HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1945-01-26, Page 1_____._ 1� , , : . , , , ,� - , .1 ". 1117� - , .; �:,, , ii. i'l 1. '­ � P. ��� ,. I �, . _. � - "� ,. I " , ,,,�il - i - I ,,� ��l : I , .11 *-4 " - ­­­` I �, �,�', lt� �: �,� � 1i �', " �,, X, " 1, " , � , , ip,i;� U;1111-lUli __� I il �_ , � ,p 1. 1, :, 1: I , , � ,. , 1 141�y 1 ��_. ..", -t 1_711 ��,-, I ''I — I ,- __ ;�� ;;, . - 1: -,�� , " �. . " V � ,.". - r ,�F% g ­, �5' �, � �� , ,�,n, ��'Iii- � ., . ., -,�,!_: --;:�'�,',,-1.',.P�,'." �11,0!1 .", , ­;. t I 1 45'5 l,'� " �': 1:1:� ,"' ""`�"Iq t ,i N,��i'&',, " ;11 '. , �2,, qgf;,�, , �, 1". �olll -,.-�164",, :',� � ,,�_ 11 , 11 ,�% . " , 4 .6 'I N � I I .I ., i"'? ,� 11, �,-_,,,-ti`1;"`,, `,-,� , �." I , , '. . .1 mm . I � , ., P i � � K, - , , .1 I ,!., . , ��;.! , I . �, 1: � � 1� , , , , ". , , '. " R, I ,� I 11 I " , � '. , . '. " i , " � 1�,��`�,.�,,' R , 11 �� "' "' , I � �, .. " � 11 " il_'D�`l §1,41"11 ��" ,��,"",7.,�"'��J"',,��" , , , 11 it. 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I . , ­ W. 60re., - i - .., , - ii -0 "," is,? - " '' Mrs. k". X " `� ' �, , y,*, jr -ig.4 -,"'' I . and " H� ,, - , ,, �. � -­ -io; .4! 1 . il,l : ­ . ." . � -11.1 !x , ,..�', sei .;'U ase Of 130, 00 -on $ , ,.r 11071ds' V, - I I I � � I � , .. ,. _ . . . O'ess q I i ' , , , , , �1 t I I 1. . r.. ,, . - I I I I . . . . . . � I 11 I . , I L A ''��,?,,,,�. , I � ,1. , � �, 11 , _ �, I -1 I �� , . �i , 0 . , �,�_em",'al!o pt"ecr ary. '! ... � . 001 , .,0r � _1 I . . Ms. E. H I ­ I ... . I . i,7, ­.t', ' L T - � . W -110"t I _�:.�,!;`, , , ... "I � � ,,, . I I . I '. � "L , , I I A�_ J- I � ,7. 1 1 �1. � I I,- � - - or %-, , a - 11 , F P; . r -id - 1� �, . ' '11MO-nday kod ' U 34�� � I P I " � ) I Eack . , ­� �1� � � it ' 1 : vouraging &poru . I.,tI.I., � 0 PRES. i,r P win . � _A , � I . ii ,00urhioy" � Mro. . . I . ON Mit f � � i4 � I— . , ".,�,�.' � ' � ..", - 15'EIVAI, . I - " . . . * N , . 1"r 4is ' ' ..I 11.111 I _0 VIEW � I " - , , � . , - � ­ ,To 'date thio. I . I 'O . , VE INQ . -p distri4V h ­ ,,;� i"', , . . 1. Lf,L__Q!F� . I, i0runtioO, wilt,on 6atur-', * : ).N`:i'� ., i ' 'X- , ".1 . .. . _ ..Danlel", . . . 'Q ,� ', , . I �, I'll, H T, I i . i . . - .1 :,��.:,-; _.ven ags , � , I , 1. ,, ."" 5P "I" �,� � � � I , '0- ]Mp.,� r I �.; �,,;,� � . ,,r I , in ii ­ ), ­�y,;ig I �,4, 1 1 . 0 the c9,dgq ,­.;�,,,� - Tbe-A al meet g of the Seafor , � qth;� " . I I GRANTS .: . I I ., of ,j,"r,", "A'; L . 1�1 an�� , ti�pI;atei HOSPITAL I ,Pirjende I '.m;;ny cold', 2MI�W-8 , , __' , I . Anu ..th PY�- P� ,, . , - , I I �� I I winters i . . L.. � � , - , I . 11 � . � "W: I , . � I , I I ,. I I � 1, ,�,, �17` , " " o, �',- - It. - . I . , , ,� . in,its, blot : , . , .,,� .�17 " lbranch -of the Ii6d Crosa,,lield Ili the k1pr -vPtw%'Jrth#4,y..,,4.� the 4,Q ­ 1,10 ". 0 Lions , u , Opyri ,go wplj'�JAS �, '�� 'r � 1', ,� �,"',',,,,, 1 $ .. ir . , We Members of the ,p , "W I � I ,,�'.',' . . . , 0. � 1. ., "' 4.A' " 11 . IT11'.." ARF,'. $7*00 EACH - I,& *_ I . --- ' the �torrnjest- * thie end Of, Iasi I — , -40111 - , " Ll `0 ,, -1 , I � . I . , Zarnegle Library an Fildan J4n. 19th, ', 4er, .0 , riAmy . I I , I . - 1, 1 -4 01 4 OPFICERS FOR I . . I . I, , �. � . celebrated Bgrng,:�NfgA -1, W . .��, ph, . _nq � A] ....., .� " � _i�,,,,, ,, I , h L ,= . . i , . . . . - .0,7al Style .. 'M a ,6 10 . .. , . I.", . . , . " M . week 't4t� main , ' I . r, �C]Arellc Q . ,. - I bj.QhWa�a r. �r for,. " ' , ailil, . " at their iewl-pagmt4Ty, YEAR ARE NAMED , , �d 'I " 0 � -revealed, .through tbe'yarlipus �reports __ 0040 i,,; , t `to6e J ' "�' . .,V.!�affng held. in , � I . 11 R " .- .ff'fi�ll d �J)Dr t "Ipt 4bg AtAts co I 41", " ... . county roads Ila ' ' I :Xr: Wil"n A1JaT1,r,R,q . - 1, ' I 'the splendl � woric 4hat -has bap . " nP u U9 Session on Friday ,,a . , d, _ , n hc- 10," h""T - '14. Jrii full' posoe'sil'Orl . 70-een a ene. �_ � , 7'� UP q A .of , the Pariah 4P - 110mas' Angli. L * P ,� eOwVk11s4"'dur1n-g the pa ' . aftaru,00A. Huron "County, Council ei�. , , Of, ft'�iffl " : __r�_� . I But the sWrM Will . . erOes- a neet of", tru $1 - al I . hat'Vthe�'faetfltlea and, eNq can Church. On. Mouda;y�, i6vening. .1 . � . bil raged the - . . ya , I First Presbyterian s first three da � . rather: thililing, p�p # A , , Orited the rbtiolnhi4 11 �,q, � ' , � , � . d beln#% able to U.,up pnda& of the ex- The meeting Was Ys Of thiii week coni_� , i The, SeAforth branch of the Red ! 906 � - 110alt-6,.. I . 1. I . I _ lm_,�)j*e Of Lions The , rIV.fng to W . 1 � 7 0 �Vr'.V .. . I ,'.. ecutive committee -i�, Increase the Sal- 6. D. P6 ' , annual meeting bf First Church bl6cke 'While �d � 14di­1­'W _ I'L L%, - , " � 11 , . . �jflw 'd , erA6SS _ pnd e.. about every day. Many. . rgusion and' .pletely d thein again, and I 4. 1 11 AQV.*��, ': I Y I � -arles, of "' .4�,�.