The Huron Expositor, 1945-01-19, Page 7d" I, 49.t sAl r Id 41 to, wrAB to 41k ck adto I w I gbo%� t?
ame n�'A Uq-tign 4 hour, aiWd th .0 Ia eBett aAto it ' : 4 y, ,014 14 m 0 am ti R 44 Pass upon----?- lay 1?140 W40 out , v, lie oheab . 40AP �04' os in ere' t Iii.0, 'Will you -have done Tre ry her, to another sighed, and'aUnced at'O'Har4, w -lib 're
0o*Q:hL Pelonging to th pntleman!wbo i aa Perc�ql ha�11.. m4go :04t, konductdthe a.M WOU -w, After.ectntemp nx �Is'app i�Ir.. o, of course, I ui'o right, 486� Be%W' ounted,. :and, went to 'See, aoSayeltal M0JuantS;',C&T§ Upon.", Slg�he Must 1go; may I b OR. E. A. McIIAASTEk..R.13. of Oil" d ack flup4go UghtnI4 puifle.. 4 41"Aliate of -onto fte poking your .Asur. d up, Oil Will, you Aletat.q4t. would be a, a"I have chang Iad rRY ftd o TbaL,f3IWor Is' fully e(IRIPP04 '"th: "Vely-well, Ina'am, No. 1. ligy"q olicerh ye. �e elcome y V. will wea' can-,,. vomm,Pf a a -Ad modern �K-7piy i4tp W44 r lu� afterail.' "Oh, r Men iin -had the audacity to the ed. it 49 -date �,i# .1 .. te1R Sa er4ghed despairinglyi ticged my min. I'll have Jt writ V" chan a th rapguties 'Tis mad ye are 47 -he !tYe look very weli'fn what Ye have� "Uave:,a�,e' dipy-d L. to a friend, pleriso: ,Dear mubg �rtpkle, ,them an? QUIPMOM au,'XPyeir, Juk. My lady Da Specialist in Truer to My -promlev. . . I wrli� to a Harryl., sir," -he gru ted. sent her"L love to her. 'Cous! ly dow 0 8 e In case "Of cours sav, Jack sat eig ha Borl y PU I' e- If you had been in my -the ,daut is 011nic the Arrit, -worried . . . r my Appearance place 'you would' have ridden off In, "Did... Ihave cionceive�d a Als ke-nriY, a ear 1s'world lay in his libr4 -,TMA ove afteoday -in a ontli from 3 to 5 407, .-How, Prodigious ind of 11 -Miles an *as 6 . . . be It known . . . that "I aM at nother direction --or aided the scoun. her,,' And, You'll giVe4hej Mine veritabl[6 hatred -for pu will, d he u ver far r6m' t" Wb Maiby Clinic will 16 held pray, madam, where -am -Irl 4relg?" was the scathing reply. and kiss her -_11 wear blue," length f. tima.. 14ow.. 1a .16 seit"o, e91 'IfOrtoil, Mlifor, Littf�ddau�,- she re-. wi I n his sister'wis,g aoW. thei-,46061id dind, last Thuftilfir In th dangerous ha' done chain' Ing 11110 bUi New,' sir, do -�Viib every �Mciikth tromk 1 to 2 Vm. ;,44,D 1,
plied, writing it down. "Well, go, on, Jack. I'm -n Your,olothes! )re'll e tired outbefore, "lo -,y, a Of saYipg calm. -her what?, ouwg !6 with&aysr quitf, i �2, nd when D "Thank you I don wish I had been with. ye." shrqu. rily in 'I hadthe misfortune I Her and, 66' me!, ended Car. everyet get downstairs, and.ya know 40, 04a was o t6 Injure my shoulde_rin a �e Twould have been'superb. I 8UP-, stars,'bubblipgrver. "Good a aod What the doctor said." tbne to see the library iloor '019s JOHN A. 60' -by, RWILL, B.A;, M.D. 'And a cribe, in-, pope Miss Beauleigh hair. told -you softly.",: to thank your��, My lord consigned the doctor and V Physician and'Surpon exerabi m*st, of the taile, bufthere'lo on' a I as heads in a "Th t. wil spgice!" saIdMiles, cut- his.w0rds of wisdo to a "Your paipa' h ' gone, again;`, P ace of she IN J�XL . H._ ROSS, OMCE, "'And arm, in a fight and a thing that ishe could not have told you great beat. remarlied, to her niece, 11N.Mat a �try., '61911fl-, d Ing him short. 144ye" but ocertain very ... kind. Iady____.P,s - for she (lid -not know it: the man I He bowed to Miss Betty and left sure! sir,, ing man he is, :U'JP Phones: Office 5-W Res. 64 to t.h# �dlf ence. 0 far, BU "I refuse to. wrifte that rubbism fought with was Belmanoir." the room. "The Ividual, 'She followed heaIr out,' doctor is aworthy Ind 'One of the lad4e Seatorth s,wh6in I rescued- "Thunder and turf! Not the The' business -I -lawn, -and' helped to make Miss Betty peeped.oV Ike little lady flutter- Jim, but he knows even less of fhe� "Good heavens, adam, y;QUIv, not Duke?'