HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-10-20, Page 8ALL'ILINES OF MARANOR SALE ,....„„.• ,49 -Street; Priced rear • M ain Street; eXcel- ' Inimediate, posseseion. irable properties also listed.' ATSON 84 REID FtElp - Proprietor , 234 Seaforth isi*im,,IsTs IN ALL LINES OF INSURANCE • The Second Division Court County of Huton SOInce ill 4110 Dominion Bank Build - *W. Seaforth. Office hours: Tam - dal; Thursday, and Saturday,_1.80 p.m. 90 6 pan.; Saturday avenin. 740 p.m. 90 9 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN - Clerk WN, • : , ,)„..„... , 14,1111e11110111011t.ii,' 011,010179,04.' 0100,1111,11,004 et ., OwdeirA daughtnr rs.iie1. P11111t' and the late Gwenville,Olark. 9; Mit- ta Mr. Thtinaate Alexander Baker, eldest son os Albert C. Baker., of Seaferth., the wed' ding to take place quietly this month: Dled in British Colunribia.-- Word was received here of the death of Bella Spear, beloved 'wife of Mr. J. W. Hawthorne, formerly of Hullett Township, at her home in Victoria, B.C., on October lith. Mrs. Haw- thorne was born.in Brussels and went with her husband to Victoria in 1925. Besides her husband, she is survived lby a son, John; and a daughter, Elizabeth, and one sister, Mrs. Mc - Rorie, of Brussels. Interment was made in Victoria -cemetery. 000.000000000 4> G. A. WHITNEY 0 e 0 Successor to HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 Funeral Service Main Street - Seaforth • AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 A4justable hospital bed for 0 rent. Agent for Mitchell. Nursery Flowers. Telephone 119 Nights and Holidays. 65 0 00000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 ° W. J. CLEARY 0 0 Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 .0 Night or Day Calls -336 0 Ve 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Churches at, ent 41i11g10...0100)41'.0.-:piSVP Ofar.PPIP, 0Petaip9,..t4flt ,d0w1l40111?. 1,401P". First-elaer) 1.04er. bouge, Aeret.nt land with.epien, did ba.ra,'W tf, X 32 11,,. ''flY114.0instah - prePerty. 1404, 'be •seen to be 'appreciated, • -13.11,101P. ROUSE,. Church Wt.,• Three- • Oboe bathroere, • filrnace, town Water. Good' barn and hen house. •' 'STUCCOED HOUSE, Egmondville. A good property, .• COTTAGE, Egmoudville. Priced reasonable. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Seaforth, Ont. 334 Office Rein 220 St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth.— Children's Day: Family Day. No regular session of Sunday School; 11 a.m., Sunday School service; subject, "Rhoda and Peter"; all young peo- ple's hymns. Grown-ups, come and listen and join in; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer, "An Heritage and Gift." -St. Mary's Church, Dublin. — 2.30 p.m., Sunday School; 3 p.m., Service; "Rhoda and Peter and the Others."— The Rector, Rev. 0. F. L. Gilbert, B.A., at all services. First Presbyterian Church.—Minis- ter, Rev. Richard IL Williams, B.A.: Rally Day: The Sunday School will meet with the congregation for public worship at 11 a.m. Evening service at 7 p.m. The minister will preach. Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., "Christian Grati- tude and 'Fearlessness"; 7 p.m., "The Figure of a Beseecher." Welcome to these services. 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. A. BURKE 0 Funeral Service DUBLIN : ONT. 0 0 Night or day calls: Phone 43r 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPENCE'S PRODUCE GOVERNMENT REGISTERED • EGG _GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices Pald For Eggs and Poultry 41 • We will not accept delivery Of Live Chickens or Fowi unless previously advised, until fur- ther notice. Phone 170-W, Seaforth Phones: DANCE Friday, Nov. 17 in the Armouries THE CKNX RANCH BOYS — Auspices of the L. O. B. lk, — tr” wilt and11.1jt` ,P;APP94:01 or 1400`00411000011,. ti4P,0 ,7.741P PP .41tir.14.4' 0,10' Tik hilee-0.T4e,°.,?1/111:01.1114301°.-1ePct '"jt, ur day,/ :October 20th; • Pildhi Lealilinilktirle--The $0609E4 Brine have received 'Word 0f ildhe death of Edward lPeteri, which our - red in Leamington a week ago. Mr; Peters. was a member of a prominent family in Seaforth in the early days of the town and was well known here where he was an employee in the Broadloat & Box Furniture factory ter many years. Lle- Is survived by his vidow, formerly Miss Louise Punchard, and by one sisfer, Mias Julia,:.Peters. "Fitlieral services were held in the Angliean. Church, Leann ington, followed by interment in Leamington cemetery. The- Late "Mrs. Alexander Gordon.