HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-01-26, Page 5I :. , �4� : '" '�.�, I;, ''I'', �, . I I , ; " "'I"I"171 1 1 � ­ , I I 1�1 - I -,� ": � , .� , __ ---,.---. " , , ;"Pyl 1-rV7"77W �, F7iI _ � , - I 1 14, � , ,, j - teT - � �, I cr. , � ?F, , " I ", I , � , ��: F,,�', : � �. " 11 ._�,­ , �,.1�' '� . � I . , I � � 1, � I _P I . , "'''I", I 1 I 1 ,7, '(1 . I ,, I � ;,­ 1 I le� . 4 - 1'�,� ... I ­ I I I .� ,� " " � :,I ,:'­ .'', � ­1;� , '- I ''I , � ''��:;� * 11 . :. ,: I I - �11111 , , " ��_'� ! :� ,�, ­ ��,I� , ­ , I I ,;, �, ,( , ,,(�. , ,; , � , � '' I I , , -; ''. I � , " � ''. i , , . , , I . 111-1r,_ '1''­�� 1''11111 :-11, � , '' I :, , I ­ " 11 I � , , , I . ­ " _,_ ., _11 � .111. � � �:,, I � �I .1 � 11 I 1',�. � , , " 11., ; , �', I I t": I , I , "I" � I", � , 1, 1, I 1:�t I I � :', I'll, . 1, , . 1. I , �1_ ,�, T ,, I I � �, , , A%.�, '': ­[­ I ,I : 11 _ " ,' ','�, �* I 'Q ` I " �` i � � t ,� ­,� I �, ��:, I , I , , . I, I._ ",_, I I ;,I., 0 !'.'�1�1'1." ,� , '' ", . 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I I �� ­ I �t;­,,,�W, -1 � I " �J�,'J� _ ,%� P1 N . � �!177 �,�� 7�, 1�1` —, �,�.,, % ,1:d ­, -M v il"'i, ,'., I � , I i , , 1� i,,� � ., " F ,-�PJ4UVSI� '_7 1 ; 11`,�,��;�,�!, I .. I ��! . -�, 7,1 . - . ��. .. ,i I , ,�'," i):;4'. , ,� � I ;, ': �!��:�,p ... ; q - , "I i 0'', -P � ........ 1 ........ -1._--1-.., 11-11-11111 ­ . ...... _­­ tt-­­ I _­­ I , ,� , . I � . . �,,,�; � � , - - ot,� Aqon0,� 00011d� AAF*�`,e+,,',,', , ��F� ,Rp - I , , I _71774 ,,,, I, , *149 .,.,I '' I �_A�_#p .1-17- I i , ,­, '. W,�'fth + A. a � . . 110i , p ­1ei . ivAP �!111'0�1 - R3 I'�2! �11i' I , ,,,,, " � , sm , , � This , � , , I mr, ��,1'4�,*,q'Ng"�!�,,� .1 . . 'VJ1 "A', , ,,% r ,, their � t t , , ­ � ­�,�"­­ . I - _q, _9 " , . � 1� � pp , `�,, " ­!,�,�%71 1, ,� '. � ­ " ; , I , ; _411WIIII �'­: � 7, �� ..' I ,,, ­­Wv, "__ .,�� ­lf. ,; P . "' , , ,,_,._ 11.1:�, Z I '_� f -P I I 1, '. ')�� � � , �,_ �� ',,.,, 11�1 � - , ��, � , , _V'Pat.� �� , . ,�, _, ,� " I,, I 1- , 0- ` ", I 1�1 1- 11 kly'), � ; . 01� , ; �, I � . I ., 1, ­�� I I I I . I ""4'14AdQkI4e'A'r8t, , ��' .. "K 5,,�', � � t " , ':�;`� 4 , I , .... I - � "' � .... 5 xr-1 � , � I 1, .. I 1, , ., ,� _�,._ I � � , , I I .:; ,. 1: I. -, , " " A _1;641,� � , . I', I ,::,t .. , . I , ': �. �_ � , , � - , I , , , I. , '"' , 11. I I , � 1, I . ,. 9.. ,,� "I ". , I - :, � � , I 11 -��,� �,�, , I 00 , , �1� ,, � � D. wqpl,� - . - � , , , , r. S V�, V. I 1 5 - '. I . �, - � ,�, : � ­ ,,,, -...I ,,,, 11 I 11 I, -, -T �Iff_­­ "'', , "V, ­ I , , '' ": , 11, I I ent, ,T4*, I��,gqost �artisV hl."' " ' ",, 1h% A,V,Vu"4 :�V Lhe: WT. -o I .. -_g;,L�,�:. I "I . - � , . I . � v�, . , ,_ ". ,. . V Y�4#1; ,,� ,,� _1r0WWi0x,,V,X 41,9y, .1 I .,,I'' * " I I , I� - , 1 " , p_ � � �, . . , . , ., '' 'r-, ... AIiiRoe"i";A; IiVpf�',��.jjiiqufr, I. -_ x4rI060., , '' � 'I . , - i ql'o. S-. "" w." OpMaW.14 i, w , �1't.� % L �. ., , , , , , . , . I . 94,404 tV I I I 11 - t*, .,t,y , , - q 01'' , ." ,. , , � . _0 X W'� I . 11 4010,01;1 110t., 1^tr4 44 oxie, , . . I I ,, .1 0"'XMI W- ,, 7A 1� 1:wli##AA6,.."h_ tot h4g;:*031� In y I 1. . : .". Viiu, 'i. [b well I a I � 14 , ,.*. 44 1 " , a' i wP#"V11uP I 11 . I 11, I "I 1 � �,� ' � TrBp, w Y, � MIA , M �14' bovine * toer 11 0 0, :11 " 11 I ­ I ,,T, �,M#,qA , , , " tidid _%,0"QJ.?%ng,. J).rl"J,�i' I � - , , t, �ft , %� 04 ike , ", , 1 ""' , , Hurpn, , f�p -, ,-, 11 P1419l ,I I I . I I i I �, . I.",�� 1.�. _� - � � 'L:;�:f�'� , ��. , , , U -1 , ild �10 , ', 14I �'Jgo -h . � � f. I ,. . � -7 IA90 ,47A . , . ,- tI %I,',ft ,, �� . V,0W on a .*. ,a W I I I ; � . I I I I'll ,�� 1, . I ,:�:�� ," Re,e Ayn- V S, Of - As I . I . i III "I I I 1. ,,,., ... I I -W ,, t: �, , ,,, . ­ be,No& JA ,,tI: ,­�, - k�. t� er,af,�. - , '" � V -4 , . "I,-, I.— 1''. I .1'.1. 1". .­­1'11� , Z I _-1111 M­qj­.�'. ___ � �,, ro#,p wov# t-4,40#09 k, 0 0 1M. -04' repne 1, s , TL ,. *. � ,, eating, .PA n4j�XQ:,4 . . . _g Idly.ixi D - I , , , , .� ...... I m . ,� ;, ," . ­. �­ � _ 90- #W0 All � 4,01. Ajai. . b004 I _4 ;. 11 � I � ,�., �, . I - It I �' '. " r . 1. I , ��,F,1' - I . , , _�, .. , ,11 , _­ ___­--h`w_#,_.., 'i5iw -0 Ct'q­­ 09900 Up't- 4045,444. io.om , I ­ 'r., :""'�",?, �, , . . -, �� I - . 14 .1, "" . - J,iI;i4,,1 L -n ,!" 1��y ­ , TUeI eve # %jI% 9 _0,� , islue � , .7,1WIT-, 171WWhi � , -Ak - - - 44. ". 0" ,, �, _ � . - � 9`4 4, -I.1 1. I . . . . . . 1 jjjj�&. - " ,:� :,�_ '11t� i 5 �y II : - ,A�,� " , ,�'. . * '4' . I , 5 �' ,�,.L""."�',1�1 W4 . L molit ep I 7 , Ar- )f 4as --we .19. pireava �' I . I � 1. :,!i: ".", � g -, , kmV. - 130M -4 , , ", ; r,�t, .:, 4, , Q40�,"."n . ''.., , M1 11#10 ,_04.,Vg� T40,re _ ret' , �. I , �1,11441� 4111 lx�:. , . week.. ,�&, V%V4 -'etiI. 11 �,q � T ."411 .He. fe : ,, ",­'. .',",%:��, , , 0.0, , ., � ­. - - W1 11 �- . A V �0.0 I � -.1 "o ' ft tli 't' q veterin- I �.,._ .. . ­ ,64A.' , riou%, -&I 4 1 � g, lu'U'LoIx 090.t ',and NIB ',* -A,. n' �Vv4i��XUrrlsa4_ pt, T, ; 1.� ­*._`I[j:t1,'�.','. ,-; INIR 4 . ,,,I 04PL Q49q'1 110:, - �*, a AN . � "r a. � , ut and ,Up,., 'Ja 1�,; _-,F��' "" , � � '.,f, ... � ' , ,I�I,IrF 5 L ,.k . . � . ,,�,�,� Ot# ' #Ty oprpoAs Shpqlo � able IQ &iV-e' '; �. I . !,�: '.'i." .1, ; '�"! . ltql , %AUU�. bl# _ IW�e.,441%. X on , Ing their vxotm visited. at t vow �:Mten JohuV, � I . A : t . . . � .. i�!c �,�,,i�,.% . -1 a . _fllAcoI , . L.i4 way (?) VXA tests. and make r 'the , , I . . I , a) . _ , I I t- - , ba p I '*W1 -ut . . to, , Q110, aot Friday. , - ,, , !. . I .. I A; .., . "':, , � v , .,e,d'aeVp&Wly now.' -Wpre met at the d6ok by 'the cr6wd. . ,.�:! ..'�' 0. , ,_ O :- �,, v .. t,.,: W I .1 tion. was refarr9d to #ie agrlcuiturAi asox. " ..... .4'. 1, . �j. " I `�,� i Y " as TAey , rglaox( _� I III Y ". WE - 'a - , .I I �' ; , � - - " , at � d,i" . M , � -ISO much . ,a All . , ord".."we, weri) - beslopd vilth qn.e4tions. committee. - L r. iand Mrs,, gayuar& - xa . � L-. , "" . . .�­­­. I . - , I � "I .. . ­_ I . . _ 'k '_�,­, 6 mti. `� 0 . . ' � '0. Oxeter, wo e e t, , ,,; �1� .; I �t ` . and -beiralded 'by the strains, 9,f �be , . md. Mrs. Ed. 10-w re eee 1. . I I - I',�.�4::­ , "'_,� , overIoOk- that, no_ ­o I 41i, Vage,; 8. ` .. I ,� ..1 I 0@,��, t . 11 L.Am, I.Pllftlt, p I ..t I Dr_` Frayne was -appointed %� delo- : . . 1. :_ '#,�, L 00 " ?i '. ;� 4 � I V-. * "Wedding, March.', After ' :allers'in t4e,,vioiI,1��Unday. ' ' I . "Y' , ? � 1* .- I . , . . 11 ; F pp " I 1�44,ch the ,� . � 0 � .. . I 4 . I . gate to-, the - OXI convention; as ro- - � . . . . ". - ;009 -CoI . .. ­'..�., . , :. . ; . e g, , 4 1 , Is - , ... , . . Au j . A I .� I An,d�ater . bas.kistball game' Party assem6led in the gym, Played commended by the education co"it- - -I , - - I I .... 11. , -Twpl�00,,,;,*.9,9.010,*.,k�Fl�p'!��I � !" I'll, ' I was hold lan, January Utb: betwe , en same games and enjoyed a poncert. tee. . . I .. _ � , =i;l I I .9,-� � lq#,!-�, .. I - "'��, � ­ ... � . . , i ' *F" -�A , , �.J . 1; ... 11 I rendl- TI Coun H ... , . �.­ , I .. ,yk-900 %A44"IUMOK _ - ; )� I I I � ..,% -, " , ,; 14fti - Mel"LLOP, - , . �1"n _Ai, � 1. ", , " . I .1 Seaforth. and Exeter In ,the Exeter Lois Whitney gave a bmu : I "� e�i !14p�� , ��fJ, M . " V I � . . . ty_ ome committee's re- 111� .... I . ''.2'. -Mb-N- .", �6t,�' to " WIV"WW'. "Im . shAdov aQ� �, , V - gymnagium. The - Exeter � boys felt tion of "One Alone," followed by .wo 1,lo � 44 00" - �, - - 1-Y , :;.-T 11N. , I I om,mendaUoni were�endorsed,as fol- Mr, Rudolph 7.bei�,! �o the 10th of . - I - � ., � � I -71i 6. " , W�� � � iI.I.-I 1. _.��4`;;" ..% 're of themselves.. ,They wiiile . ,� . . -, I ­ I I '­ `.� �-�j�"33 "?, Pretty 4u .some Solid boogie-woogie by DonaX ' I �' .90, 1 � ­.,'. . . . z,�',� t, , . I laws: That On inmate of the County- McKillop, met with 4 painful accident I � : , . I t i � � .1 , . . I I ­�. 1.!f'­­­­­tf�­J" ,,, " I " . VIt . .... . .,,,- " 11 playiug;�'on home ground. and tbe'stu- Munn, Jean McMaster gave a fan -Rome be exanilued by two doctors; last weisk, wben big lign4,.beeame ea- � � . . A ,11- I . SA49"PRICF_�.. � "L.- t 1,-",I k dents gave them -their full support. dance, accompinied"by whistles, from, � . � . "I�,l���.",�tli!"?,�,h"��A��t�t,�"- I— Fifth Form accompanied our team -and 'the male element, -but. the,sWoon s6c- that a Post-war' plan, It is Proposed to tangled with th�fwbqel. Of a gas'd-line'. � . I ow. 9 VW , , _ :7 1" , ,.�I,i�l . .i " ", i 115, ,�� � 't, made up a small but hearty cheering tioii had its Pig Moment when . � "'i , �' .. Ted . I �, � .. . section. The boyis played a losing '�Siu;ltra" Milliken 000 to provide,for an addition to the - Word has been -received- by friends ;), , . �.. . . . . sang "Irish Lulla- submit estimated expenditure 6f $75,- engine. ,- . 1, .. 1� ­ I . . I:. I . 3,41 , , , t 10: ,33 � I I . �!,_. ­. bI -an addition to the house, and. on this lihiff,that Cpl., E � ,---4' ­*T "F. . � . %'i, ' �`,� � � ` ­,'. A . dFard Doeir, , �-­ .. I I � . �7!,� � same from the start,but they played by." The eve-ii.ing was climaxed by t ftww_-Zw"� . I I . . ,...� �,�': ,`.T.,11,111��,,._P.VT P�l . - . - ' : , . �.., "r ­ " VI , _ A "', V I. -, .� , he Installation of an elevator, had been seriously ill ;in, hospital ip , - , �� , ;11 I . a clean - gamp, and -did their best, .the. entra4PP, Qf the Smith's who ar- . .- f .�q , . . ,,, , h "'.. t 0, ,� �. �, Reeve'Daly, a memberof the com- -France. �1. �- , ;�..' . . I 01. I ,, ., "' ,� �.v�.-rs- �%: ,,��,'.`-,�,��," ';� *- -W , . ; .. �:%�,X�, V . -�. q ,� ; - , i . . . 19 I I .., The 3 - ,studentsI guests were Mr. and Mrs. of. Joseph . - ." tirls"zo C I 4! I . , , , . .. � 11- , .Xv , I I 11 A, ,vhich,is almost as good,'as winnin .' rived for "God Save the King." The mittee, p6inted out that the latter Death , Murray .',.,% **,'.:, r all-lor � I I 0-9 for Exeter, but �%, 2 1 . . . . , I ­ ,, . 