� ad over to the bedside and rearrang- art of (I)mssing than you d seat himself in a long chair under a, ders-' ---------- o..He does '�!3raclous W at._an.'eyejL:Q blo,ri -w put. that?" cried Jack horrified. "Yes. Tracy." ad the pillows. not understand the soul�agony. of a, great elm. A cud as li,ftcedmu� ave! MARTIN W.STAPLETON, S.A., MiD. She smiled redssuringly.. "Zounds! Did he know Ye?" "'Well, a d aria' man w1i;(> makes his first ipparan' deP his wounded shoulderria another 11, I CP n you satfisfied?" i put: "MY. can -not be 'certain. I was mask- "Madam, moat xtraordinarily so, I in P�ce," at nis back. Her eke razi along - ihe, r1c' Sugon nurse ad, of course -but he said be thou you To)i sur46 that yo laid out of x �s 1*14i( ght thank I hall be getting up U re writing this for me.- "But-,, "And are iiy lord 4mr. 'Madam, you are of a teasing dis- be did. a t a soon." "The blue coat laced with 'gold." Successor to, Dr. W. C. proat 'Tw s a quite comfortable?" inquired Miss Bet- that moment h dar.r," aid'Di want to ask, y�U� poisitio, ity, anxiously bending over im. phone 90-W Seaforth a, 'reproved my lord.,' "My- fired his, pistol at,me," �'Wm! was all she voucbaf�d, and "I order it! I insistr the blue coat Yas-'Wh you take Jenny--over'to "The dirty s6ouporel!" - laughed u'pat her. thing U left him to -his, meclitati Jack -that, has. been ons. Trencharn . . . will you Pleas "Quite "Faith, -what 1i it; Miss teaUl Ail a tell "M'm--�yes. 'Tip that which makes As she had foreseen, he dozed a'lit- rliht; thank. you' madam'. or nought!" Jim . . . to, bring my baggage me. think e did.'not know me.Damn tle, but -his shou 6r would not allo I w "Very well, si'r.V1 "Just', thip: id .0u. 'al DR. F. J.'R. FORSTER sit, d' Y' Id Resignedly Jim- But where will ou iere at once?, Have. you that, iss it all, Miles, even TraQy would not do him to i3leep. He -lay in a seml-�om. walked,'to, the cupboard. "I shall sit in this chair, and -Di Everard M. le'Duc. EY6, Ear,. Nose and Throat Betty?" a think like that. atose condition was ill $it Od a cushlonl'-trowl There wa 5 a tiUY,pa1W6 his eyes shut, -and 4% 'When at length hi� -lords ug one 'fYes." 'f draduhte in Medicine, 'UnIvers' Would he not? If Ye,askome, I deep fur -row, telling of pain,, between -satisfactloA it don --at my feet -so." looked dQw.A 1#GJ# diressed to, his, entire Ity of Toronto. Remember we to Lady ... Molly say that Tra, y is game enough for tits brows. 'wis midway -through the 13��i June at- "I see that you are'all ruled with and frowned a. little c TAW ass ant Now York Opthal- I beg and accept InY apologies any kind of devilry.," .lot The sound of a shutting door made ternoon, and Miss' Betty was tapping, rod of' iron, madenliSelle,"he �aid, . �'Did I call zuel and Aral Institute, Moorefteld's ... and thanks."' He -paused.'. "Will. "But, my dear fellow, that is, too him open -his ey . as; he turned his hgd at the door, wishing to k aud'watched the dimple #emble intc% Inow whether, klos. Bye and 6611den Square Throit, v4",Us. . it in PJW, X,ondon, Eng..At COMM CIAL You sign It J. C. lease, and addre a black I He could not try to kill In slightly and saw that I' �rhe- sogki 8 in Salter wag Mr. Carr was, coming down, or 41 HOTEI ER it to Sir Miles O'Hara, Thurze House,. Cold.blood a main I he had,hunted with .9 manner 0 rs SFAkVRTH, THIRD WED. stand-in In tlie'middle of 'the room ther he was not., "Indeed, yes -sir. 