�,Cj Crick with was held in the'gehool room of- thd only A few' concession roads a re . , dt turnitpa,., ­ . ,,- ,, ,..::,,; 'J� 7;�'--��,�41 1 i comprises, The Town of',..Sba . - congratula- Clerk' NO.rlma�� Miller and Mr. Crich In the 'chair.' .'!rhere was a ch � I . � _411e, ,1?;q "" k", . I forth, Constance, Duff's, St. Coluim� ., Jriends .w.10 - extend, . - Treasurer .A. H. Erskine "by $300 to lai I . 11,r0b.-911 Monday evening, open to hors 'Vv driv. .�aL,:,�A - � *,,,&� . . ' " bars ind, a with an Jan.. 22nd, ?e and sledgh traffic. W., . I i, , tions and beat wish , on . as. ge attendance Pf 440 , ,t , ban, Walton., Winthrop and WomeWs I . I . .* A im4sor , M� AA , ., . . $2,600 each. - . attenda"q, Of %", On Thursday mornin , V�tl- 11 I ustitute. I . . I I - . .. '11.,��' , arl.y �100 .. , g .,the ther_ , I .- k'."1* 11 11i 19 I - ; .. - . , , * number of interestpd� -gu � - . members... - I ' were ero,Wded'In__ %t_,� ,�,'�'. ,r,�­ 1. � ' . ,p, ,., , � .. - s - George, James, carib. During, ' "' Mometer �eglstered , vi " I i a' � 0 0 ; 6 0, 6 � , rho. salarr of " �s �_- I I I " .16 I I tlie 6ven149,t*P ne* welli- Rev. R. a. Willi ' . ". ,�,Y­ ,, . alms, the minister, ' and 4t has' registered ievera-1 de. - a truck and trailer 'dr1tlh' I froni, ,, . g 11 ' 11, ", I . 1, Be -low is a brief sunim ry: of the _ . . � taker, 'W4*s iherieased from. $1,200. to bers were . lntr6du;'d,,, R v C. F. .4 opened .the., meeting with, a hymn OPPOSItO,'direetioll � laoigr ­" , ' r f "rki as given by the convener of — , ' . I of M,SSL E'VeIM .. . I grees below thait on different *0 * L" t :jh& x ' o . , I � .11� , I - I 1,, .00t. , a . 11 , ��a .1 I 11 $1,300; that" , a a ,,' . . I - gin t, : 91 � TO, I- I � � O� . 1, each ccilnlnitt�e: � I .. ' " ' ' Cooper, .,Gilbert and J A I Id, the in- reading Of ,,SCriptuxe Vmd prayer, at. sions and 'gives. eVOry. indloat upsetting the trUck'4 I 11 I -11 . .. eour roPorter,.to $1,200, and, or Mi�§ doct on I Ion aA-d,�,,§pjWng. .� _,,I�, _g I , -1 ."l, . �,'Ii Mrd. 4. ', MacTa,v4y1s prurchagila - I be4 'made b�'zLion C. 'E. tar which Mr. Robert Smith -war, ap- ?f doing it again tons of ,turnips I -he dit h .',�' , I I . , . I Margaret COi]1Pai',. Atenogr�phek to Smith. I . I . . by, Friday. rnor . Into t C . L a - edininittee-3,714 yards of Mate.1-1 . _ i WINTHROP RE! DCROSS ' t ' , .. . .. I . Pointed chairman and Mrs. J. B. Rus- Ing. , - . n- 11r. Reid .... And hig ,c ,� . , .�'y 't, " � I , , . . " � I .. .1 . . ,4 $900, an, increase of $200 and - $120 Lion , . I . I , ompanion � r '�IA 0 , sew'.Ini; 5181/� lbs, wool. for knitting. . . John Beattie ,P�oPose3' t h d sell,, secretary. ' � ! , �.,,A:,il)' respectively. . ­ . Jack NiebolsOI1, of Seafor,ill ,craw -6 � ...." , I . I . .1 , i .�. i I ... ,� .. 11 i..." R "... :. _.j."'. 11 - . . . .t&�st t(>'tie.grea� 1$bot#4 poe't, R�b_ The �ep6rts for the past year 0 1 Out of tile - 6 , '' .1 .111 � Mrs. A.' W. Moorels. .,'.eoImm4tee ANNUAL MEETING- The a _ "k . f 0'. * 4D ca to safety -and, wera-,, � 4:k .1i. .111. Xicispital supplies, 2,77i articles.; Brl� . . essional pay., of the gountytbie 'Burns 0 1 �, p�y,jf,' "' �1' ".. I . _ . , and -tire Haggis -was �.car_ the varidus, �h�rch Orgallizations were. . hot"hurt,'but It took them four.h.11�.._, �1� . . . 11 Gum � 81111111 ..... 11 . � t. . . - "I'll, � . � ! ��;. . . councillors was raised to, --$35, and; to ried in in. tmid-itio'nal fOr,m by Libilf. readand showed'inerease'd interest in . _: to gather up the turnip ­., . , ,.'­.'' . f, Vsh civilian clothing, 1,463 artiqlep. . — . I I . I � I I I a ., i I I. N ;;;; , , 4 . . . Mrs, 3. M. McMillan. and *Mrs. W. C. Reports, I $7.00' per day for commit -tee M -eat- Jackson. and Kling, whila-�the address 'all'. the church's activides, as well a ' A Church Holds Vestry Meat�". . . ... .. .. I ) -� . Show Excellent.. ings. , 1. .. to the Hag I . I � . -., .� 0_..­­� ��.,''. � # , . a ln4 , . . , , gla, was made In masterful . . ,� ., tj� . .� I I ,��_. ... I . I I � . . Barber'S:-- knitting committee - 1,335 , I ... ;an increase in givings in.all branches WILUAM SE 6 St. Paul's Anglican Church ve.4 ., . ", . � Grants authorized as recommended 'foym by Mr. li ' ". ii Z ,� _­'41�,,,U.N i� 1-mitted articles. ' . Work of Society; Raised . . L. Reld." - Of church work. The total c � 9 was held on jan� h, 1;4,��.,ttf'1111'!�7� ;111"?, ' 'patribu . ineetin . 21st''wit _­V�ttw ., I I ," P ". . I . by the executive' co'mniittee were: .11 � . ". 6. ,f4 . :.�111, J t Mrs. Adli. Reid's quilt ecimmittee- $475.06.LAA YeAr, ' . The guest speaker was�. Rev j E tioll. for 'all Purposes during, 1944 was Pay. A. M. Hunt as ch�aijrmam.. ,aports -1,.;,%;,,V..01 I I . . V,,'.-, . I .4 .. . .. 1 $100 to each County Fall Pitdr; $10.0 Hogg, of Seaf6 , , , , $2,9m:- . AT W6re"read from . --4 , I I 00. ­ ,0 . � .1 ,.,�.4:4�1. I MV 1 263 quilts and 190 tops. don�ted. To- I . 