The Huron Expositor, 1944-12-15, Page 7U
TON AUX . ... ... .. .... ........................ ....... ....... ...... .... I........ ..... t Th
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nL t Ox thaIiy IAe m; ou"Als Aamp�; Est via on Plow TeI III not it an H .0 f#,uds; but last, Year, wten helium be,vAre: (I 'in IM. seand the. were w" and, oni, Fort I, himl, Us nd, P.apa to tWf nk n la mQtto% for a ducal -shoul, Agt, 'r tip �elemlut f Iear,gwe birth t 41�1'1' 'ne fQ P rung O ",I einem,Ooer n lEAFORTA' CLINIC Q curloo,�l took,, x house flow the seagoxi On 'the house'" uIIIAne. I wo ".Wjl�r Is less en T Rik , o0d of ity. She was 1�trlgtied, and began to �North Par4d iwa most" ere was r geijellI IA11 at hair, Tracy leafted forw, t Iof this. on it: AS what Wia) look forw4rd Whig -daily 4-ppearancto, yg ft his, own, dice on 'to. the,�# �e i�46 A"T' DR. E. A. McMASTER, M.B. beaten thie, VI&I throw Cmduat of Uni'versity of Toronto. e 'PUIPP,1t0olu With rain led, ex- ith! that od er by five;`., uIsagripeabil . Aunt jbnniI, ... i is,, smOeled, attering attention, and -his Slio k1000d h6r TelatiVe 111 t ak 'I he aske llang4 The Clinic I citeM - 'She I iII 'Tile next toss FOtbe)rl
lglt a4d apprehension Rio Grace tu If on for Is fully equipped ' � . with eA his '11 to his the last fell G ace, ned d le"plete and modern X-ray and ot&pr grand. e e, Is. uV494ate, diagnostic a*1.th6r the Lord AFon ing for an 'a Onately and ltb�d- her across - t I said the Viscount it ,kir. Often she 'Damnatblort f WOW watch ti Yon h Of turn to ter M [c eer him troll across I"Not -even, for your' O*n, the floor, �Owf -her room. Then silie re- 110h h full YoI thtake your ,g ed come now, Who 'grey agan t In, Y Dr. IF. X A. F'Orster, Specialist In to tight and ewith that tque til shut 1 the door, won't: do! It zleally Will not! th Terror? sal&Frank sharply, d him, 'an "Thunder ai�do tui� eringhanA! Jh4y had cross IInsolence, that 0,44racteill 4 gIvi FOth areug� Aig A tired little ya�win. .0 of the ear� eye, nose and Is zhe,'Indosed!" e'd the rejoic ed 14 the lL lIPkroat will be at the �Cliiiia the first It was at about that moment that "Ay, Belmanolr,, who is the black. Y61111 10I Win!" cried,:Xettlefold were wal'Idug doWn Gay SII ppwledge, that 1he fTacsi in.evpry Touth from 3 to 5 W�e cblifing straight 'to' -her, and that- of Andover was'ushiered In- haly. warningly. I'Dont stake ibe Terror, -I "Least of , aH for beantY, Where did you ed IAnd IP.M. the painted bea ' es who so Palpably to the already crowded car.d. room f find her?" cried Tom W"Ilding, press� uti "Nonhenth -Do yout-4 me, Bel� Placed response. on are' think., IWee *eii-Babj' Clinic. will be held Ogled and 'Invited him to sides Lord AVIDI _hoI In, Tifharf66 *, 6`-glaga in love iand manolr-!�� Igrip lact? X I4 the second 'azid la�,t Thursday In could not alter his course. She felt Ftac,�,l and was grleeted- with ribald and a, tie of t every won .14 boot -in the other. "I Certainly," 'said the Duke and abiing, Was It not?" i to her �power with, a thrill of delliglit SiA4 cries of "Oho, Belinanoir!" land thought you -were c "You evidently found it so." aptivated by Cyin. �brew. an You are, in a ga mood, . "I did. I wanted- to proloong thle smiled upon Mr. EvOftrd, giving him "Whi the lady, Devi this Evans?" IJOHN A.,QORWILL,� B.A., M.M her hand to kiss, and graciously, per- He walked coolly forward -into the Tracy looked bewildered for the I WI -11 Play YOU for 'the. right to try sez�satfozi,,but my esteemed bmther- Anittin g him to sit with her beside her fall -light of a greaf. p;Ajdan chan- ed tain such pe -Al" PhI 'arid Surgeon in e t andl then a light dawned on my hand with the�dark b6auty! 1, cal,i� inrlaw came to.the youl�g ool, Om n aunt. He would. poinjut aff tlip cele, ec delier, at ding. dir fly beneath it, him. ed Markham across the, room. eue.11 IN DR. H. H. ROSS, OFFICE brities of town and Bath for -her edl- thp diamond order on, 'his breast. "Evans! Ah, The saucy wt. "Against what?'