ,!t"',- , � . I , 11 I on a 21 -day lea�tr- Mrs_ ort-4ft and I � I I trolable- ,��, , �i ,":, , J 1, - , 4 ­ 1- ,""-, ", �:V" . JO&I EV VC=r 45;ft12h*`rL WtWV!Fr 4a.. . t � .. I 1. �, � �-- - �,��,",1'111 1; .": .. — , � — ltbt� I � ­ , S% Iceep your bodk in a "& I ­ �, , 1 ,. * taod 5b -A ermT V=ft*-u ZOM r0slide in, Lbndati. , -1 ..... I ­Kt",;;z­�., , �. .-,:, r�ok- rmm rae�m- za,P4 *-.0M&,,rm%0* as,, , I I 1, �Pl&cL"atIbObidwhere�tisroadity Ift 1,t**, .. ,�1,1,"1,�i.,­.,,,.V, ,,,, ..."I"WIVEIP4,10 5Z &%. aft! .-A **rAa*tW Noakts,.,-4, Martin . . 1, " "I -, �1, I . ­­ ., . � I Xdffittr 4-ift Viq;L - S, t.,;­V�.­,�­­­- ,�'1111W. 1 111�- AtX%S$'ble hut fibi. flablo tw' q4 ,,­�,'-, , I �,,', , � 11 . I I � . :3,, C.SA.S, DAft r 11" I 0 Q ­­�­Ir, , I I ,,, . .. 11 I Lozg-� .1 : I", ,. 9*1�=Iml , , I . e 'of I .,., I '�, 1ACISMA80or'Apt th tft,I,&*cbd, � 031341'* 4* i� , , . 1t;,111 :".,., 1,-.,,�, '­ 1, 111A. I& I , , ,-,- , .. -%s 0 eetu it ; � � , ; 3404! 410d'911,00!& jj�na�i .* op.tlil v th 1. ,,, . , " , , ,. , ,;� w !. . I : At*, , , , , 4f Zki$_ - att h". Wlitit 4" 1 . . �, I , pookolighk I& , = , "I 11 I L i ,� �w . 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