HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-02-09, Page 8. • ' • PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM FRIDAY .FEBRUARY 16th at 8.15 pm. The Seaforth Lions Club invites you to attend the Public Speaking 'Contest on the patriotic subject: "What Canada Should Do For Me in the Next Twenty Years and What I Shall Do For Canada" There will be several contestants from Seaforth Collegiate and a musical program, Come and encourage these young people by your- presence. ADMISSION FREE •,••• • rk° 4,01,,:‘,1N44 OF kirn4•W'' Sear .„0„„ Ma* PtriePtj OXo01^ ritefliate P040eSsiss, Pr°Periiirli alga ON & REID A atto Proprietpr e 214 Seaforth lAl-ISTS IN ALL ILINES OF INSURANCE • • fl ‘401'47.4Att talitatiOWti , th9 ygx004, of, 90,:, 4.44rixogi*Att040,1 attend the Verld DAY Of Pra;Yer geri, 'dee, to be held in First, Frea/VteY- jan Church, Sealertla, ou FridaY, Feb. 16th, at 3. o'cloelt sharp ArmOuneement.—Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Camphell,McKillop, announce the en- gagement of their eldest daughter, Ohristena Elizabeth, to Mr. Leslie john Pryee, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pryce, McKillop, the Marriage to take place in February. Brand - Hogg.—The marriage was performed in Toronto on Saturday, January 27th, by' the Rev. David Car4- Well, of Ida Agnes, daughter of 111,r. and Mrs. William S. HEigg, McKillop, to Mr. Paul Brand, Toronto, son of the late Mr. and Mrs: J. Brand, of Berne, Switzerland. Second Division Court County of Huron In the Dominion Bask Bella - 34, Seatortk, Otlice bouts: Toes- , Aim Thussalso and Saturday, Lim pm. to 6 p.m.: evenies. 7.30 p.m. to e E. C. CHAMBERLAIN 4. Clerk • • 0 0 •Ce. 0 0/0 • * -0— G. WHIT1VEY Succor to •' HOLMES &.WHITNEY '4" Funeral Service * Main Street - Seaforth" 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 4> Adjust,able hospital bed ,for 0 0 "rent. . 4> Agent for Mitchell. Nursery * " Flowen. Telephone 113 0 ;CO Nights and Holidays 65 0 0000000000 4><><>* -00000000 '0 . - 0 40 W. J.- CLEARY '0 0 Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 t.ICENSED EMBALMER 0 -O. .AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls -335 0 '0 0 000000000000 000000000000 0 •0 J. A. BURKE 4? 0 Funeral Service 0 DUBLIN : ONT. 0 4> Night or day ealis: Phone 43 r 11 0 0 00.0" 0 451 0 40 0 0 0 * SPENCE'S PRODUCE GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGQ GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices Paid For Eggs and Poultry Phone 1704V, Seaforth Women's institute To Meet. — The February meeting of the Seaforth Wonien's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. John Hillebrecht on Tuesday afternoon, 'Feb. 13th. This is ,a work Meeting and the report on ,war work will, be ,given. Members are requested to bring print or other suitable material, sUffieient to. make 'nine -inch quilt blocks. •-•..-1- CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large stock of Modern Mem- . oriels on display at git'W- SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS For the convenience of our Patrons, office be open on Tuesdays. ()Pen by appoint- ment at any other Mae. See Dr. Harburn next door. Cunningham & Pryde if, Clinton Exeter Seaforth Phone 41 • • Girls' Branch -of W. A. Meets.—The regular meeting of the Girls' Branch of the W.A. of St. Thomas' Qhnecit was held in the Parish Hall on Tues- day, Feb. 6th. The opening hymn was sung after which a Scripture reading was read from the Bible from St. Luke, 8th chapter. The minutes were then ,read of the previous meeting and ten members answered the roll call. The study period followed, and the meeting closed with prayer. s• vs, Seaforth Beavers iThursSeb.15,830pail, Northside Meets.