�,asked Fortescue. - "Wbuld -you ,have assisted h I o not, OVIA A -myself, Of it-. IOffice 5-W Res. s. fication, recalling carefuily chosen burning and winkIng like, -a living dow who lived In: Kensilligtoon, was It "OhIllwhat he wills!" "In the end I fear I should balve I j)refer,the croaed At and still more, carefully clesored thing. The dia nionds in his cravat not? I remember., The Vicotint had cast and-losrf,�aad had to." anecdotes of each one. She disoov,- and .'He had forgottenI! b,ribd Avon, "I b lieve there must be a ki f'Evide,ntl,y,'� Oeolorth— on his flilkers glittered every his Grace won, the second throw.' nk 'in ered tkat Mr. Everard-Wai aAA enter- time he moved, until lie sepm� nd went off Into 4nother of ithe noisy "It appears my luck is in," he lre- yur brain I ciied Porte You willl'notlry ed to a sci cari- W. STAPLET#4N, 13,A., M. -D. 'taining and harmless enough compan- be carelessly powdered witb�: Irides- 11aughs that had -more than once caus- in row way,l I cd arked.---I'l will stake my. beaiu'ty not else,atcount for Your extraordin- MARTIN idn,� and even -expanded a little, al- cent "geI As usual, ,he was'. clad in ed Mr. Na�sb. to shud� and to, close* against yourl'Iestates, Markham." ary condubt?" Will, :tali veiy eeplyVe.r. r Physician and Surgeon lowing him a glimpse of hef. whimai- black, 'but it WOU.J., -ly I "We Belmano' n e Wj 4 -are all half -'ma& d have been diffl- his'auguat eyes. "Youilll be the death Sir Gregory shook his, 'head, laugh- love; An , thij th'
cal nature with 'Its, laughter, And its cult t6 11 in the of me, Devil'! Ind any other dress 11 replied Tracy sweetly, "buk Ithink OU from 'YOU'rse Gad! but you will? 6uccessor to. ]Dr. W. C. SPrOat hint of,tpars room inbTe sumptuous or' more mag- "Oh., I trust not. Thank YOU,, Wild- "No, no! Keep the ilaI tha:t In my I's mejel concen- "I will in -form OU of it. *U,6ij Y coin Phone, 90-W Seafor,th -His Grace of Andover saw enough 'nificent than,'his, sable saitin with its ing." He accepted the glas's that Tom h1teild to, ray dear follow. She trated ev-11.11 es' -to pa"411- promised biA, A ,I to guess'at the unsounded depths in heavy silver'lacing, and shimmering offered, ,aud ipped, delicately. is not your style. I begin to woner Iwill not believe it! xrd now: goodulght!" You hale "Goodnight!" Frank returned her soul, -and he became lover -like.' waistcoat. Silver ace adorned his "But you've noV answered!" re- wbeheF).she altogether suits my pI sbo*-h that you can behave ifferent- DR., F. J. R. FORSTER low,bow Diana recoiled instinctively' throwing throat ad fell in deep,ruffes over minded, Fortegeu, 'th a cutnod I'He drew out his sui and 17! You do not -try -to Of W -i si llisei . I from another table. strip, me Ey, Ear, Nose and Throat up a barrier of reserve be�;106n. them. his hands, and in defiance He, dealt the. cards round expertly. "Is offered it -to his host, and the other all I you tromorrow—that is, this of Fashion pos,�es&--Why all those unfortun7f It was -not what be. said, that alarm- which men findi'ng that he was proof against ate youths I you t the Baths?