1. _' rPh, whosa addre a on 4 , . . PICTON HOME the treifafur6_r,_VV,,A.,� %M", � . I - . four M ' � � . I I.., '. .. :i ". ., . � � . - Guild, Missrbn , �.:i -1;1��` . I �- . .4,t��5,,Z . 11 . I to Wingham'Horse Show;' $106 each the life of -Burns was, not only orIg- _ Tha mbers Of the ]3oa'rd of -_ . And, Special' Atroulit, , �.�,�,"I, tal valliii $695.00. . � . I . , a I � .. and'all'sho � �.. � ,f,�j_ , J I Mrs. , . . I The andtial meeting of ,the Wilathr to South and North Huron Plowmen's inal, but thpughtful,,fliterestilig -and -Management, M. A. Reid., Frank Kling, Letters� � 1) W;d'a balance on hand. " � . .. t;�4�j��',�", , .�t J. ThowpBon"is surgical dres OP I v . , . I . -.11-A, . d, in ayA I_ ­ I Ing shipped; 6-350. , ' Of Officlils for 1945 , 11'� i , ,� , Ing -surgical dressi a' Red Cro�s unit was held in the school Associations, Pro filing they ,hold a eloquent an -the win4V of -his audi- Q. D. Ferguson And K, Af 'McLean, ' - on Early W ere i'�ir,.;,�"," . . room . .. . . � appointed, ,ar4 'i �.` �,,' �.. , f ,of the church on Tuesday, after. *Plowing match "' .0 . �1,�,,: �.:,� ,� . . .1 .V i ... I 'expired, were re- This Distriet'.Are Well f" lidws: Peoplels' Warden,:.' ML, � '_;,�, . . 31170. F."Br�ugger's and Mt -w T'El- . . it 1945; $300 to Sal- q.nee had but a single fault -its bkev. %�hdse term Of office , ,�Im i i B ' noon, Jan. 16th, with 15 ladies p as- vation Army; $300 to the' Canadi , , 'L,�'t . r , j. I .�,� ,��, .� . � - I . . I g'm I . gle's Jam -committet-,--Total i. pounds .� an itY. Mr. James' To -Scc�,� accompan. 'Appointed for'a 3 -year term, and the . Henderson; minister's ward j L .1 V ":, I , I .. " . , � ant. Twa quilts were completed. The National- Instit' Remehibei en"Mr. R.-.. _i,,o .1 red. , ,,�..�,V. I � - 6,04. ' . P ­ or ,: C. ith and M. A. . � . r. A -_I, ' , :'���',�!Z�, � skipped, . life for the Blind;- $206 .led at the � lano -by tlum�.,j. M. Scott, former audit a 'Re - H. 3fiddleton:. vestry. clerk, M .,��ij. p ; secretary gave a summary. of ithe to the B be Wate ; . I I .- a; I I I .�. , � 1, .. . � .secretary-freasur� M- a M, , r, , J'� - , ; .i " ;.i . ., : Mon; $25"'eath to 'three district *o" ' A Vote of thanks to t Mr. , .' "Editor and manager & i4, Pie -, to'Sy, ' "' 'a 1�%`%'�,�, , _ .. . Dr. F.', J. .Burrow's Blood Doliors, ll(eetiligs,'Aiild. � , I r High*ay Associli- gave two deligbtM Scotth. solos. Reld, W6.re also reappointed. ­ — . Cas * � ... � i, VIWc Cdm,mittee-9 clinics' held, with . , . iie ladies of The resignation of - M. McKel . _to, Fee; dileg,J od'� Mr. - I� Scot�­ ,,,, ". J1.11. . a . b . I . : ... . .. i, �,,,, '.. �...! ji"V .1 a total of 1,306 blood,'dono . . I , Trpasurerls , report: To,, Seaforth men's Institutes; $25 to'eadh library St. Thomas' Church forlbe bountiful .1 r, who #as. been a most a , iVl2 to 1943, William -Mr- A. L. Case; Audd�:, *. ,,�;,;?',,��s, , . . . fficient, Times from su deleg.4te. . .1. _% ,'.� , ,6:, � I 1. I 11; a I � 'kia,rich, , - , ,,$21; and $15 -to Luc o , library; ,$25 to , ears, was ­ , I membership donations, k2 IV . Steet, 81, died at his home,in Picton . . L ­ I dinner, proposed .,by j4cin Harold , tors,-. Messrs., H. Lawrence and R. H. . ' ­��4'4, ;� i MISS Mary Hayg's packing commit. don�ficiu from S,.§. No. 12 McKillop, each scl�ool'Palr; $2& for flowers I . . . '�_ � . . . . . I . � tee -18 shipments With'a total ,of 88 fI " ,'' on Saturday. " Surviving ar Middleton;, orgafiisi, Mis I'll .... . � L for Jackson, and graciously responded, to reluctantly accepted, and Mrs. �Ohn e a $,on, , . ,.a ' ­4."-�, � � , I . . '' 8 - M Mae . - . . Ethel - ": "W I �. Tavish Was appointed to fil Arth aughters, Mrs. Thos. �. ­ I - -11 , 0; Jam 'fund,' -$4O.00;. io Re�a C * and the . .. .41' Cases. 4, , f..' . . U.Ti; clonationg for cobifort -bags, Peds around Court HOU a; , f 500 to by r's. Goo . rge McGav li�, and two d " ' Clark;, caretaker, Mr.. W. -, I t sb�8, ' I that (5tterbe ' , - '��'i : . _ - Mis- W.- V.'McLeali, 'P.O.W. Lialsom, , -_1 1. .S_ _­ . . . - roao; the agricultural ,representative, and singing �tif 'it) Iganada" ft h office. . I . . . Lighthall and Miss Mallon Steet, all I . Died in Toronto , in. 4 1 ;. 1. �If� . I ,.. 1 $�23.25, to eaforth Legion, ,$�5.00; $200 'jo Jui�16r_­E�jtensl - . ': pug t to a . , I." I I I 1, .. � � It was th�B of Picton. � . . Word was recelved�.iu Hens -all of , '�"'�-'�,� � I , � It , oil, fullo; $100 close f the most into eat ng an4 . ullaPilnQua decision of . .11 ( , . Officer -two. Prisoner& in Germany.,' to.­14avy Ledglie, $25.00; to Milk to tq. the, Holstein. Club; $40 . each' to 1 i one O' _r I the ine'eting to Purchase a new pipe I . J -p, 1, . .1 �_ I , , SUC 11 gL G , .1 � � , -e death. Of William Blatch a I . . 'c . ' , gincindville. . ford, of i.�,�,.,q,.,��, - $25.00.'. ' Total $4,75.06. , Clifford,,- L - orga . of ploneiar Parents, and spa St., Tbrontej.- -who '. .'$. 