HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-02-23, Page 2QOU fry' i1 sr ;1 i�, yen: rates, 4.50 a year in orei )0- r'. Single cents s ec a Advertising rates on application. SEIFORT, Friday, February 23 Too Much? . We, -in this part of the world, are sig far removed from war that we have little or no conception of the real, meaning and . its effect upon !mankind.. So far, in fact,- that we have heard it said that the Govern- ment's plans for the rehabilitation of our armed forces are too broad, too expensive, and too far beyond the means of the Canadian people to carry out. - That thousands of Canadians are better. provided for and paid in the services than they ever were in their lives before, or - ever will be again. That their demands for post-war positions, living conditions and., pay are selfishness personified and too loudly and blatantly . proclaimed. There are some like that. Quite a few. And perhaps our .acquaintance with some of that kind has been more "intimate in the rural parts than that of others in the larger centres, where they see the wrecks of mankind that the, war has returned to them. But they are not all like that, mnot even in the country districts. - But we learned something new "about war and its real meaning over the . week -end. Andin rathera peculiar place. Through • the kind- ness of an _old Egmondville boy, Whose influenee is extensive in many fields, we were able to secure the best seats in the Maple Leaf Gardens for the Leafs-Canadien hockey " game Saturday night.. And what was eq- ually appreciated, reservations in a leading hotel, without line-up or question. It must be getting on to half a cen- tury since were were engaged in the hockey business, but once 'a partici- pant, the germ, apparently, is never killed, and we must plead, guilty to a keen anticipation in that night's play. An anticipation fully realized too. - But it wasn't the hockey that grip- ped' and held our attention most. It was the wounded returned men in wheeled chairs just inside the, railing" or in box seats: There were six of thein almost within touching dis- tance, and we presume the manage- ment had made their attendance pos- sible. If so, the. world should know- about nowabout it, because no helping hand to a returned Canadian could be more appreciated. We said men, and they were men in experience. But in years they were only boys. In age we would say they ranged from eighteen, to not • more than twenty-two. But what the war had done to them was all too apparent. One had lost an eye; three had lost a leg; one had .not_ even stumps for legs, and one, in a wheel- ed chair, was . so wrapped up in blankets his injurieswerenot appar- ent. In their, faces, however, there seemed to be nothing but peace and great happiness, During an inter- mission, we saw one slowly draw himself up out of `the wheeled chair he was sitting in and stand for a few minutes on his one leg. The change would possibly give him relief, but the pain it cost him was all too plain- ly written on his face. If they had been men in or near middle life, it would •have seemed tlifferent. An eye,' an arms or a leg even then would have seemed a crip- pling loss, but, to a boy, with his whole life before' him, there seemed nothing but an indescribable trag- edy. The war ,for them - was over, and ; to thein nothing else seemed to count The way they would, respond o a glance a .or smile at a greeting Was breathtaking. If only the whole yy frig -Was net so cruel, so unforgiv- oth ng the Govern. e_ •n. g ► eo Vie of 0anAda ooh do' 0a4Ada ...v., Ci`u.