- decreed that black alone it hands. off, perhaps?" play with?" GWuate In Medicine, UnlTerslty of ed her,. but 4 was the way in,6which shou be rn, to -tie the hair, IT 41-- their iling, allowed the' "Sufficien. id 6 �. -'bertalnly," replied his Grace. subject to "Yon- see, You Possess,so little, t unto the d f the . Late. 10sistall' I yed drop.. Duke excuae himself. the smlli4g'Ve I t Ni6w York'Opthal be said it, and the vague s6mothing displa' ong silver riband.s, very- generally is, Frank, as you know." r thereof," was 30 - in the purring, faintly sinister voice striking against his unpowdered head. "To my� cost!", _' In the course of the evening his "NAIthe"r do yiou sneer at we in Your "Sleep soundly, Frafik!" ' le way was the laughing' rej Mel and Aural, Institute, Moorelleld's that she could not, quite define, that. He raised his quizzing glass an ironic farewell -and rossed t' and Joinder, and Fortescue rubbed his race won -three thousand gulnleas� loathsome fashion. Why?" MY -0 ind Golden Square Throat Aos- made her heart beat unpleasantly looked roun road to lilis'owa lodgings; ic 011* London, Eng. At COMMERCIAL d the room With' an air sword as''if himemry of some two at ombre and one at dice --lost "Because I. have hardly ever any e HOWL, SEAFORTH, THIRD WED- fast, and the blood rush to ber tem- of su*TIsed' hauteur. Lord Ay(iu� -hurt. You pinked me finly Tracy?" his coveted grey hunter and won him desire 'to. I like you." almost directly opposit P NESDAY in each month,:from 2 p.m. pJes. She began first to dread again from Wilding, to whom he "Tare an'ouns,! You, must like some- And. 1. suppos the earring bacli in his chair at one of "Clumstly, Prank, clumsily. It -mi back you ght to 4-S& P.M.; - also at Seatrth Clinic n on in, Oftw,� I to the fables, shook a reproving finger, have - b6en qWdker- dolzie." had II He came away at three one else in. the world.'besdes iner morning -promenade :knd the soundly as if you-blaff."
Arst Tgesday of -each mouth. 53 avoid it. One day';;iAe had a, head. at him. The Viscount; who ihad'been a aec- o'clock in company with Fortescuie, � 'T can th-4 I Aik f no one. And I do -your couscience—aald -bad .not WMer100 Street, South, Stratford. ache; the next her, foot Was sere; an- "Belmanir, Belmanir, we -have cond at tho� mebting, tittered amiably. both perfedl cool-headed, I although not exactly worship. the ground, Your Uttermost to..-alienalte tbe,r�jard YOU other time she -her and we protest she is too "Neatetht thing I ever thaw pon his GrItce, for hI part, of the, Only. fleu you- Posse r wanted to work at her seen had imbibed tread on.. The contemplation of . d AUCTIONEERS fancy stitchery, until her aunt, who charming for you!,, my my honour. A-11 over in let -h than a *,IcOlmiderarble quan,tity of urgundy, brothers i1ppals me'. I have loved var- marked, Fmak.. bittierly.tol ness. "Damn you, Tracy,; o—r vT . knew how she disliked.,her needle,iland "In truth, we think we should be minute, Avon! Give you my word!" and, linore punch than any ordinary Ious women, and shall no doubt ove He walked- a 'bow sidgularly free -from -headaches allowed a share in ihe, 4 lady'th - "Never mind,, you ad fought Devil, without afterwards many more HARPLOiJACKSON man could take lain You are' 11 to Specialist in Farm and Household and �all petty ailments she,was wont thmileth," lisped- onle fr6bii behind' FrAitk? What possessed you?" feeling very much the worse fr'wear. "No, Tracy," interposed Fortleacire steps to big own front d sales. to be, openly taxed, her -74th, no Ion- him, and his Grace 'turned to 'face m sual,, I sup- As.,.,Eay Lord Avon's door cled be- "yo . u have ne've r loved a woriian in ed ihek�y in looked Licensed. In Hurazi and Perth Coun- ger wishing to walk abroad. dainty, effeminte 'little Viscount pose," replied Fortesicue in his low, II them, Tracy tu o*ei big houlder',as' a d6or 41ammed rued to his friend: your life. 