—The regu- lar meeting-. of the Young People's Un- ion was held on Tuesday, Feb. 6th, at 8 p.m. The meeting opened by sing- ing Hymn 249, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of -the lastmeeting were. read .and the roll call answered. The Scripture was read' by Madeline Wilson, follow- ed by prayer by Mr. Workman. Slides on Missionary fields were shown, fol- lowed ,by the' offering. The meeting closed by singing Hymn 256 and re- peating the Mizpah benediction. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. Churches The birthplace of hootte}r,stars1 "The Twin Cities" have always had GOOD hockey teams. And this one is no exception. "IT'S ONE -OF THE BEST!" The "Beavers" will ice a stronger 'fline-up than in their game with "Centralia Flyers:, And you can expect a REAL game—a "THRIL-, LEM" • Adults 35c Children 15c REMEMBER THE DAY AND DATE THURSDAY, FEB. 15th 8.30 p.m. (And it will start on time) • .,9•••ri•I:,". 'AY,, 0344 ---- nv4 34•EttirWwIthi'•fe :Ouig 'pl1:44tIgq? hl Nicr4,i gkeo#0;.... ,440.cV0444.,of OW% )3$907 S "f%S•sei10/104 'fb3r :4#4` eared. After 40•O , sider•OPO,4* Was •Oataved b WO; A. L. Fox 41.#we consider adeptipg, 'the plan .0g, $40,1g for Name's *wpm anddpwQndat et etir btte %on: tt rece/Ved:,041 deditated, 'the meeting was turne$14ver to the Guild. Later a soetal,,,h0r was spent with refresh - *ate. 1 Preshytqlan Ladies' Aid:: — The raenthlynting of the Ladies! Aid. o Vir4th7csbyterian Chureb, was held in -tire, eehool room on Tuesday after•904I'eb. 6th, with a very en- couraging attendance. The president, Mrs. H. fl,,Seott, opened the meeting with prayer. Hymn 100 was sung and the minutes d treasurer's reports 4 --kilo by Mrs. E. A .McMas- ter was ranch enjoyed, Rev. R. H. Williams addressed the meeting, tell- ing a very interesting story of his expexiences, on themission fields. The ladies dreaded to begin work for al bazaar in' the autumn. A hymn was sung and the meeting closed by sing- ing the istaticinal Anthem. ( sub Dies in' Toronto.—Henry- (Harry) Roberts died in the Western'Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday; January 30th, after a' long illness. He was born in Guelph, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Rbbert S. Roberts. His wife, 'the fortier 'Julia Shaw, predeceased him. Surviving are his sisters, Mrs. William Smithers, .Toronto; Mrs. S. A. Archibald, Peterboro, and Mrs. Frank Glew,„ Clinton. He spent his by -hood days in Seaforth, moving to Toronto some 30 years' tago, where he has einee lived. He was Anglican in religion. Services were held at the Ralph Day funeral home, Danforth Ave., with interment in Prospect Cemetery at 2 p.m. Thursday. The Rev. Harry Garbutt, of St. Barnaba's Chrireh, offiniated. Death of Peter MeCann..-7Ir. Peter McCann, one of the oldest, most wide- ly known. and esteemed residents of this district, Passed away in London on Tuesday, February 6th, in his 95th year. Mr -McCann was born in Hib bert Township, and with the excetr- tion of a few years spent in the Unit- ed States, had spent the pgreater part of his life in that township. Ten years ago he retired from the farm and came to Seaforth to make his home. Six, years later he removed to London, where he 'resided until his death. He was a man of outstanding ability and possessed a keen and re- tentive Mind, and was the author of many interesting poems, which fre- quently appeared in the local press. Mr. McCann was predeceased by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. James Murray, but is survived by three grandchild*? The funeral was held from St. JaMee' Church, Seaforth, on Thursday morning, when Rev. Father T. P. Hussey officiated. Interment was made in. the family plot in St. Columban cemetery, present. Mrs. C. F. L. Gilbert was in the chair and opened the meetingviith Litany, members. and. Lord's Prayer in Unison. This was followed, by ,the hymn, 'For, My Sake and the .Gos- Pei's?' The Seripture lesson was read from the 6th, chapter of St. Matthew, verses 1-22, by Mrs. Scarlett. The us- ual reports were read and adopted. Bulletins were given, to each' Orel -Aber present to' consider an extra :meeting - \ Northside United Church. -Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 11 a.m„ "Life's Unforgettable Moment"; 2.30 p.