'Tis,very,.sad.11, NEpDA,t in -eaclk MoAth,. frqji1,2 p.m. MAltby?" and, fenced' with -and -an -d -no -man ooking, lLt him.,'anxiousy. 17arstares shifted his sling, and ta.k� M Oiled a You May tO, t2l) P.M.; �9180 4t,.S0&t0rQi "Sir Miles. O'Hara! Is he Your My lord returned his ing up his, hit, moved i 411is which 4,; 6 ust A little cket trossly. &at Tuesday of each mouth. 53 friend-, Mr.�Mr. I do not know your O!Hara lookad extremely sli�pticba.: and Jim walte to &h�akily to the door. her ulebels lap. ducal?'l W.aterlob street South, Stratford. "Bee - "Will You have the goodness, niLme.11 sure ye could not yourself, is break. Salter opened it,,..and cast a triump�- to -1 "Car-" -began Jack, and stopped, not to say that a ms Ciirsfares' heart melted., and he ant gla' arable sp�Llpeen nee at Miss Betty, as though biting his. lip. 'Tarr," he continued like Belmanoir could not." managed he was showing or all my lord!s. AUCTIONERS imper rably, !'John Carr. Do you don't believe It of monatninsly glaid, to see you gra0as. 'He -�red an arm. ad I HAROLD J�CKSON, "Me? '�Rdbi ft n Miss Betty curtsied- low. a OW- But I am n t, going "You -you. 6an't mean that, sirl 0 OHaia, Miss Bett r4w-�LY&- QUItti friendly -it it h iyie JIM," he said. help ye, sir?" . y?" No! Will ;he come to see KUoW4,tU him. We weri profit SNAn.,14 "Shrill .1 h
Sje6lalist In Ft= and Household "you, do you think?" to'believe It. And don't say an "La, r. Carr!" ything Twas I left your pistols unloided.11 gal". careless of 'you, John bowed profoundly. "I know. in in, madam. "If -you let hi to these people, O'Hara, becauo they Damned INDOOR -S-RAPSHOOT4 peensed In Huron -and - Perth Cnn- ifels. 'Pilees reasonobte; satisfaction "Gracious! Well, well! I,H I do"mot, know Devil. V gather from but it's the sort of,thing I shou. tel '�Give ye good ken, ka�dim,!�; 3i� Id do guaranteed. Thomas to ride ever with his said. -!'I am Just ab at what Miss Betty says, that he calls myself, after 'an." out to descend. For Information, etc., write Thank,, you, -J or phone once.!' himself Everard... He met the, g-irl- Jim, advanced jm711 He leaned heavily HAROLD JACKSON, 14-bu 661, Sea. "Miss Betty, you are marvellously 'Diana -at B to the beside. 's ar ath; You know his way. Afl)o You mean you forgive me, sir9" on the man in. Iforth; ILR. 4, Seafortli, 0 good. I -Vow I ca n never thank-,, She'd'none of him: hence the abduc- "Why, of course! could not have Miss Betty' walked round him ad- W. S. OINEIL,.DENFIELD "Bles the boy! And what a miringly. bout fired on my best frind in any ase�ll It you want to 'realize greater re- Yourself,' pray? I shudder to think of "Heavens, but Itis a foul mind the "No, sir, but that. don't. make It any "Ludl 'Tii. mighty elegant, I vow! 0i turns from your aucti U sales of live what might have hatpened'ito Di if man's got! better." But I protest, I am shy!" steek and farm equipment, ask th OBO You ad not come up!' 'Tis we can "Where women are c'orioerued, yes. "It desu% of course, �nd I was ra- "Egad, Miss Betty! and why -tis not such a bad fe 'evil who know and have heard -me. Fit- never thank you enough." Otherwise , "You are not so young as I Imagin- I_ ther annoyed at -the ime-Oh, d teen ears' experience. Sales con- ducted. anywhere. For sale dates, Jack rlidened'boYishly and uncom- low, Miles." take you, Jim, dqn't_look at me like ed," she replied candidly, Phone 28-7, Granton, at my expen§e. fortably. . ve'no use for that kind. of dirt that! I'm'not dead Yet!" Bear in mind, madam, that I nev- 807941f "Indeed, yo myself, Ja�ck." u exaggerate "If -if you had, -been sir er sought to -deceive you. .1 am an "Tui, tut! Well, gG to aleep, and "Qh, I don't. know, I ..daresay we 'twouid have bee fault." aged man." n never worry about -anything till I re- are none f -us exactly saints- �"Rubbish! 