HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-02-16, Page 5, r , ,:t..4,0..,,...,:o.,,,o4,4r., I .)4,. 104 k' c . • . 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He reads text -books' oempiled in 1629. Anaz- t, ling, 'isn't 4t.?,,. , • This is Stamp Week at your local grocer's and their slogan is, "Remera- . • ber Friday is Stamp Day." Okay, let's have next week our Stamp Week at school; and dr ,slogan,."Remember Wednesday is Staniii Day." • * * - Has anyone (besides a Fifth Form- er) noticed, "Holman" Skipping daint- ily around •the •shool?. You don't • suppose ? Oh, no; he looks sane . . • k'n4i;;. •• ,ar•o.ja:' liSAWilia.f'01.04AtOtOleigo'dita ggnw gout P440e*A0,44.10040,14- *AWN General .004€41011 .001* SeS/00., :COntituletlillte. last sweet.itosiien.00; It, wasall due' torpie PIA.; 'tht ' Into 4i)jer040 No oue-00Ud • discover wh�lis ,hauds. held. the. inn our leader tIllSoovereCthe Minty Perebn Mid .yel ed• 9B1ddy" BUOY ,thet :back roiv came back. With. wiattle;. Tale!" /ilverYone laugnd 0,11P4n, :t140 cheerful note k we all went-hoMe baP, PY. • • P.. -The Crosby's won agat. . • • 04;! Faster titan'a ,seeilig bullet, meat • powerful than a loomotive, able to leap tall huilditigs iVSingle 'hound; lok, up la the skya'it'fi a bid, it's plane,ait's Sapernianr • OR. Faster• than a baby elephant, more powerful 'Olin: itlocOnlotiVe, alne to puli,liage. pianos with one hand. Look, in the ,corner Of the Gymn; it's Atlas,;. AV's Hercules; it's Skinny -Mason! , • • ';A * • Question of the Week Who.IS :lock? . . Horn.eEconoinics (Continued from Page 1) received a menu, autograph hook and Rena and a scrap book from Mr. which we • are all enjoying very- much.. • , , It cost the United States 220;000 td take us to 'Chicago, and $42000 per day to entertain and feed us. Op Tuesday inOrning we all had bfealifast In ithe Coffee Shoppe. ,At • 8.30 We gathered in the Grand Ball- room. to hear Mr, Reuben Brigham, Associate Director of,,Extension Seek -vice, 'U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. His (subject was "My -Club, My Commun- ity and My Country:" Mr. 'Brigham • believes "My Home" should be added to the motto,.aa without a home noth- ing is established. He believes 4-H work teaches you 'to act and think foryourself, and as a grant) think and act collectively, and in, this way build a better country through youth organ- izations. .• Weagain proceeded to our discus - sions rooms until 11.0, when we boarded an electric train for Edgewa-, ter Beach 'Hotel, to be the guests of Montgomery Ward & Thie it a very beautiful Here we sew on display the Canadian flag which we were glad to see, and were, presented with, the American Wo- man's. Cook Hook by Montgomery Ward. our entertainment was xcel-, lent and were especially impressed by the beautiful flowers throughout the hotel. • • • • At night We were guests -of Sears, Ileebuck & CO., at. the Stevens, fpr & banquet.. Here we were entertained by a magician and acrobatiestunts: Our pictures were taken and Isaer sent to us by Sears; Rbebuoit & Co' • After dinner we marched to a train, to go to the Aragon Ballroom Ler our 'friendship party, Sponsored • by Spool Cotton Co. The ballrooin is niadifi- cent with an enormous dance figor, balcony with refreshment tables, and at opposite corners .were lighted tow- ers, and the roof resembled a .sky with stars. The dancing began with the grand' march and Virginia Reel. The master of ceremonies mixed us up with other States. It was truly a wonderful evening. Wednesday morning we assembled toti3s ,,they." from -the Vgtoeas:, " At 4,t30".85,41n*Q110,0,„ 14,0 :01,0 •'g°118€1 tf"' be. 4e5t(fl Of. A, ot it' othi '.11*'''40:04 411-d 1rie 6 bolter-11AL," 1,cl,4t' aRli0,1411.1 ',".**/*." aili, '07 04- '0*IiAeft.!•°.:-- '-:- i -.'