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m., "Peace, Like a River." ' Thursday, 7.45 P.m., Prayer Service. Welcome to ,these services. First Presbyterian Church.—Minis- ter, Rev. Richard H. Williams, B.A.: 50 a.m., The Sunday School meet; :1 .a.an.„ Public Worship, "Reverence"; 7 p.m., Public Worship,. Facing the Facts, (1) "The Fact of Evil."'•Thurs- day evening at 8 p:m., midweek' set -- vice ih•the Sunday School. room. Anglican.—Feb. llth,'Quinquagesima Sunday: St. T,hbraes', 'Seaforth-10 a,m., Sunday School and Bible Class; 11 a.m.: Morning ,Prayer, "Be Y,e Also Ready; -7 p.m., Eyening Prayer, "Mind- ing Our Own Business." St Mary's, Dublin. -2.30 p.m,, Sun- day Scheel; 3 p.m., Hy Communion, "Sacraraental WorshiP." Feb. 14th—Ash Wednesday: P.m., Service at St. Thonaas', Seaforth. , HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. OFMCERS: W. R. Archibald, Seaforth - Pres. IF. McGregor, Clinton - Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Manager and SeeretarY-Treasnrer. DIRECTORS: ; Chris.; Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Trefirartha, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, R.R. 3, Seaforth; Alexander MeEwing, ILR. 1, Blyth; Prank McGregor, R.R.. .lio Olinten; Ihnfit Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; Willtatn R. Archibald, R.R. Seaforth; George Leitch, R.R. 1, - Clinton; John L. Malone, ILL 5, Sea- . AGENTS: Pinlsx Mcliercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; PfPlitier, Ilincefteld; J. E. Prueter, 31rOdhagehl George 'A.. Watt, Myth. ,..•Yeu are Invited td Inspect the TMLougo-Tomeflisuue SUTr8 'AND IICOATS OVE • - roft 1:PS LAX)"1" GENTLEMEN IN 7 PRICE RANGE! i0 $42,10 RED CROSS EUCHRE AND DANCE WINTHROP HALL Friday, Feb; 9th ADMISSION 25c Ladies please bring Lunch GOOD MUSIC — Draw 'on Quilt to be Made — VALENTINg TEA in School Room of First Pres- byterian Church, on, FRIDAY, FEB., 16th at 4.30 p.m. Sponsored by Goforth Mission Band. Admission — Silver Collection. Anthracite Coal Requirements • FOR , POULTRY BROODERS and HATCHERIES It is necessary to sign a form to Enable us to get coal for above pur- pose. Call and sign NOW. • Onus is on fuel control to supply quantity. Goforth Mission Band To Hold Tea. —The Goforth Mission Band of First Presbyterian church held their regu- lar meeting in the school room. The meeting opened by- all standing and -repeating the pledge to the -Empire and to • the Church, followed by "God Save' the King." The minutes of the last meeting were read and' approv- ed. Twenty-four. answered `the roll call. Businesswas discussed and plans made for the Valentine tea to be held February 16th. A Chinese birthday party was held for Margar- et Stevens, Elizabeth Habkirk, Mar- garet Hemberger, Shelia IVICFaddin and Rdbert Stevens. The offering was received followed by, the offertory prayer. Elaine Hi:dines took the Chair for -the devoticinal program, which op- ened by singing Hymn 794. Jaeque- line Habkirk read the Scripture, Psalm 91, verses 1-9. Sentence pray- ers were given by Doris Stevens, Marilyn Kling and Kai -en Kidd. Mrs. C. E.,Sraith tedd a very interesting story, and the meting Closed by sing- ing Hymn 758; followed by "GO Save the King." St. Thomas' W. A. Meets. --The Feb- ruary meeting of the St: Thomas' branch of the W.A. was held on Tlieclay, Feb. 6th, at the home of Mrs, P. Scarlett. There were eleven E. L. BOX - Valentine Supper NORTHSIDE 1.0,4ITED CHURCH WEDNESDAY EBIUJARY 14th .?" f.f f-, „ ati, • fof -the **onion • "iMi •• ' Phone 43 $ ' A 11 1O'itd#0 ie. Pc101744 ps o1?.,eJ lf, itelY,, '•,' ..:..,": f- ,,, ., 4 :' :1 • WOP100 ' ‘c 1 0 011•0. *** 1%1, and Mrs. 