1'4-.a sword,. hadn't ? "Thirty!" she scoffed, and want ou He LONDON all& CLINTON turn; -And You won't'try-and get changed 'the. subject abruptly.' "How For heaven's ake.'don't w6rry about ahead. "Come, child, and mind the NORTH is Je' 'it any inorei Hae you. brought. all 'first step -l". nuy?" A.M. �He shook with laughter. "Rather. off her feed; missing you, my baggage?" At the bottom of the staircase stood London IN . ..... 9.00 "I swear I will not! ....... 10.17 Even. if you Mr. Beauleigh, a man of inedium Exeter expect. I' left bar with your man. "Yes, sir. it ahan!t occur. agaria, 41 He should be arriving soon, sir.11 height, thin-UPPed and greyeyed. He ...................... 10.3 pver return, I will lie,here, wasting 4 shouWld came forward with one hand out- Kippen ...... 10AS away-" B Pace for think.'� I don't* fancy he�llwste tit he spoke to much "Certainly not. Jenny is well?" with a delighted laugh she had left "Splendid, sir. Will you still trust stretched. .... 11.20 the room. "Neither do 1. Poor fellow, -he must me with 'o 'I am delighted to see you so much stols, sir?" SOUTH It' was not 'until late that ater- have worried terribly over his worth- Carstares groaned. better, sir. I -trust your shoulder no aira arrived, and longer pains you?" P.M. noon that O'H he was ess master." "Will you have" done? 'Twas an ......... 3.10 &ure, his My 16rd pushed'Jim gently to one C after a -brief conversation I have forgotten ii. conducted, . face was as white as accident, and Brucefiel told him ye were Here's, my hand an ide and placed his hand in Mr. Beau- Your own when 1 Dlaiia and ............ ...... 3.32 d with Hippen . .................. I .... 3.44 her father, to my -I He grasped 3.53 lord!s room where Miss Betty receiv- *ounded Jim's as..,he spoke, and seemed to Exeter ................. 4.10 ed him with her cheery smile and Carsares turned his head. quickly. brush the 'whole "ject aside. "I thank you, it is almost Well. 5.25 jerky curtsy, "What's this about my face? Just ';Have You disposed of tia horrible London, Ar . .................. But for Miss Be�ty, who, 1. fear, has SUNDAYS ONLY, Toronto to Goderich "You'll not excile Mr. Carr?" she be so kind as to hatid. -me that mr- coat you tried to make me wear the the makings of a true tyrant, I should. said, but.,was interrupteld -by my lord's ror, Miles." other day?" Story-teffing. pictures like this one are.Welcomed by those in ihe Service not wear thisbnoxious sling.,, and are easy to make. (Via London,- and Clinton) voice from v;iihin, weak but very gay. , O'Hara laughed Ind obeyed, watch- "I gav Mr. Beauleigh sloiled a little. P.M.. a it to the landlord, sir." OST amateurs think about mak- electric lamps -A 150 -watt lamp'at ng my lrd's close scrutiny of his "I should have 'burned it, but per "Ah, yes, she keeps 'us a] I n order, Toronto, Lv. .6 ............... 6.06 - "Come in, Miles, and. ri*�ver'lison M Ing snapshots outdoors In nic f e amera, aria %a 200- Londoii- ....... 9-40. to Miss Betty! She -is a tyrant -and countenance, with some surprise... . haps he liked it."' do6s bedy. Pray, wVI you'not walk Clinton sunny weather but *'hen winter a�- watt lamp, at the r1ght-willglve ............. ... 11-55 denies me' my wig!" "Interesting Pall -or, my dear friend, "He did, sir. Will you try to go 'a little in''the gard�n? There' are Goderich, Ar . ................ 