HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-10-27, Page 1'' 11 ; �. � ��;Wqr: ! 7 " , , 14 ­ I . I, ", 11 � I ", ��11'1 11 � "I 11;,W1., '. "I, ,�� , ,.,V,-.�7711 _ " r� " W:. I �' "I , ��� �:".,N,,�. ". ".�;,� :` ��j,Y:�,;, I-. . , 1� 1, . ;", � , , j � I , ­!. ,", , 7-�,l " I- 131 - 11 I',, ,�A, � , _4�,, , . � " 7 iqffll*�,,�"!", � 1, " � ,:­ �. i ,� .� " , �,,.,� I . , � I'll, ; . ,��', A �� �, 11_1 , " I ""I. 4,; '1� � 1, ­ � , , , ! 1� '"', � , � , I I � , , 1; I I 11 1�� �,,,,,t�'; � � , , ,, I . " I . , 11 � �_";., � , ,� , I I' I �, " f., , r ,:� I i�,,',,,',r�.�.';:� ��,, , � I, � �:, , 11: 1. I , 1 I � I � , ,,, �; ­� , '. t I.' 1'�' ��, 1) " ,�� - 11� . 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" , 1 .CW(F9,,,!1"7,, ,A � e op, � . . . , 'A grega ion T I W : �. . 1, P., , ,O,',t_h.e'p�,opl,6, of- Se�f '14W I.." , il'A?T, I � I o� ;�:­ ­' - 4 �.�, E . , p . 4 1. _t�� I F ,��(.,,; v,!17� ��!TFF�4 , I , , . , � E i� i , -,,� - CLERK, In ,, -C lan . � i� :.,. :,:`_.,�:, .� "I t WN i� - , , . , � - , , , . I , ,��, Z" . � q9M * , , � i,,,�` �� '11 , 1, 4 . , . . .1 . ". M"nity. f W -WO WIWI: ;Q� � �,-,.�:�;�, I � . , .. , 1. - -,�,qqqqq�,ty sub ' , " XUW­�; , ., I 11 eo. I 10". . 2 0 R S� � . 1�0 � , pg ... q�' 0 .-. -:�, .� � �- . , .., . P. . 11 I . , I . , o�"'o.fi_,ThuM,.,,,, . 4 ,�� . � , 1, " �. 37 .. . . ;, ,�`,��AAY;, g I yp ,��the��,follqwln . �', - 7 .'' P -1 _0 A %:,s' LOAN. -OP -19 , - , 'i�.�,M� .r 180 - i , . �q. 1. . ,0"% 1*0 .. I �� IN I 11 ,. I r ,.,,, � �,. 11 1, " � , �, � , W , no Soiie_� -, " 4 . '! L ". . . .1 I . �:. all thpqp, , I `,,�,�! ,0ffl ON' � , w ?. co"TrIoul , 'nZ� - r­"F'1,14r1­, "I I 11.1 I" .periptiq P L W I L� , I Lb ,1,,�*��",,�l.,"�;4t�!�,',��'L",�',�, 11; , P, , , � ", : , �. . , 1,1. . � , '. :5,1", �&�' ", I ;t". I I I . - I q- " � ',��610! 1 �'� I - r � "....L-,1 -1 . �, XX . " .. ." __ � . " , . Ing. 0 W 0 , - , "A ',�P,;,',�, , 1, Y. ,, " . I �,'.,, , , . _ , APO - ,._ .1 .. I 11 Real 04 - .0, " 010 ,, ��,,J.Ootor, ­,_ I'Lban, '$70,508,470,, � fo -,ti.�'-., � ' , . , y , A� the _.);@ 'Tuckern-40, # ady ft�6u,fg 1 , 4"to qf4$04; , , I . �;lij _ P, and . - last ue�tl�, , , , , , I ! � a : . I . % I - -�- � � �,.,.. ,", .. "i 'n � Mt ,. , ­ .: 4 � teeiiip".016us oqo,�qs;- 4 ". 9, , I# .�,:., ". &0% I'll, I , -i,��: Fg"P. i *V '. P . I'll .... �. , �, _,�� � � I . �', . �$ � . I'll i" V , 'rj,� � . . OX X.QNRA 'r" , __ g:.w 1 [ I Tw1korm.mith rocOlvgd.#elk�u. .,,,rat,!on 1� tal �df $216,038,550.' ,Ddll#,,SV W.:, � . . ...., .. ­ ­ - ]g 'OF � , "" _r I . . , .-.1 , � .Otj�j` ' . j , . . , ( , , . . I Mr.1-0-A ,�` � ., 'ot I � ,;, . . 11 '. I §111 4br' . ..... - 4 Ff�._Signation. of N W ,, thanik.d.to,mr. G. A. W '9,�V'.WABJ`�'hP,l,d,' , _ __ AM, , .. I- I 1- I ., . r W . . w I ­ I MU QQU]�% ..', W` ,. . .. , niCipal ,iji � PIR "i _f"I'�;,-S ' forth: Tqrwn�. ,I i and '. "duffidii4rit to'; Meet 4 Mil"fi, "I "'; _4 1 .." " _0 . . � " i'. ,.._ ", �,—, or,gautz - - D. Jr. , - ;V, ", 11 M ly 0, "'. ,. . Y" � � -4 . , A . - �igstie, ,�­ "i6ctilve" but bel"'_Il AU ments h -Ay ,Mr.' . , � 1 has bee# � : ' "t IN RENSALL: ivtr.�,i. Scott, mos . V. �Qr040,�1,40,;.i 11 -*,­F-14414,L,� Oct ` 22ud; �-,�,� I � ! - - -­,_­?�' .,_­*0hjP Wh�iQ: th'b - ' ail6n ��ionie ye . '. I . r J-* a. e on- III ' . � I . Vlo, ,,�,XOXT,:�;!n , I 01 , I ­,­" a' , , �j �.� _ W, a 'q� .4 . been UO3W t d� an ulcipal clerk,for: to set 34. Hfldvbrand,� and. to. . I - I 11 r", - � !�w ., 44Y 4n f d ­ U Pl� 'Ir ay- ; Sixth Logn. Indiviodut.subscrip- V141 A The Huron Coun_� intin . . . I all. th�_,;13, las . I 9 I ,� Years. I I O)f -, ,�!vglu o -Z $'40" . ,pa w X.. ­kA , .", "'Wa. DWer-ing-someWnat jr9m.r t , '� � ,�'. , . I . � . . � - � '. A rne ,#.a preaelieq,,,, " el ,g ' ota � r,&- _'VictOryr L,0an,..,C;qmm1`tte& - IF, no;v. ,was L reluctar - . I ", jp-g�,.�, i� if , � .1� � q tjons $37,914,W,Q, ,for t I ty Wy. 406e . , F1c,tioi;—Dunuy Scouts- and Scouti�rs. 160Y'�: Or. FfO14.k6g d .. , Il , , am i Is"e,,itherp *ag,'] no sper,lal't . . � brvoy, Carrol; ClumY - or salos f��7,,_j ",-*,',V �' , � , 399,100.11 - I -1- driving 4 ah#ad. with canvassers nl� "' for over -� V - _1 Ukregor has Bt4w.n, Sha:r I . Scouts made a ie6qr� f ' , ,.'. `­�takbu 11 11, -S 11,11''.11" ; � . P apPlicantg at any tJ.m%,-,.b.uL�_ dg- . I 1�1� I out I % year 11 ­ . pe; -The Labyrinth, Bob. I manihip' - nging In ;a " 1"gn V ' :11 ", , __ . - ! . I e.i6ry dlatrl�t.-., - - - . 4. . ,by firl J, T.E4 , ,r - " - . . - -handicap in eA0.1 The Bra , g., , .�q, '.,gI64�: r � , 11 . th.6p 4. : 4 . - � 4.1 . 6 . . suffered 'uiuder' a gig". dshawsof Harness, Lin-, $145.0. �. I ..� .. I 14'.."J00,41-1, . ­', ,I I spgiad wag_fAdrly ,fitq ., : I � . , " , � T."e, U6 T� ,,VrJ , jt� . , - P:. m . th, be felt the c I . , . . ' . I 11 . , , -Lr 11,.I.... I I . - t e matter of he I *In;' 0 k,peclted W-unigog,"'an '31 I . . i The, .Officers , h 4 . .r ni ".. ., .- , I I I hours,speclfied�:_, :z � � ., W'. ..0 ., � , . . ,- �* I . irl, 14ern, Seifert; Listening . . . I I , .. - � T`U't�11�0�:P,1�'�; - "t-?.�_'44.1Q I . . .4 . - ' , L �hj','­ "� ,, ,,� . At. Seaforth 3�@2,a, Uoko were issued ! I .. 