.4itiOa halkiei At , 14#70-'6114 ,0% dates with. `wSthliit uite ..9 19544.q APL• 11*0-11ng address by the sknieri gov-.1440,k;.4r. 00:4004-,,,:vcw'o,04; :12fqw tal.de at thiS net -:e ,vvercs' eutOrtalood 1)3* the Kraft Choral hoir, 6)Intatig ot taoars of: Kraft. Cheese Co, At•-„SLire diVIrled hato groans of 25 or 30. -to see the diffrent prts., "Tite Ojaear anatratiOo by • the Bell TelePhollo .1•8 .very interesting. Oscar is a cl•o.mm ir and is in a glass root.' We were. givoi•earphones to listen with. Each time the lady would touch Oscar it •would come :crier the earphnes, She dropped a: gunshot' on a thick carpet mid we heard it. Next we Were given a leeture on the forming of ' Oil Is- formeil hy animals dying and the • oil cdmiag from their 'bodies, e.g. dinisour. The first layer is gas, then oil -water.; If there as an earthquake or, gruptionahuge pieces of slate and rock .project through the ea2113. a.nd gut the flow of oil. It is 'therefore hick•When drillere find oil,. We &leo saw huge ,glass tabes for purifYing oil. • Our next'_place• •WaS to the Coal • mine We 'climbed a Stairs( -to board the elevator which took us under- ground. We saw. the coal cars loaded with wicoal and -automatically dumped. They have electric pumps to take• ex-, cess water from the mine. We 'were _Ito* put into a ear made to take the men'to work. It is 9f a steel flexible el:Instruction like a' wire cage that you, can, see threngla When the coal is small they have a duck -bill machine 'electrically operated' to Jead it, The blesting is .done at night to be ready for the dee' shift to talad out. They drili ip our or five places and insert dynamite. Next is a $10,0110 machifte that has huge claw-like arms to go un- der the wall and bring out the coal and load it on the cars. ,,FiveItea operate this machine and in seven hours it loads 400 tons of coal. In. another section we saw s robot bomb, 'Machine guns, army trucks and a dis- play of Allied flags. In the eventing Fe attended the an- nual 4-H banquet at the Stevens and enjoyed a peppy singaong, the Coca Cele broadcast mad Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands with George Olson and his orchestra. All the state priz- IF you are on our, waiting list of applicants, no nevdt to tell you what it means Ur be without telephone service! Imagine, then, how helpless our battle forces would be without telephones and other cornmttnications equip- ment..*Itight now, the men, material and machines whieh Would normally be: used ih turning out telephone equipment for you are still working for them. Only when this -first responsibility is discharged can a start be tnade on catching up with civilian needs. In the meantime we promise this: Applications Will be filled just as soon as possible and in' the order in which they have been received. ignals fliers torced down at sea. Clearing' messages throngh militarrexchciges. • t.: opeeding the flow or War produdikatk ,eaAle ge4-t4ce • • goy Wert Sovlocia,Sfirrrpi and dirtithatos thitiOatiy. • • -, • • - • 4.4,4,!..„4.,'• Adstil atiPtIS a* &AU* , B. P. Johnston Manage'. • __290_4,7 e' • ' Xj401 totafe23ft6 10 61 'tos , fas 1,133t.54 0400,0 97.18 2,636.15' Otatoth 1484 14 603.50 WOg1tit4 • ••••w,.4,: • 1 09..0t 6n5.03 • te highlghts, waa 41. •ai4, LTiage tio club ineMbrii'•.thiS, ;el lit Piji ltouer off1oa13ye1ee4Ite 23rd NS; thaw,. 4-H Conress, • gtil'est"3s odiT1.14741C. Weirre"arY.esen*tia, tivea of OalIade, wereat433. on tOre by Mr. Jolley, 'Of Ilareign, and Miss ernie, of Chicagd provided na with lumariona t.iiiaffraa the day, Fjrst We went, td. te:broadcasting station to Don MeNekra Breakfast • Club. 1Viles Rhonda; -;;Flenting, a star in the picture "Spe1/30,14, soon to be relpeneila was intyiewed. Miss Nancy Martin sang solos and a snake weanaeZoya:d.: andiatiChief in full dress ase •Next we Sent totbe Beak of Trade Bantling to the Grain xcliage.,We saw the men buying and selling grain. From here we boarded in elevator to go' 45 Aeries Up to theatower. It was fogy and smoky,:na we could not see very far, The next stop Wan a.tGarfied Park Conseiatery. On our WayMiss Ker- nie shOWed the stadium iviigre Cana- dians play hoekey4n Chicao. At the park we were gmded • irg a capable man and he ahowed us orelids grow- in/Whic# Were beautiful; is,coq pe cies are known. We