HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1944-10-06, Page 8ee oat-sass- :/.a•aa'as,,• • ""ras-a•at.'a'a.'"I's tf214100.Y- ''•"'"'0,44.4,4;.E.', • tkent'. priOnd rea om. • •sige.4 excel- PPOperticit "al,40 llated. ON: 444113 Proprietor .4."214 Seaforth cliAfosT4, im.„Am,L, IOW oRmNipg LINES OF he Second Division Court County of Huron .,,,titc the Dominion Bank Build- : lert4. Office lama; Toes- ' idaYs7O4ritlaY. and Saturday. 1.30 1/%4P Saturday eveins. 1.10 p.m. to 3.m. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Clerk ,000004itatra., , r0,,, PO IVY* 400914403 tti0 , 0.SeM414 Oetr.4eollter, *JIMA erace te_111r leutteth Allan ,Oliam- Onn Of Mr. and MM. ROY O1aa- b�s the 'Wedding to take 'Once,* London early n 9094e?`• Annottneement.---41r. and 'Pus, Hen, rY Pickett, of Clinton, announce the engagement ef their eldest daughter, Clara Edna, to Mr. Roger john An- drews, of Seaforth, son of Mrs. John Andrews and the late Mr. .Audrews, of Toronto, the marriage to take place early in October. as, Death of' James Plant—The death took place in Acton on Sept. 25th cif Mr. James Plant, father of Mr. Wm. R. Plant, former C.N.R. agent at Sea - forth: Mr. Plant had been in poor health for some time. He was well known in Seaforth, having lived here for several winters. The funeral took place oh Wednesday, Sept. 27th, with interment in Acton cemetery. 'aaaaaGoaoaaa G. A. WHITNEY 0 Successor to 0 HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 Funeral Service 0 Main Street - Seaforth 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 rent. ' Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 Flowers. 0 Telephone 119 • • Nights and Holidays 66 0 -0 0 0 0 * 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . W. J. CLEARY. 0 0 Seaforth, Qnt. , 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night. or Day Calls -335 0 • , " 0" r000G000000 Rebekahs Hold Successful Event.— Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge held a most successful home baking sale, 1 bazaar, fish pond and afternoon tea on Saturday last in the Armouries. The fish pond was in charge of Mrs. H. E. Smith and Mrs. Durance; the home 'baking was convened by Mrs. J. W. Free, Miss Jean Scott and Mrs. C. Henderson, and the afternoon tea was in charge of Mrsa,Scott Habkirk. The proceeds amounted to over $60. aaaaaaoaaaao 0 J. A. BURKE G • 0 • Funeral Service Q DUBLIN : ONT. 0 O Night or day calls: Phone 43r 11 0 0 '0 0 0 0 * .0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPENCE'S PRODUCE GOVERNMENT REGISTERED ' EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices....Pad For Eggs and Poultry • We will not accept delivery of Live Chickens after Thurs- day night unless previous ar- rangements have been made. Phone 170-W, Seaforth "Issmonacelasi.•mmilo. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. Girl Guides Meet. — The Seaforth Girl Guides held their first meeting on Sept. , 26th, 18 Guides attending. Thirty-five cents was taken in for col- lection. The Guides donated $25 ' to the Red Croas. This was the proceeds of Cookie Day. They wish to thank all who bought cookies. Don't forget that they will be around with Christ- mas cards. How about some new mem- bers? There were also 18 Guides at the meeting on Oct. 3rd. Some of the money received from selling Christ- mas cards as brought, in. They are sorry to hear that Lieutenant Marian McGavin will not 'be with them this year. There are still a few Christmas cards to sell yet. Churches • . 'First Presbyterian Church.—Thanks- giving Day Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The minister will preach. 