110kirk, sob, of Mrs.: Bar, Britain Fund, easftil Burns' night%b� the history Mr. Steet was borij in E ' th ,? Itha, HtLbkirk, Seaforih; and S. F.. Dry . . . Ackilow and Klrkton pall of the club. " ' I n for ,the' chu rl� .10 Gkes' � .,.,�t . .. - I'll .. . ' . . rch, and, a bommit. it his da . 1`111 ,. . 1. - ... . ­ . . . died in. t ::�' �� " , " - . .. . alls, son of Mr. -and Mrs. E. W., Bry� I lwrs. -E, Tciil,,-�fec.-Treas. Pairs; $50 to dildren's, War M�m- , . .. . tee composed of Mrs life in that 'Village. Aft�r iearni.nX a Toronto hosbital oni:Priday follow- . I ... . . � -� . I � ' H. R. Scott, i. - .., . '.. ans, II.R. 2, Blyth. . . I - Se,kng ;.Report: Beiijackets, 22, orial Hospital, $1,000 to publicii . --:_9 ------ , G.. M t . the printing . trade at The Huron. Ex- lug a few'weeke illness. Mr....Blatel , . . ... .1 � , , . � ' ty k . . . ullen, Harry S awArt, W. A. . I . - ., ­�., .."L. " � I I . . . . . , ,".1 . I I Mr. J. C. MacKenzWs campai t. lidles� coatsi. size 46, 9, pyjamas 76, bommittee; $50- t6' -sick Childrall's C. P. Sil L .' I � WTIght, Dr. E. A.' 1. positor, he joined -the staff of the ford re . . .,t � N - gn BPray towels 6, .,triangular banda 04 , , , , McMaster and M - ai'dt% near Exeter - for many ", ',,�� - i. coolinittee-Mr. MaCK H&PItill; $25 fee to bntaxi6 munjej. R. Rennie, 'was' appointed to obtain Picton times, th�n'.otwned and edited Years before taking I . . I . enz"o' 'had a IO, abdominal bandages, 57, hot ,Wages . S-114 i :8 . . ilp residence .in : : '-- I . most successful Year,. the. amotint L. of ter Pal -Associa on"; $I,oOO to Huron . I I ,information and Prices with a vi I ew � . rothet Toronto 30. yeare ago,* where h, . .1. "11, . I i ft . . . by the late John' McLean, a. b a con- ; , ,7::�,,i,'?,.', ;. A, .. ��_. L 1. * f , . 4�-� .d le boys,, shirts I Mon-th to. each, Huron County police . I , rm . �11: i 1,71";r" I ., .1 ]money ralseif excee ing that'ratised 11" litt 11 ' 'JD having a new o of*thb late. M. Y. .McLean of The ducted a elfain of stojea,� M�s. Blatch_ .* :.4 i, . I hottle covers- 19i babies' night gownd County Library A,ssociatlon; $85 per. Boa" d 0 rgall, ,� - ft Previous years., . 0, iittle boys!. k � _ , :aix an , ' Installed dst xi itor, aid for I . -ford died In. Toronto -a,, I .. . ­�, , ,A7�,i` '. 1. t I . . . I 1. soon as Possible., -, . 13 pog tiver'dixty Christmast . � ��,.�� , , i , I I i� 1. I . I . ' . . ,- 111.1�� 11�_, I � ,�_ c9ats '6', PaIrSOnal Propert: , bagal��. ar I . . 1, I . a . . . . I . -4, . ' ; �, Y' . Thorerls',-atm�mw iiPiw1blic �Pi�6-. - ­ � ` " 'r -, 50,; officer, for C -allow..4lice; - $200 -to - Following the meeting, a delicious Was Identified with that P i'aar, Eve � . L8urvMng are a nUm6or Lot eon- . . . 1. !;,:...: . 044�1:r - , _�, . , , ,aper. .: . ­:%" I I . . .., J 'part ',c �=a L I I I 1�-.. Pie 1it. OnIbedai6ba; are, much A60111161nations-.1,341. __'hii2d,ki�ic�gf,6& .4w,, `6rinton-'spring Show; 0 . The iftiingutal nagi�jvii�,.#*., J�li,." I 111U611 .Was. Uthougli ,the _' ,f "lits sins .b,t atchford Ili ,ueilflali � '�'." ' ". b ' in�'neecl Comb ft 6 to, 116lisall - served by the ,wenibe . � idr.. i�l ' � . i-nla ol Board w4hold. last the Ladies, Aid. I 1. re of kit� ill.­P�661�,t� . .. � -'I I - Ocilla - Of waist and button-oa 'Spring Show, and $25 to Hensall,Se�d Separate geho -, ., , gi�e#%r ­ . Z-- - I . _ _­'i..E."), ­ . I - ` Vic - ., , Ift 14 .. -, t.. � IV141­1�,&gnr Ylv�.,;� '41.1", � at clothillg,,-'�nctluding knitted good", pants 8,: waah �� . I ,life W", t Sp n, r. -'Steet �U`rrouudlng�' ­ 4 1 iRnd many letters of reqliests'powe t, I I cloths 28,,. diapers' 5, Fair; $700 ,t6 each hospital in the week' at the school when. appoint- . Northaide United Churc never 'lost iliterest in' his birthplade Vas held in Toronto . . ­­_ � . h.. Lon Monday., Jan- .". ' - , I 0 kimo-nas 14, pillow 'cases 22, pantie county, to be paid when their 1944 ments for the year were, nUde and as in the number . or, in the people of this distr t . 22ad. .. I "A". '. L the Red Cross. If there ire others d ' Increas ' ic , Ev uary I , � �. � resses 28, Pinafores 10, bed socks. 82, . � I of families, _ . 1, �11. . - 11 , Wh -t or sew, your : . audit is Presented. routine business discussed,. ' I embers Of the congregation and .8un. . a I : . 0 calf find tinip to kni . I L in ery year he spent a few day' *in this Recent Bride Hon' .� I t I rompers 7, surgical' boots 68, girls, ,Deputy nee � I ored , . I ­� I ve Attridge asked that ' C. P. Sills was elected chairman for day School, together with substantial locality, and his contributions to I . ....'. ,.�. I assistance will be Inuch appreciated blouses, sizes 10 and 14, Q; ladies' concurrence b .... . . . The COUIPIIIP�enting mrs. Douglas Hugh- . . ., 11 ., a expressed in the reso. the year, P. J. Dorsey, treasurer; J. increases, in'the current funds of 'the Dougall, a i 1, I I �� L , I . , and -waterial far work Will be suP- bloomer, 14, ladies' night gowns .35, lotion of Northumberland and Durham J. Cleary, secretary. Other members congregation and in the Missionary Pie were among thei most interesting recent bride, some sixty neighbo . " I V 51 . Plied. I I . . I Expositor on Pioneer days and peo- 1 -on. the forimer Dorothy I . rs'ans. -ta \1 s,16epers . 