'Tis that the nil h sa t g t ve c You, I dO not allude to the lustful ather dreamy voice, "and I lntezfer�, "Shall we walk, Frank across the street. "Poor Devil! kles. Prices reasonable; satisfa tion They were in, the girl's. bedroom at Potheringham,,wh stoolif at his el liguarI the time, Diina seated before her bow, respl�ndent in salmon -pink ga- ed between Tra, -and, his French "Since our ways, lie together, yes,' passion you indulge in, Wt real leve'. said. "Oh, YOU po.oI Djgv For information,' etc., write or phone dressing4able, brushing, out her hair tin -and ri mI velvet, with skirts singer. He objected most p6litely replied Fortescue, -linking his airin jAi For God's sake, Belmanior, live HAROLD'JACXSON, 14 -on 661, Sea- for te night. When- her aunt -.put so full, and- stiffly whalebo4ed that and we fou he Duke's. 'I'D' CHAPTE V` tdiih:, R.R. 4, Sedforth. ght, it cou-Plin Hyde Park." own rock Street'and clean! the abrupt question' she The Bier kit hesitated, they stood out froh2 his'perzon, an4 "Gad, Yes!" exAbAee his partner, across the Circus is our quickest 'Pray, `46 Tiol distress, yourself; I -her comp, and e@z so Wih John Cairsaregil�fe winter had, caught a long trand in W.1S. O'NEIL, DENFIELD high -that instead of walking Lord Falmouth. "Why, I was Devills way." Frank. I am not worth it." pretended to be, absorbed in its, dis- he could only mince. It you want to reiLI12W. greater re- passed quite uneventfqjly. He,� con— second! But it was ages- ago!" They strolled down the road f "I choose to think, that you are. - I or a Y v tinued i&. -highway robbery., hut he, turns from our auction sales of It'e entaglement. The- 'clouds, of rippling Tracy made a low 'leg. "Two � years," nodded Fortescue, few -Anoments in silence, p cannot but feel that if You had been assing a made two bag stock and farm equipment. ask 'those hair half bid her face, but-Mlp�s Bet- "Surely shall you have a share- in "but I -have not forgotten, you see! " linkman on the way. Fortesue, bade loved as a boy— Your mootbe blunders—not from -tie:. who know and have board me. Fit- ty observed how her fingers tiemble-d her miles and she wills it so," he point -of view 6f a thief, but from that "Lord, I had! And 'twas the fun- him a cheery good -night, which was "Did you ever see ray mother?" in- teen years' experience. 'Sales con- and repeated her question. Then came prred, and a gener4l laugh went -up niest fig -oice, but quired his Grace lazily. Of the gentleman in,,him. The first lit I ever saw, with you as) answered in a very beery v ducted anywhere. For sale dates, the onfession. Mr. Everad,was, un- which when he stopped an opulentook. was ausod the top to flush to the furious as could. be and Devil cool as the Duke said nothin 2�hone 28-7, Granton, at my ex 9. Frank looked pense- . t ing chariot, which' he found. to con. bearable; his attentions were di6us; ears, 'as he speedil�( effa6ed himself. a cucumber. You, were never much into: his dark-browed fac "Hav you ever seen my sis er. 3979-tf e thoughtful- his continued presence He. bad been one of those whd had, of a swords -man, Frank, but that ly, "Er—yes tain two ladies, their maid and their Mistres� Di. .