'Sun- day School at 10 a.m.—Rev. Richard H. Williams, B.A., Minister. Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a,m., Sun- day . School. • Services of Thanksgiv- ing and Praise: 11 'a.m., "A Right Adjustment To God";. 7 p.m., "Grati- tude For the Hope in Our Time." Thursday, 7.45 p.m., "A Service of I Christian Fellowship." Anniver,eary services, Sunday, October 15th. St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth.—Rec- tor, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A.: 10 a.m., -Sinfday School and Girls' Bible, Class; 11 a.m., :Morning Prayer, "Bags Which Wax"Not,Old"; 7 p.m., Even- ing_Prayer, 'God or Self." St. Mary's Church, Dublin..— 2.30 pan., Sunday, Sehool; 3 -p.m,, 'Holy Communion and sermon, "God or Self/' OFFICERS• : W. IL Archibald, Seaforth - Pres, •F. McGregor, Clinton - Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. DIRECTORS: Chris. ‘Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex liroadfoot, R.R. Seaforth; Alexander McEwing, H.R. 1 BIyth; Frank McGregor, "R 1, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; William R. Archibald, R.R. •4, Seaforth; George Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; John L. Malone, R.R. 5, Sea- .• forth. - AGENTS: Finlay McKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin:. Pepper, firucefleld; J. E. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Myth. The Late James Young.—The death took place at Scott Memorial. Hospi- tal on Thursday, Oct. 5th, of James Young, in his 83rd year. He was. ill only one week. Deceased was born in Hibbert Township and farmed in that township until about 20 years ago when be retired to Seaforth. He was a son of the late John Young and Harriet Smith, and was unmar- ried. He was a member of the United Church. Surviving are two brothers, George Young, of Saskatchewan, and William Youna, of Seaforth, and one sister, Mrs. Warren Hutchison, Hib- bert. The funeral will be held on Saturday at 2 p.m. from the G. A. Whitney Funeral' Chapel, with inter- ment in Maitlandbank cemetery. Islorthside Y. P. U.. — The regular meeting of the United Church Young Peorde's Union .was held Tuesday at 8 p.m. The meeting opened with the hymn, "0 Jesus, I Have Promised," followed with the Lord's Prayer. The roll was called and the offering re- ceived. The minutes were read and •adoppg as correct. Ross Savauge, the citizenship convener, took ohargo of. the meeting. The hymn, "Frani Ocean Unto Ocean," was sung, followed by Psalm '503, read by Madeline Wilson.. The Scripture reading was given by Harold Knight, followed -with prayer .by Lois Whitney. The topic, "Canada" was given by Ron Savauge with Fran- ces Huisser, Bob Knight and Fred TAILORED -TO -MEASURE SUITS AND • OVERCOATS FOR - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IN 7 PRICE RANGES $22.50 to $42,00 - SOLD ONLY• - by GILLSPIES7 CLEANERS DYERS .TAILOBS If you think you're hard to fit, •'We're here to change • ynur Mind. M0 BAYFIELD VALL4HY FIVE Dancing 130 to 1 atm., Weedmark taking part. A .short dIn ellsSion was led by Mr. Workman, fol- lowed with the hymn "0 God, Our Help In Ages Past," and the -Miattab. benediction. Northside Y. P. an Meets.