aaw1.10 species of palms, hanani, cotton, coffee beans, sugar cane, cinamon, Olives; learns, cocoas, gum, oianes, .Ameri- can poitii-L•a' long- Vine .growing .to the roof with small • PetMzes on it The fern house is beanliful-sone like a thick carpet, °there like trees. The cactus lapse was very fascinat- ing; some Were huge, others Very small. One was in bud and when it flowered they would have to °pea the ventilators to let it bloom. The poinsettas were beantififia and we saw a Bird of Paradise; : at a distaime it is like e bird. We returned to the pteyens for a private banquet, which was' much en- joyed by all. After lunch we went to, the I. H. Binder Twine Co„ land here saw the process of twine naeltingqra4 tow until the ball g were shipped Out. The air was blue with acid. Pr= here we iVere arched through two blocks of Chinatown. Miss Kernie allowed us- one hour to shop in Marshal Fields' Department Store. Even in an hour we saw many interesting and beautiful flingS. At 5 p.m. we had a bartqet In the Hamilton Grill and Mr. Jolley gave us pictures taken at the Palmer House on Dec. 4th. This was the end of a very enjoyable stay in Chicago and we certainly appreciated the Ameri- can hospitality shown us. Friday morning we boarded our train for home at 9.30, and, Weaenjoy- ed our trip home very much as we -knew each other better. We Signed our auibgraphs to completion and one ,of the "boys put everybody's. 'lame in his hat and we drew one out. to write about the person whose name was drawn. This caused a lot of fun for us and the strangers also. 'We left our train feeling enriched by the new friends we' Made during our trip to the 23rd -National, 4-H Congress 4;1 =+.k' 4., McKillop Insurance (Continued i'rom Page 1) should a loss occtir. Protect yourself and your Board by becoming familiar with its requirements." The officers are: President, W. R. Archibald, Seaforth ; vice-president, F. McGregor, Clinton; manager and secretary -treasurer, M. A. Retd, Sea - forth; directors; Alex Broadoot, Sea - forth; George Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; Chris. Leonhart, Brodhageni E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; W. 'R.. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex lVfcEwing, Blyth; Frank McGrew, Clinton; Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth. North Huron • (Continued from Page 1), lVloorrriris 7 s • 8 259,54 m -435.08 Morris 9 268.65 Morris Morrie, Grey & 10 44.14 2 McKillop .. U. 11 285.44 75676 Morris & Ellett U.12 214.02 628.97 Turnberry, Grey & • HciFick .... U. 1 332.S5 Tlirnberry & How- , ich Turnberry 1.1 2 418.11 Turnberry gc 3 ,436.S0 • Morris Tuiarberry U. 4 469.51 5 198.81 ' 6 Turnberry Turnberry Wa- 442.50 wanosh E. 1L7 Turnberry & Morris • U. 8 'rurnberry 9 Turnherry...-... 11 Wawanosh E. and Morris U 3 440,72 .866.50 WaWanosb. East & West TY. 6 '427.17 780.74 Iiirawatosh, East & West 11. 7 407.09: 843.13 Wawatiosh D. ... 8 '463,88' t :852.2,6 WalleatiOsh .9 477.23f,,,14' 999.51 WaWatiOsh EL 43116*.i;''.* 885.30 W-13Natioiili "it 431:31$7r,'863,56 668.04 1,979.33 688.20 755.50 899.59 • 862: 05 812.84 928.54 „.198$1 728.67 137.50 150.00 414.22 780.58 410.87 792.33 555.72 848.90 Urban tOtaIS $3A9.91$1641.4'.68, • ;Arend -totals, . ;30,016.01 $78,50.6 ftst,SAtx (Continued frora Page 4) Mr. and Mrs: Bus., llobinsen, of Mit, °hell, spent, the week -end, with MT, .0134 rs, Charles Glanville? • Mrs. Wilfred Aim ,s of Varna, was :taken o 'Scott Meinorial Hopital, S,eaforth, on Sunday, when she suffer- ed a partial stroke. Wounded .In Italy - • • Word 'hs reached Hensall that Pte. Laird Hudson had been wounded in a mine explosion in Italy and will have to have his left leg amputated ac- cording to official word receiv-ed by his mother, Mrs: Olive Hudson, Lon don. He is a former wll-kturwia Hen - el' boyaheing born end raised' here: He is 21 years of age and has been overseas 2%. years. This is the cind.time he had been wounded while on active service. He is a grandion of Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson. Mrs