HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-02-09, Page 2• '
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(Vies, 4 cents each.
Advertising rates on applicadon.
SEAFORTII, Friday, February 9th
Gen. McNaughton Defeated
Gen. McNaugliton, Minister of
Defence in the King Government,
was decisively defeated in the bye -
election in North Grey on Monday.
The result was a• surprise to even the -
most optimistic supporters of Mr.
-Garnet Case, the Conservative candi-
It is apparent now that if the Gov-
ernment had suspected Gen. Me -
Naughton would have opposition, the
• politically uncertain riding of North
Grey would never have been chosen,
as the disadvantages against his re-
turn were too many and too appar-
For one thing, he was an outsider,
,while Mr.. Case as an ex -Mayor of.
Owen Sound, and had been a candi-
date in the last Dominion election.
Another was that his duties in the
Department of Defence kept him tied
to Ottawa the greater part of the
time, and it was only infrequently
that he was able to appear in the rid-
ing during the campaign.
The entrance of a c.c.y. candidate
in the field also had ,a -distinct bear-
ing oh the issue, for while he lost his
deposit, he drew more than enough
votes from Liberals to make a Con-
servative_ victory possible. The re-
sult, however, proved cbnclusively
• that the C.C.F. is not very favorably
looked upon in the rural ridings.
Tribute To Canada
In a recent issue the New York'
Journal of Commeree said that, the
people of the United States were
showing a decided preference for
Canadian investments. As this re-
port has been confirmed at Washing-
, ton and Ottawa, it may, therefore,
be accepted as reasonably true.
The report' goes on to say that
• Canadian dollars are eagerly snap-
ped up whenthey turn up in the New
York market, and are Wised for this
• very purpose. Canadian bonds pay-
able in United States funds are
bought freely and direct investment
proceeds in a steady stream.
The outstanding point in the New
• York paper's report is that the
• American • people's preference for
Canada has been the result of the
Wartime policy followed by the Can-
adian Government, and the prefer-
ence is very much more marked than
in years previous to the present war.
Investors in the United States now
regard Canada as a safe place to put
their money.
This is a most interesting' as well
as a most instructive fact. • Judging
by the controversy that has been
carried on incessantly by some politi-
cal parties and newspapers • during
the past few years, the Government
has made a comRlete botch of every-
thing it has touched.
• In the recent bye -election in North
Grey, the Progressive -Conservative
and the. C.C.F. parties loudly pro-
• claimed that each of them possessed
•,the only &icy that could possibly
- save the country. But the viewpoint
of 'United States investors, as ex-
• pressed by the Journal of Commerce,
and_ enclersed by . Washington and
Ottawa, represeats -an independent
tint' d• party judgment, not merely
• given 'as an expression of opinion,
but an: opinion backed by hard cash
guf well.
unded Export Markets
ler this heading, in a recent
Toronto Telegram said:
a adians • 'have seen a stark
published ritaitesfain-
porky. It
ie entrance of tlie big 11640
standsand there studying the gTim
warning • Wed to the cloor by a
W41' 'bro.d dagger, The warning
there to British post-war trade -is
'Export or Die.'
"Canada, the United States and.
France are pinningsimilar.. notices*
on the doors of their business men.
There is more than enough produc-
tion in many lines for domestic use; °
the surplus, to keep the wheels turn-
ing at next -to -wartime speed, must
be exported. If Canada goes right
after foreign trade now and not in
some future armistice period, with
her best men and favoring countries
that buy from Canada, the nation
may expect its fair share ,of profit-
able markets."
Coming from the Telegram, the
real inouthpiece of died -in -the -wool
Toronto Toryism, this is startling ,
news indeed. Does it mean that af-
ter a lifetime spent in advocating a
policy of extreme protectionism, it
has become a convert to free trade?
There is no doubt but what the
advice it gives is sound, but it touch-
es on only one side of the trade ques-
tion. Because if Canada wants to
sell her goods in other countries, she
must be prepared to lower her tariffs
so as to permit competition with
• Canadian industries, particularly
those in Central Ontario, of which
Toronto is the nerve centre.
Has the Telegram become a con-
vert to that extent? .Or is it still one
of the many, who are prepared to
demand every sacrifice on the other
fellows part, while still refusing, on
their own part, to accept the' final
and only policy that will make Cana-
dian trade possible?