21; - Mrs. Chawli-Ors, Con. requesting that la i0ab,pidy be given to of'the board are John NJ and entertaining, features. this Paper fri " par.L I'll, . 1, . I i At, the meeting it' -was decided 'to vener. . gh, Arthur ,and Maintenance Fund, were features ends met at� the .home Of her .. I .. . � �.. , ,. . honor Mrs. E. H. Close'and Mrs. A. .tcwms aid: villages for road wainten- Devereaux and Gordon -Reynolds. of the reports Presented a� the annual has eier been Privileged -to Publish. eLtS, Mr. and Mrs W. R. Dougall, . of . ­," .,� � ­- . � �: I . Knitting Report: 31.prs: socks', 48 anee the, Same. as is .received ,by the Miss Alice Daly and Dr. .M. W. meeting at NQrthsiide Church held on Mr. Steet's la�t visit to Ray" ' 1. _ . . I The Ex- . On Friday evening last and- held . I , ,.�t , . ,. � . W.. koor'i for the responsibility they toe.'eaps, 2 seamen's socks, rositor was in September o a Diiesentation- in her honor. , During , '. -, " , i` . . _ , . have shouldered Since L the re 1-1 turtbi- townships.- Mr. Attridge poilited out StaPletori-were appointed reDresent.a_ Thursday evening, Jah. l8th. , Ross I . f last year . 1. . , I . . ing of -the Seaforth Branch of organiz- neck sweaters, 4 round -neck sweaters, thatthis would represent a total rev. tives oil the Carnegie Library Board; Savauge, church treasurer, and John , aiid he was then In excellent -health the cou"rse of tle evening. Mrs. Hugh- . . 'L' .. , .. I.. .. , .... ,�, . . the Red 12- prs. gloves,. 15 - sclirfp, 19 helmets; enue to the urban municipalities in W. J. Duncan, represen Finla'yson, Missionary 6, -its. His death will be deep- ' i, 'A, -. Cross in, September, 1939,. by having . � . . ta-tive On the . nd Uainten- and 'sph son was presented with a coffee-table . . it . , . � . .their-mames. sent to the Ontarl' 'I Pair lady's otookings,_16 prs. mitts Huron of: $14,�5O.. I . I Collegiate Institute Board, and John ance Fund,, co ly regretted, not only. by The �xp6si- with a'glass top and purse of money, . , . 1-..", . . . 0 DM- 7 PrS. 61Y,!...siockings, 5 pre, bo, ,' The rec nimended the con.grega- . , � - . �' 1 islatia for "The Badge of Service." . YS ommendation tor, but by a host of old fri�nds I ' the adqress I I ... � I . Mrs. not to­-Roncur, Cumming, truant officer. ' . tion. for their-juterest and generoaity. . n being read by Mrs. Geo.* . . . a I... � . . I � L .... ... . s � Close is beginnIn - sixth year as Mitt$`-Rth I McClure" Convener. which was contained Ili the legisia- In spite of extra requirements for re. this district and many others, who Armstrong 'and'p . i. � , . w . I I - . . . 9 her T�irty quilts. -Mrs. � —0— had� come, to know him by- ills inter- 4v,rs. - A. resentation made by, . . , � . . president of the. orgaiii . Battles, Con- t've committee'S report, a' pairs to the exterior of the church, W, shirraY. Progressive .� I ... 1. I .'I " Both . I "i, ., . zation. . nd which I L . L . vener. I had been ,adopted, was rescinded, .and . 1. there was a b E-Stinj articles Ila ,this p ' I euchre was f' '� % : ",_ - ladies haie not oaly'give�- freely of The 0E .. . , . alance on hand 'to be- , . . aper. I . . . eatured,. first p�iza, going . ...., . . 11. . I ,�, , : ollinatinity Box Committee, concurrence was..accorded the resolu- gin a new year Ili the local work 'and , .� *_ 1, . "Visa I _... . _:!.: "I . their time, but -have carried the re. ' -- .. to .- Mae. Taylor and consolation . I � ,� k. 6130usibilitY of much, -as well. with Mrs. P. Little as convelier, re� 11011. . I 4 1 . . the Missionary objective 11 . to Mrs, H. Paber. Refreshments were . *� , ' . t . (10011tillued 0n'F&j9'e 4) : PoKted boxes of cigarettes and choco- ' J. B. Reynolds, county Jailer, re- - .1 I I L reached. . . .. I , ,,erred. ' ' 1. L. . �*� !.It , I . .. . lates, sent to thirteen boys and one Ported 63 Prisollets, in 1944-49 men / In the department of religious edu- (Cont,inned.ort Page 4) . . . . .�', - . . I - - I . .1 �L , . .- e( I , 0— girl overaleas, and eight boys In Can- and four females. The c at of daily I " I caflon; Ernest Clarke presented the RED CROSS.,BLOOD - , . I . � . . ada. I 0 Id. I . . . —0— . .:, . ' ' ' * I . ­ . I ' rations for each Prisoner was 18% / 11 report of the Sunday School, Ira H- ... � 11 ., I t �. Offleer.15 fbr 1945 are:' President, cents. There are now three priskin. L _ weectmark that of 'the' Tuxis Boys; A I �.: �, �� i! �* Farm Forum I DONOR CLINIGHELD Wounded .' L, . I m - Mrs. T. Battles.; vice,presideni, Mrs. ers. .. I TROOPSk Work'and Eleanor'Weaver for the Y. I Uri . I ,, "it I I James Hogg; aecretary-treasurer, Mrs. R.' - , . _-7- 1 I . I I .:: I .i Holds Meeting E. Toll; ' I O.