16. � -_ �jl �._. I I . I . ,, Honorary - chairman, Warden P�ed strath was too u -,-u , � him tq. con- Valley, $teVJng6u "' �Tetef 'a W if 4e, "En�.- ' 16. � ",Uqu I . � . . . . 1 6, � 0 � t�. ., exhorto �.P. .. g. '�p� I _ , 1, I 0 .1 14 , " g 1_'5 -,,�., .�, .�, . . i" . . . , . . . .. � . .�W TR �,, _�i, �,,.,�,,, 2. i ` -. 004iial ask- laud; the ltazorls. Edge, Mangliam; ' - 4F ' ' btiblin toJxt,fAL,qwvW.AL,; Y� uvAl,j�,�� V. - I � : . au4 497, were is' 'e'4. ;it )3mcefield a � . Watacii; general -chairman.. Rev. .W tinue longer, - t , , ­ . _ � ap�p,�ewjgq, -t , , .A . , *:, - .1 f,,Z' k., . P,,� 1, ., 13re-eeroft; " .� J ,,I � I AW I . . d that his , ould still I)e - . , . , ;% - , ,�­,­. "t � '� th : , 11 L, r - total of 4,31% w. h was, less by 152 , ., I -vice-bbalkInen. Robert e - .11 What Happened - T6. Anna Bolton, � . , , I -,. , I "; I,'; 4116J$ locig�40ope4ed' ia%,`1*6A - 6 V .4 . � ,-. L . I I '' I . available in ,- . .. '. � .. � , ,- ­ ,,, 11 , I . ­.. . I -1 - ,b " * , , , ", -,� ';q �', - . � ' ­ � , S: .-� JR: - � , Bow ' mai Dk. 3 caPacit . �,!:, I'Mi - - . - . I ; � ,,,%71.-- "' F -musea, xqr� Z ., , ,'V$�� p I , I GHLIG T Y- Piromikeld;. Green 'Dauphin .Street � �. , a .. .... 1 egk��:, 4 � .1than Idintribuieft . ',qgt.the last issue-.' . 91 I - . A., R_ Campbell, J@,in6s - --' dguo. 7 , - ". - I I 'I, ­ . 'ead' W. L� :', 'Mr. McGregof.waa, of the.most i;f .,;K,v I ., . Was the 1 -4,-, - r, _ . . I .. , , �111 - � , 'i� - I I W. X N440" � I . Rink V.Q7ayte .... . . " " - - - .%, _ �� at Glltt�ts id � e" �Cq, � Arpa.,L" I � , F. Fingland, widely known i " i I �Pkqctiuiloua&y; in . .... . 'Q 1 � r 0 1 , i �� I . I . I � - . ... I Ver`�'�',,Q ,"14'.'� ... P, I ; . . I posted men . . ,� ".7; I ­ . , . 1 . 1',.NiV I I A.� Raid, . .1 1-1.3 . ., D. C.. �MacLean; al , vistoull � ot- on municipal law � in ,tern Ontarlo� GiaY '119inbstead- Iddy pi . . I - '. '.Z,I- ­ I , W& cages', .. have , I J 1 �.6 ,.J."w I$ - - . , I . _ , anche's �tOmY6140��, . " , " , �, �'� _d ON' : ,;- �_ ­ * , , � . - , "'. f -, -g4P1*,q,. . -M , " I , , ,, ma �gj,, U .' Gr,ahAm; organizers, H,, -and his con - M, in hao,l,eext Farm -hier, : 'reported. in thpas ect us..,. ; ead 6 TowA'Cleirk . " . d Qoudge; All Th * , The 0 '� D1SCUS$-,',,?LA#N Is I ` ' ,"is . . _., I 5"' _ � ff'.�­R " A , ,m 1, campaign V : , : , , - . .. "go izipr,. J. L. , � , buting bhlbg fq'iSeAfbft - -S ,ff I * . I % I I I. . I . I I .. U.- � MI, Senator - Marlowe's Daul - .,a to . I � � I P tillueg . I g , P - . - ,#rl _ ,h dud. I . . � 0 , . I i ' i � 11 � I. WN? ' I I I . .!4. ....", .. ' �, VMtmoke,, P d16W40tIqg-.;,vfijbf' � for, . . '. L ' . . . � ' ­ , ,�­ , g "! Misse� Warle Evan -� Go n AN , g . , � riot, 7 , IPA `�e' � .�_ J. Vandewafqr,,J�. .4, Lumsden, J. k a matter 6f deep re ." to =es;au,ThT Hour Before' Dawn, , . a , r,aldlue aii�k W" . . MUNK % L . 1". 1� ,,,, .11, � L L I .. I—' �,�. � -:�,'­ . . -Brue %; - .. . ' . 'I I I . orp; se�cre ary','Miss L. M. Goltv, Ahe council, but to . ;7gh . .� : , . , . -icia -R � , �:O'­, Huh t i q. less friends: . e Heaxt Remembers, - . . -_ Sent'D .""!_, . I �fielil. �.. : -Myth Leads. County in' War p I " ... � . ratt yan will . raM I � jlbliu:�,iy,'Rl� - . . . - - . I I 11 1,1� . I :�_,!�, 1. �� � I a3rroll I I . in 6-d - will be -1-Ar. Baldwin; The Girl of the Hills, Hill; � �40.9 Ili �': thd Victory ." `1�11�11 ; , ,. The voluntary ,w�r,ker*- . 1�elifded: ' * P . . . savhip,�.�j$ectjou,' W. C. 4t. - His suQce:gs6r" i ' tituati6n, -se I ",;, 1A. . , , 1.71 i�on , � ,;,""';', . . . P. . , , L :;,,,�,�, . . Che.5upy,-.111he tb� , a -hip treasur �� ,,-,-��.,,,,, 1 _ Miss Marian S , tridge; chal.4 'R. Lions or Munle" '.1straifor4,,ou" ": I I I'll, . . aatk ii�W,V&a, Coch- . , Loan Bales With a'Per- , .1f, i Ii. Wurtele,.Chas. E- .. - No.Strdnger To.My. Heart, Montrois Spons, ipal Loan program - oa.,QJ,GS I � ;,�.. , I I . . . . . �,,,� t", � , L' . 'to I � . . . I . nan, 30 I 'to I ; I Sunday, Oct. 29�th. I'' � '�,��!,.� rage, 'MISS *L' X - 'bWie,�6e' de'org'e : Roberts, M. B. - Ten ;. special er, Pthe, council �wl.. ,U ", i . . t _� .. .. ,Adeciding -Stars In Your Eps, Loring; The Rest . . I I .111.1: I t n6 ..� .1 centao'of 39.70:. - _ .am,, . combine the iwo *O. . . , as 'has. al- , . � Memorlial Hall Yor - � ''. I 4 1 , _". %, " . � . � _. Jolinson, Mrp. E. C. kiVell, Mrs -Earl I 9'section, G. .-L. Parsonsi chair- . 1. of MY Llfe� With'You, Baldwin;, Young I Died in Tbronto' I �11'-Mqlt . ready been done in Me " ' p township. . ' Brah�t,.'a P'', L -_a ,, '­� 7"�'I""', . . Velt 'M-Iigi "R 6-10 iim�WU�Ikrj.- J. A. . . . � . L -an, Chas. Saufid * I . , . ;., r'8e in Blue, FaJb- - , reat ent, of, , 'L i 44 - . I . era; public relatious . I 1i X Widow, Cushman; N -u District.. . Allau George rs ' . . � . I . I . durIng the: ' 1 , I . .1. - 1C. F_--Saund,Qrs, ch ir an;% W.- -1.4.. - .� . ... g� ,�, ji, � I . Xunn',. Mlag,.b,iftiau S6uthgate, M '- ' The War Loan got away to� a� good "section, a in . . I er. . I . Toronto I 1, .il'019 1. I ' . . I- . -- I - 11 . _. i*. .7 _. - . U I . ibil W,. ­E 'Squthgo;tp, . . I ­,i� . . - I- ... past 1i ye a. � `,�,, , i Kenneth:' Camp, e 1, 1. . . I .. . " , � . _.. ... - - T I - I I- I . start on. Monday ,and -the returns fildd *. "Armstrong, A.