1. , - , .�.;,,, I I �. I .1 qo, ". 1, . . A . -we're not . licked yet! FQx, . Mr. and Mrs. Slattery,-, Miss Fon- elkiiBe was only an estimate for a The surrounding 1cQmWUnitY was � I I �..,. f, I I . I . . " . ,�;,y,l �1�1 t 40. N � - ___ � post-war plan. There are � number -shocked to he a4 Ilews ,of ih-e ... Smart. little laiy7liko"'994's, am__ _10d �, - � 1"_ TV Wl ,�, I I � ar the s Maw ... " , .11 The S6aforth -teaxd was `�defeated' nell,'Migs. Belch -and &r. Wee,dinarij � " I . I . . Collars, ar 0 ... Ar .3" �i�)11 I Of People In hospitals who dhould be sudden death of Joseph A. Murray, a � .1 . .W'Chamole lining, . I L 'p-�";"p,f4 - 'L 14 i After th4�,p I . . tined or in -q ­ --- __ 1,111iRl, , �.PTI* again when they played against ,Clin- arty; Buddy Smith auction- . , , "_J# I. ... I A'�.�j�� --, . , , `�Lcconimodated in the County Home highly respected resid,e4t of McKil. . t6rilned. Colors a# V--- ��'4'q I.. � , . , �, - .1 N -1 VVI, 1, . 1050PA, I - 1. . , 1. . . � , 4 � ton- at Seafarth cin, January 22nd. The ed at the remaining welners, and . . - I . . BrQwn, Green and Wina..L Sizes 4 *ye;i til ; ._ - , 4 I -ere space available, lop Township, which occurred on .. rs'lo, If vl'i 11��, ,.,- - , .... I . ��";11.14 !: irst rolls to the highest bidders. After I . , "."."".17 ,g ''1111 in - S. . boys lost their beaxings in L the f L . In, , , 1� 1. , �.'� .. ' The Good Roads Commission sub- Tuesday, Jan. .23rd. He was taken '� . . Years. Regularly priced at'$6.75,"to . ,:',� half of the game,.so Clinton succeed- much linjeriug the. toboggans -v�,erT ., � .� . ... ., � ,..::: , �, 11 , . . . .. .�� ".. ,1� LL ­ mitted an, estimated exp"diture of to ScOI Memorial, Hospital, Seaforth, . I SALE PRICE ...... �...... .. . '41. -,n,-, -I'.. � . . ,.,� I . I . � �, f� -ed in scaring a number of'baskdts In Collected, escorts located And every- -$1,477,000 for 'PoSt4war qou.4truction Sunday evening, and died early TuoAL � I ... 17, !��', 41" � 'bGdy went home happy. . . I "- 1�1i;" ,­ . the second halt the bo s really WenC � . I , � )III, � , ,", i, ,,I -- A I Y to covI a period of fivo,years. day ii2orning. He was I his 49th I I . 01 � 1'�, I � �'�!'.� �§.` ! 'to town and made the, Clinton team * * * I 11. - r . I., - - " , .. I I .1 ,. I ,. , ?FI ,A - Bylaws covering the business of the Year� a son of AI Murray and the I i I.., ­ , ,,�­",��,-� . � � .. 11 "�­, 1:,� 4' . I . .. - .0 . It , 2ook like so .many blocksi of wood. Wednesday atternoon the Mee Cii�b' ' . 5,20 t, I 13:0 1 1 p "I t ' ' counell were passed. Jate John Murray of MbK111op. Sur, . � , , I 1. I . . � : 1-1 1�� , 11 . , Their s were. timed' perfectly gymn and -there ;was . . I . I 11 I" , . � I 'i , V , U", " � , passe was held,dg the ' . I � "I �. �,..A ,ffl'" , , , , - , . ..'�,'�_j ­ _,���,�,J,,`�, L I . . . ' W4.rden Alex Alexander, after voic-, �.viviiig are his wife, tife former AmIs I I . . . I !,�� . 6 4. t,Lff . . I I " A ! I . I I . . ! , � 1, t,111,` ,Z ,:.�� - I. .. . I . . I � ,and their throws s,6oredu -a ,.13asket ev- I the � biggest ,t, rnout yet. There were 'Ing his thanks for the co-oper'atio 0 - M-eKaY; hisTaother, Mrs. Loulse Mur-' . . . . . . , I ,01 �.Iti' . . . �. , .1 - I I L '!t I . ,� ,_ . 't ... . ... . � . . � I ,I, . I I . t , -,�.,; . �ery time. 'The highest scorers were more Sinatra& than Crosbys though. the council, called on the.new reeves, ray; Jour sisters, Mrs. Frank Eva", ' ' . - .,;�'::t� . 9 . . . . ., , 1. I-, . - .. A, ' Allan R Mies. Turn -bull arrang . . . . . ,b .� ,_� yan, *ith 16 points; Douglas . . 11 , I ,�*' 'i -N. �, I" . lt,,;..'�,­, ..... .. - . . Qd .the songsters who gave ,short'speeches before the Dubliu-,,, Mrs. X, .. . I I I I . ,;;--, , - I'll �., I ­11:,��,��,��. -,' I . . . I I . I I � . . " . . . . ]�1�1' q'4' Love with IV-poilits, "and Archie Wite Gn the platform. in the exact place' . Wilfed Maloney a d . '25' I Disco a'Sal ,.. * ,' ,. . :, '�,' p, . � . I 8, National An Mrs. Wilfred O'Rou;rkeI.1V1opNillop, and . . I ".. 4, ". �,,, � them, wa�. spug.' : , . I ,, 4 i with Aour Points. - - The - zfi�ering Bec� tbey'll -take Commencement - night. I I . . - . /0'.. .�n . e . . . . . . I � , ov ­, . . . . Mrs. Joseph- --XeI4Ay�,-­Rfbbert; six -, REGULAR ... � .1 �­ IK�Z I 17, ... I . I ...... , ...... ..� ­� 4'... � . - . - 9.....An �� .­ 1. .1�� tion was seited on the sta,ge and led Practice was concentrated on the - brothers: Tom, Matthe*, -Michael and , ��� I I .. . . . ... � t',.; �. J, " I . 't I I I . . . ..: "7.t.� . 4 - . 11 11 1.1, . ... . . ''. 4. the gallery in the S.C.T., yells. for Commencement . On G lirl ' d.'Children's Snow " au - ' ­ - - - � ' - � ' ' ""' '' A The four selections . I Stephen, McKillop'township; Leo, �$t. . . . ___ ZU11 7,M ,to � 1. . _. __ � �:- - , -.',,:_r,, ' �'­ 4 . . . ... I: me - odd fay. .1 . . . .1 I . . . . . . I ,� �., �i,��;�� - I final Beare was 5'3-36 for C "' for the . I . ...". ­, ,475 ­ -- .11. �,�� ,�, I ­ I � � - ­....- � , , * ", ,��, 0, � ,- ' , liaton. The but 'there was ti . Red -Cross B10'0C1 C;,Iumban, and John, Los Angples, . To reduce our, stock fo'r inventor . I .. . ': �:.�� . . I �n I 0': rth line -u , . . I � . tt .1 . . 111,-,14, � Seato P: Allan Ryan, Doug- '01-ite or two, . I ,Y, we' are py Ing every Sn ' I ,,--.�,,�­,- . I . I , . . ,, , . �, - ... , " , .. , . , California. The funeral will be held Suit in,the store at ' ICE,' - . ... .� �"I' : las Love, Archie Watt,' Gordon Wil- . . * 4. *,I - . I * - - . I thii, big 25 'per'cent. discloun't. Therels'a will(le, . �� i." , .."! . . . . ...... ��� ***** , I an , z' ­ - , " "I'll �� �,, - 1. 1, , 4 . (Continued from Page 1). ' . on Friday morning at St. Columb . assortment iin two and -three-piece suits, well stylea and warmly lined. - I .. ,.. P, 1 son, Donald Sniith, Ted Mfiliken,-Dpn- Slides -Were presented -to. . the stu- - . 'Church with interment dn St. Colum- . . . I . .. 4, � . . ., I I. ��'�"-�, O? aid Munn� Donald Stephenson, Donald 'den,ts an January 18th by, Sgt. Major Wm. Campbell, Leonard Bolton 2 baii -cemetery. . . . . Children's and'- Girls, sizes only. . . . 1 10. ,to 9 00 ;. .1 ' ��' - I Be : � I I . . . -, : �,-,, MacKay and Stewart Henderion. Squires and Sgt.- Ford. 'Sgt ' ttY .Bannon 3, Joseph Rowl&�nd: . 50. tl;.."" .� . � .-,W___ � Ford is . . - I.. ,4, . ., . � I .. I . . ­ 't, .", 1. Ralph ­McFaddin 9r, Jeafi Wright 3, ' � I . BUY These For Next Year- — Thev're Bargain I . . . .. � .11 1�,, T.,. � , . , -_ - -_ �;, I i . . . . 1, 1 .. I , .... I I 11.�:�: . � . �:,� - I V I * * * . . leaving this .district to train Cadets Xrs. 0. Hildebrand 5, Chas.' Reeves .. I I . " - � I I . a . . . 11 I � 1, � . -�, ` I i�, i � I ' I I- . I 1. -1,` I . '' � Miss L6st,er'was absent from scho in the north. The slides illustrated 2 Clarence Reith 9, Mrs. Lei�a Kelly , WALTON' . I - . . I ... � ,. ._W4 I . '. ol I , � � I . �. j . - . --- I I .1 ._10 , . I . I , d .� 1 4.1 ,due.to a Severe ease -oi influenza w__ the art'of camouflage and its neces- �_, I 1. � . I I � pJ4. � ," I ' . . guiding hand and cheerful manner . .. . � . dtY I,' the, present war.' The slides A Mrs. .H. Hunt 4, Shir- ley Oldfleld, Isabel -Anderson 5, Dr. � .. The following letters have been re. . . 4. 'were �missed by all. the students, and were educational to' all thestudents, . � J. A. Munn, Archie Rubert,,6, George I cei.ved bTlhe Walton Overseas Com - .. I ,Md I? .. 11 ., , 1 inery - I we're glad She's back with "us, again, and Particularly .profitable, .to* the . Johnston 11, Mrs. Frank ,Smale 3, Al- fnittes: . . I . . . ... . 4 . I 1* * * . . 'Cadets�. .. . . I fred Pryce, David H. Wilson 14, Mrs. - Dear Mrs.'Bennett.- The - 1_ ,...".., .-�".­, . _�.,.._ I . No, it'i -nat A s' q . .. " ection from Al. .' * * * . I . . . ,C. Sutherland, Mrs. E.'Stevens, Alice Reid -7 Elsie Murray. I 'Commit tee's w1elcame pareqLarAv,ed tonight . � . Capp's comic strip, "Li'l Abner," folks, '�Dalsy The glamorous young ladies and the 'Young. RUiAL SBAFORT11-Douglas Love, -many thanks. 'We mayea. frojif town � . *to the . Department goes into this .- I I it's otir own, Mae" and "Li'l dashing men of Fifth Form are -Mrs, Dale Nixon 7, Harold Jackson 5, sticks this afteI and lost � � Abier" of Fifth Form. Daisy Mae's much too important to be overlooke'd . . , -a cis OIR ly 2, A r I Fi n e4l nd ew-Crozier 7, our billets,; now they ar� going to I , . ." ­� ' I. .. .."', �� �, ,beautiful ,blonde Pigtails have com, by succeeding generations of Pupils,, Mrs. Jos. Grummett 7, Miss. Jean Scott move us bac� tomorrow. I'm sl epcN laas,' " pletely captivated LVI Abner and he �o Mr. Weedmark photographed them ­8.,,-�A. Moore 5, Harold Rice 9, Mrs. Nig, in" a hay mdw tonight. it I � . I DISCO"T . - . har. been her constant escort. DesDite in their habitual positions - behind Paul Doig 6, John Bell 3, Oliver been. freezing hard till yeste rday, and . . 0. the fact that Fifth Form . studenfi t 1, e I.,, desks. The boys hastily Wright 3, Afthur Anderson 9, 'Francis is freezing tonight again,' I came V little time for, romance, they B'fraightened"their -ties, the girls ar- . Coleman 5, Austin, Dolmage 2, David across the,road to .Write ,this. They .have have managed to take in a couple of ranged' their hair', and all Posed ef. McLean 8, Stewart Dolmage 7, John have a radio and can get tuglan6d and 4 nights tobagganing and a hockey fettively before the ,camera. Marion, Oldfield, Dale. Nixon 9, Vineent Lane 9 - Wilfred MbQuaid, Frank Reynolds even the States. - W . e are listening to - , ". . game. They even share'their literit- 'ture. ' .Mason. will have the pict ures develop . I . - 4' Tom' Xal6 7,11ra. D. McLea ' n 7, Mrs. the news- now. The p0o�l` . .,: are.0very � .