—The reg- ular meeting of the Youag People's Union of Northside United Church was held Tuesday at 8 pan. The meeting opened with the hymn, "Come, Let Us Sing," followed with prayer by Mr. Workman. The min- utes were read and adopted as cor- rect. The roll was called and the offering received. The hymn, "In God There is No East or West," was sung after, which Audrey Shannon, the missionary convener, took charge of the meeting. Scripture readings were given by • Ruth McClure and Victor Walden, followed by/ a poem by Helen Currie. The topic, "Life Guard on the Pacific Ocean," was • Caven United Church WINTHROP will hold their ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SUNDAY, OCT. 8th 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. G, Hazlewood, B.A., BD, of Walton, in charge of both services. The Choir will be assisted by the Male Quartette of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, and Mrs. Robert McKercher and Miss Margaret Habkirk, as soloists. FARMERS ATTENTION - _ We are in a position to take on a couple' more Silo jobs next month. /1 you are gointo build net year, it Is to your internat to alt nowc-aa we cannot -bundle ill the iota nett gear that come 3� ss, . , asataasa JONA_ nee, Li Jack's Repair • W. J. THOMPSON, Prop. ROPE TIE SHANKS 25c 40c FLOW LINES 50o HALTERS Closed 9 p.m. 'Saturday Night • • and,T *..;( *-141,4V, LuolecorTalmerSto*' were. .01,eatkaf Dr. and 1,1IM 140iTaa, Int! jailt,, week. • s , 0s$gfi W. E of 1.4onden, iiltextf4he ,weelf4uur ' tbSi home of Pant, Mr and 'Mrs, W.• -g., Swat, ,•" - • • and IlIrs.!Isouis, gemsharger ispentssane week -end with friends •Stratgdid. 4. 7. Alia. Andrew Archibald held Most. auccessful auction Sale. on Sat 10(1ay last and left this week to r side in Waterloo. iln,CaPtaiti • ThomasR,owe, Mrs Raw, and daughter, Miss Betsy, •o • Stratford, were week -end guests 0 g Mr. ancl Mrs. -1C.. L Melsean. ° Val:Ek4R •, Miss Mary Galbraith' and Mrs And eid are spending a week wit their brother, Mr. D. C. Galbraith, a • Mrs. -E. C. Armstrong, of Wate loo, and Mr. ArthurArchibald, o Whitby, were week -end guests of Mrs Andrew Archibald. • mrs. A. P. Wilcox, of London 'and Sgt. Stuart Wigg, of Three -Itiv ers, Quebec, were guests during •th past week with their narenits, Mr and Mrs. F. W. Wigg: • Miss Catherine Green and Mr Ella Carbert are in Guelph attendin the egg grading school at the Ontari Agriniiftural 'College. •, Mrs. Elizabeth :McKay,. of Toron tocwty ,iisv.isiting friends. in town an vi • Mr. and Mrs. yittor. MclVlaste and son, Keith, of Angus; were week end guests of Dr. and •Mrs. E. A. M Master. • Mrs. Thomas D. Sills and son, o Virden, Manitoba, are guests of M and Mrs. F. S. Sills. • Sgt. Stuart Wigg left on Tue day for Vancouver, B.C., where h will be stationed. • • 'Mr, R. E. McKenzie, Of Toroar, and Miss Rena McKenzie, of Stra ford, spent the week -end with thei mother, Mrs. Donald McKenzie. • • Mr. Alex McKellar, of Cromart is spading a few days with his so Mr, Malcolm McKellar. • Mr. Fred Beattie, of Ottaw spent .the past week: with his mothe Mrs. Jaines Beattie. • Aga Frank Kennedy, who wa wounded in action in France, retur --ed to town on Tuesday. is Miss Lillian Southgate is spen ing the holiday week -end in Toro to. •' Professor James R. Scott and Mrs. Scott left on Tuesday for their 'home in Saskatoon, where Mr. Scott is on the staff of the University of Saskatchewan. • ,141r: Finlay McKercher left on Saturday for Winnipeg and other Western points. • Dr. A. L. Hays, of Fort Erie; Mrs. W. J. Hays, Detroit, and Mr. Howard Hays, :of Windsor, spent the week -end at the home • of their motheraMrs. James Hays. Mrs. Hays, who has been spending several weeks. in Windsor, has returned taller home here. ass.• • Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen are spending' .this week and Thanksgiv- ing in Toronto. • MisS Laidlaw and Miss Olive Laidlaw • are spending Thanksgiving in Hamilton. • Miss Lena Graham, who has been in a London hospital for some months, has returned to town and is staying with the Misses McClure, Jarvis St. • 'Mrs. W. H. Sandford left Thurs- day for Estevan, Sas•k., where she will spend the ,winter. • Mrs. Bruce .Davidson and daugh- ter, of Hamilton, are guests at the home of IVIrs. T. O. Scott. -• Miss Marguerite Westcott, nnrse- in-training at •Hamilton 'General Hos- pital, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. 'Arnold Westcott. • Mrs. Harry Buttery and H. Franklin; Of the Merchants' • Marine, • San Francisco, and 'Russel Moffatt, R.C.A.F., of Prince Albert, Sask., 'but now stationed at Aylmer, were guests .of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat last ' week. • Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, of Auburn, were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'John Finlayson. • Mrs. Carlotta and daughter, a er- s. r. 5- e 5- t - r, d- 11 - Warning •• Due to present conditions we will discontinue serving Meals on Sundays, except to guests of the, house. COMMERCIAL HOTEL SEAFORTH , FOR SALE, FRAME HOUSE, Coleman St., pat- ent shingle Siding, 3 -piece bathroom upstairs, toilet downstairea furnace, Hydro. First-class basement un.der w-hole.house. Acre of land with splen- did barn 50 ft. 28 ft., Hydro install- ed. ,Drilled well on property. Must be seen to be appreciated.• BRICK HOUSE, Church St. Three- piece bathroom, furnace, town water. Good barn_ and hen house. •STUCCOED HOUSE, Egmondville. A good proprtY.- COTTAGE, Egmondville. Priced reasonable. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN ' INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Seaforth, 'Ont. Phones; 334 Office Iles. 220 • DANCE io • Cliff Gordon Western Ontario'e Popular and ' Artistic Band LIONS ARENA MITCHELL EveryL Saturday Night 9 _ 12 p.m. Sponsored and supervised by Mitchell Lions Club CEMETERY , MEMORIALS Large stock of Modern Mem- , oriels aondlsnly, it our SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS For the convenience of our patrons, office will be open •on Tuesdays. Open . by appoint- mettt at any :other time. See Dr. Harburn mit door. CiuminghamPryde Clinton exeter Seaforth Phone 41 • Fertilizer Co-op and ShurGain HYDRO POLES 25 and 80' feet • Feeding Molasses, XXXXX B. C. Shingles Co-op and Shur Gain Feeds Westrn Grain' and Chop Co-op' Spray tiot6r 611 ao-, • *, 31•.: „,,, ,, ,,,,•, :e.. . f.q..4,ank,lea.0": ..', 'i,•,1!141,t0",,., 444444 , of. iTar.: ' OA, '• • Xra,;Porooi- Palo wftki74 , •Nr4',,tvg,t4,0 Ain*, o' 'p; ..s9.viWo., Dugap.i:',.. inf Ohio, gad,,St, 11arry ',DIackmore ,,of ! DearesTille.: •••= _• .;-•"' '• • Xrer,,B4 'a. 4d;4••,=404•:INtx isp ma4:7, liars have retnrriert. fray!: a, 'visit 1• 11' Detroit.. • a t - ' ':-.. • ANNIVERSARY 'SERVICES will be held in STAFFA • UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, OCT. 8th at 11 am. and 7.30 p.m. • REV. W. D. •GOODER, B.A., of Kirkfort will be the guest THERE- WILL DE • MUSIC • Preacher. • SPECIAL' BRUC 0.11a,' 1r.,LarrtMM401d, having 'spent few days at-ITleit Wits, tietutmeci to M ' '• u bun in iTo, thig• woe*. soattie, spe0ttg .a., Muth.' Mr. LaWeen SUSI h and ,41:Ighter, of. • • hag his lathr, Mr. Smith, and siters: Mrs. 1-1,,R„Berry, and other friends at Winghan*ranspiluevale. • • Mrs„ A. Hohner and IVIrs. R. Dan,a. son tspent the Weekend ,at Mrs: Da* - son's home in. Inwood. Mrs. Arthur Mitten and Miss Marie Elliott are visiting their. aunt, WS. Bruce .)41eary, in Detroit, for a week. Mies .Ina Stott, of Londo, spat the Weekend in London, the guest of the week -lend, the' guest of her bro- thrs, William, and Ross Soott • Mr. and M. choldiee, of .Credi ton, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary 'at the •hsue Of their daughter, 141ra. Alex atterson. • Mrs. H. Collins and Dr. and. Mrs. H. Collins spent theweek-end with the forther's narither, Mrs. A. McKen- Mr. and Mrs. .Tim Burdge, of Gode- rieh, visited the former's parents, Mi. and Mrs. F. Burdge, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A.