- P1. Wdlks�., A. R .!�� � ,. - Aled , I - . . . . I � . Western Storieq-Th6 ,-Country Be- As 4 Post-war project the -1,16ng J, ,,&, I ohn' -Ma&'*enzie Jac,k, , Cummifigs, , I - -on Satur4v­fQI1o*#g-a-,weqk .1__i_,_,_,�-f�--_,'�`.`J, - �for. the.. -first .JiT , q, days .show encour TT. , . .:�.�; � R . a in prieumonlap He was ,the � - ,. -0 ... " , � - ag- Emkille, W. T. Crulckahanks, 1, W. .1 I YQud, Bower; Rodeo, - Curwood;, Two Club of Seafbrth is sponsoring the 'Ilueg' �ro` . � .. . Jbfin" P.. .MI,,',Wter.��B-.� Moffat , 'Mrs. ing results for'the canvass a, I , Morley, K. Whi*,Ore, 6eo, J � � . ,s . - . � ' morial hall. . -ihe ,,,,.I, . �� .1 � L , Oar 'in the Wilderness, Gregory; . Bett building of a municipal 'me son of Mrs. Rousteau. .aii�� ate, . I '5 �.,.�� � �` Ovplimn s4b; JAi6qJ:,.0_ St Pirli f. ...M.I. .. I UTH. - H � W.M3. I ' ,,� . ew4rt, J. .T e ., I . I - 'Y rr - '"Al , , t'. :. " I ' ' , . . . B. Slattery, � E . , oPPIng the sales for rural districts W., Miller, S. - . I �,i," 11 . Zane, Grey; the Blue-Fye,d Kid T building wift be owned co-jointij .George Brald; ,Of Mount. Fdre�s auA. ,.,',,1,tg JF&il; . - . g I . ,�, . . 1. '. :,�I_ m . . � . ne; � ' -by the Townships of gcXiUop, Tuck- was iu-bis 43r,d: �y .,. - ,. , ` tron . .­ t.WN Miss Marian. were- - W Hullett, $7.200; E. rett, J. - M. southcott K. M. McLean, ' Maxin; Justice Deferred, Rai ear. He,, -was. ma,r:o, 1. '4i . ,�,W I 1-1 . . orman'Gar I . J 'balel L � �� I � ]Wch; Mis� 'builly Lester; Miss Rena: P. Chesney, Tuckersifilth, $6,250;, J. R, I . :. .. M , M 1, . , ; MIJ � , o n ersinith and the T�wu of Se,aforth. 1. .1 ,� M ) * I Fennell, Mss,Addr*ey- Cochrane, Mrs. M. B.. Tennant, S. Ataadn, E. .S. Cope- Holin". Coll ` NTION ried to Miss Anna � , Fear,' Grey, $6,500;, W. E. Son ��, . Rain -bow, Y 4 9; Mavericko, Raine; . O'Reilly�� Hibbert . �.,R , � ,,, . L . �P� I I William, . Camp�ell arid.:, C., A. Trott. . thgate, land, Jos. E. Willis, R.'H. Middlkon; ' . . ,. . fp, : �' . P 'The group representativei of -the Township, and they - - egided' in' - � " �"`I � . . . . . . . - Tuckersmith, ,$4.100; H.. McCreath, . I . I Comanche Kid; Mann; -Gri]390 Guns, above M ' icipalities &et I have i . I ,'.,'�,. - .1,�,.', 1 . _ un - 11 � , i � , , . I I'll -1. I . '. .. � I . I . . & �_ , . . .. r 'Colborne, $4,000; Urban -R. �C. Whate- administration section, A. H. 'Erskine M.. � I I Field The Valley of Vanishing Herds, oil chamber, under the n the 'col T-6ronto since their kairlige. .1. He is � : 1.'- . I . . 1. � . , Afixiliaries Ake- 11 1. epre- .T * , chairmanship I . . , '111 ��;; ley, Godei�6h,,$12,050; Geo, MacEWan chairman, N., W.. Miller; ,agriculture . I 0 . uttl; I survived- by -his - *Jtg, -his mo I Z t .. 11 I , ' e; Outlaws Three, Field. of Dr. E. A. McMaster, cligirm"a' I ther, - - .. �n�� I t-, 11 . ` . . . . n ,of - � . i,i:0 . ; 1 . - liaison committee; Huron County Fed- "t � " . Mystery -The 'Spanish Cape Mys- at. War-Commlttee�, � 0- - , � ,� .BRTJC- EFIELD - ,. Gqderich, -$9;550; H. R. Long, Goi;: b St. drew's � M three sisters, Mrs. Goldthorpe,. Han- . I �,Z� , � . senteil, Ail the Lions Po I . . . 7 . " 5 I 111. Mrs. Bell, Toronto,' "' , , . .. Hblul T. Scribblus, Clinton, eration of Agriculture:' Hon0rary, � I I -11. was r�piesented by Reev �'dud ....... Mrs. ­ ., , Mrs. Harold I �S;. of Toronto, is -rich', $8,' 5jD;. . I . h I .. 't4y, Dunn; The Case of'J�uuy Brice, Rl"Op e N. over; . . � , I'll I . spending,a , iveek with ... her cousin, $7,000. - ,� . A. Morgan; president, H. Church en. . R. Dorrance, Clerk and Treagurer j. Deneff,., Goderie.h.,...._ 6s, , "' " I . . bistrict . . chairman,. . . . I I P 11.1 � Rinehart; The G -String Murders, Lee; M , I al"__'-Jv�q brothe i'11-11 11 ... . . :`11 . ..:.,. . - I . ! 11 I 11 . � Mrs. F. Rathwell, and Mr. and. Mrs. Quota 2 % Sturdy; Huron Coun ; . &keftl Tuckeramith by ... Reeve A Franlip Of . M " ' ' . , :'.' . ty War Services 01 �. Thils'ls Murder, Mr. Jones, Full Ount Forest; -an ,: W of _, I , ., . � , � � . . , . . �� ,-�, " . er; Nicholson; Weasurer, E. ,P. ,Chesney;' Milamay, The fufief4i ' " I 1, t�,; ... . IL Eii�q- � , , , - .. - ". " � . Blyth ......... : ........ ;. 46;000, P 39.70 Committee, preside4i " . I w; d'' J�� . � . -vrp' ... I ..... 101,000 17.40 t, K. I-Sue-AOII,' . T',h,e.,'South section !, the Huron The 'base Of the Sulky Girl, G�Lrdner;, Sea ' . pld �,� . - Hullett T . . � . asi,vh - from , ,�' I +.0 I I . . . . ­ �.? : . Mrs. Jas. MeDonald,'116usall, spent Ontario 'Depattment, of­,Agricultur6 Presbyterial -of the S held forth by 4ay,or J. -J. Cluff. I the residence of Mr. and mi�s. Jame'- .. "I", -1 . ' . . Goderl,ch .... . .,. . � 435j000 16.40 ' ' ' its The. Moviffig Finger, Christie; The. ' I a , I . the -week-ei�d with Mis.','W. Elliott.'., . I i�. .. � I . Representative -Bruce g, - , James'Scott, as presIdefit of Me. 0`116111y.,­Wabbert *Townahlp, Lto ­�, �.. � � �� . . .. , Tatkorsmith p . .,-.,. 