# , ' 4 I Their current favorite is ,"One ' 'WI by Wendell ed An. the., near, -futu#e -, and.Ahe, other I I forms iliould certainfy have I 1) JA, T.', Scott .9, Evelyn - MoMichael A, , n1ce.to us. here, but at'sh . � Wmake .. . . , ourselves- -understood. 1 k".1, have -Wilkie. Well, . a picture Ivy Henderson 7,. Jack Drover 2, Bruce - "t F have fun, kidsl You're ,only you . n i of these exceptional students. McLean 7,,Joseph Lane.8, I . hy4ro only part tim4. Iu town . onceP I I . I I . � . I KIPPEN-Joseph' McLellan 8, Em- they have opened a shoe factory but i . * * * , - .. I . I - . * �* *, I I merson. Kyle 8, Robert McLI 6, . are doing all the'work by�hi . nd as . . Third 'w -u-11 - ,9. t"V U I 11 Wilmer BroadfGo-t ,3, Mrs.. John Wood -they haven't enough.nower to run the . . '; � I .1 . . � I ". � I I Regulae, I I I . 3.95, tal� 5.I I . 1111"I a 111 I jiresslea.s I .One and two-piece Dresses, in teen-age styles and sizes, A wide assortment of colors and p�atterns at — �_ I .. ___ - . �� . I I ... L. � , ,�., 1 _612. : .. . . .. 11:,� , .. �:�',,F!�, . � � - . . . . I , " ­ I �� I .1 11 � � . - . . ".11:1- _1 11 -­.. 2 1 ­ . !11� . 1,"M ,Md I? .. 11 ., , 1 inery - , 11�� I : , �'.. , I I ..... ,­�., I ".­-, . I I __ ... . _., - ­; .. ,�� I .-1 .. I . . I , , 01% Salfr., " : 1_ ,...".., .-�".­, . _�.,.._ I ... .­."­ I ,....�O. , � .11 � 11 Every Hat -in our Millinery ' ... 11 1. . �­ I . . ., - , . I!, I . Department goes into this .- . I ? .1 1. .1, , ` I ,big pre -stocktaking safe, ­ at ­ I � � I 11" - , �., " I I : ,.- ": .. ,�, ­­ I � - I ' - - I . ." ­� ' I. .. .."', �� . 11 11 . .-% --' , . 25 ". . , _ , . . :. I- , . , ... , � . � � � ,.11,A, I ��� ,'4" � . � �- ­.. .1 " ��1'111'111 - I I . I 'I, I , � 1, I .. ., DISCO"T . - I ,. . �' � I 2 ..!;! , "I . , � I - . . , - . , . ,;," . � I I;�:. . . , ,* � . ,., - I _ 1�. I I .. I "I s. I ­ . , A. Forms amu. QuestionI thet Week .6. , I machinery (if they have any i-,dachin- I i � . . , :1111, I I . I . .. I., J, I ".21 .... 11-1 . a toboggan party Monday, evening and, Who is RubY? 'Her name is etched WALTON-4ordon MeGavin 7, Ivan ery) as all the factories �nd �build- , .. 'It . - I .. I ,, A, ,degpiteta little dissension among the in delicate writing on the back of a Shannon 5, Ruth McClure 7. � I., I . I .I ., -, forms higs have suffered.war here. Their � I I I . I . I , �ii� as to whether Fifth would at- certaiiL Third Former's er "Ser, -and hiI STAFFA-Frank Stagg 4" Henry .� I . I I I�Z*,w .. - . a . I . . � tend, they patched up their differene- pubi Harburn 8. � church Was all busted, so they are . . �::.., . 1. liely recognized it as ht8 Own. l< . . "I , 1 14 1111Z, es And had a wonderful tim6 tOge- Has Prod a secret flame? CROMARTY-Thomas Laing ,7, Ern. using ' an, 'old tann6ry. , But they. sure- I - . . . . � : N . � ly is religioi4s over h ' . I . .. � . �z%�- I, ther. They left for the gull ' about - . est Allen, 5, Hazel Hamiltoyl. ar ere. There is - . . i4 . y . . . I . I .�, . .. HENSALI-Mrs. Geo. Hess 4, GecI a contin I I 0 1 .,�, I eight O'clock and ended up in groups I * * * 1 . . , . ual stream coming a4ld going, I . I I . I . . - I I � � . �, I I . . ..,! 1. I and Pairs around,,ten. And say, what . . I . . . Hess 7, Mrs. T. Sherriti 6. starting at 7 a.m. till -about 4 in the. . . .1 . . . . , 11 11 � ., 11 � ,�, . . I . . . ( � . - .0 LONDESBORO-Wm. Dolmag � . I 11 .. A�, . I I I I I 1. Seen ,rf the, B,�illetin Board e'. 9, afternoon. *They started 160 'to work, - .- I . . ,. , . . I ) I , , A I I . I . . Roy Dolmage 8. .. �esterday in the shoe factory. -They . = . � 11 . � . I .. 1 . , .. ". . . I I '.. 1. . I . . . . .. t, I . . ' "I , . . Mirage Invite: This here invite is . BRUCEFIEL)F>-Mrs. -Mary T-yndalI , - 4 .. . � I . - , . :1 to sertify that "Li'l. Abner torrie.Finlayson 2. . I . ave to maA ve� u,v , zen 'Pa rs . of. I am ashamed . of mys'elf ,as I have do th I jogs for themselv . 65. For in- - ti . I .. " .. , .., 1, Yokum',' 8, -shoes a week. Well'thdt's 7(out all . 1;. " . I . . �. I I. .; ' -d "D ae . -EGMONDVILL'E-'Rutlr Vincent 3 the news., Many thanks agaiii. 'Sin. ason to be, I thought,of you every 'Stance, wash basins are low so .t . a . . . � ` ,; :.. , �I;. .an aisy M ," arie to be bitched -in . 'I i e tha Baked Onions I . . '. Holly Hemlotk 'at DOI P, . 'Mis. *Alei'Liffico 7. . . . I " . , -eay but did not put -my thoughts in-., the children 'Ican ea�sily wash them- . 11 I . . .. I ...'��; atch's one, - . cerelk, Wallace Shanii6n. . . I I I . and,Aonli -Gener'l Store on Saturday BLYTH-Fruest Toll 6. , A . I . I . to action. 1. apprecis,ted your remem- selves, coat peg� are low -enough so 6 medium onions . . . ��,,, . DVBLIN-'rhos. Butters 4, K�thleen . . I I � I . , . Walton overseas CommitteiR: ,ZVany , I , next at -2 - . bering ine-very much more than I can. . I �,, a.m.-Signed Mammy and ' the smallest toddler ran 'hang up his ' .. . ,� . StApleton. thanks for Christmas box received express myself. I.certainly prize the a %�. I,, clothes. . . . 2 cups soft br . . : .i. �-,f� . . I . . � . : I " ... . ..... . .. I . . � 1- . . ).. - I ST,,COLUMBAN-Jack McIver 2-., some titge ,ago It certainly contain, gifts a great'deM, and I shall remem- Rest, djet, 11��sh 'air and cleanli- % .teaspoon salt . � ,.�. _J� . , , . - . . . I MITCHELL -Harold Stros-4opf 7. ed cilrerythLng 'e for a Christ- ber *you always. 'I. . niust admit 'I was, Less are the watchworas of the nurs- - . . I ...;,.0 - I __ I . I LONDON -Norman Cock 3. . I - ""i � ... I . nias dinner. The Christmas cake and very mlidh-surp'rio � . I . . . . I �.�, . . � ... WINTHROP, Staff in Charge of Clin' ed fhat YOU remem- eries, all of whiqh have regular,medi- Dash b,f pepiper I ... . ic I .. " I . I'll ;�:- . . , �'.. I . .­_.. ,.If 11 _1 Doctol,s-E. A. Mc�Mapter, J. A. Gor- Plum pudding were really dell,cious. bered me; It was mb're than I Could cal - inspections. "Epidemics are ' I � . . . ,I Dowt forget 04� Red Cross, epchr"e will, P. J Burrows. . . The chicken,,I iust opened a few days qxpect. I want you' to know Walton rare." the report Points out, "because Y2 teaspoon Poultry . seasoI , ' I .1 2. 4 . ' . �.,� 1, I, .. . . " I and' dance on .Friday rses Mrs. MbMlllal�, is my home always and I sAall re- each nursery has an isolation room, . I :,4 , I . � I Feb. 2nd, also Nt -Mrs. Bell, ago, was also delicious and almost as . ' ti�,!, tbo� drawing ,for a quilt. . T. Brugger, Mrs. Douglas, Miss Dunn, good ai Mom Used to, cook. The choco- member you,, as such. The pen set I and- at the least suspiciorr of an in- . savoury or thyme , . I.. I. 1. 1. 3., . . . - I . 1, Iff . 017—� 11,11' 1 7- � 11AT: A, � I I I I .. .. - . . . IS. ery, rs. - 0 , I lates were -as fresh as ILL tUey had Ilse every &Ly and the Christmas gift fectious disease, a child is immedi- "Ill., , , . 4 . - - Jamieson, Mrs. Ion, Mrs, Row- just been made and a,welcome ch--�nge, is quite In use; it was really grand , 2 tqbiespoiins wild flavoiedfat . -4 j_ � I ately separated from the others until 'in boiling salted waterp " J." I . - -_ land, Mrs. B.. Shaw, Mrs. A. Moore, fromour English ration, It reallywas to get your parcel at Christmas time I the doctor arrives." , -Cook onions 1, �� "I I . . 'I- . Mrs. F. Kling, Mrs. D. H. Wilson, Mrs. ' I " t I A I.. . . ' . until jU:Bt -tender, about 20 minuiI . t.4 I . a super, box and ,several gpod feeds and every time I use .same it reminds � These wartimd nurseries have bee, 'drain. Remove and chop a porilon or *,.� . f .; �11 B. Syke6. - I I . I I , , I Assistants -Mary- Hays, Mrs, B. were enjoyed by a few girl friends mg of friendsi in Walton. I had a of tremendous value t; the British " I ? Nitional Selective Service the centres. Mix bread crumbs andl ' � . ,il ... .. . . . 1. Milliken. . and myself. The stove is the cutest "great trip from east,to west. We left war effort. - Parents living under war . . ,�'. . I ' V . � .,. . I f, I - Refreshment Committee --Mrs, F. 1. gadget and it really works. As we just atAbe storm hit -the east, at a seasonings, add metted fat and7 chd�- I �. e ;� - . I . . conditiont and Ion., working hours, i'. . I . ' . . 11 Bochely, Mks. H. R. Scott, Mrs. �W. have a fire going -irL fhe hut all tbe result we appreciate the Pacific coast ped onion and mix thoroughly Vath -a , �,�tt. I I are ralieved of any worry abHout thpir . . :��" ,, - I I . "I I Hay, Milss J. McLean, Mrs. 3, Bar- time now I will -save the heat tablets climate a great deal. I have w'oru. fork . Fill onion centres with the stufP ' . ,,,, , ' youngsters. "Now that the value of , I �,, , Toll, Mrs. J. A.' Murlin, Mrs. J. W- for the -summer, as ,it sure boils the � ""; 1. CONTROL . my great codt but very little, d rub ,,�:� .11 . � .� �. Free., . � I an - these nurseries 'has bein rekc,Dgnize4,lv fing, Place in a ,shallow baking disU . �. . , ,,, f .i. I .1 .. kettle in a �hurrY.' I spent 'Christmas bers a feiv times. The country here . -11 . I . 111:_, 1. . of , I SecretarY-Mrs' G. Teoutbeck; as- and Ne . w Year's in London a I nd had a is.*onderful; I like It very well. Look- the rp.port 'cancluded," "it Seems prob, and bake in a moderately h6t even, 1 4.11 , . . � , gistants, Mrs. F. W. Wigg, Mrs. 9. C.- able that they will continue'in some 375 degrees F., for 30 minutes. Six I 11 1.'� 11 . � . , I . , I .4 - . ' I ,Boswell, Mrs. I E. A. McMaster. real nice time. The weathqr- was Ing at the green grass and shrubs it measure when peace comes - again. Seivings. I . . i I . -1, ��,,�� � ,I ' quite..frosty at Christmas. but Is mild eoes not seem possible thit it Is* Jan- I ­- .11 ,� *11 . Receptionists -Mrs. E. .R. C ose, 1. I . . � . I I , A I)VFRTTP%TNC, . Mrs� J, MacTavish,'Mrs. J.. Beattie. again. It seems strange without nary'. I like my work extra �rpli. The I . . 4 , . . "I'll" I 1. i . 1. . �_ I . I _. . : I I .