- Staples, inspector of public I P, Union., All reports Showed gains L I it - I 41 . . . sewing convener, ?4rs. Chain- ,Schools In, ,South Huron;., in a brief 1. in attendance and in offerings for lo- Volunteer Donors Number In Ital , .., ; I 0 , Wrs; sewing for Circle 1, Mrs. Bet. address, suggested, to the council4hat The following- letter. have been re- cal and Missionary purposeS.L. � I — , 1. . y , , , �:.J , I " . I .. The Farm Forum of the Huron ties, Circle 2, Mrs. Russell Bolton; when discussing the public 102 in Spite of- Roads . . . L, � , , I health c,i,ed by the Seaforth Branch of -t In the sphere of W`omen's work, the rs. 'R. McPherson, of Sea-forth;has . . � � : 0 -�V . Highway beg4li its winter series 'of Circle 3, Mrs. G. Smith; Circle 4, Mrs. Frevein I %e IV I 11 , t ve servee, they guard agaust -Canadian Legion: Woman's Missionary Auxiliary, the and Weather. received oftiCial word that her hus. � . . I i - ' . meeting last week. when it met at Robert McClure and Mrs. Hogg; losing sight of the curative. aspects. .. I . I . I , � if the O'Leary home with a fair-atte , Dear Sirs:. From time to .time I Mae Lane Auxiliary, the Mission Band 11 hands. 11th. I : � � 'IIts: Circle 1, Mrs. C. Dolmiagii and Seven township school areas are have been pleasantly surprfsod to re- In spite of stp'rmy sub-2ero weather ' Mill- .. I ; 40naid McPherson, , Eig L II& Qu and Baby Band reported the work lirmy ,Heavy 4rtillery, is. in a ' I . . . al�ce, considering the weather -and, Mrs. J. Campbell, Circle 2, Mrs. T. Pow established In the county. Mom- well sustained, and in the larY hospital in Italy, suffering from ; " .'', ( I r9ad conaltions Mrs. Con . ve from the Canadian Legion, I , case of the and, blocked roads, 102 donors of Sea- _ L .... ' Eckert Pry,c,e and Mrs. L'Trewarth&; Circle b6rs Of the boards are gratified Willi 'Cei Mae Lane Auxiliary and Mission Band forth and compunity report�d at the Ehrapnel ; ` I -took the discus'slon part. '' - -.1 ... I ....... I ,,, 3,,. Mrs. R. McFarlane afid Mrs. j. the ri�sults, and are r6aAy to proceed Bianch No. 156, various cartons of wouirds in, the head and I i.,t') ... . ' - , .. ) .1, ,,� " cigarettes. Will YOU''Please convey there were encouraging increahs in nineteenth clinic on Thursday'of this shoulders. ' Tte.'McPherson has been ' . . . 111"L". . This week the meeting was held at Boyd, Sr.; Circle - 4, Mrs, W. Church with big and 'good things. The ,new to . % -, , _. 11 � ., , . I . , . , I � L interest and amounts raised. The Wo Some of the donors- came � � . ... .� all the' members my grateful ap- 1. - week. a gVerseas for ovel' five years. , - " � . It ,the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer and Mrs. A. Henderson; Knitting, grants, ll�' said, are d-esig ad, to give, men's Association gave an interesting distance of 10 miles by cutter; an- q/ L I . . .. , � �.'�, , , � Hunt, Seaforth, with about 20 pres- Ethel � McClure and n preclation of these gifts. The 'cigar- . ., L . . Mrs. Horne; Fill- I'Qual Opportunity to the children,,and ' accOlint Of the. work undertaken .and other walked four irdles, while an- .. , I . . , ". A. .0 -ant. Mrs. Eckert ,dotitinued the dis- ance Committee, Mrs. Battles,, ttes have been sent to me while _. —0 t ,1� ;; �A Vdasion ion education, the title bein' Mrs. are ]most, needed in secondary oduca- 6 I v aboard ship and have falth- recommended to, th.e annual meeting Other clime thr�e miles by horgeba � ck I . ,V1, 11 g, Toll, Mrs. R, Doidds, Mrs. P. J* and One of the ladles. walked a, mile C% .i,,:,.t �, bm- 'tion-kor rural areag. There are huge fBuelrl lng . . all enlarged organization on a ' 'op ,: . . lli�,, J I . -We All' -Have Something To Learn." st6n; Community Y followed me from Port to Port,' kc . e and, a quarter and then five miles by Sea ,.:,. V; BOX Coulint-ttee, grauts,,for certain types of rural high I I I - foxthMidgets - . ;': . It was decided that advertising Of Mrs- P. Little, Mrs, E. HabkJrk, Mrs. schools. )Re predicted there would be always eventually catching UP.,I'hav,e oe Page 4) , sl6igb. 1. I ,ti- � , t many 6 , . � , available literaiure and b0illelins. in Ed. Mlller� auditors, Mrs. Robert Me- forward strides 'in. both 'hi�,Jth and times turned my thoughts on _111 On �u' _ 6er, Nurse Defeat Gode'r .1 1. "'it'' I . - �J . . � - the local 'Papers might be di eoinsid. Clare and Mrs. Seaforth and home while enjoying t ' . . I oting M'�s. Cot) .. . rch, " - ,.--'�'. � . . Htlik Alexander. education ill li45. � L be Teelinician .in charge: If some of our 0 . .. ,,,"�,. I I . 4814tance to rifftl commuml- I I . . . . . "smokes." With iiiany thanks again. see the enthusiasm . I ­ I erAble a. . . J. H. kinliead, Viltblic school inspec- - . . -"Ai I . , . . w 'folk could Seaforth defeated Goderich '; ' . ". I 'A I 065. I —0 AL�9N NICHOLSON Ne 's, of Hippen ,stohwown by the rural residents, and a[. in the . %11' , � .. 