�She was, afraid of him, tried to accost Diana, . wnd, gossip-lov- mornin "In: a rage?" je,elz,.,aad the scondi when the oc- PERCY C. WRIGHT 9 You thrust so wildly that You've had.. the luck, to -night, Mr. -afraid of -his dreadful green, eyes and Ing Will Stapely, w' cupant of a large travelling coach' Percy,..C. Wright will accept itl� himm at t e stop me f I -don't thin Devil would Tray.1l' "Really, I—" f his sof t voice. . She wished, .-they thn�e had r . elatedthe st chanced to be an old gentleman Who alletion sales pertaining to farms, 0 oty -of big dis- run you thr6ugh. 'Stead of that he "Moderate if you have, you have stock, implements and household ef- had, nev-er come, to Bath, and � still, comfiture to at -least half -a' ly, I hoped entirely to esed far greater courage than Ij S OS e seen, in -dozea pinks you neatly tI the sword- repair last w;e ' 1 s s.11 Y'mcother. only she was ten poss fects., Prices reasonable, with an ex-,� more that 'they had not met'him. He men, who immediately told 'it to oth- -arm, and damm if you didn't burst "You are in delyt., I suppose?,, times mar' plhys'ical strength. On.the first occa- e viialent. In fact, we were sion in perienced issista'nt. Satisfaction gtiar- fooked at -her as if—as if—oh, in short ers, rastly amused, a6the'pertinkiou-s out laughing fit to s�llt! 'And then 'Tbelieve so." a pleasant pary when we were all Y lord's dismay hadiIbeen ludi� antieced. Phone 90 r 22, Hensall. he was hateful, Vi6ouirt's rebuff. crous, and be had hastily 'retired at- we all walked 'off to. breakfast ith "To what ex�te at home." ut, Tracy?" ter tendering a naive -apology. The Miss.Betty was horrified. "What was it Selwyn said?" drawl- you, Frank; s jolly as saudbqYs, "My dear fellow, I neither have, I,, derstand." LONDON and CLINTON. "Yot cannot mean it! Dear, dear; ed Sir 'Gregory Markham, shuffl, Ing Heavens, Yes! That -was a fight f ". nor. wish to have, *the vaguast notion. :,Good Gad! I ibelieve you are sor- ofd gentleman 'in the'secolid episode NORTH dear! Here was I ithinli what " a cards. at Lord' Avo'b's table. had defied him -so gallantl that he I"It was amusing," . adEbLi tted Tracy Pra'S, -do' not treat 'we to a ermOI ry for me?" cried Tracy scornfully. had'impulsiv'ely offered him the butt A.M. pleasn,t gentleman e was, - and �Lll . Davenavit looked across at him in- at orte'scues, elbow. "'Don't - play, "I siball n6t. I've -said all I -have to "I a -m.' Is it a pre-sumptiton on London, Lv ................... 9,00 tb� time he wps persecuting my poor quiringly. Frank." Say Oil the'subject." part?" my end f one of his pistols. The old man was so 4�irprised that- lie allow- lExeter ...................... 10.17 Di, the wretch! I know the type, my "George? "'Of Bellmanoir? When?", Forlescue flung his, cards. iace down- I ',Many tirae&." "My dear Frank, when I am s -o ed the'weapo� to fall to the ill .. - ....... I .... -to give him - "Oh, at White's o' round, IHens. ........ 10.34 love, and I feel incilined ne uight—I forget wards on the table. ".Curse you,1 "Ye&—many timeso And it -bas Kip -bad far inyself you may be sorry too. Un- �where it ex�loded quite harmlessilly, .pen .................... 10-43 a good piece,of my mh�d!" —Jack Chlmondely was there — he 'Tracy, you've brought bad uhe, no 'more effect upon you than if I til then—" sending up a cloud, of dust and, smoke. Braceneld ............... '..10.55, "Oh, no—nl" implored Diana. "In-, would know; and Horry Walpole. said e -tire y th -Clinton, A�. IF, - n I wi ut rncour "I had had not, spook—." "When that day comes I shall no Carstares then - begged his pardon ........... 