'W ie Nta.;,',Wm, Yowler, mr; ipyd. )teavatw atul &IMP,. ' ,ter:Eleatl•QI) Of -4•POS'a.1.1, Plotorqd,,,* Detroit latO"Week te Viait ViF 41,114,,,: Mrii: N. Mel-ajod, i,,rhe :tuulerweAt a serieula Opet'atioa, f : , • Mrs. Oford,oa MeNellar and MISS Margaret McKellar; of Toronto, were, in town over the week -end. • Sgt. W. E. SQuAttgate, cl, Landoll, was lWom,e for the week -end. • 1 • Mrs. A. W. Gardiner hm return- - ed to her home in Egmondville after , sPending 'some time in Orar,tgeVille,.. following an aceideat In her home. • Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Savauge are in Toronto this week. • Miss Rilth Joynt, of Preston, via, , ited at, the home of her ,parents Mr ' and Mrs. Robert joynt. 4 • Mrs. G. A. Whitney is in WOodf. • • FOR SALE. 6 -ROOM HOUSE, Centre St. Bath- room, naodern kitchen, 3 -wire service, ftrnace, garage, ' 6 -ROOM I-IOUSE, Main St., Eg- mondville. Bathroom, combination range, furnace, garage and barn com- bined. 7 -ROOM HOUSE, Railway St. Bath- room, furnace, 3 -wire service; gar- age. 8 -ROOM HOUSE, Coleman Street. Bathroom, furnace, Hydro; acre land; splendid barn. Also a number of other properties. E. C. C ERLAIN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Seaforth, -Ont. Phones:" 334 Office Res, 220 • II -Valentine Dance - MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12 ht Seaforth. Armouries MURDOCK'S ORCHiESTRA Sponsored by Seaforth Women's Institute. • DRAW FOR DTJTCH GIRL QUILT Proceeds for Overseas Smokes , ADMISSION 50 CENTS iti 464, :41,ildtett • 03111.A. AT SEAFORTH LOCAL: BRIEFS • 1 I ;:;',...'. ' tIC''''''' '',;''' ''''''' ‘'''''. ''''n'i.:'741'.•''''' i',1'.i.i, .,'0.i'''.....11 r:,, ' '',..,.,',,.;:,.,i'i '', ' • f t f 41:1,f ..f,ff.ff;',.0-'f,",,,f4f,f;fli!fif';f1.4f' ''i "'ff.' ":"''',,/,'.1.' f';'.'"' 'f'' ' ' f ', 'I f ' ` ;''ff"..';;.,;:f: 'f i '''':!f'''' '''''''I'''''''''':::.1:i'''' '''''''''''.I).:1:';'''''''''' '''''''' l'''''':::("" ' '''f'''' ''''''''' '''''' ''...'44:1 ':.r.''':;47k:.4.11'-': ''''.1:i'''J::::. 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LUIS RET" ;. .. • „: 4,.14istorical roluantic trageldY, , , • ,, - , . , ., • • • Ng?m,7i#,-vRsD4x,..RXD-A.Y. §A.TI.TRp.A...Y‘ TWO FEAT(' Ras —. atiipp ABBOT ' • .1-01,1 ..oq•STEi.4.,o ..' . ',.,,• ., The comedy kings,* their futiniest•of,011 SOCIETY ''' ' .. , . "AN SO Also '."PARDON MY RYTIIM ". '' COMING— is-•a 1 . stockthis week. • . - ' “Top Malt" "Sherlock Moines Mlle Scarlet Claw!, • Mrs. W. J. Jackson, of Toronto, , „ . is a vest. 'at the home of her sister, ., Mrs. E. C. Boswell, and, Mr. Berrwell. 'i a . • Miss Zetta Dunlop, R.N., of Kit- ' fro see a complete Show, when double features are Shown, patrons chener, ,spent the week -end 'at thd 1 h wo.ratuonflolave.r parents, Mr :LahA Mrs . A. ' - I"' st"be' in 1»' 8:;!5 14111' 1 ' I . . Miss Kathleen Crowe, of Cobourg is a guest at tire home of her brother, Mr. Ernest Crowe, 6,nd Mrs. Crowe. • Miss Ruby Sanderson, of Strat- ford; spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cantpbell. • The Tuesday Night Club a First Presbyterian Churbh was represented by 16 of its members going to Knox Church, G•oderich, on Monday 'light, when they were entertained by the Young People of that church. WINTHROP . - The World Day of Prayer will be held in conjunction with the W.M..S. and W.A. in -the school room of