— The death occurred on Thursday last of Mrs. Margaret Dallas Gordon, of Egmondville, in her 85th year. Mrs. Gordon was the widow of the late Alexander Gordon, and the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James 'Dallas, pioneei-residents of Tuckersmith. Mrs. Gordon had lived alone since the death of her husband ' 'some years •ago, and had enjoyed comparatively good health until •a. short time before her death. She is survived by an. only son, Mr? J. A. Gordon, of the Bank of Commerce, Winnipeg, and !three brothers, James Dallas, of Tuckersmith; John, of Hen - salt, and Donald, of Detroit....A pri- 'held Sunday TILE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD, OFFICE BEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: W. R. Archibald, Seaferth - Pres. 111. McGregor, Clinton. - Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth Manager and Seeretary-Treagurer. vate funeral sery ce was afternoon from the G. A. Whitney funeral chapel and was conducted by Rev. R. T. Williams, of First Pres- byterian Church, of which the deceas- ed was a member. Interment was made in Baird's cemetery. The sym- pathy of the community goes out to the •bereaved son and other relatives. Presbyterian Y. P. S. Meets.—The regular meeting of .First Presbyterian Y.P.S. was held Tuesday evening in the school room of the church. The president, Mrs. K. Campbell, opened the Meeting with Hymn 295, and re- peating the Lord's Prayer in unison. After the reading and adoption of the minutes, the business of the evening was -discussed. Mr. Williams invited the society to meet at the Manse for their next ineeting. It wasmoved by B b M Mill n and seconded by Mrs. DIRECTORS: Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen: E. 1. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, R.R.. 3, Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, A.R. 1, Blyth; Frank McGreg•or, R.R. 5,. Clintort Hugh Alexander, 'It.R. 1, Walton; William R. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth; George Leitch, R.R. 1, .Clinton; John L. Malone, R.R. 5, Sea - forth. • - AGENTS: ' Finlay' McKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; B. Pepper, Brunefield; J. E. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. • You are Invited to Inspect the -BO TAILORED -TO -M EASU RE SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR - LADIES AND ' GENTLEMEN IN 7 PRICE RANGES $22.50 t� $42.00 SOLD ONLY by GILLESPIE'S CLEANERS - DYERS TAILOAS 0 you think you're hard to fit, we're here to change yoiettitnd, • - OW* • • Jack's Repair W. THOMPSON, Prop. MINERS Made by Jack Priced at 11.40 $1.90 $2.00 $2.10 Wednesday is Harness Repair Day — OPEN ALL DAY ing held at Duff's Church, McKillop. The program was "The Church in the South Pacific Islands," and Mrs. H. V. Workman showed a map picture of the islands of the Pacific. Papers were read by Mrs. Cuthill, Mrs. Spence and Mrs. 'F. Storey. 'Mrs. J. Pollard led in prayer and the meet- ing closed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. LOCAL BRIEFS 414: TOP': 44:.' Te,:1:001011.0xi,:!4:0, ,,w4tet',Somosai, 1:WW;cwin, Alia Mr. ant1,41.4, ixooriO4.'gilyoc Detroit we S.0),40y. pze,a4t wriPiop; Defiveoic, '5* k$. 410549 ik(4011011, was the guest et XI', 014 IF. Ve Mullen last week.' • Sgt, NV, a Selltlipte, of Isaiiddir anent the week -end at hie kerne • Miss Greta TijOrt413S011, Mis S. L McLean, 'Mr. P. n. Moffat and Rev. H, V; Workman.' attended the meeting 4U:feHuron County Library Associa- tion IdHenget). ea Monday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller, of Dearborn, Mich., were guests last week at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. .1. J. Cleary. ' • 1VIrs. F. Faulkner had the Misfor- tune to fall on Friday at her home and fracture her hip. She is now in Scott Memorial Hospital. • Mrs. Charles Holmes will return to Toronto on Friday. • • Mr. H. Steffen has, removed to the house recently occupied by Mr. Kingsley. • Mrs. Fred Burchill, of Perth, was a guest this week at the home of her aunts, the Misses Brine. • 1\ths. W. A. Wright spent the week -end in Hamilton. • Miss Margaret Fleurcheutz; of Egmondville, motored to Toronto this week where she `will spend the