�`Jlds e l atter e gen.era,tunia. Ing a 'teal study' of agrieu roblems and - putting before the farming profession the ways and means of securing a better way of __ . ..._ But will' the farmers-, asa who e, respond? Recently the Federation pointed out that Canada needs 125,000 new • farm homes and that. repairs and improvements are need- ed on at least 188,000 present homes. It pointed out What a tremendous • demand this would mean for' raw material, ' and what prosperity it - would spell for the building 'trades. The point, however, goes further than that. Or it should. Farm homes, after the war, must all have electric equipment and modern plumbing, because anything less than that means that rural people will be living under a lower standard of liv- ing than the masses in urban centres. The result is really up, to the farm- ers themselves. If they demand hydro, plumbing and a standard of - living that equals that enjoyed by the people in cities, towns and vil- lages, they will get them. On the other hand, if farmers and'.,farm help are willing to put up .with anything in the way of living standards, there is not much that can be done about ii, except that they must expect a continuous trek of young people to the larger centres where life and liv- ing conditions are better and more pleasant. Pe tO ,• ,. fN"t' tr--riN4 yes rt.- 4e0.. Now We Know` It is nothing new for Prime Min- ister Churchill to stir up a discussion on anything, so it was. no surprise when newspapers, the world over, spent a few days describing the kind of headgear -he wore at the recent conference of the Big Three. Some opined it was the one pre- sented to him in Canada a year or two ago. Others, that it was a Turk- • ' ish model, and still others had authoritive information on its manu- facture, or - so they said. Now we know. The whole matter was set outlast week in an Associat- ed Press despatch `from Moscow. Prime Minister Winston Churchill's latest headgear—a .black lambskin shapka—has two advantages. In ad- dition to keeping one's head warm, it protects the top of , the ears. ' The wearer may even pull it down over his ears, but this is not good form: Pictures from the Crimean Con- ference showed the Prime Minister in the black headgear, of a type long worn by Moscow merchants and pro- fessional men. Foreign Coinmission-' er Vyacheslay. Molotov often appears in the same kind of hat. Not that it really matters a great deal, except that anything about Mr. , Churchill is interesting. . • The Newest Fad • The newest fad agitating the American mind, it is said, is the col- lection of Wooden Indians. These weather -scarred Redskins that used to stand out in front of every tobac- so store,- not only in the States, but in Canada, not so many years ago, are selling at $300 to $500 each, and as one saleslady said, are causing far more 'interest than a shipment of girdles that really would gird. People have been running from store to store in New York in a fran- 'tic search for these 'Wooden Indians but there is ' one emporium on Fifth Avenue that has a supply, and that will not last many weeks; it is said. Queer how far and fast fad and fancy will run some times, isn't it? But at three hundred and five hun- dred apiece, it might be worth while to look over some store attics in Ontatio. - • • .Favored As War Memorials (Kitchener Record) There has been much °discussion onWhat form s war memorials should take. Some favor the utilitarian type; others 'thinks monuments serve the purpose best, It isinteresting to note what the Legionary, official mouthpiece' of the Canadian Legion, has to say on this subject. Boiled down to a few sentences; the Legion is opposed .to memorial buildings, Whether hospitalt4 "or schools or community centres, en the basis tbat•'tl ese are amenities tobvne and citiesshould .possess in any event and, that they lose their spe- cial association With service hen and their saeli- flees The ,ivegion'believes , in montintents, 'blit With the provision that these * i,►i,i.i,fa, " ietaer• ,. . dfo: ifti)`it•x. e• , Vrd a+adit.i shoFLu,p�l(:1ex tneiaoixfttt: be Orate ,or expensive. ,. T:�neetalgs- rem' The Huron, Expositor February 27, 11929 • sumer making will soon; be the -erd if the day,_but. athering sap until.