• Mustard; of Gode: rich, spent the week -end at the home of J. B. Mustard. Mr. Murray Schaldiee, of London, visited his sister, -Mits. A. Patterson. The riaanY friends of Miss Mary Gibsan are sorry ttihear she fell and broke her arm on Tuesday. Miss Jessie Graingr, R.N, af Clin- ton, is spending part Of her vacation with her brother, Mr. John Grainger, and Mrs. Grainger. lVllss • Genevieve Smitha nurse -in - training at Stratford, spent Sunday at her home here, • Ronald Simpson, R.C.A.F, London, spent' the Week -end with his friend, • Mr. Grainger. A large eongregation, attended the Sacrament service in the United Church -here on Sunday. monotaiimiumnimanoimiir LEGION EUCHRE & DANCE IN THE ARMOIMIES Friday, (:)ct. 13 13.30 pan. sharp s • Door Prize Entertaininent RefreShMent BoOth, GoOti OECTIEVMA•' ---entiee• ifit4ai-4,-emoke.14, toe ,Bcifti tf!oP,:tOtio 1'1- •1 • ••••,.• .,romsToulr'0. wont. • '131.A.Yt..10tSDA14:, NiNDNPSD'AY DANNY KAYE ' DINAH SHORE DANA A D. A iuslcAr., 146_ o,C4RA ARMS" ' IN irm3 opr_og' NEXT TUURSIMX:' FIUDAY, SATURDAY TWO FEATITRES --7Seond She* starts MARIA. MONTEZ JON HAI,Is- ' SABU 66 WHITE SAVAGV "• • • BILLIE BURKE • - • DONALD. WOODS 4t8C0.0 YOUR UNCI:*:" a : Coming — "NORM STAR" Auction Sale of Registered Herefords The undersigned will sell by Public Auction for - • • STUTT BROS., at 9 Sideroad, Bosanquet 41 I 2 niiles northeast* of Forest, on Saturday, Oct, 14th 35 Lots -20 Bulls, 9 to 16 months; 10 open Heifers, • around 1 year; 5 bred Heifers. HERD FULLY ACCREDITED -- SALE CATTLE BLOOD -TESTED HERD SIRES—Calos Domino 17th, C.F. 10824; Repeat Domino 18th, CF. 120823a Ellis Donsino 1th, C.F. 152208. Bred by Crape - Farms, Swartz Creek, Mich., U.S.A. , SALE AT 1 P.M. SHARP. CATALOGUE ON REQUEST, E. M. LESTER and W. S. O'NEIL, Auctioneers. A Small Garage or • building (frame), ih, moveable- condition in town. SEE OR PHONE 8 or 58 ANI Quickly removed. in Clean Sanitary trucks.- Phone collect. 219 MITCHELL William Stone Sons Limited •-DEAD or DISABLED • • Citizens of ()Mario hove responded splendidly in support . of necessary restrictions:in-the use •of electrty. IncOn- . venience from "dim out" condition, darkened store windows 'and•pay'lghted streets have been patriotically accepted in -order to save povver for me tools of vicory. The additional voluntary saVings of • power b:y Ontario people'. also con- tributed substantially to the victories in Eurppe. , '. YOUT Hydci, which had the responsibility of carrYing out the • " orders of the Dominion Power ControlW in Ontaro, is grateful 'for the co-operatio of litydro„,)sers. .. , . . . One tryirig.pheise of the war is passing. How, by conserving • and ,concentrating our efforts tor final victoy, We may took foritatd with confidence to an early day -when abundant ' power will be available for peacetime use., 'The added , , streaglh that we have built tor war can then be used to bring , 'greater light and safety to. more Ontario streets and homes, • ' and take over innumerable tasks on farms, •in our homesa and industries. /. Plan now to take full advantage, after vdory, lot the added leisure, convenience and safety that china:lent electricity can, bring to you. , .. THE IJA Clit I OF, 'ONTARIO 444,