HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-02-16, Page 6.7,
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Ore EgOinlOsM4t
POOP' -Sauce more w
• aOother Leaten Season, her -
Tuesday with its tra-
Pancakes may be
•any number of ways at
i•Ohe„Csa or suppet.
`lit-as-a.feather pancakes heed
It fat 'and then measure.
Be 4 eggs well and mix with melt-
ed tgt and liquid.
'Stir liquids into measured dry in-
gredients until batter is smooth.
4. Put' prepared mixture into a pit,
cher for pouring conveniently.
. Have the ,griddle pan, lightly
• greased and hot.(but not smok-
ing hot). Add a small amount of
batter (about y4, cup) and let it
cook until bubbles are prominent.
6. Use a cake turner, flip over and
• brown the' other side.
'dean ste no044
Q.14)° P1'09'0 P03.0•44 awn' ' ' • ,,.,:.41,,#ril '491.Irs,' clilF:-
'Few: orfttina,' Matoaeg QA. -0 114, . -,,,,,ot '441: P•Iltdeol,
A'ttd4PSPOons grated or- ',Parfi0 •elOrtiio*eg".gelar,
• . era/ e Grey Nortla
;•• 1- tatiieip h sug ( ptleatil) eloctioa, le,;..".a!'liample• the p.athm•-7.44
7, .Serte_pa4C4Itfn aa seen, an I:ten-
sible, so. they will be' at their »eat,
,Apple Pancakes
1 tablespoon shorteutog
.1 tablespoon sugar
x 2, egga
.ctips flour
1 teaspoon baking Powder
1 cup apples. chopped ••fine
campaign wilkbe a turiaue: one end;
111/2 leepe milk or W0,ter. •
• „ a fi9t tioutOstlistil vottuF day. Qua
-T44:tanealre-flOur„-a.dd.....nrangeatell„ • b
entMeg a,pg, sugar. Acitt litprigl, air
untillbattr is einopth. Turn into pit-
cher; Fry US direeled for fea4her
en "Your range. Serve hot,
with butter and heneY.
Cream the shortening and sugar,
add the beaten eggs, the flour sifted
with the baking powder and' a sprink-,
ling of cinnamon, and the bopped
apples. Then gradually add milk to
make a medium batter. Eake.on a
griddle as for ordinary pancakes and
serve in an •overlapping row around '
a platter of pork chops, or serve sep- •
arately with roast pork, • either hot
or cold, Cooked apples or a dray ap-
ple sauce may be used with batter
• 4.
in the same way.
Feather Pancakes
11/2 cup ,s pastry flour
31/2 teaspoons baking powder
3' tablespoons sugar
1 egg, weal ,beaten
SC cup milk
3 tablespoons melted fat
1/2 teaspoon salt.
Add' milk and fat egg. Stir
dry ingredients vigorously until Ilene
particles disappear. Add one mixing
spoonful of batter to. hot greased
heavy frying pan. When cakes are
.cooked at the edge, turn and eook.on
other side. Makes 10 or 12 pancakes.
Pancake Hamburga
Using prepared pancake flour (mix
as directed. en.package) make batter
and ,pour into a pitcher. Bake cakes
as direCted for feather pancakes. Put
pancakes together in pairs with pip -
The Stiegestion Box
Hold ebops, strips of bacbn, etc,
on the fork till`the fat drips off.
Save fat; for butter substitute.
Fold ironed pilloiv cases and
sheets instead of pressing to avoid
wear along the creases.
If •a bleach is used in laundering
it should be thoroughly mixed
with the rinse water and two
rinses are advised so that none
of it will remain in' fabrics when
clothes are not hung outside. ,
Keep dried raisini, applest, figs
and prunes fresh by storing in
dry glass jars with lids that screw
on tightly.
Allow egg stains to dry before
soaking in cold water . . . never
hot 'water.
Anne Allan invites you to. write to
her c/o The Huron Expositor. Send
in your suggestions on homemaking
problems and watch this column for
"Hey, Bill!" yelled the electrician
'to his.,belper, "grab hold of .one of
those wires."
"O.K." said Bill; "I've got one."
"Feel anything?",
"Good! I wasn't sure which was
which. Don't touch the other!" •
t-thrileataileeci.tthe r le gen-,
the wealshowing of the c.c.r. This
to same extent:Supports the view
by observera Ji.t,the capital that the'
o.c,r. thzte.le,,Off,the weep, in
p, The Ma,
battle, on an etie,NI Cartia410.
apect, n-1204t-!?P,•'1./etwOon• tbe1,4her-OO
who are -initiftg an advanced Seelig
and economic:00gram and the reap
tionary-Conserotives, syho are .out to
smash it. There" is, however, no
doubt that in-lienie sections of the
country the CcO.F. will be the Mon
government *tuition qin the Ap-
proaching balloting.
Liberals. Have Nation -Wide Support
The national49olitical picture is ef
a decidedly patchwork nature. The
Conservatives are out ‘pf the picture
in Quebec an the Prairie Provinces
—to a lesser extent in British Colum-
bia. In the Prairie West and in Bri-
tish Columbia the C.C.F. will be the
chief thrett • to government candi-
dates. In Ontario the 'Conservatives
and,C.C:F. parties may both vie 'with
the Liberals for popular support. In
Quebec the Liberals will be mainly
opposed by anti-British TJnione Na-
tional and incie Populaire foreee. In
the Maritimes it may be largely a
straight contest,between Liberals hiacl
Conservatives with recent provincial
elections indicating a fair balance for
the governnient:, Out of this scramble
anything may emerge: .The Liberals
have a nation-wide organization and a
share of 'popular approval all over
Canada, but must face various shades
of political groups in different parts
of the country.