101,000 11.70 , � -�tthison. apnual convention in Andrew's Devil ''To Pay, Dunn. . , SL, ' '_ " I '_ � � � I .. . t. . I ., . 1. o I ,., `!.� � . . Mrs. FoiAw'all,.Sr." liini-hit a'ndMrs I I .. . _A , MIIOP Federation of, Agriculture, Columba I on '. I . * " Se4f 11.40 Canvasslind,'010 `�ts , d attend- � " .. .. .. 4 Monday, morne . . '.,.;:,;, ,�,� , ­ � . orth .............. 166,000 . Church last weeIC with: :, goo JuVenile-Boys' Book of Wood -craft, and Robrert Archibald, ,Chure ,I ''! ' I Jag. F�rnwall,'Detr'oit,p spent the week Cljuto� . .4.1 1 rl .. � . 'k I ;,. . . president -of -I 11-11 . n .............. . 180,000 11.26 1 once. Most of the liar* I I ,.Lng. . Rev. F. J. O'Drdwski, ,son Re ' - �,-`,, ". 11 . " I , les were Fagan -s; Paddle to the 0'; . I ..9:1 T � ` , %*" I Ashfteld T,w,P.-ChaIrm411,. Alex F. . . - . . Sea, Holling Tuckersinith Federatio of Agrf4cul- . � ,� ,end with M& Thomson -and Alex and Colboriie Twp. ....:,.. 66,000 9:30, ad A f. "'. Quie- High 'Mass aii'd 1. 11; i "I . I . . . I . . -represented. At , ,;., wor ture� T Mrs." Vincent ,. :, j �­ 6010 - 4 - - . ) McDonald;. Johii,�B,6�uett,', WwIter Al. well . �41% 541P by Travelling With the Birds, Boulton; he Lions 'were,T'epreseuted by I ­`;' . I r Wends, , . Heniall & Hay East... 100,000 8.4( ' T ' . ,Lane presided .at 'ihe.4,;,Oe�'am ' " , '�% I . . � . , Mrs. (Rev.) Bremnef and ,h - ..... 191,400,7 5.00 ton, .Gilbert iray]4�; 'Marvin' Hensall auxiliary aud6l% e organizing Tom Sawyer .Abroad, Twain; Che H. G. Meir. . .. . . The., ,_ � daughter, Wing am ... �. . Durnin, . . . . joUthe meeting ';�Ith jig -4 r1rY ­ - - - ot. 1� � ' - ' ' ...... , e I . choir sang !`V�aui, Jesu,',Am -MI;1 I . - � I I . � I . . . .Edng `:,and .`.a;k4-',", Collin west Grey- Tw.p . ............ 118,000 -4.60! Eriiest,. Blake, W. A..-Culbeft. . , ! - I . President Of Ames, -Army Nurse, Wells; Th Tow- The plans, 'so for, call for the se- t Offertory. NumeroUs, .1. �. . . I . - . I ; I I 1. . � � '. . - _6 . wr ...., I . . . I the section, Mrs_'0QJ-itie, --n the curing of information from the he floral and t�.,: I ' Tui�nberry. - TWp... . . ...'. . 76,0691, 4.3�D aii,osh-Chairmau, Tb,os. . , , , ,Pw er, Secret, Garis; The 44�hfinlshed -rest- - West - Waw, � - � . 1, I '.�` " I .1 ­ . -spiritual offerings were in evidej - T ' Of efil'bu Rev. anif Mrs. . i dents of the municipalities as to what uge. , � ,�­ of St. , JIQ�nag� L11 Wow.au-Q'.p.'r)i,,-East.. ..... .69,00;- 4.20.. .." . , I. ." ( chair, excellent repoirtiNere given by House, The Name on. the Br elet, � .1 " ' . Atllifusoln and Mr. a4d.mrs. T. B. Bitir 1. , 11 ­ I .� ­� I I . I Webster-. . . . ac . .:�;�� ., ,, :I I , ". t I .. 4 . " I , � .'i� I I. - � '. I . they 'Would like to have in this coin The Pallbearers were Thqg. � Co - ' I �: I , "I,, , 1:. ' *6',� ' -,'_'0 � i.rm- Pr ink . , . , � - , � i� "M .... - ­� ..�. ,.,,,. 2,.D,Q &A � �� 10 I . _ � , . . 11 t.� .,k.� ; , '.1" 14M 11 ." Q, .., M the correapbadiiig� .4&etary; the Sutton; The Mystery of Pelican Cove, stello,.: ,:".. - 1. , - � � ...... ; �Ibq - -, T.W-` ' ,­ . , . �� ­_,.�_ W"42p .1/ - I . , � ", ,,,�,s I . �.. .A, ", , . , . ,,, . W11 4,W iu.��Yfajt*kp . � . ­ I I R6111Y ! wi.a � �_' - ' ' I.. . I i . . _ , , - ' The. Mi-ratery of P ' , � � I " IT . q q ., ,a el"..: `� I . . , C11, ""`1 ' a � 7 treasurei%ihd,th� oe� 4or Chris . ", i" 4c. , 6,? '. , I , i" I I ,,o prn . , -6� . I �&, 'k�t, . �__ 4 , ,�..J,400 d, I IM, , mg " � �� .. .1, W - W, I , '�' munity centre. . . I Jo4 John 0, .1 , , . M � , , ...w ,4,13M,� I &.:,:t� 'a � ,� -1 I . .i , a , Brant, � . S. S M-es.'.150weT. MI- 11 � - T!,1Y,Q8r6A, Biso �. , .� - . 1, "i � mi-. " Mr , * " 49d , .� . ", � ":1 , -, - - , " ., " �, I - Myrtle Grove,.- The ,� . ,T.hp Vome buipson'. ��,Tclm ". A-4 , §,- ,�. . :11 ­ � All 11.1.Wl- 1-1 ln",�A'­­. � 1. � I ' . sett, , , ex atson, .Qeo. -, eagan. , � - " . , ". . ,"? . '. I . , . - 6001 �'; , , . I � ­ . tiali gtewaf n . I., N, P ,� � I �N - - My - a'rge auditorjum to,s,".t app ri e. , , &-,1s".k,.,RA po,�_ __ " 2i ,!, �, .,:: I . . 6111� b�y', re suggestions ad ed are , a th � - ". .. t .. Two, .. �.-. .-.4"I00, � 196 1 , P . ft -6f illw- biladlej *P6aA�,'itad i - ' ro�iiniite- i� " ngi' Intirinput f��k-:�..,p'Qq, in I I -,.f . � e&.; - .the ,'errsary services And iZ stery, " %, P, Steph,en.West ...* ...... 60,000t- *,1.90 � �id " rs. ford; Peggy ., T, , . . Town of Goderich-Chairman, H. J. ported for the� Miss -Covers the' News, Bug- ly goo,' Al I t . . spent SU air: ai,-tho home of A.' J. �iu' . pion Ban a; M � .S I I . ­ 11 with comPlete stage, an am- Coltimban cemetery'. lk `�` fi�"' " i, I", - I , ,�,­�`, , . . . riali & Hay West.. � 91,000 L40 Pridle far the Baby .Bafids;, �Mrs. Ea*rl bee; Rusty Wantsa Dog, Oates;, Tall plifying system, . . g A; bsea - - .- � , .:,,; ' � . Swan. I ; . Gqderich Twp. ........ 85,000 130, 'A. MacXwon; vice-chairman, R. G. , J, complete kitchen. tencnnn the a L �Isjj - - ': 1: ,.d ''� . P . . funeral frp�n , 1. .. � . ­ �' I Mills for Temperahce_Au . R _ nee ,,�, P ", *:, -1 - . , , P'. , I -.� . , , , , McKillop. 