Have Much Superior Weapons'
Writing in the New York Times
• recently, Mr. Hanson Baldwin, a dis-
• tinguished war writer, say S the Ger-
• man Tiger tank is better than any
tank the Allies are using and did ser-
ious damage in the recent German
• offensive on the Western Front. And,
he says, in anti-tank guns, mines,
mining technique and self-propelled
guns, the Germans are well 'ahead of
us.. They were also the first to use.
robot bombs, giant rockets and jet-
pfopelled planes.
"The army air forces," Mr. Bald-
• win writes, "swell with false pride in
announcing that, by using a captured
German robot bomb as a model, their
engineers have built a -better robot
in sixty days So. what? The propi,
--\/- is on the battlefield. The Germans
have been using theirs since June;
ours are not yet in use; when they
• are, the enemy will be another step
ahead of us. The same thing is true
of the jet plane. • In design, in pilot
models, in technique and theory' and
blueprints we are probably equal to,
• or ahead of, the -Germans. But their
jet planes are in use in the skies over
Europe; ours are not." ,
• Mr. Baldwin adds that while Allied'
engineering ability is usually super-
ior to the Germans, and they have
devised newer and better. weapons,
they can not get them made fast en-
ough. That while American experts
struggle with red tape and, become
• lost in the maze of military organiza-
• tion, the Germans are making the
weapons, and Allied soldiers suffer'
the consequences when they are over-
• . whelmed not by numbers, but by
• quality. If we had equal quality and
superior quantity, Mr. Baldwin says,
the: war would be drastically short-
That will come as a shock to the
people of the United States, as well
as those of Canada. But we believe
Mr. Baldwin is right when he says
there is too much military red tape,
and too many bottlenecks to permit
of rapid construction of many need
ed war materials.
• But Right Now
- As scientists say, it may be pos-
sible to convert coal into hosiery,
perfume, • • clothes and attractive
dresses, but right noW, tO most of us,
it seems better to be real content
With: converting the Ihnited supply
oLt coal hand,pr hi sight, into heat,
e pastor of
'‘(,014i.6/41Ve years 'age.;
From The Frihron Expositor
February la, 1929
Peter McKay, Thekeramith, tle well
3! 'WIresider --PV-----aiaertherne, -rata
IFeeht,, disposed of the very superior
p,- 'Roan Coantleror, to:Mr: Adana
andidice, Walton, who 1011 die Ida a to
headahis herd ot Dttrhalas.
Mr Wm. Wm. ChaPalall, 'Hertsall, Who.
nag • been engaged. by 13onthron &
Daatedale, has gone tq Toronto teltera
he• has secured a Sitalliti. position.
More than 150 men and boys at-
tended the father -and -son banquet giv-
en, by the Sunday School of First
PrOsbyterian Church on Monday eve.
Wing, Dr. Larkin Was in the Chair,
and the following took part in Vie
program: Jas .Cowan, C. Aberhart,
R. E. Coates, J. M, Wilson, Jas. Wat-
son and J. C. Laing, who addressed
the., meeting; It E. Bright, Geo. Is-
rael and D. L. Reid, whp sang solos':
violin seleetion by Gerald •Stewart,
and violin and piano selections by
Measrs. W. Laing, Smith and Kerr.
There will be five Sundays in the
month of February this year, and it
hasn't hap,pened for 4t years.
• Mr. Abraham,who has been teller
in the Bank of Commerce here, has
'been transferred to Brantford. His
place is being taken by Mr. Earl
Chesney of Crediton.
A rink of curlers made up of Chas.
Stewart, W. E. Southgate, W. E. Kers-
• lake and Geo. Bethune, skip, are in
Owen Sound, attending the bonspiel,
The new churn for the creamery at
Dashwood has arrived and is now in -
installed, A large ice house has also
been erected.
• Mr. Sol. Bell, McKillop, had the mis-
fortune to be thrown from his cutter
one day while driving eking the road
and sustained a dislocated shoulder.
Mr. M. Broderick, town assessor;
started on his rounds this week.
Mr. Frank Faulkner has purchased
the Payne residence oh George Street
and will occupy it shortly..
On Monday evening last some of the
young farmers around Hensel' mea at
the home- of Mrs.: Robt. D Bell and
presented Mr. Wm. Buchanan With a
Bac leather chair, as a 'pre -wedding
• Miss Stewart, of Crystal City, Man.,
a granddaughter of the late Wm. Cud -
more, is here visiting among her num-
erous friends.
Geo. Benneweis, of lieKillop, had a
successful wood -cutting bee on Wed-
nesday last.