-.Now snow. Many thanks again for the barracks I am posted in Is -th6 tGriner .. ... . L " " . I I .. - - __ f lovely, box and best -of luck in the Nrancouver ,C.P,R. hotel, We fwevery 4 1, - In.accordance with P.C. �46, February. Ist, 1943, 208 (1)1. , "No', IKEPPEN 1. � New Year. Yours truly, Anna Ennis. well taken care of. Once more I . - I t person shall .publish an advertigemehit offering employment as an . I -�- . ,Overseas , Box Committee: Thanks thank you velry -much for your kind- . 1. 4 (I employer, or seeking employment as an employee,' except, pursuant The annual Red Cross - - meeting of a lot for carton of eigs I received Yes- ness .,and remembering me. I send . I � -_to and in accord'ance. with a permit -obtained f i%om a Sejective� Servle"e Ith � IS X.ippen. East Wbmen�s Institutb terday, so thought I -better write to- my best regard's to everyone and I , q I Offiedr.11 Wl�;DOW CARDS AND A= OTHER FORMS OF ADVER- vjas held at the home of %Irs. Glenn e8y. It is Sunday here and a r4al shall write to you �again. Yours very . . . I TISEMENTS for help must conform.in -their wording to Selective McLean on Friday, Jan. 19th, with 36 wice day just now. , it snowed real truly, Alice Forsythe. . . " . . . ilresent. This meeting took the form hard far a few' minutes a while ago, I . . I . . Service Regulations. , I I I I " of a Red qros� quitting and pot -luck go maybe we have had it for this win- I . -W . ... I I , . I t . . I in .� dinner, with four quilts being quilted. ter. The weather has been real nice �. . . I All forms of advertising for Part Time Help, After dinner -the election of officers I . . I -11 . . since Christmas, only cold, I hope Day Nurse'ries .. including: " I . - tookplaceaisfollows* President, Mrs-'- your winter isn't too .bad there. I . In 86tain , I _ 1. William.Kyle; ]Lst vice-preside�nt, Mrs- heard it was Pretty rough, eurly on. 1. � � '� ­­- --W,INDOW CARDS . 1 7 Mel., Traquair; 2nd vic.e-Presideilt, got out"of the hospital about a month I � V I BILLBOAltDS.. . . Mrs. W, Workman-, ,secretary-treasur- F.gii and feel pretty gooci again, and In wartime 'Britain, 'as in wartime 11� � er, Mrs. J. W. McLean; finance com- had Seven days' leave, so expect to Canada, hundreds of day , nurseries. __ . . .. . , . . I . � I . . I . . ,Pead, and Disabled Animals .. . . REMOVED PROMPTLY . i , PHONE COLLECT: SEAFDRTH '15 ' . . I DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential Wai Industry) . . I 9 I . � � I . mittee, Mrs. E. Butt, Miss Grace Tre b h for awhile before 1, go back and kindergartens have mushroomed I " ­ I -, � ­ 1. 1, - ... �,j ere 1. VIE'Dws".Ay' slan"� - n t�e , . HANDBILLS mobr, Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs, Gleia Slavi . into existence. .--- w.ft Dim! Am . � . , the other side for another crack I I f:__.�.= �, , I I . I . I I I I 14 e � '= -,, , . I WV411, emy *1 Dr. - , . PMICATIONS and Mrs. W. Workman; sewing com- s i Jerry. Maybe It will .be ovir be- . _�nl= I A"tht, 5�,,,w .. . � . I. , The BrIt4h nurseries are more than � IV 17 :r� I _, � � .. �f,ro then. W4 had a pretty gpbvd 1. .-, � _`W. mittee, Mrs. Alex McGregor, Mrs. W , . 0 niust specify in a manner not less than the main part Cole, quilting, Mrs, Hugh McGregor; . Ciaip,tmas here, plenty to e . at and a just a place where-industriaLl workers I I '. � I I knitilng, Mrs. .Win. Doig, Mrs. leave their children during working I . You will find yourself one of the best informe of,*,the advertiseinent that a' licants hav8, � W. concert In the afternoon, aut not as . : f, pp . hours. "They are creating a home , your community when you read The Chtiijigi I . ­ . � I . Workman; Overseas jam committee, good as beingb6me. News ilm'tevery atmosphere and are trying to build . Scienzpexo-ni,toi: koPlarly. You will find firesfit new vjev�Wji� )y Miss Gracer Tremeer, Mrs. W. Work- ple�ntlful here, so better sign I " , I "OTHER FULL TIME'EMPLOYMENT or in case . I tiff. Hope good eltizenA for peace," a recent re- I a fallei, rkher understanding of world Affairs . . 4 0uthfiti atth I - - I I . I mail; box packing ,committee, Mrs. �Ou all bad a good time over, th e " unbiased news. Write for sample copies. 146i , 1 . 'of "HOUSEWIVES, EMPLOYMENT IS LIMITED . John Sinclair, Mrs. Win.1-Caldwell, holidays, and thanks again for cigs port from Britain indicates,' . ,.. monib &ial subscription: . tOI at sen;r I i , 4 . TO TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS WEEKLY. 1� Mrs'. Eirl 'Sproat, Mrs. S. Dtoadfoot, and *18li-you lots 11)f luck ,for- 1945. Britain Insists on space, light, and " , . . � . � '. . . ., . - � - — � .... .�.� AIIIIIIIII� omm""4101ift IWO I . Vor further information con8iijt, �our nearest Mrs. R. MdGtegdr, Mrs, W. H. Me- Sincerely ,yours, A.: 0. Crak*ford. air amd an. efficient beating system 'r The , Oht4ttan S0i6U4!0 M111I SOOM0 . � 01111111 . . I . . . I . I . . Leatl,* Mrs. lois MbLisflan, Mrs. Wm, - 44ello Evetybody: _.� ... � . I � I . I . . - HeI lRat 1; Afbi her wartime nurseries.^ Houses one, 146may sit"t, am" is AUI .d � , . . � Pe ", gi Plewe send tree "intoo eWu 4st " kelibb'M64 a "Zftw..,W,� I'll, "I III Mrs. .9. OhIPI AfIrs. Win. at'atiavv4t. to yftr gifts YoI kindly were chosen mear parks so that the � Pchriscip Science %I peltidihii a 0 a6h W Th.64"t . , " , " � � - ,� fi# J iwigii - I MI of YoUr WdLAW-Maikfte afttio* � , if , . PLOYMENT AINDARECTIVII I 1111VICE"'OF Kyle, Mrk W. 'Workm,'an; cigarette's ,Sent.to'me. I,gm so ` would have plenty' of. OPI t4AfAg�_-_��_�".i,�._���".�&4,ii,4,�,.�4. ��� . � . . . . . . . . . . . . � . 11 111, V -FA 0VA... '.. . , . ngstora . rbr lilikh, I owdiiii, ,i . . ­ I .5 ',�� 'It , ,-111. _�'.' � , . V - 1. ; I I rr,y I &*�-niot an- You "".4 . . . . . . . . . "I �� �,, . . I T1'k,­:. A - . 11 il I , , ­" 1** . __.-.._Z - ­ � I'" : 0044* � .1 , ..... " I � .. � , I 1. I . Uff fieblUtV -,p4iat Mrs. Vbrkinatt, ,S.W6r them Joisg Ago;�,I. kn4WA-, Alio.Uld portAmIty to play out of doors. Ulli- , I XbbR"s__.­A­­ -, ::::::::::­ ......"1111111 :: : '. I i . . . A- I., 1, ".10 ., :11� #_ ��, , � - � I �'. ", I -iii il_ 1.11 I I � ,_: -I � :t-"...1'.0-� 111. � ... 1-11.1, I . , - I . 1101 .. 11111iII11110", � . I , '­­ - Mmshtuo holti: the , _=__ I I I ......... ........ .... 16"i , i 11 -I " . iiiii I 2 . tft Ltft'00 VA604$*WW,0ftdmJ* oft-ktI ­­ --- -,__­� � ­ ­_ - ,; ." � I I � 1'r- � I , I , � �'t , -bit" I )"it 9w, Eavial , it 1.6 46� ­gy to ik* Wt I � .. � . � . . i ad )Nt. istj 6a xipooi 'f4kouse Vu. O"'j*11. __________-Z0- `- �­�__­�_��i, II� .. I � I . I I , ,. . � . I �,: 1.11 I . I 1. . . k$# . 0. � 4 , � . . 1, I - , I , , ; t '' . . "? . - ­ . .1 _.,-;�.4. . A . /` . I I � 11 I �, - 1,� �. ��., T 4.,Z' �; I .. , I . s. � � I 0 . I I I I I : .1, . I . . � � I I I . . . I V . . I'! � I . � � . .1 . . . . . . ... I .. ,� ., . . 1 ,.-7, -­ �, :' r .4 I I , . . I . . . 0, . I - .1 I'll I 1,1. . I , , ­ - "I .. . I I . . , . , � , v,. ", . ""'i U & . I . . I . I . � � I . ., "Z �,-V.,.,,�.. "'.� �, � I . I . I & . � . . I . *1 I 11.1'�:'%:_, . " Z �­ ­ , , , I . . . . ,.; "'t 11 "', 1-111111 ­ I 1, � . I, !;�.:. ..tli, . ,.�,. I ,�,? ,,�, - " ""', ��k,Ir �;II , �, � I ' - .� ., � . '. . . . " ; ­�. , ��., � I . . . . . . ! .. . . 1* .� 7 �,-. .1, ! . '' , . � I I VU, 11 , , I I ,� � I ". , . I - I . I . " . " , 8 . I , , , ' . "" , ��, , .� I . I I .., ., , .., �.: , � , ,!,_ �;7.1_. ); I, I. �i 1� I �),!,".�:!, A � E _11. . I � - ,,4,._.�, � - , � . , . .". �i._ , �I,ft, I h1V '­., . . . I , �, ., 'i . 42 Y',E A : _ � �:�.- �,­�P�'-*� �";j,;,,.�,',�w�,'*.'W Wi. '�� �-;, O..,; ... 'Z,4�'.P",�J': �� � j�,A��";'. ,1�1, ". � 1.1, , 11 , - 4. 1 . I", "_,I , C _ ,� ,,, � ,,,,.- , .'I I �� - . , , " . le` I I., - I _ ir , � . " - ` ' . - � ,. .pl', ­ . , _ , , ..... ;; ,, AVII, '�ll't"�'.'4111.11�,,�)i�,".'�T.,-.,),�-�"I e ,,�: , , I — _ _ - -�, .1-1 - M . _,. I � - - m h , I - - I �;;, " �I� , � . t,� , "'�, "a ,", "'.­ ,� � .., � , -� --�, 11,; ,� , .6�_,___`.11.11 .111 1� '111�1'-_11,r 1, �11�1,11"IiAi A �., �""I�..'�ll'I.",�i�rvIl'I'l�� 1,�"11;',.�, m-��, �I " ,_; �� ,';,�,wi x._,� �11t', 122&LLL������2,�� , I ,--�JN . "�_ , I ­.:-'! , ,_4). � ,� ,_ tg , , ,�', , ..II , k� 1\ . - ,V� - .1 . �,,(, I . ; ��, � ,. . I I i -.11 ' . ' , , 1� , , 11 , - , - ,,,� .. le" , ; '_ ,'� � ­ �, ��� ... 111:: I - - I . . I- .1 7 _�" 1.� � , ", 11 , -4. . 1�:. ... , . I .." I. - .. i ;,.., ,V. . X .11 ?.V � I � , . - " I'M I.. I ,_ .,� I I _: ;;I� � I `L'.��'l , :'Igil . . ` ;" I . . .. ,��,,�,!O , L , , �" I . . �,,,� I , NAI . ., 4, I �3� - !� - .. , 1""", I I - I 1. 1. 1". ­ - . , �� . ". T � �� I , - � 1, I I . T . I �. - 1! I " I � "' . � , , , , " , ­ "! L, I �.It �;��: , , : �. " ,.,� ,,;,.,!�� :I� . 1� '7 01"i " � . ,. � , I . 1. L' ,Mll.�k � _1-1'I." to sertify that "Li'l. Abner torrie.Finlayson 2. . I . ave to maA ve� u,v , zen 'Pa rs . of. I am ashamed . of mys'elf ,as I have do th I jogs for themselv . 65. For in- - ti . I .. " .. , .., 1, Yokum',' 8, -shoes a week. Well'thdt's 7(out all . 1;. " . I . . �. I I. .; ' -d "D ae . -EGMONDVILL'E-'Rutlr Vincent 3 the news., Many thanks agaiii. 'Sin. ason to be, I thought,of you every 'Stance, wash basins are low so .t . a . . . � ` ,; :.. , �I;. .an aisy M ," arie to be bitched -in . 'I i e tha Baked Onions I . . '. Holly Hemlotk 'at DOI P, . 'Mis. *Alei'Liffico 7. . . . I " . , -eay but did not put -my thoughts in-., the children 'Ican ea�sily wash them- . 11 I . . .. I ...'��; atch's one, - . cerelk, Wallace Shanii6n. . . I I I . and,Aonli -Gener'l Store on Saturday BLYTH-Fruest Toll 6. , A . I . I . to action. 1. apprecis,ted your remem- selves, coat peg� are low -enough so 6 medium onions . . . ��,,, . DVBLIN-'rhos. Butters 4, K�thleen . . I I � I . , . Walton overseas CommitteiR: ,ZVany , I , next at -2 - . bering ine-very much more than I can. . I �,, a.m.