The Liberal Appeal
The Liberal :appeal will doubtless
be on the war achievements of the
B. 12.3 5
SGT. 13I.LANIC .k..,
• Write clearly •or
cornplete detail
address 9" "Pf'''
print in block letters, nd
YOU own natee a
r left hand corner.
• THIS- is a war of rapid movement. Overseas mail must
be handled many times before it reaches your man. if
• you, write a wrong, or incomplete address, -it may cause
weeks of delay in spite of all your Post Office or Canadian
Postai Corps can do to speed delivery. You can save much
heart -ache by following these simple rules:
1 Writer dearly or print full address in block letters.
.24 Make sure the address is COMPLETE, many delayarecaused
in dime mail 1;y senders omitting name and number of unit.'
If you are wriang to a wounded man M hospital Overseas,
Writ o the usual COMPLETE crddress, then ADO the intords "IN
NOSPITAL" in large letters on the enVelope.
, .
You may saie a• minute—at-the cost of many
smoke delay.
Your parcel must stand the weight of thousands more
pressing down on it in the hold of a lurching ship at sea.
It must stand rough transport, often under fire, over
sheIl-torn roads. Pack your parcels in corrugated con-
tainers, wrap in several layers of heavy paper and tie
with strong twine.
-OL et.
"vs:me. 0anadat ti4-1P4);:f4:491'
AdVlS011Atr''Ot,414.VIA ••
pips thq Taxic444:4044#04,
4,twear7,7404Ler,4474404ce4v1400., 70-0,114,rx*W49:4tt tit;
'19zntbe # let*iie:;84 '94,*;474741:11,41,474t11;
Aleir PlagOini et SO•ta)ii#01•000•F.,
irar restrictioaas. The,
theinselvee ready tP, t4e 077,
ernMeht OwnerShin till nln.tor fintine-
•tries and the wont doWn. to the
ankalier concerns as *TM Zone, On, DAC
Contract in party elatforilgt .is the
stress- laid by the Liberal, party on'
'development cif export sales toWard•
which stens have already been the
tied others contemplated. '-Whatever
Whatever -
the outcome the election race will be
an interesting one. •
Minister of Labopr Praises Farmers
In a repent national broadcast Hon.
Humphrey- ifitchell,, federal minister
of labor, paid high tribute to Cana-
dian farmers. "The output of our
farms," be said, "has truly been ant -
axing. With half a million fewer per-
sons, our farmers have •sSeadily nit
their production goals. During the
off season tens of thousands of farm
workers have provided the larger part
of the labor requirements of logging,
pulp cutting and other forest indus-
tries. They have ailed up the ranks
in meat packing 4and other food pro-
cessing industries. • They have work-
ed in the mines and keel plants to
relieve critical shortages." Mr. Mit-
chell reminded' his city listeners that
steps taken to assure farin prosper-
-ity, such as "floOri' prices for agri-
culture, were of great value to indus-
trial workers. Prosperous .farmers, he
pointed out, make good customers.
Likewise he emphasized the full in-
dustrial employment is importent to
Canadian farm Producers as many of
the products of the farm and largely
consumed at home.
The GreS/-North Enicona
Political experts here are still try-
ing to figure out just what the Grey
North victory of Garfield Case, Con-
Orvative, • Over ' Gen. A. G. L. Mc-
Naughton, national defence minister,
actually means. The government
,•:•0 4r
41, th "0 141
Mopt�ia-,,not00 OfatAapiiit;
bti the 21
S Senate ' ' 0 ot1* ac
JettQi In
4Oears, on 4
electect,;t44921 • filt4
IneTnbek:Vtio J..1410,004.44) 4Peiktze
seat.fer Clea. 4gqraal*teiM, The ether!
ax o nine electiOntilWeriflion
pirmerrativea. , 1,11:•{1 WinnIng, caeLcW'
date -vas a "honcle boy," :while the.
'O.C.F. and -Liberal nominees -• were
beth "outsiders:" The C.C.V., and
Oonservatilie leaders and their chief
• aides all took 'part in Orey North
onAlPsign while Prernier King ,and
senior ea,binet ministers were tied
down with•adreitlietrative war tasks.
Liberals Still Held Popular Support
One thing -le-, certain, in 'ail this
apparent confusion the Liberals still
have the support of ;the largest group
of Canadian voters. Regarding to
the Gallup poll released Feb. 7th, 28
per ,cent. of the people of Canada
indicate their Intentiiia to vote Lib-
eral in the general election. There
are as many undecided voteras their
are Conservatives (21 per ceat.) and
only 17 Per cent. intend to mark their
ballots for C.C.F. socialism. • —
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
A six -weeks -o11 • calf was -nibbling
at the grass in the yard and was view-
ed in silence for some minutes by
the "City girl.
"Tell me," she said, turning ire--
pulsively to her 'hostess, "does it
„really_pay you to keep as small a cow
as that?"
The teacher wanted to impress' on
his class that there was n.ething a
man could not do if he put his mind
to it. Johnny Jones begged to differ -
"Well," said the teacher, "tell me
and the class what it Is,"
"You try to light a match on to
piece of soap,".4was the answer.
Nazi army,
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unim'eamo elm ems emsoma onsis momming =No me
bOIWYS for SENDER'S:" billet pack matches or lighter. .
.,., fluids. .Don't send fob d§ "that Can spoq. Don't sent , •
in cartons or giask, Don't forget to affix cost"-
file terkeustoms:dedaivitien,,toon 't use "shoe boxes",-, ..
they crush •eallya . . ' • ,y, •
';'•,',?. : .. - .- . ,/,'''...--,---,-.4:24,-,..,.,:". , .. :....,.:,,...,„; , ';.,'.'!'
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