'TwP, .,. .90 Sanderson; R. M. Menzies, Walter _d Mrs. . Book -of Nursdr3i Tales, Rojan Rov- facifities, ladies' rest room, municipal were. ,Mr�. Rousseau Prank ,P I t. .. L . . . -0 . .11. 11 .... 101,OOD 1. r I I - ... I., ... .. -lodge, C K Saunders, G. * Batten for the Literature. department. sky; Vv`liite�oot.the Woodmouse, Old Offlees for the three munic! al - I a I , , , .11 :, . Ashfield T*p . ........ 104,000 A8 I L. Parsons, P P it e Mount Forest;'Joh I .1 . . . 7 11 , . - In irani, M ,Y;, . � ' .Music was provided by i#6 Elimville committee rooms stor- � . Mpaj � � I orris Twp . ......... P4,000 ' AD D. D. Mooney, M. B. Tennant; Public .Granny FoX,- Mother West Winds with vaults, 1XI I I ­ . - . I I . Goderic�hlr I Mr. I tephen East,­�­�,.­.,.,.,.. . 66000. -301 Relations: M. B. Tennant, chairman; rgess; Gale Gard- age rooms for athl6tic equi mept, . Mr.. and Mrs. Deneff, , - . V.Day Then M I 1 -auxiliary. After the close of the "When Stories,",Bu" � . .. � . P Howtek Twp ............ 226,001) . ion the ladies adjourne' ibowling allies and badmintc and Mrs. Goldthortfe. Hatoter,-, Mrs. I I I .1 - .P . . -20 Walter Hedge, 'vice-chairman; Geo. morning seas . ner, Wins, Her' Cap, Sutton; Susannah 1. )n. court. ' . ' - I . I 11 What?. Brussels . 76,OOD .10 Jenner, S. Prevett, A. H. Erskine, E. to .the schoor room wher`6 they ex- of . ' It is felt that mone . y spent in a Bell -and daughter, Toronto;. Mr. and ,' .� , I � � I - . * , the.. Yukon, Dennigon6 Solomon, Mrs. Th -os . . Costello, West Monk on' ..".." . I . I I -1 unic! pal centre wbuld be . t , ; , ,�:.,,,! J � I . - I Wawanosh 1w�st­,"." 69,000 s as enJoying ' a Mountain; A Day in the Jungle, Low in ,. . . . 11 . . I Cranston, 'R. C.' Hays, , N. W, Miller, , pressed themselve much ; . , Total Sales to date--$209XO. more benefit to the community thari Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pringle. and-,.Jo,g.' P� .,`� 7 .. . I ...- For weeks, everywhere 'across the Rii. R. Stewart,' D. D. Mooney, Mrs. sumptuous dinner and at'Which they -ery; The Little ChIckeii 'That Would an investment in monuments, . ; I I . " ., � I I I Percentage of quota. for Co�7%. I . � � . . and 4arner, Toronto. . I I 1. , . . . 0 formally welcomed. The Thames . I I 1� .. � land, groups have been meeting to . I . .. � I . . . F. R. Reddftt,. Mrs. P.� -Curry,' Rev. R. ire Not Go To Bed, Deihl; Weary Willy tv ' I .. - " ., . I ould servL-. to, bonor ; our war Personals:-, Lieutenant Jor, .1 . . 'I, .� 41arcuss and lay -plans for V -f*. Each . -0 Road auxiliary r6sponded. The 'after- . dephl CaA��" ....- - `­' ' ' _1 . '' , - I ' . . . . . N. Turnbuli,­Rev. W. 14. -Dunbar; pay- . . and Sunny Smile, Brown; Squeake.r's heroes and would benefit the return- penter, Alberta, with his . parents, Mi.— : - - !. P . . . . . � . I roll savings: W., C. 'Att ge; chat was opened, by the PyJamas' Trotman. 1. . I commun ' fty hai made some arrange- . - , rid r- uoon session 1. ed ipen as well as the community at aild Mrs. Joseph Carpenter", P Miss,. . I . ... ­ .. I., anent -for A seirviee or celebration of ELIMVILIM . , - . James St. Auxiliary coziducting the , 1-- ........ large- . I , I .1 . . I . . I . .� . man; .4. K.* W,Urtele,'-,-X *B,.' Tennant, . Non -Fiction - Since You� Went Mary'Dorse , . '..", .. , y and:friend, Londo �zl-1 � unit type or other. The day cannot . worship. Mrs. Cliadee gave an inter- The committee, would like, - ffifther . ., . . . _n, With . ", .. . - Mri., John. .H.' Brock. bas returned R, M. M.enzies. v . . Away, Wilder; The Ten 'Coniniand- . . . I I I __ . r,bme too quidklY for us,"and with its. from Galt where she has spent sev, ' East Wawan6sh-Chalrman, Job esting account of her work ,as social . . suggestions' from all interested per- .Mr, and P Mrs.. Louis Dorsey; MrZ. . , Y�-.' , 1. . . . . u , . I ments;,,Ro,binson; The Queen Was in . I _; . . I worker for, the county. Mrs. Sou�th- sons. -Sehd your suggestions 'to Dr. Charles Malone received a cable an. I "', advent a �1!gkof relief wfftnrise from eral. months. P . '. : . I S. Scott; Raymond Redmond, Adam I- , I the Kitchen, McVicker? I . __ ­ � ­'_ I ,. , ­ � . . . I 'hoo,l [or. Aunt Hattie's. pig..,nounctng the7 safe &17r, I f,'. . . the-hei4it of each'of'us. Some will ott In Gleanings' 'From the-j$c E. A. M.dMasJAr, .of Seafortli, I . Va o her hus- * Visiting with Robertson, Alex McBurney, J. D. Bee- c Place,' Jdcques; History of the Cana- for the proposed building Chas. Malone; over- - ;�� .. I � I 6 Mrs. Charles Johns is I band, Fit. ,Sgt. .. '�,.",'�` . gather in: the � House bf'God to offer I I Leaders, held annually 4 St. Thomas, ' � will be �. . I , her sist6r, Mrs.� Rp" S phens, in croft, Charles Coultes. . ' than PeopbC" Long; Pogea t ' i I q ,�q . . I .. � � . I Mrs. - two , daugh- .;qp theIr thaniksgivin , Wingh-ain Chairman, ,Frank -R. I than History, Peck-- We Stoad.AlGne, meeting. . I . , ill so p n , of Cana� made and submitted., future sekts; .Malone and I � . . 9; Othe'rs. w RiAgeway.this week'. , . ught to Increase the interest of ihe ,at a . '. ters are spending the winter wi . th her ' �wll'l I � 4 give moie, 4Akenubus vent to . their .,. Mrs, Thos. B�11 ' wslon; R. V - ,. membeng', in the advantages 'O' )ftt� Adams ; i?;ung ' Lady Randpiph, . I I mother, Mrs. . Mary McGrath; Mr. and , 1;7 , � . . . -had a cablegram . Lloyd, Chas. Roberts . . . . � I - . . ,� I feelings. . . tending this fine school. Mrs. Taven- . 