1; ,; ". .... . 11 �.. � . . I . -tor for North Huron, 'said it Is'realiz- — . � 'The Church service on Sunday first, SO the, keen interest of soldiers for first game of the season In the W. 0. . � 1, � . , The next meeting Will be in -attend- .. ad .that schools are being maintained Christmas. Greetings .to .the Legl' er. I -A GO . � : �., . I I alle on will be conducte(I by the' niiiii t example at Camp Bord0in two weeks Midget backey series played da. R . J .. e at th16 Carnegie Library when mdxillop News Under a h;.tndlCa'P through the failure Mr. Gr " . I ,::,; - a � �, L � I the Tuckersmitli Federation ' �11 Spon- .1 I and many thanks for remembering me ant will preachA on "Tile Lillie- P.go, 709 gave their blood and- then rich on Monday night, by the score �.,e�� - to Secure qualified teachers. I nt on manuobuvres. (This was the of 5 to 3, �* .. �, ,i, . . again this year with a nice Christ- warm Churchman,,, the secon e ..:.. I 11 i 4 �., isor the Nation -at Film toatv'('l slides, Friends In this vicinity wish Mrs. In Oiscusallig the new' gra�nls for d s�r- w - Thd game wa I go ! ­.. I f , largest clinic held in one day in Can . , ��.. . an Moftda;3,, Jan. 29t,4. It is h* ed Marilu Dettz, was package. I am writing this from mon.,in, the.series On Four New Testa. ada, Mrs. Cooper in charge), the civ- crowd, especl I I I _'. .P of ,W111bw Grove, a education, Mr. Kinkead stated there England where I hxve been on a bit - ment Churchmen. I ally'ha the first two per- 1, ' . 4.1 t that the McKill P in ers will turn speedy recovery after her operation was 110 111iohnatloa- available as to . Ilians wGuld put up a better effort . to ' . , " , I I Cut In goodly n of leave but will be back With( my The annual congregational meeting attend the clinjcs�' iods, when GodeTich appeared to hold ' - t Ap , mbera. h' Scott Memorial Hospital, seatorth, those -91van for special Subjects, such -A-9, the saying 11 I . I _� . . '. � I . ff pa rilin is ex- last weei. '. squadro. in PraiI6 again_ by 6rist. M the Kippen, Church has been set goes: It yoli can't fili hi�, shoes, fill their own against ihe 1fivada,rs;_Need_ ,,�o I t"d to . Mr. St6phen Murray,, gn,d his Mr. and Mrs, 40 ulfiSlo, etc. All the rural sections mas. I have spent quite �.scime time for Thursday evening, the lst of his veins. More b1bod donors are ham scored. for Gode,rich in tha firs,it I , " 'i . , , Wilfred Wolfe, of in Huron. will receive 56 Per.cient. of TIOW In and, around many. of, -the places' Pdbruaiy,, and will be of a social chai. needed for the neft ,clinic. yerfocl, and was id on ther next goal 1. , �, . I (' 326th0r,' brotherA, aid slaiers in the Logan,, spent Sunday with Mr. and 'the net approved ,most. H I I I a ,� tt � I I I loss of ftheir ibrother. - . made faM&tq by' Many Oi our Cana- act -al'. We bad 8 Ou� distinguished guest Which H. Warren scolred in th-e sec. , '. ,11 , I t Mrs. Irvin .4ock, the succeig' 401IJeyed bi� boards Mr. Russel T. ., F0110*1119' the 11fisintas the disclis- Mr. Willf . of dians In' the last war. Tt certainly Mrs. -Harold Joiies is in St. josk Kelly, of Hamilton, cLd Period. Hubert tioid the. sc�kis f.or ..1, I .... lj,��'l . - -am Doerr, of Gadshill, (OtIndaued'on page 5) .strikes one as ironical if4lines that ePh's Hospital, Lon -Ion, with chairman of the Ontario Blood Don. Groderlich in -the -first period and . 1-1 . , ,, . . . � L . nt 94 . an" " - � ". . K � I — � '. " - , . - .4. ; � SWAt ,tdbk'4 local t1itV ,and. att6tion spa 3vollal day -i 1#st -Oreek With III . a .1 0.0 t .. 9- SwOl- Or's Service, who has been visiting abled, Seafdrth lo take the le , , � ,,, , .., WAS dftwu to thO aftftiilftodatfon for aqter,, MrsA ,Fred "Py. , I . . . . here we are back In the, ftgwe pl,sce Ion Jaw, probably Aue to an abscess. clinics in t,bJs district. - � ad in � Al � . .. . , . , The W.M.S. held its, .. . More goals, 1, 4i I I I "J, horsea In 8 doing the,99me job. If It'.",ran,t for � the second, Scoring two� ,It,, I i . I . .. .", 1 ...% , 'weather. One Oase *'as-' spoken. or shock at the newal of the death of �91114 imdntto!h� "Place at- Inee . �, it. ' tfie� censor, I p s eek with tons, .signifying 10 donations,. 13, F. . "".1, � .1 . i . 3aforth d1drilig the Wintet This, community received 4nite, a. giothers -Meet' t , Postponed Eight'men re6eitad their gold but- and, with Swith's, tally, InAde. it 44 ,; . L :. , I . '' 1` 11 '. are, a �Votsoll- drivmg,��,COA$fder- Mr. - J . oe Murra I Alo had "been Ill . . I b i P14ce that I have been �that-;Vi��ld an attenda&co of sixteen. , Christie, Seaforth; Ross 6avauge, Sea. - I . I . "t9 ".." ? �-?i".':�'. , " W1h . , * .� ' 11006 the'last rest period, H..Wgr, . �,�., il,,!­,� , " -"' I �, , . t ,�, - 010 1110�60� . OUIS, a few daYs. - I . P _ t ,,'��. . Y* bring back vivid melnorfa6.