* thaw comes will be hard work. Misses Carolyn and Eva Holmes, of Boattl>, ' and Mr. Glenn Holmes, of Toroiii<o, were in Seaforth this week attending the funeral of the late Mrs. S, sT T3olmes. - The :many friends of Mrs, Harry Martie will regret to I,earn'that she met'Willi, a serious accident on—Fri- day n Fri -day lastwhen she fell and fractured her .seg... Mr... G. M. Chesney, of Calgary, a former well-known business man of Seaforth, was in town on. Tuesday. Mr. .W. R. Smillie has purchased the,residence and land of Mr. Robert Porterfield on Nerth Main St. Mr, and Mrs. • George Lowery were presented with a silver tea set •on Wednesday evening last. They are leaving McKillop and coming to Sea- forth -to reside. Mr. Jake Sproat, of Egmondville, who served four years overseas with the. Princess Pats, was reeently the recipient of a handsome" gold Mona Star awarded by King George for ser- vice in France in 1915. The O.H.A. Intermediate game be- tween. Wiarton and Seaforth on Tues- day evening was the cleanest and fast- est exhibition of hockey ever witness- ed -here. The final score was 7-4, Sea- ftirtla winning the game' by three goals and the round by five goals. The Hoffman boys played a, strong heady game; Reg. Reid and Sills had all their speed and combination working; Dot Reid on defence played in his old-time form, and McGeoch in goal stopped everything that could be stop- ped. Jack McGrath, of Dublin, shipped to Sherbrooke, Quebec, on Friday last 18 heavy horses. Mr. Peter Eckert, of Manley, ship- ped a car of cattle to Toronto on. Saturday. Mr: Charles McDaid, of Dublin,' has moved his barber shop into the west part of the Dominion Hotel, which he purchased recently. Mr. Thomas Consitt, of Seaforth, has moved onto the farm on the Parr Line, formerly occupied by his nephew, Mr. Roy Consitt. • From The Huron Expositor "March 1, 1895- Mr. Wm. L. McLaren, of Cromarty, has purchased from Mr. Wm: McAl- lister, of Varna, a very fine Berkshire sow 10 months old, which has taken first prize wherever shown.' A white ash tree was cut down last winter in Sproat's bush, Tuckersmith, which measured 72 feet from stump to the first limb, straight as an ar- row. The 12 -foot logs at the sawmill averaged 409 feet. •• Mr. Thos. Fowler, of Tuckersmith, has rented his, farm to Mr. George Layton, On Friday evening last the follow- ing ladies and gentlemen of Bayfield drove to Clinton; where they enjoy- ed a dance at the residence of James ,Eagleson.: „Misses L. Elliott, N. Mil- lar, M. and L. Falconer, M. Porter- field, Messrs. W. and J. Jowett, Jas. Ferguson, G. Grainger, J. Geminhardt, J. Donaldson, 11. Elliott, I3. Cottaday, J. • and C. Marks, D. Galbraith and H. Darroh. The same evening "Messrs, R, and A. Erwin, F. Keegan, W. J. and A. Ferguson, A. Peek and Misses M. Ferguson, L. Kennedy, L. and E. Mor- gan and M. Parker hada very pleas - an time at Mr. Wm. Wild's, Sauble Line. Miss Aggie Murray, of Hensel!, has been engaged as organist in Carmel Presbyterian. Churefr. At a meeting held•in the Royal Ho- tel, Seaforth; on Monday last to de- cide whether to make cheese or but- ter at the •factory this season, it was decided to make cheese. A runaway occurred on Main Street early Monday . morning, Miss Fowler, of Harpurh.ey, was driving her niece to school at Egmondville and in turn- ing the corner at the Royal Hotel the runner of the. cotter ran up on a -snow drift, upsetting the vehicle and spill- ing its occupants out on the road. The horse ran, but was stopped in the soft snow at Mr. It. Willis' store, Mr. W. Pinkney drove the ladies to their des- tination, • Mr. W. M. McLeod, Seaforth's comic singer, was at Port Elgin this week at a Sons of •'Scotland concert. Mr. "McLeod is getting a wide reputation and seems to be a great, favorite: Mr. Thos: Johnston, of the 18th con- cession of Grey Twp„ intends ;holding an auction sale on Tuesday next, when he Will dispose of all his stuck and impl°enentg. • Among diose from Seaforth attend- ing the millinery openings being held in TM-ariie 4,re 'Minces Stobie, Shep- pard, libberts, '1'ierman,...and Mctiou- gall, • • " Boss: relit strrprisec1at you, iso 1^ou kni;y;, what they de'With boys; Who tele !fes iyy' ", Offiiee get `old LO e1r, When they o dellda them fttt sal ft onowed again the piper "#xeni,n. There's nothing very unusual in that because it seems to be 'anowing all the time Ma Winter; This was a pleasant, lass snowfall -.drat drifted down in big flakes and covered tip• the snow 7aa%"'twgs'^°begirrning—te.