Robt. Cole, of the 13th conces-
sion; Tuckersmith, has sold his 50 -
acre farm 4o Mr. Archie Hodgert, of
near Farquhar.
From The Huron Expositor
• February 15, 1895
On cutting down a large oak tree
in Mrs. John ; Gould's swamp in Hay
Township, Mr. Tilos, Hartnell discov-
ered a Unique curiosity in the shape
of a living and thrifty -looking currant
bush growing Out of a limb that had
been, broken off and become slightly
rotten at the top of the tree. It is
indeed a mystery how it got there.
The winter of 1895 will long be re-
membered for its severity. The mild-
ness of the earlier part of the season
has been more than compensated for
by the extreme severity of the wea-
ther since New Year's.
Mr. J. C. Greig, Seaforth, was a pas-
senger on tae mail train to Toronto
that pitchedinto the Pullman cars on
the Chicago express on Friday last. ;
John and William Martin, of Tuck-
ersmith, did a good stroke of work re-
cently. They began with a standing
tree and manufactured into stove
wood 20 cords of wood in 35 hours.
A sleighing party from Tuckersmith
drove to the residence Of Mr. Thos.
McMichael, Hullett, Friday evening,
and spent a most enjoyable time.
Mr. Alexander Ross, of Leadbury,
had the misfortune to cut his thumb
severely one day lately.
• The house of Malcolm Lamont, on
the 13th concasion, near Cromarty,
was burned down on Friday last. The
tenant, Mr. Hicks, had very little sav-
ed of the contents.
Mr. Wm. Chesney, assessor of Tuck•
ersmith, drove -dewn from Clinton on
Saturday, and owing' to the severe
storm he had to leave his horse in
Seaiorth and snowsht6e home.
The managers of Carmel Presby-
terian ;Church', Hensall, have purchas-
ed a fine organ' from the Kann Organ
& Pia ‘a Co., 'Woodstock, through Mr.
Elder, of Hensel!.
Rev Mr aBodgins, of town, drove
35 miles through, the recent storm,
and bears Marks of -the encounter on
his fade still. ;
Mr, Scheales, Constance, hav-
ing pure -lied a farm hi Aigoraa, near
Port indlay, intends removing there
early 1:* the string. •
13usiOsi3 as at a complete stand-
still air: Priclai,' 'and Saturday ,of this
Week abring the tiforin, but on Molt-
t, began digthetteelVes ot
liarlee Malta& BlOte, has Olt*
'chasedzVaitil Jolb *Olt° Sefiforth,
the, l'eatUnhe «t Vithieh 114. AO nveSO4,
, „ •••.:„..,
BY ilarrY3. BoYte
We have been cleaning tip the
slash. In the piece of swan:ilia- land
next to. the bush there is a good sec -
bon, of timber that has been neglect-
ed. rfn tell the truth we. haven't
Paid as much attention to the bush
en this farm as we should have. In
place of going in and cutting down a
big strip .of the' bush this year, we
are going through and taking out a
few trees that are old. Some of them
have been touched by lightning and
ohe or two have oldged in other
trees nearby. Somehow or otheraI've
come to the conclusion that by Care-
ful planning the bush epuld be 'as good
a crop as any on this farm. .
I had a timber man in trying to
buy the bush. He made me an offer
for the6whole thing. I went through
and picked some beech and maple and,
offered to sell them to him. After
sone haggling and figuring it appear-
ed that for the trees marked I would
get almost as much as for the whole
bush. That made me think a bit
about the whole thing, and I've come
to have a healthier' respect for the
whole bush than I ever did before.
These are frostydays and very
pleasant ones for working in the bush.
The frost creaks under the sleigh
runners and the little breeze that
seemsto spring up from the motion
of the jogging team bites ,at your
cheeks. Once you get inside the tim-
ber 'line, however, 'everything is still
Purchases oal Business
Mr. Gla4a00.--,44-Ogg? of Godeileh:
Township, has hilre.bafied the telii*at
branchOf the John. :B. -tad
-eompany M1GfiggifltendS
up residence in -01ilitonin the SPriag,t •'
mid cold. We unhitch the team when.
we're not using them and let them
stand in the stable beside the sugar
• The saw rings with a metallic sound
as it bites into the wood. The blocks
of wood seem to break apart magieal-
ly with a welt of the axe.• .Even a
tough old elm that we cut down at
the end of the swamp was hardly any
trouble after it had a bite of frost
when it was felled. Frost can cer-
tainly help you.