-Signed Mammy and ' the smallest toddler ran 'hang up his ' .. . ,� . StApleton. thanks for Christmas box received express myself. I.certainly prize the a %�. I,, clothes. . . . 2 cups soft br . . : .i. �-,f� . . I . . � . : I " ... . ..... . .. I . . � 1- . . ).. - I ST,,COLUMBAN-Jack McIver 2-., some titge ,ago It certainly contain, gifts a great'deM, and I shall remem- Rest, djet, 11��sh 'air and cleanli- % .teaspoon salt . � ,.�. _J� . , , . - . . . I MITCHELL -Harold Stros-4opf 7. ed cilrerythLng 'e for a Christ- ber *you always. 'I. . niust admit 'I was, Less are the watchworas of the nurs- - . . I ...;,.0 - I __ I . I LONDON -Norman Cock 3. . I - ""i � ... I . nias dinner. The Christmas cake and very mlidh-surp'rio � . I . . . . I �.�, . . � ... WINTHROP, Staff in Charge of Clin' ed fhat YOU remem- eries, all of whiqh have regular,medi- Dash b,f pepiper I ... . ic I .. " I . I'll ;�:- . . , �'.. I . .­_.. ,.If 11 _1 Doctol,s-E. A. Mc�Mapter, J. A. Gor- Plum pudding were really dell,cious. bered me; It was mb're than I Could cal - inspections. "Epidemics are ' I � . . . ,I Dowt forget 04� Red Cross, epchr"e will, P. J Burrows. . . The chicken,,I iust opened a few days qxpect. I want you' to know Walton rare." the report Points out, "because Y2 teaspoon Poultry . seasoI , ' I .1 2. 4 . ' . �.,� 1, I, .. . . " I and' dance on .Friday rses Mrs. MbMlllal�, is my home always and I sAall re- each nursery has an isolation room, . I :,4 , I . � I Feb. 2nd, also Nt -Mrs. Bell, ago, was also delicious and almost as . ' ti�,!, tbo� drawing ,for a quilt. . T. Brugger, Mrs. Douglas, Miss Dunn, good ai Mom Used to, cook. The choco- member you,, as such. The pen set I and- at the least suspiciorr of an in- . savoury or thyme , . I.. I. 1. 1. 3., . . . - I . 1, Iff . 017—� 11,11' 1 7- � 11AT: A, � I I I I .. .. - . . . IS. ery, rs. - 0 , I lates were -as fresh as ILL tUey had Ilse every &Ly and the Christmas gift fectious disease, a child is immedi- "Ill., , , . 4 . - - Jamieson, Mrs. Ion, Mrs, Row- just been made and a,welcome ch--�nge, is quite In use; it was really grand , 2 tqbiespoiins wild flavoiedfat . -4 j_ � I ately separated from the others until 'in boiling salted waterp " J." I . - -_ land, Mrs. B.. Shaw, Mrs. A. Moore, fromour English ration, It reallywas to get your parcel at Christmas time I the doctor arrives." , -Cook onions 1, �� "I I . . 'I- . Mrs. F. Kling, Mrs. D. H. Wilson, Mrs. ' I " t I A I.. . . ' . until jU:Bt -tender, about 20 minuiI . t.4 I . a super, box and ,several gpod feeds and every time I use .same it reminds � These wartimd nurseries have bee, 'drain. Remove and chop a porilon or *,.� . f .; �11 B. Syke6. - I I . I I , , I Assistants -Mary- Hays, Mrs, B. were enjoyed by a few girl friends mg of friendsi in Walton. I had a of tremendous value t; the British " I ? Nitional Selective Service the centres. Mix bread crumbs andl ' � . ,il ... .. . . . 1. Milliken. . and myself. The stove is the cutest "great trip from east,to west. We left war effort. - Parents living under war . . ,�'. . I ' V . � .,. . I f, I - Refreshment Committee --Mrs, F. 1. gadget and it really works. As we just atAbe storm hit -the east, at a seasonings, add metted fat and7 chd�- I �. e ;� - . I . . conditiont and Ion., working hours, i'. . I . ' . . 11 Bochely, Mks. H. R. Scott, Mrs. �W. have a fire going -irL fhe hut all tbe result we appreciate the Pacific coast ped onion and mix thoroughly Vath -a , �,�tt. I I are ralieved of any worry abHout thpir . . :��" ,, - I I . "I I Hay, Milss J. McLean, Mrs. 3, Bar- time now I will -save the heat tablets climate a great deal. I have w'oru. fork . Fill onion centres with the stufP ' . ,,,, , ' youngsters. "Now that the value of , I �,, , Toll, Mrs. J. A.' Murlin, Mrs. J. W- for the -summer, as ,it sure boils the � ""; 1. CONTROL . my great codt but very little, d rub ,,�:� .11 . � .� �. Free., . � I an - these nurseries 'has bein rekc,Dgnize4,lv fing, Place in a ,shallow baking disU . �. . , ,,, f .i. I .1 .. kettle in a �hurrY.' I spent 'Christmas bers a feiv times. The country here . -11 . I . 111:_, 1. . of , I SecretarY-Mrs' G. Teoutbeck; as- and Ne . w Year's in London a I nd had a is.*onderful; I like It very well. Look- the rp.port 'cancluded," "it Seems prob, and bake in a moderately h6t even, 1 4.11 , . . � , gistants, Mrs. F. W. Wigg, Mrs. 9. C.- able that they will continue'in some 375 degrees F., for 30 minutes. Six I 11 1.'� 11 . � . , I . , I .4 - . ' I ,Boswell, Mrs. I E. A. McMaster. real nice time. The weathqr- was Ing at the green grass and shrubs it measure when peace comes - again. Seivings. I . . i I . -1, ��,,�� � ,I ' quite..frosty at Christmas. but Is mild eoes not seem possible thit it Is* Jan- I ­- .11 ,� *11 . Receptionists -Mrs. E. .R. C ose, 1. I . . � . I I , A I)VFRTTP%TNC, . Mrs� J, MacTavish,'Mrs. J.. Beattie. again. It seems strange without nary'. I like my work extra �rpli. The I . . 4 , . . "I'll" I 1. i . 1. . �_ I . I _. . : I I .-.Now snow. Many thanks again for the barracks I am posted in Is -th6 tGriner .. ... . L " " . I I .. - - __ f lovely, box and best -of luck in the Nrancouver ,C.P,R. hotel, We fwevery 4 1, - In.accordance with P.C. �46, February. Ist, 1943, 208 (1)1. , "No', IKEPPEN 1. � New Year. Yours truly, Anna Ennis. well taken care of. Once more I . - I t person shall .publish an advertigemehit offering employment as an . I -�- . ,Overseas , Box Committee: Thanks thank you velry -much for your kind- . 1. 4 (I employer, or seeking employment as an employee,' except, pursuant The annual Red Cross - - meeting of a lot for carton of eigs I received Yes- ness .,and remembering me. I send . I � -_to and in accord'ance. with a permit -obtained f i%om a Sejective� Servle"e Ith � IS X.ippen. East Wbmen�s Institutb terday, so thought I -better write to- my best regard's to everyone and I , q I Offiedr.11 Wl�;DOW CARDS AND A= OTHER FORMS OF ADVER- vjas held at the home of %Irs. Glenn e8y. It is Sunday here and a r4al shall write to you �again. Yours very . . . I TISEMENTS for help must conform.in -their wording to Selective McLean on Friday, Jan. 19th, with 36 wice day just now. , it snowed real truly, Alice Forsythe. . . " . . . ilresent. This meeting took the form hard far a few' minutes a while ago, I . . I . . Service Regulations. , I I I I " of a Red qros� quitting and pot -luck go maybe we have had it for this win- I . -W . ... I I , . I t . . I in .� dinner, with four quilts being quilted. ter. The weather has been real nice �. . . I All forms of advertising for Part Time Help, After dinner -the election of officers I . . I -11 . . since Christmas, only cold, I hope Day Nurse'ries .. including: " I . - tookplaceaisfollows* President, Mrs-'- your winter isn't too .bad there. I . In 86tain , I _ 1. William.Kyle; ]Lst vice-preside�nt, Mrs- heard it was Pretty rough, eurly on. 1. � � '� ­­- --W,INDOW CARDS . 1 7 Mel., Traquair; 2nd vic.e-Presideilt, got out"of the hospital about a month I � V I BILLBOAltDS.. . . Mrs. W, Workman-, ,secretary-treasur- F.gii and feel pretty gooci again, and In wartime 'Britain, 'as in wartime 11� � er, Mrs. J. W. McLean; finance com- had Seven days' leave, so expect to Canada, hundreds of day , nurseries. __ . . .. . , . . I . � I . . I . . ,Pead, and Disabled Animals .. . . REMOVED PROMPTLY . i , PHONE COLLECT: SEAFDRTH '15 ' . . I DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential Wai Industry) . . I 9 I . � � I . mittee, Mrs. E. Butt, Miss Grace Tre b h for awhile before 1, go back and kindergartens have mushroomed I " ­ I -, � ­ 1. 1, - ... �,j ere 1. VIE'Dws".Ay' slan"� - n t�e , . HANDBILLS mobr, Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs, Gleia Slavi . into existence. .--- w.ft Dim! Am . � . , the other side for another crack I I f:__.�.= �, , I I . I . I I I I 14 e � '= -,, , . I WV411, emy *1 Dr. - , . PMICATIONS and Mrs. W. Workman; sewing com- s i Jerry. Maybe It will .be ovir be- . _�nl= I A"tht, 5�,,,w .. . � . I. , The BrIt4h nurseries are more than � IV 17 :r� I _, � � .. �f,ro then. W4 had a pretty gpbvd 1. .-, � _`W. mittee, Mrs. Alex McGregor, Mrs. W , . 0 niust specify in a manner not less than the main part Cole, quilting, Mrs, Hugh McGregor; . Ciaip,tmas here, plenty to e . at and a just a place where-industriaLl workers I I '. � I I knitilng, Mrs. .Win. Doig, Mrs. leave their children during working I . You will find yourself one of the best informe of,*,the advertiseinent that a' licants hav8, � W. concert In the afternoon, aut not as . : f, pp . hours. "They are creating a home , your community when you read The Chtiijigi I . ­ . � I . Workman; Overseas jam committee, good as beingb6me. News ilm'tevery atmosphere and are trying to build . Scienzpexo-ni,toi: koPlarly. You will find firesfit new vjev�Wji� )y Miss Gracer Tremeer, Mrs. W. Work- ple�ntlful here, so better sign I " , I "OTHER FULL TIME'EMPLOYMENT or in case . I tiff. Hope good eltizenA for peace," a recent re- I a fallei, rkher understanding of world Affairs . . 4 0uthfiti atth I - - I I . I mail; box packing ,committee, Mrs. �Ou all bad a good time over, th e " unbiased news. Write for sample copies. 146i , 1 . 'of "HOUSEWIVES, EMPLOYMENT IS LIMITED . John Sinclair, Mrs. Win.1-Caldwell, holidays, and thanks again for cigs port from Britain indicates,' . ,.. monib &ial subscription: . tOI at sen;r I i , 4 . TO TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS WEEKLY. 1� Mrs'. Eirl 'Sproat, Mrs. S. Dtoadfoot, and *18li-you lots 11)f luck ,for- 1945. Britain Insists on space, light, and " , . . � . � '. . . ., . - � - — � .... .�.