-;get: a bit grayish from a soft spell we have been having for a feyy days. I' left ear1Y -the next morning to go to the village. I was the frst- one out that morning and the sleigh swept on through the new layer of snow. I felt more or less' like a trail breaker. It Was a very pleasant kind of a, morning. There .was just a dash of cold in the air .`.. ,the spicy kind that made you feel good to be alive. The sleigh -bells sang out with their eheerfrfl jingle -jangling and that' with° the thudding' of the" lrerses' hooves and the crunching ot•the runners in. the ,soft snow seemed to be the only sounds afoot . , at least until a dog ran out •barking from the Leslie place. We came to the top of the grade, before you dip down into the valley and I stopped the team. It's a grand view from there, although the hill . is not very high. Spread out in fronts of me was the meandering river , . . row a frozen ribbon of. 'silver. The early morning passenger train from the city went scudding along with a Anne of smoke dangling in the' air like the ostrich plume of a"rich lady.. Coming down the hill on the far side was a horse and cutter and farther along some youngsters were playing ith a'•toboggan; I could `hear 'their SluielOg la'ugbter:'. even from that distance. The village was spread out, the steeples, of the United Church and Catholic t .hnrch looming up on Main Stry e. -and. down. the river_ the,,,cross of the white frame Anglican one ;was outlined . agains't hill -beyond. The whole .place looked so friendly and peaceful like a scene from 'a calen- dar' or a• nice ,postcard* The chinl.- neys Were all smoking like peaceful old niers with puffing: pipes. Tim Mur- phy . . at least the figure looked too bulky for any of the ordinary in- rabitants, came out of his store and walked across to the post •office. Tim woultibe after thecity paper to read nl't 'breakfast time. Then he would be prepared with choice ,items of news for the customers who would soon be trickling into ,the store. There's a friendliness about familiar places that's hard to escape.., It gives you a warmth inside, equal to that caused when a good friend returns after a long absence. I wish some • artist fellow would come along and -paint that scene just as it was theother morning. A paint- ing like that would be a mighty fine thing fon us to have here at Lazy Meadows. The only trouble is that I probably couldn't afford it anyhow, and besides every so•often the real thing cornes along like this and makes a tired old heart happy, JUST A- SMILE OR TWO As the engine of a flying bomb made itself heard, a woman rushed from a block of flats, hailed a passing taxi- cab, and told the ,•driver to take her quickly to a tube station. Before the driver could shut the door, she jumped.. eut,..exclaiming: "Wait a minute, I've forgotten my teeth!" "Blimeyi" commented the taximan, gazing apprehensively'" intothe sky, "what do you think 'Itler's sending over—sandwiches?" An Aberdeen woman rang up the doctor. - "Come round to our hoose at once, doctor!" she pleaded. "One of my children has swallowed a saxpence," "Right," said the doctor, " h'6w old is it?" "Eighteen ninety-three," was the prompt reply. A bomb knocked down a house and a policeman.- plunged into the ruins to rescue a fellow trapped. in the base- ment. • Half an hour later.he crawled out with his. man. He was covered with mud, grease, plaster, bits of brick and bruises. - He was also scorched and half -choked from a fire that had start- ed. • "Gosh," said an A.R.P. man, "you are in a mesa." "Yes," drawledthe policeman, "that's, the worst of navy' blue — it shows up every little stain!" • . Officer (sternly): "Drive up to the curb. You are under, arrest!" • Lady Driver:. "Do you know who you arh`•talktng to?" Officer (recognizing chief's wife): "Beg pardon, lady; I thought it was some girl too young to -drive." Huron 'Federation Of ;. Agriculture --Farm News Trick To Treat, Easy To Prevent One of the bugbears of raising live stock is colic, but not' all farmers re- cognize its symptoms. Dr. Mark Bar- ker, Veterinary -Director General, .says that an animal is likely to be suffer- ing from -colic when it.,threshes or rolls about, gets up and lies down again, looks at ..i.ts side, paws and staurps, walks in- .circles, sweats and cries out with pain. An