the church on Friday, Feb. 16th, at t2 p.m. The service will be in charge of Mrs. Robert McFarlane, Mrs. Hiram Blan- chard, Mrs. l. Bolton, Mrs. Calvin Hillere and Mrs. Wm. Somerville. • • Mr. H. M. Jackson, of Toronto, spent a few days at the home of his brothers, Messrs. Thomas and George Jackson, in Egmondville. • LAC. R. S. ,Box, R.C.A.F., Aylnaer, spent the .week -end at the:211.Q.M.9 his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box. • Miss Alice'Daly spent the week- end in Port Hope. • Rev. David Wren, of Stratford, was in town kin Monday attending the funeral of the late W. J. Shannon, of McKillop., ' • Mr. andMrs. Gordon Balfour, of Preston, were guests of Mr. Burton 0. Muir over the week -end. • Mr. `Harold' Carroll and Mrs. Car- lon, of Moncton, N.B., visited friends in town this week. • Mr. Sara Carnochan was in Lon- don on Saturday, last. • Sgt. George Kruse, R.C.A.F., left on Monday ferPortage la Prarie, Manitoba, wheie he is now stationed. • Miss Lois Wright, of Guelph, spent a few days at the horde of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. • Mr. Ernest Edge, ofToronto, spent the week -end with his father, Mr.H. B. Edge, and sister, Miss Jos- ephine Edge. • Mrs. George Eaton and Mrs. Fos- ter Bennett are in Toronto this week. • Mr. W. H.: Golding, M.1); has re- turned from Ottawa. • Mr. Jatnes Hagan is busy. this week supervising the loading, of tur- nips at the 6,pLR. station here. • Mr. and- Mrs. Earl Bell have re- eeived a cablegram this week from Mr. and Mrs. I. Crone'', stating that they had arrived in Belfast, Ire- land. • Mrs: R. C. }lures and. daughter, Gloria., of London, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, -and Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain. • Miss Marian McDermid,R.N., of Westminster IlOspital, London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith. • • Mrs. George ,Douglas and daugh- ter, Marilyn, ef Tdronto, are visiting her sister, Mre. T. D. Sills, and Mr. SUM • The Goforth Minton Band will liolda. Valentine tea in the school morn of First Presbyterian Church sati Friday, Feb. 16th,. at 4.30 pan. ' • WS. Joe Grinrunett was in Chelt- enham, near litafrilitott, over the week, end, attending, the, funeral ofher nephew, Donald :.tlefuton Airth, aged three anci•w•,lialt years, 'who drotrited, whea'lle ginned .off the Path in tlie, itott yard And felt into ae4liatei IS)10 tkpje0a*,. • n :"„ " Ottoe."4pe Tuesday, February 13 B.15 p.m. EXETER — -SEAF OR T11 Two well -matched teanis *ho- ALWAt8, °play for koopg1 ADULTS 115c ei-ifft-DittN 15o KIPPEN InfSpite 1)fhe term of last week •IA' s and the difficulty of transportation, Mrs. Archie Parsons, who underwent an operation . in Scott Memorial: Hos- pital, „Seaforth, arrived home pdfely and without ill effects, Mrs. Nelson Hood and her, little girl also reached home without iil 'results. . The road west of Kippen is still closed to traffic, with little prospect of the plow going through very soon. The church service will be conduct- ed by the miaister. Mr. Grant will preach on "The Churchman Who Was a Drudge!" , HAYFIELD The annual meeting of Bay -field Ag- ric,ultural Society was heldin the Town Hall, Bayfield, on Tuesday, Feb. Eth, with a fair attendance. The fol- lowing officers and directors were appointed for 1945 ,President, Mur ray Grainger; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Fred McEwan; 2nd vice-president, A, H: Warner; secretary, A. E. Erwin; treasurer,. John Howard; 'Directors: Frank Keegan, Russel Sparks, Albert Dunn, Carl Deihl, Colin Lawson, Mrs. George Little, T. M. Snowden, Wm. Sparks, J. E. Howard; Associate Di- rectors, Mrs. T. M. 