� AIIIIIIIII� omm""4101ift IWO I . Vor further information con8iijt, �our nearest Mrs. R. MdGtegdr, Mrs, W. H. Me- Sincerely ,yours, A.: 0. Crak*ford. air amd an. efficient beating system 'r The , Oht4ttan S0i6U4!0 M111I SOOM0 . � 01111111 . . I . . . I . I . . Leatl,* Mrs. lois MbLisflan, Mrs. Wm, - 44ello Evetybody: _.� ... � . I � I . I . . - HeI lRat 1; Afbi her wartime nurseries.^ Houses one, 146may sit"t, am" is AUI .d � , . . � Pe ", gi Plewe send tree "intoo eWu 4st " kelibb'M64 a "Zftw..,W,� I'll, "I III Mrs. .9. OhIPI AfIrs. Win. at'atiavv4t. to yftr gifts YoI kindly were chosen mear parks so that the � Pchriscip Science %I peltidihii a 0 a6h W Th.64"t . , " , " � � - ,� fi# J iwigii - I MI of YoUr WdLAW-Maikfte afttio* � , if , . PLOYMENT AINDARECTIVII I 1111VICE"'OF Kyle, Mrk W. 'Workm,'an; cigarette's ,Sent.to'me. I,gm so ` would have plenty' of. OPI t4AfAg�_-_��_�".i,�._���".�&4,ii,4,�,.�4. ��� . � . . . . . . . . . . . . � . 11 111, V -FA 0VA... '.. . , . ngstora . rbr lilikh, I owdiiii, ,i . . ­ I .5 ',�� 'It , ,-111. _�'.' � , . V - 1. ; I I rr,y I &*�-niot an- You "".4 . . . . . . . . . "I �� �,, . . I T1'k,­:. A - . 11 il I , , ­" 1** . __.-.._Z - ­ � I'" : 0044* � .1 , ..... " I � .. � , I 1. I . Uff fieblUtV -,p4iat Mrs. Vbrkinatt, ,S.W6r them Joisg Ago;�,I. kn4WA-, Alio.Uld portAmIty to play out of doors. Ulli- , I XbbR"s__.­A­­ -, ::::::::::­ ......"1111111 :: : '. I i . . . A- I., 1, ".10 ., :11� #_ ��, , � - � I �'. ", I -iii il_ 1.11 I I � ,_: -I � :t-"...1'.0-� 111. � ... 1-11.1, I . , - I . 1101 .. 11111iII11110", � . I , '­­ - Mmshtuo holti: the , _=__ I I I ......... ........ .... 16"i , i 11 -I " . iiiii I 2 . tft Ltft'00 VA604$*WW,0ftdmJ* oft-ktI ­­ --- -,__­� � ­ ­_ - ,; ." � I I � 1'r- � I , I , � �'t , -bit" I )"it 9w, Eavial , it 1.6 46� ­gy to ik* Wt I � .. � . � . . i ad )Nt. istj 6a xipooi 'f4kouse Vu. O"'j*11. __________-Z0- `- �­�__­�_��i, II� .. I � I . I I , ,. . � . I �,: 1.11 I . I 1. . . k$# . 0. � 4 , � . . 1, I - , I , , ; t '' . . "? . - ­ . .1 _.,-;�.4. . A . /` . I I � 11 I �, - 1,� �. ��., T 4.,Z' �; I .. , I . s. � � I 0 . I I I I I : .1, . I . . � � I I I . . . I V . . I'! � I . � � . .1 . . . . . . ... I .. ,� ., . . 1 ,.-7, -­ �, :' r .4 I I , . . I . . . 0, . I - .1 I'll I 1,1. . I , , ­ - "I .. . I I . . , . , � , v,. ", . ""'i U & . I . . I . I . � � I . ., "Z �,-V.,.,,�.. "'.� �, � I . I . I & . � . . I . *1 I 11.1'�:'%:_, . " Z �­ ­ , , , I . . . . ,.; "'t 11 "', 1-111111 ­ I 1, � . I, !;�.:. ..tli, . ,.�,. I ,�,? ,,�, - " ""', ��k,Ir �;II , �, � I ' - .� ., � . '. . . . " ; ­�. , ��., � I . . . . . . ! .. . . 1* .� 7 �,-. .1, ! . '' , . � I I VU, 11 , , I I ,� � I ". , . I - I . I . " . " , 8 . I , , , ' . "" , ��, , .� I . I I .., ., , .., �.: , � , ,!,_ �;7.1_. ); I, I. �i 1� I �),!,".�:!, A � E _11. . I � - ,,4,._.�, � - , � . , . .". �i._ , �I,ft, I h1V '­., . . . I , �, ., 'i . 42 Y',E A : _ � �:�.- �,­�P�'-*� �";j,;,,.�,',�w�,'*.'W Wi. '�� �-;, O..,; ... 'Z,4�'.P",�J': �� � j�,A��";'. ,1�1, ". � 1.1, , 11 , - 4. 1 . I", "_,I , C _ ,� ,,, � ,,,,.- , .'I I �� - . , , " . le` I I., - I _ ir , � . " - ` ' . - � ,. .pl', ­ . , _ , , ..... ;; ,, AVII, '�ll't"�'.'4111.11�,,�)i�,".'�T.,-.,),�-�"I e ,,�: , , I — _ _ - -�, .1-1 - M . _,. I � - - m h , I - - I �;;, " �I� , � . t,� , "'�, "a ,", "'.­ ,� � .., � , -� --�, 11,; ,� , .6�_,___`.11.11 .111 1� '111�1'-_11,r 1, �11�1,11"IiAi A �., �""I�..'�ll'I.",�i�rvIl'I'l�� 1,�"11;',.�, m-��, �I " ,_; �� ,';,�,wi x._,� �11t', 122&LLL������2,�� , I ,--�JN . "�_ , I ­.:-'! , ,_4). � ,� ,_ tg , , ,�', , ..II , k� 1\ . - ,V� - .1 . �,,(, I . ; ��, � ,. . I I i -.11 ' . ' , , 1� , , 11 , - , - ,,,� .. le" , ; '_ ,'� � ­ �, ��� ... 111:: I - - I . . I- .1 7 _�" 1.� � , ", 11 , -4. . 1�:. ... , . I .." I. - .. i ;,.., ,V. . X .11 ?.V � I � , . - " I'M I.. I ,_ .,� I I _: ;;I� � I `L'.��'l , :'Igil . . ` ;" I . . .. ,��,,�,!O , L , , �" I . . �,,,� I , NAI . ., 4, I �3� - !� - .. , 1""", I I - I 1. 1. 1". ­ - . , �� . ". T � �� I , - � 1, I I . T . I �. - 1! I " I � "' . � , , , , " , ­ "! L, I �.It �;��: , , : �. " ,.,� ,,;,.,!�� :I� . 1� '7 01"i " � . ,. � , I . 1. L' ,Mll.�k � _1-1'I." I I I .. .. - . . . IS. ery, rs. - 0 , I lates were -as fresh as ILL tUey had Ilse every &Ly and the Christmas gift fectious disease, a child is immedi- "Ill., , , . 4 . - - Jamieson, Mrs. Ion, Mrs, Row- just been made and a,welcome ch--�nge, is quite In use; it was really grand , 2 tqbiespoiins wild flavoiedfat . -4 j_ � I ately separated from the others until 'in boiling salted waterp " J." I . - -_ land, Mrs. B.. Shaw, Mrs. A. Moore, fromour English ration, It reallywas to get your parcel at Christmas time I the doctor arrives." , -Cook onions 1, �� "I I . . 'I- . Mrs. F. Kling, Mrs. D. H. Wilson, Mrs. ' I " t I A I.. . . ' . until jU:Bt -tender, about 20 minuiI . t.4 I . a super, box and ,several gpod feeds and every time I use .same it reminds � These wartimd nurseries have bee, 'drain. Remove and chop a porilon or *,.� . f .; �11 B. Syke6. - I I . I I , , I Assistants -Mary- Hays, Mrs, B. were enjoyed by a few girl friends mg of friendsi in Walton. I had a of tremendous value t; the British " I ? Nitional Selective Service the centres. Mix bread crumbs andl ' � . ,il ... .. . . . 1. Milliken. . and myself. The stove is the cutest "great trip from east,to west. We left war effort. - Parents living under war . . ,�'. . I ' V . � .,. . I f, I - Refreshment Committee --Mrs, F. 1. gadget and it really works. As we just atAbe storm hit -the east, at a seasonings, add metted fat and7 chd�- I �. e ;� - . I . . conditiont and Ion., working hours, i'. . I . ' . . 11 Bochely, Mks. H. R. Scott, Mrs. �W. have a fire going -irL fhe hut all tbe result we appreciate the Pacific coast ped onion and mix thoroughly Vath -a , �,�tt. I I are ralieved of any worry abHout thpir . . :��" ,, - I I . "I I Hay, Milss J. McLean, Mrs. 3, Bar- time now I will -save the heat tablets climate a great deal. I have w'oru. fork . Fill onion centres with the stufP ' . ,,,, , ' youngsters. "Now that the value of , I �,, , Toll, Mrs. J. A.' Murlin, Mrs. J. W- for the -summer, as ,it sure boils the � ""; 1. CONTROL . my great codt but very little, d rub ,,�:� .11 . � .� �. Free., . � I an - these nurseries 'has bein rekc,Dgnize4,lv fing, Place in a ,shallow baking disU . �. . , ,,, f .i. I .1 .. kettle in a �hurrY.' I spent 'Christmas bers a feiv times. The country here . -11 . I . 111:_, 1. . of , I SecretarY-Mrs' G. Teoutbeck; as- and Ne . w Year's in London a I nd had a is.*onderful; I like It very well. Look- the rp.port 'cancluded," "it Seems prob, and bake in a moderately h6t even, 1 4.11 , . . � , gistants, Mrs. F. W. Wigg, Mrs. 9. C.- able that they will continue'in some 375 degrees F., for 30 minutes. Six I 11 1.'� 11 . � . , I . , I .4 - . ' I ,Boswell, Mrs. I E. A. McMaster. real nice time. The weathqr- was Ing at the green grass and shrubs it measure when peace comes - again. Seivings. I . . i I . -1, ��,,�� � ,I ' quite..frosty at Christmas. but Is mild eoes not seem possible thit it Is* Jan- I ­- .11 ,� *11 . Receptionists -Mrs. E. .R. C ose, 1. I . . � . I I , A I)VFRTTP%TNC, . Mrs� J, MacTavish,'Mrs. J.. Beattie. again. It seems strange without nary'. I like my work extra �rpli. The I . . 4 , . . "I'll" I 1. i . 1. . �_ I . I _. . : I I .-.Now snow. Many thanks again for the barracks I am posted in Is -th6 tGriner .. ... . L " " . I I .. - - __ f lovely, box and best -of luck in the Nrancouver ,C.P,R. hotel, We fwevery 4 1, - In.accordance with P.C. �46, February. Ist, 1943, 208 (1)1. , "No', IKEPPEN 1. � New Year. Yours truly, Anna Ennis. well taken care of. Once more I . - I t person shall .publish an advertigemehit offering employment as an . I -�- . ,Overseas , Box Committee: Thanks thank you velry -much for your kind- . 1. 4 (I employer, or seeking employment as an employee,' except, pursuant The annual Red Cross - - meeting of a lot for carton of eigs I received Yes- ness .,and remembering me. I send . I � -_to and in accord'ance. with a permit -obtained f i%om a Sejective� Servle"e Ith � IS X.ippen. East Wbmen�s Institutb terday, so thought I -better write to- my best regard's to everyone and I , q I Offiedr.11 Wl�;DOW CARDS AND A= OTHER FORMS OF ADVER- vjas held at the home of %Irs. Glenn e8y. It is Sunday here and a r4al shall write to you �again. Yours very . . . I TISEMENTS for help must conform.in -their wording to Selective McLean on Friday, Jan. 19th, with 36 wice day just now. , it snowed real truly, Alice Forsythe. . . " . . . ilresent. This meeting took the form hard far a few' minutes a while ago, I . . I . . Service Regulations. , I I I I " of a Red qros� quitting and pot -luck go maybe we have had it for this win- I . -W . ... I I , . I t . . I in .� dinner, with four quilts being quilted. ter. The weather has been real nice �. . . I All forms of advertising for Part Time Help, After dinner -the election of officers I . . I -11 . . since Christmas, only cold, I hope Day Nurse'ries .. including: " I . - tookplaceaisfollows* President, Mrs-'- your winter isn't too .bad there. I . In 86tain , I _ 1. William.Kyle; ]Lst vice-preside�nt, Mrs- heard it was Pretty rough, eurly on. 1. � � '� ­­- --W,INDOW CARDS . 1 7 Mel., Traquair; 2nd vic.e-Presideilt, got out"of the hospital about a month I � V I BILLBOAltDS.. . . Mrs. W, Workman-, ,secretary-treasur- F.gii and feel pretty gooci again, and In wartime 'Britain, 'as in wartime 11� � er, Mrs. J. W. McLean; finance com- had Seven days' leave, so expect to Canada, hundreds of day , nurseries. __ . . .. . , . . I . � I . . I . . ,Pead, and Disabled Animals .. . . REMOVED PROMPTLY . i , PHONE COLLECT: SEAFDRTH '15 ' . . I DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential Wai Industry) . . I 9 I . � � I . mittee, Mrs. E. Butt, Miss Grace Tre b h for awhile before 1, go back and kindergartens have mushroomed I " ­ I -, � ­ 1. 