winter. • Girls between the ages of seven and nine years, who are interested in becoming Brownies, are invited to attend the next meeting of that club on Wednesday, Oct. 25th. • Mr. and Mrs. IL E. Smith and family spent the week -end in Toron- to. Mr. Smith's sister, Mrs. Joseph Unsworth, returned with there and is spending a few nays here. • Mrs. A. M. Clark, of Woodstock, spent the week -end at the home of her sisters, Misses Abbie and Wilma Seip. • Mrs. Robert Bell leaves this week to spend the winter in Hamilton with her daughter, Mrs. R. 0. Anderson. -• Mr. and Mrs. W. Brenton Kerr and daughter, Janet, of Buffalo, N.Y., were week -end guests of Mra. James Kerr. **Mr. hind Mrs. Alex Hay, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Mcatlaeter. • Mrs. Kenneth Campbell, Miss Ruby Sanderson, Miss Marian Belch, Miss Thelma Scott, Mrs. C. Reith, Miss Alice Reid, Mrs, F. E. Willis, Lieut. Hazel Waterston, Captain Aud- rey Sims, Mr. Robert McMillan and Rev, R. T. Williams attended a meet- ing of the Presbyterian Young Peo- ple's Society in Bluevale on Friday evening last. • Dr. H. J. Hodgins,' of Toronto, gave a dental inspection at the Sea - forth public school this week. Mrs. J. D. Hinchley left this week to spend the winter in Qwen Sound. • Mrs. Stanley F. Grainger, of New Toronto, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Ament. • • Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Seltzer, of Hamilton, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shinen. ' • pit -Lieut. William McFarlane and LAC. Elmer Laird, R.C.A.F., Saskat- cliewan,swere guests 'at the home of the latter's aunt, Mrs. Albert Edier, over the week -end. • Mr. and' Mrs. John Forsyth, of Detroit, were guests this' week of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Forsylh in Tucker - smith. Mr. and Mrs.iForsyth return- ed with them. • Messrs. Donald Stewart, DOnald Munn, William Munn, Donald Bright - rail, Neil Beattie and Gordon Wilson were in London on Saturday attend- ing ,Ae football game between the University of Western Ontario and H.M.C.S. Donnancona team from Mon- treal. •• Mr. and Mrs. George 'Love and Mrs. A. D. Scott, of Shipka, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F. Scott on Sunday. .. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barry and daughter, Elilabeth Anne, of •Strat- ford, were week -end guests of-Mra G. T. Turnbull. • • Mr. and Mrs. R. T. McIntosh, 'of Ingersoll, were visitors in town on Saturday. • Sgt. Thomas R. Cluff, R.C.A.F., Lachine, Que., and Sgt. Lloyd Hog- garth, R.O.A.F., Rotitcliffe, •Were week -end guests at 'the home of Mr. A F Cluff. • Mrs. E. A. McMaster spent last' week in London. • Misses Lenore and Margaret Ed - ler, of Hespeler, spent the week -end with their Mother, Mts. Albert Edier. • Miss Elizabeth Broadfoot, R.N., of Thessalon, and Miss Erma Broad - foot, of ,Sundridge, are guests at the hdrue of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer T-owils end in Tuckersmith. • Mr. mad Mrs. John Muir, Masten,. Donald Muir and Miss Norma Muir were in Brantford on ISIflrday last. • Mrs. R. Coates, of London, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ament. • Mrs. John Flannery received word this week that her husband had arrived at hie' destination. • Miss Alice. Daly was elected to the office' of Diocesan Secretary at the meeting of the Catholic Women's League a Canada, held in London last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Devereaux Hope this week Girl Guides • Hold Meeting.—There were seventeen Guides at the last meeting. The first part of .the meet- ing *as spent in inspection, followed by a treasure hunt. The First Patrol was the winner. Each patrol then hail to put on some entertainment.' The First Patrol had a skit about the Ooseof ot� op.1,.tett 04)4,•.• *dd.- c a Thompson, that the nominating cOrttn- mittee have the slate of officers ready for the next meeting. The service convener, Bob McMillan, acting as chairman, took charge of the pro, grame. Hymn 582 was sung and the Scripture lessons wereread respen- sively. The topic, "Chriet of the Andes," was given by Claire Reith, after which he led in prayer. Hymn 376 was sung and Mr. Williams dos- ed the meeting with prayer. After the meeting a study period wag con- ducted by Alice Reid on "Th, kind of People who live in Latin America." FEED Poultry, Dairy and Hog Feed Made Daily - Also Concentrates to mix with your own grain. Northside Y. P. S. Has Meeting.