Fred Beer attended the 9.,31.11 at-home held at the London Arena on Friday evenng, Feb, 9th, it which 1600 -guests were Catered to. Rev.. Robert Bruce, of Loncien, eon - ducted services Sunday Iasi in Car - ml Church. Communion was admin- istered at the • morning service. A p1easi4 duet was sung by Mrs. Jas. 4. Paterson and R. Y. MacLaren. Mrs. C. Forrest was at -the church consoe. POP/410 nalty,•:t10011 fatair front ,': Heavy We1gilt,1-',;"Falioeus Han mke. Siees tn stock, -36 te DUBLIN Mr. Michael McCarthy has returned home from Detroit. Gerald Burns, of London, Visited his arents, Mr. and( Mrs. Frank Burns. Miss Dorothy Donnelly, of .Gode- rick and Mrs. Earl Henley, of Blyth, visited thatch( -parents, Mr. and Mrs. „Jlerasph Donnelly, .Sr. • Joseph Burns, of Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burns. VARNA The council' met Monday, Feb. 5th, as per adjournment, all the members, being present. The Public school in- spector, Mr. R. 0. Staples, met the council end explained very thorough- ly the advantages of a township school area and advised the council to take the matter up and call a meeting of the ratepayers. The audi- tor; Mr. W. A. Grant, of London, then came forward and gave his report, which showed a small deficit for 1944 owing to the large amount expended on maintenance of roads. The road Voucher NO: 2 for January was $512.28 and General Vouchea No: 2 was 413.75, and the council 'purchased some ,more snow felice from the Lundy Fence Co. WINTI1ROP Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gillies and Isa- bel are in Tordnto. Mr. Harry Eddicott has gone to Owen Sound to work on the boat, Capt. C. D. Secord. The Red Cross meeting and quilting will be held in the school. room of the church on Tuesday, Feb. 20th, Mrs. Horne and Mr. E. Haase speet Monday in London. The Red Cross euchre ad dance was held in Winthrop hall on Friday, Feb. 9th, with a good crowd in at- tendance. The euchre prize winners were: -Ladies, most games, acrs. Mc- Clure; lame hands,. Dorothy McClure; men, most games, R. C. Doods; lone handli, Arnold Storey. Consolation prizes went to Grace Roe and Ernie Toll. The lucky ticket -on the quilt was held by Mrs. Hiram Blanchard. Lunch was served and dancing follow- ed with music supplied by Mrs. Jas. Hogg, George Love aed Stewart Mc- Call. • • Mrs. Horne and Mr. E. Haaae vsit- ed in Acton (on Sunday with Mt. and Mrs, T. Inglis and Mrs. Haas. KIPPEN • A successful Red' Cross quilting and pot -luck -dinner was held at the home of Mrs. Rbeat McGregor on Mond,ail, Feb. 5th. Owing to road conditions, only twelve ladies were resent. Five. quilts Were completed. Another Red Cross quilting and pot -luck dinner will be held at the li�o f Mrs. Winston Workman on Wedifeaday, Feb. 21st. Everybody welcome. Hold Church Annual Nesting The ,postponed annua! Meeting of St. Andrew's Church Was, held on Monday afternoon. After the period of worship by the minister, Mr. Grant, gave an outline of the year's work in all departments -showing the success that attended the faithful efforts of members and adherents The reports of the various societies were then, given, beginning with the Baby &nd throtghto the. treaorer's • repot. The the 11 aby Band and the Missionary and • Maitttelianct ti's:iktt We 'rooted their allositIonli • Men's :l:beep Line Q,enuric sheepskin lined parka coats Wth able far-triinMn parka.' at is Made of wter.: Proof ta!! in medidni brown shade .. Code' Pure %Atop! Woi '3Va-lb. pure wool work grox, made by tode"s,. real work hose Boys' and Youths' Sigel at SOO. Limit of two pair to a customer, PiCael st• • `... Boys' Bib Style Overalls . „ This item is in short supply most of the time., These are "Big- B" and Walker's make In navy • 9 sanforized twill or 'railroad blue shade. ..... . SIZES 24 TO 34 INSTOCIC - New Modern pattern Ties, • You'll want to throw away your old ties whep • you see these newest modernistic patterned ties 0 foe Spring! They are English imported foulards at •1.0„ , . Stanfield's Red Label Underwear - We have a complete stook of this popular Weight Stanfield's shirts and dra*ers in stock now. ,,Stock up for net Winter When it's aVallabtea:.. c't • FOUND!