1, - ... �,j ere 1. VIE'Dws".Ay' slan"� - n t�e , . HANDBILLS mobr, Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs, Gleia Slavi . into existence. .--- w.ft Dim! Am . � . , the other side for another crack I I f:__.�.= �, , I I . I . I I I I 14 e � '= -,, , . I WV411, emy *1 Dr. - , . PMICATIONS and Mrs. W. Workman; sewing com- s i Jerry. Maybe It will .be ovir be- . _�nl= I A"tht, 5�,,,w .. . � . I. , The BrIt4h nurseries are more than � IV 17 :r� I _, � � .. �f,ro then. W4 had a pretty gpbvd 1. .-, � _`W. mittee, Mrs. Alex McGregor, Mrs. W , . 0 niust specify in a manner not less than the main part Cole, quilting, Mrs, Hugh McGregor; . Ciaip,tmas here, plenty to e . at and a just a place where-industriaLl workers I I '. � I I knitilng, Mrs. .Win. Doig, Mrs. leave their children during working I . You will find yourself one of the best informe of,*,the advertiseinent that a' licants hav8, � W. concert In the afternoon, aut not as . : f, pp . hours. "They are creating a home , your community when you read The Chtiijigi I . ­ . � I . Workman; Overseas jam committee, good as beingb6me. News ilm'tevery atmosphere and are trying to build . Scienzpexo-ni,toi: koPlarly. You will find firesfit new vjev�Wji� )y Miss Gracer Tremeer, Mrs. W. Work- ple�ntlful here, so better sign I " , I "OTHER FULL TIME'EMPLOYMENT or in case . I tiff. Hope good eltizenA for peace," a recent re- I a fallei, rkher understanding of world Affairs . . 4 0uthfiti atth I - - I I . I mail; box packing ,committee, Mrs. �Ou all bad a good time over, th e " unbiased news. Write for sample copies. 146i , 1 . 'of "HOUSEWIVES, EMPLOYMENT IS LIMITED . John Sinclair, Mrs. Win.1-Caldwell, holidays, and thanks again for cigs port from Britain indicates,' . ,.. monib &ial subscription: . tOI at sen;r I i , 4 . TO TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS WEEKLY. 1� Mrs'. Eirl 'Sproat, Mrs. S. Dtoadfoot, and *18li-you lots 11)f luck ,for- 1945. Britain Insists on space, light, and " , . . � . � '. . . ., . - � - — � .... .�.� AIIIIIIIII� omm""4101ift IWO I . Vor further information con8iijt, �our nearest Mrs. R. MdGtegdr, Mrs, W. H. Me- Sincerely ,yours, A.: 0. Crak*ford. air amd an. efficient beating system 'r The , Oht4ttan S0i6U4!0 M111I SOOM0 . � 01111111 . . I . . . I . I . . Leatl,* Mrs. lois MbLisflan, Mrs. Wm, - 44ello Evetybody: _.� ... � . I � I . I . . - HeI lRat 1; Afbi her wartime nurseries.^ Houses one, 146may sit"t, am" is AUI .d � , . . � Pe ", gi Plewe send tree "intoo eWu 4st " kelibb'M64 a "Zftw..,W,� I'll, "I III Mrs. .9. OhIPI AfIrs. Win. at'atiavv4t. to yftr gifts YoI kindly were chosen mear parks so that the � Pchriscip Science %I peltidihii a 0 a6h W Th.64"t . , " , " � � - ,� fi# J iwigii - I MI of YoUr WdLAW-Maikfte afttio* � , if , . PLOYMENT AINDARECTIVII I 1111VICE"'OF Kyle, Mrk W. 'Workm,'an; cigarette's ,Sent.to'me. I,gm so ` would have plenty' of. OPI t4AfAg�_-_��_�".i,�._���".�&4,ii,4,�,.�4. ��� . � . . . . . . . . . . . . � . 11 111, V -FA 0VA... '.. . , . ngstora . rbr lilikh, I owdiiii, ,i . . ­ I .5 ',�� 'It , ,-111. _�'.' � , . V - 1. ; I I rr,y I &*�-niot an- You "".4 . . . . . . . . . "I �� �,, . . I T1'k,­:. A - . 11 il I , , ­" 1** . __.-.._Z - ­ � I'" : 0044* � .1 , ..... " I � .. � , I 1. I . Uff fieblUtV -,p4iat Mrs. Vbrkinatt, ,S.W6r them Joisg Ago;�,I. kn4WA-, Alio.Uld portAmIty to play out of doors. Ulli- , I XbbR"s__.­A­­ -, ::::::::::­ ......"1111111 :: : '. I i . . . A- I., 1, ".10 ., :11� #_ ��, , � - � I �'. ", I -iii il_ 1.11 I I � ,_: -I � :t-"...1'.0-� 111. � ... 1-11.1, I . , - I . 1101 .. 11111iII11110", � . I , '­­ - Mmshtuo holti: the , _=__ I I I ......... ........ .... 16"i , i 11 -I " . iiiii I 2 . tft Ltft'00 VA604$*WW,0ftdmJ* oft-ktI ­­ --- -,__­� � ­ ­_ - ,; ." � I I � 1'r- � I , I , � �'t , -bit" I )"it 9w, Eavial , it 1.6 46� ­gy to ik* Wt I � .. � . � . . i ad )Nt. istj 6a xipooi 'f4kouse Vu. O"'j*11. __________-Z0- `- �­�__­�_��i, II� .. I � I . I I , ,. . � . I �,: 1.11 I . I 1. . . k$# . 0. � 4 , � . . 1, I - , I , , ; t '' . . "? . - ­ . .1 _.,-;�.4. . A . /` . I I � 11 I �, - 1,� �. ��., T 4.,Z' �; I .. , I . s. � � I 0 . I I I I I : .1, . I . . � � I I I . . . I V . . I'! � I . � � . .1 . . . . . . ... I .. ,� ., . . 1 ,.-7, -­ �, :' r .4 I I , . . I . . . 0, . I - .1 I'll I 1,1. . I , , ­ - "I .. . I I . . , . , � , v,. ", . ""'i U & . I . . I . I . � � I . ., "Z �,-V.,.,,�.. "'.� �, � I . I . I & . � . . I . *1 I 11.1'�:'%:_, . " Z �­ ­ , , , I . . . . ,.; "'t 11 "', 1-111111 ­ I 1, � . I, !;�.:. ..tli, . ,.�,. I ,�,? ,,�, - " ""', ��k,Ir �;II , �, � I ' - .� ., � . '. . . . " ; ­�. , ��., � I . . . . . . ! .. . . 1* .� 7 �,-. .1, ! . '' , . � I I VU, 11 , , I I ,� � I ". , . I - I . I . " . " , 8 . I , , , ' . "" , ��, , .� I . I I .., ., , .., �.: , � , ,!,_ �;7.1_. ); I, I. �i 1� I �),!,".�:!, A � E _11. . I � - ,,4,._.�, � - , � . , . .". �i._ , �I,ft, I h1V '­., . . . I , �, ., 'i . 42 Y',E A : _ � �:�.- �,­�P�'-*� �";j,;,,.�,',�w�,'*.'W Wi. '�� �-;, O..,; ... 'Z,4�'.P",�J': �� � j�,A��";'. ,1�1, ". � 1.1, , 11 , - 4. 1 . I", "_,I , C _ ,� ,,, � ,,,,.- , .'I I �� - . , , " . le` I I., - I _ ir , � . " - ` ' . - � ,. .pl', ­ . , _ , , ..... ;; ,, AVII, '�ll't"�'.'4111.11�,,�)i�,".'�T.,-.,),�-�"I e ,,�: , , I — _ _ - -�, .1-1 - M . _,. I � - - m h , I - - I �;;, " �I� , � . t,� , "'�, "a ,", "'.­ ,� � .., � , -� --�, 11,; ,� , .6�_,___`.11.11 .111 1� '111�1'-_11,r 1, �11�1,11"IiAi A �., �""I�..'�ll'I.",�i�rvIl'I'l�� 1,�"11;',.�, m-��, �I " ,_; �� ,';,�,wi x._,� �11t', 122&LLL������2,�� , I ,--�JN . "�_ , I ­.:-'! , ,_4). � ,� ,_ tg , , ,�', , ..II , k� 1\ . - ,V� - .1 . �,,(, I . ; ��, � ,. . I I i -.11 ' . ' , , 1� , , 11 , - , - ,,,� .. le" , ; '_ ,'� � ­ �, ��� ... 111:: I - - I . . I- .1 7 _�" 1.� � , ", 11 , -4. . 1�:. ... , . I .." I. - .. i ;,.., ,V. . X .11 ?.V � I � , . - " I'M I.. I ,_ .,� I I _: ;;I� � I `L'.��'l , :'Igil . . ` ;" I . . .. ,��,,�,!O , L , , �" I . . �,,,� I , NAI . ., 4, I �3� - !� - .. , 1""", I I - I 1. 1. 1". ­ - . , �� . ". T � �� I , - � 1, I I . T . I �. - 1! I " I � "' . � , , , , " , ­ "! L, I �.It �;��: , , : �. " ,.,� ,,;,.,!�� :I� . 1� '7 01"i " � . ,. � , I . 1. L' ,Mll.�k � _1-1'I." . �_ I . I _. . : I I .-.Now snow. Many thanks again for the barracks I am posted in Is -th6 tGriner .. ... . L " " . I I .. - - __ f lovely, box and best -of luck in the Nrancouver ,C.P,R. hotel, We fwevery 4 1, - In.accordance with P.C. �46, February. Ist, 1943, 208 (1)1. , "No', IKEPPEN 1. � New Year. Yours truly, Anna Ennis. well taken care of. Once more I . - I t person shall .publish an advertigemehit offering employment as an . I -�- . ,Overseas , Box Committee: Thanks thank you velry -much for your kind- . 1. 4 (I employer, or seeking employment as an employee,' except, pursuant The annual Red Cross - - meeting of a lot for carton of eigs I received Yes- ness .,and remembering me. I send . I � -_to and in accord'ance. with a permit -obtained f i%om a Sejective� Servle"e Ith � IS X.ippen. East Wbmen�s Institutb terday, so thought I -better write to- my best regard's to everyone and I , q I Offiedr.11 Wl�;DOW CARDS AND A= OTHER FORMS OF ADVER- vjas held at the home of %Irs. Glenn e8y. It is Sunday here and a r4al shall write to you �again. Yours very . . . I TISEMENTS for help must conform.in -their wording to Selective McLean on Friday, Jan. 19th, with 36 wice day just now. , it snowed real truly, Alice Forsythe. . . " . . . ilresent. This meeting took the form hard far a few' minutes a while ago, I . . I . . Service Regulations. , I I I I " of a Red qros� quitting and pot -luck go maybe we have had it for this win- I . -W . ... I I , . I t . . I in .� dinner, with four quilts being quilted. ter. The weather has been real nice �. . . I All forms of advertising for Part Time Help, After dinner -the election of officers I . . I -11 . . since Christmas, only cold, I hope Day Nurse'ries .. including: " I . - tookplaceaisfollows* President, Mrs-'- your winter isn't too .bad there. I . In 86tain , I _ 1. William.Kyle; ]Lst vice-preside�nt, Mrs- heard it was Pretty rough, eurly on. 1. � � '� ­­- --W,INDOW CARDS . 1 7 Mel., Traquair; 2nd vic.e-Presideilt, got out"of the hospital about a month I � V I BILLBOAltDS.. . . Mrs. W, Workman-, ,secretary-treasur- F.gii and feel pretty gooci again, and In wartime 'Britain, 'as in wartime 11� � er, Mrs. J. W. McLean; finance com- had Seven days' leave, so expect to Canada, hundreds of day , nurseries. __ . . .. . , . . I . � I . . I . . ,Pead, and Disabled Animals .. . . REMOVED PROMPTLY . i , PHONE COLLECT: SEAFDRTH '15 ' . . I DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential Wai Industry) . . I 9 I . � � I . mittee, Mrs. E. Butt, Miss Grace Tre b h for awhile before 1, go back and kindergartens have mushroomed I " ­ I -, � ­ 1. 1, - ... �,j ere 1. VIE'Dws".Ay' slan"� - n t�e , . HANDBILLS mobr, Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs, Gleia Slavi . into existence. .--- w.ft Dim! Am . � . , the other side for another crack I I f:__.�.= �, , I I . I . I I I I 14 e � '= -,, , . I WV411, emy *1 Dr. - , . PMICATIONS and Mrs. W. Workman; sewing com- s i Jerry. Maybe It will .be ovir be- . _�nl= I A"tht, 5�,,,w .. . � . I. , The BrIt4h nurseries are more than � IV 17 :r� I _, � � .. �f,ro then. W4 had a pretty gpbvd 1. .-, � _`W. mittee, Mrs. Alex McGregor, Mrs. W , . 