12-20 rives -well, too, mank, unfortunate- you soft shadows with plenty of de- O'Hara laughed in answer to Miss interesting' pallor. Nevertheless, I to sleep now?" chairs on the lawn -an -d here is my ly, relegate their -cameras to the tail, and no harsh contrast C.N.R. TIME TABLE Betty's quizzical smile, and strode am glad that on his WaY." He "If you had, a shoulder on fire and, daughter.4' closet shelf, or iL drawer, to hiber- Tha is what might be"called '�L over 6 the bed. He gripped my met O'Hara's, eyes,ap he looked up, aching as mine Aoes, You wouldn't He waved to* the door, Cdrstares, nate until some special occasion basic or fundamental lighting., If EAST A.M. P.M. lord's ibin hand and 'frowned down, and his lips 'quivered irrepressibly. ask such a ridlcIOUSLque�tion," an� 'turning, beheld Diana.— bring -sr them out for action. you want to use an extra.bullb- ,God'ilch ............. 6.15 2.30 at him with an assumption of ringer., "You think me very vain, Miles?" swered jack snapplably, She tood framed by the dark wood, In these days 'of film shortage, perhaps to. keep the background. a due to the requirements of our gov- light in tone, or Dlaced rather hi uld- ye ' "Is it a ose of y6u*rs, John? Is it "I'm sorry, sir. ',Is there aught I can gowned in amber silk, with old
Holmesville ; ......... 6.31 2.50 "Youn"g gpod-for-nought! Co ]ace -nment, that -is all rigbt to a cer- up and pointed down to give more, Clinton .............. 6.43 3 over. the ei 'from 3.1 nd nought belter 'to do than to Sir Anthony Ferndale, 8art.911 do?" falling frorn- htr,�ibows and S.eaforth ............. 6.59 3.2i tain extent. We should conserve light abovv-,why that!s all 7.05 3.27 -No. I b�slieve it"is myself. 1 You "You can change the bandages, if bosom.of her dress. Her hair was smash Yourself up and well-nigh drive film but 'that does, not mean that r4lif. But, even with Just two lights see,. when one hast but -one's self o You like. Thes' ark as night, with little tendrils curl- 50 -watt, in 3.§5 your man c wit -4 fright?" a are prodigious hot we 'should p' taking pictures. --one 200 -watt and Gn& I Dublin 7.12 sto 7.25, 347 "Oh, pshaw! Did you find Jim?" live for and think for -one -in Shooting promiscously is wasting inexpensive reflectors- Ton can get Mitchell ...... akes and uncomfortable" ing over her broad, white brow. One, LL- WEST O'Hara looked round and 'saw that the Most of one's self! He�nce'my 'Without anotbe%- word Salter set rolling curl fell over he� shoulder,the film but taking purposeful pictures anOuili, illumination for it quick Mitchell ...... I ....... 11.27 10-33 Miss Betty had discreetly vanished. vanity. 'Take the mirror away, please about easifig hs_m"ter, and be was rest were gathered up uhrler a small Is certainly justified, especially if time -exposure, with a box --camOta. ............... 11.37 10.44 they are for those in the Service. The proper distance trom. lampflo He stt gingerly down n the edge of -the sight of my countenance offends so painstaking and so careful not to ']ace cap, wbi.eb was secured by means St. Columban ........ 11.40 Winter is an ideal time for tak- subject would be 3% to 4 feet, and of a riba,nd passed beneath her chin. 11.51 10.56 the bed. me"' hurt the ugly wound, and his face ex- . ing Seaforth ............. pictures indoors and,,' carefully the camera, of course, thoArld be ............... 12.04 11J0 "Aye. I Sure, ye are free witft Yourorders, pressd so mu' t Car- ack gazed and gazed again, and in Pok the mare over as ch concern, tha planned, they can be made to tell loaded with high speed film. If y6li Goderich .............. 