anlriial afflicted with colic may not show all these signs, of distress at •the same time, as colic has differ- ent forms. The word "colic" is really a word applied tp all forms of indi- gestion. This indigestion may not last long nor is it always serious. But in its acute form of bloat, colic soon suffocates an animal. For this reason, a farmer is not_ wise to take a chance on -a colicky cow or sheep or horse gettingThetter on its own. He is safer to call in a veterinarian —and promptly. The treatments which have been used throughout theages include some of the most fantastic --and use- less—ever devised. Live stock auth- orities of the ancient Roman Empire said in all seriousness that, if an ani= mai afflicted with colic were ied 'to where it could see a swimming .ob- ject -preferably a duck—the animal would recover: Another Roman .live stock pundit said that geese were equally as good as ducks, as indeed they are, ,neither being any good whatever as a colic cure. Another old timer recommended that ananimal suffering with colic be dosed• with medicine made •frdm- the lungwort herb. But, and this was important, the herb was effective on- ly when gathered with the left hgnd —and before dawn. This ancient superstition would be laughable if it were not for its uselessness' in relies': lug an animal in intense pain. . Even in modern times, live stbeh owners ,have been,known to resort to useless and even harmful medicines in treating colic. • One of the most repulsive tre ttfinents was plying a sink animal with chicken dung. The point to remember about colic it that it is itdigestive , d`ist'drbance 'Which need' never obear, '.' Alliint)ig on range do not sniffer digeilev.b trdnbles unless they. ' are , datangec abruptly from dry to;stieettleittt-giaG#ilg,the othei+. day around, ;S`omet'ime# imal gets colic when it- is permitted too much'food or drink -after a period when it has been under -fed and thirs- ty. . Another cause of colic is the feeding of frozen vegetables. In short colic is entirely due to bad manage- ment. It can be completely avoided by seeing that live stock receive only good feed and are never 'permitted sudden' changes in their diet. At this season of the year, live. stock producers should take care to avoid' feeding live stock with frozen potatoes, carrots or turnips which should always' be stored where they cannot freeze. . But if for this or an- other cause, some of the animals: de- velep colic, don't hope to cure them by leading them to a duck pound: in- stead call in a veterinarian. • Tree Storage Cellar The tree storage cellar constructed by the Dominion Forest Nursery Sta- tion at, Sutherland, 'Sask., :can hold conveniently a million and a &alf trees. The cellar is 110 feet long, 20 feet wide, .andnine feet deep, and asy it. is joined• by an annex to the Sta- tion's packing shed from where the trees are shipped to farmers, it allevi- ates the labor problem at shipping time.,The /cellar also fits well into the faners' spring plans, because trees may now be shipped earlier or later as necessary. Deciduous trees are supplied free to .farmersin. the Prairie Provinces from the Station at Sutherland and the Dominion Forest Nursey Station at Indian Head, Sask. A nominal charge of $1.00 per Till) is made for evergreen trees. Winter KlIIs Earworm One of the most, injurious insects .attacking` corn 6n Ontario, the corn earworm, is unable to survive during the Winter months, and as a result all these insects are completely wip- ed out every year by stib-zero temper- ature., ,, However, in most years, the country it re -infested by a light of moths coming from the Southern. States during the months of July and August, The fact that each female nioth is ea,pable , of laying n number: e a great of (*gap 500 frolic "te-Aski depending on the Ittd#ischial tooth, is resbottaiible flit • lie' xrspitl build -u s' ,fregtiefitlY,notir ed. , p o Y4v�itttttite om Page g1• Port Albett R.A.F. Station Ctp i1:. The closing pf No, $.1 Alr 'Nal i *- tion School, Pert. -. !pert, io scheduled for .Saturday, t Feb., 3,7th. Only a few of the personnel will .be 1eft•-at-the._station .It is expected• the R.C.A,.F. 