9- . - ., I . . . � . from her son, Sgt. Lloyd Bell, stating F. L.. Davidson; Fred Spray, secre- I I . Kraus; Lake Huron, Land -on; Onward 101�" - I � Mrs. Andrew Dantzer aid two song, , ,, ... V -Day, *Ill come and pass � dulckly, that be'had arrived safety at,a destin- tary; Payroll Savings: Chas. Roberts, or, as president ,qf the -Presbyterial, To Victory, Churchill; We' Live in - - . I ..;� . I then will . come the `gre.tt test,.for I I in her usual lively manner, conduct- PROPERTY CHANGE London, with Mrs. Louise Flanagan, . -, I ; ation they could not,recognize. chairman;, R. H. Lloyd, W. Gu udy, Alaska, lftlpaGricks; The Great Deci- -Mrs. Frank Feeney; Miss'Mary 11. I -..� r- much about a . . f ed the discussion on exp';'erienees and . 4nd . Men., Today we heW I On Sunday , Mrs. SWI h4d a tele- V S. Copeland; Public Relations: E. , . I I " , i Now Order. I , te natural ,since - I I p. , in ch was sion, Shotwell; The ,Time F�r Deci- Moore, Kenilworth, Stratford Normal I � ., :, � � phone' call from the youngest ton, S Copeland, chairm,an;'W. W. Arm- sion, Wells;'.Star ,Craft, Barton and student, with Miss� Au". .� t is q#i . ethoos in the auxiliarioar whl A recent property change effected I followed lik. an. excelle , '' - we are watching the old -order break- . .... 4 ' . 1. ut .. through the office of gela. O'Reilly;, .1� .. � I .1 Telegrapher Graham Bell; from Mont- .strong, W. T. -Cruickshank, ' .,presidential Joseph; Living Biogra:phl�s of Oreat ,E. -C. Chamber- - .. . . message. This was followed -by the Miss Angela Donnblly - underwent an .- ... ... I... I ..1. ing up before our eyes. In the last real, whb has., been. posf�d . from Turnberry Twp. -Chairman, DQ:vid , , 1. Pbets, Thomas; Mice, Men, and Ele- Fain,' Wncerss tb6 residence of the 11 I I War, , we � .r.pinember the report Of -the resolu6�s­."commiftee, . Operation for removal of tonsils't,his I ... ­ 1. common Briii1gli Columbia to the qast coast. Fortune; Rev. F. G. Towler, John L, phants, Zim-' Revive 'Your Old Furni- Estate of'i-hei late Cath-erine Kehoe, week;, Mr..'Jolianna Roach, 'Mrs. Jos. -111 .. .'� _.: I -1 - phrases -on the- ft,11-0f.O.Veryone we�re^. .4 1 which ,Included an lnv,4�qqn from ' situated on Goderich St. �;ast, to . Mr. ;� , . 'This -congregation --was -well-- repres- M-AcEwan; - Geo. -Lane, - Roland Grain % - -- . ­... . ture, Sloane; The-Sclence Of Fighting . qroAiXL. MxA.Lauretta SMItIL and -Miss . -1.1.- � I -The war to end.warlaud.'A land fit Hensall to hold 'tle coniWR6 there Owen Reynolds, of duutolf, who re--' . I 4 w , ented at Thamew Road anniversaii.Harold Moffatt, 17 J. Wright, J. T. Wy' Fire, McCarthy; Science, Rellgionand I - Monica Roach 'in London; Jack LoVe, I,.' ..� . for heroes to Itile ifill But we :must I . . next year. A vdry successful meetiii ' f ,-eives imm:edia . 9 e, t * . . . -1-1 realize -that no new,order Is the in , - services- last Sunday. Next Sunday lie, - Roy fttteg, was'elosed with i few 'm ' the Future, Raven; Which, Kind 0 ,te possession. 1 31�., in Arthur; Mr. and Mrs. A. For- , , I r I f t . . * � will be 'EllmVille anniversary sbrV,fc- Howick 'iwp.. - qhairm& � .. oments of - .. . � -_ ..-� � -evitable,oUtcome of the w1iiah is pass� n, K. J. lent prayer, a hymn, thb national Re ; volutioit, Herridge. , ­ . -0 � ster in Stratford;. Fred Eckertin Lou- I I ��. . . , ". I '. .. ,. I : ''. es. Rev. Goodger,'!dI! Xirkton;' wpill be Hueston; J� W. *pller�, Robt. L. Mai " 131 Th� f4Ao'Wiug Huron CoiW-ty'Lib- don; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel 40ostello in L- �,'­ . Ing iWay. - * -1 . ;. � I . I � - anthem a6d the benediction. . � ' � , " � .. the speaker in the morhlug�,.and Rev. shall, All" Munro 1, rary Association books will he in cir.' Stratford. . , �. ;iherhOid . . . I _. � . . . A number from here '-iiiended an- . . . . . I .'11'11�_`- �1. � Lealie, Wep, L tntg out: p rris WP. - . I , .. . I . d _' I 1. t. I . Po Aldsw6rth, of St. Marys , *Ill' , - reach Mo' "'T ' - Chairman, 6cti ,,I,tion at Hensall Public Library for ', 0 1 ., �Pl: I . , , . � �1- ,4611it that'if. t,be.*9,r � , I I 6, . ' � I Therw-,Ii *de�� . in the ,evening,' servf,�es -it 11 a.m. Wheeter. niversary service in- Br field Unit- three months: I I I 11 , �� . I . , ,. euded-tomorrow, even With tome, hope and 7.30 p.m. . .. I Grey., Twp. ,- ,Chairman, Russell ed Church on Sunday evening. . . .. I . CROMARTY I I , , -, Fiction -Ellen Sprung, Marion; The ' - I . . I I I ' i co, tens ' . . - .. Mrs. Simser, of Toronto has r,q-. Golden, Skyl,ark, 4oudge; - - Mr. PELu, ; . . ei ^ ifiiiable* and - fiLAIng Pea' I . ]Knight;' Thos. Wilson, 'C. Rowland, Mr, and Mrs. Garu'et Cockwell, of _­ - . . __ .. of, our ,coun r.ym P - . . I I 0 + , . " t, . .of thousands t ', en would . I � Wilbur Tainbult, Ge'o. .MacDonald, ,turned home after spending a couple Dashwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvirt 1. . I . . ' I Hahn; The Island -of Fa Mancbu, Ro,h- . � � . � allp back int�, the ,Did /grooves of set- . KIPPEN . lex Alexander, Stanley Machan. . of *weeks with Mr, and. Mrs. W. mer; I The Blue Castle., M.ontgomiry':' � :Cornish, of ExeteT, were guests $his � : ' , I � .:ds&nes6 and co' ` The Ki pea Auxlliary.