11.20 deed, you. must do, no sup -z .A lthilng, Aun-,'Twas of Devil amd his light 6' loves, quite tolerable 'hands befo -e you Les." UTH longer pity yu.'t most humbly, assisted him back -into de! He had'said nought that I-coul Lquite -apt, on the came." "l,daresay. P.M. I wish it 'were, ' "Very deep, Prank? You think I his coach, and rode off before the a's-1 lClinton, Lv .. ................... 3.16 possibly be offended, at—'I but- his Cholmondly looked up. "Pellbali6ir, I will, thtake my UUtI I Or there's goo;d in -you smewhe e, shall be on the road -to rec'�ery? A toni-shed Mr. Dunbar had time to col- Prucefield ................... 3.3?, mann6r, and the—and, the way. he "Did I hear'm name?" nut mare 'gaintht your new grey," Tracy." -pretty tonceft: Luckily, the,' happy 'lect his wit,;. Kippen ...................... 3.44 looked at me. . 'Indeed, indeed, you "Ay. What was ilt Geoi . -ge sdd of-lisPed the Viscoilnit, coining up to thel "By what strange process of ieas- moment has not yet come --and 1. do (Continued Next W'eei) 3,53 must not! Exeter ...................... 4.10 "Tut, 'child! Of course I shall say oA London .... ................... 5.25 naught. But it makes me o nion- LY fous 'angry to Lhin -of my poor st Tor6nt6 to Ooderich lamb being'torm6nited by gulch as he I(Tia London and. Clinton) lint I dedlari� I could tear his eyes London ...... 9.40 goodness w6 are leaving Bah. nextl Clinton ...................... 11.55 week! Goderich, Ar . ............... . 12.20 "Yes," sighed Diana. "I . eanot resen
Toronto, Lv. ............. 6.00 'Out! Yes, my'dear, I could! Thank help , being glad, though Madam at C-N.R. TIME TABLE Th-Pson is very amiable! Tis so EAST very different NI there is no man A.M. P.M. with 'One!" "You are quite right, my love. We Goderic ............. 6.15 2,3() Holmesville .......... 6.31 2.50,slipuld have insisted on your faither's 'Clinton ............. I .. 6.43 3.13 1t4iug with us instead of allowin' g Seaforth ... ......... 6l59 X21 him to, fly back to his fusty �ufifty St. Columban ....... 7.05 3.27 ,old volumes. I shall not he,,., fool. ve rou o.ii Dublin ....... I ....... 7.12 3.35 - b Anoth�et- time, I can assure you. ll........ 7.Xb 3.41 But we need not go to the Assembly WEST Mlt�hell .............. 11.21 10-33 Rooms again," iDublin .... 11.37 10.44 "I need not go," cofte�ted Diana A Sub."cription To -St C lumbai ........ . 11.40 gently. "Of course you and Madam S2aforth .... ........ 11.51 10.56 Thompson will continue to" lulintop ......... 12.04 11-10 "To tell, ithe truth, my Iore," con- Coderich ............... 12.35 11.35 fes -sed �Uss Betty, "I hall not be sorry for an* excuse to stay away. C.P.R..-.-TIME TABLE 'Tis doubtless most IR-naiillired of me,, but I cannot but think that H�ser EAST lo P.M. has aftered sadly since I& -sit I sawher, e uron S r Goderleh ......... ........... 4.35 Slie is always, talking of erm4ns afiid 1kioneget ...... ..... . 4,40 good works!" ................ 4.40 -Dia,na twisted' her luxurliLut hair 4 N. Auburn ..................... : 6- . plait, and gav a gurWng inb% a long ... The, I Illyth .1 ............ little raugb. ................ Oh, Auntie, is it not depressifig? ne 'as and, mre .................. 8.45 1 wondered how you could tolerate it! Only 50 0' -Write or Pho 'Toronto ... ............ -w days She is so vastly solemn, poor dear forwvard�'a fie WEST nno ftwig YnAs, a Car& A A,M, thIng! It6rO)2t,6 ..................... 8,20 "Well," said Allm Betty charitably, I.Subscript!011. on, P.M.. ,she -hag seen, Ira hI................. bur Sk an haiW Iny A qb walton ......... 12.99 12.29 two 0, M about this Oeorge of hers., A ftrth- 'h; CANA .......... maIN A 00unp, Ru be b6 olad le'And lhygdf mf- 9 IaM. t4 IIMapw IIII