'will' take over the . htati.2nl this week, when between. twenty and; thirty will compose the skeleton "atafi' of what has been an ltaportatat air- port in the Commonwealth•.Air Train. Ing Plan and hat trained 'thorzseuda of in'en. The number • of It:C.A'i'. per - donne! who will -take over is any- body's guess, an R.A.F..official stated this week.—Goderich Signal -Star, Six Pair of Twins Six pair of twins, four pair 'hand running, is a record established by a Durham cow owned by Mr. Orville Cann, of Usborne. "I never .heard of anything Iike it," said Dr. Steiner, the veterinary in attendance. The r sixth pair were ,born on Sunday.' All but one of the progency are living. In addition to the twins,, -two single calves were born, That's ,super pro- duction in wartime!—Exeter Times- r Advocate. A 1 celebrated 80th Birthday .,. The family of Mrs. Samuel Gliddon gathered at the home of her son, Mr. Bert Glidden., a on Sunday, Feb. llth, It was the occasion of Mrs. Giiddon's 80th birthday, A dinner party was enjoyed by her family and gra idchil- dren, all members being present with A the exception • of .'fpr. Carmen Gliddon serving in Italy, and Chester, of To- ." roato.--Clinton News -Record, • Military News Mr. Melvin Crich received word on Tuesday that his son, Tpr. Harry R. Crich, had' arrived safely at his des- tination. Earl Ley burne, son of Mrs. Leyburrie, Clinton, form- < erly - of -Seaforth, has graduated from; a wireless mechanic's course, stand- ing second in the entry, and receiv- ing' a silver medal for proficiency. Flying Officer Ronald Peck, who has been overseas for the .past' three years, has arrived home sad is spend- ing his furlough with his mother, Mrs: Janet Peck; and: sister, Elaine Peck, of Toronto, formerly of Clinton._ p Clinton News -Record. Underwent Operation • Mr. Frederick Haist, son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Wellington Hoist, of .Crediton,. underwent an operation in St.— 'Jos- eph's os-eph's Hospital, London, recently. We' are glad to report that he is• improv- ing nicely,—Exeter Times -Advocate,-•• • Eighty -Eighth Birthday Congratulations to Mrs. Elizabeth ' Passmore, of town, who celebrated her 88th birthday on Wednesday of last week. A celebration in her hon- �. our was held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clayton Frayne,' on Friday. Her daughters, Mrs. Robin- son, of Detroit, and Mrs. Hackney, of Kirkton; and Mr. and Mrs. Will Pass- more, of town,. attended. — Exeter Times -Advocate, r• N I Improving in England Mr. and Mrs. G. Wein, of Crediton,. are in receipt of a cablegram from their son, Bdr. Leonard Wein, who d last week was reported seriously ill' in a hospital in England with pneu- monia, that he is now sufficiently re- covered to be taken off the seriously ill list. His many friends will be pleased to know he'is'recovering nice- ly.—Exeter Times -Advocate. Suffered a Stroke Mrs, John Mallett, a former resi- dent of Exeter, w'ho suffered a stroke some three weeks age, is in a ser- ious condition at her home in London. MIs. Mallett is a sister of Mrs. W. r H. Dearing, of town, and Mrs. Fhr- ner, of the ,2nd concession of Steph- en.—Exeter Times -Advocate, Injured in Fall !?own Stairs Mrs. James Breen, of Thorndale, a former Wingham resident,' fell down the stairs at her home in Thorndale and although -no bones were broken, she was • badly shaken ' up. Her daughter, Mrs. 'Neil Williamson, left Wednesday noon for Thorndale, . The accident happenedearly wWednesday morAing last week.--Winigham Ad- vance Times, Won Production feophy Mr. George. R;"" Scott, Prudential Life agent, won as beautiful trophy for leading the 'Strafford district' off the eompa'j y.'iYr production, He stood 60th in the Dominion, a Wonderful showing 'considering there are 4,000 agents.—Wingham •Advance -Times, Staffa Couple Honored Mr, and, Mrs. W. T. Colquhoun, 'of Staffa, were pleasantly surprised on Tuesday evening, F"e"bruary 6th; on theoceas'ioit of 'their 45th• wedding anniversary. A fowl supper was•serv- e tlr d the honoree!• mole at the home of Mr, and Mrs, item Colquhoun, af- ter which "games were enjoyed during, ('C011tiriiiett• on Page '3)•