'No )antiary thaw
Mr. J. E. lailtek 44/00141 vvestber
observer for godericb, #at•es that the'
ary since 'he ic60-1t ddrtlie Position
sixteen years ago in which no thavia
vas recorded. Until this year every
January in that period had some rata- t
fall. JaouarY, 1945, was Unique la
that it had none. — Gederich Signal -
took back a Piece ofiauet and tied
it up with a string to a tree branch
just outside the sugar shanty door.
At noon with a warm fire in the Mc
tle heater we sataaround and waited
for the kettle to boil for some tea
•and watched the birds dancing around
on fluttering wings as they peeked at
the suet. I rather imagine the deep
snow we have had in these ;parta
hasn't been any too good for the birds
this jaem.
A rabbit- hopped into the clearing,
watched with interest, sniffed around
the bob -sled and then disappeared in-
to the bush. The pup had been asleep
inside the shanty. He came to with
a start and went after the rabbit with
a great hullabaloo. He came back an
bour later panting and empty-handed,
but with a much better appreciation,
I am sure, for the agility of the shy
little rabbit.
These are great days for working!
• Early Sunday Morning Alarm
A re in the roof of the resideaee
of A: M. MacKay, St, Patrick's
got the fire brigade out of their beds
at 2 o'clock Sunday month'g, and but
for their prompt arrival there might•k,
have been a serious blaze. As it was,
the fire, which started from an over-!'
heated chimney, -wee extingnished,
with ehemicals and a minimum of
damage- was done.—Goderich Sigoala.
• a
ToproSchool- Board held at Benmillere
Pvide Hot School Lunches
At i.
a meeting of the Colborne Town
on Friday afternoon last, it was de- • •
tided to provide hot lunches in all the
schools, the Board • paling the ex-
penses. The Board also will purchase'',
supplies, such as text -books, crayonsa
etc., for the schools of the township -
area. William Watson, of the 7ths •
concession,' has been appointed secre-
tary -treasurer of the Bdard, and care-"
takers have been engaged for all the
schools except No. 3.—Goderich Sig-
nal -Star.
Purchased Home
Mr. Benson Williams and son Rola
and have purchased the fine brick
residence of Mrs. Thomas- Harvey on.*
Andrew Street -and wilr M-ove to Exe-
ter from their farm in Usborae early
in April. Rollie is at present in busia
Hess in Exeter having taken over the.
Massey -Harris agency. He intenda
erecting an implement shed 'on the
Harvey property to be used in cod-
neCtion with his business. An aue-
Von sale of the farm and farm ma-
chinery will be held March 1St. Mra
Williams was in Toronto this week
taking a two-day short course in ser-
vice work.—Exeter Times -Advocate
On Torpedoed Vessel
One of the survivors of the illtated
mine -sweeper, Clayoquot, which Vra&
torpedoed and sunk in the perilous,
. • .northwest Atlantic, is AB. Robert
••• Gunn, sband of -Mrs. Sig-,
•. Huron Federation of • fred SincS:lair Gunn, ofhuDashwood, and
• son-
in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Petersen.'
Agriculture--FarmNeW s :-
...,„.„ of tile ceew' of glare reported
•• — missing. aThe rescued were picked up'
Must • Be Prepared To Exchange
Products, Says Mr. Gardiner
Congratulating the Canadian Fed-
eration of Agriculture in succeeding
in bringing most of organized agricul-
ture into affiliation with its central
organiaation, Hon. James G. Gardiner,
Dominion Minister of Agriculture,
speaking at the recent annual conven-
tion of the Canadian Federation of
Agriculture at Regina, dealt briefly
With some of the questions on which
discussion and • further information
might be desired—hogs, beef, dairy
products, eggs, grain, wheat and the
present and future policy 0! the Gov-
All present being representatives of
farrnersawere in: agreement, he said,
that agriculture was the most essen-
tial industry; that agriculture was
the foundation of the state; that no
cme-could live without food that domes
from the farm; that Canadians, could
not possibly eat all the food produced
in Canada; and therefore 'Canada must
export; and that farmers never do
get as much for' their products as
they should. In regard to bacon., said
Mr. Gardiner, Canada has proved two
things to Britain during the war—that
Canada can produce enough bacon
and ham to supply Britain's entire
demands in peace time, and, secondly,
that Canada can produce the onality
Britain desired, if Canadian packing
plants would send a large percentage
of the -high grade hop O....Britain—
• Dealing with the present and future
policy, Mr. Gardiner pointed out that
the policy, followed today was one of
making it possible to produce everY
feria product at a profit in areas and
iln farina or lar tartlets., suited t� the
Production of- ia given prodect by
taxing the income, preterit and future,
of every person hi .Cariada. The
GovernMent Ws' doing the same for
tbe production, of every other product
neceeflary ta the suceeestul proeteil-
tion of the war. There bad been set
$20,00000 :oder the AgrleUltfiral
Prices almport Ant to enrititile the
alley thintighout • the tritasitiOnai
tercid. . •
But there Was only One Ititittee ler•
Canadian 0,ertdiatuo,. Said!,
iner, and that was one of prodiiction
for known markets. The greater part
of Canadian products would be con-
sumed at home, but much of them
must be- sent to Great Britain and
The United States. Both Were hard-
headed traders, and Canada must be
prepared to exchange her products
for theirs. If Britain, the United
States, and Canada could agree upon
a common medium of exchange with
all restictions of trade removed, all
three areas would benefit. To the ea:,
tent that such arrangement could be
extended to take in others, they too
would. benefit
* * *
Why Insects Moult
Insects ad not increase in size in
the adult or winged stage. This means
that a small fly or other adult insect
never develops into . a larger one.