— The regular meeting of the Young People's Union of the United Church was held Tuesday, Oct. 17th, at 8 p.m. The meeting opened with the hymn, "Lord, I Want To Be a Chris- tian." The aninutes were read and adopted as correct. The roll was call- ed and the offering received. A psalm was read by Ernie Clarke, followed by a prayer in unison. Fred Weed mark, Fellowship Crinvener, took ov- er the meeting. The hymn, 'Faith of Our Fathers," was sung, followed with Scripture readings by Edith Blan- chard, Madeline Wilson, Mabel Camp- bell and Donna Watson. The topic, "Stating the Faith," was given bY Fred Weedmark with readings by Mae Clarke, Betty Dunlop, Frances Huis-I ser and Audrey Shannon, followed with a short discussionled by Mr. Workman. • The meeting closed with the hymn, "Make Me a Captive, Lord?' and -the Mizpah benediction. OYSTERSHELL LIMESHELL FEEDING MOLASSES COD LIVER OIL REX WHEAT GERM OIL WESTERN GRAIN SCREENINGS CHOP AND MILL FEEDS 5X and 3X B. C. Shingles HYDRO POLES and CEDAR POSTS SEAVORTH FARNfERS' CO-OPERATIVE PHONE 9 Northside W. M. A. Meets. — The regular meeting Uf 'the Women's Mis- sionary Auxiliary of Northside Unit- ed Church was held on Wednesday, Oct. lltla, with a good attendance. afre. R. Lassen conducted the •btlsi: mess poled. Minutes and reporta Were, read, and Mrs. C. C. Keine gave a temperance readhig. .The roll was tailed and tisn 'bite to shut-ins re- ported. The service of vophip was in charge 'et Mrs. Outhill. yarn, reed the Scripture leasoll. Cate-, dited 1Inefifiene Were, followed with ,"001" tidal; §11.100411 0 the 4ivt," read respenslifety.. Ur& Portrente add 4S .&,: A, Pergibto4gaye, illterettbig and ;06,4 000 g#410A4 *et - Hallowe'en DANCE in the Armouries TUESDAY, OCT. 24th With Murdock's Orchestra NOVELTY DANCE • Sponsored by the Seaforth Women's Institute • Proceeds for war work. ADMISSION - 50 CENTS. APPLES! Well Grown, Sprayed Spy Apples For Sale Come and get your supply at Fruit Farm' at best prices. Bring container. C. HOARE FRUIT FARM Near Clinton P. O. - VARNA •," 1 atycla,y, 4PNE PArrgRs MITCH a MN .SM14IVAITS" YPATO,'C4,1W,4TrST, A:1100. 4T&A N STORY. -MONDAN',:TT,Tg$PAYI WEPNESDAY, JOAN FONTAINE. ORSON WELLES "JANE EYRE Bronte classic eonvertpci into a powerful and artist? flim. AS AN ADDED ATTRACTION— Spencer Tracy in "TOMORROW, -JOHN JONES" This Special Feature Is being shown rn conneetIon with the Seventh Victory Loan. • The sad .death of Allan John Love, aged 24, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Love, Stanley Township, took place on Monday, Oct. 9th, Thanksgiving Day, from the dread'disease of acute antennae poliomyelitis. He, was tak- en ill on Oct. 3rd and complained of a sore back, and was removed to Vie- toria Hospital, London, on Thursday, but passed away on the following Monday. He was a quiet; unassum- ing young .man and was always will- ing to take his share of the work at home. He was born on the farm where he had lived all his life and attended No. 7 sehool, and was a member ' of Carmel Presbyterian Heniall. Surviving are his parents; two brothers, James and Wayne, at home, and three sisters, Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. Gordon Westlake, of pay - field, and Miss Edith at home. After a short service interment was 'made in Baird's eeinetery, the pallbearers being Ralph Stephenson, - Gordon Johnston, Mervyn Johnston, Harvey Keys, Hugh..„McBride, and Clarence Love. Rev. J. E. Taylor officiated. Mrs. McGregor, of Seaforth, visited Mrs. Wm.,1-lart .the fore part of the week. Mrs. Elgin Smith visited in London last week. Her daughter, Mrs. Dods - worth, accompanied her home on Sat- urday. • Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Chuter and family spent Thanksgiving, with Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith. The W.A. of St. John's Anglican Church met at the home of Mrs. Gal- braith. There was a good attendance. The hostess served a4chicken dinner. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reid, Of Lon- don, called on friends here Sunday. Mrs. E. Chuter accompanied them to the city. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBride, -of Blake, called Sunday on Mrs. M. Reid. LAC. Floyd McAsh, of Debert, N. S., is home on_ a week's leave. Word has been Jeceiyed • that Pte. Harvey Parsons has been:killed ov- erseas. We extend 'our sympathy to the relatives. Rev. Mr. Bandy, of Forast, was in charge of the -anniversary service in the United Church last Sunday morn- ing and evening, and delivered good talks to large congregations. Mrs. Bandy rendered to solos. at the eve- ning service. _ — NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY TWO FEATURES (Second Show starts 8.45) The irrepressible Donald O'Connor finds romance again in " CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK" — ALSO -- BASIL RATHBONE 'NIGEL BRUCE "SHERLOCK HOLMES FACES DEATH" • Coming.— "SHOW BUSINESS" That Friend, of Yours Overseas NEEDS OUR LITTLE BOOKLET "HE DOES:CARE" / Now On Sale, Any Cinantity, 25c Each ' —Every penny received goes to• Qverseas Relief— There's a booklet 'in our Store you can buy; The pride, my friend, is not so very high: It will cost you just two bits— . In his tunic, well it fits: He'll smile and send a "Thank You"—just you -try. BEATTIE'S 5c to $1 STORE and athletic sports. The show room, 90 feet long, was- filled with exhibits of the -school children and ether ex- hibits of ladies' work, baking,' flowers, vegetableand the largest show of fruit in many years. Also on the grounds a fine show of horses, cat- tle, poultry and sheep was held. A green race was also enjoyed. Horses CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large stock of Modern Metro- briale on illop14 at our SEAPORTH 81101NROOM8 Por the cotivenieriee of our petrons; office- wffl40 ()Pen on Tuesday. °Pen b aPliebito radii t ail/ other time.. Rob Dr. Harburn nett &kit. , oilmen Exeter Stlifortn hole 41 J. F. Daly and Mrs. are visiting in Port - • The Best By Table Test Crich's Enriched White Clover or PlIONE 34 Bread AT YOUR GROCER BAYFIELD owned,by B. Kirkby, Walton; A. Bush - le, Seaforth; J .R. Burns, Seafarth:. W. R. German, Clinton, and J. Mc- Clinchey, Varna, stepped the track in fast time. A grand concert was held in the Town Hall in the evening, the Program being given. by a London troupe, after which a dance was en- joyed to 'finish the day. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Clark, of St. Thomas, spent Thanksgiving holiday week -end with Mt. and 'Mrs. Charley Toms. Mr. J. Meech and Mr. Morris, of Port Dover, spent a few days last week the guests of Toms brothers. Mr. Phillip Rhynas,'of Toronto,was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Fer- guson on Thursday. His mother, Mrs. 0. W. Rhynas, returned with him to Toronto to attend the HeePi- tal Aid Convention being held there this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaren and daughter, of Port Elgin, spent the week -end with the Misses Maud and 'Josefihine Stirling. 1VIrs.R. H. F. Gairdner- left last week to spend the winter with her father in Chicago., ' Mr. and Mrs. Quarrie having spent the summer in their cottage; left last week for their home- in London. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore, of Sar- nia, spent the past week here, having been called here to -attend the fun- eral of his brother, Bruce .Moore. On Saturday evening a surprise Party gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Bell to celebtate the birthday of her father, Mr. Geo. Lindsay, abaft forty in number at- tending. His five daughters and three sons and their,- families were all present, also other friends from 'Blyth, BothWell, Paris and Bayfield. A grand fowl dinner was enjoyed, af- ter which a social evening was spent, all wishing Mr. Lindsay many yeara. o bt4alth and happiriesS. The- metal fail fair- 'me -held, on TuesdaY end Wednesday last week , With a large ettendanee. Nine schools led by the Oejlerich. , Boys' Bari& formed. in the park in the ,Saitere end . friar -oiled .td,, the agridoisi tontA, Where t10 vr* tteetto eiterelSes,' 'hien sinia .; ne C.ent Sale FOUR BIG DAYS Thursday, Friday, Satuday and Monday October 26th, October 27th, October 28th, October 30th • ON ACCOUNT OF WEDNESDAY HALF. HOLIDAY, WE ARE CONTINUJNG THE SALE ALL DAY MONDAY, OCT. 30th. Your biggest saving of the year at The Original Rexall lc Sale eating's Pharmacy, PHONE 28 The- Rexall Drug Store SEAEORTH, ONT. OfFICIAL. OPENING • Seventh Victory Loan campaign NX Wingham 8:45 A.M. onday, October 23rd SPEAKER ev. WA ) Beecroft CHAT MAN TNr Y NATIONAL MMITTEE • i'..'"•t"S•,..." s•",•..•!•";.••?•••.•(;