12-35 11-35 soon as I had' your letter -and, a fine me lord!" aid O'Hara, putting the ares controlled, ii. desh�e to swear her turn Diana 'Studied him with wide those in the -Service a real stor7 of have focusing type climera With n tell gIgssAown on the table. "And, while when he happened- to touch a pa�ticu brown eyes of n" -latives back horne. variable shutter. scare you gave me, Jack, I ca, almost chillike inno- friends a d rL speeds. 4nd anfj C.P.R.. TIM04 TABLE you! She recognized him., and I ac- I think Of it -what might your name larly'tender spot,,And at the end re- euc. Then her lids fluttaied and Suppose you wrote in b, letter,� apertures, you arch take -a, snapshot EAST costed him." be now?" curling lashes V65led the gloriou "Jimmie may .be much too young to at 1/10 4f 4 second by setting the warded him with'.a smile and a sigh "John Oarr-a deptb, as a slow I blush mounted to qualify as a bomber pilot but he aperture sit 0. With, this . iiettin swear Yoli did not got much slip of the tongue on of' content. 496dorich 4.85 to Aer cbeeks. basi gone ll out ff6r making model. Your lainips-should- -be. A'boUt_8%-fbet_ Veneset ............ 14.40 satisfaction from Jim!." said my., lord. my Part, 8 pped in, time, I hear my "That Is much better," he ,said. M planes of every description. Die!- -fnorn your sbiddL, For a, time, ix- 4.49 "Did he look 'Very folish?ol mentor returning-and-LMiles!" "YOU Y lord recovered his manners ancf ......... * ................ have such a light touch, im.,, dehtally,,Gran�ldad Is getting quite posure, or eveil,,'-di 1/10 ot 4 9* ....... 4.58 "W611?" 04�de his most approved leg aa -her enthusiastic too and Is becoming ond, you sholild PI r 0am0 Adburn .............. "To tell ye the truth, Ithought the The mans, face itOddened w'lfh pla. "-.a you 39ift ................ 6109 man was -bait dgift, `&nd " 'wonder,(! "Come agaltill, sure, -but he said father presented him. c6ief adviser in this plane building on something solid. �ftfi nothing, and walked Walton � ............... . WhIether I'd been -after making a mis. .Come again! My' dear -boy' yell away to the to 0 the cur- "My love, this is Mr." Carr-" businesa." That's real, homey news aperture set at jou'do 4"!,
5.32 raw I � il' i it *0 'Toronto .......... .......... take� But, In. the ejid I got him to be siek f the slihit of me soon! I ta' Diana sank into a curtsey. but think )iow much more h c at 0,6. 9.45 ills. itt 4our, WEST believe what- I Was, trying t6,tell him *11t are every day." 4' -and, . Mr. Carr, this is my Mean to'brotberack Iii,the Service r6irieiiibr th A.M. It. you enclsed a siiapshqt to Illt14- and he ha$L taken, the Mare ttid- Will kl It will take a good deal, 6AAPT-RA Xill daughter, Diana." trate that bit of news.. lights 'used. an- 0 My Lord Kdke& wi aaw N6, ft doosh't take a lot lights Toronto ......... 8-20 bring Your. bakjjg�. sicken me, I think." He it hIS'L "I am delighted t make Miss Be f e111611- ing. �;qy h6'W, John, -Xilm of i4rihine his head. away ag� Miss A leigh's acquaintance," said John, and I told fter jimps arlOal my lord recov- aive'e4uJPm6nt4t6 ta(ke C hato the 7roo�m, ered quickly, egAl &y making gr"t raised her hand to.his lips. it our II pig, .28, tols He said dva, that r,dWU91h't to Is The d o0amAtio liolitil ...... �togras$ mUCh a'detoj#s satis. licate, tal)L fingers trem- Abb*A in he said 44666 ttle In i d, - Ad, fire faikt� bled a Ii �obbb 'Wif ra a� ice zj� 111meneX4 0 vi� 6 ;k ot Pat 'out wa # OiWq bAd, A6t,, VW *&dW6, w, IM18 lips patbd f