Growth takes place entirely in the
immature stages, during which most
of the feeding is done. In the growth
of - an insect, the body but' not tie
skin of the immature insect enlarges,
with the result that the dermal cov-
ering (integument,) becomes tighter
and lighter. This finally splits, and.
the develdping insect crawls out cov-
ered by a new and mere voluminous
skin. This is known as a meidt. Most
insects moult about three to five timati
during their period of growth. Fol-
lowing the last moult, the adult ap-
pears full-grown, equipped with legs,
wings and other appendages.
• Night Feeders
Few people realize that sofne of the
More common • and injerioutit 'alma
pests found fa gardens teed only at
night. This explains Why 'in may
cases the work df these marauders fs
Plainly visible but the culprits theik
sePirs remain undetected. PaobablY
the mosta eornmoti night-feedere are
cdtworres and garden slugs. Both of,
these are nocturnal in habit, lying
hidden in the soil during- the hours
Of daylight,,af the hese 44 the plants
upon *latch °they hate been feeding.
• Tni liaeffe!IO ; Control measures' for
such -seeies•-Intist thehe001166
late e'Vening, 0,4ter flatilc•
by a corvette after being on floats for*
4ut an hour. — Exeter. Times -Ad-
vocate. •
Moving To Exeter
Mrs: J. Venton and two children*
Peter arid Penny, who have been
making their home at Crediton, are'
returning to Exeter and will again
occupy the. residence on William St.
vacated by Wing Commander Web-,
ster.—Exeter Times -Advocate.,
Married Fifty-five Years•
Congratulations, to Ma. and Mrs.:4
;Chas. Blackball, who celebrated their*
fifty-fifth wedding anniversary recent-
ly. Mr. and Mrs. Blackball have been4
residents of Wingham for the past 45,
years.-Wingham Advance -Times.
Operator At C. N. R.
Mr. Kirk Hutton hs taken over tile'
position of operator at the •C.NR. sta-
tion. He eame here from Guelph
Juntion. Kirk 18 110 stranger here,'
• being a former Wingharn boy, the,
son of Mrs. Button and the late Thos.
Hutton. He 'replaces Mr. E. A. Kline,
Who was transferred to Durham:a'
• Wingham Advance-Thilea.
Name Trustee Shard
At a wellattended meeting of the
Board of Trustees of Main Street
Church on Tuesday night 6. Edigonaf'
ter Was reeleCted chairman and Ga„
LOokesecretarrtreaaliter, K. Salton
will replace W. Mather who has molt
ed. Rev. A. H. Johnston presided for
the election.—Mitchell Advocate,
Occupy Neely ;Mill
At last the Ring -hoped-for wish has o'a
become a reality a,nd the Kalbfleisch
Mills are back in the new, bulding
• with a goo d Ceuipinent of machines,
capable ef doing mostly: a1 kinds Of
Planing and eabinet work. It is 51-*
mest a yr hince was
deetrared by hte, and *hat a heavy
year it Was 'With labor so difficult, and
Material so 'hard ti get, ansi to erect r
• the new Mill and keep, the custom
trade nt ati •'ea'ail Eta:06111d be Meet- f.
ed,„and sh iedetverting
(00attteied On vikee
, „:„ , ' •• '