�has planned . A B - Horney. .- I RED CROSS . week with Mr, and'Mrs. OttO' Walker. I I fp, ' mplacency, 'grooves P . russols-ChaJrman, Robert Bow- . Without Orders, Albraud; Flarly Su�; . .. . I "k ' were deepening into ea�ves, -and . Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McClellatid, I � :! . that I . � for -their 'harvest thankoffering -meet- in P R, W. Kennedy CO, NOTES - of Egmpndville, were, visiting Mr, ' , . , , . � man; Roy Gou�§ixw, P. froin. which we fia�e now peen blast- Ing ' . * family spent an event' t ,last week mer, rbett; The Moving Finger, and -, i . -he . ag . . I . ��, ,. ' . to. A church school . room on -Chairbian, L. Hilborn; J rtstle; The Case of the Absent . I I Mrs. Dune, McKellar this week. , �� . . Blyth .1 ack - Ch � �, � ,ed by war. Man continues to dream, *ednesday next _�nd liave secured .&ts with Mrs. Parsons! pa�e448, Mr. and I . ,� I -­�'11. , I . . W _qn, Herb,XcElrok; Public Rela,, � Mifided 'Professor, Stein;, The ,Sea Miss.Qorts Pea-rce was the gu , ,. I � 0 � I . but his dreams a.rd �hatter`ed again Miss ,Davis, ot Clinton, who will -bring Mrs. Joseph Lind,en, of )Donlleld. . The First Aid classes c0minduced of Mr. and Mrs., B. 0. McDonal est :-,,� . 1. I tions, Norman, Garrett,, K. Whitmore,- Wolf, Landon; Wall of Eyes, Miller; d. . '.I�i ;1 ­ I . own an accofint,of her lhteresiting exp6ri- ' .1 "".� ., I and'again'by, the strength of his Mrs. Stacey, of ExeWr,, who has I last Thursday with. 32 in the class The fowl supper mbntion I . . I Tuckersmith Twp.-ChaIrman,. E. . '(Continued'iou Page 4)., . ed in lait .,,,�,,� 11 . , ,. . . I � . . . . - . �m daught6r, and son -in- . � , .,�, � . I , we'almesses elices A9 a 'city deaconess. P. Chesney. � � . been visiting he -and Dr. J. A. Gorwill- lecturing. Miss week'i Cromarty news which will be - . � , ApW fe*,.qf us tealize'that the New � � . . . ,., 1.�� � . - Cheaney Is not as well Mckillop Twp. -Chairman, Jas. N. I orney, re- -0 11 . I Mrs. rqxry I law, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hi � . 'Alice- Daly i�' the secretary,. and the held qji,p�rtly, Will, not be open for the ., !,.',, . 'dst. It was - � . ' . P ­61ic; but .only I . � � turned home 'last week'. , I I �A� '.1 1(3rdetl IOP already, in our- mi �-T!rleuds - to be, , ued dn'Page 5) . . classes will be continued 6ach Thurs- Pu to members of ' ' I .1j,"! - 11, . -two: hoi*Oand ye . as hiri Would like her (Contl I n . Mr Ferguson and fam- - day evening at 8 p.m. sharp in ""d4ongregation and -their. invited � 7. �-.`!' . . torn, E ' ' ,�,�. � ars. ago amidst. but wish ,her a goo'd and'.9peedy re- . � _. and,Mr,jr. J. Kippen EE'Ist W.I the the . � . .;;� I . I . "', ,..... ­ . I . � I I I I- �� I t1to cbAog and,disaster of the, human covery. P . 1. . " �0_ ,ily, of'Chiselhurst, vlsitbd' on Sund * Library. " friends. - � r�l I .. . . . ,_ I AY . . 7'12� , _ ' ' - . . . . .,7 . . w iOUL All T;;�i�tfbni� .. past,, present *_ , with Mr. and Mrs. Arc.)#e Parsons. * * *' . - *_ . .. ,.);�.i� I . I . . and �' future. 44,de__ into inklig . . I Kippen Is noting vdth Packs'20 Boxes' ' . .. . ,�,il,' -1� .�!� I I . - " , pleasure , . The following is a letter of appreci- " . '�� I . P STAFFA . I Installation at . ­ . - 1, I- .,.p these, days the impr( . . ". ? -Virhen we realize the 'fun Import of . I ' I I . )v6jAene in the ation received by the Society from a - '­�,�, � :. C , � . . , ,�i�, _0 I I'd)[ am. ep " , A t Damm. -store Qont, by the Aubatlt�ttn The box packing committee of KIP-, boy overseas: - I , . I . : M Wod. -sonals., ,Mr. a Farm Radio . I I a . , ome o to brbIg P01 I . ud Mfs. Jas. Watt, 9 ,i, ,,�,�,,,11 :.".", � - - Edrinofit6n -With'ME and -Mrs. 'Jas. Rebekah Lodge ' I � "". , I . ,��k�-, ,)�,". I , ��hebl%.,ft, t a J3w,bf4fA` ,that Now.or � I of fine plate glass wJu66*s for the P�en bast women,s Institute met at "Dear Folk:� Pr,bbably none of you I , .�� I , . . . . I �� .. ,�. . I . "I', - " I 11V . , �, , ,,� - . - entw ruthlbs§l� thfattli " .r. .'and Mps, Armand Lawson, , 3Y 91"sQ in the weat the home of Mrs. Gletin McLean and haye ever heard ,OF me because 1. come , f 0�j g1l,'tbe, MR. , DA old Panes, and I Forum 11.;�,, , . li ­ �Ii . Mr. - &�d Rrs. W.. 0. - Dis in. X150 th� ddl. packed"20 boxes for'local boys oiet- ' I . . �1 i ancl iMinbelitsbuients--,of Montreal, with, trict De�uty Pfeslde& and staff end of the platfor � .1 ��;� " 4�11ctugtlitent . a from Merritton; ont., a suburb of At. .1��; I "4 . . . I .., I ., .1 �' 'i .is. W. Leslie, Don- of''MUVOrtbn Lodge 'installed th . .1 � ,.,!�'.. - -,humhU sadletY and qa 6 re -before 7huirus; Mr. ,and'U e Oi' ti -on of a new' bufidln'd, �at.. the west seas. Each.,box contained a 2 -pound Catherines. rodW a Canadian Wei, "Building Communities , For the � ,�.i- . , ,�.; , �. I . . i , L, qJ ,,%if , all, oU uble�_gj � ua and John `§i6i,tT-6rdjP,iV1ih Mr. 4nd 46ers of Rdelweiag Rebekah Lodge end- of the Vill-age h * Iq J4 nry ftult cake, l4b. box of ,home-made fare Offi er isited'our. statioh on the rl,d. of -today" ..'will be the central t.k,'!" I - "I I 41s, � �% ,� tro n . J , _ .