- GARMENT Two Victory Band Coupons, dated January 1, 1944, for $1.75 eah. Owner may have same by supplying the correct Serial Number. • • Also one Child's Gold Signet Ring. PLEASE APPLY FOR THESE ARTICLES AT OUR OFFICE been exceeded. The VV oman's Auxil- iary closed the year with a good bal- ance on, hand, The'. Young People's Society contributed $78.00 to Missions., The treasurer's statement of, the church showed that,- after meeting 41 bills, ineluding the inereaSs in the minister's salary, there, was still a handsome balance on hand. Mr, T. N.. Forsyth aced as secretary of the meeting. Harold Jones, W. L. Mellis, Ross Broadfoot and John Hyde were elected to the committee of managers, to replace Allan Johnstone, -Ed. Mc- Bride, John Sinclair and -John Hen; cterson, who retire for one year, Witb the reading of the Sunday ScheoT re- port, which showed $16 contributed to Missions and a working balance to begin the year, a discussion on ways to improve the 'school followed. -There is a good staff, but especially during the winter the attendance ef pupils bi inevitably reduced. 'The Women's World Day of Prayer is being held on Friday 'of this 'week at the heme or Mrs. Thos. Worktaatt on -the hghway. in the afternoon. All the women in• the conaninnity are in- vited to the meeting. With the beginning of the Lenten season, the Ree. Mr. Grant is giving a series of adgesses on "The Way the Master Went." On Sunday first he will speak on "The Dilemma At JoBrdeacnau."se of sunnier days the thoughts of some are turning to the running of the sap. But the heavy snows will make it as difficult to tap as to haul the wood from the bush. BAYFIELD 411111.101M111111101N Service Was cancelled in the Angli- can Church. on Sunday evening last -owing to the absence of the Rector, Mr. Homes. Rev. Holmes and Mrs. Holmes were called to Brigden ten days ago owing to the illness of her father, Rv. Mr. Elsdon. He under- went an operation from which be succumbed. The funeral took place in Brigden on Tueday. Rev. Median was a United Church, minister '.St.' tioned at Brigden. Rev. and Mrs Holmes have the sympathy of -this community in their bereavement. itumors are going that a new bridge *HI be started this summer to -re- place the old one over the river. The local fishermen are busy get- ting new nets seamed ort, leaded and corked, and the colder ones tnended_ for sPring fishing : . • On Friday evening last a progres- sive euchre and dance 'was' held he the Town Hall under 'the Red.Crort, with a good attdndance. All enjoyed a pleasant evening. Mr. Harold Wston, of Detroit, spent the week -end visiting his father,. Mr. George Weston, who retarnett with Harold on .• Monday to visit, friends in Detroit. The annual meeting of St, Andrew's United' Church was held in the base- ment. of the church on 'Thursday eve- ning this week. A pot -luck. supper'. was served. Mr. Rheney ,Larson and son; Clar- ene, and Glen Smith of London, spent the week -end at the Larson borne. Mr. Casey- Atkinson, of Detroit., . spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Atkinson, who is fit and not LID: proving as many would like. to hear., Miss Elizabeth Weston is spending this week An Goderich, visiting Ilir-• and Mrs.' E. R. Weston. A pncake, maple syrup and biscuit supper was served at the home et Mrs. Bailey on Tuesdai • evening,,t, which -ivas enjoyed by all, with pro- ceeds in aid of the Public Library. Mr. Wm. Parker purchased a new dump truck and went to Brantford for it last week. Proud Faitter (to bank manager): "Ali, Mr. Clark, I want to see ion about .opening an account for the neir. arrival at our house. 'How- shall we describe: it to" distinguish it from mine?" • Manager: "Suppose we call it,'Th, -Fresh Hir' E`uncIT Dead and Disabled Animals • REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT; EEAFORTI-1 15 „t„,, EXEr4041,, ' DARLING AND .,CO. O1 eAN (DeSetftial /ittlutr)')‘