�,^tcp any of Nelson Hood is the h,, 'py f,th,,, forth; Wardeh Haney, R.R., Seaforth. ran scored another f6r s6aforth' In � 4 . � _ . bad, tb fla.hl# h i,ge L , . . 0 oil i��, L , ­ . . �,,�, L � ', � '. r' � th6 I . d You Who iverb In Franca, ,Now that of a bouncing'girl. ' I ­i�f � I In Hollan Erne�t Chipebase, R.R. 2*.' Kippen. 'the 4bird, period while 8,witli Counted ,, L Street ii kerp Wsat�dri. ,'rHorsea. A, number, ffow I Mo'her and- baby . "_` "�' � . - ihij line attended . I , V", i. .. Iffay licit be very vallititbld iiild nbt the ' — Jerry's edunter offensive ,has broken are doing well in ,,3c3tt ,Vemorial 'Hiram Blandlard and Gorden.-BlaW_ for Seaforth. , � L . . , 1 .i; I \ '.N11 ; I ,;Ai: , I I 1. patriotic 1,at4O1A0_"z­--4 ,Yriday L VOrd has been reqelved, by Mrs. we mia all hoping that *6 Hospital, Seafortli. . 11---Goall Hulftet­ d1e, " � I'll, chard, Walton; Arnold Lemont, R.X, -SEAPORT i"I . � ;0'A' , ,.L:it;4" I T. , V , man$, Lan can. hold Seaforth and Ed. P. Chestiey, R,R��, fence, , : d th�v d( Miss Anna Damm, of Tq� Swith aU4 strong "..". . I _ ;, t � I I , eal the prito, s;ient Seaforth, . ".. ;1 . . 4no disabled, & sick itififtniij makes a of Mr. amd Mrs. M. OduerminkiL cently-, of gestonth, that her ttwo, sons I�plig.RW&it a I bl 11 the week -end Pit her hom� hbrt6. Brigiltrall, Knight, boig', , glib rjU� � ' ' . L' :"I" , , t , are kept by ,the. f4i'mers, but Ilight he!4 at Brodhaken -at the home John Y. M nary, Of GbelPh, and, ie- him till .the, 'Weakens a . 's�dq,� : I I ..� ,I 'I., .;, hiri,6 handl6wto the g4tift I 6a na 6W. All -oi us in Oither donors with- numbers indica.t. 0 a', ., .y . 06, � OA& . gre. A. - J. tH,u '. �,��, ,,g � Ober 'and MISS JOY Sgt. . CYM A bert, ' I.Audenbath , , �-41 1,5 . gAbry;, who ""lids - been Franc%. though, anythl,�t; but over Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Pergusoh, of Ing the nuilibe-r of doll'ations a V .*Ififtj� � Jon -ft, . �.,; 11 ., � 1.1"All * I Metilh6r said that ifie xtuw�Ae­,Sd , Rifither, of. Mbri4stoll; Mtho V10ti, tvefoeia for the past eightoan"mon "I'll re, C6MbaS,L A-ennie, '. �.11 1'1�i I �, I : " ! 1, 40ty. IC444&k6a' - 1098 41666V1119 did;,' Hdil`14, of - Waddigto .thz,, Optimistic And Warta sarrprtlto, sea the London Township, vlslt SEAFORTH­Ma.rjori�- . gtyituii6� Zotwift I ,­., I 'L, I I If 11 .. 1TO . 6k, alid Pie. W1h. jLud J�fgL y6lin Flannery, ,Wbc; *ant ave.of Got, ,Sni th, V . Golding, 6, 00 11A �. �', L ­ ­ I Ok f6h, f 1.t� it I . . --ab 'd1J(1 L)a . Vr rh with Mr. and Mrs. W. Schilbe. D. L. Reid 8, Allan Reid 2 .Re DRATVV—�%al i.i­jj� 'a, L t"#1d'it�'L :'d t I 1�. r A tJ09,fdr, 116theiv, ' at 6`0t,ePt .ovor -the . . ) . 6, - ,, :,�-t,­ , 1, AW a — . AOW , stattl6filed at Raw)) , - g. Kars� _ 3 "I, .... I , , r I i, I I - I IL I I I '.� �"., 't,tL . I ).]J- -1 � � - 6' id, ­ I 1. ! I 1,; t,;�. . , t6lit 1610n~ 1"t *Ct6hr, wtt Christmas 04y,' lance, .i , .. ", 2W. , , lftr`108 O'V,6r tbi6re A ,,"* itnent Mr. and M 9W1d4rdi,,V6ak4­-,t !�ovl_ "­ �., I - Juado. 046 # ".401ab"fait *,�IM , 1 bit luiloggh :,#Paut f.ri", :Prtady ,dak Ili. 1. - I'l _% 1.10 :11L., , , k", "ifit �4j* T6 ,Afw I ba. I rs. W. Horney' attended lake 9, Frank Swale 4, Gordon. Muir , . , IV �t, I I-;."" il 1. 3, Liman It .1, : ­','V�1, . , . .'� " ­ '. 1. :t", � 7.., , t's 1181.", i .i A'd p" F � " -t,-. ,'-111 : I �Z� 4;�,# . 11 ',1,�t,­,t,', I ­111AN . '111�.,_,., " , ,,,,o t6 � uliday a t attir% '*alk�ifwiw . � peitof Ravt 6� las. A. StAWKIT %'- Arthili, Gold.: , _ , �",. , . tlli3O,41-:�go. . The. Hun hat still W,iik.aii 7. � ­ , , Ae hotwo 'of , .* Anit ftather with p)!� *,any, .& the funeral of. the forme co gduft-�te 7. Mrs. winlata 'Wdt,t�n L &' , �1! , , �,-,�i, ,, , .1 fto�tI4,�,, i6ld;& li*6; 1441�' it Ifih I a ;It �41�ti:�1'111111 - 4611 It, - �1.11.1 , � . .1 I .11. , L, 1% 1�,,, Atj *idgil Mft� 0. W, Chr,fttle, in ftet-,or on pti, � I , I I . . I . 4 - . . ,�.,�,, , I, . . ! .� :1 ­ . L . I I � I . .. ig;.!� ,11�, ­., .. 6.t��;.I��L�rlv; -� ,t-",:,.�i�`,� .�i , pl�� ", 1, I '' . '' 1, �,i, �­ t, ,, I , . . �L .. . , .1 (Gatmidod,oft ., , �,, dak. ... I . " ' , A. ;,.!��,(,$, 11 I " ��.L, , .r, - . I "I I t 1-119 4, 1101MOr ,�P,014 7, R, �A,11*60d 0, 0,6�b; MA iftft * 4 "'04-1 "' � � " 41 ': L . 1. strift 1614 "& Itfiftle I If, It 'T ��x -, , 1,� t', , , , ^ . - � ,f moc ,ftgrt,04, P , , '- - -., , ,1 Itir, ; i ' L - , Pf4de tel�cI66 , 5, 9 I ggbift.' .. 'A . : _k, L '' ! , ,1�1; : , , t A ',", I I I I I ,.., .1 " I L , 94 �� I.: �,� � , � i4l 'P.,r. . S)L . .: I '916*04—lt V - ,7 -,�. . ­� L. ". ' ,;, � - i,�, 1% . .. . .. . L C:�,, � _ .t I ,,, , . . , I P� -.14 'I . , �-,.�*Ub'OtM'llfif ;61t P, .#,.":,, IX P11�7 __ , � I L " . . � ' .. ," � . � , . 'Aft 'k �, �, ) L 1, , , . ;� . L.. I . , . .. , �. . . - IL . I , " � 'L ,�A,,i, !�)�� f , , ; "W . ,, ,­' ` " i , i""', 1, r I . I . _', ­ 4 ; . , `J4 t � , � . " .'. ' . I . 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