� c V *0 I . I �;;� . " ,.�&O�j o% I w , , ". . e �'�,V � � . ,. - . �,.). 1 1 1 � 1, , "., I H."11W. Umlke- -Mr. AAd Mrs. go. :ill On* Monday ev,ening, October Ivison. I � g, having a ,!` �­�` ." in. ill "isati oilivab.� '' - - ? . ., . . foil"RIZ, U r -his candy, pair of socks, cheeser, soda big- gouth coast of Enkland and gave me, thelhe for the new season Ju.,N,gJJoua,1 �1, I , "" , . I � . I "; , � ,;� � , I t6# Ar", ..4 1 .1 I I I .. I I 4"o ghtbu 4n&!FraAk, 1-4 . M .� 93rd _ i� f� - . .P. 19.v6*0er6- ay, " gt�,'Xo uen afid oivkbo �. i ,'.alt follows. " . ne e" 0) ru ,., �:,�f . 41 . P , , Vr* cottage dag. , ,, ,.,�, � cults, tin of.Malka,' SPOrk, tOmRt0, kulong other things, a tuok-in, Ithitted -Farm Radio Forum"beginning' oot. 8�0,,, :",". 't . "i , I . . ,,, . i, ,,k � I ' .� ,. :, - - arty, .. 41.6ji6t,on j,J � .. . I IAV:�- , 4,P�X.CP.',.1 Mary ataon; N:G.j'PIvo, - The, I '­'­ � , I ,� �:" . 4 4-� ,i6,T;eiP6d1-ng, fliae4li ftrdst i�hd. M11*4f,- '44. j6hu F, �., ivi serVige 'next MW'Will -be juice, gum, chocolat6 bars, tobacco, by one Of your members. I gin"writ- Thallift serlodi-J's cotcoridlut �` I I � " ,,,, , I ,- " :� .q& - I L , " 1. . . . . tlAhd, I''. , �'� �"�'�' ,, . I � ' prObT � . , . I 11 ,:- '.,�-.',W. "' � � . , � .,JJ'6t 4,ftd ` tit 4ii F� ,�.'Ou Post*Ar f. - , , .� f, 1 �,; , ' - .1 I" , . 111. -er, ",,,'�b ;, bu�,.�.',�.,��-i!,�,, 1. " - , ." ", Mi oid I�ftfllnift' - j , .:,,­ J. � I a, --t , 6, Janet Bak Red. j�ondnatbd by the �Rev'.4�4 JiJig, of cigarettes, tooth t)owder, shaving Ing to thank you tot your -pouhaaaan,4'. pc�hlikuiilty " " "' -, . , � I ,.. � We 1: e I % .. , . I i4a . . . � ." ,� 4' �11 good w6rk ,tho I !. , "! �7to � I , . - V, . ��";�, � - .6 % d�.�.,, ! 1 40311o.%�­, ,e 0 � ; �.."�'O' ,� I - , P. int f4ofs'd 411d. -tM`-.­*. o. &1;�aud!,�MPJI i&d N tal Sed.",' Slav 4�.`M. ikAut i6 cream, razor blades, soap and shoe and eateciallY the rh IaAT VOn*, '06L - toth, ,at kso, p.m. th ,Lp�'� r, I . '. - . i r . iarOt - single; Pill-, Sec., Wbodhani, whiia Rev, k, all" aired, �,*�`.:,`.�.-qj, % I 'A" , J' `4".k' ' *d- � - havi- O,i k#lTi�*Y` Mt. aild Mrs. % 3. VdIt,, udl�- 'Trtsas, � Yeaii. '06�4; taking'fits Anniversary 46616o� for the polish. Mr. John Beattie, Se to h, o tt' -, � .� 1. I ` ,v" - - 11%vi .. � . Vitally "a� 1. an , ` e I ltl�'O'dlg , f a tt, wb knI ed it. I know. her hair Infaubj6d of t4e 1b-V4,a&jsj Wift"be "Volk't-, , 'L�2,�, M. , , I I I � v&h-; " ­'.,j%,��, P � I ,� .. "..." ;0,LALI"' � OfA Mr., IM41 %, 41- -ach box. ,,ikl I �1� � I , . 1 sugkl - , ". I I 7 I I % , t,�,Olmlt . . ... ..... ... I "' - �, , "' ' - .1 � W'. , 0 % liofL46 � ,r#w � INctratm - he tbhialua of an ., The committee Wishes to -thank all knitted ,Into the garl*ent, L 11t cejtaf� ij�� e'Afjde� �*W &I i4h� - '� "I I 11, 11 - `r-.%� , on 1 ,*16 wor � ri,qo, , oondu�t;� ,Y. 'i` tb` 0 - -L thollo6m 1,�, 6,;oPinfo d , Lprne,6 L mr�� 'IL Use Mokirk: I 'di P : . I donated a ,booklet 'for e ,� `��, K��:ii�,� M I , . 4! silver, because olie liair hhd bt,eit' - &,p1b Leg*, th,,o 1A,A-441i � ."�C'r,'� 9"; i. , . .'' I . ­��A;,._�,'� � 1" , �p, I , �� dth'41th - Mi, � �iij,. �*, ' ' mli." 't ely . " . Aln, .`�,J I ogdoal�; i�, . . Milk Chalil F�� On Monday. last t �i'�, � I . ­ . - � ", " L A - 0 of, 9tiph- 6.! ,5:,� , . , , �., � .. " . I . . ,I ,,, - . to!. � i , I '.. I - and ..,06fild4ft , 01: tme- , , I g 4114 AWL b4i1v41f&;1,P ��`X'i��&O- bbh4MOOO; MOW41iffil Atfti XIi-AX" PLS. -old� tdaident, MrA. A-leMNAtrp, BtJroat, those who kindly donated syrup and ly � rpithided t e o =, 6v,ij.' -%�_h ' ' " Z' I 7- ,-.-*f-. ,!-.,;, ,." t,h,. _41. -, , __. �V&4'fg­,b:"";'.1'­ . 0 tIi6thb111 -$f�pjiqg *16 ,� as, "VOMMg"A d�lql '0,� 11 � � �,.AA,61 I.L14.1 T-Ou I 4 vo �. 1-11, . � I , I 1. 4" I eit , . _ " - Lh. I . .. ... A, I . � _V , . , . _,;!�Vl ., *BJAf4rd 1361.� i, e-,'. L-�sxd:, .Dtomthy -t_-* PbAsible tot Thank I ift Of, ' 1, , . .ft . . y ppoitte I." N` *014 18 � 16. M i (,bob rl6r4ft0e,10XA,y),,.,* 0-*dtkght 'iftigat, Which made.it �;:Ix ,r . . pu"Ing 't, 6, I I . , h C . V� erely" Le* . liat.-Se6r4 I la ft... sinla ., � 1-1. i�,,;�,_111,1 I I . � , . .� -, a=- 0". � ­­­. , , . .01 I , , , .L 'I : . " I 11 I'll, W", , wildiout., *-e.,V . '"' 'd' ffl&,WdAugifi4ld;� P 1-th I tioit�,. PL 0 '..O. -, � , ' 1�,,#A 1* , I 1 '# 4 6otfijiig,�� qahbilu-1 I ,X , Asufm -bbusitt, t1riam. totOit6 id -the "'I tk4�'�f her 'ea-hily -to be made and sent. H Nil , 1.1 1 4 .., - 0eif , gyhAv&�� I&- I �q . � - � __ . I I I ; .1 . '_u � I . "Oh4ft, vi �, I' ,*J U , - ­&,,'�i�qu, ( I :. . 1, PP., 4M,1'1:�11�1 0 . '""' . " � '' ,1:.':�, 14 - ,�.,&f , �` n ia - eptin. I .1, * " a . .A � #§,­66,ihA ,,,, . �;A � IR ' " �.�.� i*��"'W," , �' Ad , *` ,464'rus" !,.)q,�, ", . I ,� �',�i.,.`�­��%,�,J` � . �0*03L �'WJANTm ", ,, p koft 4nd � if , 11 " - . , , - I ,, ,". 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