'Snowden, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Prentice, Stewart Middle- ton and Charles Wallis; auditors, Harold Stinson and Lloyd Scotchmer. The directors decided to have the re- maining 30 feet on the south side of the show room reshingled in the spring. A dance will be field in the Town Hall on Friday evening under the' Red Cross. Good music will be provided.• , . Gasclio, Betty Parke; boys' race, 12 and Under, Eddy Mittleholtz, Jack Haberer; free-for-all, Ross Gascho, Karl Decker. • ZURICH CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. D. Geer,' of Saska- toon, who have been visiting Mrs. A. Colclough and sons and other friends,' left for Toronto last week. Their son is the sports editor of the Globe and Mail. On invitation, Mr. Leo Stephenson and son, Donald, were guests at the hockey match in Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, on Saturday evening last. He reserved a- seat at the very front for' theut. The Red Cross meeting was held at the homeof Mrs. Joseph Riley on Thursday last when three quilts were completed. The president, Mrs. Lawson, held a short meeting after the quilting. oat McKILLOP McKillop Farm Forum, No. Four Square, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Marche on'Tuesday ev- ening with a, good attendance. 'Mr: Guy Dorrance was chairman and, John Hendeon was in charge of the re- creation period. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. Rus- sel Dorrance on Tuesday evening, eb.13th. Lunch was served and the meeting closed with the National An- them. The body of Mrs. Charlotte Hart, The Lions , Club Carnival held- at the,local rink -was well attended. Pro-, ceeds ' were over $40. Winners in- cluded: Girl, comic, 12 and under, Barbara Gascho, Gloria Peitz; fancy, 12 and under, Katherine ICalbfleisch, Lois Heckeildorn; comic, 16 and un- der, Annita Datars, Pauline Hess; fan- cy, 16 and under, Joan Merner, Kath- leen Hess; ladies' comic, MrS. John Turkheim, Mrs. Fred: Haberer; fancy, Delores Klopp, B.elVa Truemner; boys' comic, 12 and under, Billy Yungblut, Bobby Fisher; fancy, 12 and under; Eddy Mittleholtz, Ron Heinarich; com- ic, 16 and under, Maurice O'Dwyer, Don Bedard, C., Krueger; fancy,- 16 and under, Ken Parke, Billy O'Brien; men's comic, Lee O'Brien, Mac Klopp; men's fancy, Albert Hes, Karl Dec er; best dressed couple, 1Viary HOT, man, and Joyce Mousseau; best na; tional . costume, .Betty' Gascho; best dressed Lion, Harry G. Hess; oldest person on skates, Ferd. Haberer; girls' race, 12 and- under, Barbara fe tdrOb: • ROODE ':COAL St. Marys, formerly'of 131anshard and McKillop townships, who died in. the Stratford General Hospital on Satur- daY night, was laid. to rest in. Malt -- landbank Cemetery, Seaforth, follow- ing a service held at the S. Ross Mar- riott Funeral Home, St. Marys. The -pallbearers were John O'Rourke, New - 'ton McMurray, Alfred Paul, Jonathan. Kirkby, Eldon Robinson and Lionel ICemp. - The flower bearers were were - Stewart Marriott, David , Kemp, Robt. Ross and Jack Ross. Rev, W. E. Ald- wOrth officiated. --COOD We wish to advise that we have received sev- eral good shipments of • Radio Tubes • Batteries • Hotshots , • Wiring Supplies' These shipments include-manY Tubes and other scarce items that were impossible' to get for - some time! JOHN 134CH. SEAFORTH -CAPUS ....AT • PALACE /10111c.,,..:SEAPRIM, FEB. Oth..' • / Cheese:Is an ,Important Export AND ' ' Provides a Market for Milk -, Cheesemakers and Cheese Factory Helpers Are' Urgently Needed. To respond tio this call is to meet' a patriotic need at pleasant work and good pay. Details may be had from • .1. R. BAIN, 107 WYATT BUILDING, LONDON, ONT. Oorany EMPLYMENTANpSELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICE p • DEAD: or DISAIILE.R" rente'Veitin Clean Sanitary trablo, Phone collect. -210*:•grli,COELL 0 •