0 niust specify in a manner not less than the main part Cole, quilting, Mrs, Hugh McGregor; . Ciaip,tmas here, plenty to e . at and a just a place where-industriaLl workers I I '. � I I knitilng, Mrs. .Win. Doig, Mrs. leave their children during working I . You will find yourself one of the best informe of,*,the advertiseinent that a' licants hav8, � W. concert In the afternoon, aut not as . : f, pp . hours. "They are creating a home , your community when you read The Chtiijigi I . ­ . � I . Workman; Overseas jam committee, good as beingb6me. News ilm'tevery atmosphere and are trying to build . Scienzpexo-ni,toi: koPlarly. You will find firesfit new vjev�Wji� )y Miss Gracer Tremeer, Mrs. W. Work- ple�ntlful here, so better sign I " , I "OTHER FULL TIME'EMPLOYMENT or in case . I tiff. Hope good eltizenA for peace," a recent re- I a fallei, rkher understanding of world Affairs . . 4 0uthfiti atth I - - I I . I mail; box packing ,committee, Mrs. �Ou all bad a good time over, th e " unbiased news. Write for sample copies. 146i , 1 . 'of "HOUSEWIVES, EMPLOYMENT IS LIMITED . John Sinclair, Mrs. Win.1-Caldwell, holidays, and thanks again for cigs port from Britain indicates,' . ,.. monib &ial subscription: . tOI at sen;r I i , 4 . TO TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS WEEKLY. 1� Mrs'. Eirl 'Sproat, Mrs. S. Dtoadfoot, and *18li-you lots 11)f luck ,for- 1945. Britain Insists on space, light, and " , . . � . � '. . . ., . - � - — � .... .�.� AIIIIIIIII� omm""4101ift IWO I . Vor further information con8iijt, �our nearest Mrs. R. MdGtegdr, Mrs, W. H. Me- Sincerely ,yours, A.: 0. Crak*ford. air amd an. efficient beating system 'r The , Oht4ttan S0i6U4!0 M111I SOOM0 . � 01111111 . . I . . . I . I . . Leatl,* Mrs. lois MbLisflan, Mrs. Wm, - 44ello Evetybody: _.� ... � . I � I . I . . - HeI lRat 1; Afbi her wartime nurseries.^ Houses one, 146may sit"t, am" is AUI .d � , . . � Pe ", gi Plewe send tree "intoo eWu 4st " kelibb'M64 a "Zftw..,W,� I'll, "I III Mrs. .9. OhIPI AfIrs. Win. at'atiavv4t. to yftr gifts YoI kindly were chosen mear parks so that the � Pchriscip Science %I peltidihii a 0 a6h W Th.64"t . , " , " � � - ,� fi# J iwigii - I MI of YoUr WdLAW-Maikfte afttio* � , if , . PLOYMENT AINDARECTIVII I 1111VICE"'OF Kyle, Mrk W. 'Workm,'an; cigarette's ,Sent.to'me. I,gm so ` would have plenty' of. OPI t4AfAg�_-_��_�".i,�._���".�&4,ii,4,�,.�4. ��� . � . . . . . . . . . . . . � . 11 111, V -FA 0VA... '.. . , . ngstora . rbr lilikh, I owdiiii, ,i . . ­ I .5 ',�� 'It , ,-111. _�'.' � , . V - 1. ; I I rr,y I &*�-niot an- You "".4 . . . . . . . . . "I �� �,, . . I T1'k,­:. A - . 11 il I , , ­" 1** . __.-.._Z - ­ � I'" : 0044* � .1 , ..... " I � .. � , I 1. I . Uff fieblUtV -,p4iat Mrs. Vbrkinatt, ,S.W6r them Joisg Ago;�,I. kn4WA-, Alio.Uld portAmIty to play out of doors. Ulli- , I XbbR"s__.­A­­ -, ::::::::::­ ......"1111111 :: : '. I i . . . A- I., 1, ".10 ., :11� #_ ��, , � - � I �'. ", I -iii il_ 1.11 I I � ,_: -I � :t-"...1'.0-� 111. � ... 1-11.1, I . , - I . 1101 .. 11111iII11110", � . I , '­­ - Mmshtuo holti: the , _=__ I I I ......... ........ .... 16"i , i 11 -I " . iiiii I 2 . tft Ltft'00 VA604$*WW,0ftdmJ* oft-ktI ­­ --- -,__­� � ­ ­_ - ,; ." � I I � 1'r- � I , I , � �'t , -bit" I )"it 9w, Eavial , it 1.6 46� ­gy to ik* Wt I � .. � . � . . i ad )Nt. istj 6a xipooi 'f4kouse Vu. O"'j*11. __________-Z0- `- �­�__­�_��i, II� .. I � I . I I , ,. . � . I �,: 1.11 I . I 1. . . k$# . 0. � 4 , � . . 1, I - , I , , ; t '' . . "? . - ­ . .1 _.,-;�.4. . A . /` . I I � 11 I �, - 1,� �. ��., T 4.,Z' �; I .. , I . s. � � I 0 . I I I I I : .1, . I . . � � I I I . . . I V . . I'! � I . � � . .1 . . . . . . ... I .. ,� ., . . 1 ,.-7, -­ �, :' r .4 I I , . . I . . . 0, . I - .1 I'll I 1,1. . I , , ­ - "I .. . I I . . , . , � , v,. ", . ""'i U & . I . . I . I . � � I . ., "Z �,-V.,.,,�.. "'.� �, � I . I . I & . � . . I . *1 I 11.1'�:'%:_, . " Z �­ ­ , , , I . . . . ,.; "'t 11 "', 1-111111 ­ I 1, � . I, !;�.:. ..tli, . ,.�,. I ,�,? ,,�, - " ""', ��k,Ir �;II , �, � I ' - .� ., � . '. . . . " ; ­�. , ��., � I . . . . . . ! .. . . 1* .� 7 �,-. .1, ! . '' , . � I I VU, 11 , , I I ,� � I ". , . I - I . I . " . " , 8 . I , , , ' . "" , ��, , .� I . I I .., ., , .., �.: , � , ,!,_ �;7.1_. ); I, I. �i 1� I �),!,".�:!, A � E _11. . I � - ,,4,._.�, � - , � . , . .". �i._ , �I,ft, I h1V '­., . . . I , �, ., 'i . 42 Y',E A : _ � �:�.- �,­�P�'-*� �";j,;,,.�,',�w�,'*.'W Wi. '�� �-;, O..,; ... 'Z,4�'.P",�J': �� � j�,A��";'. ,1�1, ". � 1.1, , 11 , - 4. 1 . I", "_,I , C _ ,� ,,, � ,,,,.- , .'I I �� - . , , " . le` I I., - I _ ir , � . " - ` ' . - � ,. .pl', ­ . , _ , , ..... ;; ,, AVII, '�ll't"�'.'4111.11�,,�)i�,".'�T.,-.,),�-�"I e ,,�: , , I — _ _ - -�, .1-1 - M . _,. I � - - m h , I - - I �;;, " �I� , � . t,� , "'�, "a ,", "'.­ ,� � .., � , -� --�, 11,; ,� , .6�_,___`.11.11 .111 1� '111�1'-_11,r 1, �11�1,11"IiAi A �., �""I�..'�ll'I.",�i�rvIl'I'l�� 1,�"11;',.�, m-��, �I " ,_; �� ,';,�,wi x._,� �11t', 122&LLL������2,�� , I ,--�JN . "�_ , I ­.:-'! , ,_4). � ,� ,_ tg , , ,�', , ..II , k� 1\ . - ,V� - .1 . �,,(, I . ; ��, � ,. . I I i -.11 ' . ' , , 1� , , 11 , - , - ,,,� .. le" , ; '_ ,'� � ­ �, ��� ... 111:: I - - I . . I- .1 7 _�" 1.� � , ", 11 , -4. . 1�:. ... , . I .." I. - .. i ;,.., ,V. . X .11 ?.V � I � , . - " I'M I.. I ,_ .,� I I _: ;;I� � I `L'.��'l , :'Igil . . ` ;" I . . .. ,��,,�,!O , L , , �" I . . �,,,� I , NAI . ., 4, I �3� - !� - .. , 1""", I I - I 1. 1. 1". ­ - . , �� . ". T � �� I , - � 1, I I . T . I �. - 1! I " I � "' . � , , , , " , ­ "! L, I �.It �;��: , , : �. " ,.,� ,,;,.,!�� :I� . 1� '7 01"i " � . ,. � , I . 1. L' ,Mll.�k � _1-1'I." __ . . .. . , . . I . � I . . I . . ,Pead, and Disabled Animals .. . . REMOVED PROMPTLY . i , PHONE COLLECT: SEAFDRTH '15 ' . . I DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential Wai Industry) . . I 9 I . � � I . mittee, Mrs. E. Butt, Miss Grace Tre b h for awhile before 1, go back and kindergartens have mushroomed I " ­ I -, � ­ 1. 1, - ... �,j ere 1. VIE'Dws".Ay' slan"� - n t�e , . HANDBILLS mobr, Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs, Gleia Slavi . into existence. .--- w.ft Dim! Am . � . , the other side for another crack I I f:__.�.= �, , I I . I . I I I I 14 e � '= -,, , . I WV411, emy *1 Dr. - , . PMICATIONS and Mrs. W. Workman; sewing com- s i Jerry. Maybe It will .be ovir be- . _�nl= I A"tht, 5�,,,w .. . � . I. , The BrIt4h nurseries are more than � IV 17 :r� I _, � � .. �f,ro then. W4 had a pretty gpbvd 1. .-, � _`W. mittee, Mrs. Alex McGregor, Mrs. W , . 0 niust specify in a manner not less than the main part Cole, quilting, Mrs, Hugh McGregor; . Ciaip,tmas here, plenty to e . at and a just a place where-industriaLl workers I I '. � I I knitilng, Mrs. .Win. Doig, Mrs. leave their children during working I . You will find yourself one of the best informe of,*,the advertiseinent that a' licants hav8, � W. concert In the afternoon, aut not as . : f, pp . hours. "They are creating a home , your community when you read The Chtiijigi I . ­ . � I . Workman; Overseas jam committee, good as beingb6me. News ilm'tevery atmosphere and are trying to build . Scienzpexo-ni,toi: koPlarly. You will find firesfit new vjev�Wji� )y Miss Gracer Tremeer, Mrs. W. Work- ple�ntlful here, so better sign I " , I "OTHER FULL TIME'EMPLOYMENT or in case . I tiff. Hope good eltizenA for peace," a recent re- I a fallei, rkher understanding of world Affairs . . 4 0uthfiti atth I - - I I . I mail; box packing ,committee, Mrs. �Ou all bad a good time over, th e " unbiased news. Write for sample copies. 146i , 1 . 'of "HOUSEWIVES, EMPLOYMENT IS LIMITED . John Sinclair, Mrs. Win.1-Caldwell, holidays, and thanks again for cigs port from Britain indicates,' . ,.. monib &ial subscription: . tOI at sen;r I i , 4 . TO TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS WEEKLY. 1� Mrs'. Eirl 'Sproat, Mrs. S. Dtoadfoot, and *18li-you lots 11)f luck ,for- 1945. Britain Insists on space, light, and " , . . � . � '. . . ., . - � - — � .... .�.� AIIIIIIIII� omm""4101ift IWO I . Vor further information con8iijt, �our nearest Mrs. R. MdGtegdr, Mrs, W. H. Me- Sincerely ,yours, A.: 0. Crak*ford. air amd an. efficient beating system 'r The , Oht4ttan S0i6U4!0 M111I SOOM0 . � 01111111 . . I . . . I . I . . Leatl,* Mrs. lois MbLisflan, Mrs. Wm, - 44ello Evetybody: _.� ... � . I � I . I . . - HeI lRat 1; Afbi her wartime nurseries.^ Houses one, 146may sit"t, am" is AUI .d � , . . � Pe ", gi Plewe send tree "intoo eWu 4st " kelibb'M64 a "Zftw..,W,� I'll, "I III Mrs. .9. OhIPI AfIrs. Win. at'atiavv4t. to yftr gifts YoI kindly were chosen mear parks so that the � Pchriscip Science %I peltidihii a 0 a6h W Th.64"t . , " , " � � - ,� fi# J iwigii - I MI of YoUr WdLAW-Maikfte afttio* � , if , . PLOYMENT AINDARECTIVII I 1111VICE"'OF Kyle, Mrk W. 'Workm,'an; cigarette's ,Sent.to'me. I,gm so ` would have plenty' of. OPI t4AfAg�_-_��_�".i,�._���".�&4,ii,4,�,.�4. ��� . � . . . . . . . . . . . . � . 11 111, V -FA 0VA... '.. . , . ngstora . rbr lilikh, I owdiiii, ,i . . ­ I .5 ',�� 'It , ,-111. _�'.' � , . V - 1. ; I I rr,y I &*�-niot an- You "".4 . . . . . . . . . "I �� �,, . . I T1'k,­:. A - . 11 il I , , ­" 1** . __.-.._Z - ­ � I'" : 0044* � .1 , ..... " I � .. � , I 1. I . Uff fieblUtV -,p4iat Mrs. Vbrkinatt, ,S.W6r them Joisg Ago;�,I. kn4WA-, Alio.Uld portAmIty to play out of doors. Ulli- , I XbbR"s__.­A­­ -, ::::::::::­ ......"1111111 :: : '. I i . . . A- I., 1, ".10 ., :11� #_ ��, , � - � I �'. ", I -iii il_ 1.11 I I � ,_: -I � :t-"...1'.0-� 111. � ... 1-11.1, I . , - I . 1101 .. 11111iII11110", � . I , '­­ - Mmshtuo holti: the , _=__ I I I ......... ........ .... 16"i , i 11 -I " . iiiii I 2 . tft Ltft'00 VA604$*WW,0ftdmJ* oft-ktI ­­ --- -,__­� � ­ ­_ - ,; ." � I I � 1'r- � I , I , � �'t , -bit" I )"it 9w, Eavial , it 1.6 46� ­gy to ik* Wt I � .. � . � . . i ad )Nt. istj 6a xipooi 'f4kouse Vu. O"'j*11. __________-Z0- `- �­�__­�_��i, II� .. I � I . I I , ,. . � . I �,: 1.11 I . I 1. . . k$# . 0. � 4 , � . . 1, I - , I , , ; t '' . . "? . - ­ . .1 _.,-;�.4. . A . /` . I I � 11 I �, - 1,� �. ��., T 4.,Z' �; I .. , I . s. � � I 0 . I I I I I : .1, . I . . � � I I I . . . I V . . I'! � I . � � . .1 . . . . . . ... 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